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Page Index of Volume 40 Pages 1-68 No. 1 January 2002 69-136 No. 2 March 2002 137-200 No. 3 May 2002 201-268 No. 4 July 2002 269-336 No. 5 September 2002 337-416 No. 6 November 2002 Index of Authors BERGANT, DIANNE, c.s.A. The Bible [Old Testament and Related Topics] in Review 6, 126, 191, 256, 322, 394 BOWE, BARBARA E., R.s.c.j. The Portrait of Jesus in the Gospel of John 80 BUCHER, OTTO, o.E.M. CAP. The Gospel for the First-Century World 159 BURNS, CAMILLA, s.N.D. DE N. The Ways of Wisdom 360 CARBONNEAU, ROBERT E., c.p. The Genesis of The Bible Todai/ 272 CUNNINGHAM, PHILLIP ]., c.s.p. Those Shady Ladies in Jesus' Family Tree 184 DESCHRYVER MUELLER, CELESTE. People of Gcxl, Hear Who Calls 211 DUMM, DEMETRIUS, o.s.B. Jerusalem: Political Idol or Sacred Place? 19 FOLEY, EDWARD, CAPUCHIN. Being a People of Word and Deed 178 GiLLMAN, FLORENCE MORGAN. The Women of John's Gospel 91 HOPPE, LESLIE j., O.E.M. Deuteronomy on Tithing 278 HOWELL, MARiBETH, o.p. A Light to the Nations 205 JANECKO, BENEDICT, O.S.B. Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Genesis 5 JOHNSON, LUKE TIMOTHY. The Church as God's Household 224 KEALY, SEAN p., c.s.sp. Dtx?s the Canonical Order of the Bible Matter? 44 KOLARCIK, MICHAEL, s.j. The Wisdom of Solomon: Justice and Creation 341 KOPERSKi, VERONICA, s.F.c.c. Paul's Ministry of Reconciliation 25 LAUNDERViLLE, DALE, O.S.B. The Art of Translating 38 LAVERDiERE, EUGENE, s.s.s. The Loaves and Fish, A Eucharistic Banquet 229 LENCHAK, TIMOTHY A., s.v.D. PuzzHng Passages: 1 Samuel 2:25 54 _. Puzzling Passages: Proverbs 1:7 392 Annual Index 405 _. Puzzling Passages: Psalm 139:21-22 320 _. Puzzling Passages: Sirach 33:12 189 LILLY, TOM. Learning Stewardship 296 MCCARRON, RICHARD E. Biblical Motifs in the Liturgy of Baptism 308 MCDERMOTT, JOHN j. Strange Laws and Good Theology 117 MCHATTEN, MARY TIMOTHY, o.p. Israel and Egypt during the Exodus 141 MCRAiTH, JOHN. Tile Disciplc of Christ as Steward 290 MOLONEY, FRANCIS J., s.D.B. John and the Lectionary 72 MURPHY-o'coNNOR, JEROME, O.P. Paul and Stewardship 284 p NAVONE, JOHN, s.j. The Compassion of Jesus in John 86 __. The Compassion of Jesus in the Synoptics 242 _. Death, Satan, and Sin 366 NOWELL, IRENE, o.s.B. Immortality in Wisdom 354 _. Jerusalem: Our City of Peace 12 PATELLA, MICHAEL, O.S.B. Seers' Comer: Celebrating Succoth 302 _. Seers' Corner: Desert Formation 236 _. Seers' Corner: The Holy Land's Christians 166 _. Seers' Corner: The Peace of Jerusalem 32 _. Seers' Corner: The Sites of Jesus' Baptism 374 _. Seers' Comer: Triduum Topography according to John 106 PATTON, coRRiNE L. The Prophets and the Nations 148 PILCH, JOHN J. The Family: Status and Roles 386 _. God and Lying Spirits 112 _. Jesus and the Samaritans 172 _. Marriage 314 _. No Thank You! 49 _. Who Is a Virgin? 248 POLAN, GREGORY J., O.S.B. Literary Creativity in the Wisdom of Solomon 348 REID, BARBARA E., O.P. Puzzling Passages: Acts 6:1-6 253 _. Puzzling Passages: Matthew 18:21-35 123 SENIOR, DONALD, c.P. The Bible [New Testament and Related Topics] in Review 61, 132,197, 262, 328, 399 _. This Issue 2, 70,138, 202, 270, 338 SKLBA, RICHARD J. Body of Christ 218 TAMBASCO, ANTHONY J. Paul's Universal Gospel and Social Ethic 154 TANZER, SARAH J. Jewish-Christian Relations and the Gospel of John 99 TURNER, PAUL. Biblical Roots of Confirmation 380 406 THE BIBLE TODAY r 'p-- - General Index of Subjects ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Gospel for the First-Century World, The Otto Bucher o.f.m. cap. 159 Puzzling Passages: Acts 6:1-6 Barbara E. Reid o.p. 253 AHERN, BARNABAS, C.P. Genesis of The Bible Today, The Robert E. Carbonneau c.p. 272 ANNOUNCEMENTS 55, 125, I90, 255, 32I, 393 ARMENIAN CHRISTIANS Seers' Comer: The Holy Land's Christians Michael Patella o.s.B. 166 BAPTISM (see also bible and sacraments) Biblical Motifs in the Liturgy of Baptism Richard E. McCarroti 308 Seers' Comer: The Sites of Jesus' Baptism Michael Patella o.s.B. 374 BATHSHEBA Those Shady Ladies in Jesus' Family Tree Phillip j. Cumiin^ham C.S.P. 184 BIBLE AND SACRAMENTS Being a People of Word and Deed Edward Foley capuchin 178 Biblical Motifs in the Liturgy of Baptism Richard E. McCarroit 308 Biblical Roots of Confirmation Paul Turner 380 Jemsalem: Political Idol or Sacred Place? Demetrius Dumm o.s.B. 19 Loaves and Fish, A Eucharistic Banquet, The Eugene A. LaVerdiere s.s.s. 229 Marriage John j. Pilch 314 BIBLE IN REVIEW, THE New Testament and Related Topics, The Donald Senior c.P. 61,132,197,262, 328, 399 Old Testament and Related Topics, The Dianne Bergant C.S.A. 56, 126, 191, 256, 322, 394 BIBLE TODAY, THE Genesis of The Bible Today, The Robert E. Carbonneau C.P. zyz This Issue Donald Senior c.P. 70 BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION (see also PUZZLING PASSAGES, SOCIAL WORLD OF THE BIBLE, and TRANSLATING BIBLICAL TEXTS) Does the Canonical Order of the Bible Matter? Sean P. Kealy C.S.SP. 44 Literary Creativity in the Wisdom of Solomon Gregory /. Polan o.s.B. 348 Wisdom of Solomon: Justice and Creation, The Michael Kolarcik s.j. 341 BIBLICAL SPIRITUALITY (see also BIBLE AND SACRAMENTS, IMAGES OF THE CHURCH, and stewardship) Compassion of Jesus in John, The John Navone s.j. 86 Compassion of Jesus in the Synoptics, The John Navone s.l. 242 Jerusalem: Our City of Peace Irene Nowell O.S.B. 12 BIBLICAL UPDATE (see also seers' corner) Body of Christ Richard J. Sklba 218 Church as God's Household, The Luke Timothy Johnson 224 Compassion of Jesus in John, The John Navone s.f. 86 Deuteronomy on Tithing Leslie J. Hoppe o.f.m. 278 Disciple of Christ as Steward, The John McRaith 290 Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Genesis Benedict Janecko o.s.B. 5 Gospel for the First-Century World, The Otto Bucher o.f.m. cap. 159 Immortality in Wisdom Irene Noivell O.S.B. 354 Annual Index 407 Israel and Egypt during the Exodus Mary Timothy McHatten o.P. 141 Jerusalem; Our City of Peace Irene Noioell O.S.B. 12 Jerusalem: Political Idol or Sacred Place? Demetrius Dumm o.s.B. 19 Jewish-Christian Relations and the Gospel of John Sarah J. Tamer 99 John and the Lectionary Francis ]. Moloney s.d.b. 72 Learning Stewardship Tom Lilly 296 Light to the Nations, A Maribeth Howell O.P. 205 Literary Creativity in the Wisdom of Solomon Gregory /. Polan O.S.B. 348 Paul and Stewardship Jerome Murphy-O'Connor o.P 284 Paul's Ministry of Reconciliation Veronica Koperski S.F.C.C. 25 Paul's Universal Gospel and Social Ethic Anthony j. Tambasco 154 People of God, Hear God Who Calls Celeste DeSchryver Mueller 211 Portrait of Jesus in the Gospel of John, The Barbara E. Bowe R.s.C.f. 80 Prophets and the Nations, The Corrine L. Patton 148 Ways of Wisdom, The Camilla Burns s.n.d. de n. 360 Wisdom of Solomon: Justice and Creation, The Michael Kolarcik s.j. 341 Women of John's Gospel, The Florence Morgan Cillman 91 BODY OF CHRIST Body of Christ Richard j. Sklba 218 Church as God's Household, The Luke Timothy Johnson 224 BOOK REVIEWS (see BIBLE IN REVIEW, THE) BOOTHS, FEAST OF (see SUCCOTH) CATHOLIC BIBLICAL ASSOCIATION Genesis of The Bible Today, The Robert E. Carbonneau c.P Tji. CATHOLIC PRESS ASSOCIATION Robin Pierzina O.S.B. 204 CLAN (see family) COMMUNITY Body of Christ Richard J. Sklba 218 Church as God's Household, The Luke Timothy Johnson 224 Family: Status and Roles, The John J. Pilch 386 Light to the Nations, A Maribeth Howell o.P 205 Loaves and Fish, A Eucharistic Banquet, The Eugene LaVerdiere S.S.S. 229 People of God, Hear God Who Calls Celeste DeSchryver Mueller 211 COMPASSION (see mercy) CONFIRMATION (see alsO BIBLE AND SACRAMENTS) Biblical Roots of Confirmation Paul Turner 380 CONFLICT Jerusalem: Our City of Peace Irene Nowell o.s.B. 12 CORINTHIANS, SECOND LETTER TO THE Paul's Ministry of Reconciliation Veronica Koperski s.F.c.c. 25 CREATION Wisdom of Solomon: Justice and Creation, The Michael Kolarcik s.j. 341 CURSES Puzzling Passages: Sirach 33:12 Timothy A. Lenchak s.v.D. 189 DAVID Seers' Corner: The Peace of Jerusalem Michael Patella o.s.B. 32 408 THE BIBLE TODAY 3 DEATH (see also immortality) Biblical Motifs in the Liturgy of Baptism Richard E. McCarron 308 Death, Satan, and Sin John Navone S.J. 366 DESERT Seers' Comer: Desert Formation Michael Patella o.s.b. 236 DEUTERONOMY, BOOK OF Deuteronomy on Tithing Leslie /. Hopfie o.f.m. 278 Strange Laws and Good Theology John J. McDermott 117 DIAKONIA Puzzling Passages: Acts 6:1-6 Barbara E. Reid o.p. 253 DIATRIBE Literary Creativity in the Wisdom of Solomon Gregory /. Polan O.S.B. 348 DisciPLESHip (see also images of the church) Disciple of Christ as Steward, The John McRaith 290 DIVORCE (see marriage) EARLY CHRISTIANS Church as God's Household, The Luke Timothy Johnson 224 Gospel for the First-Century World, The Otto Bucher o.F.M. CAP. 159 Loaves and Fish, A Eucharistic Banquet, The Eugene LaVerdiere s.s.s. 229 Paul and Stewardship Jerome Murphy-O'Connor O.P. 284 Seers' Corner: The Holy Land's Christians Michael Patella o.s.b. 166 EASTER John and the Lectionary Francis J. Moloney S.D.B. 72 ECCLESIASTICUS (see SIRACH, BOOK OF) ECUMENISM (see also images of the church) Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Genesis Benedict Janecko O.S.B. 5 EGYPT Israel and Egypt during the Exodus Mary Timothy McHatten O.P. 141 ESAU Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Genesis Benedict Janecko O.S.B. 5 EUCHARIST (see also bible and sacraments) Loaves and Fish, A Eucharistic Banquet, The Eugene LaVerdiere s.s.s. 229 EXODUS, BOOK OF Israel and Egypt during the Exodus Mary Timothy McHatten O.P. 141 EZEKIEL, BOOK OF Prophets and the Nations, The Corrine L. Patton 148 FAMILY (see also community) Family: Status and Roles, The John J. Pilch 386 FEAR OF THE LORD Puzzling Passages: Proverbs 1:7 Timothy A. Lenchak S.V.D. 392 FORGIVENESS Compassion of Jesus in the Synoptics, The John Navone s./. 242 Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Genesis Benedict Janecko O.S.B. 5 Jerusalem: Our City of Peace Irene Nowell o.s.b. 12 Jerusalem: Political Idol or Sacred Place? Demetrius Dumm o.s.b. 19 Paul's Ministry of Reconciliation Veronica Koperski S.F.C.C. 25 Puzzling Passages: Matthew 18:21-33 Barbara E. Reid O.P. 123 Annual Index 409 FORMATION Seers' Corner: Desert Formation Michael Patella o.s.B. 236 GENEALOGY Those Shady Ladies in Jesus' Family Tree Phillip j. Cunningham c.s.p. 184 GENESIS, BOOK OF Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Genesis Benedict Janecko o.s.B. 5 GENTILES (see nations) GRATITUDE Deuteronomy on Tithing Leslie J. Hoppe o.f.m. 278 Learning Stewardship Tom Lilly 296 No Thank You! john j. Pilch 49 Seers' Corner: Celebrating Succoth Michael Patella o.s.B. 302 HATRED Puzzling Passages: Psalm 139:21-22 Timothy A. Lenchak s.v.D. 320 HEBREW CANON Does the Canonical Order of the Bible Matter? Sean P. Kealy c.s.sp. 44 Marriage John J. Pilch 314 hellenism/hellenists (see also wisdom of solomon) Church as God's Household, The Luke Timothy Johnson 224 Literary Creativity in the Wisdom of Solomon Gregory J. Polan o.s.B. 348 Puzzling Passages: Acts 6:1-6 Barbara E. Reid o.p. 253 HOLY LAND (see SEERS' CORNER) HOLY SEPULCHRE Seers' Corner: Triduum Topography according to John Michael Patella O.S.B. 106 HONOR God and Lying Spirits John J. Pilch 123 Puzzling Passages: Matthew 18:21-35 Barbara E. Reid o.p. 123 HOUSEHOLD (see also community) Church as God's Household, The Luke Timothy Johnson 224 Family: Status and Roles, The John J. Pilch 386 IMAGES OF THE CHURCH Body of Christ Richard J. Sklba 218 Church as God's Household, The Luke Timothy Johnson 224 Disciple of Christ as Steward, The John McRaith 290 Learning Stewardship Tom Lilly 296 Light to the Nations, A Maribeth Howell o.p. 205 People of God, Hear God Who Calls Celeste DeSchryver Mueller 211 IMMORTALITY (see also death) Immortality in Wisdom Irene Noivell o.s.B. 354 ISAIAH, BOOK OF Light to the Nations, A Maribeth Howell O.P. 205 ISRAELITES (see also SAMARITANS and SOCIAL WORLD OF THE BIBLE) Israel and Egypt during the Exodus Mary Timothy McHatten O.P. 141 People of God, Hear God Who Calls Celeste DeSchryver Mueller 211 Prophets and the Nations, The Corrine L. Patton 148 Strange Laws and Good Theology John J. McDermott 117 410 THE BIBLE TODAY JACOB Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Genesis Benedict janecko o.s.b. 5 JERUSALEM Jerusalem: Our City of Peace Irene Nmvell o.s.b. 12 Jerusalem: Political Idol or Sacred Place? Demetrius Dumm o.s.b. 19 Seers' Comer: The Holy Land's Christians Michael Patella O.S.B. 166 Seers' Corner: The Peace of Jerusalem Michael Patella o.s.b. 32 Seers' Comer: Triduum Topography according to John Michael Patella o.s.b. 106 JEWS, THE Gospel for the First-Century World, The Otto Bucher o.F.M. CAP. 139 Jewish-Christian Relations and the Gospel of John Sarah ]. Tamer 99 Paul and Stewardship Jerome Murphy-O'Connor o.p. 284 Paul's Universal Gospel and Social Ethic Anthony j. Tamhasco 154 JOHN, GOSPEL OF Compassion of Jesus in John, The John Navone s./. 86 Jemsalem: Political Idol or Sacred Place? Demetrius Dumm O.S.B. 19 Jewish-Christian Relations and the Gospel of John Sarah J. Tanzer 99 John and the Lectionary Francis J. Moloney s.d.b. 72 Portrait of Jesus in the Gospel of John, The Barbara E. Boive R.s.c.j. 80 Seers' Corner: Triduum Topography according to John Michael Patella o.s.b. io6 Women of John's Gospel, The Florence Morgan Gillman 91 JOHN THE BAPTIST Seers' Corner: The Sites of Jesus' Baptism Michael Patella o.s.b. 374 JORDAN RIVER Biblical Motifs in the Liturgy of Baptism, The Richard E. McCarron 308 Seers' Corner: The Sites of Jesus' Baptism Michael Patella o.s.b. 374 JOSEPH [old testament] Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Genesis Benedict Janecko O.S.B. 5 JUSTICE Immortality in Wisdom Irene Nowell o.s.b. 354 Literary Creativity in the Wisdom of Solomon Gregory J. Polan O.S.B. 348 Wisdom of Solomon: Justice and Creation, The Michael Kolarcik S.J. 341 LAST SUPPER Loaves and Fish, A Eucharistic Banquet, The Eugene LaVerdiere s.s.s. 229 LAW Strange Laws and Good Theology John J. McDermott 117 Paul's Universal Gospel and Social Ethic Anthony J. Tambasco 154 LAZARUS John and the Lectionary Francis J. Moloney s.d.b. 72 Women of John's Gospel, The Florence Morgan Gillman 91 LECTIONARY John and the Lectionary Francis J. Moloney s.d.b. 72 LIGHT Light to the Nations, A Maribeth Howell O.P 205 LOAVES AND FISH Compassion of Jesus in the Synoptics, The John Nainme s.j. 242 John and the Lectionary Francis J. Moloney s.d.b. 72 Loaves and Fish, A Eucharistic Banquet, The Eugene LaVerdiere S.S.S. 229 Annual Index 411 LUKE, GOSPEL OF Gospel for the First-Century World, The Otto Bucher o.f.m. cap. 159 LYING SPIRITS God and Lying Spirits John J. Pilch 112 MALY, EUGENE Genesis of The Bible Today, The Robert E. Carbonneau c.P. 272 MARK, GOSPEL OF John and the Lectionary Frauds /. Moloney s.d.b. 72 Loaves and Fish, A Eucharistic Banquet, The Eugene LaVerdiere S.S.S. 229 MARRIAGE Marriage John j. Pilch 314 MARTHA AND MARY Women of John's Gospel, The Florence Morgan Cillinan 91 MARY [mother OF JESUS] Who Is a Virgin? John ]. Pilch 48 Women of John's Gospel, The Florence Morgan Gillinan 91 MARY MAGDALENE Women of John's Gospel, The Florence Morgan Cillinan 91 MARY OF CLOPAS Women of John's Gospel, The Florence Morgan Cillinan 91 MATTHEW, GOSPEL OF Puzzling Passages: Matthew 18:21-35 Barbara E. Reid o.p. 123 MERCY Compassion of Jesus in the Synoptics, The John Navone s./. 242 Prophets and the Nations, The Corrine L. Patton 148 Puzzling Passages: Matthew 18:21-35 Barbara E. Reid o.p. 123 MIDRASH Literary Creativity in the Wisdom of Solomon Gregory j. Polan O.S.B. 348 Wisdom of Solomon: Justice and Creation, The Michael Kolarcik s.j. 342 MINISTRY Paul's Ministry of Reconciliation Veronica Koperski S.F.c.c. 25 Puzzling Passages: Acts 6:1-6 Barbara E. Reid O.P. 253 MOSES Israel and Egypt during the Exodus Mary Timothy McHatten o.p. 141 MOUNT GERIZIM Jesus and the Samaritans John j. Pilch lyi MURPHY, ROLAND E., O.CARM. This Issue Donald Senior c.P. 338 NATIONS Gospel for the First-Century World, The Otto Bucher o.f.m. cap. 159 Israel and Egypt during the Exodus Mary Timothy McHatten o.p. 141 Light to the Nations, A Maribeth Howell o.p. 205 Paul's Universal Gospel and Social Ethic Anthony j. Tambasco 154 Prophets and the Nations, The Corrine L. Patton 148 Puzzling Passages: Sirach 33:12 Timothy A. Lenchak s.v.o. 189 Those Shady Ladies in Jesus' Family Tree Phillip ). Cunningham c.s.P. 184 412 THE BIBLE TODAY OBEDIENCE Deuteronomy on Tithing Leslie J. Hoppe O.F.M. 278 PAUL Body of Christ Richard /. Sklba 18 Gospel for the First-Century World, The Otto Bucher o.f.m. cap. 159 Paul and Stewardship Jerome Murphy-O'Connor o.P. 284 Paul's Ministry of Reconciliation Veronica Koperski s.F.c.c. 25 Paul's Universal Gospel and Social Ethic Anthony J. Tambasco 154 PEACE Jerusalem: Our City of Peace Irene Nowell o.s.B. 12 Seers' Comer; The Peace of Jerusalem Michael Patella O.S.B. 32 PENTATEUCH Strange Laws and Good Theology John J. McDermott 117 PETER, FIRST LETTER OF People of God, Hear God Who Calls Celeste DeSchryver Mueller 211 PONTIFICAL BIBLICAL COMMISSION This Issue Donald Senior c.P 3 POVERTY Paul and Stewardship Jerome Murphy-O'Connor o.P. 284 PRAYER (see also biblical spirituality) Jemsalem; Our City of Peace Irene Nowell o.s.B. 12 PROPHECY/PROPHETS Prophets and the Nations, The Corrine L. Patton 148 PROVERBS, BOOK OF Puzzling Passages: Proverbs 1:7 Timothy A. Lenchak s.v.D. 392 PSALMS, BOOK OF Body of Christ Richard J. Sklba 218 Jerusalem: Our City of Peace Irene Nowell O.S.B. 12 No Thank You! John J. Pilch 49 Puzzling Passages; Psalm 139:21-22 Timothy A. Lenchak S.v.D. 320 PUZZLING PASSAGES Acts 6:1-6 Barbara E. Reid o.P. 253 1 Samuel 2:25 Timothy A. Lenchak s.v.D. 54 Matthew 18:21-35 Barbara E. Reid O.P. 123 Proverbs 1:7 Timothy A. Lenchak s.v.D. 392 Psalm 139:21-22 Timothy A. Lenchak s.v.D. 320 Sirach 33:12 Timothy A. Lenchak s.v.D. 189 RAHAB Those Shady Ladies in Jesus' Family Tree Phillip J. Cunningham C.S.P. 184 RECONCILIATION (see also forgiveness) Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Genesis Benedict Janecko o.s.B. 5 Jerusalem: Our City of Peace Irene Nowell o.s.B. 12 Jerusalem; Political Idol or Sacred Place? Demetrius Durum O.S.B. 19 Paul's Ministry of Reconciliation Veronica Koperski s.F.c.c. 25 RELATIONSHIP Immortality in Wisdom Irene Nowell o.s.B. 354 Annual Index 413 RESURRECTION Biblical Motifs in the Liturgy of Baptism Richard E. McCarron 108 REVENGE Prophets and the Nations, The Corrine L. Patton 148 REVIEWS (see bible in review, the) RIGHTEOUSNESS Paul's Ministry of Reconciliation Veronica Koperski S.F.C.C. 25 Wisdom of Solomon: Justice and Creation, The Michael Kolarcik s./. 341 RUTH Those Shady Ladies in Jesus' Family Tree Phillip ]. Cunningham c.s.p. 184 SACRAMENTS (see BIBLE AND SACRAMENTS) SAMARITANS (see also ISRAELITES) Jerusalem: Political Idol or Sacred Place? Demetrius Dumm o.s.H. 19 Jesus and the Samaritans John J. Pilch 172 John and the Lectionary Francis }. Moloney S.D.B. 72 Women of John's Gospel, The Florence Morgan Gillman 91 SAMUEL, BOOKS OF Puzzling Passages: 1 Samuel 2:25 Timothy A. Lenchak S.V.D. 54 SATAN Death, Satan, and Sin John Navone s.i. 366 seers' corner Celebrating Succoth Michael Patella o.s.B. 302 Desert Formation Michael Patella o.s.B. 236 Holy Land's Christians, The Michael Patella o.s.B. 166 Peace of Jerusalem, The Michael Patella o.s.B. 32 Sites of Jesus' Baptism, The Michael Patella o.s.B. 374 Triduum Topography according to John Michael Patella o.s.B. 106 SEPTUAGINT Does the Canonical Order of the Bible Matter? Sean P. Kealy c.s.SP. 44 SERVICE Light to the Nations, A Maribeth Howell O.P. 205 Paul's Ministry of Reconciliation Veronica Koperski S.F.C.C. 25 SHEOL Death, Satan, and Sin John Navone s.f. 366 Immortality in Wisdom Irene Nowell O.S.B. 354 SIGNS Portrait of Jesus in the Gospel of John, The Barbara E. Bozve R.s.C.j. 80 SIN Death, Satan, and Sin John Navone S.J. 366 SIRACH, BOOK OF Puzzling Passages: Sirach 33:12 Timothy A. Lenchak s.v.d. 189 SOCIAL WORLD OF THE BIBLE Family: Status and Roles, The John J. Pilch 386 God and Lying Spirits John J. Pilch 112 Jesus and the Samaritans John J. Pilch 172 Marriage John J. Pilch 314 No Thank You! John J. Pilch 49 Who Is a Virgin? John J. Pilch 248 414 THE BIBLE TODAY

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