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Preview The Baptist Record Jan. 12. 2012

JOURNALOFTHEMississivetBAPTIST.CONVENTION— : to tell StoryofJesus in 2012 Sissipr? reachers,”Dade said. he la Naes will be attend: t doesn’t get ——— thanthis.” am recalled thatwhenhe was searching for a central location to host the confer- ence this year, Brandon Church readily volunteered. a aa “Hosting an eventaslarge as the tate — ism and then movedirectlyintoa *JuniorHill,vocationalevan- Conference is a challenge, time ofae and worship,” gelistfromHartselle,Al. and Brandon Church gra- Lumsaid: *JimFutral,MBCBexecutive ciouslyoffered todnit.” Among the — at the director. The church’s staff will pre- conferencewill be: : ® Mickey Dalrymple, retired aed a complimentary dinner * Kevin Hamm, senior pas- former pastor of Fairview rom 4:30 - 6 p.m. on Jan. 30, tor of Gardendale First ChurchinColumbusandformer beforebeginningoftheevening Church, Gardendale, Al anew of the Mississippi session. Thedinnerwillinclude ¢ Sammy Gilbreath, direc- istConvention. a mini-concert by Marc Ivey, tor of evangelism for the ‘or more information regard- vocational music evangelist Alabama Baptist State Board ing the 2012 State Evangelism from Lynchburg,Va. ofMissions in Montgomery. Conference,contact Lumat(601) 6:30-7:30p.m, “We are going to enjoy a * Bill Stafford, vocational 292-3278 or toll-free outside “A” LiviingLord” time of fellowship and enter- evangelist from Chattanooga, Jackson (800) 748-1651, ext. 278 MickeyDalrymple tainment during the dinner, Tenn E-mail: [email protected], The good guy wins, foronce skeven atepidsportsfanwhatisthebiggest inAmerica yourpostrouteprecisely,and'byallmearishitthewide regeiv- atthemoment,andhemightnotbring theCeteersityof trashebreaksontheoutpattern.” mae ‘s winoverLouisianaState Universityfor Rabbi ley’Boteach, writing in Huff Post Sports, said, aac aan.He didn’twatch “Theattackson arebizarre,thehatredshowntchimby icehotchiskweeekayndisn’tupto onwho'sontopof: criticsstrange.Pcopleseemtoloathehismissionaryworkmore EDITOR’S the soccercircuit. Chancesare 7 . ~s than Ben t's treatment:of NOTEBOOK| ,,,can!’tsev0enreclailkleltyheaprensideontTiiawmldTeeebbaotewrs..T:he rs mowroamlietny.t..hanbysKeeombmeorBreyaonftf'senidnefdidbeylihtiys devout, icly-unashamed Christian a Tebowisanerve.” qu of the National Football Seegs of USA Today ae Denver Broncos is a - of the nation. His pinpoint : ¢“Hisagainst-all-oddsheroicsbrought throw to teammate Demaryus : CBS a mind-blowing 25.9 overnight rat- Thomasonthefirstdownofover- ; ing,thebestforawildcardfootballgame timeintheir ae inalmost25years. the * Sports websites staggered under an t of hits. NFL:com reported videosinthehourafterthegame up385%overWildCardSundaylastyear. © Tebowhitmorethanonemillionmen- tions on Twitter. 5 oe -_ of tweets i victo it 9, Beyoncéannouncedher during the2011MTVMusicAwards * Both Tebow and his favorite Bible verse, John 3:16 (proclaiming Jesus’ romise of veoskots were in the top WitliamEDHI.TOPRerkinsjr. snap us) yevery si i . MeoxniacedtalyyGo.3o1g6leyayTrrdse,ndapseonplteuhnnortieodnutgehnhoteuitotnhmarloeswatlflooufr- [email protected] siontotheBibleverseheetchedintohiseyeblackwhilewin- AuSlSawOiCeheebnctvnia ; > Di2az,of agrees with " onniln©ygNntaoEtLtihogonaaslleesfoorfGerTeeebnoewB’asyNoPaa.tctk1he5ersBUrnQoiBnvceorAssairtjoeyrnsoefyRFoladorgreeirdssa,e.cwohnod a i be trou- wontheSuperBow!last year.” LARYeObUeTk/aDhESRIaGyN blesome .Perhaps p i ard andN-oleoadnethkenBorwosncifosTitmoSuTpeeborwBcoawnlcfoanmtei.nuHee’hsisheaxdcittiimnegsptlhaiys iil TR taeOFOER SEOC We worthyofeternalsalvation. E season when hpeonsetuimebelnedtae bwaildllygiaventdhehigslotreyamwloistn.orWe dolose» DVERrs el , personal or religiousconviction. Just run a4.4 40 please, run That'snoabtad ingforthenationtosee. Emilyjones ejones@mbocrhg Mz itagefromtheLORD,thefruitof CIRCULATIONMANAGER BrendaQuattlebaun: thewomb arewLaikreardro.ws [email protected] inthehandofawarriaorre the i chiolfodne’rsyoeuthn.” EDITOREMERITUS Mothers, your children are a DonMcGregor i = ) mut thatisexactly whatwe I am so thankful that God doesnotseeme,Hischild,asan inconvenience. Instead, v.hile | ly wasstilla sinner He sent His Jesus, to die for me r 5:8).WhenIhavecome e B Himinneed, Ihaveneverfelt t .BSAaePdnTdJdrIaeScnskTesswoRscn,Eh,aCcMnOogSRmemDs3u,9nt2oiP:0c.5OaT-.th0ieB5ooE3ndx0,i.t5oar3n,0d,aaeHt peelrEf ages. mneeteodcofHoitmmoanHdieme,ncwoiutrh- BAPTISTRECORD,P.O.Box530, pf “an andatany time. lackson,MS39205-0530. at SoIaskyou, Mom, do you Tel:(601)968-3800 fe see yourprecious children as .-maiti:bcap(t6i0s1t)re2c9o2r-d3@®3m3b0ch.Si jmoreconvenienttime . : ote s Gloedssiweniglesl asheoswGoyodeu?ehtonwperaetyo As stated in a recent New ae f love andblessyour children, wile 136:rananen2 Your Post article, more and even during the inconvenient Publishedweeklyexceptweeksof 4 oosingni i eee andChristmasbytheMississippiBaptist 7 i regret : pria eaest.gpinaae! Walker,aminister’swife,isinthe doctorate ofeducational’ ministries at i in Ft. Worth, 5). dips genie org on par- ~ og of—Southwestern " eminary, and appears is ys,“Behold,childrenareaher- courtesyofBaptist Press. JANUARY12,2012 increasing TV pollut io Ruling could spur explosion of w (B—PTh)e BAPTISTS MISSItSStPPt U.S. SupremeCourtheardoral argumentsonJan.10initsmost i broadcast casesince1978, and conserva- workswin, andnudi- THE SECOND tywillfloodTVbbrnosdcasts. At issue is whether the Federal Communications FRONT PAGE Commission (FCC) has the constitutional authority toset rmgrein what is per- on the airwaves and PUBLISHEDSINCE1877 to fine stations that cross the line. Oneexample istheinfa- mous Janet Jackson Super blein theconservative JANUARY 12, 2012 Bwhoiwclhionnciedoefntpiant2o00s4,bdoumreinng S—tasnictetoanllsyu,c"hjsuosctiianleissuecase“s VOL.: 136 was exposed during , time performance, end. the Thomasin’2008 the No. 2 FCC’s ing fiofCnBSaend “viability” of two Sy CBSstationsforthatincident. CourtcasescitedbytheFCCas Lower courts overruled the constitutionallysupporting,— fianndCBeSh,asyetto pay. currentindecency ra Among other ae pe of case,RedLionProwdcasthe Co.v. TVindecencythatledto FCC FCC, and a 1978 case, FCC v. finesyettobepaidbecauseof v Foundation. J — - lower court rulings, ABC's RedLion and Pacificawere Jesus Christ” NYPD Blue showed a nude unconvincingwhen female character in 2003 and issued, and Requests the * Fox’sBillboardMusicAwards timehasonlyincreased doubt in 2002 and 2003 failed to — their continued comedian George Carlin’s evening when “children are Honorof bleep profane words by Cher validity,” Thomas wrote in a ~“SevenDirtyWords” routine. bee~/Baapbeintheaudience." and NicoleRichie. 2009concurring i Focusonthe andthe American.Genter for presence The SupremeCourt case is “In Red Lion, Supreme Family Research “ Council «LawandJustice(ACLJ)filed a an..appeal from the U.S. Court upheld the so-called arguedthattheSupremeCourt brief arguing that regulations: inHeaven! Second Court of Appeals, Fairness ine. In FCC v. was rightin its 1978 ruling to on broadcast indecency are whiinc20h10struckdownthe Pacifica, the high court ruled note that “since broadcasti B similarto lationonspublic FCC’s entire broadcast inde- thattheFCChad theauthori- wasuniquelyavailabletochil- indecency. An indecent televi- cency policy. Fox, ABC, CBS, ty to regulate indecent lan- drenmerelyby turningon the sion broadcast, the legal orga- YouCanRESPOND and iC want the Second guage on the airwaves. The televisionor radio, itcould be_nizationsaid, “isessentiallyan RiGcutNow! Circuit'sdecisionupheld. fatter case involved the late regulated to a greater extent indecentpublicdisplay.” " - thanotherformsofmedia.” “Justasastateondprohibit| Simply sharethefollowingprayer Thetwopro-family groups someone from strutting around with inyourownwords: NYC pastors arrested also cited studies showing naked inpublic, thestatecould that media has a negative forbid someone from strutting 1.Lord,IadmitthatIneedyou. impact on children and can around carrying a display — (Ihavesinned.) lead to risky sexual behav- still or video — of someone iors, poor body image, vio- naked,” the ACLJ brief, which 2. I want forgiveness for my lence, andsmoking. supported neither party, said. sinsandf omfrometernal The networks already are “Likewise, a state may forbid death.(Irepent.) allowed to broadcast patent companies from broadcasting offensivematerial aslong asit into people’s homes programs 3.IbelieveJesusdiedandrose isbetween 10p.m. and6 a.m., depicting someone strutting from the grave to forgive my the pssay,butit iswron; around naked. Thus, an inde- sins and to restore my rela- to oe such materia cent broadcast is properly sub- tionshipwith you. Bill oo ofthose during8 the daytime and earlyy ject to4governmentPprohibition." (IbelieveinJesus.) Po syenna teaatyp sr andspeech. 4. By faith, I invite Jesus fe. senior counsel with the Defense / ) >} aT Oo B H } Christ into my life. From this pretatiioxn cideCCoonasutiiteuctiioonn.HHieea7arngnueostokfcoorbbidadiinngeee ya oO visto tinigmeorenl,atIiiowonnashsnihtpitpolwiwitihinHvaiiml.oev(-I Hmong9tonbecauseit’s isnotprotectingtaheeer receive Christ as my Savior tionofchurchandstate itsuppressesfreedomof reli- TheCenturyMen,a 100-voice,all-malechoirofSouthernBaptists,per- andLord.) . gion and freedom of Devlin’s church has a 30,000 formsatthesitesofterroristattacksinNewYorkCity. Thegroupalsoper- te160conbuilding of Sitsenoghe oe formsinWashington,Baltimore,Richmond,andWilliamsburg,Va “But as manyas received him, likely home! tothemhegavetherighttobecome oSvpearcteunrnoewd ren.t1t2o.Those straptipoendsstchhaotoollse.TThecity’s$ SkouthekrnBapti stConventionPresident MorrisChapman, pastorof cb ehliiledvreeninofhiGsodna,mee.”ven(tJoohtnho1s:e12w)ho rationale for religious - use of publicschool7 Fiirstrst CChurch, Wic;hita Falls, Tex., iss the leadingrecandidate> totosucceexd spacepase Doge notion Eafin le ae Harold C. Bennett as president/treasurer of the SBC Executive If you make a decision for LmoirgehntcetahnindkDevlignoavreercnomnecnernedthatltorhsein banwil:l Committee,accordingtosourcesclosetothesearchcommittee lJoecsaulsBaCphtriissttchtuordcahy,focronstpiarcittu-a eventuallybecomeabroaderban against —— s i al euidance ianevecten state-fundedbuilding. (Edi 'snate:This FirstChurch,O klahomaCi : 5 ‘cl ND Servi i os : ‘ a ty,Okla., votednottoaccepta “negroyouth from is bypermission.) ‘ asamemberfollowingarecommendationbythedeaconsthatmembership bedeniedonthebasisofhismotivationinseekingmembership JANUARY12,2012 THE Baptist RECORD 3 | A e . qB H a s i a q i HH nitiilm Pa T ei i ] acen H fr BERENS t a hef a T e y b f e FN AGY BSLB OTVL BUO u zen a n e a s n e a B SVATE. SVY BSLB OBJL h :a d e aae ! EES i e £ t ? LBT EUGVO’ FGjJLBO, a l n H ~ LBSL LBTN BSPT VGL l i BJKL FT; ZGKSOFJXB SO l ll ;‘ u ite ee h t al d y ; \WTZGKT a eat e.e ul s A UVVGXTVXN a E h e e ZGIVY UV FT; SVY SEOG niye d E WTZGKT LRTT; G DUVA, time e BSPT 0ycvt VG BJKL. i ‘wa:s esmay?bSeeceotmh-e . YSVUTE OUR: LQTVLN- ? n tJ e CluEe=:L u r e :Kis Havefun with cryptography and exercise yous Bible knowledge. A o KingJamesVersionBibleversehas s e beenencodedbylettersubstitution. y The same letter is substituted ti a throughout the puzzle. Solve by trial and error. Answer to last e week'spuzzle:GenesisSix:Twelve a 2 saa ‘ y u le i t fF l i f sT E e a s a i i h l eAd l l g r l e LearntheSafeandSecure e 15(#11161) $608 WaytoEarnStockMarket 26(#10316) $667 LinkedReturnsWithout m 33(#11074) $1,207 R , «4 44(811076) $1,565 Se (A) © 150New&UsedBusesinStack = ~ BusDealer ? o 4 JANUARY12,2012 January 12, 2012 Victory in Jesus Camp Garaywa _ For Families needs CITs! Saturday, March 3 8 a.m. — noon Garisaloyokiwngfaor 16, 17, & 18yearold The BaptistCenter . Students (903 Valley View Drive) interestedin serving Philadelphia, MS oneweek ofthesummearsa PlannedandpromotedbytheNeshoba County B Cabin Adult "TOWELS"andtheMississippi BaptistConve Leader-in- Training. AsaCIT.youwill ||.Barticinialplaasptecets "of campincludingBible study,crafts,worship, andadventurerecreation. CiTschotheowesekeof sucmammptheeywrish © toattaneditnprodmis,es tobelife-chanFgorimnogre! info / application,vi.itwgwawraywa.oorrg call LEGAL ISSUES CONFERENCE eae ttheail aea taes ’ February 20,2012 Place: X-Tended Missions Network For Grandparents CUPmelgH beporeLAete&etbeaz office, Hernando Time:7 p.m. ETE, ages 6 — 15) Purpose: Provideguidance onlegalissues churchesface ContactAlan Woodward, .... Pastor Leadership,garrr™ Development Department 1-800-748-1651,ext. 308 or601-292-3308 Preregistrationisrequested. —_— to provide adequateMaterials bye-mailingcwtaylor@mbeb. eTREAMbrea: /a : 5 FOR ALL VBS~ ae)aha oe3 ictetelt Mri | i d oa ii titel Zel emer et 5 Nemo Hil) de)aeat aevidegia nacks. Trainin "MISSIONARY MOMENTS PRAYER GUIDE MISSEUESSIPPE <n Od ioe~ eee One i 4 4} 2s I ISAE ee ee ‘ i9 SthAna i 1 E8 Senior Adult Evangelism Rally \8 V1 / : " 3 4 o GNhai 88::1050 A.M.RBEIRGD:ISTRRiAfTREISHOMENNT/S c = UOsI K(“AAFUNUTDNHIOTFRAIROMRFIES:,SNHGEUAVUERFRIPTONHRGETTLEHSSE—GTHOATO'LDLNPREEWASCH”) e o>) 8:45 GENERALASSEMBLY i: Aae 9:00 BREAK-OUTS: "f1’SNOTTOOLATEFORGLOBAL MISSIONS” 10 SHERRIANDBRUCEBURK,MISSIONARIESTO DaresPOSSECESSESSSSSOSSOSSSSSSSSSHSOSOSOSSESS NEPAL, INDIA MissionsC forGirls: fe} 1-15 ©”GRANDPARENTING:BIBLESTORYTELLING” on PAULASMITH, WMU, MBCB "FUNTIMESHARINGTHEGOODNEWS” 7 (REPEAT) KANDIFARRIS,GULFPORT 10:00BREAK (REFRESHMENTSPROVIDED BY: MSBAPTISTFOUNDATION) a 10:45WORSHIPCELEBRATION RALLY MAISIC:UINCOINCORAIE, BROOKHAVEN PREACHER:BILLY HATIEY, BIRMINGHA/A, Alo SENORADUITCOORDINATOR FOR SCOTT DAWSONEVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION or 800.748.1651, ext. 284 Pray this day,for..; ‘Singfvthe LORD anew SOHE» - nAbé; pretation his salvation day . ae nations,hit 0S ss Parents:Eart&Ramona WestAfrica _ MissEmmaGraceEpps 3/17/03 Parents:Aaron&Tiffany SouthAmerica Mr.StephenEdward zy ParenMt&sG: Restricted MissMaryElien—3/21/11 3/28/92 Parents:M&G ParBerand&tLesno:ra Restricted LastFrontier MissEmmaWorthy MissGraceHolyfield 3/28/03 3/31/93 Charlie&ShannonWorthy Parents:Michael&Patsy MissKa~t37y41/n04 WesternEurope EuropeanPeoples Parents:C&C Restricted EncoanuMKrwiathagcaerd! F ORSECURITY,cardswillbe adel.Planessandwlte Child’s MissHaCn,—3n/11a/93 ParentsJ:.&M. Restricted whensentasapackagetoMS a ae Mr,ChaSr.—t3/1i3/e05 >ian inceourmar de08ahcand . ParenJt&sC: NiTgrearviealifnogrthietouegheroaydesaorsf, jwhou.beswwoiuttlhdtthaemk,e”stahiedmGusnunp,- .i Iwouldwakeupsee"-issaidn.ot“WhgeoinngGotodwtoelrlks,m”eshteo Southern im;portant; pl¥ies,food,andmedicine. the e0, Iwill:go." In 2009, Gunn “| missthe Nigerians.|miss ka ;mywork.” cnwieeee ment. Over the years, Gunn watched missionar- ies up leave Nigeria becausethe toenabtloe erty,crime, andlackofselene “Living in Nigeria, living in West Africa is difficult, Gunnsaid. Still,Gunnmisses the place that became her 7 ry mNwhiioosgmrGesekur.minfayno“Iriwmntwiha1eso9ss7r5tm.hseehkeNnis,sgaoeiw"rodBei.aa.npnttsi.stttooI~ Nuipgewriiliataftnhisosntt,ahrmeutoghncgaigtlt-iy’Gn_sgunedtnoexspmpfakeoukrendaieetnpega.~.. \ i _i id. advi ii id satmuehsiceeshmit,gh”neieahsdash-rev-eppstsoeatysoi.sd.pt.i.lobeibl“neeWogewuraorniumdpt]aghyenle[onyrvoaoauets-r Theological minary in li For many Nigerians, a - idn’ : id, tion[but]thestorywillbe told spwOahosagessbiao|abmlleoisbortGwa.oirufsitTnopahhrennetndrdhafeeoy,enrjtssosiyewh1meme4dheiesmnneiarnryshiveyahseer,s-edr..—cmssaieyrne“gm1lTeehw,deatsoofodAftairwtmnciieedecvreimw,Iinp”agcwtssaawhinsaenasrsgaoibwdb.oem,dtaattgaetn.ihtne.~ ‘j All of ]her t‘rialis, thoughith, babEuilernllletiiLiiaftfleisy,vkCeoehGorfrfusitnIsiihtnMmnepBwcaCsoochartmriPliiderndssgettshffi—eaodtrlehlrsnesenutsoroptteon.oTn”jusouagislmh-tl Hfarnosment'soldep:Niisgeears(eail)es.nosskunfofwerninags. escsTrchaatrpcoheu,dgbhvu.itrattulhallelycawritrhoobubterya hhaavvee-lse“tIfrsteahngietdrhiuefnnesdhdoemareufbanioatdthniyeidsnd_shhemeisEsiesaid. s“itAlliofsusamusmtissbiemis,- “I would go out there and hauntedherformanymonths. trying to drive me away this siownhearewreaireenows." Z - opular McKeever cartoons returningfor January Bible Study rNouAgShHouVtI.LLEt,heTenn. (BP)—ChBuarpcthiesst ‘ySeBaCr'’sssantnuudaylwJialnulaursyeBtibhlee Study. This CmhartiesrtiiaalnsReasroeuracveasi(lalbilefefwroamy.LcioAfmes)Waa.nythhaensdtouutdsy,.wTohrekschaerettos.onasndcasnlibdeesdduorwinn-g : a i : ife’s eras,dBaptidst aiiPdrettsosccihaurroctheonsoannJadiossetlMtudy&,lead- hltotpa:ded//sbcbfoarptistfprreeess.o—rs Senquunted SScueneeesergentewedte BPnews.asp?11=36090. . Ve:et UP! STAND ON — ea (piees) - "Sour ‘Feet? cop Ras| - | “HE WHO LOVES MONEY WILL NOT BE SATISFIED WITH MONEY. + JANUARY12,2012 — Same ——_——_——_——.THE Bapnst REcoRD Harmon Church, Clarke Co., held-a chil- dren's dedication ser- vice Dec. 18. Shown are theparticipants. Grace pea Vicksbu: exceed their$1 Lottie Moon ChristmasOffering goal bycollecting$2,341. . The. children’s choir of Handsboro Church, Gulfport, — presented Stranger in the Manger Dec. 18, directed Debbie Nicholson. Interim music director, 1.HarmonyChurch,ClarkeCo. Pe McBride. Shown aretheparticipants. The deacons of Wanilla Church, Lawrence County, hosted a pan- cake breakfast for church members and uests prior to their hristmasDaycantata. The Crossroads Sunday School ~‘ class of Gracewood Church, Southaven, enjoyed a. trip to Bruce to hear the BellingerFamily. Shown are theparticipants. The Pike County Association certificate site center, in partner- ship with New Orleans 9.GossChurch,Columbia , presentedcer- Ricuhrachrd tWoood(bsac,k Mrioke National Parks Morris, Kirk Haskins, and Michael Didon. Front row, Steve Clark, David Millican, and Jody Dean. Arches -Canyon-BlryacenCadnyson BBrraannddoonn, is hosCtihnugrcthh,e Zion -CapitolReef-GrandCanyon annual Romanian- 14Days DepJualyr20.t20s12 on$1398* American Mission ban- uet Jan. 13, 6:30 p-m. ost, $15 per person. For more information, call (601) 825-4114 or 720-7011. i The sanctuary and chil- dren’schoirsofSlayden Church, Slayden, pre- sented Singing Christmas Home under the direction of Joel Strahan, followed by a church-widefellowship. Shown are the partici- pants, The children’s choir of Goss Church, Columbia, presented The Ligh Before 'scurrentlyretiredafterserving43yearsinseveralMississippichurchesincluding Christmas Dec. 4. Shown 111/2yearsatRockyCreekBaptistChurchinLucedaleand5yearsatMeadville are the participants. BaptistChurch.ThiswillbeRevRoyMyers8thtripwithYMT. “Perperson,double Occupancy,includestaxes.Airfisaexrtrea. wiih eta -’ 6,Certificatepresentations ALU 1-800-736-7300 THeBapnstRecorp —————es §=JANUARY 12,2012

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