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The AyurvedicWellness Counselor Program - Kerala Ayurveda PDF

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The Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor Program KAA 108: Ayurvedic Bodywork The Goal of Ayurvedic Treatment TToo rreemmoovvee tthhee rroooott ccaauussee ooff ddiisseeaassee:: The imbalance of the Doshas. Definition of Disease An imbalance of the Doshas is Roga (Disease) A balance of the Doshas is Aroga (Health) Definition of Disease In Ayurveda there are two main ways to balance the Doshas: 1. Shodhana (Cleansing): Making pure 2. Shamana (Palliating): Calming down Definition of Disease Shodhana: Purifying Shodhana is completely removing the aggravated DDoosshhaass,, AAmmaa,, aanndd MMaallaass ffrroomm the body, thereby offering a complete cure. In many chronic diseases, Shodhana Chikitsa is very important because the disease process has gone through all stages of Samprapti (pathology). Definition of Disease Shamana: Calming Down Shamana is calming aggravated Doshas, mainly using herbs, diet and lifestyle. By uussiinngg SShhaammaannaa,, tthhee ddoosshhaass kkeeeepp aa llooww profile, as long as a person is strictly following the regimen. With even a slight “Pradnyaparadha” or “Asatmya Indriya Samyoga,” the Doshas begin going out of balance and manifest their symptoms. In acute conditions, when the disease has not gone through all of its phases, Shamana works better than Shodhana. Diet and lifestyle regimensareveryimportantaspects of this method of restoring balance. Ayurvedic Body Therapies Ayurvedic body therapies mainly involve oils, or other fats. Many ttiimmeess tthheeyy aarree ccuurreedd wwiitthh hheerrbbss to achieve the benefits of the medicinal qualities of the herbs. There are different ways of using oils called Snehana. Snehana: The Benefits of Natural Fats They spread easily through the dhatus because of (cid:1) their fluidity and quick absorption. They help liquefy fat-soluble toxins. (cid:1) TThheeyy wwoorrkk lliikkee aa ssooaapp;; rreeaacctt wwiitthh aammaa aanndd tthhee (cid:1)(cid:1) doshas to begin loosening them. They enhance flow without obstruction. (cid:1) Their lubricating quality protects dhatus at the site (cid:1) of ama and dosha separation. Their oleating quality soothes Vata. (cid:1) They stimulate secretions through which the (cid:1) doshas can move ama and malas into the Koshtha (out of the tissues and into the physical channels). Snehana: Benefits Stimulates secretions in the dhatus that begin (cid:1) liquefying ama. Secretions also bind the malas together to (cid:1) rreemmoovvee tthheemm ffrroomm tthhee ddhhaattuuss aanndd ffiinnaallllyy ffrroomm the body. Helps remove ama, thereby improving dhatu (cid:1) nutrition. Opens the Srotas so that ama begins flowing (cid:1) out of the tissues and into the physical channels (Koshtha). Restores Vata's function. (cid:1) Snehana: Benefits Smoothes the skin and improves its (cid:1) luster and tone. SShhaarrppeennss tthhee sseennssee oorrggaannss.. (cid:1)(cid:1) Improves the vision. (cid:1) Tonifies and strengthens the muscles. (cid:1) Prevents aging. (cid:1) Rejuvenates the body. (cid:1)

the nurturing quality of a warm oil massage. It lubricates their dry skin, protects their fragile joints, helps them massage using oils such as sesame or almond,
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