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poe ADVERTISLM ENT. Tank at any way yo Wie, toutan'e ind 2 more Soustictory cycle than a Hercales, Nake, prec, exe. itis — theyre al cuttly Eat you ant, Call tostay Jadsecfersourat, aio with Duslon ‘yews aad Tubes Bs. 109-11 (Aneto Hoda wed Hate San E. A. WATCH COMPANY, HamcHuamesd AND ABWHLLAIS RATTAN RAZAAR R W, MADRAS, UNPORTERE OF ~ sUFmLagEE TO Hah nt caypasan aL warcaae nanwaye cua porary ipvsney - ogrreana Tuuwvain Foxe nent iy sTanORERY cua ADVE NOVEL CTS Souler Oumesl, Gouba BANK aS be ee oFaicis ngatriee Catabegae Teed ehdly sent ® ADVEBIIGRMENTD. The P.& 0. BANKING CORPORATION LIMITED. Jrierd a Tandon de the Oompenies els 198 61847, wee nt fe ay ay 198. Agibated Bik: THE ALLAHABAD BANK, LIMITED, ADTHORINED CAPITAL n- 28,00, 000 Diese euteSO00 Slnrn af 10 enc ynscey . BLDAUE. BoaaD oF DIavoRORE ‘he Rk, Han, Vnconge tndhoane, GALA Cul Hales (Chath Bente too gl of Beings, Alsandrs Kap Wm ae De fn Mantigu eran Fuviet Walter Osbenu esssbeth, Ee Bi Brecon ley. Dar The Hea, Aloeander Brew Satoas Abseeenate, Teg. pug, ‘Dinette ryote Mgeamles John, Hoy BBB, abbey lag, G&L, Ce (Qencrat Maangat Se Condon Wevaare Ge abinwen Ea Searters Wnt, Beg, HAD OPFIOE, Wher END BRANCH, 198, Landoahall Bucs, 16, Coubspur Blest, “London, 8, oodon, AF 4. DRancuEs nous, alone. Eiracks, Mads, Sangh. ingapon. LoRDON RANREES sk of ngiaut. ‘Tan National Protononl & Union Baul of Bagsnd, Lid Tendon County Wargames & Pages Bunk Eide Hoyas Beale Laas. ‘Toe Royal Baok of Seotand, Comapondantm il principal sites of the worl, Bachango bun ue of eon Seaeptna tranacng Orvik Anseuats, are apace nd ‘ied Depleted on torn which up bo arcovtiood om wonliatva, ‘Mapaas OvICE 1, ances sraeer, ‘aDeAN LEwn 0. Bex Ho. 57. enoger, 1 1 wn, to 8 pe, Bakerdayy (Oa bo A pe ADVERTISEMENTS, Imperial Bank of India. Comattaued wader thu Lupersal Honk af Dude det, 1980, (or te guepriaf ality 96 thy sodttekugs aid some a toe Seat SP Begs te Bea ot Eeanhay nod the ark of Maen BANKIKS TO THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. en Ne “2 Ra. 11,25,00,000. seiEih ie, wm 9y76,00,000. Pad, ap Gaputl og in 12th Jaaaney 190 Hngcoontreater ie 500 Teen (ih Janmery " aers Rand oo on 112 Henunsy 1924 h Blmoryg Dasblity of Ubecliers ae op 1186 Tenane We. =n Moneoone Gooernors — Igoat Meat Oioee Tr AB este ‘aleutty, Bombey 5M Mammy (ong ‘adios ie Motent Warman, KOT E, Branches — Wonaper. Madras Benga Henge ‘Goat nad Gath Bredlsa~ Geanted ad spprcved Mtoe ils Bil dicranted. ‘Roware af autre), fv, may be tnd'o2 HE ay atte opel Heed Gio oc Deanabes 3 the Baa, W.LAMB, Secretary & Breasureh, (OH). AbyeuiemanTy INDIAN BANK, LD. Head Ofier MADRAS— , North Beach Road. Local Ofte: BSPLANADE- Popham's Broadway TRIPLICANF—Big Stroct. MYLAPORE North Mada Street. Breaches COCHIN AND MADURA. ISSUED CAPITAL Re. 50,90,000 SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL © 47:92,000 CALLED AND PAID-UP CAPITAL | |, 13,79,200 RESERVE FUND oy 628,000 Andited Balance Sheet and Directors’ Report seat on ‘Application, Current Accounts aro oporad free of charge ad ntorent allowad at 2h yor vent por anoum on daily balances (gee Dotaided Rules). - No incidental charges made. Bavings Hank Deposit wsooants gpmed with eum ay low ay Re B and amisaet allowed on daily balanoes ai 4B at cant per annum. ‘Fixed Deposite wnverved to 12 so 24 montbe at BE and G por cont par anette rospedlively Rates af Intoront lor deposits for skort bo aacattained on application Bicher or Survivor seoounts imsy bo opsned in the Jout aamas of two a1 mote persone, Eilher ot Survivors or Sureivot of tham boing 4 Uherty to operate ‘Loong, Oyerdratts and Cauh Gredi¢e:—The Bank grants sosgiamotiniioy agamnel approved ssouriigs om iorns Srhick may be arranged. ‘Government Securities. wocks, shares ato. yold and pwobasud Govcrnmyn: Soeurttios, Jowellory and other valua Mos roociwor for wile cused’ Intnest and Dividend, Pay and Pension Bills colluuled. Choyues ol out-stations, Hundles, collcotad end digoounted, ‘AW genseel Banlang hysiness tranceated. For Ruloa of Basiwes (12 Eaghsh or the Veinsuulars) oud oiber particulars, please appty to wiry Ofliew reclodw may (By Onder of the Board,) Toc Base |] VIDYK SAGAR PARDYA, Bodies, 1524. Secretary. ADVERTISEMENTS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. ncorporated In Bagland?) £1,800,000 £1,060,000 £4,250,000 Subscribed Capit: EAD OFFIGE = 15, GuacucucrcH Sent, Lonvoy, H.C. 3. BRANCHES : Bownar, Kaxscui, Osrecrma, Howaan, Mannas, Raxevox, Deant, 810.4, -Corommo, Kanbr, CanLe, Sincarose, Kuara Loaves, Kuora Buant, Pxvaxe, ‘Baxexox, Baravia, Sobzauava, HONGkone, Suaxanat, Macrmius, New Yous (U.S.A). LONDON BANKERS = Tae Bank or BNataxy, ayp Mipuanp Bank, Lamina, ‘CURRENT DEPOSIT ADCOUNTS. Intovest ullowol at 4 por gent. on the daily balanoas up to Be, 1,00,000, No interost will be nllowed unlawe the eacreed Amount on 0th Juae and Slat Deeomber amounts to Has. 5. FIRED DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS ‘are received for one your and for shorter periods at rates ‘which may be had on application. Approved bills of exchange parchased and arafis sold 9n London Ofice, on all ranches, and on the Bank's ‘Agents in Scotland, Iroland, Australia, Africa, Paris, ote. end forwarded to payees, if requested, free of charge, at the eurront votes of exchange of the dey. Government Seocrities bought and cold, dividends collected, enstody of securities oared for,and all Kinde of General Banking business undertaken. R. D. CROMARTIE, dg, Manager. x Wo. $4, int Kine Bench, Madeas. 7 ADVERTISE, aiiamamnmniniia | sons: = National Bank OF Epi, Lb. ‘Bankers to the Government ln Beittsh Hast Africa acd Uganda. Subscribed Capital £4,000,000. Puid-up Capita’ —-£2,000,000. Reserve Fund 82,750,000. s ‘Huan Oppcr—26, Bishopageto, London, B.C. 2. BRANCHES. INDEA.—Caleutta, Bombay, Madras, Xarazhl, Lahore, Amritan ‘Goin Eawapavay Chitispeng, Tuilcorin aia Coc CEYLON —Cotombo, Kandy und Newert Elly, SURMA—wangoon ang Mandalay. FA ARABIA —Agon and steamer Potet, Aden. ii AST AFRICA AND DOANDA. ~Zancibar, Mombasa, Nairobi, ‘Satebbe. Kampala, Nalore, Riousau, Jina, Tera nd Der-ss-Selaum, 4 AGENTS IN NEW YORK und nthe rittnal cies of mesa, "atrce, Avoteela and Ceaade. CURRENT DEPOSIT AGCOUNTE. nterest allowed xt 2 per ean. par annum on the daily Tralanoee fer Re, 4.000 to Re. 400,800; but no intoross allowet i He amouniato lesa ti 16 far it vente. FIXED DEPOSITS. alos caay be aseortaiaed on applition. GENERAL SUSINESS, Billa of tyahange uogotinted aud vollgoted and Letter of ‘Credits and Dalia granted ob the Bank's Lomion Offs snd Branches and eo Agents Government Sccurtion, tooke ond Shares purchased ox cold ‘on Behalf ef eonstifuents, MADRAB OFFICE — Fy I ‘National Bank Buildings, North Beach. ‘Maura of Mawinen 10 to 3; Mntuvéays, 10 to 1. x Meese: eee eta ADYERTIORNEETR. THE EASTERN BANK LIMITED. (ncorporsted in ogland.! Head Ofice:— CROSBY SQUARE, LONDON, E.C.3. Antharised Capitel (200,000 Shares af 610 anch) ... £ 2,000,000 Peid up Cepital ts 5 1,606,000, Reserve Liability of Shareholders £ 1,000,000. Reserva Fund - a © 340,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. JS. Haskell, Eag., Chama: Sie James Leigh-Wood, KBE. CB, CMG, Deputy Oherman, JH Bony, Esa. Enile Froneaui, Eeq. G. Bromlay Martin, Esq. Sir Perey Wilson Newson, Bt Meyer Sussoon, Esa. BRANCHES. India & Ceylon. ‘Mesopotamia & Arabia, Bombay Bagdad Ealeuna Basra Madras Amera Colombo Hillah Kanchi Mossad Bahrein CURBENT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS. Current accounts opened and interest allowed on duily exedit balances from Bs, 500 to Ra. 1,00,000 at the zeta of 24 ‘per ennam provided the interest secrued does not amount 0 less then Rs. 5 at 30th Jans and 3st December. FIXED DEPOSITS. Interest allowed on deposits for fixed periods ot rates which sony be ascertained on application. Every deroription of Banking ond Bechange business underalen, ‘Madrwe Office —Pophem's Broadway, Madras, 3. CAMPBELL WILSON, Manager.

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