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Interchurch Families: Christian Unity Made Visible in our Households International Standard Serial Number: ISSN 1943-6467 (print) May 2012 Volum e 2 3 ; E d i t i o n ISSN 2160-682X (online) May 2012 Volume 23; Edition 5 THE ARK Nulla facilisi: THE ARK Pellentesque eu aliquet vel. Vitae vehicula lobo rtis. Ultricies mole stie libero dignissim id mauris, mus nec tempus lorem. A PAu Pbulbiclaictiaotnio on f otfh et hAe mAmeerriciacann AAssssoocciiaattiioonn ooff IInntteerrcchhuurrcchh F Famaimliielises "Who is the greates tI ninte thrne akitniogndoaml S otf ahneadvaernd? "Serial Number: ISSN 1943-6467 (print) Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Male suada Quis ChiDveoslo irn sbelto Iopmsu imn the mgaarudreisn sianp liaetne vMitaaye soldales erat mjg © http://www.interchurchfamilies.org/ Click:sitemap or publications-Scroll down to find: THE ARK LOREM IPSUM DOLOR LIGULA EROS SET... Interchurch Families: “Listen...with the ear of your heart" Malesuada quis, egestas quis, wisi. Donec ac sapien. Ut orci. Duis ultricies, metus a feugiat © The ARK Tpohrtteitomr, deol ofr omrau trihs ceo n2va0lli1s e2st ,A quAis ImFa ttBis ilaecunsn ligiualal eCu aougnuef.e Srede fnacciliesis. Morbi lorem Copyright 2012 AAIF all rights reserved mi, tristique vitae. July 13 - 15, 2012 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ligula nulla senectus pulvinar. Etiam molestie mauris ligula mjg © Epprehtiuems, rhioancnuss te m4p:or2 p-la6cerat fermentumM, atteghete laworee t1, v8eh:ic u1la e-le if4end. Repellat orci eget enim integer ad vestibulum volutpat. Nisl turpis erat et, sem cum, ultricies sollicitudin amet 2 Be completely humble and est, vel elit, congue wisi enim nunc ultricie1s sAit,t thaelte ifteimnd edo tlohre n udllaimsc eirpatl,e msa le suada est leo ac. gentle; be patient, bearing magna tincidunt. Maecenas aliquam maecaepnapsr oaVcahriues dna Jtoeqsueu tsur paisn edle mseanitdum, est. with one another in love. ligula nostra, accumsan taciti. Sociis mau"riWs inh o is thDeu igs rmeoanttees,s tte lliuns ltohbeor tis lacus amet arcu 3 Make every effort to keep integer, a dolor netus non dui aliquet, sagikttiisn gdoemt. Ino vf ithaee vaevl, ewinsi? a"t, id praesent libero the unity of the Spirit felis sodales, dolor sociis mauris, vel eu lib2e r oH e cfaaulcleibdus apo crtah eilgde sotavs,e qru,i sque praesent ipsum through the bond of peace. cras. Interdum at. Eget habitasse elementpumla cedf eitrm inen ttuhme pirla cmeriadt stetm,por. Curabitur auctor, 4 Tehste, irpesu ims pounrues pbedoed pyo rtatintodr c loasnse, u t, aliquet erat mollis sed fusce, turpis vivamus a dictumst 3 and said, "Amen, I say to Spisreidt, a juuctsotr, aimsp eyrdoieut awrceu rpeer diam dapibus congue magnis. Aliquam amet ullamcorper you, unless you turn and callliebedro t dou iso. nEneim h eoropse in v e l , v o lu tp a t n e c leo, dignissim molestie, gravida mollis. Tortor vitae become like children, you will whteemnp yoroibuu sw sceerleeri scquael lneedc.; tortor eros wisi facilisis. Consectetuer arcu not enter the kingdom of We will all be changed by 5 one ALco drodlo,r oacn aed ipfaisictihng, aomneet b ibendum ipsum ornare pellentesque, feugiat at. Aptent heaven. Adiam condimentum bapnutillsamm, ;m assa lacus molestie ut libero nec, diam morbi nibh mauris a, tortor eu vel vel suscipit. Purus in consectetuer Proin in 4 Whoever humbles himself the victory of our Lord 6 oent,e p hGareotrda saondadle sF eagteht, eferu goiaft aulllal,m corper id Donec quam, erat ut vel cursus. Praesent sapien. Fusce urna magna,neque like this child is the greatest in tempor eget id vitae. Mauris pretium eget integer leo orci aliquam, nibh a. Diam nobis eget lacus. Maecenas felis nunc who is over all Jesus Christ aliquet, lectus tincidunt. Porttitor mollis libtehroe kineggdeto, emra to nfa thoqeuae vinetenge.r fringilla viverra. aliquam ac con s e(cqfu. a1t C voirt 1a5e:.51-58) and through all and in all. AAIF IS A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION, REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF NEBRASKA The ARK May 2012 [1] Volume 23 Edition 5 PHOTOS FROM THE In 2010, the AAIF Biennial Conference was held at Holy 2010 AAIF BIENNIAL Wisdom Monastery near Madison, Wisconsin. AAIF Members and people CONFERENCE interested in ecumenism will gather from July 13- 15, 2012 for our 2012 AAIF Biennial Conference to be held at CSB/ SJU in Collegeville, MN mjg © Libbye Montgomery speaks with other AAIF Members mjg © Interchurch Child Contents: Pages 1 & 3-7 "Who is the greatest in the Page 21 Building On Forty Years Of kingdom of heaven?" Dialogue By Father Ernest Pages 7 & 8 Applying Christ’s suggestion to be Falardeau, SSS more like children to our lived Pages 22- 23 “101 WAYS TO MAKE A POSITIVE experience and mission as IMPACT” by the ADL Interchurch Families Page 24 Ecumenical Realities - Martin E. Pages 8 - 13 Children have a natural curiosity: Marty at the University of Chicago Ways to be a more curious, Page 25 The 2012 AAIF Biennial some suggestions based on the Conference: Speakers & Campus inspired ideas by Darren Rowse links Page 13 Communities Working together to Page 26 The 2012 AAIF Biennial create something positive Conference: Registration Form Page 14 “Lateral Thinking” and Problem Page 27 Optional Tours at AAIF Conference Solving to find unity Page 28 Conference Fees for attendees Pages 15 - 16 Biblical Reflections and Prayers: Page 29 Waiver Form “Changed by the Servant Christ” Pages 30 - 34 Benedictine Thought and Values in Page 16 “The Single Story” a Welcoming Community Page 16 Prayer for a gathering of Page 35 Hymn of Promise Christians seeking Christian Unity Page 36 “The Work of God” in the world Page 17 The Parable of the Good around us and how we encounter Samaritan that of God through our Pages 17 - 19 A Review of the Film: “The Visitor” interactions with others Page 20 Interchurch Families: Ecumenical Page 36 Many Thanks are being given to Instruments by Ruth Reardon everyone who made this edition of the ARK possible The ARK May 2012 [2] Volume 23 Edition 5 Changed by the Servant Christ "Who is the We must look for the positive God is present, but God allows aspects of what it means to be a us to explore and to learn from child because I believe that Christ our mistakes. God gives us a greatest in the is asking for us to remember and sense of curiosity. to reflect on those aspects from kingdom of us as adults as we relate to God I have observed children hard at in this world. their work which is what we, as heaven?" adults, call play. Children are busy learning about important things in The world is new and freshly Whoever humbles himself like this their environment and about how viewed from their perspective. child is the greatest in the the world works. Much of their Children seem to be in awe and kingdom of heaven. time is spent in experimentation wonder of the world, and they From these Bible lines we learn enjoy sharing this joy with those and in physically interacting with from Christ’s own words that: people around them even with their environment. Children have a natural curiosity. their simple vocabulary. The word, Greatness in the kingdom of “Leaf, Leaf,Leaf” until our heaven is measured not by rank attention is brought to view a I have observed brief moments of or power but by childlikeness. wonderful leaf, part of God’s frustration in children when their vocabulary isn’t adequately creation. The question has to do with rank present yet so the child is unable in the church, where the kingdom to express their needs, but they Another child, equally curious is manifested here and now, feel needs as any human being about the world around them may although only partially and by would. Fortunately, this is rather draw our attention to every light anticipation of the Heavenly short lived and often fixture that lights the path along Kingdom of which John the accompanied by an attentive the route we are walking along. Baptist has been preaching about parent who has been watching As adults, we may have become in the desert of Judea referenced over them to see what it is for immune to how ordinary that light to in Matthew Chapter 3:1-2 and which they might be in need. fixture is and even to the function to which Christ refers to in Sometimes, young children get it performs. The act of having it Matthew 4:17. tired, extremely tired by this work pointed out to us at each location of exploring their new world so a on our path brings it to our The lines invite us to reflect on nap is required; attentive parents attention closely although we, as the innocence of children and seem to be able to recognize adults may usually take it for what this means for us as these signs and to find an granted. The interaction between Christians. Children by necessity appropriate place for them to the child and the adult is one of have a complete dependence on, sleep. those moments when, as we and trust in, their parents, and so reflect back on it, we may take must be the disciples in Little children have wonderfully note of the presence of God all relationship to God. expressive faces with which they around us in our daily lives. God can demonstrate their tastes or is there in the relationship that is We are being asked to share in preferences in food. No words are being forged between the child this kind of relationship today too. needed at these moments to be and the adult too. God is using How can we be like children now able to express their personal the child to remind us of the that we are grown adults? food tastes. wonder of creation and the many gifts and talents that God has Children bring to the relationship It seems that young children learn given to us so that we can create with their parents their own gifts a great deal through silent and do things within God’s of being and this is the part that observation of the social Creation. How we use our time we must remember. interactions going on about them and talents is for us to discern? to the extent that I have heard The ARK May 2012 [3] Volume 23 Edition 5 Changed by the Servant Christ "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. adults often wonder aloud what times photos of themselves with non-verbal toddlers must be their friends. Their arms wrapped thinking. The child appears to be over each other’s shoulders as a so focused. sign of the bond they are sharing in that singular moment. Perhaps Since children view and interact they enjoy viewing this image of with the world they explore in a God even without having heard completely non-judgmental way, the theology behind what this may be an exercise for us to motivates it. undertake as adults as we seek to follow Christ’s advice for us found Recently some adults were asked, in Matthew 18:4 “How can we be more like children?” The person who There is another thing that I posed the question set the tone noticed in children recently that I for the responses by beginning mjg have enjoyed immeasurably. They the answers with their own,“I say © seem to seek out joy and humor. I finger painting but no one have seen this in laughter and seems to agree so I’m curious. Then back to the original question giggles. I have seen this when What do you think?” with a more serious they try to initiate playful response,”Make everyday play interactions with the adults around The next answer immediately took day, don't worry, be free, loosen them for no other reason other a more serious turn,” Stop your mind, and enjoy the time.” than to enjoy the contact and the judging people by the color of presence of that adult. Certainly, their skin and their religious Our time is limited, and as adults there is something holy in the beliefs.” we realize this. At the point when contact and presence of we stop telling our age by holding interacting and being with others The next post switched back for a our hand up to tell our age using simply to enjoy their being in a moment to the playfulness we had our fingers to express the number pleasant and wholesome just read before, ”Be joyous and of years of age we have so far, interaction like play. vulnerable and live in the and also when we still feel moment... Say "ta da" and twirl inclined to indicate our age in We have been told that we were a lot. ;-)” This one garnered a halves or quarters, it may be at created in God’s image. I have direct comment, “and singing in that point that we start to realize observed through my volunteer the rain..worked for Gene that our time is limited in some work that all children love to see Kelly! :D” way. I have a dear friend who photos of themselves and often information for PLEASE SEE WWW.AIFUSA.ORG Please contact: Dave and AAIF: Carol Natella who are the Co-Chairs for AAIF Are you interested in For membership for information about how to meeting and talking to information and other form a City chapter in your other interchurch families pertinent updates: area or how to find the AAIF in your city between AAIF Biennial Conferences? City Chapter closest to you. The ARK May 2012 [4] Volume 23 Edition 5 Changed by the Servant Christ "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. goes around asking people to watchful care of their parents and Another suggestion for how to be guess her age. They always caregivers. more like a child,”Drawing on guess that she is about 70 years walls too or no?” Budding old or so. She loves to tell people The other aspect of being human Michel Angelo’s? God has given that she is now 94. She has such is that we have biological all of us a gift of creativity. Our a balanced and positive attitude functions that allow us to survive. parents may not be too pleased that it seems very much like the We must have food and water. about which wall we may have joy that a child has in telling you We must eat. Babies must eat so chosen to mark up or with which their age. they can grow and there is a kind of permanent marker we natural and normal biological may have selected. Our taste and She has always been a loving outcome from this process. This skill in artistic expression may not person. She seems to be driven is part of being human. match the tastes of our extended by love. How she shows love is a Parents are no doubt extremely family, but over time they may lived example of how God works involved in this aspect of the care come to “rather like” those marks through us in our ordinary lives. I of a child on a daily basis to the we put on the wall. If our recognize that she has retained extent that some of the first creativity is allowed to be the aspects of being like a child conversations with a child, of developed, we may grow into and that most of us seek so that we necessity, deals with the become a fine artist who has can fully enjoy this life. Her biological functions of their something to share and to offer to giggles about having attained the bodies and “potty training.” This is the world. Then those doodles on age of 94 may be a form of all a part of being human. In the wall will become priceless to gratitude to God that she shares talking to the parents of young more people than just that child’s with everyone. children, they readily and freely parents. discuss potty training with anyone Our time may be blocked out into who is willing to listen. Another person suggested that segments or into expectations by while marking on the wall the age groupings. At the far other end of our lives, child would “of course! all while we may experience other Our time is very limited. We only aspects of being humbled have so much time in which we by being human and mjg have available for us to © dependent once again on accomplish what we may have the care of others. We live set up as goals. Children are not in a cycle of humbling bound by this kind of thinking. experiences that are Children do seem to live each unique to our shared day and each moment to the experience of being fullest; this we may want to human. Underlying all of replicate as much as we can. these experiences of Another entry on how to be more humility may actually be a like children made what at first key for finding ways to seemed like a far more playful bond and to mature fully suggestion,”Stick play dough up into the role we are our noses and poo on things.” seeking as Christians, and in our case Christians Then I thought about the nature seeking the unity that of children. They explore the Christ and God have limits of everything in an effort to wished for us. see how the world works. Of course, this is done under the The ARK May 2012 [5] Volume 23 Edition 5 Changed by the Servant Christ "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. mjg © singing can you tell me how to sinful because we have made get, how to get to Sesame choices that meet their Street!” (Please note: I have disapproval. However, children never seen anyone on Sesame have the great ability to point Street encourage marking on the out what should be obvious to wall, but the TV Program does everyone and yet no one is encourage singing and pure fun talking about the obvious. for children.) I heard that one little boy went I have observed that children love right over to a man in a to sing and to dance. They love to wheelchair and stated to that sing in a group, songs that paraplegic man, “You can’t go everyone seems to know. They up and down stairs, can you?” seem to find joy in music much as adults find joy in music. If any The man in the wheelchair was greater message is within this actually pleased by his Children often don’t know how to suggestion, it would be to fill our observation and told him that say the words “thank you,” yet. lives with song, community and there were ramps and elevators joy. for him to use instead, which They show their appreciation in pleased the child. Many people in other ways. They want to cuddle Another person suggested, wheelchairs or with disabilities into their parents arms. They want “Don’t judge people just cause struggle to make people aware of you to read to them again, and they aren’t the same as you.” I their needs. If a child can observe again as they cuddle by your side. do see an openness in children this issue, then what happens to They want you to lift them up so and a curiosity about everything us as we age? they can see out of the window. and everyone. Their questions They want to show a favorite toy have a genuine quality of curiosity If the child wants candy just or a drawing to you so that you and there is no hidden agenda before a meal and the parent can admire it. They want you to behind their questions. believes that it is not in the child’s interact with them; they want you Oh well, as I say that I also need best interest, the child may to be present with them where to note that with limited protest. However, we would not they are in the world they are in. vocabulary sometimes, children expect a young child to debate ask adults questions for which the decision and the grounds for In this way, you as an adult are they already know the answer the decision that the parent has being invited to go with the flow simply to engage the adult in made. and to be in the moment with that some kind of a dialog with them. child. This is how children show This is an invitation to play. Then it was suggested if we are gratitude for your presence when to be more like a child that we they have no words to say, “I am Children are quite gifted at should “go with the flow, live for thankful for your being.” They will exposing that “Huge Elephant the moment... and count your show you this by what they do in Sitting in the Room” that no one many blessings!” their own way, but adults must be else is willing to talk about. attentive to what it is that they are Although I suspect that the last being shown. If a child asks a simple question part was more of an afterthought. about why we might do something Gratitude and appreciation are Then, one person noted all of the a certain way that is all they want important. curiosity and natural awe that to know. They will not come back children have as a positive in judgment to tell us that we are attribute. Children fall down and The ARK May 2012 [6] Volume 23 Edition 5 Changed by the Servant Christ "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. get right back up in their efforts to like this young child is the one Christian congregation, there learn a new skill like “How to that is the greatest in the is no place for competitive walk.” She observed an kingdom of the heavens.” strife or pride. innocence found in children as they explore all of the possibilities see: Matthew 18:1-5 (see Galatians 5:26) “only faith that may exist all around them to 1 At that time the disciples working through love” matters. If examine and to admire; things approached Jesus and said, a Christian had formerly been a that no longer seem to even "Who is the greatest in the Jew or a Pagan was of no catch the attention of adults. She kingdom of heaven?" significance to God, but faith and felt that the only real mistake that 2 He called a child over, placed it love matters. adults may be making is when in their midst, they assume that they have all of 3 and said, "Amen, I say to you, In fact, these are the very traits the answers which prevents them unless you turn and become like that prompted Satan the Devil from being able to be more like a children, you will not enter the to rebel against God in the first child, and this she perceived to kingdom of heaven. place. be a real problem for adults and 4 Whoever humbles himself like how we engage with each other this child is the greatest in the See: Proverbs 8:13 - and our environment. kingdom of heaven. God’s Word Translation (© 1995) 5 And whoever receives one To fear the LORD is to hate The last entry about “How can we child such as this in my name evil. I hate pride, arrogance, become more like children?” receives me. evil behavior, and twisted referred us back to the Bible: speech. What a profound object lesson His words are recorded at in humility. Picture the scene. True Christians seek to serve, Matthew 18:3,4. A group of large, solemn adult not to exercise power. men surrounding one small Jesus sat down, called the child, their eyes firmly fixed on No matter how unpleasant the disciples to him, and said: “If the child. How timid and task or how lowly the recipient, anyone wants to be first, he trusting the child was! How true humility moves us to must be last of all and minister free of rivalry and malice! How minister to others. Such of all.” (Mark 9:35) submissive and unassuming! humble service brings rich Yes, the little child beautifully rewards. These words likely epitomized the godly quality of dumbfounded them. Jesus’ humility. Says Jesus: reasoning directly contradicted English Standard Version (©2001) Jewish notions of greatness! Become like children: the child is “Whoever receives one such held up as a model for the child in my name receives me, Jesus then called a little child disciples not because of any and whoever receives me, to his side. Warmly embracing supposed innocence of children receives not me but him who the child, and he drove home but because of their complete sent me.” Mark 9:37 his point: dependence on, and trust in, their parents. So must the disciples Cultivating a generous, “Truly I say to you, Unless you be, in respect to God. humble, childlike spirit unites turn around and become as us with the highest Personage young children, you will by no Jesus’ point is clear. All of us in the universe and his Son. means enter into the kingdom must cultivate childlike (see John 17:20, 21; 1 Peter of the heavens. Therefore, humility if we are to inherit 5:5) whoever will humble himself God’s Kingdom. In the The ARK May 2012 [7] Volume 23 Edition 5 Changed by the Servant Christ "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. We will reap the happiness that “In the Christian congregation, show our gratitude by our actions comes from giving. there is no place for competitive and deeds. We enjoy being and (Acts 20:35) strife or pride.” other human beings, recognizing (see Galatians 5:26) that it is through our interactions And we have the satisfaction of with others that we are able to contributing to the peace and Our lived experience as encounter God. We are social unity evident among God’s interchurch families bears witness beings who like to gather in people. to the truth of this statement community. (Ephesians 4:1-3) based on Galatians 5:26 and Ephesians 4:1-3 Developmentally, as children of The author only signed their God, we may be at different name as “Perryman.” I found this Living lives more like children stages from others so we allow last entry to be very well allows us to be more open to for that; we do not judge others, articulated and I wish to thank God’s presence in our lives and because they are at a different “Perryman.” less rigidly bound by rules as they place in their religious may have been interpreted for us understanding and development. through some kind of an In return, we ask for the same Now our task is intermediary or by our cultural space so that we can encounter customs of this time period or God as God intends to be to apply Christ’s “social mores” of this era or any revealed to us as we have read in era. the Bible it will for God to do suggestion to be these things. As childlike beings, we explore more like children our world to seek possibilities and We value the insight and input potential. We do not form others may be able to give us if it to our lived opinions before we have is given to us in a respectful and thoroughly examined something loving way. experience and and everything directly for ourselves. We see that God This sharing of knowledge and mission as allows us to sing, play and dance experience may help us to grow. in joyful celebration for our having This is yet another way to find Interchurch been created or simply to jump that of God. for joy as a child might jump for Families: joy. We may encourage others to Planting “seeds” for Christian jump along with us, especially if Unity and growing in our we are childlike and at play. We understanding of hospitality is First let’s look back at the newly invite others to share our joy and important to us. introduced Bible verses: celebration. ~M.J. Glauber  “And we have the satisfaction of We ask questions without having contributing to the peace and a hidden agenda behind them. unity evident among God’s We live in awe of creation. We people.” Ephesians 4:1-3. share this awe and joy verbally Children Have A and through our actions with This is our role as Christians to those around us. Natural Curiosity: create peace and unity. Although we are able to say Children Have A Natural Curiosity: Perryman has pointed out that “thank you,” we are more likely to Some Suggestions based on the inspired ideas of Darren Rowse for Ways to be more Curious The ARK May 2012 [8] Volume 23 Edition 5 Changed by the Servant Christ Children Have A Natural Curiosity: Some Suggestions based on the inspired ideas of Darren Rowse for Ways to be more Curious Some Ask “What if?” Suggestions -Turn based on the questions into quests. inspired ideas of -Learn from others Darren Rowse for Ways to be mjg © more Curious interchurch families, ecumenists Who is Darren Rowse? A and those who are seeking Unity. Are there exceptions to these creative photographer. rules? Why were these rules Not an ecumenist? No, not that I Please be curious enough to read made and for what purpose were am aware of. Although he may and to know the rules yourself. these rules made? What be. He is a photographer. We are examining the role of perceived needs do these rules Is he in an interchurch curiosity and seeking solutions meet? Is what you are hearing marriage? I don’t know. which may exist in ideas that we actually what the rule says or is it How can a photographer talk haven’t considered yet. hearsay? As the rule is being about “interchurch families” related to you will it affect any and ecumenism? He is inspired In the case of interchurch minority group adversely? Have and creative. Although Darren families, we are often presented the rules been interpreted Rowse is speaking about with conflicting rules, multiple correctly in the various becoming a more curious rules, misinterpreted rules, layers translations of the Bible? Do the photographer, many of his ideas of rules that may have existed at rules help us to love one another? apply to life in general: one time, rules that have been Do the rules serve to foster filtered through some kind of compassion? cultural system before they even 1. Don’t be held Captive by ‘the Rules’ ... get to our ears. 2.Ask Questions “Rules are a great thing to know “Curious photographers are (and use) – however the curious Be wary of the source of the always asking questions. photographer often takes great rules. Do the rules help to foster Questions of other shots because they not only know real communication and photographers, questions about the rules but because they set out understanding across what have their own work, questions about to break them.” been traditional barriers? When their cameras, questions of their were the rules made? Have the subjects etc” rules been updated recently? Okay, I am not telling people to break the rules, but did I get your Whose rules are they? Do these “As a result they often learn attention? Remember that Darren rules serve to help us to remove things about their art (and Rowse is talking about barriers and to be more easily themselves) that the rest of us photography; his discussion is able to love our neighbor as don’t and their work improves being adapted for use by ourselves? because of it.” The ARK May 2012 [9] Volume 23 Edition 5 Changed by the Servant Christ Children Have A Natural Curiosity: Some Suggestions based on the inspired ideas of Darren Rowse for Ways to be more Curious (CONTINUED) behind the questions. Taking your using this technique to focus on Even for interchurch families and questions to the next level like this and to improve his photography, couples, there is room for us to may not always be fruitful but at the technique helps to give learn from each other. We also times it’ll lead you on journeys of direction and focus to other need community among discovery to unexpected places.” projects that need to be studied interchurch families and all of the and understood in greater depth. pastors who serve us; we need a “Set yourself quests and Interchurch Families and community where ideas can be challenges for your photography. I Ecumenists may consider this inspired, and in which positive occasionally set myself a list of practice as studying a concept in solutions tend to flow greater breath or depth. freely. We are called to look for that of God in the face of others 5. Learn from Others and to learn from each other. 3. Ask ‘What if…’ “While sometimes the “One of the key best way to learn is by questions you should trying, making mistakes mjg © get in the habit of and then trying again – asking is ‘what if’?” sometimes it’s more effective to find “Curious people don’t someone else who has just ask questions – already tried, made they also come up mistakes and tried with solutions.” again to help you avoid the pitfalls of Solutions!?! Goals!?! photography.” This is a great idea. What about Christian Interchurch Couples Unity? What will it have found talking to look like? What if...? mentor couples helpful Looking at things in the past. We find our from a new or a AAIF Biennial different perspective Conferences to be or in a new light or informative, asking the same encouraging, and questions with slightly supportive of us as we different terminology make our way along that may get a this journey. The completely different community of other answer. interchurch families and Patens and Chalice at “the Cloisters” which of ecumenists inspires date from the Middle Ages being viewed us at these biennial 4.‘Turn Questions by a visitor to that NYC museum. interchurch families into Quests’ conferences. “Asking ‘what if…’ (and photos that I want to capture in an other questions) is not enough, afternoon or will have a week 6. Put disconnected ideas Rowse explains. “Keep a record where I explore a theme.” together of the questions that you ask Interchurch Families might refer to Darren Rowse explains, “Edward yourself and keep coming back to this study as topics or we might De Bono has a lot of different them from time to time to attempt also use the term “Theme” as exercises that help people to find a solution to the problems well. Although Darren Rowse is develop lateral thinking skills.” The ARK May 2012 [10] Volume 23 Edition 5

erat mollis sed fusce, turpis vivamus a dictumst congue magnis. Waiver Form. Pages 30 - 34 mystery, a blend of technique and instinct for which
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