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International Standard Serial Number: ISSN 1943-6467 (print) K ISSN 2160-682X (online) http://www.interchurchfamilies.org/aaif/ARKJan2011Volume22Edition1.pdf R MAY 2011 A VOLUME 22 EDITION 5 e h Interchurch Families: Christian Unity Made Visible in our Households T ! © Copyright 2011 AAIF all rights reserved The ARK, a Publication of the American Association of Interchurch Families “A prayer that God might be one and might be saved.” For all Christians then being able to share change our minds and hearts so this Eucharistic prayer is what that the obstacles to visible unites us. Father Falardeau points unity might be removed by out Cardinal Kasper’s book: Sacrament of Unity: The Eucharist God’s grace, forgiveness and and the Church in which he “speaks the gift of the Holy Spirit.” of the “ecumenism of life”, by which Father Ernest Falardeau explains he means the prayer needed that “This “epicletic” dimension of throughout the year that we might the Eucharist, the work of the Holy make ecumenism real in our lives. Spirit, is at the heart of the He quotes the Second Vatican Eucharist we offer. All other prayers Council’s Decree on Ecumenism have their beginning and summit in saying that the heart of the the prayer of Christ that we might ecumenical movement is spiritual ecumenism.” (Please see page 2) Spiritual Ecumenism Make plans now to attend the next as a way of life AAIF Biennial Conference to be held in 2012 2011 Please see www.aifusa.org for on-going updates The ARK May 2011 page 1 Volume 22, Edition 5 AAIF IS A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION, REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF NEBRASKA Continuing the theme we began during this year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: Ecumenical Corner shelter. They held everything in life”, by which he means the common and shared what they prayer needed throughout the Praying with the had and what was needed (Acts year that we might make Church of 2: 42-45). ecumenism real in our lives. He quotes the Second Vatican Jerusalem The Eucharist (breaking of Council’s Decree on Ecumenism They devoted themselves to the bread) was the heart of the saying that the heart of the apostle’ teaching and fellowship, liturgical life of the Jerusalem ecumenical movement is spiritual to the breaking of bread and the community. It still is. The ecumenism. The living of the prayers (Acts 2:42) Eucharist is not simply ritual, Christian life to the full, drawing something that is made by near our Savior Jesus Christ, is The leaders of the Christian human hands. As St. Isidore of the heart of the movement for churches of Jerusalem were Seville pointed out, it is God’s Christian unity. This is making asked to prepare the theme and “good gift” (Isidore’s translation ecumenism a spirituality, a way reflection for this year’s Week of for eucharistia ) by which we are of life, and a visible reality. If we Prayer for Christian Unity. The able to give worthy thanks to spend the Week of Prayer in this initial work of the Jerusalem God. The Eucharist is not way, we will be implementing the group was further developed by something that is added to the prayer of the churches of the World Council of Churches saving sacrifice of Jesus on Jerusalem in apostolic times and and the Vatican’s Pontifical Calvary; it is that very sacrifice, today. We will be making unity Council for Promoting Christian offered “once for all” (Heb real and visible, while waiting in Unity. On December 7, 1965, 10:10). It is his sacrifice which hope for the coming in glory of Pope Paul VI met the becomes the offering of the Christ and his kingdom. Ecumenical Patriarch Church and each Christian. Athenagoras of Constantinople in the wake of the Second The prayers that we offer are not Father Ernest Falardeau Vatican Council, and consigned a nostalgia for the unity of the to oblivion the mutual early church of Jerusalem. It is a excommunications of 1054 and prayer that God might change prayed for Christian unity. The our minds and hearts so that the impetus of that meeting obstacles to visible unity might continues to move the Christians be removed by God’s grace, of Jerusalem to work and pray forgiveness and the gift of the for an ever deeper unity among Holy Spirit. This “epicletic” all Christians. dimension of the Eucharist, the work of the Holy Spirit, is at the United in Hope heart of the Eucharist we offer. All other prayers have their What keeps the churches of beginning and summit in the Jerusalem united and hopeful for prayer of Christ that we might be greater unity? It is the word of one and might be saved. God (didache) which the early Jerusalem church received from the apostles and passed on mjg © (tradition) to succeeding Ecumenism of Life generations. The description of Cardinal Walter Kasper in the fellowship (koinonia) which Sacrament of Unity: The the early Christians exemplify, Eucharist and the Church (New Blue Hyacinth in bloom consisted in seeing that no one York: Crossroad, 2004, p. 57-83) was wanting in food, clothing and speaks of the “ecumenism of The ARK May 2011 page 2 Volume 22, Edition 5 CBS ENTERTAINMENT- RELEASED THIS ANNOUNCEMENT SOON AFTER THE 2008 AAIF BIENNIAL CONFERENCE IN LOUISVILLE 08.26.2008 "CHRISTIAN UNITY," AN INTERFAITH RELIGION SPECIAL, TO BE BROADCAST SUNDAY, SEPT. 21 2008 [Old News reviewed] ON THE CBS TELEVISION NETWORK CHRISTIAN UNITY, an interfaith religion special, will be broadcast Sunday, Sept. 21, 2008 on the CBS Television Network. Over the centuries Christians have split into many groups, not always on friendly terms. Christian Unity is an ongoing attempt to bring Roman Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Eastern and Oriental Orthodox into further dialogue and cooperation. This year The Annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity celebrates its 100th anniversary in this country. The Graymoor Spiritual Life Center, in Garrison, N.Y. is a Roman Catholic Community that is home to the Franciscan Friars and Sisters of the Atonement and where Christian unity is encouraged year-round. The group sponsors its annual "Week of Prayer" during the month of January, to encourage Christian unity, which a tenth century Abbot described as a, "unity that Christ wills, as he wills and when he wills". Rev. James J. Gardiner, SA, is director of the Graymoor Spiritual Life Center, and he offers an historical perspective on the center's significant contributions to the ecumenical movement. The program also includes interviews with the Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon, General Secretary of the National Council of Churches, a leading voice in ecumenism and the state of the movement today, and with Rev. George A. Kilcourse, professor of theology at Bellarmine University, Louisville, Ky., author of Double Belonging: Interchurch Families and Christian Unity, and a pioneering voice in the field of ecumenical marriages. He joined by a colleague, Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty, Associate Professor of Theology at Bellarmine, who adds her perspective. We explore Louisville, Ky., a southern, Bible-belt community where the ecumenical spirit thrives. We learn how the city effectively embraced the idea of unity among Christian denominations, not only through community outreach but also in helping to bridge racial divides. The Rev. Joe Phelps, Pastor of Highland Baptist Church, is interviewed alongside Rev. Clay Calloway, Associate Minister of St. Stephen's Baptist Church, as they talk about "No Murders Metro," an inter- denominational campaign they created to raise awareness about local homicides. Rev. Phelps says, "We've found common cause in our faith, and in the issues that face us as people across the denominational and racial lines that unite us. " Also featured is Rev. Lincoln Bingham, Pastor, St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church, who has devoted much of his religious life to the ministry of reconciliation. As co-chairman of the Greater Louisville Christian Reconciliation Ministries, he is quoted as saying, "What we do helps to open eyes. When I get in a dialogue with a ministerial group of different denominational affiliation my understanding is opened and broadened." CHRISTIAN UNITY reveals the wishes of many that the one Christian faith be fully united once again. John P. Blessington is the executive producer; Liz Kineke is the producer. The special is produced with the cooperation of The National Council of Churches, The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, The Islamic Society of North American, the Union for Reform Judaism and The New York Board of Rabbis. In the January and February issues of the ARK this year, several suggestions were included for ways that we might be able to keep that ecumenical dialogue on-going in our own communities. Please share your journeys and stories with other ARK readers. Please send your written stories to the ARK: [email protected] The ARK May 2011 page 3 Volume 22, Edition 5 “So that you might have hope” Here is the link for the February 2011 edition of the ARK: http://www.interchurchfamilies.org/aaif/ARKFeb2011Volume22Edition2.pdf preside at the wedding, since together on a regular basis to Ecumenism they are usually marriages try to better understand how it outside of Mass. could affect their own practice in in the future. In those cases where a couple would like to be married in a “Unfortunately, many couples interchurch non-Catholic facility, permission who do this tell me they feel from the archbishop must be more welcomed at the non- marriage obtained. The Catholic party in Catholic liturgy than at the the wedding is asked to sign a Mass. The non-Catholic often by Rich Heffern document indicating the feels like an outsider while the Nov. 27, 2009 intention to teach the children Catholic is welcomed at the about the Catholic faith. In non-Catholic liturgy.” those cases where the non- Reprinted with permission from Catholic party is not baptized, a In the Savannah, Ga., diocese, Rich Heffern of the National dispensation must be obtained an area where Catholics are Catholic Reporter through the chancery, fewer in numbers, the split according to Merritt. between Catholic and interfaith When Steve and Jo Ann marriages is about even, said Schweitzer, a Cincinnati couple Merritt said that there are as Pat Brown, a sister of St. Mary in a Catholic-Presbyterian many interchurch marriages of Namur and director of the marriage, first presented family life office. “From 1998 to a workshop 13 years ago 2009 pretty consistently we on what canon law still have had almost 50/50 refers to as “mixed mjg © Catholic and interfaith marriages,” one couple marriages. In 2009 there were attended. Today similar 236 Catholic marriages and workshops draw 75 178 interfaith marriages. In the couples or more. Hispanic community we find most of the marriages are Deacon Fred Merritt of Catholic.” the Cincinnati archdiocese’s family life She said marriage preparation office told NCR he in the diocese does not focus estimates that nearly 40 specifically on or offer a percent of marriages special session for interfaith there are interchurch. couples, “although that would be ideal. Many of our couples “We approach these find it difficult to schedule even marriages like any the one-day workshops since marriage. The couple many are military, students or requests a wedding date young professionals, so we at the parish and then haven’t offered an additional they enter into the parish’s between Catholics who seldom workshop for them. We do specific marriage preparation attend Mass as there are with encourage discussion of process.” those who frequently attend. “I spirituality, religious values and find that many times the decisions around raising interchurch engaged couples He said many times a deacon children while respecting each attend each others’ liturgy is asked to prepare and other’s faith.” The ARK May 2011 page 4 Volume 22, Edition 5 “So that you might have hope” Here is the link for the March 2011 edition of the ARK: http://www.interchurchfamilies.org/aaif/ARKMar2011Volume22Edition3.pdf Interdenominational, speaks of the scandal of as brothers, with respect and ecumenical, interreligious, baptized Christians and affection.” interchurch -- all these terms churches being divided, are used. “Some involved in according to Kilcourse. “For Kilcourse said that a pair of ministry prefer ‘interchurch’ that reason, the church steps could move the church because it defines toward healing this division each partner’s with regard to interchurch commitment to marriages. “First, Catholics mjg © remain true to his need to recognize the or her religious integrity with which heritage while interchurch families working to restore constitute a ‘domestic unity among church,’ a church of the home Christian that responds to Christ’s churches,” said universal call to holiness.” Elizabeth Bookser Barkley, professor Second, bishops need to at Cincinnati’s embrace and put into Mount St. Joseph practice all the pastoral College who possibilities envisioned in the writes about Vatican’s 1993 “Directory for Catholic marriage. the Application of Principles irreversibly committed itself to and Norms on Ecumenism.” the visible restoration of full “Whatever you call them, these communion. In the same way, marriages can enrich both “The extraordinary possibility of the council’s reference to ‘the partners and their churches if limited eucharistic sharing is separated brethren’ suffers couples, along with their faith pastoral care especially from misunderstanding. Such a communities, acknowledge relevant for authentically separation or division of early on that they’ll have to interchurch couples. They are Christians implies an anomaly. work to keep both faiths intact.” very different from ‘mixed It is a situation which ought not marriage’ couples because to exist among baptized Couples in interchurch they conscientiously remain persons.” marriages “don’t like to see active in their own church, their marriages treated like participate to varying degrees It’s not that Protestants have problems,” says Fr. George in their spouse’s church, and arrogantly separated Kilcourse, professor of both take an active role in the themselves from the Catholic theology at Bellarmine College religious education of children. church; Catholics and in Louisville, Ky., and founder They bring both extraordinary Protestants alike are victims, of the American Association of gifts and unique needs to the Kilcourse said. Interchurch Families. “The church.” problem is not their marriage, but the division between He cited the words of the Newly married interchurch churches into which they’ve “Decree on Ecumenism,” which couples benefit from open- been baptized. We need to said: “The children who are mindedness, listening to one start putting the emphasis born into these communities another’s religious story, and where it belongs: Christian and who grow up believing in making visible in their churches’ indifference to unity.” Christ cannot be accused of relationship the unity that the sin involved in the Christ wills for the church, separation, and the Catholic The Second Vatican Council’s according to Kilcourse. church embraces upon them “Decree on Ecumenism” The ARK May 2011 page 5 Volume 22, Edition 5 “So that you might have hope” http://www.interchurchfamilies.org/aaif/ARKApril2011Volume22Edition4.pdf “I often remind such couples Source URL: http://ncronline.org/ The purpose of this “Update” that in the marriage rite we news/ecumenism-interchurch- was to “remind the whole marriage affirm, ‘What God has joined, Catholic community of the vital we must not divide.’ In that role interchurch couples can Interchurch sense, we priests and deacons play in working toward full unity who witness interchurch of those whose common bond marriages are defenders of the is Jesus Christ. That these Marriages: bond in a special ecumenical marriages succeed is the sense. The church even concern of us all.” delegates to the Protestant spouse a special ministry in the How to Help The introductory paragraph church -- to see that children notes that “For Catholics about are raised according to the law to set out on the journey of of Christ and the church. In Them marriage with a person of light of Vatican Council II’s another Christian ‘Declaration on Religious denomination, the path ahead Succeed Liberty,’ a Protestant spouse is - may seem fraught with perils: free to make an equivalent dispensations to be obtained, promise as the Catholic about in-laws to placate, serious faith baptizing and then raising the by matters to ponder, such as the child in his/her own church. Elizabeth Bookser Barkley religious education of children.” “So couples need to work out, In this Catholic Update they However, on the other hand, in the context of their unique explain that it is our tendency we are left with a sense of relationship, the religious to often focus on the two hope and of purpose as identity of children in a way that partners in an interchurch interchurch couples and those respects their ecumenical, or marriage, in this article it notes who give them pastoral interchurch, identity.” that it is also a valuable tool support. Why? The article for: family members, friends explains, “... couples who have The council reminded us, and fellow parishioners, as we lived creatively and faithfully, in Kilcourse said, that “whatever reach out to support such a marriage, counsel that is truly Christian never conflicts interchurch couples in their what may look like obstacles with the genuine interests of faith journey. can actually lead to real growth in this exciting journey of love the faith; indeed, it can only This article from “Catholic together.” result in more ample realization Update” notes that “Many of the very mystery of Christ Catholics married to persons of Please note that we are all and the church.” other Christian denominations working toward the same goal feel left out of parish activities and that it is not uncommon Rich Heffern is an NCR staff because they don't fit the that what we have struggled writer. His email address is profile of the "normal" Catholic with the most becomes the [email protected] marriage.” The percentage of best lesson from God. marriages in the Roman reprinted with permission from This article examines what Catholic Church to other Rich Heffern and the National Christian Unity means, why it is Christian denominations is Catholic Reporter important and the role that significant enough that this interchurch families play in this topic should be examined for process for our Church United the potential it holds. This of tomorrow, and that article begins that journey for " reconciled Church “That they the churches. The ARK May 2011 page 6 Volume 22, Edition 5 “So that you might have hope” may be one” that Christ wished at Bellarmine College in interchurch, there may be many for us. ~ John 17:21 Louisville, Kentucky, and author ways to help them to succeed of Ecumenical Marriage. as interchurch couples. Working toward "The problem is not their marriage, but the division Laying the foundations Christian unity between the Churches into which they've been baptized. of unity We need to start putting the Couples in interchurch emphasis where it belongs: By supporting these marriages, marriages “don't like to see Christian Churches' indifference the greater community would their marriages treated like to unity." be moving the churches along problems," says Father George further toward that unity for Kilcourse, professor of theology “Since the Second Vatican which they hope and aspire. Council, one of the most These are the concrete ideas important thrusts of Catholic AAIF for making marriages work. Church teaching has been ecumenism, a vision that some City Chapters & Elizabeth Bookser Barkley day Christian Churches will notes that interchurch families Listening Project return to the unity that marked are living examples of a the early Christian Church. "No Are you interested in Christian Unity for which the place does this occur more meeting and talking to rest of us can only aspire and deeply than in homes where other interchurch should aspire. married Christians of different families in your city Churches live and share the between AAIF Biennial faith, trying to understand what Conferences? Elizabeth Bookser Barkley, they have in common," affirms Ph.D., is a professor of English Father Dohrman Byers, pastor Please See at the College of Mount St. of Old St. Mary's Church in www.aifusa.org for Joseph in Cincinnati. She is the Cincinnati, Ohio.” reports E.B. membership information author of three books and Barkley - 2011 dues are due numerous feature articles. 'What's in a name?' Please see the following link for Please contact: information about how to [email protected] This part of the article will purchase copies of the full or Laura & Franz Green explain why the term article at [email protected] interchurch serves this ministry for information about best. how to form a City http:www.americancatholic.org/ chapter in your area or Eight pointers Newsletters/CU/ac0690.asp how to find the AAIF City Chapter closest to you. for success Reprinted with permission of St. Anthony Messenger AAIF Listening Project Elizabeth Bookser Barkley Please contact: Press, 28 W. Liberty St. , researched and found eight [email protected] for the pointers for success in Cincinnati , OH 45202 . ARK - AAIF Listening Project interchurch marriages. 800-488-0488.!www.americ Materials to be used by your aaif City Chapters. Although there may be no ancatholic.org. ©1990.!All single path for interchurch rights reserved. families to be or to become The ARK May 2011 page 7 Volume 22, Edition 5 “So that you might have hope” IFIN - Interchurch Families International Network: A Report From Around the World - Germany “Kirchentag,” an ecumenical event that is particular to Germany, took place in Munich last year. “Kirchentag” is a significant ecumenical event in Germany. At Munich last year there were 110,000 people who paid for the whole 4 days, and more than 300,000 people who got a day ticket for one of the 4 days that the event was held there. In a very full hall statements Members of the Netzwerk were presented by Bishop Dr. Committee also organised an Jaschke, Bishop Junkermann, Report on the Seminar: ecumenical service for myself, Dr. Moga and Dr. Plisch Separated at the interchurch couples in a the big on the questions: What does table of the one St.Maximilian church with the the Lord’s Supper mean to theme: “Unity despite me? What do the fellowship Lord? everything”. of the Lord’s Supper and held at the Ecumenical Members of the Netzwerk eucharistic hospitality mean Kirchentag in Munich. Committee were involved in to me? What questions do I three panel discussions in large have about the practice of At the Second Ecumenical exhibition halls with an other churches? which were Kirchentag, which attracted audience of more than 5000 then commented on by Prof. Dr. more than 130,000 visitors to people: the panel on which I Otto Hermann Pesch. Munich from the 12 – 16 May, include a report below; the on the theme: So that you panel on the theme: “Pioneers The Catholic Bishop Jaschke might have hope, the German for unity or the ones who are and the Orthodox theologian interchurch families association suffering from the separation of Moga explained that a shared ( N e t z w e r k Ö k u m e n e : the churches? Interchurch eucharist and the unity of the Konfessionsverbindende Paare families as domestic Church”; Church belong closely together, und Familien in Deutschland) and the panel on “Living today while the Lutheran Bishop was responsible for the first the Church of tomorrow”. Junkermann said: It is the time for seven events: And other members of the same Lord in whom we are We had a stand in the Agora in Netzwerk organized an act of united by our Baptism, who Hall 6 of the Exhibition Centre, worship in the exhibition hall. invites us to His table. In his where fifteen couples in turns commentary the Catholic ran the stand, and another I was invited to take part in the theologian Pesch called for stand in the Icesports Centre, a seminar held on the 14 May: believers to make a decision big hall where the international Separated at the table of the according to their conscience. movement of Christian one Lord? Considering the He pointed to interchurch communities “Together for Lord’s Supper and the couples and families as the Europe” held events for a whole Eucharist. nucleus of the future church day. community. And Dorothea The ARK May 2011 page 8 Volume 22, Edition 5 “So that you might have hope” IFIN News continued Sattler, Director of the View into one of the large convention halls with a sign "HALLE Ecumenical Institute in UBERFULLT, " which in English means "the hall is full, no more seats". In the hall C1 of the Exhibition Centre, where seminar No 6 took place, there Münster, explained that work were seats for 5000 people. Since it was full, there was a need for the sign was ongoing towards a "Halle uberfullt" as shown below. Also note the extremely large number of common definition of the hopeful people desiring to be able to get in who had to be turned away. Lord’s Supper and the ! Eucharist. In my own statement I said among other things that we h a d g i v e n u p t a k i n g Communion at both the Lord’s Supper and the Eucharist for 20 years, as we did not want to participate separately. We had married in a Catholic church in 1965 as my husband would otherwise have been excluded from the sacraments of his own church. Our three children were baptised Catholics. After the First Communion of our youngest daughter I went to our Catholic priest and showed him the results of the theological dialogue, after which we were invited to share the Eucharist at Mass. There are still couples who suffer through not being invited together to the Eucharist and the Lord’s Supper. Shared pastoral care by the churches is so rarely possible. (Friday 16:00 – 17:30 Hall C1, # I finished by saying: At least Exhibition Centre) interchurch couples and families should be officially (Rosmarie Lauber, Methodist / invited to participate fully in Statement for Seminar No 6 husband RC / 3 adult children the Eucharist and the Lord’s RC) Supper, as an essential part Separated at the of their Christian marriage What does the Lord’s and family life. table of the one Supper mean to me? Lord? So that you might have hope? The Lord’s Supper is an Don’t let’s give up hope! Considering the important element of my faith. In the celebration of the Lord’s Lord’s Supper and Rosmarie Lauber Supper Christ offers himself to the Eucharist. us for the forgiveness of our Translation by Melanie Finch sins. The ARK May 2011 page 9 Volume 22, Edition 5 “So that you might have hope” IFIN News continued In the celebration we experience the fellowship of our church community. What do the fellowship of the Lord’s Supper and eucharistic hospitality mean to me? We were married in 1965 and we have always attended worship together, alternate weeks in each of our churches. We experienced great suffering when for 20 years we had to give up taking Communion at the Lord’s Supper or at Mass, as we both found it impossible to do so on our own. We only shared the Eucharist together at the interchurch families conference in Neresheim. After our daughter’s First Communion I could no longer bear being excluded from the Eucharist. Following an invitation from our Catholic priest we have taken Communion together at Mass since 1985. We do the same in my church at the Lord’s Supper. The results of the dialogue between the churches have been a great help. What questions do I have about the practice of other churches? Although the theological dialogues have brought a wide measure of agreement on the theology of marriage as well as the Lord’s Supper and the Eucharist, the Catholic bishops have not taken any further the decrees on interchurch marriage given by Rome through the Ecumenical Directory (1993) or the paper from the Ecumenical Commission of the German Bishops’ Conference on the question of eucharistic hospitality with regard to interchurch couples and families (1997). Interchurch families suffer from the fact that they are not officially invited to Communion. They often have difficulties in finding a church community where they feel at home. Many stay away from the church, because for them the most important expression of Christian marriage and family life is not officially granted. Shared pastoral care to interchurch couples is so rarely possible. At least interchurch couples and families should be officially invited to participate fully in the Eucharist and the Lord’s Supper, as an essential part of their Christian marriage and family life. ~ Rosmarie Lauber Translation into English by Melanie Finch *** Kirchentag Dresden 1-5th June 2011 *** http://www.kirchentag.de/ If you are interested, or require further information, please contact Birte by email " fischer_birte(at)web.de. To secure a place you need to give Name/Address/Telephone/Date of Birth. The ARK May 2011 page 10 Volume 22, Edition 5

the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Father Ernest Falardeau explains that “This “epicletic” dimension of the Eucharist, the work of the Holy astronomical data,.
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