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The Archaeology of Wak’as: Explorations of the Sacred in the Pre-Columbian Andes PDF

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Archaeology Wak’as The of Archaeology Wak’as The of Explorations of the Sacred in the Pre-Columbian Andes Tamara L. Bray edited by University Press of Colorado Boulder © 2015 by University Press of Colorado Published by University Press of Colorado 5589 arapahoe avenue, suite 206C Boulder, Colorado 80303 all rights reserved Printed in the United states of america The University Press of Colorado is a proud member of association of american University Presses. The University Press of Colorado is a cooperative publishing enterprise supported, in part, by adams state University, Colorado state University, fort lewis College, Metropolitan state University of denver, regis University, University of Colorado, University of northern Colorado, Utah state University, and Western state Colorado University. ∞ This paper meets the requirements of the ansi/niso Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). isBn: 978-1-60732-317-4 isBn: 978-1-60732-318-1 (ebook) library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data The archaeology of wak’as : explorations of the sacred in the pre-Columbian andes / tamara l. Bray, editor.        pages cm   includes bibliographical references.   isBn 978-1-60732-317-4 (cloth : alk. paper) — isBn 978-1-60732-318-1 (ebook) 1.  indians of south america—andes—antiquities. 2.  Huacas. 3.  andes—antiquities. 4.  indians of south america—Peru—antiquities. 5.  Peru—antiquities.  i. Bray, tamara l.   f2229.a82 2014   985'.01—dc23                                                             2014005436 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Cover illustration: drawing by Martin de Murúa, from Códice Galvin (2004 [1590]:98r). for frank salomon, whose work has been foundational, insightful, and inspirational and Chaupi Ñamca said: “only this man, alone among all the other huacas, is a real man. i’ll stay with this one forever.” so she turned into stone and stayed forever . . . Huarochirí manuscript, ch. 10 (ca. ad 1600) translated in salomon and Urioste (1991:78) Contents List of Figures ix Acknowledgments xv Part I. IntroductIon 1. andean Wak’as and alternative Configurations of Persons, Power, and Things Tamara L. Bray 3 Part II. contemPorary orIentatIons 2. The Whole World is Watching: new Perspectives on andean animism Catherine J. Allen 23 3. Wak’as: entifications of the andean sacred Bruce Mannheim and Guillermo Salas Carreño 47 Part III. Wak’as In the tIme of the Inkas 4. What is a Wak’a? When is a Wak’a? Zachary J. Chase 75 5. Pachacamac—old Wak’a or inka syncretic deity? imperial transformation of the sacred landscape in the lower ychsma (lurín) valley Krzysztof Makowski 127 6. of Blood and soil: tombs, Wak’as, and the naturalization of social difference in the inka Heartland Steve Kosiba 167 7. Men Who Would Be rocks: The inka Wank’a Carolyn Dean 213 8. The importance of Being inka: Ushnu Platforms and Their Place in the andean landscape Frank M. Meddens 239 9. ordering the sacred and recreating Cuzco Colin McEwan 265 Part IV. deePer hIstorIes of Wak’as In the andean Past 10. The shape of Things to Come: The Genesis of Wari Wak’as Anita G. Cook 295 11. of Monoliths and Men: Human-lithic encounters and the Production of an animistic ecology at Khonkho Wankane John W. Janusek 335 Part V. concludIng thoughts 12. final reflections: Catequil as one Wak’a among Many John R. Topic 369 List of Contributors 397 Index 399 viii Contents Figures 1.1. The inka Capac yupanqui consulting with the wak’a Pachayachachic 6 1.2. a large, natural rock outcrop housed within its own structure at the inka site of Urcos in the Urubamba valley 11 2.1. don erasmo Hualla and his son making tassel “flowers” to adorn their horses during the feast of santiago 30 3.1. semantic constellations of twists and turns 54 4.1. Performative semiotics, politics, and temporality: (a) a painted statement on the inner wall of san damián’s soccer stadium and (b) the grammatically equivalent statement on a store wall near Peru’s central highway 79 4.2. The Proyecto arqueológico Huarochirí– lurín alto (PaHla) study area (2010–2013) with major sites of investigation indicated 88 4.3. Map of the architectural center of llacsatambo 92 4.4. example of one of the many multi- chambered tombs at llacsatambo 93 4.5. examples of inka fineware sherds excavated and collected from llacsatambo 94 4.6. Map of the Checa pilgrimage route based on Chapter 11 of the Huarochirí Manuscript 96

In this edited volume, Andean wak'as—idols, statues, sacred places, images, and oratories—play a central role in understanding Andean social philosophies, cosmologies, materialities, temporalities, and constructions of personhood. Top Andean scholars from a variety of disciplines cross regional, t
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