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The Apostolic Revelation – The Reformation of the Church - Peace PDF

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The Reformation of the Church John Kingsley Alley PUBLISHING The Apostolic Message: Reformation for the Church! 1 The Apostolic Revelation. Copyright8 2002, 2016 by John Kingsley Alley. Published by: Peace Publishing, Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia. Distributed in Australia by: Peace Apostolic Ministries PO Box 10187 Frenchville QLD 4701 Phone: 07 4926 9911 Email: [email protected] Web: www.peace.org.au All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or any other – except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. Cover and Interior Design by Christine Smith. ISBN 0-646-41849-1 First Edition - October 2002 - Printed in Australia. Second Edition First Printing - February 2003 - Printed in The Philippines Second Printing - March 2003 - Printed in India. Third Printing - June 2003 - Printed in the United States of America. Third Edition - Feb 2016 - Printed in Sth Africa 2 The Apostolic Revelation For CHRIST who leads us to the City of God “In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling. You will bring them in and plant them on the mountain of your inheritance- the place, O LORD, you made for your dwelling, the sanctuary, O Lord, your hands established. The LORD will reign for ever and ever.” (Exodus 15:13-18) “In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old” (Amos 9:11 KJV) “Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.” (Isaiah 58: 12) “They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.” (Isaiah 61: 4) The Apostolic Message: Reformation for the Church! 3 Acknowledgments I owe a great debt of gratitude to many people, in many parts of the world. I would express my appreciation to every brother and sister in Christ who has loved, served and supported me. In particular, I wish to acknowledge the supremely important part played by the people of the apostolic company, Peace Christian Church. Many have helped me to explore and live out the values of apostolic Christianity, and to understand and come to grips with the changes which God has brought to our lives and the church. I have been greatly upheld and loved by these dear saints. Their sacrifice, to stand with me in the cause of Christ, has required great faith and perseverance. I am deeply grateful for their love, their devotion to principle, and their commitment to untiring intercession. These believers have walked in great faithfulness with me and each other. They are faithful servants of Christ. 4 The Apostolic Revelation Contents Foreword 12 Introduction 14 Chapter 1 The Apostolic Message: Reformation for the Church! 17 Chapter 2 The Grace of Apostleship 25 Chapter 3 What Is an Apostle? 35 Chapter 4 The Nature of an Apostle 51 Chapter 5 The Authority of an Apostle 73 Chapter 6 Women in Apostolic Ministry 101 Chapter 7 The Apostolic Covering 119 Chapter 8 Apostles and Elders, with the Church as One Body 151 Chapter 9 Fathering and Sonship in the Ministry 183 Chapter 10 The Humanity of Apostles 203 Chapter 11 An Apostolic People 219 Chapter 12 Towards the New Apostolic Wineskin 233 Appendix Components of an Apostolic Constitution 251 The Apostolic Message: Reformation for the Church! 5 Personal References concerning the life and ministry of the author: The following references are for the purpose of affirming the validity of the call and anointed ministry, as well as godly character, of the author. They are not intended as recommendations of everything published in this book, since most of these writers have not had the opportunity of reading the manuscript before publishing. The reader must assess the contents of the book personally by being sensitive to the inner witness of the Spirit of Grace. ———————————— In 1999, we held a Convention in Brisbane to which we invited five well-known speakers from within and outside Australia. Brother John Alley was one of our speakers. Pastors came from Singapore, Malaysia, India, The United States, New Zealand and from other parts of Australia. After the Conference, all of us (Pastors, Leaders and saints from different churches) felt as one, a deep respect for brother John Alley as a servant and statesman of God. He truly carried on him an evident display of the life and nature of Christ. His life was his message in Christ. His understanding and teaching of apostleship is always on the cutting edge. Each time I hear brother John speak on Apostleship, I know that he does not just impart revelational knowledge, but he imparts the Lord’s apostleship and the authority associated with it, to many lives. We thank God that our fellowship has been richly blessed through brother John Alley’s life and impartation as an Apostle. We thank God for this heavenly connection and friendship with Apostle John Alley. Dr Sim Choo Jek Resurrection Life Ministries Brisbane, Australia ———————————— The world is divided into several different groups when it comes to the idea of apostles and the apostolic ministry for today. There are the vast majority who are totally unaware of apostles and spend no time whatsoever considering it. Then there is the vocal group that is well aware of the apostolic due to the fact that they have been schooled by their religious traditions with the idea that apostles are not for today and therefore anyone who suggests that they still exist is heretical. Then, there are those who can accept the idea that apostles may still exist, at least in a conceptual way, but they have little or no idea of what that means in present day life. Finally, there is a group of believers who not only accepts, but embraces, the notion that God is still calling men and women into the five-fold ministry, including the office of the apostle. Apostle John Alley is of this last group who has spent many years seeking God through study, prayer, fasting, and a constant quest to understand what the Lord is doing 6 The Apostolic Revelation in these last days. His words come from a long season of such seeking and living out the apostolic experience in the places of the world where God has sent him. His words are worthy of your consideration. May God inspire you to such seeking of the truth. Bob Hauselman, Senior Pastor Restoration Christian Church Sellersburg, Indiana, U.S.A. ———————————— When we first visited John Alley’s church in Rockhampton, in 1994, they were engaged in a 40 day fast. It was an awesome experience to walk in there to minister, and to be ministered to by John in such an atmosphere of God’s great glory. It is John’s great gifting from the Holy Spirit to establish, very human, lasting and deepening personal friendships. This has been a major source of strengthening in my ministry. We had the privilege of staying with John, his wife Hazel and their lovely children during our visit to Australia in 1997. Truly we felt that the beautiful presence of Christ was in that home. My wife and I could clearly see that this was a very special ‘Levite’ family. When John visited us during our period of ministry on the Shankill Road, Belfast in 1999 we believe our area of the city of Belfast was greatly touched as he led us in intercession at the interfaces of some of the most impoverished sections. John is one of God’s specials, always involved as a vital part of God’s vanguard, pushing out the frontiers of what God plans for His Church before His longed for second coming. Rev. Clifford Taylor, M.A., Superintendent of the Mutare Circuit of the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe. ———————————— I first met John a few years ago when I was the incumbent General Secretary of the Quezon City Pastoral Movement. He was the guest speaker of the anniversary of the Movement. He truly proved to be a blessing. He gave a powerful prophetic word that motivated and set in motion the beginnings of our thrust for city taking. I had several other opportunities to fellowship with him after that which proved to be a personal blessing. The Body of Christ needs more ministers like him, who have a heart both for the Lord and His Body. He possesses a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit that is refreshing. May you be blessed by his ministry as I have been and continue to be. Rev. Joey Zabarte Senior Minister Words of Life Christian Ministries Manila, Philippines I have known John for the past 3 and 1/2 years. He is one of the most sincere servants The Apostolic Message: Reformation for the Church! 7 of the Lord. John has a special gift of imparting the blessings of the Holy Spirit. He is also a very good teacher and has opened the eyes of many Pastors in Chennai. He has been a great blessing to me and my ministry. This book ‘The Apostolic Revelation’ by John will be a real blessing to the readers. God has anointed him with knowledge of apostolic ministry, and he is very good in sharing this knowledge with others. Hence this book will be a boon to whoever reads this. Pr. Vincent Samuel, Senior Minister Calvary Community Church Chennai, India ———————————— It was John Alley’s ‘Tower of Intercession’ that first grabbed my attention. Here is a minister who is making a priority of prayer and respects the role of intercessors. Then he was willing to come and pour himself for days into Logan Intercessors as passionately as he does from large pulpits around the world. I appreciate this man’s heart and his accessibility. My heart resonates with his messages. John is articulating what so many of us have been feeling for years - God is moving on. The old ways are becoming obsolete. The church as we know it has little relevance. We have failed as the representation of Christ in the earth, His Body, God revealed among men. Non Christians are saying, “Jesus yes, but the church no”. John is talking about a new era where old things are passed away and all things are become new. It is exciting and full of hope and the glory of the Lord. Not personality cults and powerful leaders, but humble servants showing hungry wherever he is with whomever God’s people are. We are in transition. What was is passing, and what will be does not yet quite appear. John’s prophetic eye is seeing a little more clearly than the rest of us. John is an apostle raised up by God to help us make the transition, a forerunner preparing the way of the Lord, making His paths straight. I am sure what he has written, out of the wealth of what God is revealing to him, will help you make a smoother transition through the turmoil of the death of the old and birth of the new. This book will help you cope with the change. Joye Alit Global Intercessor Jubilate Ministries Maleny, Queensland, Australia ———————————— 8 The Apostolic Revelation I believe that in John we have a true apostle. He has been through refining fires and not stumbled, nor has he said “Too hard, God”. I have been sitting under his teaching as much as possible for five years, and know him to be a man of humility, integrity, obedience, and deep faith — a man God has ordained for this time, who has the apostolic heart to nurture apostolic sons. Therefore it is my honour to recommend John, and I believe God will use him to equip apostles for the future. Olive Gates Team Leader Logan Intercessors Logan City, Queensland, Australia ———————————— It has been my pleasure to get to know John Alley from Australia as a result of a number of visits to Northern Ireland in recent years. He is a man who has a heart after God, and a deep desire to see unity in the Body of Christ. He has a God-given passion to see the Church function in the way God planned it to be, and to see churches, leaders, and individuals flow together in the five fold ministries irrespective of denominational affiliation. God has raised this leader to focus our thoughts on Apostleship, and bring together across many different nations people of like mind. He is a man of vision,who has a heart for prayer. I personally look forward to his early return to Northern Ireland. Rev. Leslie Spence Superintendent Minister Glenavy and Moira Circuit of the Methodist Church in Ireland ———————————— John Alley represents a rising breed of men within the Church world wide who have been ordained by God and raised up to exercise apostolic ministry. My experience of John within the context of seminars, workshops, one on one and in his home setting has convinced me of his call to this ministry, and his gifting to exercise apostolic ministry. John’s ministry has had a profound effect on my calling as an ordained minister within the Uniting Church tradition. Through his teaching, mentoring, spiritual fathering and apostolic covering I have had the unique experience of being released into the apostolic philosophy and anointing of ministry; as a result I have experienced an empowerment for equipping and releasing other leaders and small struggling congregations into the mission God calls them to. John’s teaching on the Apostolic Reformation brings into a clear spiritual focus the changes in the world and the Church which have mainly been expressed in sociological terms. John’s teaching presents an insightful revelation of Biblical teaching which The Apostolic Message: Reformation for the Church! 9 defines these social and spiritual transformations that we are witnessing around our globe; he is able to articulate these current trends through Biblical exegesis and reveal God’s plan for action, through inspired and a careful exposition of the Scriptures. I believe that as you engage with the pages of this book you will also encounter the transformational thinking which is the Apostolic Reformation. Rev. Craig Mischewski Uniting Church, Tingalpa ———————————— I praise God for answering my prayers. He has allowed me to personally meet my Brother John Alley who has this gift of Apostleship from God. I heard him preach with biblical clarity and conviction. He hit the nail of the need of the times right on its head. Many are guilty of the sin of idolatry. Dependence and faith are anchored no longer in the power of God the Almighty, but on the institutionalized instruments of God such as the established & organized denominations and movements. God’s power will pour and fill His servants not through institutions but through relationships. God, Alley says, wants this kind of a covering to bless and protect his workers. The christian with the gift of apostleship is God’s instrument to mentor, encourage and care for his workers transcending all denominational barriers. Let’s therefore welcome this ministry as from the Lord with open minds, hearts and hands. John Joseph Leo B. Castillo Senior Pastor Fairview Fundamental Baptist Church Fairview Park, Quezon City, Philippines. ———————————— John Alley is a man appointed by the Father to bring winds of change to the stagnant waters of religious practice. His understanding of the apostolic call upon today’s church comes from much study and revelation of the purposes of God. John’s ministry has been of great blessing to my church, especially during this time of transition. I count his friendship of utmost value and always welcome his advice and input into my own ministry. David Trigg, Senior Minister Oakey Church Unlimited Oakey, Queensland, Australia 10 The Apostolic Revelation

out and said "John, you are not a pastor, you are an apostle!" .. subjects in the culture of the empire" (John Eckhardt, 'Moving in the Apostolic', Renew Books.
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