CHRISTENSEN, Paul. My Longing to Be French, 68: 122-40 wntr °10 CLARK, Matthew. Phantasms of the Living, 68: 36-53 wntr °10 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX Conard, Robert C., tr. As the Wall Came Tumbling Down: A Story. Uwe Timm, 68: 442-57 sum *10 VOLUME 68, 2010 COTTLE, Thomas J. Our Thoughts and Our Prayers, 68: 232-38 spr “10 DARST, Lightsey. |Find/methods} (poem), 68: 283 spr °10 DAVIS, William Virgil. Home from the Fac- tory (poem), 68: 273 spr °10 Deal with the Stinging. Tyler McMahon, 68: 103-4 wntr °10 DeMARINIS, Rick. Boy with Cane Pole, 68: All the Way Down. Kris Saknussemm, 68: 688-703 fall *10 436-41 sum °10 Difficult Wang Position, A. Wilhemina Aus- Alzheimer’s Rag (poem). Susan Wheeler, 68: tin, 68: 111-20 wntr “10 762-63 fall 10 Dilemma, The (poem). Loren Graham, 68: American Geo-Poetic (poem). Kimo Reder, 282 spr *10 68: 277 spr “10 Diogenes Makes a Creme Brulée (poem). Another Life (poem). Michael Rutherglen, Russell Susumu Endo, 68: 505 sum *10 68: 275 spr 10 Distortions. Carolyn Osborn, 68: 311-21 spr As the Wall Came Tumbling Down: A Story. “10 Uwe Timm, tr. Robert C. Conard, 68: DOLIN, Sharon. The Shell (poem), 68: 494- 442-57 sum *10 95 sum *10 AUNT CLARA WRITES (poem). Barry Door (poem). Joshua Rivkin, 68: 493 sum Benson, 68: 496 sum “10 AUSTIN, Wilhemina. A Difficult Wang Posi- “10 tion, 68: 111-20 wntr “10 Edward Hopper (1930) (poem). Arthur Vogelsang, 68: 501 sum °10 Baudelaire: Avatar for an Age of Avatars. ELY, Scott. The Fishpond, 68: 509-20 sum Hugh Graham, 68: 141-57 wantr 10 “10 Bedrock. Alexandre Mas, 68: 704-17 fall *10 ENDO, Russell Susumu. Diogenes Makes a BENSON, Barry. AUNT CLARA WRITES Créme Brulée (poem), 68: 505 sum *10 (poem), 68: 496 sum °10 ____. Ramequin (poem), 68: 506 Bike Ride with Hokusai Ending (poem). Lia sum “10 Purpura, 68: 280 spr °10 Entrance (poem). Megan Grumbling, 68: 492 Black Rook in Rainy Weather (poem). Sylvia sum “10 Plath, 68:788-89, fall “10 Ernest Hemingway (poem). Julia [stomina, BLEVINS, Adrian. The School of the Arts 68: 761 fall °10 (poem), 68: 71 wntr “10 BLOCH, Talia. September Sun (poem), 68: 759 fall °10 Famous for Crabs. Nathan Oates 68: 458-72 sum “10 Boy with Cane Pole. Rick DeMarinis, 68: 436-41 sum °10 Fear of the Sublime. Paul Velde. 68: 217-31 spr “10 BRAU, Edgar. The Golem Project, tr. Andrea [Find/methods] (poem). Lightsey Darst, 68: Labinger, 68: 668-87 fall °10 283 spr *10 Brief Pause, A. Amina Gautier, 68: 105-10 wntr “10 First, Do No Harm. Gloria DeVidas Kirch- heimer, 68: 732-46 fall “10 Bunny-Hole (poem). Coco Owen, 68: 70 Fishpond, The. Scott Ely, 68: 509-20 sum *10 wotr “10 FLEMING, Bruce. Postmodernism to Post- Crash: The New Ads in the New York Career on the Verge and Gore Vidal, A. Review of Books, 68: 767-86 fall *10 Henry Van Dyke, 68: 636-41 fall 10 FOGARTY, Robert S. Celebrity Houses, Celebrity Houses, Celebrity Politics. Daniel Celebrity Politics (editorial), 68: 5-6 Harris, 68: 8-26 wntr 10 Celebrity Houses, Celebrity Politics (edito- wntr *10 . Memories (editorial), 68: 613- rial). Robert S. Fogarty, 68: 5-6 wntr “10 14 fall “10 Chimera: a noblewoman’s portrait (poem). eee . The Short Story Today (edito- Avery Slater, 68: 286 spr *10 Christening, The (poem). Jules Gibbs, 68: rial), 68: 405-6 sum "10 . The Sublime and Other Medi- 504 sum *10 tations (editorial), 68: 213-14 spr “10 810 The Antioch Review For Jeromé— with Love and Kisses. Gordon (poem). Jacqueline Osherow, 68: 75-84 Lish, 68: 546-88 sum °10 wntr “10 France: The Cake-Frosting Country. Joan JUSTICE, Jean Ross. Mysteries, 68: 656-67 Frank, 68: 163-70 wntr *10 fall °10 FRANK, Joan. France: The Cake-Frosting Country, 68: 163-70 wntr °10 KENNEDY, Sarah. The Pictures of Arbella FRIEDMAN, Jeff and Dzvinia Orlowsky, trs. Stuart (poem), 68: 284-85 spr °10 Wall (poem). Mieczyslaw Jastrun, 68: Keraunothnetophobia (poem). Michael 491 sum *10 Rutherglen, 68: 276 spr °10 KIESSELBACH, Dore. It’s a Tuesday Gacela of the Wounds (poem). Mark Wage- (poem), 68: 764 fall *10 naar, 68: 502 sum °10 KIRCHHEIMER, Gloria DeVidas. First, Do GAUTIER, Amina. A Brief Pause, 68: 105- No Harm, 68: 732-46 fall °10 10 wntr *10 KOTKER, Zane. Set Free in Florida: 1992, Genitalia (poem). Mike White, 68: 760 fall 68: 354-62 spr 10 “10 GIBBS, Jules. The Christenng (poem), 68: LABINGER, Andrea, tr. The Golem Project 504 sum *10 by Edgar Brau, 68: 668-87 fall *10 GIRALDI, William. The Physics of Speed, LAGO, Don. Loren Eiseley’s Remembrance 68: 616-28 fall °10 of Things Past, 68: 259-70 spr *10 Golem Project, The. Edgar Brau, tr. Andrea Landscape Almost Carved by the Sun Labinger, 68: 668-87 fall °10 (poem). Peter Marcus, 68: 74 wntr *10 Good Brother, A. Karin Lin-Greenberg, 68: LaSALLE, Peter. Lunch Across the Bridge, 473-88 sum “10 68: 291-98 spr °10 GORDON, Peter. Swaying Buildings, 68: LIN-GREENBERG, Karin. A Good Brother, 329-39 spr “10 68: 473-88 sum °10 GRAHAM, Hugh. Baudelaire: Avatar for an LINDH, Stewart. Roland Barthes: The Dead- Age of Avatars, 68: 141-57 wntr °10 line, 68: 158-62 wntr °10 GRAHAM, Loren, The Dilemma (poem), 68: LISH, Gordon. For Jeromé— with Love and 282 spr “10 Kisses, 68: 546-88 sum °10 GRUMBLING, Megan. Entrance (poem), 68: Loren Eiseley’s Remembrance of Things 492 sum °*10 Past. Don Lago, 68: 259-70 spr *10 Lunch Across the Bridge. Peter LaSalle, 68: HARMON. A..G. Perfect Silence, 68: 340-53 291-98 spr *10 spr "10 HARRIS, Daniel. Celebrity Houses/Celebrity MAGAVERN, Sam. Rabbi Simon’s Cabin Politics, 68: 8-26 wntr °10 (poem), 68: 503 sum °10 Her Last Affair. Catherine Hiller, 68: 537-44 MARCUS, Peter. Landscape Almost Carved sum °10 by the Sun (poem), 68: 74 wntr °10 HILLER, Catherine. Her Last Affair, 68: MAS, Alexandre. Bedrock, 68: 704-17 fall 537-44 sum *10 “10 Home from the Factory (poem). William McCOY, Maureen. Your Children and Mine, Virgil Davis, 68: 273 spr *10 68: 408-35 sum *10 HOROWITZ, Irving Louis. The Yearbook: McMAHON, Tyler. Deal with the Stinging, Harlem School Days in the Depression, 68: 103-4 wntr °10 68: 629-35 fall *10 Memories (editorial). Robert S. Fogarty, 68: How the Fisher Came Back Home. Barbara 613-14 fall 10 Sjoholm, 68: 27-35 wntr °10 MERTON, Robert K. The Self-Fulfilling Hunting Season, Matthew Modica, 68: 718- Prophecy, 68: 173-90 wntr °10 31 fall “10 MEYERS, Jeffrey. John Huston and Heming- way, 68: 54-66 wntr °!0 Interpreter, The. Mary Morris, 68: 299-310 MILLER, Ben. Mrs. V. and the Lessons of spr “10 Obscurity, 68: 239-58 spr °10 ISTOMINA, Julia. Ernest Hemingway MILLER, Wayne. Nothing in the Letters: An (poem), 68: 761 fall *10 Elegy (poem), 68: 498-99 sum °10 It’s a Tuesday (poem). Dore Kiesselbach, 68: Miss Fabiola. Julio Ramon Ribeyro, tr. John 764 fall 10 Penuel, 68: 98-102 wntr *10 MODICA, Matthew. Hunting Season, 68: JASTRUN, Mieczyslaw. Wall (poem), tr. 718-31 fall *10 Dzvinia Orlowsky and Jeff Friedman, 68: MORRIS, Mary. The Interpreter, 68: 299-310 491 sum *10 spr “10 John Huston and Hemingway. Jeffrey Mey- Mrs. V. and the Lessons of Obscurity. Ben ers, 68: 54-66 wntr *10 Miller, 68: 239-58 spr *10 June 2008: Dream Snapshots, Tel Aviv My Longing to Be French. Paul Christensen, 68: 122-40 wntr °10 Index 811 Myste“r1i0e s. Jean Ross Justice, 68: 656-67 fall PUREPnUdRiAng, (Lpioae.m )B,i k6e8 :R i2d8e0 wsiptrh “H10o kusai NatioPnan eotft aM, e6n8.:. .3 64-a7n2d Lsparw “s1, 0 A. Leon E. Rabbi Simon’s Cabin (poem). Sam Magav- New 50Y0o rks um( po°e1m0) . Douglas Piccinnini, 68: Rameeqrnu,i n6 8:( p5o0e3m ).s umR us*s1e0l l Susumu Endo, 68: gy Endeiin t htM hielP leeLarer,tl tme6ra8sn:: , 4A96n88 :- 9E93l 2e2gs-yu2 m8( po“s1ep0rm )." 10 RREADWED5SR0oO6,wN n,s Ku im(m pJooo*.ea1 nm0n) Aa,m. e 6r8Wi:hc ea6nn9 wGTnhetiors- P°o B1eo0td iyc Went OATE7S2 ,s uNma th*a10n . Famous for Crabs, 68: 458- RIBE(pYoReOm,), J6u8l:i o 27R7a msopnr. "1M0 iss Fabiola, tr. OOf’ CC2Oa688vN:8a N l8cOsa7pRn-r,t9 i7 1 0w (Snpttoerep mhe)*n.1. 0 FSreadweerdi-cikn -SHmaolcfk ,G ir6l8,: RIVEtJ“r1oR. 0hA Kn,a t PheSlineluevenil a, STn6oo8m:d agsr9aa8.s- s1,0T 2e 6n8 w:n Pto7re4 m9*-s15 08 ( pfoaellm ), OOnRlLy4tSO r9tsJ1Wo. enSeWws,aK ulYiml6n 8 , :J( °ip1n6o0Da4 etz2,mv- )i5.Tn4 hi eaM. fi aaleRlnc odzb1 ye0Jsr etlf af wAF .r JiRaeosdstmeraunnn-,, 68: RRRoOIbGViKEKn“IaR1stN0oS h,n,l e eJSnoHes onhydRutsoa. .o anS eDeLyore,tom troe6 nr8 (:p tooo4n e9 Sm7t)o h,mes e uAo6m8in :re * 4(19p0(3o p eomes)mu,)m . OSBOspRrN ,°1 0 Carolyn. Distortions, 68: 31-2] Rolan68d: B2a7r4t hsepsr: "T1h0e Deadline. Stewart OSHwSEnnRtarpO sWh“o,1t0 s ,J acTqelu elAivniev. (Jpuoneem ),2 00688:: 7D5r-e8a4m RomusLlpiurn sd“ h1,0( p6o8e:m ).15 8P-a6t2t y wnStery bu°r1n0 , 68: 278 OOuWrE wCNTon,httotr lu eCg,“oh 1ct06os 8. : a2Bn3ud2 n-nO3yu8-r HsoPplrrae y "e1r(0sp .o eTm)h,o m6a8s: 7J.0 RROOSOJtENienErN aYStt,o,T OS68oNK:maE et,6ho4l n2ee-eR 5no4.b( eprfRotaeol mlb A)i.,1n s0To 6h8ne: S4Oe9nn7ld ys s uJame wL e“t1i-0n Roses, Chapter Four (poem). Patty Seyburn, PPPEEANNAUEa“RE1nTL0dLT M,ALA ,aNw Jo,sLh, ne ,oE6 n8d t:ir t.E h3.M.6 iA4sN- si7N c2ahF teai.bso pinro6 l8a“o:.1f 0 3 MJ2ue2ln-i2.o 8. . spr RUeTe6(6 H8p8:E:o eR2m2G7)7b6,9Le E ss6pN8pr:r, K "e“21r170M0a5 iu cnshoparte hl*n.1e 0t Aonpohtohbeira Li(fpeo em), PerfesRcptar m So“i1nl0 e nRcie.b eyAr.o .G . 68H:a r9m8o-n1,0 2 68w:n t3r4 0“-1503 SAK6N8:U S68S8E-7M0M3, falKlr i*s1.0 All the Way Down, Phan3t6a-s5m3s wonft rt he" 10L iving. Matthew Clark, 68: Sawe8d7--i9n7- Hwanltfr G*i1r0l . Stephen O'Connor, 68: Physi6c1s6 -2o8f Sfpaelle d",1 0T he. William Giraldi, 68: SchooBll evoifn st,h e 68A:r ts7,1 Twhnet r (p*o1e0m ). Adrian PICC6I8:N NSI0N0I ,s umD ou*g1l0a s. New York (poem), Sea, 2T8h1 e sp(rp o°e1m0 ). Theodore Worozbyt, 68: PPPoiLecAttTruwCWKrynHoeee tn,ansrTtt n oeheodSm1edfyapr0 ylyo A ,v:rri ( baape6.rFo8l rye:li. Bmae l) 2da,8rJSc i4otkc-uh6 ha88n r:5R t oH.T7oo as8lkypTd8lr he-o erir8“ ln,91 i ( 0Rnp 6,af8oa i:el nlOm y)u1“ .r91 20- S9a8r ah SSSeSeleetfrp -mtFF2fMoerau7eenmll4lreb f t ei°ooslri1npnnl 0 r ,i F Stnl“hug6o1en 8r0 :i AP d(irarp1o: o7p e3(hm-pe1)9o9c.0e9y 2m,.) Tw .anT ZlthiareHan .o e y*B 1tRl0 oKo bocRethokr,get er r6,8sK :,. 6 876:58 9: Poetr3Ny7e 4z-vT8ao1ld aysa:np dr P *rE1am0 giule Haask la. PJooehmn: TaVyiltoerz,s la6v8 : SEYsB3p5Ur4 R-“N612,0 spPra tt*y1.0 Romulus (poem), 68: 278 PoetrTAayny glTlooerds,a y6o:8f : tTh5oe9m 0aG-so9 l6d Veesnnu cmlR oev*ca1t:0a ngTlhee. FJiovhen Shell6,8 :T h2e7 9( psoper. m R)o“.1s 0e sS,h aCrhona ptDeorl inF,o u6r8 :( p4o9e4m-)9,5 PPooesttFirPmnyloo eetdtmTherioeyr nd.nNga i,yes: Jwm o6 8h T:nYh t oeor7T k6aP U7yoRl-nsoe8strv6h-, iaC ercf6awka8ls l:lhi o:n17f g90 B T2 oh-ooe9fk 8As lN.b efaawBlnl r iuAa"cd1ne0s SShJoOrtHBFs aouOgcSmLakt ro Mtr“,yHy1, o0 mTB6oea8d,:ra bya46,r08 a:5T. -h 62e 7H,-o s3uw(5em d itwt*hno1etr 0ri aF li*)s.1h 0e rR obCearmte S . 812 The Antioch Review SLATER, Avery. Chimera: a noblewoman’s Depression. Irving Louis Horowitz, 68: portrait (poem), 68: 286 spr *10 629-35 fall °10 . Ulysses (poem), 68: 287 spr Your Children and Mine. Maureen McCoy, “10 68: 408-35 sum °10 SMOCK, Frederick. Of Cavalcanti (poem), 68: 288 spr 10 SNODGRASS, Kathleen, tr. Ten Poems (poem) by Silvia Tomasa Rivera, 68: Book Reviews 749-58 fall *10 SPARGO, R. Clifton. These Are Not the After the Revival by Carrie Jewell, 68: 599 Ways of Passion, 68: 521-36 sum *10 sum *10 Sublime and Other Meditations, The (edito- Algebra, An, by Don Bogen, 68: 391-92 spr rial). Robert S. Fogarty, 68: 213-14 spr “10 “10 And by Michael Blumenthal, 68: 392-93 spr Swaying Buildings. Peter Gordon, 68: 329-39 “10 spr “10 Andrews, Thomas G. Killing for Coal: America’s Deadliest Labor War, 68: 388 TAYLOR, John. Poetry Today: Friedrich spr “10 H6lderlin, Our Contemporary, 68: 192-98 Apple Trees at Olema: New and Selected wotr “10 Poems, The, by Robert Hass, 68: 806, . Poetry Today: Prague as a 808 fall “10 Poem: Vitezslav Nezval and Emil Hakl, Ayn Rand and the World She Made by Anne 68: 374-81 spr “10 C. Heller, 68: 388-89 spr *10 . Poetry Today: Tomas Ven- clova: The Five Angles of the Golden Bailey, Blake. Cheever: A Life, 68: 382-87 Rectangle, 68: 590-96 sum *10 spr “10 . Poetry Today: The Unshack- Baker, David. Never-Ending Birds, 68: 200 ling of Albanian Poetry, 68: 792-98 fall wntr “10 “10 Benjamin, Roos, tr. Speak, Nabokov by Ten Poems (poem). Silvia Tomasa Rivera, tr. Michael Maar, 68: 799-804 fail °10 Kathleen Snodgrass, 68: 749-58 fall °10 Bernard, April. Romanticism, 68: 390 spr *10 These Are Not the Ways of Passion. R. Clif- Blumenthal, Michael. And, 68: 392-93 spr ton Spargo, 68: 521-36 sum °10 “10 TIMM, Uwe. As the Wall Came Tumbling Bogen, Don. An Algebra, 68: 391-92 spr °10 Down: A Story, tr. Robert C. Conard, 68: 442-57 sum *10 Carson, Ciaran. On the Night Watch, 68: 804 fall *10 Ulysses (poem). Avery Slater, 68: 287 spr °10 __. Until Before After, 68: 804 fall “10 VAN DYKE, Henry. A Career on the Verge Cheever: A Life by Blake Bailey 68: 382-87 and Gore Vidal, 68: 636-41 fall °10 spr “10 VELDE, Paul. Fear of the Sublime, 68: 217- Constantine, Helen, tr. French Tales, 68: 597- 31 spr °10 98 sum *10 VOGELSANG., Arthur. Edward Hopper Cotton and Race in the Making of America: (1930) (poem), 68: 501 sum *10 The Human Cost of Economic Power by Gene Dattel, 68: 597 sum *10 WAGENAAR, Mark. Gacela of the Wounds (poem), 68: 502 sum °10 Dattel, Gene. Cotton and Race in the Making Wall (poem). Mieczyslaw Jastrun, tr. Dzvinia of America: The Human Cost of Eco- Orlowsky and Jeff Friedman, 68: 491 nomic Power, 68: 597 sum °10 sum “10 Daugheriy, Tracy. Hiding Man: A Biography WEBB, Jeanine. Winter Night Grievance of Donald Barthelme , 68: 382-87 spr *10 (poem), 68: 72-73 wntr *10 Dirt Riddles, The, by Michael Walsh, 68: 805 WHEELER, Susan. Alzheimer’s Rag fall “10 (poem), 68: 762-63 fall *10 When this Body Went Down (poem). Joanna French Tales, tr. Helen Constantine, 68: 597- Rawson, 68: 69 wntr “10 98 sum *10 WHITE, Mike. Genitalia (poem), 68: 760 fall “10 Goolrick, Robert. A Reliable Wife, 68: 598-99 Winter Night Grievance (poem). Jeanine sum °10 Webb, 68: 72-73 wntr *10 Gun Dogs by James Langer, 68: 200-201 WOROZBYT, Theodore. The Sea (poem), wntr °10 68: 281 spr “10 Harrison, Jim. /n Search of Small Gods, 68: Yearbook, The: Harlem School Days in the 199-200 wntr 710 Index 813 Hass, Robert. The Apple Trees at Olema: On the Night Watch by Ciaran Carson, 68: New and Selected Poems, 68: 806, 808 804 fall "10 fall “10 Original of Laura (Dying Is Fun), The, by Heller, Anne C. Ayn Rand and the World She Vladimir Nabokov, ed. Dmitri Nabokov, Made, 68: 388-89 spr *10 68: 799-804 fall °'0 Hiding Man: A Biography of Donald Bar- thelme by Tracy Daugherty, 68: 382-87 Painting Rain by Paula Meehan, 68: 199 spr “10 wntr “10 Hirsch, Edward. The Living Fire: New and Pollitt, Katha. The Mind-Body Problem: Selected Poems, 68: 600-601 sum *10 Poems, 68: 202 wntr *10 Hofmann, Michael. Selected Peems, 68: 201- 2 wntr “10 Ras, Barbara. The Last Skin, 68: 599-600 sum *10 In Search of Small Gods by Jim Harrison 68: Rawson, Joanna. Unrest, 68: 390 spr *10 199-200 wntr *10 Reliable Wife, A, by Robert Goolrick, 68: 598-99 sum *10 Jewell, Carrie. After the Revival, 68: 599 Romanticism by April Bernard, 68: 390 spr sum *10 “10 Killing for Coal: America’s Deadliest Labor Sanders, Edward. Let's Not Keep Fighting War by Thomas G. Andrews, 68: 388 the Trojan War: New and Selected Poems spr “10 1986-2009, 68: 392 spr °10 _____—__.. Thirsting for Peace in a Rag- Langer, James. Gun Dogs, 68: 200-201 wntr ing Century: Selected Poems 1961-1985, “10 New and Revised Edition, 68: 392 spr Last Skin, The, by Barbara Ras, 68: 599-600 "10 sum *10 Schlegel, Rob. The Lesser Fields, 68: 804-5 Lesser Fields, The, by Rob Schlegel, 68: fall "10 804-5 fall °10 Selected Poems by Michael Hofmann, 68: Let's Not Keep Fighting the Trojan War: 201-2 wntr *10 New and Selected Poems 1986-2009, by Speak, Nabokov by Michael Maar, tr. Ross Edward Sanders, 68: 392 spr °10 Benjamin, 68: 799-804 fall “10 Living Fire, The: New and Selected Poems by Edward Hirsch, 68: 600-601 sum °10 Thirsting for Peace in a Raging Century: Selected Poems 1961-1985, New and Maar, Michael. Speak, Nabokov, tr. Ross Revised Edition, by Edward Sanders, 68: Benjamin, 68: 799-804 fall °10 392 spr *10 Meehan, Paula. Painting Rain, 68: 199 wntr Two Rooms by Constance Merritt, 68: 391 “10 spr *!0 Merritt, Constance. Two Rooms, 68: 391 spr “10 Unrest by Joanna Rawson, 68: 390 spr *10 Mind-Body Problem, The: Poems by Katha Until Before After by Ciaran Carson, 68: 804 Pollitt, 68: 202 wntr *10 fall °10 Nabokov, Dmitri, ed., The Original of Laura Walcott, Derek. White Egrets, 68: 600 sum (Dying Is Fun) by Vladimir Nabokov, 68: "10 799-804 fall °10 Walsh, Michael. The Dirt Riddles, 68: 805 Nabokov, Vladimir. The Original of Laura fall *10 (Dying Is Fun), ed. Dmitri Nabokov, 68: White Egrets by Derek Walcott, 68: 600 sum 799-804 fall “10 "10 Never-Ending Birds by David Baker, 68: 200 wntr 10