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The Americas before the The Americas before the Maya and the Moche y PDF

111 Pages·2011·7.79 MB·English
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Preview The Americas before the The Americas before the Maya and the Moche y

TThhee AAmmeerriiccaass bbeeffoorree tthhee Mayya and the Moche These programmes onThe World of Ancient Art have been designed for students and tthhee ppuubblliicc.. TThheeyy uussee mmaatteerriiaall oonn tthhee wweebb ttoo sshhooww tthhee wweeaalltthh ooff iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn tthhaatt iiss aavvaaiillaabbllee. TThheeyy are visual with many images and minimal text. The url given for each image enables users tto llearn more abboutt any subbjjectt. PParttiicullar attttenttiion hhas bbeen giiven tto highlighting both the scholarly websites and the public resources of social networking sites, Wikipedia and Google Earth/Maps. The first programmes begin with the great riverine cultures of antiquity. Modules on ootthheerr ppaarrttss ooff tthhee aanncciieenntt wwoorrlldd wwiillll bbee pphhaasseedd iinn dduurriinngg 22001111-22001122. AAllll pprrooggrraammmmeess will be updated regularly. The World of Ancient Art (www.waa.ox.ac.uk) is being designed as a web-based collaborative research platfform, initially ffor the SSchool off Archaeology in the University of Oxford. When firmlyy established it will welcome contributions from scholars and the public. As part of ongoing research in ICT for cultural heritage (www.clarosnet.org), the site wwiillll uussee eemmeerrggiinngg tteecchhnnoollooggiieess ttoo ddeelliivveerr sscchhoollaarrllyy iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn iinn aacccceessssiibbllee ffoorrmmaattss to a global community of users. Donna Kurtz CConttentts CChhrroonnoollooggiiccaall cchhaarrttss aanndd mmaappss BBeerriinngg SSttrraaiittss North America and Clovis culture Meoamerica EEll MMaannttii SSaann LLoorreennzzoo Tenochtitian Portero Nuevo EEll AAzuzull SSaann MMaarrttiinn PPaajjaappaann Tres Zapotes La Venta MMoonnttee AAllttoo TTaakkaallkk AAbbaajj Chalcazingo Cholula Teotihuacan CCuueelllloo Soconusco SSoouutthh AAmmeerriiccaa Monte Alegre Serra du Luna MMoonnttee VVeerrddee Chavin de Huantar MMuusseeuummss aanndd ccoolllleeccttiioonnss http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/ht/?period=02&region=na http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/ht/?period=03&region=na hhttttpp::////wwwwww..mmeettmmuusseeuumm..oorrgg//ttooaahh//hhtt//??ppeerriioodd=0044&&rreeggiioonn=nnaa http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/ht/?period=05&region=na hhttttpp::////wwwwww..mmeettmmuusseeuumm..oorrgg//ttooaahh//hhtt//??ppeerriioodd=0022&&rreeggiioonn=ccaa http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/ht/?period=03&region=ca

They use material on the web to show the wealth of information that is available They. They use material on the web to show the wealth of information
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