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The 27-28 October 1986 FIRE IFO Cirrus Case Study: Cloud Optical Properties Determined by High Spectral Resolution Lidar PDF

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by  GrundC. J.
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Preview The 27-28 October 1986 FIRE IFO Cirrus Case Study: Cloud Optical Properties Determined by High Spectral Resolution Lidar

ReprintedfromMONTHLYWEATHERREVIEW, VoL118,No. II, November1990 AmericaMmom_ma,S_my W/._ .5 The 27-28 October 1986 FIRE IFO Cirrus Case Study: Cloud Optical Properties Determined by High Spectral Resolution Lidar C. J. GRUND AND E. W. ELORANTA Universityof Wisconsin-Madison, DepartmentofMeteorology, Madison, Wisconsin (Manuscript received17February 1989,infinalform 12June 1990) ABSTRACT Duringthe FIREcirrusIFO,theHighSpectralResolutionLidar(HSRL) wasoperatedfromarooftop site onthe UniversityofWisconsin-Madisoncampus.BecausetheHSRLtechniqueseparatelymeasuresthe molecular andcloudparticlebackscatter componentsof the lidar return,the opticalthicknessisdeterminedindependent of particlebackscatter. This isaccomplished bycomparingthe known molecular density distribution to the observed decrease in molecular backscatter signalwith altitude. The particleto molecular backscatter ratio yieldscalibrated measurements of backseatter cross section that can be plottedto reveal cloud morphology without distortion due toattenuation. Changes incloud particlesizeshape and phaseaffectthe backscatter to extinction ratio (back.scatter-phasefunction). The HSRL independently measures cloud particlebackscatter phasefunction. This paperpresentsaquantitativeanalysis ofthe HSRL cirrus clouddata acquired overan _33 hour period ofcontinuous near-zenithobservations.Correlations betweensmall-scalewind structure and cirruscloud morphologyhavebeenobserved.Thesecorrelations can biasthe rangeaveraginginherentinwind profilinglidarsofmodestverticalresolution,leadingtoincreasedmeasurement errorsatcirrusaltitudes. Extended periods of lowintensitybackscatter were noted between more stronglyorganizedcirrus cloudactivity. Optical thicknesses ranging from0.01-1.4, backscatter-phase functions between 0.02-0.065 sr-', andbackscatter cross sections spanning 4ordersofmagnitudewereobserved.Thealtituderelationship betweencloud topandbottom boundaries and thecloud opticalcenter altitude was dependenton the type of formation observed.Cirrus features were observedwith characteristic wind driRestimated horizontal sizesof 5kin-400 km. The clouds frequently exhibited cellular structure with vertical tohorizontal dimension ratiosof 1:5-i:1. 1. Introduction can be tested and improved by studying time series of cloud formation, maintenance, and dissipation pro- Determinations of the optical properties, structure, cesses. Good models require good initialization data and the vertical and horizontal extent of cirrus clouds have broad applications in remote sensing and the at- and must generate realistic cloud radiative properties. Spatial and temporal histories of the optical and mor- mospheric sciences. Cirrus clouds reflect incoming solar phological characteristics of real clouds are required to radiation and trap outgoing terrestrial radiation; thus, fulfill these needs. the global energy balance depends upon the optical and morphological characteristics of these clouds. Because of its precise ranging capabilities, spatial Scattering and absorption by cirrus clouds affect mea- resolution, and sensitivity, lidar has played an impor- tant role in the detection, depiction, and characteriza- surements made by many satellite-borne and ground- tion of cirrus clouds (Evans et al. 1966; Platt et al. based remote sensors. Scattering of ambient light by 1987; Sassen et al. 1990), and for the verification of the cloud, and thermal emissions from the cloud, can cloud heights derived from satellite-borne sensor mea- increase measurement background noise. Multiple surements (Wylie and Menzel 1989). Lidar systems scattering processes can adversely affect the divergence that make one measurement at each range can ade- of optical beams propagating through these clouds. quately determine backscatter intensity distributions Predicting the effects of greenhouse passes, aerosols, albedo changes, and solar fluctuations on climate re- for optically thin clouds; however, they cannot inde- pendently determine absolute optical quantities. As quires the development of models that accurately ac- optical thickness increases, simple plots of lidar back- count for the highly variable, nonlinear influence of clouds on radiative balance. Models of the feedback scatter intensity may produce a distorted representation mechanisms between cirrus clouds and earth's climate of cloud morphology, and can produce serious errors in cloud altitude determinations. This is because the lidar return signal from any range depends on both the Correspondingauthoraddress:Dr.ChristianJ.Grund, Department backscatter cross section and the optical depth to that of Meteorology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wl range. Single-channel lidar systems may not separately 53706. measure backscatter and extinction. In order to pro- © 1990American MeteorologicalSociety 2345 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME II8 duce calibrated measurements, single-channel lidar re- transfer function foreach channel, are determined by trieval techniques must be constrained by additional diffusely filling the receiver telescope with attenuated information or assumptions about the optical prop- laser light and observing the response of the two chan- erties ordistribution of the scatterers (Spinhirne et al. nel signals to a spectral scan of the receiver (Grund 1980, Klett 1981, Weinman 1984; Elorantaand Forrest 1987). The coefficients that represent the molecular 1986). Direct measurements require the determination bacLscatter transfer function for each channel are cal- of a signal intensity calibration at each range. culated from the calibration scan convoluted with a The High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) has model ofthe molecular backscaRer spectrum (Yip and been specifically designed (Shipley et al. 1983; Sroga Nelkin 1964), corrected for temperature and pressure et al. 1983) to produce calibrated measurements of at each altitude. Table Isummarizes the HSRL system aerosol and cloud particle optical depth, extinction characteristics at the time the case study data was ac- corrected cloud morphology, and backscatter phase quired. function. The HSRL spectrally separates molecular Data acquisition and control of the multietalon backscatter from cloud particle and aerosol backscatter. spectrometer and scanning mirror system are accom- This is possible because thermal agitation Doppler plished bya DEC Il/73 computer running a multiuser broadens the backscaRered spectrum from molecules. operating system. Real time and time-averaged display Small aerosols and cloud particles that contribute sig- of range square and log corrected data isprovided by nificantly to the backscatter are more massive than an in A-scope. Data are acquired in 4 second "shots" molecules and thus exhibit slower Brownian driR ve- of 32000 accumulated, range-resolved lidar profiles. locities that produce insignificant broadening of the Each shot is written to magnetic tape for later pro- scattered spectrum. Using the known distribution of cessing. molecular scattering cross section to provide a calibra- The tapes are subsequently written to a 2.6 gigabyte tion reference at every range, extinction is unambig- capacity write once optical disk, which facilitates re- uously determined from the observed range dependent peated access to individual segments of large datasets. decrease in molecular backscatter intensity. The ratio Calibration and data analysis are performed on a VAX of measured aerosol to molecular backscaRer intensity Il/751 computer, which has on-line image display and provides the aerosol backscatter cross section at each graphics capability. range. Because aerosol and gaseous absorption are negligible at the HSRL wavelength, the backscatter phase function can be directly measured. A more de- TASTE 1. Summary of HSRL operating parameters during the 1986 FIRE cimzs IFO. Because of the narrow spectral bandwidth. tailed description of the HSRL theory and the defini- narrow field of view, high repetition rate, and photon counting de- tions oflidar measured quantities may be found in the tection scheme, the HSRL was capable of measuring cirrus cloud Appendix. optical properties under day or night conditions, while maintaining HSRL measurements of cirrus cloud optical prop- eye-safe operations. erties were first acquired (Grund 1987) during the HSRL Receiver FIRE Intensive Field Observations (Start 1987). In this paper we discuss the application of the HSRL to Telescope: Primary diameter .35 m cirrus cloud measurements and provide a comprehen- Secondary diameter .I14m sive surveyofthecirruscloudopticaplropertiedse- Focal length 3.85 m F.O.V. (full width) 320 mR ternlinedduringthecasestudyperiod. Inteffenmc¢ filter: FWHM Inm at 510.6 nm 2.Systemcharacteristics Pre-filter euflons: Plate diameter 50 mm Using a multietalonpressure-tuneFdabry-Pcrot Etalon spacers 1.003, .726 mm spectrometert,heHSRL simultaneousloybservesthe Combined FWHM 2.5 pm lidarreturnintwo channelsT.he spectrallnyarrow High resolution eudon: Plate diameter 150 mm "aerosolchannel,"centeredon thetransmittewdave- Etalon spacer 12.786 mm length,ismost sensitivteoaerosolscatterinagnd to Bandwidth (F3,VHM) .6 pm thecentrarlegionoftheDoppler-broadenemdolecular Signal delection: Photon counting >10mHz spectrum.With aprominentnotchinthecenterofits Photomultiplier tubes: EMIGencom 9863B/100 low aflerpulsing bandpass,thespectrallwyider"molecularchannel'" acceptstheentireDoppler-broadenemdolecularspec- HSRL Transmitter trum,whilerejectinmguch oftheaerososlcarerT.hus, thesignalineachchannelrepresentasdifferenltinear _, Wavelength CuC12, 510.6 nm Transmitted beam 3umm combinationoftheaerosoland molecularscattering diameter contributiontsothelidarreturnC.ompleteseparation Transmitted power 50mW at 510.6 nm ofthetwochannelsignalrsequiretshedetermination Bandwidth (FWHM) .4pm ofa 2 × 2 matrixofinversiocnoefficienTthse. two Pulse_"t_"ution rote 8kHz coefficients, which represent the aerosolbackscatter Puhe length 15m NOVEMIF_[990 C..I. GRUND AND E. W. ELORANTA 2346 3. Data analysis I) A synthetic calibration scan isproduced for each shot by a linear interpolation in time between In order to facilitate interpretation of the HSRL the adjacent calibration scans. measurements by a varied community of cirrus re- 2) The spectral offset between the center of the re- searchers, we have chosen two forms for the represen- ceiver bandpass and the transmitted wavelength tation of our data for this case study. The first, grey- is estimated from observations of the ratio ofthe scale imagery of the uninverted "aerosol channel'" aerosol to molecular channel signals under uni- backscatter intensity, has the advantage of higher tem- form aperture illumination with transmitted laser poral resolution, but lacks a calibrated correction for light. This ratio is measured at --2 rain intervals extinction with range. The second data representation during operations. The ratio isestimated for each format, as contour plots of calibrated backscatter cross shot time by an interpolating spline fit to the section, reveals the true distribution of backscattered observations. Since the receiver-transmitter may intensity, but lacks the ability to depict the fine struc- exhibit relative drift of either sign, and the band- tural detail of the cirrus clouds. This resolution limi- pass characteristics have a slight asymmetry, the tation was imposed by the low average power of the sense of the tuning offset is assumed to be the laser transmitter that necessitated time averaging to same as the overall drift observed between the mitigate the effects of statistical noise in the inverted preceding and subsequent calibration scans. With signals. We have chosen to reserve detailed calibrated the tuning drift determined, the inversion coef- analysis for this paper while presenting the more qual- ficients are calculated from the synthetic calibra- itative grey-seale imagery in the companion lidar in- tion scan and amodel of the molecular scattering tercomparison paper (Sassen et al. 1990). spectrum that includes the effects of Brillouin Although the HSRL was primarily designed for the scattering. measurement of boundary layer aerosol properties, it b) Because the temporal and spatial distribution of has been successfully adapted to the task of cirrus cloud extinction is highly variable in cirrus clouds, statistical characterization (Grund 1987). Several difficulties arise fluctuations in lidax signals cannot be reduced by when assessing cirrus cloud optical properties with the HSRL: straight forward block averaging of profiles. The reason for this is evident in Eq. (A l). Because the signal from each range depends on an exponential term that varies a) the signals are reduced by the. additional range to the cirrus clouds (up to 15 km at zenith in midlat- from profile to profile, simple sums will exhibit a range itudes); dependent bias toward the shots with least attenuation (Milton and Woods 1987). To minimize this effect, b) the molecular scattering intensity is reduced by the lower air density at cirrus altitudes; inverted shots are initially summed only to the extent c) low temperatures at cirrus altitudes decrease the that the backscatter profile can be qualitatively dis- Doppler width of the scattered molecular spectrum cerned from noise (typically _30 s). Subjective groups making accurate separation from the unbroadened of these intermediate sums are formed by adding range particulate scattering more difficult; resolved profiles together, as long as the backscatter d) cloud backscatter intensities can be very large profiles do not appear markedly different. Optical compared to molecular scattering thus requiring ex- properties are determined from each of these grouped treme accuracy (_0.1%) in the determination of the profiles, then combined in a time-weighted average to inversion coefficients; and achieve the reported time resolution. e) during daylight operations cirrus clouds scatter c) In calculating the optical properties, the inverted sunlight into the receiver field of view, increasing the molecular signal has not been applied directly within background-light-induced noise. Aerosol scattering the cirrus clouds. Instead, the HSRL molecular channel cross sections observed in previous operations rarely signal has been smoothed according to the following achieved even thin cirrus scattering cross section values. algorithm: To combat these problems, and still maintain rea- 1) Regions dominated by Rayleigh scattering are sonable calibration accuracy, time resolution, and determined both above and below the cloud (this is possible because first-cut HSRL backscatter cross sec- measurement linearity, the following data processing algorithm has been applied: tion profiles clearly indicate regions of enhanced par- ticulate scatter, even in the presence of a small cross- a) A series of inverted molecular and aerosol profiles talk term ). is generated with ---4 s time resolution. Because drifts 2) In these regions, a least squares fit is produced in the system bandpass and receiver-transmitter tuning from the observed separated molecular signal to the have nonlinear effects on the relative transmission of expected profile for a pure molecular scattering at- the receiver channels, a new set of separation coeffi- mosphere calculated from a radiosonde profile of pres- cients is chosen for each ofthese profiles by the follow- sure and temperature. This is acceptable since the ex- ing method: tinction contribution from particles is small and most 2347 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUMEIf8 of the signal slope in theseparated molecular profile is was _ 1.5"(at 1.06 um) suggesting aminimum crystal associated with the known decrease in density with diameter of _50 um. Fortunately, at our operating height. wavelength, Ci size parameters are fairly large. This 3) The clear-air observed signals are replaced with reduces the angular width of the diffraction peak so the smooth best fit estimates above and below the that the enhanced backscatter drops off rapidly with cloud. declination from zenith. 4) The cloud optical thickness isdetermined from the decrease in the best fit molecular signal across the 4. Lidar derived optical properties cloud determined in step 3, while accounting for the expected decrease in molecular cross section with al- titude. Several periods of cirrus exhibiting differing optical 5) The vertical profile ofextinction within the cloud and morphological characteristics wereobserved during iscalculated from the separated paniculate backscatter the case study period. We will begin with a discussion profile using a Bernoulli solution constrained by the of optically thin subvisual cirrus, proceed to a quan- optical thickness determined in step 4 and the as- titative description of a mesoscale uncinus complex, continue with a comparison of altocumulus and ice sumption of aconstant backscatter to extinction ratio. The Bernoulli technique isemployed in this solution cloud scattering properties, and conclude with the to reduce the logarithmic range derivative of the lidar characterization of the optically thicker cirrus layer. Eq. (Al) to a first order equation which can be solved Throughout this discussion we will refer to the optical explicitly for the extinction profile, given the total op- properties defined in the Appendix. In addition, the reported optical thicknesses (r) have had the effects of tical thickness and an assumed power law relationship between backscatter and extinction (Weinman 1988). molecular extinction removed so that they represent only the attenuation due to particle scattering. Like- 6) The in-cloud molecular backscatter signal isre- wise, backscatter cross sections represent aerosol scat- placed with a smooth estimate calculated from the ex- tinction profile determined in step 5 and the known tering quantities without molecular scattering contri- altitude distribution of the molecular scattering cross butions, and will be denoted Bo,/4_r. Because we fre- section j3m(R) [see Eq. (A3)]. In this way, noise is re- quently observe correlations between small-scale wind features and lidar backscatter, isotachs are included on moved from the molecular scattenng profile, while the spatial distribution of extinction isclosely maintained. each backscatter cross section plot for reference. For a Backscatter cross sections [Eq.(A5)] arecalculated us- pictorial overview ofthe HSRL observations, the reader ing this estimate of P,.(R). isdirected to the lidar intercomparison paper elsewhere 7) Backscatter phase functions are reported asbulk in this volume (Sassen et al. 1990). quantities calculated over the entire depth ofcloud be- cause the Bernoulli solution employed to mitigate the a. Subvisible and background cirrus effects of noise assumes the backscatter to extinction ratio isconstant. The occurrence ofsubvisible cirrus has been a topic of interest in the last fewyears because of the potential Penetration ofclouds, hence cloud-top altitudes, are effects on IR wavelength remote sensors. In addition assured in HSRL data by the presence of molecular to the attenuation provided by the cloud, thermal backscatter signal from above the cloud. Molecular emissions from the cloud and ambient light scattered signal was clearly evident within the reported time res- by the cloud can contribute to measurement back- olutions throughout this case study period, suggesting ground noise. Even tenuous clouds can develop sig- confidence in the cloud-top altitudes indicated at the nificant optical thickness when probed by shallow angle level of the minimum plotted backscatter cross section or horizontally dewing long range sensors. In addition, contours. Errors in optical thickness and backscatter low-level aerosol backscatter can complicate the re- phase function were determined by estimating the ef- trieval of optical depth from simple lidar observations fects of photon counting statistics on both the range because calibrations often rely upon the determination resolved signals and the uncorrelated background signal of regions characterized by pure molecular scattering according to the methods detailed in Grund (1987). Cloud visibility isa complicated property that depends Cirrus can sometimes form plate-like crystals that on many factors including contrast, discernible struc- fall flat-face-down because of aerodynamics. Conse- ture, and sun angle in addition to optical thickness. quently, the HSRL was operated 30-5 *from zenith in However, _,. this paper, we will adopt the convention order to minimize the impact of specular backscatter ofSassen et al. (1989) and consider clouds with a zenith on the measurements of backscatter phase function angle r g 0.03 as subvisible. Within this case stt,'ly and backscatter cross section. Specular backscatter en- period, several subvisible clouds were observed by the hancements by a factor of at least 13 have been ob- HSRL. served, and larger enhancements seem possible. The Figure ! shows a contour plot of the/_o,/4_r of an e-_ full width of the forward scatter diffraction peak isolated subvisible cirrus cloud. The contour interval NOVEMBER 1990 C. J. GRUND AND E. w. ELORANTA 2348 9.O ,. 29" .i- I .._..,.,.." .v.., layer formation apparent in Fig. 3 between 7.0 and 13.8 km. Because ofthe small backscatter signals from ................. ....... 28.'" ..... these clouds, the range resolution has been degraded to ---900 m and temporal resolution has been reduced to 30-60 minutes. In higher time and spatial resolution images of the raw lidar data, these veils seem to be rather stable and are not seen to exhibit the cellular S.O structure present in the subvisible cirrus of the type shown in Fig. 1.It isclear from these data that average backscatter cross sections of <1 (10)-' km-n sr-J can exist over extended regions even when structured clouds are not detected. Evidently, there must be several •..17............. mechanisms for the generation and maintenance of 7.0 a I n I n ,,...... n i subvisible clouds. 2200 2300 2_ Because radiosonde humidity measurements do not UTC (10/27/B6) often extend above --_10 km and are frequently un- FIG. I.Contour plotofthe backscatter crosssection (10-' km-I sr-Iinsolidline)ofa subvisiblecirruscloud. Thedashedlineindicates reliable at these altitudes, it isdifficult to suggest particle theopticalmidcloud height(seetext). Theaverage opticalthickness composition from the availability of moisture for the ofthis cloud between2245and 2320UTC was0.03withan average formation of ice particles in these clouds. However, bulk backscatterphasefunctionof0.028sr-I.Isotachs(dottedline) radiosondes launched from Platteville at 0000 and 0300 are plottedinms-_fromtheFort McCoyradiosondeslaunchedat 2100and 00(_ UTC. show consistently moist (RH with respect to ice >70%) regions from 8.8 km-9.5 km and 8.2 km-10.0 kin, respectively. The 0900 and 1200 soundings indicated moist layers 7.2 km-10.2 km and 6.6 km-10.1 km, is 5.0 ( 10)-' km -I sr -_ starting from 3.0 (10) -4 km -] respectively, both with maxima RH with respect to ice sr-I .The dashed line marks the optical midaltitude of in excess of 100%. the cloud; half the cloud optical depth is accumulated Between 0000 and 0400, the subvisible cloud exhib- to either side of this line. This height was determined ited an average optical thickness of 0.01 _+0.004. From from the Bernoulli solution for the in-cloud extinction 0920 to 1140 the average optical thickness was 0.003 profile. The maximum value of _o,/47r measured in + 0.002. Wind-drift estimates ofthe size of the features this cloud was 4.1 (10) -3 km -_ sr -a at 2301 UTC. Assuming negligible temporal evolution, translation with the 25 m s-_ ambient wind suggests a horizontal extent of ---60 km for this cloud. When the 2245-2322 data are averaged together, the mean optical thickness for this cloud was determined to be 0.03 +_0.006. The 14_ _4 ...... . 2_ ................ m ...... _ ...... bulk-average backscatter phase function for this cloud was found to be 0.028 ___0.007 sr -n . Backscatter in- ........ 24.......................................... ,-_ tensification near 2300, 2310, and 2320 at ---8 km sug- gests this cirrus cloud was composed of _5 km wide b_,,_ ...... rc..._r_ \- shallow cells or bands spaced _-20 km apart, imbedded Io__...... ) C-_:._.".__.-'-:.-_.'_,- -_ in a less dense background cloud. On two occasions during the case study, we have observed extended periods of enhanced backscatter with little apparent structure. Because the HSRL tech- . _ .... ............. " ....... _'l_ml. pml : nique does not distinguish between backscatter from ; ........ :................................. 17........................................ . small aerosols (e.g., dust, H2SO4 droplets, etc.) and 0000 0100 O_OO _ 0400 backseatter from cloud particles, we cannot be certain UTC (10128/8e) that these subvisible background veils are cirrus; how- FIG. 2.Backgroundveilsofenhanced panicleback.scatterarefre- ever, because more dense cirrus are observed at the quentlyobservedatcirrusaltitudes. Theaverageopticalthickness of subvisible veil altitudes both before and after these ob- thislayerwas _0.01. Backscattercrosssection contours (solid line) servations, these features appear to be at least associated are inunitsof 10-' km-I sr-', opticalmidcloudheightsare plotted indashedline,and isotachsare plottedindotted lineinms-' from with cirrus. Regardless of panicle identification, the theFortMcCoyradiosondes hunched at0000,0300and0900 UTC existence of extended regions of elevated scatter at these (the0600radiosondewasnotlaunched).Notethecorrelation between altitudes have similar impacts on radiative balance and windspeedand backscatter cross section contour patterns.Correla- the operation of remote sensors. tionsbetween windvelocityand backscaner distribution(e.g., 1000 A persistent region of enhanced backscatter of this UTC between9and 10.5km) canbias wind profilesacquired from future spacebasedDopplerlidarswith insufficientverticalresolution type is evident in Fig. 2 from 8.5-13.8 km, and a two (see text). 2349 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME I18 15.0 , _ I , , , I ....., ...... .,..... speed estimates produced rms errors exceeding 0.8 m s-_ with a peak error of 2.4 m s-' at 8.6 km. 14.0 ................. _ .............. ' Figure 3 shows another example of a strong corre- lation between wind sheer and backscatter cross section. Note the packing ofisotachs between 9.5 and 10.5 km coincident with the thin cloud region at 1000 UTC. When subjected to the above wind profiling lidar anal- - ........ ysis, this data produced rms errors of _0.5 m s-' with 1o.o.. ............. a peak error of 1.7 m s-j at 9.8 km due solely to the l km range averaging of the wind speeds between 6.5 - _-........._.._-_ ........ _zo _.:::::__i ............ """"/o ..... "..- _ '_ and 14.5 kin. Backscatter weighting of the range av- I "".'.'........... ......::............ "::.......... - erage produced an rms wind speed error of ---1.0 m s-_ with a peak error of-4.1 m s-_ at 9.0 km. A study as oj 2,......... ..........:..::::: of the effects of velocity-backscatter correlations and .................... 2_.......................... ::.. resolution specifications on wind profiling lidar mea- surements is reported in Grund et al. (1990). soF..-...;...-....-........ ,14.........I.............. , , ...,........i........;.......;....... I000 1100 b. Mesoscale uncinus complex (MUC) UTC(10128/86} Figure 4 presents a contour map of the absolute FiG. 3. A two-layer region of enhanced backscaner. Backscatter cross section contours (solid line) are in units of 10-_ km -I sr-m, backscatter cross section from a mesoscale uncinus optical midcloud heights are plotted in dashed line, and wind speeds complex (MUC) observed between 0500 and 0900 are plotted in dotted line inm s-' from the Fort McCoy radiosondes UTC 28 October. For the basic structural description launched at 0900 and 1200 UTC. Backscatter cross section values and a pictorial view of the relative backscatter from are _half of those shown in Fig. 2, and although the wind profiles are quite different, correlations between wind and backscatter are this mesoscale uncinus complex refer to Sassen et al. still evident. (1990). A series of uncinus generating cells is evident between 9.5 and I1.0 kin, particularly between 0530 and 0700. Each of these cells is about 150 m thick. depicted in Figs. 2 and 3 suggest that they extend for Cloud translation with the 10 km wind (20 -!-_l0 m more than 400 km and 180 km, respectively. One im- s-_) would suggest the cells are "-,4-12 km across, thus, plication of such large-scale optically thin clouds isthat they have a height to width aspect ratio in the range remote sensors attempting to view horizontally within --, 1:50-1:180. Averaging times of ---12 minutes were such layers could easily encounter significant optical chosen for each profile in this cross section so that ex- thickness, even though the cloud may not produce a visual manifestation. Another implication of such ex- tensive cloud blankets is they can alter earth's radiative 1 0.1:.•..... ,,.. ,y... ......, , , , balance, if present on a global scale, while going un- I- ...... 2:1'""""" ...... detected by space-borne passive remote sensors. o.i ,,.....:.I... lsotachs plotted in Fig. 2show a general correlation between wind speed maxima and backscatter cross I ",... ..l?.... section contours. Note the 26 and 29 m s-j contours closely follow the pattern of backscatter cross section distribution. These apparent pattern correlations have been observed in several cases, though a consistent set • I "_ I 21""......... of correlation characteristics has not been established. ,. " ..... •..... " .... 3. , 2e...... It is not clear whether the sheer is part of the cirrus generation mechanism or ifcirrus formation and winds are both responding to the same environmental forcing. Because wind-profiling Doppler lidars rely on back- 6JO _ ' i I , , t I , , J I ',''"; ..... j " scatter from naturally occurring aerosols, correlations 0600 OQO0 0700 0800 0_0 between wind sheer and the distribution ofbackscatter uTc c_0/2e/ee_ can bias vertically-averaged wind measurements of in- RG. 4. Ci,. " backscatter cross section ( I0-3 km -j sr-i, __) sufficient range resolution. As an example, awind pro- and optical midcloud height (- - -) ofa mesoscale uncinus complex. filing lidar observing the 0200 profile between 7.5 and The average optical thickness of this system be...... 0600 and 0750 UTC was 0.58 ± 0.05 which varied from 0,09 ± 0.03 at 0750 L I-C 14.5 km with 1km resolution would produce an rms to I.I ± 0.3 at 0718 UTC. The bulk backscatter phase function av- wind speed error of -_0.4 m s-j due solely to range eraged overthesametimeperiodwas0.042 ±0.015sr-j.TheMUC averaging with the maximum error of-1.2 m s-' oc- passedover Madisonjust aheadofa mesoscale windier. Again note curring at 9.8 kin. When weighted by the backscatter theapparent associationof windspeed(ms -_, •.... )withcirrus morphology, lsotachs weredetermined fromthe FortMcCoyradio- cross section at each range, the 1 km averaged wind sondes launched at0300 and0900UTC. NOVEM1B9E9R0 C.J. GRUND AND E. W. ELORANTA 2350 pected signal-noise-induced errors in the average cloud- backscatter cross section were limited to __.15%. The maximum Ba,,/4r for this MUC was determined to be 0.024 km -_ sr-_at 0722 near 8.7 km altitude, preceding the passage of a wind jet maximum of _34 m s-t. Both the Ft. McCoy and Platteville soundings at 0300 and 0900 (0600 was not acquired )indicate the regions above 7.4 km were consistently moist (>70% RH with respect to ice)and occasionally reached supersaturation as high as ---108% with respect to ice. The radiosonde profiles also show an abrupt decrease in relative hu- midity below 7.4 km suggesting the steep contour gra- dient at 0700 at 7.2 km altitude is related to rapid ice crystal evaporation in the dry. environment beneath the complex. Analysis of the profiles averaged over the 0600-0750 period indicates this system had a mean I_G.6.The0700 UTCGOES IRimageshowsthe mesoscaleun- optical thickness of 0.58 _ 0.05, which varied from cinuscomplex (MUC) passingdirectlyoverthe lidarsiteasitprop- agates southeastward along the eastward moving cloud band. The 0.09 _ 0.03 at 0750 to 1.1 + 0.3 at 0718. The bulk lidar time heightcrosssection through the cloud band and MUCas backscatter phase function averaged over the same time itpassed overhead wasshown inFig.4. period was 0.042 _ 0.015 sr- '. Figures 5, 6, and 7 are the 0600, 0700, and 0800 GOES IR images covering the IFO study area that show the MUC passing directly over Madison (stationary agation of the complex seems to be a displacement of white-on-black square in south--central Wisconsin). the MUC generating region along the west wind-driven The relatively bright (cold) complex is embedded in a cloud band, rather than a translation of the complex with the ambient wind. less intense eastward moving cloud band that extends ---NW-SE from a more extensive cloud shield covering Isotachs, interpreted from the 0300 and 0900 Ft. northern Wisconsin. Cloud image tracking indicates McCoy radiosonde data, show an apparent relationship the band is moving eastward at "--23 m s-', close to between wind speeds and the MUC backscatter cross the wind-drift velocity at cirrus altitudes. The complex section distribution. Note the close proximity in time seems to be propagating southeastward as the band and altitude between the wind speed maximum and moves east. Radiosonde data show the 8.5 km wind the backscatter cross section maximum. Also note that backing from _-300 °to _270 °as the complex passes; the cloud bottom occurs where the time height cross however, the winds show a slight but consistent veering section indicates relatively steady winds. Further, the with height above 8km throughout this period. Figure decrease in cloud top altitude seems to be related to 4 indicates the most optically dense cloud regions were the development of a wind minimum at 10.5 km. The near 8.5 km. Thus, the apparent southeastward prop- jet and the wind minimum are of smaller scale than FIG.7.The 0800 UTC GOES IRimage shows theapparent dis- FIG. 5.The 0600UTC GOES IRimage showingthe cirruscloud sipation oftbe MUCasitcontinues topropagate totheSEalong the band over Madison (white pixel in south--central Wisconsin) ex- cloud band. Thelidar (see Fig.4)showsthe backscatter structure of tending NW to SEfromalargercirrusshieldcoveringnorthern WI. the cloud band following the MUC. Displacement estimates from The relatively brightcloud regionsjust tothe NWofMadisonmoved Figs.5-7 suggestthe cloud band ismoving eastward at _23 ms-' rapidly tothe SEalong thecloud band overthe nexttwohours (see inagreement with rawinsonde-determined windsat the lidar-deter_ Fig. 6). mined cirrus altitudes. 2351 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUMEII8 the FIRE IFO radiosonde network. They appear strongly only in the Ft. McCoy soundings, and arejust ltiIlt /'t"_t "'- 00O00.O76S discernible in the Platteville sounding data; thus, no '_ "• 0O4 attempt has been made to interpolate the radiosonde data to Madison observation times. Future observa- 00_ tions of this type would benefit from a more dense 0O0O3t K temporal and spatial net of wind observations. i The MUC observations also demonstrate the limi- tations inherent in interpreting cirrus cloud morphol- UTC 28 Oct. 1986 ogy strictly from zenith time height cross section mea- FIG.9.Time historyofthe total cloud optical depth (--) and surements. If the wind sheer is deduced from the ap- bulknormalized backscatter phasefunction (.... ,st-_)coincident with the backscatter cross sections plotted in Fig. 8.Ten minute parent slope of the virga trails, the wind maximum averaginghas beenapplied (see section 3)tosmooth the data. The would be expected near the upper cloud level at _ 10 largestvaluesof backscatter phase function valuesinthis recordco- kin. In fact, the wind contours indicate the maximum incidewith thecirrus regionscontaining altocumulus cells. of "-35 ms-' near 8.5 km, decreasing to --- 18 m s-1 at 10 km. Clearly, the time-height cross section of this complex does not represent a stationary phenomena highlights the dissimilarity in lidar backscatter between translating with the ambient winds. Rather, in addition these cloud types. The lower layer cloud appears to be to translation, the clouds are undergoing significant formed from a series of relatively dense altocumulus evolution. Cloud genesis is probably related to circu- cells, each with a 0.5-1.0 km long ice crystal fallout lations about the mesoscale jet, and the apparent shape tail. The identification ofthese clouds asACu isinferred of virga may be partially governed by the local distri- from an all-sky photograph taken at Wausau and the bution of moisture. Clearly, serious study of the mor- fact that similar cloud structure was observed at Ft. phology of such mesoscale phenomena can greatly McCoy and Wausau lidar data around this time period benefit from the acquisition of real time three-dimen- (Sassen et al. 1990). Ice virga is inferred from the en- sional lidar observations. vironmental temperature (-25" to -30"C) and from grey-scale images oflidar backscatter. Virga appears in c. Altocurnulus versus cirrus these images as finely detailed striated sheets that de- viate from vertical following the altitude profile of hor- izontal wind sheer. Translation with the wind speeds From 1200 to 1500 UTC 28 October, a two-level at 7.7 km would indicate the ACu were about 20 km cirrus-altocumulus formation was observed. Figure 8 across, yet they were -_200 m thick, producing a height to width ratio of only 1:100. As the ACu developed, Fig. 9 shows an increase in both the total cloud optical 12.0 ., ........ , _._... 2)!...... , , i i , i thickness and the backscatter phase function, while the • "......... 26........... .......... 20....... .. "............ ._ optical midcloud altitude decreased from -_ 11 km to -.........s_,._-._............... .._< .s 11.0 _,7.5 km. Note that the average cloud backscatter phase function peaks with the passage of each ACu cell. Because similar cloud features were also observed 10.0 to produce little depolarization at Wausau and Ft. ..... ..2:r .... E I m McCoy, we can infer, with some confidence, that the B - .............:...i.il....i:.illii"._i"...........2e..... .... ...- .- backscatter phase function peaks suggest these clouds - | .. are composed of supercooled spherical water droplets .-........... N..........................................I_................._:.'"..'.".......... (see Sassen et al. 1990 for depolarization data and spa- ..._::::i, ...................,_ tially localized backscatter phase functions). ?.0 The ACu bands at ---7.6 km produce significantly greater backscatter than either the 9-12 km cirrus or .......... 14................... the lower level virga between 6.4 and 7.1 kin. The #_,/ 1200 1300 1400 4_r maximum reached at 1419 exceeded 0.15 km-' UTC (10120186) sr-_, nearly an order of magnitude greater than the FIG. 8.Time heightbackscatter cross section (10 -3km-_sr-_, largest #a,/4_r observed during this case study in any interval: 7(10)-3km-_sr-_)ofa two-layer cirrus formationwith cirrus exhibiting significant vertical development. One altocumulus embeddedinthe lower layer. The I(10) -3km-_sr-j contour near the ACu outlines what appears to be ice virga. The reason for this is that ACu are primarily composed of largestbackscatter crosssectionobserved during the casestudy(0.18 supercooled liquid water droplets; because of optical km-_sr-t)occurred _ 1330UTCat _7.6kin. Atable of localized surface wave phenomena, such droplets are more ef- backscatter phase function and optical thickness illustrating the dif- ficient at backscattering than nonspherical ice crystals. ferences inoptical properties ofACu. icevirga,and the uppercloud layer may befound in Sassenet al. (1990). lsotachs are plotted in A second reason is that supercooled water droplets are dotted lineinms-_fromthe Forth McCoyradiosondes launched at necessarily quite small; whereas, once glaciation begins. 0900, 1200,and 1500UTC. cloud particles accumulate mass rapidly because of the NOVEMBER 1990 C. J. GRUND AND E. W. ELORANTA 2352 reduction of saturation vapor pressure with respect to ice. Hence, ice particle fall speeds rapidly exceed ver- tical atmospheric motion, and particle mass distributes p _oo b° o o . 003- over an extended column, decreasing the local back- i 1.5 a °el= _ t_oo !a, 002 scatter intensity. The backscatter cross section will also diminish as growth processes redistribute water mass from many small particles to fewer but larger ice crys- tals with substantial fall speeds. This isbecause particle If_O trg0 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 240_ mass increases as the cube of the radius while the scat- UTC 28 Oct. 1986 tering cross section approximately follows the radius FIG. lI. Time history of'the total c' _ud optical depth (_) and squared. bulk normalized backscatter phase function (.... ,sr-_)coincident with the backscatter cross sections plotted in Fig. 10. Peaks in the The ACu, when present, dominate the optical thick- backscatter phase function tend to coincide with apparent generating ness profile. This effect is evident in the dramatic de- regions while minima tend to occur between cells independent of crease of 4 km in the optical midcloud altitude between cloud optical thickness suggesting different panicle microphysics for 1200 and 1215. Clearly, the occurrence of ACu can the two regimes. have significant impact on the radiative properties of the cloud independent of cloud top altitude and bottom altitudes. virga trail that extends to, and perhaps seeds, a second region of strong backscatter near ---7.5 km. The lower d. Cirrostratus regions (at 1610 and 1640) also appear to be precipi- tating as evidenced by the vertical elongation of the cloud bottom backscatter cross section contours. Note From 1500 UTC 28 October to the end of the case study period, the cirrus observed over Madison as- that the midcloud altitude follows regions ofenhanced backscatter very closely and that there is no obvious sumed a distinct pattern of vertically developed cells with regions of enhanced backscatter appearing near relationship between the appearance of these regions both cloud top and cloud bottom (see Fig. 10). The and either cloud top or cloud bottom altitudes. Thus, vertical elongation of backscatter cross section contours the structures that dominate cloud optical properties suggests an upward and/or downward redistribution are not necessarily indicated by either the cloud of cloud particles. The top and bottom cellular mor- boundaries or the physical midcloud altitude. phology of this layer is most evident ---1610 where an With the exception of two short periods, near 1540 and 1915, the cirrus optical thickness exceeded 0.1 apparent generating region near cloud top produces a forming an apparent cirrostratus layer (see Fig. I1). The gap in cloud cover at _ 1900 corresponds to the passage of the clear arc identified from satellite imagery in Starr and Wylie (1990). Note that the peaks in .......... 26....... • ; "'. backscatter-phase function (_0.038 sr-:) tend to co- 11.0 - ...... ..'/.::. "'" [ incide with the occurrence of the regions of enhanced •4 '"" u backscatter cross section independent of total optical • ....... 1 .: thickness, while the regions between the cells usually t0.0 f.,,,r'l " _,_A_ _IIflI_/_I _X/ produce the minima in the backscatter phase function l values of _0.02-0.026 sr -_. This suggests differences in the microphysical properties for the particles asso- ciated with the cells compared with those of the sur- rounding cloud. One explanation may be that the lower 12.o _':A'"_..... , ' ' ' i..' ," t_..e..__/'._._l.'..ii"i!.'./_-I_.-_'....t'.I.-i.'.I ' '1' I ,' regions of enhanced backscatter are areas of cloud par- ticle generation that may contain an abundance of 7.0 )sl_ 11 I " small supercooled water droplets (temperature at 7.5 ..... _ " . •• '"i ......""i........, km: "-, -30°C; at 9.5: "_ -45°C). Although the gen- 8_6404 1(100 1700 III00 11100 2000 2100 2200 2300 0000 eration mechanism is unclear, an abundance of ex- UTC (I0/28/86) ceedingly small particles could also account for the ob- RG. 10. From 1500 UTC until operations were terminated, acirro- served backscatter-phase function effects (as well as stratus layer was observed over Madison which contained a distinct low depolarization ratios, see Sassen et al. 1990). This pattern of vertically developed cells evident in this time height back- scatter cross section (10-3 kin-' sr-', --) profile. Regions ofin- issue cannot be resolved from in situ probe data because tensifted backscatter are found near both cloud top and cloud bottom. present instruments are incapable of resolving such The optical midcloud height (---) tends to follow these regions small particles. However, Heymsfield et al. (1990) re- independent of cloud top and bottom altitudes. The relatively cloud port observing clouds containing supercooled water free period _ 1900 UTC corresponds to the clear arc region noted droplets using aircraft borne in situ probes. In regions in satellite imagery by Start and Wylie (1990). Isotachs (..... ) are plotted in ms-' determined by radiosondes launched from Ft. between the cells, it may be that sufficient time has McCoy at 1500, 1800, 2100, and 2400 UTC. elapsed so that the number density of droplets has been 2353 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME118 substantially diminished by differential vapor pressure 5. Summary effects between ice and water, or the smallest ofparticles may have grown by some coalescence phenomena. The HSRL has been successfully adapted to the task The modulation of the bulk backscatter-phase func- of cirrus cloud optical property measurement. The tion also suggests that some of the apparent structure transmitter configuration used to acquire the case study observed in the backscatter cross section plots is gen- data produce "-_50 mW of output power and achieved erated by microphysical changes and is not simply pro- eye-safe, direct optical depth, and backscatter cross portional to the distribution of cloud extinction cross section measurements with 10min averaging times. A section. This effect should be considered when deduc- new continuously pumped, injection seeded, frequency ing cloud morphological and optical characteristics doubled Nd:YAG laser transmitter has recently re- from simple plots of lidar backscatter. duced time-averaging constraints by a factor of _ 10, The backscatter contours in Fig. l0 indicate a large while improving the aerosol-molecular signal separa- scale pattern of intensification with a period of about tion capabilities and wavelength stability ofthe instru- 45 minutes. However, an examination of the higher ment (Grund and Eloranta 1990). time resolution pictures ofthe raw laser returns reveals The cirrus cloud backscatter cross sections, optical the clouds are composed of many repeated finer scale thickness, and backscatter-phase functions have been features. Figure 12 is an expanded scale view of the determined for the 27-28 October !986 segment of the 1800 to 2230 time period that shows a striated 5 min HSRL FIRE dataset. Features exhibiting backscatter structure imbedded in the larger scale organization. cross sections ranging over four orders of magnitude This pattern is most clearly developed between 2130 have been observed within this 33 hour period. Ex- to 2230. Wind drift estimates would suggest that these tended episodes of low backscatter cross section features have ahorizontal scale of about 9-11 km; thus, ("--10-7 m-' sr-I ) have been observed between struc- the height to width aspect ratio of the elementary tured cirrus clouds events. structures is _ 1:5; whereas the larger scale field of en- During this period, cirrus clouds were observed with hanced backscatter exhibits an aspect ratio of -_ 1:25. optical thicknesses ranging from 0.01 to 1.4. Bulk-av- FIG.12.Intensitymodulated heighttimedisplayofthelogoftheRzcorrectedHSRLaerosolchannel signal.Theimagehas10timesthe temporalresolution necessaryto producethecalibratedattenuationcorrectedcrosssectionplotted in Fig.10.Theimage revealsan _5 minutestructure(_9-11 kmwide)imbeddedinthelargerscaleorganizationshown inFig.10.

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