No-interest payment plans can grow your practice. It’s true——and it makes your patients happy, too. Many patients put off accepting treatments they want or need because they base their decision on finances. Turns out, 8 out of 10 patients prefer No-Interest Plans over other financing optionssimply because they want more time to pay. Your practice could experience increases in patient satisfaction and revenue by offering them the No-Interest Payment Plans available with the Citi®Health Card patient financing program. With a payment plan to meet every need, patients can make decisions based on health needs, instead of just finances——and you schedule more treatments. Best of all, the Citi Health Card makes it easy to apply. And with high approval rates, most patients get a credit decision within minutes and can start treatment immediately. Your patients aren’t the only ones that benefit either. You’ll enjoy these advantages from the start: •No enrollment fee and no special equipment needed • Low Merchant Discount Rate (MDR) saves you money • 3, 6, 12 and 18 month No-Interest Payment Plans • Less effort spent on collections saves you time • Payments made within 2-3 business days • Increased treatment acceptance and patient satisfaction Find out just how beneficial the Citi Health Card program can be for you and your patients. Even if you already have an existing patient financing plan for your practice, you owe it to yourself to find out more. Call the toll-free number below to get started. Get your free information package today: 1-866-352-5202 or visit 6 Becoming the CEO of your Practice 38 Metamorphosis dr.bill dickerson chong lee 12 The LVI VISIONS Interview with 44 File Breakage in Endo Dr.Ron Jackson Prevention is the Best Medicine ronald d.jackson,dds,fagd,faacd arthur "kit" weathers, 20 Clinical Questions & Answers 48 Commonly Asked Questions about heidi dickerson,dds,lvim Neuromuscular Dentistry 22 Optimum Care,Insurance Care, 56 Debilitating Centric Relation case Patient-Financed Care: resolved using Neuromuscular principles Increasing Treatment Acceptance sam kherani bsc,dds,fagd robert h.maccario,mba 28 Creating and Maintaining 58 Blueprint for a Simple Implant Case leo j.malin,dds Beautiful Smiles: The JP Institute Veneer Care System peggy sprague,rdh • kim miller,rdh,bs 66 Ask Correctly And You Shall Receive 34 Product Reviews More Often michael miyasaki,dds,lvim nate booth,dds The Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies (LVI) publishes LVI Visions.Please send any comments or suggestions to 9501 Hillwood Dr.,Las Vegas,NV 89134. Telephone (888) 584-3237 or (702) 341-7978.Web address • Copyright ©2005 – Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies. All right reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies.LVI does not verify any claims or other information appearing in any of the advertisements contained in this publication. E D I T O R I A L BY WILLIAM G. DICKERSON, DDS, FAACD, LVIM Becoming the CEO of your Practice The biggest deficiency that new graduates have when they get out of dental school is not technical. The biggest deficiency is in the area of business. Let’s face it; we really get no business training in dental school. Most dentists are business uninformed. I know I was. Yet we are required to run a small business when we start our practice. Yes, your practice IS a small business. Probably the biggest boost to my practice was not from the dental publications I read,but the busi- ness publications I read.So this article is intent on providing you the tools and guidance to become the CEO of your practice. 6 LVI VISIONS • JULY / AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2005 Motivate and Lead Be a Visionary for Your Practice In their mind they realized it was The key to becoming a good CEO of It’s the job of the CEO to set the di- possible. Once you believe some- your practice or any business is to rection and standards of the office. thing, it becomes reachable. Once make and keep your employees happy. Most great business tycoons were vi- the perception of reality has been al- Happy employees will be more pro- sionaries, who broke the paradigms of tered and paradigms shift, things ductive and the company will prosper. conventional wisdom in their area of that once were considered impossi- Business psychologists will tell you business. The great CEO sets high yet ble become common place. that beyond a certain minimum level, realistic expectations. It is your job to it isn’t pay or benefits that make your convince the team that the goals you set Empower Your Team employees happy; it’s a strong rela- are reachable. Just like you, your team I personally think the worst form of tionship with co-workers and a sup- has their perception of reality set by management is “micromanaging”. By portive boss. And be careful delegat- their own paradigms of what’s possible. micromanaging, you don’t empower ing this to someone, as they may not If you can change those perceptions, your team to excel on their own. You always have the best interest in your then the team can accomplish more than stifle their creativity and limit their practice like you do. you and they ever dreamed possible. need to “think”on their own. There is no way you can do all the jobs well,so It’s the job of the CEO to set the direction by micromanaging, you have and standards of the office. mediocre output in all areas. By em- powering your team, you create re- It’s also important to be positive and Think about Roger Banister. In sponsible people who take charge of squash any negativity. Like a comput- 1954, it was considered humanly their work. This is best accomplished er virus,negativity will destroy the rest impossible to break the 4-minute by educating your team and leading by of the practice. It’s infectious. You mile. No one had ever done it. In example. Take them to courses with need to do whatever you can to per- just the next couple of years after you so they are learning as you are and petuate a positive environment and not Roger Bannister broke it, 50 other see that you want to be the best. It let negativity infiltrate your team. people broke that milestone. compels THEM to want to be the best. LVI VISIONS • JULY / AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2005 7 By far the dentists who return from and therefore important to the team. ing of ways to improve the service LVI and have the greatest success are The successful companies and they provide their patients. Remem- those who brought their teams. leaders are those who let others be- ber,you are in a service business,not lieve they are responsible for the suc- a product business. So constantly Don’t be Insecure cess of the business. Instead of want- think about ways to improve it. If I think most poor CEOs are inse- ing to get the credit,let someone else you like the way you are treated cure. Great leaders or CEOs are se- bask in it. What difference does it somewhere, think if you can apply cure enough to surround themselves make? It is your company and you that to your practice. Read business with smart books and and intelli- think about gent people. Remember, it’s just as important to work ON your the dental It’s also crit- equivalent of practice as working IN your practice ical that they an idea. give those It’s when around them the doctor the feeling that they were responsible will reap the rewards for their enthu- treats his or her practice like the for a successful venture even though it siasm and efforts. small business it is, and realizes that may have been the CEOs’ guidance they are the CEO of their company, that created the success. Empowering Don’t Just Work In Your Practice that the practice really takes off. Re- an employee with the notion that they Most dentists only think about member, it’s just as important to are high achievers and important to the their office when they are IN it. The work ON your practice as working team will MAKE them high achievers successful dentists are always think- IN your practice. Interested in learning more about LVI and our amazing courses? Call us at (888) 584-3237,visit us on the web at or e-mail us at [email protected] will send you a complete course catalog,schedule of upcoming events and much more. 8 LVI VISIONS • JULY / AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2005