Nuclear Science 2011 2011 T echnology and Components of Accelerator-driven Systems T echnology and The accelerator-driven system (ADS) is a potential transmutation system option as part of partitioning and Components of transmutation strategies for radioactive waste in advanced nuclear fuel cycles. These proceedings contain all the technical papers presented at the workshop on Technology and Components of Accelerator-driven T e Systems held on 15-17 March 2010 in Karlsruhe, Germany. The workshop provided experts with a forum c h Accelerator-driven Systems to present and discuss state-of-the-art developments in the field of ADS and neutron sources. It included n o a special session on the EUROTRANS as well as four technical sessions covering current ADS experiments lo g and test facilities, accelerators, neutron sources and subcritical systems. y a n d C o m p Workshop Proceedings o n e Karlsruhe, Germany n t s o 15-17 March 2010 f A c c e le r a t o r -d r iv e n S y s t e m s -:HSTCQE=VV\W\X: (66 2011 01 1 P) € 90 ISBN 978-92-64-11727-3 N U C L E A R E N E R G Y A G E N C Y Nuclear Science ISBN 978-92-64-11727-3 Technology and Components of Accelerator-driven Systems Workshop Proceedings Karlsruhe, Germany 15-17 March 2010 © OECD 2011 NEA No. 6897 NUCLEAR ENERGY AGENCY Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT The OECD is a unique forum where the governments of 34 democracies work together to address the economic, social and environmental challenges of globalisation. The OECD is also at the forefront of efforts to understand and to help governments respond to new developments and concerns, such as corporate governance, the information economy and the challenges of an ageing population. The Organisation provides a setting where governments can compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practice and work to co-ordinate domestic and international policies. The OECD member countries are: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, the Republic of Korea, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States. The European Commission takes part in the work of the OECD. OECD Publishing disseminates widely the results of the Organisation’s statistics gathering and research on economic, social and environmental issues, as well as the conventions, guidelines and standards agreed by its members. This work is published on the responsibility of the OECD Secretary-General. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. NUCLEAR ENERGY AGENCY The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) was established on 1 February 1958. Current NEA membership consists of 30 OECD member countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, the Republic of Korea, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States. The European Commission also takes part in the work of the Agency. The mission of the NEA is: – to assist its member countries in maintaining and further developing, through international co-operation, the scientific, technological and legal bases required for a safe, environmentally friendly and economical use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, as well as – to provide authoritative assessments and to forge common understandings on key issues, as input to government decisions on nuclear energy policy and to broader OECD policy analyses in areas such as energy and sustainable development. Specific areas of competence of the NEA include the safety and regulation of nuclear activities, radioactive waste management, radiological protection, nuclear science, economic and technical analyses of the nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear law and liability, and public information. The NEA Data Bank provides nuclear data and computer program services for participating countries. In these and related tasks, the NEA works in close collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, with which it has a Co-operation Agreement, as well as with other international organisations in the nuclear field. Corrigenda to OECD publications may be found online at: © OECD 2011 You can copy, download or print OECD content for your own use, and you can include excerpts from OECD publications, databases and multimedia products in your own documents, presentations, blogs, websites and teaching materials, provided that suitable acknowledgment of the OECD as source and copyright owner is given. All requests for public or commercial use and translation rights should be submitted to [email protected]. Requests for permission to photocopy portions of this material for public or commercial use shall be addressed directly to the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) at [email protected] or the Centre français d'exploitation du droit de copie (CFC) [email protected]. FOREWORD Foreword The accelerator-driven system (ADS) is a potential transmutation system option as part of partitioning and transmutation strategies for radioactive waste in advanced nuclear fuel cycles. Following the success of the workshop series on the utilisation and reliability of high power proton accelerators (HPPA), the scope of this new workshop series has been extended to cover subcritical systems as well as the use of neutron sources. The first workshop was organised on 15-17 March 2010 in Karlsruhe, Germany, and was hosted by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). It provided experts with a forum to present and discuss state-of-the-art developments in the field of ADS and neutron sources. A total of 62 papers was presented during the oral and poster sessions. Following presentations on the programmes of Belgium, Japan and the European Commission and a special session on EUROTRANS, four technical sessions were organised addressing current ADS experiments and test facilities, accelerators, neutron sources and subcritical systems. These proceedings include all the papers presented at the workshop. The opinions expressed are those of the authors only, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NEA, any national authority or any other international organisation. 3 TECHNOLOGY AND COMPONENTS OF ACCELERATOR-DRIVEN SYSTEMS, ISBN 978-92-64-11727-3, © OECD 2011 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Acknowledgements The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) gratefully acknowledges the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) for hosting the first Workshop on Technology and Components of Accelerator- driven Systems. 4 TECHNOLOGY AND COMPONENTS OF ACCELERATOR-DRIVEN SYSTEMS, ISBN 978-92-64-11727-3, © OECD 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents Foreword .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................... 11 Opening and National ADS Programmes .......................................................................................... 17 Chair: C. Fazio J.U. Knebel KIT welcome address ....................................................................................................... 19 Th.W. Tromm NEA Nuclear Science Committee welcome address .................................................... 21 P. Fritz The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology: A unique institution in German research ............................................................................................................... 23 K. Tsujimoto, H. Oigawa Outline of check and review on partitioning and transmutation by Atomic Energy Commission of Japan and recommendation for R&D on ADS ...................... 25 H. Aït Abderrahim, P. Baeten, D. De Bruyn The MYRRHA ADS programme in Belgium: A multi-national demonstration programme for incineration of spent nuclear fuel wastes ......................................... 33 J.U. Knebel The EUROTRANS Project: Partitioning and transmutation research in Europe* ..... 43 Special Session: EUROTRANS .............................................................................................................. 45 Chair: A.C. Müller D. De Bruyn, H. Aït Abderrahim, G. Rimpault, L. Mansani, M. Reale, A.C. Müller, A. Guertin, J-L. Biarrotte, J. Wallenius, C. Angulo, A. Orden, A. Rolfe, D. Struwe, M. Schikorr, A. Woaye-Hune, C. Artioli Achievements and lessons learnt within the Domain 1 “DESIGN” of the Integrated Project EUROTRANS ....................................................................................... 47 G. Granget, H. Aït Abderrahim, P. Baeten, C. Berglöf, A. Billebaud, E. González-Romero, F. Mellier, R. Rosa, M. Schikorr EUROTRANS/ECATS or neutronic experiments for the validation of XT-ADS and EFIT monitoring ......................................................................................................... 53 * The full paper being unavailable at the time of publication, only the abstract is included. 5 TECHNOLOGY AND COMPONENTS OF ACCELERATOR-DRIVEN SYSTEMS, ISBN 978-92-64-11727-3, © OECD 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS F. Delage, R. Belin, X-N. Chen, E. D’Agata, F. Klaassen, W. Maschek, J-P. Ottaviani, S. Pillon, A. Rineiski, V. Sobolev, J. Somers, D. Staicu, R. Thetford, J. Wallenius, B. Wernli Minor actinide transmutation in the accelerator-driven system EFIT: Results from fuel developments in Domain AFTRA .................................................... 69 C. Fazio, J. Van den Bosch, F. Javier Martin Muñoz, J. Henry, F. Roelofs, P. Turroni, L. Mansani, A. Weisenburger, D. Gorse, J. Abella, L. Brissonneau, Y. Dai, L. Magielsen, J. Neuhausen, P. Vladimirov, A. Class, H. Jeanmart, A. Ciampichetti, G. Gerbeth, T. Wetzel, A. Karbojian, K. Litfin, M. Tarantino, L. Zanini Development and assessment of structural materials and heavy liquid metal technologies for transmutation systems (DEMETRA): Highlights on major results ............................................................................................. 81 E. González-Romero, A. Koning, S. Leray, A. Plompen, J. Sanz (on behalf of NUDATRA/IP-EUROTRANS) NUDATRA/EUROTRANS nuclear data for nuclear waste transmutation* ................ 107 Special Lecture ....................................................................................................................................... 109 C. Rubbia Subcritical thorium reactors* .......................................................................................... 111 Session I: Current ADS Experiments and Test Facilities ............................................................ 113 Chairs: Th. Wetzel, S. Monti C-H. Pyeon, J-Y. Lim, T. Misawa, S. Shiroya Experiments on injection of spallation neutrons by 100 MeV protons in the Kyoto University Critical Assembly ................................................................................ 115 M. Fernández-Ordóñez, V. Bécares, C. Berglöf, D. Villamarín, M. Becker, V. Bournos, Y. Fokov, P. Gajda, V. Glivici, E.M. González-Romero, J. Janczyszyn, S. Mazanik, B. Merk, J.L. Muñoz-Cobo, W. Pohorecki Experimental validation of the industrial ADS reactivity monitoring using the YALINA-Booster subcritical assembly ........................................................................... 123 M. Tarantino, G. Benamati, P. Gaggini, V. Labanti Integral Circulation Experiment: Thermal-hydraulic simulator of the ETD primary system ................................................................................................................. 135 L. Mercatali, P. Baeten, A. Kochetkov, W. Uyttenhove, G. Vittiglio The GUINEVERE experiments at the VENUS facility: Status and perspectives ........ 149 Th. Wetzel, K. Litfin, R. Stieglitz, A.G. Class, M. Daubner, F. Fellmoser, A. Batta Experimental investigation of turbulent flow distribution in a hexagonal rod bundle for ADS prototype application ........................................................................... 159 F. Beauchamp, O. Morier, L. Brissonneau, J-L. Courouau, C. Chabert, F. Reyne A review of lead-bismuth alloy purification systems with regard to the latest results achieved on STELLA loop ......................................................................... 171 J-B. Vogt, I. Proriol-Serre, L. Martinelli, K. Ginestar Reliability in liquid lead-bismuth of the 316L and T91 steels: Coupling effects between corrosion and fatigue ....................................................................................... 183 A. Weisenburger, M. del Giacco, A. Jianu, G. Müller Compatibility of different steels and alloys with lead up to 750°C* .......................... 193 * The full paper being unavailable at the time of publication, only the abstract is included. 6 TECHNOLOGY AND COMPONENTS OF ACCELERATOR-DRIVEN SYSTEMS, ISBN 978-92-64-11727-3, © OECD 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS Session II: Accelerators ....................................................................................................................... 195 Chair: H. Klein J-L. Biarrotte, A.C. Müller (on behalf of the EUROTRANS WP1.3 collaboration) Accelerator reference design for the European ADS demonstrator .......................... 197 H. Podlech, M. Busch, F. Dziuba, U. Ratzinger, H. Klein, R. Tiede, C. Zhang The 17 MeV injector for the EUROTRANS proton driver ............................................. 209 F. Bouly, S. Bousson, J-L. Biarrotte, P. Blache, F. Chatelet, C. Commeaux, P. Duthil, C. Joly, J. Lesrel, G. Olry, E. Rampnoux, H. Saugnac, S. Barbanotti, A. Bosotti, R. Paparella, P. Pierini Developments of 350 MHz and 700 MHz prototypical cryomodules for the EUROTRANS ADS proton linear accelerator .................................................................. 217 H. Takei, K. Nishihara, K. Tsujimoto, H. Oigawa Estimation of acceptable beam trip frequencies of accelerators for ADS and comparison with performances of existing accelerators ............................................ 231 S-H. Kim, J. Galambos High-power operational experience at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS).......... 243 M. Seidel, J. Grillenberger, A. Mezger Experience with the production of a 1.3 MW proton beam in a cyclotron-based facility .................................................................................................... 251 Session III: Neutron Sources ............................................................................................................... 261 Chair: M. Seidel Ch. Latgé, M. Wolmuther, P. Agostini, M. Dierckx, C. Fazio, A. Guertin, Y. Kurata, G. Laffont, T. Song, K. Thomsen, W. Wagner, F. Groeschel, L. Zanini, Y. Dai, J. Henri, J. Konys, K. Woloshun MEGAPIE spallation target: Irradiation of the first prototypical spallation target for future ADS ........................................................................................................ 263 W. Wagner, H. Heyck, D. Kiselev, K. Thomsen, M. Wohlmuther, L. Zanini PSI experience with high-power target design and operation ................................... 275 R.Ž. Milenkovi′ c, K. Samec, S. Dementjevs, A. Kalt, C. Kharoua, E. Platacis, A. Zik, A. Flerov, L. Blumenfeld, F. Barbagallo, K. Thomsen, E. Manfrin, Y. Kadi EURISOL compact liquid metal converter target: Representative prototype design and tests ................................................................................................................ 283 O. Meusel, L.P. Chau, M. Heilmann, H. Klein, H. Podlech, U. Ratzinger, K. Volk, C. Wiesner The Frankfurt Neutron Source – FRANZ ........................................................................ 297 Session IV: Subcritical Systems .......................................................................................................... 305 Chairs: K. Tsujimoto, E.M. González-Romero, J.U. Knebel F. Mulhauser, P. Adelfang, R.M. Capote Noy, V. Inozemtsev, G. Mank, D. Ridikas, A. Stanculescu, A. Zeman ADS-related activities at IAEA: From accelerators, neutron sources to fuel cycle and databases .................................................................................................. 307 L. Mansani, M. Reale, C. Artioli, D. De Bruyn The designs of an experimental ADS facility (XT-ADS) and of a European Industrial Transmutation Demonstrator (EFIT) ............................................................ 321 7 TECHNOLOGY AND COMPONENTS OF ACCELERATOR-DRIVEN SYSTEMS, ISBN 978-92-64-11727-3, © OECD 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Guertin, N. Thiollière, A. Cadiou, J.M. Buhour, O. Batrak, M. Dierckx, J. Heyse, K. Rosseel, P. Schuurmans, K. Van Tichelen, R. Stieglitz, A. Batta, A. Class, F. Roelofs, V.R. Gopala, H. Jeanmart, V. Moreau XT-ADS windowless spallation target design and corresponding R&D topics ........ 335 T. Sugawara, K. Nishihara, K. Tsujimoto, Y. Kurata, H. Oigawa Investigation of safety for accelerator-driven system ................................................. 347 V. Sobolev, W. Uyttenhove, W. Maschek, A. Rineiski, X-N. Chen, J. Wallenius, A. Fokau, F. Delage Optimisation of the EFIT fuel design .............................................................................. 359 X-N. Chen, W. Maschek, P. Liu, A. Rineiski, S. Wang, C. Matzerath Boccaccini, V. Sobolev, G. Rimpault Design and safety studies of an EFIT core with cermet fuel ....................................... 375 F. Agosti, P. Botazzoli, V. Di Marcello, L. Luzzi, G. Pastore Fuel rod performance analysis for the Italian LBE-XADS: A comparison of two different cladding materials .................................................................................... 385 D.J. Coates, G.T. Parks Isotope equilibrium in fast thorium reactors. ............................................................... 397 R.L. Sheffield, E.J. Pitcher Subcritical minor actinide reduction through transmutation – SMART ................... 407 A. Fokau, Y. Zhang, J. Wallenius, S. Ishida A source-efficient ADS for minor actinide burning ..................................................... 417 Annex 1: Scientific Advisory Committee ............................................................................................ 427 Annex 2: List of participants ................................................................................................................. 429 Posters Poster session contributions can be consulted on the Nuclear Energy Agency website on the page dedicated to the TCADS workshop: Session I: Current ADS Experiments and Test Facilities G. Bianchini, M. Carta, M. Frisoni, V. Peluso, F. Pisacane GUINEVERE project pre-analysis by the French ERANOS code R. Fernandez, Ph. Benoit ASTIR: The development of irradiation experiments for ADS steel T91 Å. Strinning (on behalf of the MEGAPIE collaboration) Dismantling and conditioning of the MEGAPIE target* H. Yoshida, T. Misawa, K. Takase, T. Suzuki Current status of development of thermal-hydraulic design method for accelerator-driven system in JAEA L. Zanini, V. Boutellier, R. Brütsch, J. Eikenberg. D. Gavillet, H.P. Linder, M. Martin, J. Neuhausen, M. Rüthi, D. Schumann, J. Krbanjevic, A. Grimberg, I. Leya, E. Noah, T. Stora Post-irradiation analysis of a Pb/Bi-filled Ta target irradiated at ISOLDE * The full paper being unavailable at the time of publication, only the abstract is included. 8 TECHNOLOGY AND COMPONENTS OF ACCELERATOR-DRIVEN SYSTEMS, ISBN 978-92-64-11727-3, © OECD 2011