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Teaching as an Act of Love: Thoughts and Recollections of a Former Teacher, Principal and Kid PDF

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Teaching as an Act of Love Teaching as an Act of Love Thoughts and Recollections of a Former Teacher, Principal and Kid Richard Lakin iUniverse, Inc. New York Lincoln Shanghai Teaching as an Act of Love Thoughts and Recollections of a Former Teacher, Principal and Kid Copyright © 2007 by Richard Lakin All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. iUniverse books may be ordered through booksellers or by contacting: iUniverse 2021 Pine Lake Road, Suite 100 Lincoln, NE 68512 www.iuniverse.com 1-800-Authors (1-800-288-4677) Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any Web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them. www.thanks2teachers.com ISBN: 978-0-595-46155-4 (pbk) ISBN: 978-0-595-90455-6 (ebk) Printed in the United States of America TO KAREN  My source of encouragement and inspiration for the past 45 years and the devoted, sensitive and loving mother of our two grown-up children, Micah and Manya, who continuously bring joy into our lives. Contents Acknowledgements xi IntroductIon xiii loVIng teAcHers 1 teaching as an Act of love 2 “don’t You Just love …?” 5 kids, teachers and curriculum 8 If You can read this 9 letter from leroy 10 A miracle in the kindergarten 12 tHe sense of sImplIcItY 17 discovery of a sixth grader 18 “sagging up” in math class 20 the secret of “sagging up” 25 Another simple solution 26 sent down 27 1949 : sheridan and miss mildred walker 27 the late 1960s 29 on tHe lIgHter sIde 31 substitute teacher 31 to Intervene or not to Intervene 33 vii viii Teaching as an Act of Love the christmas rooster 37 where is michael Young? 43 A rabbit on trial 49 sent down—AgAIn 54 where to Begin? 54 grant clark 59 letters to mr. l. 64 group problem solving and conflict resolution 67 encourAgIng cHIldren to loVe leArnIng 73 J. k. rowling, meet Irma conwell 74 A principal’s 11 tips: How not to encourage children to read 78 expanding choices and Alternatives for children 80 tIme out for trIButes 89 patsy smith and the rock and roller 89 A portrait of cecil kittle 97 Helen 99 testIng 104 testing Absurdities 105 teacher work day 108 Announcement of Vacancy 111 tHe Ins And outs of tHe scHool offIce 114 the first day 114 A taiwanese student Visits our school 120 Richard Lakin ix saved by my secretary! 122 A minute of silence, please! 123 drills! 127 on cleaning out a principal’s desk drawer 132 BureAucrAcY 136 Breaking Barriers 137 Quiet: Bureaucrats at work! 142 only a daydream 145 Binding Bureaucracy 146 A teacher’s plea! 149 memo mania 152 would You let monkeys run the Zoo? 154 scHool clImAte 156 calming the chaos on the playground and in the lunchroom 157 A welcoming and welcome day 165 “who owns the school, Anyway?” 168 staff decision making 171 BuIldIng A Home-scHool pArtnersHIp 174 Breaking the Barrier of distrust 175 when teachers listen to parents and parents listen to teachers 181 exploring parent Involvement and parent participation 185

The author, a former elementary school teacher and principal, conveys in this collection of thought-provoking, humorous and heartwarming pieces, written over the past 35 years, that teaching and learning are essentially acts of love.Richard Lakin's collection is geared to teachers, principals, paren
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