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TAYLOR EXPANSIONS OF R-TRANSFORMS, APPLICATION TO SUPPORTS AND MOMENTS 6 0 0 FLORENTBENAYCH-GEORGES 2 n a J 4 ] Abstract. Weprovethat a probability measure on thereal line hasa R moment of order p (even integer), if and only if its R-transform admits P aTaylorexpansionwithpterms. Wealsoproveaweakerversionofthis h. result when p is odd. We then apply this to prove that a probability t measure whose R-transform extends analytically to a ball with center a zeroiscompactlysupported,andthatafreeinfinitelydivisibledistribu- m tion hasamoment oforder peven,ifand onlyif itsL´evymeasuredoes [ so. Wealso provea weaker version of the last result when p is odd. 3 v 9 Introduction 5 4 Addition of free random variables gives rise to a convolution ⊞on the set 0 1 of probability measures on thereal line. Theoperation ⊞, definedin [BV93], 4 iscalled thefreeconvolution. Theclassical convolution ∗islinearized bythe 0 logarithm of the Fourier transform: the Fourier transform of the classical / h convolution of probability measures is the product of their Fourier trans- t a forms. In thesame way, theR-transform of thefree convolution of probabil- m ity measures is the sum of their R-transforms. The existence of moments of : even order of a probability measure is linked to the Taylor expansion of its v i Fourier transform in the neighborhood of zero ([F66], XV.9.15). Moreover, X thecoefficients ofthelogarithmofthisTaylor expansionare,uptoadivision r a by a factorial, the classical cumulants of the measure([M99]). In this paper, we prove that a probability measure has a moment of even order p if and only if its R-transform admits a Taylor expansion with p terms. Moreover, in this case, the coefficents of this expansion are the firstp free cumulants of the measure (defined in [Sp94]). When p is odd, one implication (moment ⇒ Taylor expansion) stays true, and the other one is maintained when the support of the measure is minorized or majorized. These results can be transferred to the Voiculescu transform. Date: February 1, 2008. MSC 2000 subject classifications: primary 60E10, 46L54, secondary 60E07 Key words: R-transform, free cumulants,free infinitely divisible distributions 1 2 FLORENTBENAYCH-GEORGES The first consequence of this result is a criterion for compactness of the support of a measure. Roughly speaking (details in section 1), the R- transform of a probability measure is the analytic inverse of its Cauchy transform on the intersection of a cone with origin zero and a ball with cen- ter zero. For compactly supported measures, the inversions can be done on balls centered at zero without intersecting them with cones. But it had not yet been proved that any R-transform which, once defined on the intersec- tion of a cone and a ball, can be analytically extended to the whole ball, is the one of a compactly supported probability measure. We prove it here, and our result about Taylor expansions of R-transforms seems necessary to prove it. We also apply this result to prove that a ⊞-infinitely divisible distribution has a moment of order p even if and only if its L´evy measure does so. As before, when p is odd, one implication is maintained (pth moment for L´evy mesure⇒ pth moment for thedistribution), andtheother oneis maintained undertheadditionalassumptionthatthesupportoftheL´evymeasureismi- norized or majorized. As this paper was already written, Thierry Cabanal- Duvillard ([C-D04]), using random matrices, proved another result of this type. The first section of the paper is devoted for the presentation of the tools, fortheproofoftheresultaboutTaylor expansionsofR-transforms(theorem 1.3) and for the criterion that follows. The proof of the theorem relies on the Hamburger-Nevanlinna theorem and on proposition 2 of the appendix. Inthe second part, we apply the resultto ⊞-infinitely divisible distributions. Aknowledgements. TheauthorwouldliketothankhisadvisorPhilippe Biane, as well as Professor Hari Bercovici for his encouragements. Also, he would like to thank C´ecile Martineau for her contribution to the English version of this paper. 1. Asymptotic expansions of the R-transform Let us first present the R-transform (for further details, see [BV93]). We define, for α,β > 0, the set ∆ = {z = x+iy; |x| < −αy,|z| < β}. α,β Note that z 7→ 1/z maps the set denoted by Γ in [BV93],[BPB99] onto α,1 β ∆ . In order to make notations lighter, we have prefered to avoid the α,β references to the sets Γ , hence to compose the Cauchy transform on the .,. right with the map z 7→ 1/z. The Cauchy tranform of a probability measure µ on the real line is the dµ(t) analytic function on the upper half-plane G :z 7→ . µ R z−t By Proposition 5.4 and Corollary 5.5 of [BV93], for all positive numbers R α, for all ε ∈ (0,min{α,1}), for β small enough, z 7→ G (1/z) is a conformal µ bijection from ∆ onto an open set D , such that α,β α,β ∆ ⊂ D ⊂ ∆ . α−ε,(1−ε)β α,β α+ε,(1+ε)β TAYLOR EXPANSIONS OF R-TRANSFORMS 3 The inverses of G (1/z) on all D ’s define together an analytic function µ α,β L on the union D of their domains. This function is a right inverse of µ G (1/z) on D. Moreover, the open set {z; G (1/z) ∈ D} has a unique µ µ connected component which contains a set of the type ∆ , and on this α,β connected component, G (1/z) is also a right inverse of L (it is true on a µ µ set of the type ∆ by Proposition 5.4 of [BV93], and therefore it is true α,β on the connected component by analycity). The R-transform of µ is R (z) = K (z)−1/z, where K = 1/L . µ µ µ µ The natural space for R-transforms is the space, denoted by H, of func- tions f which are analytic in a domain D such that for all positive α, there f exists a positive β such that ∆ ⊂ D . α,β f The introduction of this space is not necessary to work with R-transforms, but it will be usefull in our work on their Taylor expansions. One can summarize the different steps of the construction of the R- transform in the following chain µ −→ G −→ L (z) = (G (1/z))−1 −→ K = 1/L −→ µ µ µ µ µ probability Cauchy functionofH function measure transf. ofH R (z) = K (z)−1/z. µ µ functionofH For example, for respectively µ = δ , 2 r2−(x−m)21 dx, a πr2 |x−m|≤r dx , R (z) = a, m+ r2z, −i. π(1+x2) µ 4 p The main property of the R-transform is the fact that it linearizes free convolution: for all µ,ν, R = R +R . It is also usefulfor characterizing µ⊞ν µ ν tight sets of probability measures and for giving a necessary and sufficient condition for weak convergence ([BV93]). Remark 1.1. Some authors prefer to work with the Voiculescu transform ϕ (z) = R (1/z) rather than with the R-transform. Using the fact that µ µ z 7→ 1/z maps the set denoted by Γ in [BV93], [BPB99] onto ∆ , all α,1 α,β β our results can be transferred to Voiculescu transforms. One can wonder how to express the R-transform of a measure more di- rectly from the measure. In the case where µ is compactly supported, one can extend its Cauchy transform to the complementary of a closed ball with center zero, and repeat the previous work replacing every ∆ by the ball α,β B¯(0,β). It follows that the R-transform can be defined analytically to a neighborhood of zero, and it has been proved in [Sp94] that the coefficients of its series expansion (1) R (z) = k (µ)zi µ i+1 i≥0 X 4 FLORENTBENAYCH-GEORGES are the free cumulants of µ, defined by any of the two equivalent formulas: (2) ∀i≥ 1, m (µ) = k (µ), i |V| π∈NC(i) V class X oYfπ (3) ∀i≥ 1, k (µ) = Mob(π) m (µ), i |V| π∈NC(i) V class X oYfπ wherefor allintegers i, m (µ)is thei-th moment of µ, NC(i)denotes theset i of partitions of {1,..., i} such that there does not exist 1 ≤ j < j < j < 1 2 3 j ≤ iwithj ,j inthesameclass andj ,j inanotherclass (suchpartitions 4 1 3 2 4 are said to be non crossing), and Mob is a function on NC(i) which we will not need to explicit here, called the M¨obius function (for further details, see [Sp94]). Remark 1.2. The classical cumulants c (µ) of a compactly supported prob- i ability measure µ can be defined by the analogous equation ([M99]): ∀i≥ 1, m (µ) = c (µ), i |V| π partition V class of {X1,..., i} oYf π and one has, for all z complex numbers, c (µ) exp i zi = etzdµ(t). i! R i≥1 Z X If µ is non compactly supported, but admits a pth moment (hence, by the H¨older inequality, moments of order 1,..., p), one can define its first p cumulants by the equation (3) for i = 1,..., p. Theorem 1.3 bellow extends (1) to this case. First of all, for functions of H, we only consider “non tangential limits” to zero. That is, if f ∈ H, limf(z)= l z→0 means that for all positive α, for a certain β, lim f(z) = l, z→0 z∈∆α,β and f admits a Taylor expansion of order p means that there exist complex numbers a ,...,a , a function υ ∈ H, such that 0 p p f(z)= a zi+zpυ(z), with limυ(z) = 0. i z→0 i=0 X AsubsetofR willbesaid tobeminorized (resp. majorized) if itis contained in an interval of the type (a,+∞) (resp. of the type (−∞,a)), where a is a real number. TAYLOR EXPANSIONS OF R-TRANSFORMS 5 Theorem 1.3. Let p be a positive integer and µ be a probability measure on the real line. (a) If µ admits a pth moment, then R admits the Taylor expansion µ p−1 R (z) = k (µ)zi +o(zp−1). µ i+1 i=0 X (b) Conversely, if p is even or if the support of µ is minorized or majorized, and if R admits a Taylor expansion of order p−1 with real coefficients, µ then µ has a pth moment. Remark 1.4. In the second part of the theorem, the coefficents have to be real. For example, the Cauchy distribution µ = dx , has no moments, π(1+x2) while R = −i. µ The proof of the theorem uses the work on functions of H done in the appendix, and the Hamburger-Nevanlinna theorem, that we give here: Theorem 1.5. Let p be a positive integer and µ be a probability measure on the real line. (i) If µ admits a pth moment, then G (1/z) admits the Taylor expansion µ p+1 G (1/z) = m (µ)zi+o(zp+1). µ i−1 i=1 X (ii) Conversely, if p is even or if the support of µ is minorized or majorized, and if G (1/z) admits the Taylor expansion of order p+1 with real coeffi- µ cients, then µ has a pth moment. The part (i) and the part (ii) in the case where p is even are respectevely the first and second parts of Theorem 3.2.1 of [A61]. There is no reference forthepart(ii)inthecasewherethesupportofµisminorizedormajorized, so we prove it: Proof. We suppose that the support of µ is minorized or majorized, and that there exists real numbers r ,...,r such that G (1/z) admits the 0 p+1 µ Taylor expansion p+1 G (1/z) = r zi+o(zp+1). µ i i=0 X First of all, by Proposition 5.1 of [BV93], r = 0 and r = 1. Let us prove, 0 1 by induction over q ∈ {0,...,p}, that µ admits a qth moment and that for all l = 0,...,q, m (µ) = r . For q = 0, it is obvious by what precedes. l l+1 Suppose that the result has been proved to rank q−1. We have q 1 1 r = lim G − r (iy)l . q+1 y→0(iy)q+1 µ iy l ! y>0 (cid:18) (cid:19) Xl=1 6 FLORENTBENAYCH-GEORGES Using the fact that for all l = 1,...,q, r = m , and taking the real part, l l−1 we obtain tq r = lim dµ(t). q+1 y→0 1+y2t2 y>0Z Let us write µ = µ+ +µ−, where µ+,µ− are finite positive measures with supports respectively contained in the non negative and in the non positive real half lines. Now we have tq tq r = lim dµ+(t)+ dµ−(t). q+1 y→0 1+y2t2 1+y2t2 Z Z By hypothesis on µ, one of the measures µ+, µ− has compact support. We apply the theorem of dominated convergence to the term corresponding to this measure, and then the theorem of monotone convergence to the other term. The desired result follows. (cid:3) Proof of theorem 1.3. We use the abbreviation T.e.r.c. for “Taylor expansion with real coefficients”. (a) By the Hamburger-Nevanlinna theorem, G (1/z) admits an T.e.r.c. of µ order p+1 with leading term z. So, by proposition 2 of the appendix, its inverse 1/K does also. Thus, dividing by z, 1/(zK (z)) admits an T.e.r.c. µ µ of order p with leading term 1. It is obvious that if one composes on the left a function of H which admits a T.e.r.c. of order p with leading term 1 by a function which admits a T.e.r.c. of order p in a neighborhood of 1, one obtains a function of H which admits a T.e.r.c. of order p. Therefore, zK (z) does so: there exists a ,..., a ∈R such that µ 1 p p zK (z) = 1+ a zl+o(zp). µ l l=1 X So, since R (z) = K (z) − 1/z, it suffices to prove that the coefficients µ µ a ,...,a are the p first free cumulants of µ. 1 p Let us denote these coefficients by a (µ),...,a (µ) (the functions a ,...,a 1 p 1 p are defined on the set of probability measures with pth moment). It is easy to see that there exists polynomials P ,...,P ∈ R[X ,...,X ] 1 p 1 p defined by: for all x , y ,..., x ,y ∈ R, for all bijective function f de- 1 1 p p fined in a neighborhood of zero such that f(z)= z+ p+1x zi+o(zp+1) i=2 i−1 and f−1(z) = z + p+1y zi + o(zp+1), one has for all i = 1,...,p, y = i=2 i−1 P i P (x ,...,x ) (the existence of these polynomials easily follows from the i 1 p P equation f ◦f−1(z) = z). Thus, p+1 1/K (z) = z+ P (m (µ),...,m (µ))zi+o(zp+1), µ i−1 1 p i=2 X andthepolynomialsP ,...,P donotdependonthechoiceoftheprobability 1 p measure with pth moment µ. Continuing with the same kind of argument (where the fact that the leading term of the T.e.r.c. of 1/(zK (z)) is 1 is µ TAYLOR EXPANSIONS OF R-TRANSFORMS 7 crucial), one sees that the functions a ,..., a can be expressed as universal 1 p polynomials in the moments: there exist Q ,..., Q ∈ R[X ,...,X ] (not 1 p 1 p depending on µ) such that for all i= 1,...,p, a (µ) = Q (m (µ),...,m (µ)). i i 1 p Moreover, by (3), there also exists universal polynomials R ,..., R ∈ 1 p R[X ,...,X ] such that for all i = 1,...,p, k (µ) = R (m (µ),...,m (µ)) 1 p i i 1 p (for further details on these polynomials, see [Sp94]). It only remains to prove that for all i, Q and R coincide on the p-tuple i i (m (µ),..., m (µ)). There are several ways to see it. First, the Theorem of 1 p the third part of [Sp94] asserts that Q = R . But without refering directly i i to this result, by (1), Q and R coincide on the p-tuple (m (µ),..., m (µ)) i i 1 p when µ is compactly supported, and it is proved in the chapter of [A61] devoted to the solution of the moment problem that there exists a com- pactly supported probability measure (more precisely a convex combination of Dirac measures) with p first moments (m (µ),..., m (µ)). 1 p (b) If R admits an T.e.r.c. of order p, we prove, with the inverse oper- µ ations of the ones of the first part of the proof of (a) of this theorem, that (ii) of the Hamburger-Nevanlinna theorem applies. (cid:3) NotethatwedonotknowyetifanyR-transformwhich,oncedefinedasan element of H, can be analytically extended to a whole ball with center zero, comes from a compactly supported probability measure. The affirmative answer will be given the following corollary. Corollary 1.6. Aprobability measure onthe real lineiscompactly supported if and only if its R-transforms can be analytically extended to an open ball with center zero. Proof. As mentioned above, it is already known that the R-transform of a compactly supported probability measure extends analytically to an open ball with center zero. Suppose now that the R-transform of a probability measureµ extends analytically to an open ball with center zero and positive radius r. By the previous theorem, µ has moments of all orders, and its free cumulants are the coefficients of the series expansion of its R-transform. 1 Hence the sequence |kn(µ)|n is bounded by a number C, and so, from (2) and the majorations #NC(n) ≤ 4n, ∀π ∈ NC(n), |Mob(π)| ≤ 4n ([B98], p. 149-150), one has, for all integers n, |m (µ)| ≤ (16C)n. This implies that n thesupportof µ is contained in[−16C,16C]: otherwise, there exists ε,δ > 0 such thatµ(R−[−16C−δ,16C+δ]) > ε, andso ∀n,m (µ) > ε(16C+δ)2n, 2n which contradicts |m (µ)| ≤ (16C)2n. (cid:3) 2n 2. Moments of ⊞-infinitely divisible distributions First, recall that a probability measure µ is said to be ⊞-infinitely di- visible (resp. ∗-infinitely divisible) if for all integer n, there exists a prob- ability measure ν such that ν⊞n = µ (resp. ν∗n = µ). This condition n n n is equivalent ([BPB99]) to the existence of a sequence (µ ) of probability n measures such that µ⊞n (resp. µ∗n) converges weakly to µ. These dis- n n tributions have been classified in [BV93] (resp. in [GK54]): µ is ⊞ (resp. 8 FLORENTBENAYCH-GEORGES ∗)-infinitely divisible if and only if there exists a real number γ and a pos- itive finite measure on the real line (abbreviated from now on into p.f.m.) σ such that R (z) = γ + z+t dσ(t) (resp. the Fourier transform is µ R 1−tz µˆ(t) = exp iγt+ R(eitx −1R− xi2t+x1)x2x+21dσ(x) ). Moreover, in this case, γ,σ γ,σ such a pair (hγ,σ) is unique, and we denote µ by νi (resp. ν ). Thus, one R ⊞ ∗ can define a bijection from the set of ∗-infinitely divisible distributions to γ,σ γ,σ the set of ⊞-infinitely divisible distributions by ν 7→ ν . This bijection, ∗ ⊞ called the Bercovici-Pata bijection, is defined in a formal way, but appears to have deep properties. First of all, it is easy to see that for all (γ,σ) and (γ′,σ′), ν⊞γ,σ⊞ν⊞γ′,σ′ = ν⊞γ+γ′,σ+σ′, ν∗γ,σ ∗ν∗γ′,σ′ = ν∗γ+γ′,σ+σ′. Thus, the bijection previously defined is a semi-goup morphism. Moreover, ithas been proved in [B-NT02] that itis an homeomorphism withrespect to weak convergence topology. At last, a surprising property of the Bercovici- Pata bijection was proved in [BPB99]: for all sequences (µ ) of probability n measures, the sequenceµ∗n tends weakly to a measureνγ,σ if and only if the n ∗ sequence µ⊞n tends weakly to νγ,σ. Note that this property does not follows n ⊞ from the previous ones, because the measures µ are not supposed to be n ∗-infinitely divisible, so one cannot apply the bijection to µ∗n. A somewhat n moreconcreterealizationofthissurprisingbijection,usingrandommatrices, can be found in [C-D04] and [B-G04]. γ,σ γ,σ The measure σ is said to be the L´evy measure of ν and ν . It is ∗ ⊞ well known (section 25 of [S99]) that a ∗-infinitely divisible distribution admits moments of the same orders as its L´evy measure. We will prove, in this section, that in the free case, if the L´evy measure has a moment of order p, then so does the distribution, and that the converse is true when considering moments of even order or L´evy measures with minorized or majorized support. In a recent preprint ([C-D04]), Thierry Cabanal- Duvillard has proved the first implication. First of all, note that a ⊞-infinitely divisible distribution has compact supportifandonlyifitsL´evymeasuredoesso. Itwasneverwrittenlikethis, but it was proved ([BV92], [HP00]) that a compactly supported probability measureµis⊞-infinitelydivisibleifandonlyifitsR-transformcanbewritten γ+ z+t dσ(t), withγ ∈Randσ acompactly supportedp.f.m.. Moreover, R 1−tz in this case, with the series expansion of z+t dσ(t) and (1), it is easy to R R 1−tz see that for all positive integer p, the pth free cumulant of µ is R γ,σ (4) k (ν ) =m (σ)+m (σ), p ⊞ p−2 p where m (σ) := γ. −1 Remark 2.1. Note that in this case, m (σ)+m (σ) is also the pth clas- p−2 p sical cumulant of the ∗-infinitely divisible correspondant of µ. In the proof of proposition 2.3, we will need the following lemma: TAYLOR EXPANSIONS OF R-TRANSFORMS 9 Lemma 2.2. If the support of an f.p.m. σ is contained in (0,∞) (resp. in 0,σ (−∞,0)), then ν is concentrated on [0,∞) (resp. (−∞,0]). ⊞ Proof. The classical version of this result is well known : if the support 0,σ of σ is contained in (0,∞) (resp. in (−∞,0)), then ν is concentrated on ∗ 0,σ [0,∞) (resp. (−∞,0]). Thus ν n is concentrated on [0,∞) (resp. (−∞,0]), ∗ and the same holds for ν0,nσ ⊞n. But for all n, ν0,nσ ∗n = ν0,σ. Thus ∗ ∗ ∗ ν0,nσ ⊞n converges weak(cid:16)ly to(cid:17)ν0,σ, which is hence(cid:16)conce(cid:17)ntrated on [0,∞) ∗ ⊞ (cid:16)(resp.(cid:17)(−∞,0]). (cid:3) Proposition 2.3. Let γ be a real number, σ be an f.p.m., and p be a positive integer. 1◦) If σ admits a moment of order p, then the same holds for νγ,σ. ⊞ 2◦) Suppose moreover that p is even or that the support of σ is minorized or γ,σ majorized. In this case, if ν admits a moment of order p, then the same ⊞ holds for σ. Before beginning the proof, let us recall a few results about weak conver- gence of probability measures and of p.f.m.. First, for any sequences (γ ) of n real numbersand (σ ) of p.f.m., the sequence (νγn,σn) converges weakly to a n ⊞ γ,σ ⊞-infinitely divisible measure ν if and only if γ tends to γ and σ tends ⊞ n n weaklytoσ ([B-NT02]). Recallthatasequenceρ ofp.f.m. (includingprob- n ability measures) converges weakly to a p.f.m. if for all continuous bounded function f, fdρ tends to fdρ. In this case, combining Theorems 5.1 n and 5.3 of [B68], one has, for all nonnegative continuous function f, R R (5) fdρ≤ liminf fdρ . n Z Z Proof of proposition 2.3. 1◦) Suppose σ to admit a moment of order p. Define three f.p.m. σ−,σc,σ+ by σ−(A) = σ(A∩(−∞,−1)), σc(A) = σ(A ∩ [−1,1]), σ+(A) = σ(A ∩ (1,∞)) for all Borel set A. Then νγ,σ = ⊞ ν⊞0,σ−⊞ν⊞γ,σc⊞ν⊞0,σ+. So, by Minkowski inequality in W∗-probability spaces 0,σ− γ,σc 0,σ+ (equation (26) of [N74]), it suffices to prove that each of ν , ν , ν ⊞ ⊞ ⊞ admits a pth moment. As explained above, νγ,σc is compactly supported, so ⊞ wehavereducedtheproblemtothecasewhereγ = 0andthesupportofσ is contained in (−∞,0) or in (0,+∞). Both cases aretreated in the same way, supposefor example the supportof σ to becontained in (0,∞). Let us then define, for n positive integer, the f.p.m. σ by σ (A) = σ(A∩(0,n)). By n n dominated convergence, σ tends weakly to σ. So, by what precedes, ν0,σn n ⊞ tends weakly to ν0,σ, and by (5), |x|pdν0,σ(x) ≤ liminf |x|pdν0,σn(x). ⊞ ⊞ ⊞ But by the previous lemma, all ν0,σn(x) are concentrated on [0,∞), so one ⊞ R R has |x|pdν0,σ(x) ≤ liminfm (ν0,σn(x)): it suffices to prove the boundness ⊞ p ⊞ of the sequence (m (ν0,σn)) . But by (4), for all n, for all integer q, the qth R p ⊞ n free cumulant of ν0,σn is m (σ )+m (σ ) (with m (σ ) =0). Thus one ⊞ q−2 n q n −1 n 10 FLORENTBENAYCH-GEORGES has, for all n, m (ν0,σn) = k (ν0,σn) p ⊞ |V| ⊞ π∈NC(p)V∈π X Y = (m (σ )+m (σ )) |V|−2 n |V| n π∈NC(p)V∈π X Y ≤ (m (σ)+m (σ)), |V|−2 |V| π∈NC(p)V∈π X Y and the result is proved. 2◦) First of all, νγ,σ ∗δ = ν0,σ. So one can suppose that γ = 0. ⊞ −γ ⊞ Moreover, let us prove that we can replace the hypothesis “the supportof σ isminorizedormajorized”by“thesupportofσ iscontainedin(1,∞)”. So 0,σ suppose the support of σ to be minorized or majorized, and ν to admit ⊞ a moment of order p. Since a push-forward of σ by x 7→ −x transforms 0,σ ν into its push-forward by x 7→ −x, one can suppose the support of ⊞ σ to be contained in an interval (m,∞) with m ∈ R. Define two f.p.m. σ ,σ+ by σ (A) = σ(A∩(m,|m|+1]), σ+(A) = σ(A∩(|m|+1,∞)). Then c c 0,σ 0,σc 0,σ+ 0,σ ν⊞ = ν⊞ ⊞ν⊞ ,thus,by[BV93],ν⊞ isthedistributionofthesumX+Y of two free selfadjoint operators X,Y affiliated to a W∗-probability space 0,σc 0,σ+ (A,ϕ), respectively distributed according to ν , ν . By hypothesis ⊞ ⊞ X+Y ∈ Lp(A,ϕ), and by compactness of the supportof its distribution, X is bounded. So, by the Minkowsky inequality ([N74]), Y = (X +Y)−X ∈ Lp(A,ϕ). So ν0,σ+ admits a pth moment, and it suffices to prove that σ+ ⊞ admits a pth moment (because σc has compact support). So let us suppose p to be even or the support of σ to be contained in 0,σ (1,∞). Suppose now that ν admits a moment of order p. By the first ⊞ part of theorem 1.3, R admits a Taylor expansion of order p, and so for ν0,σ ⊞ all positive integer n, the same holds for 1 (6) Rν⊞0,nσ = nRν⊞0,σ. Then lemma 2.2 allows us to apply the second part of theorem 1.3, and to deduce that for all n, ν0,nσ admits a pth moment. Moreover, the coefficients ⊞ of the Taylor expansions of the R-transforms of ν0,σ, ν0,σn are their free ⊞ ⊞ cumulants, so from (6), we have ∀i= 1,...,p, k (ν0,nσ) = 1k (ν0,σ). i ⊞ n i ⊞

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