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Taxonomy on Genus Mesocyclops (Copepoda: Cyclopoida: Cyclopidae) from South Korea PDF

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Preview Taxonomy on Genus Mesocyclops (Copepoda: Cyclopoida: Cyclopidae) from South Korea

paeueR was HAE The Keroan Journal of Spsternatic Zouloyy ute} Taxonomy on Genus Mesocyctops {Conepoda: Cyclopoida: Cyclopidae) from South Korea JiMtn Lee, dln Mo deon and Cheon Young Chang" Denote of lng Dov Ut ‘anes of Renal 0, ABSTRACT A lost on gone Mery ln Hs ascend a5 eo Yh sl womens Ew “ran speayel copays Wy Sautn Kexea, AS 2 res foe scans ne ede cary Lake ed Kaa, Of Hee, thats food ean, M, nieee Ty i Vin de Verde, lB, rie Ca 15 movies nl Masia on es Kone fa Morsholameel ges af each seecie eH the fle swe voici sre onztested, fg ta the wneces oF gem Meserstae isar fom Kone is INTRODUCTION lane Svs, IW Fs ane the Lest ners se frst vege nae corzpnise 66 species in he fry Cece Uae orl Ree, 200% be vurapald lotic sa we, heey oma askand samb Ue of eg is ysl, srs, ns, san i SAK, oN sell x Tcl ears, Mea fue Kh, 887 ba secnvasebtioe at det ses gk hare CotbehanaStocah ta RTSAMDCEABY, eed, pa See a hosna Soghacalon ena operes, fserdvice Sancti, atk hed bees cemedered az a spolii sis song of Ie ons“ arr ni Wan de ele (1884! heard Bae “incite? far recelaing hy °M. dastart species some and He Hid epics, Tu Soul Zone, since las Herchilew hale he Cao 183) Sem the ye Rae, mere agi dent sit" leyshane’ on M. beled 2+ he abororoc sud on te Meszinte Celdae apis rosie he ayer ihe ellen be hi and Ch ear Kane, Yor ae T1388 ake rape: 2 eycke in thee fal rarer cc Young he, Howie thy 2. echo in toe papers aunee Renee: se idee, ok mated uP ye weve based ec te od “me vile mere an ene cmp sada, tes thes “tortnea: chevalay” Thetelore, hee Msvocveione fone Keer sk sennine avila ‘As ene of he sum. Torezsches 9 che heskyetareyiapotd copepeds em Somals Kose. tke tors re-eomiced lhe Mezovycieasspeccans stocked the Desaranent of Bile, Daegu ‘viet sie 1990, sd conumed lve spsiee IM pop tesa ta tance stun thei morpaalencal is and mrpestie values th the rset al fy he the Mesocsclens specs Eom Kee, ‘MATERIALS AND METHODS arlings wer mde eth x apnet of no oy mssh apetne Hom ta saous sche ‘Some ere. Capone we tor see che in oy ale eres, Soscavars ne caectd ee mowed fn heres = HS ace hing al a 198%,» cea! vevtion of Cabs slide, sr the waver an 9 colton of S2 ascere-Qsn sthy aleahol “or 1-2 does the: obvorsed ai 9 akeratel etacference cousae.micmrcope ‘Olamoue ERSI) ery. eh Nome opt Abbretations uscd x xs ond gues fell the ceeatonch ones hequent used i the filreicgs sa mesauremactsere endo et the ad fa comsza ie, esecomy of tener copie sepepnas AA aamsonuls A, amen Fu. 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Mick <4 wh Caterchoon Steam, dade bs, 26 Ox. 2006 Med & HL: I, Pass, 19 Jes 2OBUNM 6118 Diagnosts, Buy lal, 115 123 sin nS, mean 1.20 tn fakes wig, AL sear 3.28 3. rmain-=7, meas 8.68 cmes logae Ear se, vaheut spect srcamentati- an both eal ‘an mada aces, cop aloes ot implanettens€: ei and areal tra! canal sta Pp. 1A. sous peli 3 vet plese ated: gent. double series. Ut aber 1.18 tmmes Tanger thin wit; semana ecectale th vohacely shes nee] anne: aes sot pore resent poutcr to bouhes Zapsd copula pereikig ICs, cepubny dur ven wide 22 sino used ena, sof anally, 319, 1D furasaed wth serace yale sembane wt koge enh bs see, oral 12-18, rae eter 2 © gu; anteroy fas: of A2 bats. ILI ath legal toe 16223 a es hasnt lara sti pata hice of AB bn Pg TFL 1A etmul anameaton onesne et avenue eesarss 9. 7 10 seemed ih gi iiss oa He aaa wg, glen wn lid 2 sinvles alors lter, enrsis “abe spars, wile wily vl arcu ical aie of med. sta, oath exoneds a dersatsg” Mca oa of 3 apres pis aia of PL 6 ep, 4,8. besedilo een sl PA opin soca reer sci: ari mee, wih soir "lage ct ane lal eli. 1G, aru, Pl cevopene th azo BY san done ll oe pie of PS og ant LA ti longer thom metil spire, air se earls vl hs HL 4 2% era le ala tz many spines, 248i, TH Deseret eee ak ls al 6 tal morn ot st secnent, mesa. pe wal pial i een Remarks, Merceycops fear te ~ebaely rs nou ts sorgenors spans th Kowa “This specs ae been collected way fe Beno lal sane fas 2 ai ‘eae. reat Hore stexce athe hs Tor fee sna I gli roar southwest coast 2: Sanka Korea (Wig spi deur ae "uamennen”Ssn aeed a hho sing coach uty and eating flere se kay, tay fs a cpap stageiUds and Hed. 209) ertirin or Mf wun rn oto Ain ws cna “cya as supoous, Mower ae bec +r fcr fisn Kas ars Hey Jp by hia 1298 s eostenet 2002, am neceer: Chis els Fake Wranglers iy uc 200001 Specne:s 0) (mes. The spares ae cheater cata From Ronee cid ul uh To the Fosc Toten cf pice meristem on 8 Ins bs wikgue 208 a spss ag rial ra nical i oe shang lea ay, th smcoth Le ced asta rosin 230 aston scan aw oe tlle a Cita marca af PL cup fg sony ane nd sot harley hel, Toe ape of eugeonehe cast ra oF 28 caer wine yer on a hale wih, Bil fe ‘ally Iaked ones 2 seco are Distribution, Paki, 2. Mesoevelops pelpelensts Ulu, 193: a, 2) nae a, RY, 124 figs 78 Mosc payetonges Shan and Tal. 1974, p. AOS. figs, 247. 284 auc el ole 1904, Hed, fi, 6 Fs hid, 1999, p. 8; Ge, 2UOUA, PB, fe 14; kid, 2002p , ie BF; Uae aa Rs 206, 18 fg enero etn: Ril. 981, p. 178, 1: Red, 1883, p. 17F fae Material xarnineds 2° &, Soongsan wed careh cue, 20 Jol 2002 MC RMI 28 ovens fais, 27 261 VC Be ML, 3! , dee Res Uopehean ¢ Au, 2002 A-YCcMI RI 2° 7, ong Seam, km, | Mae 20051CKC ML, 1, Hosen Sawn, Car, 29 Ayu. 2002 5. M. Voor 1 Sot, Bongwaa Res. Kimhor. 28 dum 703K, Fale}, Uf, Ungelaann Pengics. 15 dal BOCR FEY JRL & OH 1, Soro Res Hanecong, 1 Sg. 2008 WIL 21 ©, Droiie: Ros. ceems, 16 Aun, 2OUS HEY I, 12. Sompzeenf Ree, Sania 25 Aug, ZOUS CVC & MLL 1 fei, Sacyeong vies. Vohang 17 Sp 2004 STA Ae IML, Dingle Be, Ganga 27 Apr, ZO AMD Se INL mit, eorayaber Ren. Renan. 30 Ape, 200A UWE 17, Sazgdoanseac neal, Geer, YO Why 2001 CVG 1. Hisado trance, Gonghuts, 20 May 200, A, Une: vuln Rx, Gonna, 20, 206 EVE He AMI, 2 os, des, 2a, 2008 KS Mig 37 Y. Aeowam Br. indo. 2M dun, ZOU EM 2 LL: 2 oul somou, nds te Alun. 2009 9A 2 BL 2 (2 se Gaeak ase Jed Is 3D Jun ZOGEIM, & HC: 1 dona sf ateand inde QU dan 2OUAIG 8, Min 8) A Boe, EST 0, Westie Ros ogo I, 29 tun, 2004 a WL 54 Fong, Gregor er dao 2 Jol 2504) SAUCE 27 FL Yoon Bes. Ueerom. 15 un, 2908 BML 1 iu oul Rane Alta, Goan 4 Sap, BOIS ICC. cML & ul 244 12 ou, Seto He. ruin Tyna, 6 Son. 200" ITM. A EME, AY YE ee “agama pute, Andong. 9 Se BOUL CE 8 tly 22 2 Mo, pce, Macally HE, Atakony, 9 Sep, 2OGUICYC de J 2, Uhh, Yecboor, 12 Sens PROM ICMC fe My 1 Chin Gh Bs Rs, 29 Sc IES, mh 24 $, Simssunye fon. Coram, 7 Oe 2004 SL IRAE Be FTA: 27 7 HL es Gremirce Sor, Uses. 9 el, 20699, aM SINE ple, Uke Oat, 2008 VC, J 8 INR: 12, mj Ba, Ula, 3 Oe. ONCE, IMT. BMT: 2” Bevel Cpe “Sone Chasing, 27 New, 20M 1C¥0 BIR. Gingria, Reky Kel 30.82 nad Tei, LOG: hans LAW od Su abo 7 BAR un fo 5, nn BAR Fo ha sack! since oe SRE nek. oa bata ane fed weal ane oop snes at impanatons ot atl io: toalmest ermal cute $2 wou hens esl: gen, Ace eomitlig, 2 ia oer tae de Tenia recep vith pane en” ans: euler: det dey cursed ker i. 2CP AL a. 201 ems pln enesnantctom yriane on analy agin 28 wd 13, shows ps rare esas chat py Fig. 2A peur {ersie hine mestrine ks ares msc othe esreen, ot se gir tn (nes of A2 ba Fi. ZEB el 28-8 pina day amt am: peso face of A2 “ask iFg. 27 anararted as aque spiule row end idle of seal sou, 2 lanai cous eae ot abou 19-13, @ 8 sols long atl rnin fe ios ell ene are ioral ta ah esos sand @-lasaake aE Pl ezapcace 2° 3 sngmiave ae feria EP. A ey BAA.3: PL Tena eka Seti set PA Fy. 261 copier smh on leah postion and ele on su, wil a aca ee dae yao ona ging PA reel it 3:10 es arg ll ge sal sion TP ve aly slg Ble anor Aan PA Soy, sa pln les har 1D gins lel sls PSF. PI Rogen rei ye La as he aa mi f Tl ened, pe se i love bo Remarhy. Hisiscnion pepsi, I cman sca ms ve wn diets Ros ses as favor dels cnn sans as ling “aliens so fal te ga This es we des dal aoa sulgnien of Masha ro Pap, Seas Poss Shien hy Hu 1013), arn! ana reverted See Cling ean wed Ua 159%, Again ard Doe “44s Xone in ang Coe, “98. Heaower, 21th escee shuuw inodirg teyal dcziption, sa Sd oe advice msochorcees 95 he conmoeerses om the ity of sis sgoces were ang-lated, G9200Ce! vedeslsed 3, ehveiersiepreiele sad om che s2 ced Tatochorste’ ef Ven de Veco U4), Th ‘esc clearly rms ad Howe the other emugecare 2 Hh Karr chines naa SU main fem act reltwelyloger Fue BAU tas anger hon vedeis acu cok shared eurqrts © pesto aige': ecpulecy cist wie fuwed ltenlb and somes present near dine carga tnd iactaion edema. seo [eeean specntsas comerdes wel. oth Guo 2000 ane lela RGU, ensent 2 le altinger ‘Sanus mermscinten sor dial sangh: 3 AZ bass acd aor dts margin of P ccxasos tran in the Cheese aprctzans a Joboneas ones gs bed aul ore thon Distifotion, Coma, Cente, 2, hdechi, Zaza and Koss 3. -Mosocvelops dleshuillsDefaye and Kawabsts, 1993 Figs. 3-5) ‘esseysioge Aeimite Defoe aad Kanata, 1999, p. HI Tgs 2%: Mays, 200, 480, 36: Goo, 200, p 128 i. ida, 2602, p, ag So fy Wade axe Red, 2905, 2 tg, 98 atrial exarvined 2 12 ect tsi es, Hapebece, 1¢ Mas BUORCYC. JL Ue 6 $F, Daley Lake, Ta IDTV 6 I, $2,407 dooney Susi, Hapcheon, Ang, 2OR2 (CVE. IMLS MY, 22 dango ox, Berimong. 1 ce 20RD, JM & OH Abs, 1, Unuthore, eynen 3 Li. PUO3 000% & anh 42a ere Foor, 20 Jal. 2008 IME}, 2° 71 kh, Bem Han, 20 fl AOA 7 £2, Se x, ecascong, Aug. N08 UML, 25.9 I ont) yd, Clana ae Dawe, 18 An, BITRE, J Se cM, 5° 8 ck, an Ri, Canin 22 Ary SOOBHERE AN, 2 Tal ate Tohong Res. Yrongehnon 24 Ay. 2M {MAL 28 ffl en? Sts Re, Won enoce 2 an, ARM 29-F, dactemcet Tease Res, Sead, 0 Ayn, 2007 HR 1 $s vet Hes. Soochnon, Ape ZG LS Te, burn Re Gna, 4h, 2504 Sener Ac oabens dah Rel ite wl Pa dn evar Sater CUS y HDL USS EGR O LTA alse 17 Bova Boe. Coin, 29 hy ARMICVES 4, EB, Chemin res emmaia & Sep. 2UGTHEVE. IML 2M 2° [Rhone ail Arkin, Sop, BOLO & Jy 2S. Maleon Ran , Cubes, $ Sis 2001 CFC & Mi 13, Hurliggss Tan le Yangon, 9 O42, 2006 VE HIM, 2° 7 es Cig Res, Charge, 2° Ged ZUG gM 2 F oe. Galeyzong salle, Vrngelesn, £6 Oe 2MICVC. & st Dlagnots, Bedy Fg. 2M Sang 119.23 ie = 9 sway L2H Waly WARE of Fi bed $15 ASF eu ie-= 7. ezan 4.38: Fu wih apne of cepa of Lew we! Ibe arial ead. ela 9, SL page dh ahs seta sun Pi. 3) bt ge th: snl epee oat eka se hy eas lesbo shigas: royniaiey ot maspiciose cca cured, 1 ig, BC mse 6 sacs Iie rmambrane vt 2g onl ssl sie or-ammaten press: arene renmertesd 208 7-15, sue crngrmen asin hg rao oon 02 82 bass It

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