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Targeting SIRP? in cancer. PDF

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by  HoJenny M.
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AuthOr’s VIew AuthOr’s VIew OncoImmunology 2:2, e23081; February 2013; © 2013 Landes Bioscience Targeting SIRPα in cancer Jenny M. ho,1 Jayne s. Danska2,3,4 and Jean C.Y. wang1,5,6,* 1the Campbell Family Cancer research Institute; Ontario Cancer Institute; Princess Margaret hospital; toronto, ON Canada; 2Program in Genetics and Genome Biology; sickKids research Institute; toronto, ON Canada; 3Department of Medical Biophysics; Faculty of Medicine; university of toronto; toronto, ON Canada; 4Department of Immunology; Faculty of Medicine; university of toronto; toronto, ON Canada; 5Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine; university of toronto; toronto, ON Canada; 6Division of Medical Oncology and hematology; Department of Medicine; university health Network; toronto, ON Canada Keywords: SIRP, leukemia, AML, leukemia stem cells, macrophages strategies to harness the patient’s immune system to fight cancer have mainly involved adoptive t-cell transfer. we and others have recently highlighted an alternative immunotherapeutic approach to cancer that consists in enhancing the macrophage-mediated clearance of leukemia cells through the blockade of inhibitory signals transmitted by signal regulatory protein α (sIrPα). Despite decades of clinical trials, the showing that LSCs in AML rely on signal prognostic factor for AML patients.7 prognosis of patients with acute myeloid regulatory protein α (SIRPα) signaling Our studies demonstrate that the disrup- leukemia (AML) remains poor and many to evade immune surveillance by mac- tion of SIRPα-CD47 interactions with a of them experience recurrent disease. One rophages in xenotransplantation assays.3 hSIRPα-Fc fusion protein results in the factor contributing to the high relapse This work builds on our previous dem- preferential phagocytosis of AML cells rate of AML patients is the intrinsic resis- onstration that the binding of SIRPα on over normal human hematopoietic cells. tance of leukemia stem cells (LSC) to mouse macrophages to its ligand CD47 These findings indicate that pro-phago- standard chemotherapy. Hence, research on normal human hematopoietic stem cytic signals evoked by AML cells are more is currently focused on the development cells (HSCs) generates an inhibitory signal robust than those elicited by normal cells, of novel anti-leukemic agents that bet- that prevents phagocytosis and allows for targeting the former for elimination when ter target these disease-sustaining cells. hematopoietic engraftment in xenotrans- SIRPα inhibitory signals are blocked. However, it has recently been shown that plant recipients.4 Since HSCs and LSCs Thus, leukemic cells rely more heavily on leukemias are composed of genetically and share many biological properties, we used SIRPα engagement to evade phagocytic functionally diverse subclones,1,2 predict- the genetic tools that we had previously clearance by macrophages. This notion ing that LSC-directed therapeutics may developed, i.e., mouse strains congenic creates a therapeutic opening for agents not eradicate the disease when distinct for Sirpa variants that confer differential that disrupt SIRPα-CD47 interactions, LSC subclones are not equally dependent binding to human CD47 (hCD47) as well which may allow for the preferential clear- on the drugged pathway. The recognition as a novel human SIRPα (hSIRPα)-Fc ance of leukemic cells over their normal of both intratumoral and inter-patient fusion protein, to show that SIRPα- counterparts. heterogeneity in leukemia has also led to mediated inhibition of macrophages is Therapeutic approaches that enable a greater use of primary patient samples, also required for LSC survival following host antitumor immune responses, such as opposed to cell lines, for drug develop- AML cell xenotransplantation, suggesting as the blockade of SIRPα-CD47 interac- ment, as the latter cannot capture the het- that targeting this interaction may pro- tions, potentially circumvent the problem erogeneity of therapeutic responses that is mote antitumor immunity. of resistance to LSC-targeted therapies frequently seen in the clinic. The efficacy CD47 has long been known to act as that may result from subclonal diversity. of candidate anticancer agents against a “marker of self” on red blood cells5 and Agents that disrupt SIRPα-CD47 interac- LSCs can be tested by treating immuno- platelets,6 regulating their timely clear- tions may also synergize with therapeutic deficient mice bearing human leukemic ance by macrophages. It is therefore not monoclonal antibody therapies that pro- grafts in xenotransplantation assays, with surprising that cancer cells have exploited mote the Fc-receptor-mediated clearance the hope that observed drug responses will this mechanism of self-recognition to of targeted cells.8,9 Indeed, anti-CD47 predict responses in patients. evade immunosurveillance (Fig. 1). In antibodies as well as the hSIRPα-Fc These aspects of anticancer drug devel- line with this notion, elevated expres- fusion protein may also act, at least in opment converged in our recent study sion levels of CD47 constitute an adverse part, by activating antibody-dependent *Correspondence to: Jean C.Y. Wang; Email: [email protected] Submitted: 11/23/12; Accepted: 11/28/12 http://dx.doi.org/10.4161/onci.23081 Citation: Ho JM, Danska JS, Wang JCY. Targeting SIRPα in cancer. OncoImmunology 2013; 2:e23081 www.landesbioscience.com OncoImmunology e23081-1 Figure 1. therapeutic targeting of sIrPα-CD47 interactions to enhance the phagocytic elimination of leukemia stem cells. the binding of sIrPα on macrophages (Mϕ) to CD47 on leukemia stem cells (LsCs) generates an inhibitory signal that prevents the phagocytic clearance of the latter. the disruption of sIrPα-CD47 interactions with a recombinant sIrPα-Fc fusion protein, anti-sIrPα or anti-CD47 blocking antibodies can abrogate sIrPα signaling and enhance phagocytosis, leading to the elimination of LsCs. cell-mediated cytotoxicity.9 Recently, an a better understanding of these complex their utility to enhance antitumor immu- alternative strategy to enhance antitumor processes and the role that SIRPα plays in nity, SIRPα antagonists must block the immunity has been reported. In this set- this setting will promote the development interaction of CD47 with SIRPα while ting, agonist anti-CD40 antibodies were of novel therapeutic agents that specifi- minimizing SIRPα signaling. Antagonist shown to re-educate tumor-associated cally modulate these interactions. anti-mouse and human SIRPα antibod- macrophages (TAMs) and induce tumor The identification of SIRPα as the key ies have been described.5,9 Future work is regression in a mouse model of pancreatic CD47 binding partner involved in the needed to determine whether humanized cancer.10 This study highlights the com- inhibition of the macrophagic clearance anti-SIRPα antibodies or other SIRPα plex roles of macrophages in tumor biol- of leukemia cells paves the way for strat- antagonists can be developed for clinical ogy: as opposed to classically activated egies to disrupt SIRPα-CD47 interac- use. macrophages, which mediate tumor sur- tions via the direct targeting of SIRPα on veillance, TAMs have been implicated in immune cells, rather than CD47 on tumor Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest the progression of both solid and hema- cells. Due to the relatively restricted tissue There is an existing license agreement tologic malignancies, owing to their mul- expression pattern of SIRPα, SIRPα antag- between Trillium Therapeutics Inc. and tipronged tumor-supportive functions. onists may be better tolerated than agents UHN/SickKids Hospital, and J.S.D. and Recent evidence indicates that macro- targeting CD47, which is ubiquitously J.C.Y.W. may be entitled to receive financial phages form part of the normal HSC expressed, binds to multiple other ligands, benefits further to this license and in accor- bone marrow niche, raising the intriguing including integrins and thrombospondin, dance with their respective institutions’ possibility that a subset of these cells may and governs several processes in both nor- intellectual property policies. The authors support the survival of LSCs. Ultimately, mal and malignant tissues. To maximize have no additional financial interests. References 2. 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