ClemsonUniversil 3 1604 019 416 942 :?&. M '!; TAPS CLEMSON UNIVERSITY Digitized by the Internet Archive 2013 in Volume One Hundred for Two Thousand Ten Editor in Chief Jonathan Major Jordan Managing Editor Megan Elizabeth VanBenschoten CLEMSON UNIVERSITY Adapted in 1862 by Daniel Butterfield, Taps is one of the most recognizable military bugle calls played today. Taps was orginally intended to be played at the end oi each day. However it is now played during military funerals and ceremonies, including more than 2,500 wreath ceremonies at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington Cemetery each year. Displayed on the cover of this edition ofTAPS are the 24 notes to Taps by Daniel Butterfield. While no official lyrics were ever written to accompany Taps, many unofficial versions were adopted. Listed to the right are several different versions of those lyrics. The name of this yearbook stems from the song Tips. Just as Taps would signal the end of each day for the cadets at Clcmson College, 1APS yearbook would signal the (jnd oi each school year lor those same cadets. From the bui'lc on ihc cover lo the Alma Mater on ihc back end sheer, this lOOth volume of TAPS atiLinpts to iciniiul the students ol Clemson ol the reasons wh\' it is [lublishecl each year. « I () I f C- p , p V .11 ft 11 s 1 c- c p , M ;1 \' t h f s () I d I I- r () I" s a 1 pom f^taff Senior Staff Taps Jonathan Jordan Editor in Chief Megan VanBenschoten Managing Editor Day is done, gone the sun, Brittany Bundrick Layout Editor From the hills, from the lake, Megan Campbell Student Life Editor From the sky. April Wade Athletics Editor All is well, safely rest, God is nigh. Alyssa Goodson Co-Greeks and Orgs Editor Lizzie Wilkes Co-Greeks and Orgs Editor Go to sleep, peaceful sleep, Katie Simmons Academics Editor May the soldier or sailor, Luke Hannon Business Manager God keep. On Ashley Crisp Copy Editor the land or the deep. Safe in sleep. AnneJones Copy Editor Matt Moose Photography Editor Then goodnight, peaceful night; Joshua Kelly Photography Editor Till the light of the dawn shineth bright. Kathryn Glass Portraits Editor God is near, do not fear, Katie Stokes Asst. Student Life Editor Friend, goodnight. Alec Gibson Asst. Academics Editor Love, good night. Must thou go. Molly Mattson Asst. Athletics Editor When the day. And the night Nathan Lanzetti Asst. Portraits Editor Need thee so? Lauren Reichard Asst. Business Manager All is well. Speedeth all To their rest. Junior Staff Fades the light; and afar Goeth day. And the stars Shineth bright, Alex Baldwin Fare thee well; day has gone, Lauren Beretich Night is on. Lauren Dailey Thanks and praise. For our days, Amber Day 'Neath the sun, Neath the stars, Ethan Gagne 'Neath the sky. As we go. This we know, Shelly Idziak God is nigh. Allison Kennamer Larissa McDowell Fading light dims the sight Maire McMahon And a star gems the sky, gleaming bright From afar drawing nigh. Dustin Pearson Falls the night. Katherine Williams do G O he e— e e p n t :i a n r t Ir d^c -e=|t S a f -i-tr e e CLEMSONUNIVERSrrrEJB|!9»?r ' TAPS S£NIUR^ Nineteen Hundred and Eight L_ PIBUSHE.O ANMAU-Y ^, J Senior Class i (( ,.:j dcnieon Volume Volume __One Twenty ^908 1937 1 1 4 ? n 1 \i 1 LEMSOh ght, peaceful night; fill the light of the da: ncth bright. God near, do not fear, friend, goodnight is Student Life 8 Academics 92 126 Athletics 194 Portraits U Seniors 196 Undergraduates 234 Graduates 330 Greeks and Organizations 332 TAPS 370 Staff 5SII Letters from the Editors 4l4 Colophon 416 And I i; o () il n i !', li I , ni ii s ( t li o u r, o , \v Ii i' ti i h f li .1 \' , t h c