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Talk: They Hear You: Underage Drinking Prevention National Media Campaign PDF

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Preview Talk: They Hear You: Underage Drinking Prevention National Media Campaign

alk, they hear you UNDERAGE DRINKING PREVENTION NATIONAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN FACT SHEET The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Serves ministration (SAVHSA) Linerage Drirking Prevention National Media Carnpaigns (the Campaign's} goal isto reduce underage drinking amore youth ages ta 15 by providing thelr parents and caregivers wth the resourses they need 1 properly address this issue with heir chidren early. The Campaign socks to 192 parents’ awareness ofr prevalonca and risks of underage ar-king FFouip parents with the knnwledge, sk Is, and conficence to prevent underage drrking: and nerease getions ky parents lo preven underage dining, According to SAMHSA’s National Suivey on Diug Use and Health, inthe United Staes, ‘an estimated 10 milion people yaunga’ than ha age of 21 drank sleahol in the past Front Many young people stat drinking befors the age of 152 The 2008 Youth Risk Sehaver Sunvey* found that during the past 30 days: 42 percent of high school students drank some amon of aloahol, 2 percent of high school students binge drank ‘tN percent ot high schaol students crave after drinking alechel and 28 percent at high sehcal sudants rod ‘condi “The Monito-ing the Future survey* found that: 33 percent of 8th graders and 7C percent 212th gracersin the Jnted States Said they tied alcohol at sore train thei Ivo; ‘13 porcont of 8th gradors and 27 percent of 1Oth graders said thatthey had consumed alcohol inthe month before the survey. and 35 petoent of teens who do drink reported tat they get drunk in atypical ‘marth witha diver who hal been trinking XSAMHS: he Consoquon Jorage Drinking Can Be Davastatin: The ronsequerces of irderage of underage sincing can inlude Injury or death lar accidents,* Unintences, unwanted and unprotected semual actity.?* Health problems such as depression and analy disarcers* Academic problems" and bug use." [Many parants with chiliien batusen the ages of 9 and 16 know thet peer pressure and media influances can sen lead ta underage drinking However, they are not ‘uly aware ofthe immediate dangers oftheir hldren’saleahal consurrzton. Statistics that point to the caramon nature of undaiage drinking can a shocking and unbelavable te sume parents. Furthermore parants ofen do ne feel equipped with the information of rasoureas hay naed to properly ddrass unerage srinking wh shel children, c un Seeks lo Give Parents Knowledge, Resaure ‘Tre Campeign wiluse rade, television, and aint public service announcements (PSAs): socal media the Campaigs website sv tao ag2cvnsing sahea aoe: partnersh p neWwoAs, and direct ourreae" to help parents feel mere con'dent when tak ng tc their ohdren about alcohol Messages WI: Empnasze the impertance of parents talking to their kids about underage crnking before they reach the age range when aloonol use typically begins (before the age of 19) Offer advice to parents about preparing children tc deal with reer pressure issues that ‘ay lea to alcohol abuse: Highlight undorage drinking statistics that are likely to catch parents attention Focus on helping parents address the issue of underage drinking in a manner that ‘emphasizes ther children’s ability 0 “ake autonarnous decisions; and ode hahaviors and situations when parents can begin the conversation about the ‘dangees ofall wh Her eee, 2, Suber assests en coves sean, EM, aut re: qalk) they hear you UNDERAGE DRINKING PREVENTION NATIONAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN ANSWERING YOUR CHILD'S TOUGH QUESTIONS ABOUT ALCOHOL, 4s your child becomes curious about alcchal, hear she may tun fa you. for anewers and advice Use ths oppottunty ta start an open, honest canversatan about sinking, Becatise some. questions can be diticul ta answer itis important te he prepared. The lallovang are some common questians ana answers shout underage dh F ‘Ask your chid if an adult vil ue present atthe pany or ithe or she thinks children sil be crinking Remind yeur child tha: even being ata rary were teres underage drinking can gel lin or Het into trouble. Use this ime to establish or rein’ree your rules about elennol and auitine the behavior you expect Don't lat your past stop you fam talking ta youu hile about underage erinking. If you drank as a leenayer ba renest Arknowlerge that twas sky. Make sire to omphasize that is 100 know ‘voir moi aban he risks to chien whe drink underage. You cauld evan give your crud an example of a painiul moma. that octane because of your Underage drinking Hake a cistinction between alcohol use among children and amang adults. Explain to your child yout reasons for drink ra whether fis o enhance a meal, share goad tines with fiends, 2 felebrate a saecial occasion. Point out that you chaose te dink. Lis always in moderation Tell your child that some people sould not dirk at all, including underace chide Heloing your child say ‘woo pear prassute isons ofthe most imporart things you can do to keep hin of her aleohiol4vee. ‘ark wb your chil lo hie a # way to handle tis suction ‘inet tis simply saying. “No, I don drink," or saying. "I pramisadd my mom or dad) that | ‘souldn t dink. V ENTS Remind your child at underage drinking fs against the law, and for good reason, Point out that sus are lly developed mertallyand physicaly so they ean handle drinking. Chldroys mnes and bodies, however are sill ‘owing. so aleoholcan have a greater effect on thelr judgirent and healt ‘Don't iy 0 stare your child about cr nking or tell him or her. "You. cant nal.” Instead, tell yout child that aleahal can be badlfor his or her grawing brain, interferes with judgrner, nl e379 take him o” har sick. One chiliren hear the fects and your opinions about ‘hem, 4 easier for outa make cules and enforce zhem pqalk) they hear you UNDERAGE DRINKING PREVENTION NATIONAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN \WHY YOU SHOULD TALK WITH YOUR CHILD ABOUT ALCOHOL the Chance That Children Will L ‘About 10 percent cf 12-year-old say they have triec a cohol, but by age 15, that number jumes to 59 percent. The sccner you talk te your children about alcohol, the greater ccharce you have of infuencing their decistons about drinking Studies have shawn that parents have a significant influence on young people's ecisions about alcohol consumption,” especially when parents create suppartve and hurturing environmerts in whieh their children can make their own decisions.” In fact tore than 80 percent of children say parents are che leading infuerce in their decision to drink or net ffective Before Children Start Drinkin Ifyou talk to your kids directly and honestly, they are more ikely to “espect your rules and advice abaut alcohol use. When parents know about underage alcohol use, they ‘can protect thair children ‘Tarn many of the high-risk behaviors associated wth i. Mest 6 year-olds know that aleanol is only for adulls, 2etween :he ages of 9 and 13, childien start to view alcohol mare positively. Many ent dren begin to think underage nnking is OK. Some even start ta experiment. Its ever to early to talk lo your childrer avout aleonol® \hat you say to your children avout alcohl is up fo you. But remember, parents who do not discourage underage drinking may have an indirect influence on tneir children's aicehol use.”

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