TTaakkiinngg WWoorrddss AAppaarrtt,, Teach, Prompt, Be Quiet Jenny Samoly Warren City Regional Reading Recovery Teacher Leader •• BBeettssyy KKaayyee’ss rreesseeaarrcchh • LLDI 1: Changes teacher might oobbsseerrvvee dduurriinngg lleessssoonnss • LLDI 2: Chapter One; Learning to llooookk aatt pprriinntt • LLDI 2: Section Ten; Finding and usingg the information in the pprint: developing the brain’s activities on texts • LLDI 2: Section 12; Taking words apart while reading GGooaallss ooff tthhee SSeessssiioonn • TToo lleeaarrnn wwhhaatt ttoo eexxppeecctt when •• TToo lleeaarrnn hhooww ttoo tteeaacchh taking words apart • TTo llearn tthhe promptts that promote taking wordds apartt • To learn to stay quiet WWAARRNNIINNGG WWAARRNNIINNGG WWAARRNNIINNGG TTaakkee WWoorrddss AAppaarrtt ONLY WWhhen NNecessary • Teach when it is iimporttantt ffor a particular child –and nott as a matttter off routine. Clay states that reading is a message getting, problem solvingg activityy.