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Preview Systemic distribution of different low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) viruses in chicken.

Postetal.VirologyJournal2013,10:23 http://www.virologyj.com/content/10/1/23 SHORT REPORT Open Access Systemic distribution of different low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) viruses in chicken Jacob Post1*, Eveline D de Geus2, Lonneke Vervelde2, Jan BWJ Cornelissen1 and Johanna MJ Rebel1 Abstract Background: Since wewere able to isolate viable virus from brain and lung ofH7N1low pathogenic avian influenza virus (LPAIV) infected chickens, wehere examined thedistribution of different LPAIV strains in chickens by measuring theviral AIRNA load inmultipleorgans.Subtypes ofH5 (H5N1, H5N2), H7 (H7N1, H7N7) and H9 (H9N2), ofchicken(H5N2, H7N1, H7N7,H9N2), or mallard (H5N1) origin were tested. The actual presence of viable virus was evaluated withvirus isolation in organs of H7N7inoculated chickens. Findings: Viral RNA was found by PCR inlung, brain, intestine, peripheral blood mononuclear cells, heart, liver, kidney and spleen from chickens infectedwith chicken isolated LPAIV H5N2,H7N1, H7N7or H9N2.H7N7virus could be isolated from lung, ileum,heart,liver, kidney and spleen, but not from brain, which was in agreement withthedata from thePCR. Infection withmallard isolated H5N1LPAIVresulted in viral RNA detectionin lung and peripheral blood mononuclear cellsonly. Conclusion: We speculate that chickenisolated LPAI viruses are spreadingsystemically inchicken, independently of thestrain. Keywords: Lowpathogenic avian Influenza, Chickens, Systemic distribution Findings However, some chicken-isolated LPAIV strains have been Avian influenza (AI) A is a highly heterogeneous group isolated from a limited number of other tissues including of viruses with varying pathogenicity in different species. the pancreas, kidneys and oviduct of intranasally (i.n.) or Influenza virus subtypes have gained sufficient adaptive intratracheally (i.t.) inoculated chickens [5]. In addition, we molecular changes to become established in domestic wereabletoisolateviablevirusfrombrainofH7N1LPAIV poultry and cause mild to severe disease [1-3]. AI is inoculated chickens [6]. With the introduction of PCR classified by the world organization for animal health several reports indicate systemic distribution of mRNA of into two pathotypes, low pathogenicity avian influenza LPAIV strains like H7N1 and H9N2 [6-8]. In order to viruses (LPAIV) and high pathogenicity avian influenza investigate whether systemic distribution of LPAIV was viruses (HPAIV), based on their virulence in chickens. restricted to some individually reported strains, we tested Pandemic influenza outbreaks of HPAIV in poultry pose thesystemicdistributionoffourLPAIVchicken(C-LPAIV) a significant threat to public health as highlighted by the andonemallard(M-LPAIV)isolate,usingPCRinchicken. emergence of H5N1 HPAIV [4]. In general, the HPAIV H7N1 LPAIV (A/Chicken/Italy/1067/99) was a gift from emerged from a H5 or H7 LPAIV subtype that was Dr. Ilaria Capua (Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentaledelle circulating in chickens or turkeys [1]. LPAIVhaemagglu- Venezie, Italy). H5N1 LPAIV (A/Mallard/Italy/3401/05), tinin (HA) lacks the polybasic cleavage site that charac- H5N2 LPAIV (A/Chicken/Pennsylvania/21525/83) and terizesmostHPAIV.ThemonobasiccleavagesiteofLPAIV H7N7 LPAIV (A/Chicken/Netherlands/06022003/06) were favors trypsin-like proteases, which are thought to be kindly provided by Dr. Guus Koch (Department of secretedonlybycellsoftherespiratoryandintestinaltract. Virology, Central Veterinary Institute of Wageningen UR, The Netherlands). H9N2 (A/Chicken/Saudi Arabia/ *Correspondence:[email protected] SP02525/3AAV/2000) was obtained from the Animal 1CentralVeterinaryInstituteofWageningenUR,P.O.Box65,Lelystad,8219 Health Service (Deventer, The Netherlands). The viruses PH,TheNetherlands were propagated and titrated in the allantoic cavities of Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle ©2013Postetal.;licenseeBioMedCentralLtd.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreative CommonsAttributionLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Postetal.VirologyJournal2013,10:23 Page2of7 http://www.virologyj.com/content/10/1/23 Lung Brain 30 30 20 20 Ct Ct 5 - 5 - 4 4 10 10 0 0 H5N1 H7N1 H7N7 H5N2 H9N2 H5N1 H7N1 H7N7 H5N2 H9N2 Exp. I Exp. II Exp. I Exp. II Ileum PBMC 30 30 20 20 Ct Ct 5 - 5 - 4 4 10 10 0 0 H5N1 H7N1 H7N7 H5N2 H9N2 H5N1 H7N1 H7N7 H5N2 H9N2 Exp. I Exp. II Exp. I Exp. II Heart Liver 30 30 20 20 Ct Ct 5 - 5 - 4 4 10 10 0 0 H5N1 H7N1 H7N7 H5N2 H9N2 H5N1 H7N1 H7N7 H5N2 H9N2 Exp. I Exp. II Exp. I Exp. II Kidney Spleen 30 30 20 20 Ct Ct 5 - 5 - 4 4 10 10 0 0 H5N1 H7N1 H7N7 H5N2 H9N2 H5N1 H7N1 H7N7 H5N2 H9N2 Exp. I Exp. II Exp. I Exp. II Figure1(Seelegendonnextpage.) Postetal.VirologyJournal2013,10:23 Page3of7 http://www.virologyj.com/content/10/1/23 (Seefigureonpreviouspage.) Figure1Scatterplotof45-CtvaluesofviralRNAfromorgansofindividualbirdsat2dayspostinoculation(d.p.i.).Chickenswere inoculatedwithdifferentLPAIVstrainsandthepresenceofviralRNAinorganswasexaminedat2d.p.i.byqPCR.Thehorizontallinerepresents themeanof5or6individualbirdswithSD.Trianglesrepresentthe45-Ctvalueofindividualbirds.ThedatawereexpressedasCt-45values, whichmeansthatincreasedvaluesinthefiguresindicateincreasedamountofviralRNAandwhenCt-45isequaltozeronoviralRNAwas detected.NoviralRNAwasdetectedincontrols(Ct=45).M-LPAIVH5N1,C-LPAIVH7N1andH7N7:n=6.C-LPAIVH5N2andH9N2:n=5. 10-day-old SPF chicken eggs to prepare stock virus. For described. Comparable Ct values for AI load were animal experiments, the viruses were diluted in sterile obtained. Therefore both PCR methods can be used next PBS to 106 EID per ml immediately prior to use. Non- to each other. As a control, tissue samples of the unin- 50 vaccinated AI-free chickens were randomly divided over fected chickens were included in each run of the qPCR. four (experiment 1) or 2 (experiment 2) groups and Standardization of the PCR was done by equalizing the housed in floor cages for 3 weeks prior to inoculation. amountofinputRNAwith200ng.Thequalityandinteg- Food and water were provided ad libitum. In compliance rity of the RNA samples was analyzed using the Agilent with Dutch law, all experiments were approved by the Bioanalyzer (lab on chip, Agilent). The data were Animal Experimental committee of the institutions, in expressed as Ct-45 values, which means that increased accordance with the Dutch regulations on experimental values in the figures indicate increased amount of viral animals. For the first experiment one-day-old Lohmann RNA and when Ct-45 is equal to zero no viral RNA was Brown layer chickens were obtained from a commercial detected.BecausenoCtvalueswerefoundforanyorgans breeder (Pronk’s Broederij, Meppel, The Netherlands). of control chickens tested during a 45 cycles run in these Chickens were inoculated with 0.2 ml (2×105 EID ) of particular PCRs, we considered Ct values ≤ 45 as positive 50 the LPAIVstrains H7N1, H7N7 or H5N1 equally divided [6]. H7N7 inoculated chickens from the first experiment between the i.n. and i.t. route. Control chickens were were used as an example to confirm the presence of pro- inoculatedwith0.2mlPBS.Sixchickensfromeachgroup geny virus in tissues where viral RNA was detected by were sacrificed at 2 and 4 days post infection (d.p.i.). The PCR [6]. Briefly, the supernatant of homogenized and body weight of the chickens was established daily and clarified organs of six H7N7 inoculated chickens (4 d.p.i.) from all sacrificed chickens gross pathology of the organs was divided over five embryonated eggs. The eggs were was studied.Lung, brain,ileum, blood, liver, kidney, heart screened daily and incubated for 7 days. After 7 days or and spleen were collected for RNA extraction, snap- earlier after embryo mortality the allantoic fluid was har- frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at −80°C until use. A vested. The presence of H7N7 virus in the allantoic fluid piece of about 0.5×0.5 cm tissue was used which cor- was tested with the HA-test and sequencing. Differences respond to approximately 200 mg. peripheral blood between the Ct values of the strains were analyzed for mononuclear cells (PBMC) were isolated from blood statistical significance by the Mann–Whitney U test. For by ficol-paque (Amersham Biosciences, Uppsala, Sweden). this purpose the Ct value of samples with no detectable For the second experiment the chickens were obtained viruswassetat45.Differencesinweightwasanalyzedfor from a commercial breeder and inoculated as in exp. 1 statisticalsignificancebytheStudent’sT-test.P≤0.05was with LPAIV H5N2 or H9N2. Five chickens from each consideredsignificantlydifferent. group were sacrificed at 2 and 4 d.p.i. The body weight of To determine whether the systemic detection of theH5N2LPAIVinoculatedchickenswasestablishedat0, LPAIV RNA was restricted to a limited set of strains, we 1,2and4d.p.i. measured systemic distribution of viral RNA from five For RNA isolation, organs were stored in trizol LPAIV strains using PCR. Subtypes of H5 (H5N1, (Invitrogen, Breda, The Netherlands) at −80°C until H5N2), H7 (H7N1, H7N7) and H9 (H9N2), of chicken use. Both methods of preservation were tested and (H5N2, H7N1, H7N7, H9N2), or mallard (H5N1) origin give equal RNA values. RNA isolation of the samples were tested. Systemic distribution of virus was con- of both experiments was performed using the phe- firmed by virus isolation of H7N7 C-LPAIV virus parti- nol/chloroform method as previously described [6]. cles from organs that were positive for viral RNA by H7N1, H7N7, H5N1 and H5N2 were analyzed using the PCR. Low pathogenicity was confirmed by sequencing quantitativePCR(qPCR)[6].ForH9N2cDNAwasgener- over the HA cleavage site [6]. Body weight of the chick- atedfrom500ngRNAwithreversetranscriptionusingan ens was measured as an indicator of severity of the iScript cDNA Synthesis kit (Biorad, Veenendaal, The disease after inoculation. Systemic distribution of LPAIV Netherlands). H9N2 viral cDNA was amplified with RNA was found for the C-LPAIV strains H7N1, H7N7, specific primers and conditions as described [6]. RNA H5N2 and H9N2. For these strains viral RNA was found samples of day 2 p.i. of H9N2 infected chickens were in multiple organs (Figures 1 and 2). In contrast to the tested using an one and two step PCR with the primers C-LPAIVstrains, viral RNA of the mallard isolated H5N1 Postetal.VirologyJournal2013,10:23 Page4of7 http://www.virologyj.com/content/10/1/23 Lung Brain 30 30 20 20 Ct Ct 5 - 5 - 4 4 10 10 0 0 H5N1 H7N1 H7N7 H5N2 H9N2 H5N1 H7N1 H7N7 H5N2 H9N2 Exp. I Exp. II Exp. I Exp. II Ileum PBMC 30 30 20 20 Ct Ct 5 - 5 - 4 4 10 10 0 0 H5N1 H7N1 H7N7 H5N2 H9N2 H5N1 H7N1 H7N7 H5N2 H9N2 Exp. I Exp. II Exp. I Exp. II Heart Liver 30 30 20 20 Ct Ct 5 - 5 - 4 4 10 10 0 0 H5N1 H7N1 H7N7 H5N2 H9N2 H5N1 H7N1 H7N7 H5N2 H9N2 Exp. I Exp. II Exp. I Exp. II Kidney Spleen 30 30 20 20 Ct Ct 5 - 5 - 4 4 10 10 0 0 H5N1 H7N1 H7N7 H5N2 H9N2 H5N1 H7N1 H7N7 H5N2 H9N2 Exp. I Exp. II Exp. I Exp. II Figure2Scatterplotof45-CtvaluesofviralRNAfromorgansofindividualbirdsat4dayspostinoculation(d.p.i.).Chickenswere inoculatedwithdifferentLPAIVstrainsandthepresenceofviralRNAinorganswasexaminedat4d.p.i.byqPCR.Thehorizontallinerepresents themeanof5or6individualbirdswithSD.Trianglesrepresentthe45-Ctvalueofindividualbirds.ThedatawereexpressedasCt-45values, whichmeansthatincreasedvaluesinthefiguresindicateincreasedamountofviralRNAandwhenCt-45isequaltozeronoviralRNAwas detected.NoviralRNAwasdetectedincontrols(Ct=45).M-LPAIVH5N1,C-LPAIVH7N1andH7N7:n=6.C-LPAIVH5N2andH9N2:n=5. Postetal.VirologyJournal2013,10:23 Page5of7 http://www.virologyj.com/content/10/1/23 LPAIVstrain was only found in the lung at 2 and 4 d.p.i. (H7N1 and H9N2) and kidney (H9N2). The cause of the and in PBMC at 4 d.p.i. Furthermore, the viral RNA load differences in distribution between the C-LPAIV strains in in the lung and PBMC of H5N1 M-LPAIV inoculated has not been studied here, but might for instance be chickens was generally low. In the lung, significant differ- related to receptor affinity [9,10] or replication efficiency ences were found at 2 d.p.i. (compared to H7N1, H7N7 assuggestedfor differences betweenHPAIV[11]. and H5N2 (p ≤ 0.05)) and at 4 d.p.i. (compared to H7N1 In agreement with the viral RNA distribution, a delay and H5N2 (p ≤ 0.01)). For PBMC significant differences in bodyweight gain was found for C-LPAIV H5N2, were found at 4 d.p.i. (compared to H5N2 (p ≤ 0.01) and H7N1 and H7N7 but not for H5N1 M-LPAIV infected H9N2(p≤0.05)).AclearcontrastbetweenM-LPAIVand chickens (Figure 3). The decrease in weight gain was C-LPAIV was also seen in the viral RNA load in the only significant for H5N2 C-LPAIV, which corresponded spleen. While in the majority of the C-LPAIV inoculated with the highest number of organs in which viral RNA chickensviral RNA was detected inthe spleen, viral RNA was detected. Although bodyweight was not measured could not be detected in the spleen of H5N1 M-LPAIV after H9N2 inoculation in this experiment, weight loss inoculatedchickens(Figures1and2). waspreviouslyfoundafterinfectionwiththisvirusstrain Although viral RNA was detected in most lungs and (pers. comm. C.A. Jansen) and also in relation to other spleens after inoculation with C-LPAIV strains, differ- H9N2strains [12-14]. ences were found between the C-LPAIV strains. After a In contrast to the review of Spickler et al. (2008) we H5N2 C-LPAIV infection all chickens become positive here show a wide viral RNA distribution over multiple for viral RNA and almost all evaluated organs of these organs of different LPAIVstrains isolated form chickens. chickens were infected (Figures 1 and 2). At 2 d.p.i. a The differences in amount of viral RNA between strains significant higher viral load was found in PBMC (com- in tissues might indicate that not all C-LPAIV could be pared to H7N1, H7N7 (p ≤ 0.01) and H9N2 (p ≤ 0.05)), detected systemically. However, since our study shows heart (compared to H7N1 and H9N2 (p ≤ 0.01)) and that different LPAI strains were able to spread systemic- kidney (compared to H9N2 (p ≤ 0.01)). At 4 d.p.i. a sig- ally beyond the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, nificant higher viral load was found in brain (compared systemic distribution of LPAI viruses could very well be to H7N1, H7N7 (p ≤ 0.01) and H9N2 (p ≤ 0.05)) and a general phenomenon. In a parallel experiment we were PBMC (compared to H7N1 (p ≤ 0.01) and H7N7 (p ≤ able to isolate H7N1 LPAI virus from the chicken brain, 0.05)). A typically high viral RNA load was found in the where the necessary proteases to replicate are absent [6]. kidney of H7N1 inoculated chickens at 4 d.p.i. (signifi- Here we isolated viable H7N7 LPAIV from lung, intes- cant differences compared to H7N7, H9N2 (p ≤ 0.01) tine, heart, liver,kidney and spleen (Table 1). Viruscould and H5N2 (p ≤ 0.05)), in the ileum of H7N7 inoculated only be isolated from organs with a high viral RNA load chickens at 2 d.p.i. (significant differences compared to (Ct≤35)asmeasuredwiththeqPCR.Differencesinvirus H7N1 (p ≤ 0.05)) and in the PBMC of H9N2 inoculated detection between virus isolation and qPCR is considered chickens (significant differences compared to H7N1 and to be due to sensitivity differences in assays used [6,15]. H7N7 (p ≤ 0.05)). Figures 1 and 2 show that not all NoviruscouldbeisolatedfromthebrainofH7N7LPAIV chickens were positive in brain (H7N1 and H7N7), heart inoculated chickens, which was in agreement with the Figure3Weightgainduringtheexperimentalperiod.Thebodyweightofthechickenswasestablishedpre-andpost-infection.Symbols representthemeanofindividualchickens.PBScontrol,M-LPAIVH5N1,C-LPAIVH7N1andH7N7:n=6.C-LPAIVH5N2andH9N2:n=5.**:P≤0.01. Postetal.VirologyJournal2013,10:23 Page6of7 http://www.virologyj.com/content/10/1/23 Table1DetectionofvirusinorgansofH7N7LPAIV M-LPAIVinfected chickensdid haveahigh RNAload in inoculatedchickensbyvirusisolationandHA thelungisunclear. Organ Viruspresent(pos.chickens/totaltested) In summary, RNA of a panel of LPAI viruses isolated Lung ++(4/6) fromchickenscanbedetectedinmultipleorgansofchick- ens. Viral RNA might indicate viable virus in organs Brain -(0/6) beyond the respiratory tract as was shown for H7N1 and Ileum ++(3/6) H7N7 LPAIV. Differences in systemic distribution be- PBMC N.D. tween the LPAIVstrains isolated from chickens exist but Heart +(2/6) larger differences are found between the chicken isolated Liver +(4/6) strains and the mallard isolated strain. These differences Kidney +(1/6) are likely to be dependent on host preference and might eventually be related to replication efficiency of the virus Spleen +(5/6) indifferenthosts. ++virusdetected(HAtiterofpositivesamples128–512). +virusdetected(HAtiterofpositivesamples16–64). -Novirusdetected;N.D.notdone. Abbreviations LPAIV:Lowpathogenicavianinfluenzavirus;C-LPAIV:Chickenisolatedlow pathogenicavianinfluenzavirusstrain;M-LPAIV:Mallardisolatedlow negativeresult inthePCR atday4.Altogether,viralRNA pathogenicavianinfluenzavirusstrain;d.p.i:Dayspostinfection; indifferentorgansmightimplicatethepresenceofpropa- i.n:Intranasalinoculation;i.t:Intratrachealinoculation. gatedvirus. Whilethereissufficientliterature onC-LPAIV,reports Competinginterests Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenocompetinginterests. studying M- LPAIV infections are scarce. Ladman et al. [16] examined the upper respiratory and the intestinal Authors’contributions tract of turkeys and chickens after inoculation of differ- EDdGcarriedoutanimalexperimentIIandparticipatedintheinterpretation ent LPAI viruses, including the mallard isolates H5N1 ofthedata.LVwasresponsibleforthedesignofanimalexperimentII.JBWJC andH7N3.H5N1 LPAIVcould only beisolatedfrom the assistedinanimalexperimentI.JMJRwasresponsibleforthestudydesign andinterpretationofthedata.JPwasresponsibleforanimalexperimentI, upper respiratory tract of turkeys, while H7N3 LPAIV carriedouttheqPCRs,participatedintheinterpretationofthedataand was isolated from the upper respiratory and the intes- draftedthemanuscript.Allauthorsreadandapprovedthefinalmanuscript. tinal tract of both turkeys and chickens. The fact that H5N1LPAIVwasdetected inturkeysandnotinchicken Acknowledgements FinanciallysupportedbyEU6thframeworkFlupath(grant044220)and might be explained by a difference in susceptibility for program“ImpulseVeterinaryavianinfluenzaresearchintheNetherlands” AI between turkeys and chickens [17]. Although the tis- DutchMinistryofAgriculture,NatureandFoodQuality. sue tropism of the mallard isolates LPAIV H5N1 and Authordetails H7N3 might differ in chicken, we speculate that differ- 1CentralVeterinaryInstituteofWageningenUR,P.O.Box65,Lelystad,8219 ences between H5N1 M- LPAIVand the C- LPAIVsub- PH,TheNetherlands.2FacultyVeterinaryMedicine,Dept.InfectiousDiseases types that were tested in our study were related to andImmunology,UtrechtUniversity,Yalelaan1,Utrecht3584CL,The Netherlands. differences in adaptation to the host. Starting from the primary infected organs, systemic distribution is among Received:26June2012Accepted:15January2013 others facilitated by lymphocytes [18,19]. 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