SYSTEMATICS ANDNEWTAXAOFTHE VANNIUSCOMPLEX (HEMIPTERA: MIRIDAE: CYLAPINAE) FROM THE AUSTRALIAN REGION GERASIMOS CASSIS, MICHAELD. SCHWARTZANDTIMOTHYMOULDS Cassis, G, Schwartz, M.D. & Moulds, T. 2003 06 30: Systematics and new taxa ofthe Vanniuscomplex(Hemiptera:Miridae:Cylapinae)fromtheAustralianRegion.Memoirsof theQueenslandMuseum49(1): 123-151 Brisbane. ISSN0079-8835. . Erectionofthetribe Vanniiniand itsplacementinthesubfamilyPalaucorinae,asproposed by Gorczyca (1997), is rejected. An informal group, the Vannius complex (Cylapinae: Cylapini) is recognised, comprised ofAfrovannius Gorczyca, Austrovannius gen. nov., ParacylapusCarvalho, VanniopsisPoppius, VanniusDistant,and VanniusoidesCarvalho& Lorenzato.Austrovanniusnov.gen.isdescribed,includingthreenewspecies,A.platnickisp. nov.,A. scutica sp. nov., and A. xepenehense sp. nov. New species belonging to existing generawithinthe Vanniuscomplexarcdescribed, including: Vanniopsishowensesp. nov., Vanniusoidesasprokarasp.nov.and Vanniusoides melafmnssp.nov. Vanniopsisnifescens Poppius, 1909 is redescribed and the male genitalia are illustrated for the first time. Illustrationsofmaleandfemalegenitaliaaregivenforthenewspecies.Acladisticanalysis ofthegeneraofthe Vanniuscomplexispresentedandthesystematicpositionofthecomplex isdiscussed. Hemiptera, Miridae, Cylapinae Vanniuscomplex, Australianregion. , Gerasimos Cassis, (e-mail: [email protected]), Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Research, 6 CollegeStreet, Sydney 2010, Australia; MichaelD. Schwartz, Research Associate, American Museum ofNatural History, New York New York, USA 10024; TimothyMoulds, CentreforEvolutionaryBiologyandBiodiversity, University of Adelaide, Adelaide5005,Australia; 14March2003. The Cylapinae are a basal group of Miridae from the Australian region. In addition, the (Schuh, 1975)whosesystematicsandbiologyare ingrouprelationshipsofthe Vanniuscomplexare probably the least known in the family. Schuh analysed,andtheirpositionwithintheCylapinae (1995) and Schuh & Slater (1995) rejected the is discussed. notionofmeaningful monophyleticinfrafamilial TheCylapinae,aswithmostmiridsubfamilies, groups within the Cylapinae, as suggested by are poorly documented for Australia. Cassis & previous authors such as&Carvalho (1952, 1957: Gross (1995) listed only nine genera and 11 Bothriomirini, Cylapini Fulviini). Gorczyca species, yetexisting collections indicate that the (1997, 1998) has attempted to clarify the cylapine fauna ofAustralia, may be an order of suprageneric classification, although this author magnitudemorespeciesrich.Thisworkispartof has recentlyrejected his own inital findings (i.e. a series on the systematics ofthe Miridae ofthe Vannius complex as a tribe within the Australian region, and the results herein are the Palaucorinae). first record of the Vannius complex from Gorczyca(1997)recognisedthe Vanniuscom- Australia. plexasamonophyletictribeofmiridsbecauseof This paper is based on a study of existing the spatulate parempodia, a condition unique in collections from the tropical parts of the basal Miridae. He recognised this complex as Australian region, including the southwest containingAfrovanniusGorczyca,Austrovannius Pacific. A smallercollection ofother specimens gen. nov., Paracylapus Carvalho, Vanniopsis fromNew Caledoniahas been examined but not Poppius, Vannius Distant and Vanniusoides includedinthispaper. Thismaterialrepresentsat Carvalho & Lorenzato. least another ten new species ofAustrovannius, This work reports on an examination ofnew and it is apparent that material examined from material from the Australian region, with new each mountain top is an endemic species. This species described from the Australian mainland. material will be thesubjectofasecond paper, as Lord Howe Island, Fiji, New Caledonia and weawait thecollection ofadditional specimens. Vanuatu. This study also includes a broader MATERIALS AND METHODS overview of the systematics of the Vannius complex, with a description of three genera Thisstudywasbasedonabout 100 specimens, (Austrovannius, Vanniopsis and Vanniusoides) borrowed from the Bernice P. Bishop Museum 124 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM (BPBM), the Queensland Museum (QM), the characterised by an extremely elongate labium, South Australian Museum (SAMA), and the which is suggestive offungal feeding. Unlike in University of Queensland Insect Collection theAradidae,whicharewell documented fungal (UQIC). DrRogerKitching(Griffith University) feeders,thelabiumofcylapinesdoesnotpossess providedonespecimen.TheholotypesofAustro- coiled stylets, and there have been no reports on vanniusplatnickisp. nov. andA.xepenehensesp. the mechanism of cylapine feeding. Wheeler nov. are lodged in the Museum National (2001 suggestedthatsomecyalpines,particularly ) d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHP). Material Fulviini, arepredaceous. was also collected by us during fieldwork on Thereisverylimitedknowledgeofthebiology Lord Howe Island and New Caledonia, and is ofspecies ofthe Vannius complex. We found a housedattheAustralianMuseum(AM).Geographic new species of Vanniopsis from Lord Howe coordinates for specimens without such inform- Island, Vhowensesp.nov.,inlowlandrainforest, ation were calculated usingGIS techniques, and associated with leafmould offallen palm leaves are given in brackets in the Materials section of (HoweafosterianaBecc.).Thismicrohabitatwas the species descriptions. characterised by dense matts of fungal mycelia All measurements are maximum lengths and andhighmoisturecontent. Vhowensewasfound tAhbebrreavnigaetfioornseafcohrsmpoecripehsomisegtirviecncihnamrialcltiemrestearrse.: AicnarasaspotceiraatiUosninwgietrh&otMhaetrsuhdeate(rAorpatdeirdaane),taaxnad; BL=bodylength; HW=headwidthacrosseyes; twospeciesofReduviidae: Emesinae(Emesopsis IOD=interoculardistance; HL=headlength; PL sp. and Atisne derelictus Wygodzinsky). =pronotal length; PWpronotal width athumeral Similarly, Vanniopsis rufescens Poppius and the angles;All=lengthofsecondantennalsegment; new species of Austrovannius have been and, LL=labial length. collectedamongstleaflitterin rainforests. These Scanning electron micrographs were prepared data provide indirect support that the Vannius uSswienagritnegcehnnieqtuaels. (o1u9t9l7i)n.ed in Bolte (1996) and cfuonmgpil.exO,thleirkesoptehceirecsyloafpiVnaensnairoepsaisssocairaetekdnwoiwtnh fromvegetation,includingsweepingferns.Chris DXC1oloduigritialmacgaemserwaerfeitctaedptwuirtehd aunsinIngfianiNtyikKo2n oRceciads(ipoenras.llcyomcmo.l)leocbtseedrvoendtfheartnVs..hoVwaennnsieopwsaiss long distance microscope and a CF-3 objective. crobyloshasalsobeencollectedfromalowplant Illumination was supplied by the Microptic ML-1000 fiber optics system with the images ([tUrtthaitcacVeaanen]i)o.psiTsogseptehceire,s tahree relayed directly to Nikon Capture 2software. epigaeic but frequent low vegetation during the The data were constructed and analysed using day. NONA Winclada (Nixon, 1999) and (GolobofF, Austrovannius species are also primarily 1999). The characters are unweighted and all multistate characters are unordered. The ground-dwelling, collected from either sieved following three taxa were used as outgroups: litter or by pyrethrum fogging of fallen logs. Bothriomiris lugubris Poppius, Peritropisca Nothingisknownofthebiologyofthespeciesof bituberculata Carvalho and Lorenzato and an GVoarnncizuyscoaid&esKtohnasttaanrteindoevsc(r2i0b0e1d)irneptohirstedwotrhka.t undetermined speciesofCylapocerusCarvalho. & VanniusoideselypeatusGorczyca Konstantinov BIOLOGY.Thebiologyofthebasalsuprageneric is found in a riparian habitatamongststones. groups (Isometopinae, Cylapinae, Psallopinae) Thereisalsolimitedbiological informationfor ofthe Miridaearesubject to debatebecauseofa species of the Vannius complex from the lack ofempirical evidence(Schuh, 1975, Cassis Afrotropical and Neotropical regions. Gorczyca &Gross, 1995;Wheeler,2001&).Manyresearchers (1996, 1997) and Gorczyca & Konstantinov h(,dt1h9a7t6C;ylCaaprivnaalehoaresLtoerneontzoaptioc,in1t9h7e8i)r o(2n0f0u1ng)ir,epaonrdtesdpetchiatesPaorfaVcaynlnaipuussalreestkonnoiwisnfforuondm habits, being associated with the mycelia and fruit and flowers. fruitingbodiesofhigherfungi,inhabitatssuchas fallen logs and under bark. There are some HOMOLOGYANDTERMINOLOGY. Arange observations that support the notion that of external morphological and genitalic cylapines are mycetophagous (Schuh, 1975). characters are used to differentiate genera and Most cylapines (aside from Bothriomirini and species within the Vannius complex. Homology most members of the Vannius complex) are andterminology fornon-genitalic characters are SYSTEMATICS OF THE VANNIUSCOMPLEX 125 consistent with those described in Cassis (1995 6)orpresent(Vanniopsis)(Fig.2A). Inmosttaxa and references therein) and Cassis & Moulds ofthe Vannius complex the antennae are much (1995). The homology and terminology of the longer than the body and thread-like (e.g. Figs male genitalia follow Kelton (1959) for gross 3A,B,D, 6, 13). Antennal length is useful in features, and Stonedahl (1988) for specific differentiating species of Vanniopsis, with V attributesoftheendosoma. Thehomologyofthe crobylos and V rufescens (Fig. 3C) having male genitalia proposed by Kerzhner & relatively short antennae (as long as the body), Konstantinov (1999) is not employed in this whereas V. howense have the antennae work. We use the term endosoma to refer to the significantly longerthan the body (Fig. 13). The aedeagus distal to the secondary gonopore. The length ofthe first antennal segment is critical in descriptions ofthe femalegenitalia arc based on determining Vanniopsis, having AI much longer Slater(1950)andDavis(1955). Modificationsto thanthehead(Figs3A-C, 13). Inothertaxaofthe terminologyforthefemalegenitaliabySchwartz Vanniuscomplex, AI is subequal in length tothe & Footitt(1998) are used. head (Figs 3D, 6, 8). The length ofthe labium is not as significant, with most taxa having the Colouration.Thecolourofthebody,particularly labium reaching between the meso and thedorsum iscritical indifferentiatingspeciesin metacoxae,aside fromAustrovannius whichhas the Vdnnius complex. Aside from Vanniopsis an extremely elongate labium, reachin,gbetween crobylosand Vrufescens,mosttaxaaredetermined abdominalsternumVIIandthegenitalsegments. bycolourpatterns ofthe dorsum, particularly of thepronotumandforewings.Thesepatternshave Pronotum.Theflattenedbroadcollar(Figs3A-C, a generalised form, which are partially charac- 2A, 13) is diagnostic for the Vannius complex. teristic the Vannius complex, and are composed The collar is almost vestigial in Austrovannius of a pallid background, interspersed with (Fig. IA), however, this is likely correlated to species-specific red markings (Fig. 3). We refer wing reduction. It isnoteworthy that Vanniopsis to these patterns as disruptive colouration. In howense also has staphylinoid wings (Fig. 13), addition, there are associated red markings of but possesses a broad flattened collar. Other lateralaspectsoftheheadandthethoracicpleura. pronotal characters of significance include the The colour patterning of the second antennal campanulate pronotum (Fig. 3A-C), the undif- segmentisvaluable indiscriminatinggeneraand ferentiated disc (without calli) and the bisinuate species, with All either banded (Fig. 3C) or posteriormargin (Fig. 3A-C). concolorous (Fig. 3A,B). Thoracic Pleura. Thoracic pleura are largely Texture. The body ofmost taxa of the Vannius uninformative, aside from the metathoracic complex is smooth, aside from two species of spiracle and peritreme of the external efferent Vanniopsis (V crobylos and V rufescens) which system of the metathoracic glands. The meta- have a weakly rugose dorsum. thoracic spiracle is either concealed (Fig.IB) or exposed (Fig. 2C). The peritreme is either Vestiture.Thevestitureofthe Vanniuscomplexis medially (Figs 1B-D, 2C) placed on the not significant taxonomically. In general, the metepistemum,oradjacenttotheanteriormargin setae are simple, usually bristle-like, and of ofthe metepistemum, as in the remainderofthe sparse to moderate distribution (Fig. 3D). Cylapini (Cassis, 1995, fig. 128). Head. The head is vertical in orientation (Fig. Forewings. Wing polymorphism is diagnostic at m1aAx)i,llwairtyhpltahteesclcyopneeu-sl,ikea,ndwimthandthiebubluacrcualnade tchoempgleenxu.sStaanpdhylspiencoiiedsy (lseevnelssu Sinchtuhhe &VaSnlnaituesr small and arcuate. The gular is consequently 1995) is diagnostic forAustrovannius (Figs 3D, greatly reduced in size. Gorczyca (1997; figs Vanniopsis howense (Fig. 13) and 11-16)illustrateddifferencesoftheheadbetween 6V,ann8)i,usoidesbrevis.Allothertaxaofthe Vannius genera.Therearesomespeciesdifferencesfound complex are macropterous. in Vanniusoides where the clypeus and man- dibular plates ,are apically rounded; cf. V Legs. Legs are elongate in the Vannius complex, clypeatus (see Gorczyca & Konstantinov, 2001; andareexaggeratedinAustrovannius(Figs6, 8), fig. 4)and other Vanniusoides species. Themost and some species of Vanniopsis (Fig. 13) and significantcharacterexamined was the presence Vanniusoides. Tarsi are uniformly two- of the longitudinal suture found on the vertex segmentedinthe Vanniuscomplex.Thepretarsus (and ffons partially), which was either absent has spatulate parempodia (Fig. 1E,F), which is (Austrovanniusand Vanniusoides) (e.g. Figs 3A, diagnostic and synapomorphic for the Vannius 126 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM SYSTEMATICS OF THE VANNIUSCOMPLEX 127 complex.Theabsence(Fig. 1E)orpresence(Fig. comparison, have slight, bilaterally separated 2F)ofsubapicalteeth isdiagnosticatthegeneric inter-ramal sclerite with lobes. level, and in some cases the number of teeth VANNIUSCOMPLEX varies (Gorczyca, 1997). Male Genitalia. Thepygophore isdiagnostic for rDeIcAogGnNisOeSdIbSy.thTehefollVoawninniguscomcboimnaptlieoxn oisf certain genera. In most taxa the genital opening characters: head vertical (Fig. 1A); elongate of the pygophore is dorsal in orientation (Fig. thread-like antennae (Fig. 3D); pronotal collar 1H), or rarely terminal (Fig. 2E). The ventral smuirdflaicneeofitnheApuysgtorpohvoarneniisusimp(rFeisgs.ed1aGl)o.ngTthhee b(Frioga.d3aB)n;d tfalrasti(tFwigo.-s1e3g)m;eenltoendga(tFeigmse6t,af8e,mo13r)a; spatulate parempodia (Figs IF, 2F); pretarsus structuresoftheaedeagus(Figs5C,7C,9C, 12C, 14C, 15C, 18C) are ofprimary significance in lacking pulvilli or pseudopulvilli (Fig. IE); and, endosoma with basal sclerites (strap-like and/or determining genera and species in the Vannius complex. The presence of basal sclerites (Figs digitiform)(Fig. 5). 5C,7C,9C, 12C, 14C, 15C, 18C)andthenumber DESCRIPTION. Colouration. Body either andlocationoflobalsclerites(Figs7C,9C)ofthe stramineous to mostly red, if pale often with endosoma are variable among genera, although disruptivecolouration(Fig.3),withredmarkings their form is consistent within species. The on head, pronotum, thoracic pleura and secondary gonopore is either indistinguishable forewings. Antennae often concolorous (Fig. (Vannius and Vanniopsis) (Figs 12C, 14C, 15C, 3B), stramineous to brown, sometimes with 18C)orstronglysclerotisedandcup-shaped,with reddish highlighting, less commonly with All vthaenniaupse,rtPuarreacdyelnatpautse, a(nAdfrVoavnanninuisuoisd,esA)us(tFriog-s bfaemnodread w(Fiitgh. r3eBd).baLnedgisngof(tFeing.pa3lBe),.sAobmedtoimmeens 5C, 7C, 9C). eitherstramineoustored,oftenconcolorous,less commonly dark, sometimes with paler regions Female Genitalia. The sclerotised rings (Figs ventrally. 10A,C, 16A,C,E 19A,C) and associated ventral and dorsal labiate plates, as well as the Texture. Body smooth; impunctate; dorsum sometimesweakly rugose. inter-ramal sclerite and associated inter-ramal lobes (Figs 10B,D, 16B,D,F, 19B,D) are useful Vestiture. Body with sparse to moderate fordistinguishingbothgeneraandspeciesofthe distribution ofdecumbent to semi-erect, pale to Vannius complex. In Austrovannius the dark, softto stiff(bristle-like) setae (Fig. 3D) sclerotisedrings(Figs 10A,C)andposteriorwall Structure. Macropterous (Fig. 3A-C) or (Figs 10B,D) and their associated components staphylinoid (Figs 3D, 6, 8, 13); elongate to haveacomplexityofstructurenotfoundineither elongate-ovoid. Head subtriangular (Fig. 2A) to Vanniopsisand Vanniusoides. The speciesofthe oval;transverse(Fig.3A);vertical(Figs 1A,2B); latter two genera have thin, simple, flattened clypeus not visible from above, posteroventrally rings (Figs 16A,C,E, 19A,C) placed between directed,usuallyflat,sometimesweaklyswollen, separate ventral labiate plates and wide, sometimes with postclypeal processes; vertex sometimes scroll-like, dorsal labiate plates. In flatto weaklyconvex (Fig. 2A), sometimeswith contrast, species of Austrovannius have large, weak depressions medially, often with shallow ornate, asymmetrical rings(Fig. IOC)between a longitudinal sulcus (Fig. 2A); bucculae short, convoluted, entire ventral plate and strongly arcuate; mandibular plate greatly enlarged, sclerotised,butnarrower,dorsalplates. Similarly triangular (Figs 1A, 2B); eyes enlarged, the posterior wall ofAustrovannius species are contiguous with anterior margin of pronotum complete(Fig. 10B,D), spanning the base ofthe (Figs 1A, 2A,B), not significantly extending first valvifers, with spinose and bulbous beyond plane of head (Fig. 1A); ocelli absent inter-ramal lobes. Species of Vanniopsis and (Fig.2A).Antennaeelongate,thread-like,atleast Vanniusoides (Figs 16B,D,F 19B,D), in aslongasthebody(Fig.3D);AIweaklyswollen. FIG. 1. Scanningelectronmicrographs. A-C, E-GAustrovanniusxepenehense,DandHAustrovanniusscutica. A,head,lateralview; B,thoracicpleura,metathoracicglands,lateralview;C,peritremeandevaporativearea, vDe,ntprearlitvrieemwe;aHn,dpeyvgaopoprhaotrievedoarrseaal;vEi,eswt.roEnAgl=yreevcauprovreadtitvaersia,revae,ntLrPal=vileefwt;pFa,ratamresir,e,latPer-alpevriietwr,em(Je,,pyR1gop-hroirgeh,t paramere, VR=ventral ridge. 128 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM FIG 2. Scanningelectron micrographs. Vanniopsishowense. A, head andpronotum, dorsal view; B, head and pronotum,lateralview;C,thoracicpleura,lateralview;D,forewing,dorsalview;E,pygophorc,dorsalview;F, pretarsus, ventral view. EES = external efferent system ofmetathoracic glands, LP = left paramere, ME = mesepimeron,MT=metepistemum,RP=rightparamere,S=metathoracicspiracle,SAT=subapicaltooth,SP =spatulateparempodia. eithersubequalin lengthtoheadlength(Fig.3D) Labium usually extending between meso and or significantly longer (Figs 3A-C, 13), either metacoxae, rarely elongate, reaching genital cylindrical or bilaterally compressed and segments; LI longer than bucculae; LI1 often outwardlyarcuate(Figs3B, 13); All cylindrical, short. Pronotum transverse; often campanulate thin, elongate, longer than posterior width of (Fig. 3A-C) with broad flattened collar, or in pronotum (Figs 3, 6, 8, 13); AIII-IV extremely wing shortened species collar usually vestigial thin (Fig. 3D), cylindrical, elongate. Labrum (Figs 6, 8), with pronotum ring-like and short; subtriangular, shorter than first labial segment. callosite region absent; posterior margin of SYSTEMATICS OF THE VANNIUSCOMPLEX 129 FIG3.Habitusphotographs.A, Vanniusoidesasprokara;B, Vanniusoidesmelafrons\C, Vanniopsisrufescens,D, Austrovanniusxepenehense. Scalebar= 1.0mm. 130 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM pronotum either bisinuate (Fig. 3A-C) or (Fig.2F)tostronglyarcuate(Fig. 1E)claws,with rectilinear (Figs 6, 8). Hemelytra: macropterous (Fig. 2F) or without (Fig. IE) subapical teeth; specieswithwingsweaklytostronglydeflexedat spatulate parempoida; lacking pulvilli or cuneal fracture; cuneal fracture small to pseudopulvilli (Fig. IE). Male genitalia: moderately large; cuneus elongate and usually pygophoreconical(Figs IG,2E),sometimeswith narrow; two membrane cells (Fig. 3A,B). pygophoralprocesses;genitalopeningoval,dorsal Proepistemumanteriorlydirected(Figs 1A, 2B); (Fig. 1H) or terminal (Fig. 2E) in orientation; proepimeron flat or medially depressed. parameres roughly equivalent in size (Fig. Mesepimeron broadly fused with mesostemum 5A,B); sometimes only weakly asymmetrical; (Fig. 2C); metathoracic spiracle exposed (Fig. left paramere always largest, usually C-shaped 2C) or concealed (Fig. IB); evaporative bodies (Fig. 5A)toweaklyarcuate(Fig. 7A),with apex on ventral angle of mesepimeron (Figs 1B-D, ofshaft hooked(Fig. 5A), sometimes with basal 2C). Metepisternum subrectangulate; well (Figs 7A) or subapical (Fig. 9A) processes; developed external efferent system of meta- aedeagus with membraneous endosoma (e.g. thoracic glands, occupying about 1/3 ofsclerite Figs 5C, 7C 14C, 15C), always with sclerotised (Figs 1B,2C);evaporativeareascontiguouswith strap-like (often looped) basal sclerites; often mesepimeron; peritreme elliptical, raised withdigitiformbasal sclerites(Figs5C, 7C,9C), posteriorly (Fig. 1C,D), positioned anteriorly or sometimes with multiple digitiform lobal medially (Figs IB, 2C) on sclerite, sometimes sclerites (Figs 7C, 9C), less commonly with more broadly raised, spout-like. Legs elongate sclerotised, fan-like lobal sclerites (Figs 5C), (Figs 3, 6, 8, 13). Metafemora greatly elongate, with apical margin serrate; secondary gonopore tapered distally (Fig. 3B, 13). Tarsi two- either undifferentiated (Figs 12C, 14C, 15C, segmented (Figs 6, 8, 13). Pretarsi with weakly 18C) or with prominent ring-like process with SYSTEMATICS OF THE VANNIUSCOMPLEX 131 dentate aperture (Figs 5C, 7C, 9C); ductus We consider the arrangement of Gorczyca seminis short; phallotheca short to moderately (1997) to be unsupported based on our large. Female genitalia: sclerotised rings (Figs reappraisal. Toothed-claws occur in Cylapinae, 10A,C, 16A,C,E, 19A,C) relatively flattened or Psallopinae and some Isometopinae (Schuh, slightly folded and sometimes with small lobes 1975, 1976; Schuh & Schwartz, 1984), and is on outside margin ofring; ventral labiate plate therefore toogeneral to be considered a synapo- entire or separate, wider than width ofring(s); morphy ofPalaucorini +Vanniini. Furthermore, dorsal labiate plate reflexed mesially dorsal to the claw (with deeply notched subapex) of rings or with scroll-like lateral margins; some- Palaucoris, ismoreelaboratethaninthe Vannius times sclerotised rings and associated structures complex, and the putative homology is at best asymmetrical; posterior wall (Figs 10B,D, conjectural. 16B,D,F, 19B,D) with intcr-ramal sclerite entire Spatulate parempodia as a synapomorphy for or bilaterally separated; sometimes with one to Palaucorinae sensu Gorczyca also needs three pairs of bilaterally separated inter-ramal re-analysis. Spatulate parempodia occur within lobes; dorsal lobe and lateral lobes absent. other higher taxa, such as the Deraeocorinae: & DISTRIBUTION. The Vannius complex is PTeorpmpaituosph—ylisneie C(ea.sgs.isA,ry1g9r9o5t;elfaigesn—u8s9,Re95u)t,erand circumtropical, with centres of endemism in Phylinae(e.g.ArafuramirisSchuh seeSchuh, wMeasdtagPaasccifairc,(Fiisjlia,nNdeawrcChailpeedloangioas,oVfantuhaetus)o,utthh-e i1n9d8i4c:atfiivg.e6o7f0)subpurtatgheenseerilcattreerleaxtieomnpslhaiprss.arHeonwo-t wet tropics of northern Queensland, and the ever, the presence of spatulate parempodia in northernNeotropicalregion.Allofthegeneraare Palaucorinae sensu Gorczyca does appear to be restricted toamajorzoogeographical region. Ten invariantand theirhomology cannotbe falsified species and three genera (Austrovannius, at present. Vanniopsisand Vatmiusoides)areendemictothe Australianregion (Figs4, 11, 17). Gorczyca(1997) listeda numberofcharacters additional to the aforementioned pretarsal REMARKS. Gorczyca (1997) erected a new characters, as a basis for his concept of the tribe of Miridae, the Vanniini, for Afrovannius Palaucorinae.Theseincludetheverticalheadand Gorczyca, Paracylapus Carvalho, Vanniopsis the short labium. The formercharacteroccurs in Poppius, Vannius Distant and Vatmiusoides many mirid groups, but most significantly in Carvalho & Lorenzato, which have spatulate manyofthetaxaplacedwithintheCylapinisensu parempodia and toothed claws. He removed Carvalho. This suggests that the Vannius thesegenerafromtheCylapinaeandplacedthem complex is related to taxa within the Cylapini. withtheannectanttaxon,PalaucorisCarvalho,a Moreover,Schuh(1976)showedthatBryocorinae: genus for which Carvalho (1956) established a Eccritotarsini, including Palaucoris, possess a subfamily with unspecified affinities. Gorczyca vertical head. (1997) thereby established the following class- The length of the labium has limited phylo- ification: Palaucorinae: Palaucorini {Palaucoris) geneticvalue. InmostMiridaethelabiumextends and Vanniini {Vannius complex). In contrast, between the middle and hind coxae, and are Schuh (1975) regarded the palaucorines as a distinct in comparison to the elongate condition subtribe of Bryocorinae, and as sister-group to foundinmostCylapinaesensuCarvalho.Gorczyca theEccritotarsina,withinthetribeEccritotarsini. (1997)reportedthatthe PalaucoriniandVanniini aVrarGnaonnrigcienzmiyenctaw,it(ch1o9m9sp8ea)lreiqcnutgeedstthietoancxheaadraohcfitseCrsyolroiagfpiintnahile tpihnoaststehtshesealVeasnnhgontrihtuoslfabtcihouemmpl.alObeuixru,mobvvsaaerrriyevisantcgioonnfssirdsoeumrgagbetlshyte P(hCyylloacpyloampoursplhuathemriigProaptpoirusi)a. (HDeistraencto)gniasnedd tmheesloacboixuameitnoPatlheaugceonrtiiasldoseesgmneonttse.xtIenndcobnetyraosntd, the middle ofthe mesocoxae. ‘great similarities’ of the body, antennae, tarsi and colour pattern. However, Gorczyca did not Insummary,webelievethatthere isnotample clearlyrestoretheVanniiniwithintheCylapinae, supportfortheconceptionofthePalaucorinaeas despite implicitly maintaining theirtribal status. a subfamily comprising Palaucoris and the Moreover, he argued that there were alternative Vannius complex. There is considerable homo- interpretations, based on potential homoplasyof plasy exhibited in the characters described by theobservedcharacters,includingtheparempodia. Gorczyca (1997, 1998). Pending a phylogenetic 132 MEMOIRS OFTHE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM analysis ofa larger sample ofcylapine taxa we Austrovannius gen. nov. proposethatthe Vanniuscomplexbemaintained (Figs 1, 3D, 4-10) rinelatthieonCsyhliappwiintahePaaslaiunccoerritsaebeserdeijsecatendd.that its ETYMOLOGYForitsrestrictiontotheAustralianregion anditsmembershipofthe Vanniuscomplex. CHECKLISTOF VANNIUSCOMPLEX TYPE SPECIES. Austrovannius scutica sp. nov., by Austrovanniusgen.nov. originaldesignation. pxslecauptteninicecahksiepns.spn.eosnvpo.v..nov. AustraNNleeiaww(CCnoaarllteehddooQnnliidaa) cDoIlAlaGrNaOlSmIosSt.oSbtsoalpehtyel,inaotidmo(sFtigass6,an8)i;mpprroensosteadl AfrovanniusGorczyca, 1997 line (Figs 6, 8); labium reaching between annulicomis(Poppius,1909) Madagascar abdominal sternum VII and genital segments; halinaeGorczyca,1997 SierraLeone pronotumreducedandflattened(Figs6,8);claws mahensis(Distant, 1913) Seychelles stronglyarcuate(Fig. 1E);subapicalteethabsent schmitzi(Gorczyca, 1996) Madagascar (Fig. IE); pygophore with longitudinal medial ParacylapusCarvalho, 1952 ridge on ventral surface (Fig. 1G); endosoma insularisCarvalho, 1952 Madagascar with basal and lobal sclerites(Figs 5C, 1C, 9C); lestoni(Gorczyca, 1996) Ghana sclerotised rings (Fig. 10A,C) asymmetrical, VanniopsisPoppius, 1909 chroowbeynlsoessspp..nnoovv.. Australia(LordVHaonwuaetIu) wlaarlgle,(Faingd.w1i0tBh,mDa)rgwiintahlipnrtoecre-srsaemsa;lalnodb,esp.osterior rufescensPoppius,1909 NewCaledonia, DESCRIPTION. Colouration. Body reddish to Vanuatu brown, sometimes with disrupted red markings VanocnrciauuslssaitDcuiossrtCnaainrstv,Paol1p8hpo8i,3us1,9515909 CostBoalRiivciaa oannddtohrosraucmic(pFliegusra3.D,Me8t)a,fleamteorralaassopmeecttismoefshweiatdh podagerBergroth, 922 Brazil red banding. Abdominal venter stramineous to 1 rubrovittatusDistant, 1883 Colombia, red-fuscous. VanniusoidesCarvalho&LorenzatGou,at1e9m7a8la,Panama Vestiture. Body with sparse to moderate density asprokarasp.nov. Fiji of soft to stiff (bristle-like) semi-erect to bcrleyvpiesat(uPsopGpoirucs,zy1c9a09&) Konstantinov,2N00e1wGuinea dTeexctuumrbe.enBto,dsyimspmloeotshe.tae (Fig. 3D). SolomonIslands melafronssp.nov. Australia(northQld) Sotvrouicdt.urHee.adS:mavlelr;tesxtafplahtyltionwoiedak(lFyigcson3vDe,x6,(Fi8g).; KEYTOTHE GENERAOFTHE 1A), sometimes with submedial weak depress- VANNIUSCOMPLEX ions. Antennae thread-like, elongate, much longerthanbody,at least 1.5x longer(Fig. 3D); 1. Labium extending to genital segments; males with AI equal to head length (Figs 6, 8), weakly longitudinalridgeonventralsurfaceofpygophore(Fig. 1G) Austrovanniusgen.nov. expanded; All elongate (Figs 6, 8), cylindrical, Labiumextendingatmosttofourthabdominalsegment; narrow, a littlebroaderthan AIII-A1V; AIII-AIV males without ventral ridge on ventral surface of elongate,verynarrow. Labiumelongate,extend- pygophore 2 ing between abdominal sterna VII and genital 2. Headwithlongitudinalshallowsulcus(Fig.2A). ... 3 segments. Pronotum (Figs 6, 8) transverse, Headentire,withoutsulcus(Fig.6) 4 subrectangular, ring-like, small, flat; collar 3. AI significantly longer than head (Figs 3A,B, 13) vestigial, at most as thin crease; remainder of Vanniopsis pronotum uniform, not subdivided into callosite AIequaltoorshorterthanlengthofhead(Figs3D,6,8) region and disc; posterior margin rectilinear. Vannius 4. Twosubapicalteethontarsalclaws;peritremeofexternal tMreisaonsgucluatru,mtnroatnsvviesrisblee,(sFmigasll6,, 8s)h.orStceurtetlhlaumn efferent system of metathoracic glands medially orientedonmetepistemum Paracylapus pronotum, flat (Figs 6, 8). Proepimeron weakly One subapical tooth on each tarsal claw (Fig. 2F); depressed medially (Fig. 1A). Mesepimeron: peritreme ofexternal efferent system ofmetathoracic metathoracic spiracle (Fig. 1B-D) not exposed; glandsanteriorlyorientedonmetepistemum 5 ventral angle ofmesepimeron with evaporative 5. Dorsum with distinct red-orange markings and narrow bodies. External efferentsystemofmetathoracic belnalcakrgmeadrbkaisnalglsyon head, clavusandhemelytArfar;ovfaenmnioursa glands(Fig. 1B-D)occupyingalittlemorethana Dorsumwithdistinctred-orangemarkingsonly;femora third of metepistemum; peritreme elliptical, narrow Vanniusoides moderately tumid and raised, positioned