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by  R Tryon
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RHODORA, Vol. 99, No. 900, 335-343, 1997 pp. SYSTEMATIC NOTES ON OLEANDRA ROLLA TRYON Depart FL A abstract. classification of the American species of the tropical fern genus Oleandra is presented along with a review of previous work on the genus. This treatment contrasts with earlier work by reduction of a number of taxa that have been based on variable The American species. species are reduced to four; those that occur in Africa, Asia, and Pacific islands are also briefly noted. Key Words: tropical, Oleandraceae, Oleandra, fern Oleandra one of the most distinctive of fern genera although is taxonomic Hooker 45B) its position uncertain. (1840 regard- is t. ed as "a highly and very genus"; somewhat beautiful natural it "The later Greville (1848) reported genus Oleandra of Ca- that vanilles ... is one of the most natural in habit of the families of ferns, and not less beautiful than well defined." The most dis- on meager tinctive features, although reported material, initially still characterize the genus. These are long, branched roots or rhizophores lamina borne (Figure a simple, entire (Figure 2) 1), on an and stem some articulate petiole, peltate scales. In addition, species have a shrubby growth habit and, with the possible ex- ception of O. vulpina C. Chr., species have indusiate son. all Much Ogura an anatomical and morpho- later, (1938) stated, in logical study, that ". the genus Oleandra stands far remote . . from may other ferns and be in an isolated phyletic position." Christensen (1938) recognized distinctiveness by placing the this genus own in subfamily of the Polypodiaceae. Pichi-Sermolli its own (1965) treated the genus in family related to elements in its the Davalliaceae and perhaps also to the Aspidiaceae (Dryopter- idaceae). In contrast, many authors have commented on the need for a Kramer clear For example, (1990) has definition of the species. "Many and mod- stated appearance, a that species are similar in ern monograph required." Palacios-Rios (1995) has noted, "El is genero un monografico ya que han sido descritas necesita estudio muy muchas and Smith especies basandose pocos ejamplares," y 335 Rhodora 336 99 [Vol. 3 4 5 Figures 1-6. Morphological Long or characters of Oleandra. roots 1. & X rhizophores, O. articulata, Venezuela, Maguire 27755 (mo), 2. Politi Vi. Small & X lamina, O. articulata, Venezuela, Maguire 27755 (mo), Politi Vi. Stem with & 44519 3. patent scales, O. articulata, Bolivia, Gentry Solomon Werff Werff Rivero 7849 X Long (mo), phyllopodia 1 Vi. 6. (3 to right ; Lehmannii, Colombia, Betancur X O. 881 et (mo), al. 1 Vz. — Tryon 1997] Systematic Notes on Oleandra 337 New The World modern Thet Maxon as others, have attempted work toward to a realistic classification of the species, but generally have been hampered by a lack of a complete monographic They hoped treatment. likely that future would collections taxonomy was How- verify the that provided. taxonomic Rios em characters concern Which are Some authors have on distinguished taxa variable characters. Maxon few specimens for his study of American Oleandra and his treat- ment provided no guidance concerning the variability of charac- The ters. studies of Pichi-Sermolli based on African ma- (1965), many herbaria lamina and the indusium, as well as characters of the costa scales, are variable. Field studies are needed in order to understand the stability and variability of characters within populations, and also the stage of development which herbarium material should be col- useful at lected. Such studies may provide evidence for recognition of ad- ditional taxa. number Here based American have been reduced the species in on am- the comments previous treatments, and on the basis of in by ple collections. Types have been seen are indicated affir- that Amer- mation The taxonomy occur beyond the of species that (!). lean tropics has not been evaluated. Oleandra Type and 1799. sole Cav., Anal. Nat. 115. Hist. 1: by Swartz Oleandra Cav. corrected species: neriformis name from The valid the (1806) species to neriiformis. is Greuter publication 1799 (Tokyo Code, Art. 42.1 in et al. in 1994). 338 Rhodora 99 [Vol. Neuronia Don, Prod. Fl. Nepal. 6. 1825. Type and sole species: Neu- roma Don. asplenioides Ophiopteris Reinw., Nov. Type and Syll. PI. 2: 3. 1825. sole species: Ophiopteris verticillata Reinw. The journal, published by the Soc. was Ratisbona, also cited as Regensburg Bot. Zeit. or other varia- tions of the The few pages of volume two were published title. first late in 1825 or early in 1826, rather than 1828 as indicated on the cover. Aspidium subgenus Oleandra (Cav.) Splitg., Tijds. Nat. Gesch. 7: 411. 1848. AMERICAN SPECIES Epiphytic; stem flexible, twining, with or without a whitish 1. many deposit, usually bearing scales with the portion be- yond the point of attachment patent or nearly so (Figure phyllopodium below 6-30 3); (petiole the joint) usually mm long (2) Stem brown, 2. lacking a whitish deposit; the scales usually concealing the stem; widespread America in tropical O. articulata 1 . Stem, 2. at least partially, with a whitish deposit; scales usu- ally sparse; Costa Rica Bradei O. 2. Terrestrial or epiphytic; stem and 1. rigid, usually erect, rarely some with many whitish deposit, bearing scales that are and fully closely appressed (Figure phyllopodia absent 4); mm or to 30 long (3) mm most All or phyllopodia on stem 1-5 3. a long (Figure or absent; Costa Rica and Panama, 5), Trinidad, the Guianas, west Colombia and and to south to Bolivia in Amazonian Brazil pilosa O. 3. mm All or most phyllopodia on stem 6-30 3. a long (Figure Guatemala, 6); Haiti, Venezuela and Colombia, south Peru to Lehmannii 4. O. Oleandra articulata (Sw.) 1. Presl, Tent. Pterid. 78. 1836. Aspidium articulatum Sw., Jour. Bot. (Schrader) 1800 30. 1801, not (2): Willd. 1810. Holotype: Martinique, Plumier, Foug. Amer. Traite 136. t. Lam Vahl (designated here): Montserrat, Ryan photo (c, a). Willd same vith the type. Belan. Vov.. Bot. 264 — Tryon Systematic Notes on Oleandra 339 1997] Oleandra nodosa nom. Aspidium Presl, Tent. Pterid. 78. 1836, nov. for nodosum Willd. and with the same type. Oleandra hirta Brack., U. S. Explor. Exped. (Wilkes) 16: 214. 29. t. 1854. Holotype: brazil. Organ mountains, Rio de Janeiro (Gua- nabara), U. S. Explor. Exped. 2 (us!; isotype: k, photo gh). Oleandra neriiformis var. hirta (Brack.) Baker, Fl. Brasil. (2): 495. 1 1870. Oleandra nodosa var. Magalhaesii Christ, Bull. Herb. Boiss. II, 2: 236. 1902, as Magalhaesi. Holotype: brazil. Serra do Itatiaia, Magal- Gomes haes 2259, (Herb. Christ, p). Holo- Oleandra Baetae Damazio, Bull. Herb. Boiss. 6: 892. 1906. II, type: brazil. Serra do Frasao, Minas Geraes, A. Baeta (em). Oleandra articulata eglandulosa Domin, Pterid. Dominica 233. 1929. f. Holotype: Dominica, Eggers 1036 [paratypes: Dominica, (k). all Imray Eggers 756 Nichols 253 (k), (k), (k)]. Oleandra zapatana LelL Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 89: 719, 3. 1977. f. & Types: Colombia. Choco, Lellinger de la Sota 300 (holotype: Colombia, Choco, us!, photo gh; isotypes: col, lp). [paratype: & Lellinger de Sota 195 (us!; isoparatype: lp)]. la Maxon Morton and use Joncheere agree with the original typification (1969). I West and the basionym of Swartz for the species of the Indies elsewhere America. in tropical In the West Indies this species is rather uniform with a long narrow lamina The Dudley as in 13243, gh. The stem was on holotype. character not evident the omer trom CUDa ana ox uic v^icaici ira articulata ranges from southern Trinidad; throueh Lesser Antilles to the Mexico Guianas west Colombia and south to Bolivia; also Brazil, es- to pecially the southeast. Geneve 231. Bull. Soc. Bot. II, 1: Christ, 17, Holotype III, The Christ, P). cited. 964 Herb. Boiss. 4: Bull. II, Christ, Talamanca Haut Uren, Holotype: costa rica. 1904. (Herb. Christ, p). 340 Rhodora 99 [Vol. The type of Oleandra Bradei from cited the original publi- is Scamman used which cation. (1961) the type of the variety, Christ The also cited with the species. white deposit on the stem, em- Maxon by was phasized mentioned (1914), not in the description of the variety. Oleandra Bradei may confined Costa be to Rica; well a is it variant of O. articulata. There seems to be reason for little its recognition as a species. frequently collected and the nu- It is may merous specimens overemphasize significance. its Oleandra pilosa Hook., Gen. 45B and Ho- 3. 1840. Fil. text. t. lotype: British guiana (guayana). Schomburgk Berbice, 416 (k, photo gh; isotype: l). Aspidium pendulum Splitg., Tijds. Nat. Gesch. 7:412. 1840, not Raddi, Lectotype 1819. (designated Surinam. here): Berlijn plantation, Para, Splitgerber photo gh; isolectotype: (l, k). Oleandra micans Kunze Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 346. 1851. Lectotype 9: (designated "ad here): Mission. Tocache, Huallaga Pe- superior, flor. ruvian Sterile lectum Jul. Aug. 1830, (Diar. 1958)" (from Kunze 1834), Herb. Poeppig, Kunze, destroyed at lz. Oleandra Columb. Holotype: trujillesis Karst., Fl. 147, 73. 1861. 1: t. Venezuela. Near Escuque, Karsten. Oleandra neriiformis var. pilosa (Hook.) Baker, Fl. Brasil. (2): 494. 1 1870. Oleandra decurrens Maxon, Contrib. U. Herb. 396. 1914. S. Natl. 17: Holotype: costa rica. El General, 10649 Pittier (us!). Oleandra panamensis Maxon, Contrib. U. S. Natl. Herb. 17: 396. 1914. Holotype: Panama. 5322 Chiriqui, Pittier (us!). Oleandra Maxon, trinitensis Contrib. U. S. Natl. Herb. 17: 397. 1914. Holotype: Trinidad, Fendler 114 photo (us!; isotype: us!, gh!, k, Trinidad type: gh!, photo k, gh)]. Oleandra dura Maxon, Amer. Fern Holotype: Col- 35: 21. 1945. J. ombia. Haught Santander, 1329 (us!; isotype: gh!, k, photo gh). The and no other type has been Metten- located. name and supplied Lechler a description for fatanara, Peru. In Herb. Mett. there a (b!) is pencil tracing of the sterile lectotype. and Rica Guianas Amazonian Brazil Lehmannii Maxon — Tryon 1997] Systematic Notes on Oleandra 341 i AmalfL Lehman isotype: photo k, gh). Oleandra guatemalensis Maxon, Contrib. U. S. Natl. Herb. 17: 395. & 1914. Holotype: Guatemala. Alta Verapaz, Maxon Ha\ 3333 (us!). Oleandra Maxon, costaricensis Contrib. U. S. Natl. Herb. 17: 397. 1914. Holotype: costa La Palma, Tonduz 12551 rica. (us!). Oleandra Urbanii Brause, Ark. Bot. 17: 68. 1921. Holotype: Haiti, Ekman 547 (b). Oleandra Club duidae A. C. Sm., Bull. Torrey Bot. 58: 301. 1931. Holotype: Venezuela. Mount Duida, Tate 580 (ny). & Oleandra trinitensis var. subcostaricensis Stisseng. Losch, Mitt. Bot. Munchen Holotype: costa Staatssamml. 23. 1950. rica. Tur- 1: Kupper 1613 rialba, (m). Oleandra Archeri Maxon, Amer. Fern 24: 74. 1934. Holotype: Col- J. ombia. Choco, Archer 1669 (us!). names Oleandra Lehmannii over other available be- selected is cause used most The type of the briefly described var. often. it is subcostaricensis has not been seen; placed here solely be- is it Novem- cause of Oleandra Urbanii was published in the epithet. * volume dated 1922. ber, 1921, although cover of the the is The from Guatemala Panama and from Ven- species ranges to ezuela to Colombia, south to Peru, and in Haiti. AFRICAN SPECIES Sermolli a and ad my perhaps lead us in material than have had disposal will at I < future to a re-arran These Olean- time being recognize the following species." are: I (West — — —- v ^ v v m 'm m ^ ^ ^ » V r ^^ *—^ ^^ ^^ ^— -^^- — — — — ~ ^ *- Adams madagas- (Ghana), O. ical and South Africa), O. ejurana (Baker) Pichi- carica Bonap. (Madagascar), and O. Welwitschii pub- originally Sermolli Congo, not Welwitzchii as (Angola, by Ample recognized Pichi-Ser- lished). material of the species molli taxonomic Welw Zambia, has treated O. variety 342 Rhodora 99 [Vol. AND ASIAN PACIFIC SPECIES There 40 are perhaps species currently recognized in this vast A region. satisfactory classification of the species not possible is more until extensive collections are examined and types have been studied. In several studies of Chinese species about ten spe- cies are recognized. Only two are treated in the work on Java by Posthumus (1937). In treatment seven reduced Olean- this are to dra neriiformis Cav. and four Nine to 0. musifolia (Bl.) Presl. them species, six of endemics, by Copeland are treated in his work on the Philippine ferns (1958). Seven species are included three demic Smith nom. nud. as often indicated) has stems creeping; O. pistillaris (Sw.) C. Chr. has stems and rigid, erect shrublike; O. Wallichii (Hook.) Presl has patent stem Cav. scales; in O. neriiformis the scales are fully appressed and sori are arranged in two rows close to the costa; 0. Sibbaldii Grev. has sori more or less scattered. Among New Guinea the species O. Werneri Ros. recognized is by its dimorphic leaves, and O. vulpina C. Chr. by the exindusiate condition, if this is truly so. LITERATURE CITED Christensen, C. 1938. 522-550. Manual Filicinae, pp. In: Verdoorn, ed., F. The eland, New E. B. 1940. Oleandrid ferns (Davalliaceae) of Guinea. Phi- 345-346. lipp. Sci. 73: J. 1958. Fern Flora of the Philippines 180-184. Bureau of Printing, . 1: Manila. F uter, W., R. Barrie, H. M. Burdet, W. G. Chaloner, Demoulin, D. V. Hawksworth, M. L. P. J0rgensen, D. H. Nicolson, C. Silva, Tre- P. P. and hane, McNeill. 1994. Code Nomencla- J. International of Botanical (Tokyo ture Code). Koeltz Scientific Books, Konigstein, Germany. Two and Hooker, W. 1840 (1838-1842). Genera J. Filicum. H. G. Bohn. London. Joncheere, G. The de. 1969. J. typification of Oleandra articulata (Filic). Taxon 538-541. 18: Kornas, J. 1977. The pteridophyta new to Gambia, Bull. Acad. Polon. II. 623-625. Sci., Ser. Sci. Biol. 24: Kramer The — Tryon 1997] Systematic Notes on Oleandra 343 Families and nosoerms. Sr amicarum collectaru 233. Maxon, W. R. 1914. Studies of tropical American ferns, no. The American 5. species of Oleandra. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 17: 392-398. Mettenius, G. 1856. Filices Lechlerianae Chilenses ac Peruanae. 21. L. 1: Voss, Lipsiae. The Oleandra. Amer. Fern 105-107. 58: J. Ogura, Anatomy Y. 1938. and morphology of Oleandra Wallichii. Jap. J. Bot. 193-211. 9: Palacios-Rios, M. 1995. Oleandra Cav., 289-290. G. Davidse, M. pp. In: i Knapp Psi- 1: lotaceae a Salviniaceae. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Biologia, Mexico, D.F. [with Missouri Botanical Garden and The Museum, Natural History London] Pichi-Sermolli, R. E. G. 1965. Adumbratio florae Aethiopicae, 11. Olean- Webbia draceae. 745-769. 20: Posthumus, O. 1937. Malayan Fern Studies, Verhandl. Kon. Akad. Wet. I. Amsterdam Afd. Natuurk. 36 1-67. sect. 2, (5): Rhodora 340. Steyermark Berry, and B. K. Hoist, gen. Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana. Vol. eds., — 2: Pteridophvtes, Spermatophvtes, Acanthaceae Araceae. Timber Press, Botanical Earum im Academici, Kiliae

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