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System, method, and apparatus for settlement for participation in an electric power grid PDF

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Preview System, method, and apparatus for settlement for participation in an electric power grid

USOO8849715B2 (12) Unlted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,849,715 B2 Forbes, Jr. (45) Date of Patent: *Sep. 30, 2014 (54) SYSTEM, METHOD, AND APPARATUS FOR 2% 2 it ill SETTLEMENT FOR PARTICIPATION IN AN 5,a 361,a 982 A 11/1994 Lieabsle e t al‘ ELECTRIC POWER GRID 5,388,101 A 2/1995 Dinkins 5,481,546 A 1/1996 Dinkins (71) Applicant: Joseph W. Forbes, Jr., Raleigh, NC 5,502,339 A 3/1996 HaI‘tig (Us) 5,544,036 A 8/1996 Brown, Jr. et a1. 5,570,002 A 10/1996 Castleman . 5,592,491 A l/l997 Dinkins (72) Inventori J osePh W- Forbes, Jr-, Raleigh, NC 5,640,153 A 6/1997 Hildebrand et al. (US) 5,644,173 A 7/1997 Elliason et 31. 5,675,503 A 10/1997 Moe et 31. (73) Assr~ gnee.. Causam Energy, Inc., Raler' gh, NC (US) 55,,679261,,699356 AA 122//11999987 EKihklienriss e te ta l3.1 ‘ ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (Continued) patent is extended or adjusted under 35 OTHER PUBLICATIONS U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. . . . . . Ercot Settlement Metering Operating Guide. Dec. 2010. http://www. 31121111112?th ls subJeCt to a termmal (115- ercot.com/mktrules/guides/settlement/ZOl0/indeX.* (Continued) (21) Appl.N0.: 13/659,564 Primary Examiner * Stephanie M Ziegle (22) Filed: Oct. 24, 2012 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Triangle Patents, PLLC (65) Prior Publication Data (57) ABSTRACT US 2014/0114844 A1 AP r, 24 s 2014 S y stems, methods, and a PP aratus embodiments for electric power grid and network registration and management of (51) Int. Cl. physical and ?nancial settlement for participation of active G06Q 20/22 (2012.01) grid elements in supply and/or curtailment of power. Settle G06Q 40/00 (2012.01) ment is provided for grid elements that participate in the (52) us CL electric power grid following initial registration of each grid CPC .................................... .. G06Q 40/00 (2013.01) element with the system, Preferably through network-hosed USPC .......................................................... .. 705/39 communication between the grid oloihohtS and a coordinator, (58) Field of Classi?cation Search either in coordination with or outside of an IP-based commu USPC .................................................... .. 705/35445 nicotith network routoh A multiplicity of active grid olo See application ?le for complete search history ments function in the grid for supply capacity, supply and/or load curtailment as supply or capacity, and are compensated (56) References Cited through settlement for their functional participation in the electric power grid. Also, messaging related to settlement is US. 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