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Syntax and Semantics of Abstract Binding Trees JonathanSterlingandDarinMorrison 6 Abstractbindingtrees(abts)areageneralizationofabstractsyntaxtreeswhereoperators 1 0 mayexpressvariablebindingstructureaspartoftheirarities. Originallyformulatedby 2 PeterAczel[1],unisortedabtshavebeendeployedsuccessfullyastheuniformsyntactic n frameworkforseveralimplementationsofConstructiveTypeTheory,includingNuprl[3], a MetaPRL[13]andJonPRL[21]. J In Practical Foundations for Programming Languages [12], Robert Harper develops the 3 2 multi-sortedversionofabstractbindingtreesandproposesanextensiontoincludefamilies ofoperatorsindexedbysymbols,whichare,unlikevariables,subjecttoonlydistinctness- ] O preserving renaming and not substitution; furthermore, symbols do not appear in the L syntax of abts, and are only introduced as parameters to operators. This extension to . supportsymbolsisessentialforacorrecttreatmentofprogramminglanguageswithopen s c sums(e.g. ML’sexntype),aswellasassignablereferences. [ Inparallel,M. Fioreandhiscollaboratorshavedevelopedthecategoricalsemantics 1 forseveralvariationsofsecond-orderalgebraictheories[8,10,6,7];ofthese,thesimply v sortedvariantsareequivalenttoHarper’sabstractbindingtreesaugmentedwithanotion 8 9 ofsecond-ordervariable(metavariable). 2 The contribution of this paper is the development of the syntax and semantics of 6 0 multi-sorted nominal abts, an extension of second order universal algebra to support . symbol-indexedfamiliesofoperators. Additionally,wehavedevelopedthecategorical 1 0 semanticsforabtsformallyinConstructiveTypeTheoryusingtheAgdaproofassistant[18]; 6 we have also developed an implementation for abstract binding trees in Standard ML, 1 whichweintendtointegrateintotheJonPRLproofassistant[21]. : v i X 1 Categorical Preliminaries r a FixasetSofsorts;wewillsayτsortwhenτ S. Inthissection,wewilldevelopatheory ∈ ofsetsvaryingovercollectionsofS-sortedsymbols. Let I be the category of finite cardinals and their injective maps; then the comma construction I S, is the category ofcontexts ofsymbols whose objects are finite sets of ↓ symbols U and sort-assignments U s S, and whose morphisms are sort-preserving renamings;wewillwriteΥforasymbolcontext(U,s). 1 Remark1.1. Tobeprecise,I Sisanabuseofnotationforthecommacategory|−| ∆[S], ↓ I ↓ with|−| theforgetfulfunctorfromItoSet,and∆[S]( ) , Saconstantfunctorfrom1toSet. I ∗ Formally,anobjectofI Sis,then,atriple U, ,s withUanobjectinI, theuniqueobject ↓ h ∗ i ∗ in 1, andsafunction |U| S; an arrowρ : U, ,s V, ,t isacommuting triangle I h ∗ i h ∗ i likethefollowing: |ρ| |U| I |V| I I s t S Becausetheobject : 1isunique,wewillalwaysomititfromthedataofanobjectin ∗ I S. ↓ CopresheavesonI S ApresheafonacategoryCisacontravariantfunctorCop Set; ↓ whenC Dop,wecallthisacopresheaf (covariantpresheaf)onD. Therefore,acopresheaf ≡ onI SisafunctorI S Set;colloquially,suchacopresheafcanbethoughtofasaset ↓ ↓ thatvariesoversymbolcontexts. Thisleadstoaveryintuitivesettinginwhichtoconsidersetsthatvaryovercollections ρ ofS-sortedsymbols. Inparticular,foranymorphismΥ Υ0 inI S,anycopresheaf X : SetI↓S hasasymbol-renamingactionX(ρ) : X(Υ) X(Υ0). When↓thecopresheafXis clearfromcontext,wewillwritem ρforX(ρ)(m). Now, when m X(Υ) for a cop·resheaf X : SetI↓S, we can define the notion that m ∈ dependsonatmostasubcontextΥ ofΥ;thisiscalledsupport. 0 ρ Definition 1.2 (Support). When Υ Υ , we say that Υ supports m Υ (written 0 0 ∈ Υ I m)when,forallΥ ρ1,ρ2 Υ ,ifρ ρ = ρ ρthenm ρ = m ρ . ρ 0 00 1 2 1 2 ◦ ◦ · · Wecanalsoalwayscalculatetheleastsupportofatermm X(Υ ),writtensupp(m): 0 ∈ supp(m) , {Υ | Υ I m} ρ ρ Υ \ Υ 0 Intuitively,supp(m)istheexactsymbolcontextthatmdependson. 1.1 Sheavesontheatomicsite ρ When Υ Υ such that Υ I m for some m X(Υ ), we would expect that we can 0 ρ 0 ∈ workbackwardtoauniquem : Υsuchthatm ρ = m;whilstitisnotingeneralthecase 0 0 · forpresheavesX,thisispreciselythesheafconditionforcopresheavesonI Sunderthe ↓ atomictopology[16,p.126],whichwewilldefineinDefinition1.6. Thesheafconditionensuresthatthenotionofsupportiswell-behavedinthefollowing sense: ifsometermliesintwodifferentfibers,thenitmaybestrengtheneduniquelyintothe fiberofitssupport. 2 Definition1.3(Sievesandmatchingfamilies). AsieveSonanobjectCisasubfunctorof theYonedaembeddingy(C) , C[−,C],i.e. S y(C). ForapresheafXonthecategoryC,a v matchingfamilyforasieveSisanaturaltransformationφ : S X. Anamalgamationforφis anobjectm X(C)suchthatm f = φ (f)foreachf S(D),forallobjectsD. D ∈ · ∈ Definition1.4(Sitesandcoverages). Asiteisapair C,J ,withCacategoryof“worlds” h i andJaGrothendiecktopology(or“coverage”). AGrothendiecktopologyJ(orcoverage)is afamilyofsetsofsieves,indexedbyC-objects;thatis,foreachobjectC : C,J(C)istheset ofC-sieveswhichwillbesaidtocoverC. AtopologyJmustsatisfyseveralaxioms(see[16] fordetails). Definition1.5(Separationandsheafhood). Apresheafonasite C,J isapresheafonC; h i we saythatsucha presheafX is separated in case foreverysieve S J(C) andmatching ∈ familyφ : S X,thereisatmostoneamalgamationm X(C)forφ. Additionally,Xisa ∈ sheaf whenthereisexactlyonesuchamalgamation. Definition 1.6 (The atomic topology). The atomic coverage Jatm is the one in which all non-emptysievescover;inotherwords: Jatm(C) , {S v y(C) | DS(D)non-empty} Inthefuture,wewillwriteI[S]fortheGroSthendiecksite (I S)op,Jatm . Sheafhood ↓ ontheatomicsiteI[S]amountstothefollowingcondition,usingDefinition1.2: (cid:10) (cid:11) AcopresheafX : SetI↓S isasheafonI[S]justwhen,foralln X(Υ0),ifwehave ∈ ρ Υ Υ andΥ I n,thenthereisauniquem X(Υ)suchthatm ρ = n. 0 ρ ∈ · Therefore,asheafonI[S]isasetthatvariesoverS-sortedsymbolcontexts,whichhasa well-behavednotionofsupport. Anotherwaytoputitis,ifm X(Υ)only“uses”some ∈ ofthesymbolsavailableatworldΥ,there’sacanonicalwaytorestrictmtoaterminthe worldwhichcontainsonlythesymbolsthatituses. Constructionsonsheaves Everycategoryofsheavesonasitegivesrisetoatopos,which equipsuswithanumberofstandardconstructions,including(amongotherthings)the disjointunionofsheavesX Y,theproductofsheavesX Y,andtheterminalsheaf1. ⊕ ⊗ 2 Operators and signatures Avalence{~σ}[~τ].τspecifiesanexpressionofsortτwhichbindssymbolsin~σandvariables in~τ. τsort σi sort (i 6 m) τi sort (i 6 n) {σ ,...,σ }[τ ,...,τ ].τvalence 0 m 0 n 3 Anarity(~v)τspecifiesanoperatorofsortτwithargumentsofvalences~v. Wewillcall thesetofvalencesV ,andthesetofaritiesA . S S τsort vi valence (i 6 n) (v ,...,v )τarity 0 n FixafamilyofsheavesofoperatorsOa Sh(I[S]),indexedbyaritiesa AS;foreach ∈ ∈ Oa,arrowsinI Swilllifttorenamingsinoperators’symbolicparameters. Together,S ↓ andOaresaidtoformasignatureΣ , S,O . h i WewillwriteΥ(cid:13)ϑ : aincaseϑ O (Υ);notethatthisjudgmentenjoysthestructural a ∈ propertiesofweakeningandexchangeviafunctorialityofO, andstrengtheningviathe sheafcondition. Anoperatorsignatureisdefinedbyspecifying,foreacharitya,thesheaf O ,whose“elements”aretheoperatorsofaritya. a Examples Forinstance,consideraλ-calculuswithasinglesort,exp;wegiveitssignature Σ byassertingthefollowingaboutitsoperators: λ Υ(cid:13)lam : ([exp].exp)exp Υ(cid:13)fix : ([exp].exp)exp Υ(cid:13)ap : (.exp,.exp)exp TheserulescorrespondtothefollowingdefinitionofO: O([exp].exp)exp (cid:27) 1 1 ⊕ O(.exp,.exp)exp (cid:27) 1 Sofar,wehavemadenouseofsymbolsandparameters;however,considertheextension ofthecalculuswithassignables(references): Υ(cid:13)decl : (.exp,{exp}.exp)exp Υ,u : exp(cid:13)get[u] : ()exp Υ,u : exp(cid:13)set[u] : (.exp)exp LetS bethesheafofsymbolsofsortτ,asubobjectoftheYonedaembeddingofthe τ emptysymbolcontext,y( ): · S (Υ) , {u |Υ| | Υ(u) τ} τ ∈ ≡ Thentheaboverulescorrespondtothefollowingfamilyofsheaves: O(.exp,{exp}.exp)exp (cid:27) 1 O()exp (cid:27) Sexp O(.exp)exp (cid:27) Sexp 4 Declaringanewassignableconsistsinprovidinganinitialvalue,andanexpressionbind- ingasymbol(whichshallrepresenttheassignableinscope). NotethatthefunctorialityofO guaranteesforanyrenamingρ : Υ Υ ,afamilyofliftedmapsO (ρ) : O (Υ) O (Υ ) 0 a a a 0 natural in a, such that Υ (cid:13)O(ρ)(ϑ) : a when Υ(cid:13)ϑ : a. In particular, the renaming 0 Υ,u Υ,vshalltakeget[u]toget[v]. Inthefuture,wewillwriteϑ ρforO (ρ)(ϑ). a · 3 Contexts Ingeneral,wewillhavethreekindsofcontext: symbolic(parameter)contexts,variable contexts,andmetavariablecontexts. Thesymbolcontextshavealreadybeendefinedvia thecommaconstructionI S,buttheyalsoadmitasyntacticcharacterization, ↓ Υsctx τsort u < |Υ| sctx Υ,u : τsctx · Because,modulonotation,wehaveΥ I SjustwhenΥsctx,wewillusethesyntactic ∈ ↓ viewwhenitisconvenient. Contexts of variables are similar to contexts of symbols, except that they admit any renamings,notjusttheinjectiveones. Assuch,whenFisthecategoryoffinitecardinals andallfunctionsbetweenthem,thecommaconstructionF Sisthecategoryofvariable ↓ contexts. Asabove,wecangivethemanequivalentsyntactictreatment: Γ vctx τsort x < |Γ| vctx Γ,x : τvctx · A metavariable context consists of bindings of S-valences to metavariables; let VS , {v | vvalence} be the set of valences. Then, the category of metavariable contexts is the commaconstructionF VS,whichlikewiseadmitsanequivalentinductivedefinition: ↓ Θmctx vvalence m < |Θ| mctx Θ,m : vmctx · 4 Nominal Abstract Binding Trees LetthejudgmentΘ.Υ Γ M : τpresuppose1 Θmctx,Υsctx,Γ vctxandτsort,meaning k ‘ thatMisanabstractbindingtreeofsorts,withmetavariablesinΘ,parametersinΥ,and 1Inthejudgmentalmethod, aspioneeredbyPerMartin-Lo¨f, aformofjudgmentispropoundedfirstby specifyingitsrangeofsignificance(i.e. thecircumstancesunderwhichitshallhaveameaning),andthen, ameaningexplanation(definition)forthejudgmentisgiven. Therangeofsignificanceofajudgmentis calleditspresupposition,andthemeaningofthejudgmentmayproceedbyinductionontheevidencethat thepresuppositionobtains.See[20]foramoredetailedexplanationofpresuppositionsandthejudgmental method. 5 variablesinΓ. LetthejudgmentΘ.Υ Γ E : vpresupposevvalence. Then,thesyntaxof k ‘ abstractbindingtreesisinductivelydefinedinfourrules: Γ x : τ 3 var Θ.Υ Γ x : τ ‘ k ‘ Θ m : {σ ,...,σ }[τ ,...,τ ].τ 0 m 0 n 3 Υ ui : σi (i 6 m) 3 Θ.Υ Γ Mi : τi (i 6 n) k ‘ Θ.Υ Γ m{u ,...,u }(M ,...,M ) : τ ‘mvar 0 m 0 n k ‘ Υ(cid:13)ϑ : (v ,...,v )τ 1 n Θ.Υ Γ Ei : vi (i 6 n) k ‘ app Θ.Υ Γ ϑ(E ,...,E ) : τ ‘ 0 n k ‘ Θ.Υ,~u :~σ Γ,~x :~τ M : τ k ‘ Θ.Υ Γ λ{~u}[~x].M : {~σ}[~τ].τ ‘abs k ‘ Abtsareidentifieduptoα-equivalence. 4.1 Calculatingfreevariables Wecaneasilycalculatethevariablesfreeinanexpressionbyrecursiononitsstructure: FV FV(x) { {x} var FV(Mi) {~xi (i 6 n) FV mvar FV(m{~u}(M0,...,Mn)) { i6n~xi FV(Ei) {~xi (i 6 nS) FV app FV(ϑ(E0,...,En)) { i6n~xi FV(M) {~xS FV FV(λ{~u}[~y].M) {~x\~y abs Becausethisisatotalrelation,henceforthwewillwriteFV(M)for~xwhenFV(M) {~x. 4.2 Calculatingfreesymbols WhereasthecalculationoffreevariablespivotedontheFV rule,thecalculationoffree var symbolswillpivotontheFS andFS rules,becausetheonlywayasymbolcanbe app mvar introducedisasaparametertoanoperatororasaparametertoametavariable. 6 FS FS(x) { { } var FS(Mi) {~ui (i 6 n) FS FS(m{~u}(M0,...,Mn)) {~u∪ i6n~ui mvar FS(Ei) {~ui (i 6 n)S FS app FS(ϑ(E0,...,En)) { |supp(ϑ)|∪ i6n~ui FS(M) {~u S FS FS(λ{~v}[~x].M) {~u\~v abs Becausethisisatotalrelation,henceforthwewillwriteFS(M)for~uwhenFS(M) {~u. 4.3 Renamingofsymbols Theonlyplacethatsymbolsappearinourcalculusisasparameterstooperators(unlike variables, symbols are not terms). Therefore, the functorial action of the operatorsheaf canbeliftedintotermsbyrecursionontheirstructure,viaapairofjudgmentsM ρ { N · and E ρ { F, presupposing ρ : Υ Υ0, and Θ.Υ Γ M : τ and Θ.Υ Γ E : v · k ‘ k ‘ respectively: x ρ { x •var · ρ(~u) ~v Mi ρ { Ni (i 6 n) ≡ · mvar m{~u}(M0,...,Mn) ρ { m{~v}(N0,...,Nn) • · Ei ρ { Fi (i 6 n) · app ϑ(E0,...,En) ρ { ϑ ρ(F0,...,Fn) • · · M ρ\~u { N · abs λ{~u}[~x].M ρ { λ{~u}[~x].N • · Above,thenotationρ\~umeanstheomissionofthevariables~ufromtherenamingρ. Becausetermsareidentifieduptoα-equivalence,therenamingjudgmentisfunctionalin itsinput,andsowearejustifiedinwritingM ρforNwhenM ρ { N. · · 4.4 Substitutionofvariables Variablesubstitutioninabtsisdefinedinductivelybyapairofjudgments,[N/x]M { M0 and[N/x]E { F: 7 x = y x # y / / [N/x]y { N var1 [N/x]y { y var2 [N/x]Mi { Mi0 (i 6 n) / [N/x]m{~u}(M0,...,Mn) { m{~u}(M00,...,Mn0 ) mvar [N/x]Ei { Fi (i 6 n) / app [N/x]ϑ(E0,...,En) { ϑ(F0,...,Fn) x <~y ~u # FS(N) ~y # FV(N) [N/x]M { M0 / [N/x]λ{~u}[~y].M { λ{~u}[~y].M0 abs1 x ~y ~u # FS(N) ~y # FV(N) ∈ / [N/x]λ{~u}[~y].M { λ{~u}[~y].M abs2 Intheremainder,wewillwrite[N/x]MforM0 when[N/x]M { M0,and N~ /~x M forthesimultaneoussubstitutionofN~ for~xinM. h i 4.5 Substitutionofmetavariables Metavariablesaresubstitutedbyabstractions; sinceametavariablemayonlyappearin anapplicationexpressionm{ }( ),wewillinstantiatetheabstractionatthesupplied ··· ··· parametersandarguments. Substitutionformetavariablesisdefinedinductivelybythe judgments[E/m]M { Nand[E/m]F { F0: /meta [E/m]x { x var m # n [E/n]Mi { Ni (i 6 n) /meta [E/m]n{~u}(M0,...,Mn) { n{~u}(N0,...,Nn) mvar1 m = n M~ /~x N { N0 N0 ~u ~v { N00 · /meta [λh{~u}[~x].iN/m]n{~v}(M~ ) { N00 mvar2 [E/m]Fi { Fi0 (i 6 n) /meta app [E/m]ϑ(F0,...,Fn) { ϑ(F00,...,Fn0 ) ~u # FS(E) ~x # FV(E) [E/m]M { N /meta [E/m]λ{~u}[~x].M { λ{~u}[~x].N abs 8 Therulesformetavariablesubstitutionarereminiscentofthe“hereditarysubstitutions” firstdevisedfortheConcurrentLogicalFrameworkbyWatkinsin[22]. Asusual,wewill write[E/m]MforNwhen[E/m]M { N. 5 Model Theory Let H , (I S F S)op; then we fix the functor category HS as our semantic universe, usingtheno↓tat×iono↓ftheFrenchschool,C , SetCop. LetV (Υ Γ) , {x |Γ| | Γ(x) τ}be τ k ∈ ≡ calledthepresheafofvariables;additionally,wehaveaprebsheafofsymbolsS (Υ Γ) , τ k {u |Υ| | Υ(u) τ}. Lastly,wehavethebpresheafofoperatorswitharitya,O (Υ Γ) , a ∈ ≡ k O (Υ) a 5.1 Substitutionmonoidalstructures ForanobjectP : HS,wewillusethenotationP[Γ]tomean P ;likewise,S{Υ}shall x |Γ| Γ(x) ∈ mean S . ForapresheafA : Handasort-indexedfamilyofpresheavesP : HS, u |Υ| Υ(u) Q wehavea∈noperbationA P,definedasacoendinthefollowingway: Q • b b (A P)(Υ Γ) , (Υ0k∆)∈HA(Υ0 ∆) S{Υ0}(Υ Γ) P[∆](Υ Γ) • k k × k × k Z Intuitively,thecoendconstructionA P providesthedataofasuspendedsubstitution • ofanA-term’svariablesbyP-terms. Usingthis,wecandefineatensorP QforP,Q : HS (cid:12) asfollows: (P Q) , P Q (τ S) b (cid:12) τ τ• ∈ Then,V istheunittothistensor. WewillsaythatanobjectP : HS isaΣ-monoidincase itisequippedwiththefollowingnaturaltransformationswhereνembedsvariablesintoP andς equipsP withanoperationforsimultaneoussubstitutionsofbvariables. Furthermore, νandς inducemapsν andςτ : Γ Υ Γ k ν ς V P P P (cid:12) V[Γ] νΓ P[Γ] Pτy(ΥkΓ) S{Υ} P[Γ] ςΥτkΓ Pτ × × 5.2 Thesignatureendofunctoranditsalgebras ForeachsignatureΣ S,O ,wehaveanendofunctorF : HS HS,whichisdefinedas Σ ≡ h i follows: b b FΣ(X)τ , Xyτi(σ~kτ~) ϑ∈aO(~v)τ{σ~}[Yτ~].τi∈~v 9 Then, a Σ-model is a Σ-monoid P which is equipped with an algebra α : F (P) P, Σ whichshallinterpretapplicationsofeachoperator. 5.3 Interpretationofterms The metavariable, symbol and variable contexts are interpreted for a model P as an environmentpresheafinthefollowingway: Θ.Υ k Γ P ,  Pτy(σ~kτ~)×S{Υ}×V[Γ] (m:{σ~}Y[τ~].τ)∈Θ   Then,theinte(cid:18)rpretation(cid:19)ofaterminamodelP isamapfromitsenvironmenttoP: Θ.Υ Γ M : τ : Θ.Υ Γ P k ‘ P k P τ Variablesareinterpretedbythemap Θ.Υ Γ x : τ whichprojectsthemfromthe k ‘ P environmentandembe(cid:18)ds them into the m(cid:19)ode(cid:18)l. Metava(cid:19)riables are resolvedby the map Θ.Υ Γ m{~u}(M~ ) : τ (where Θ m : {~σ}[~τ].τ) which projects their interpretation (cid:18) (cid:19) k ‘ P 3 fromtheenvironmentandinstantiatesitviasubstitution: (cid:20) (cid:21) Θ.Υ Γ m{u~}(M~ ):τ ~Θ.Υ Γ x:τ(cid:127) P k ‘ P Θ.Υ Γ k ‘ P P τ k P τ Pτy(σ~kτ~ς)σ~τkτ~ S{σ~} P[τ~(cid:20)] hπmπ1,φπ(cid:21)2,ψi (cid:18) (cid:19) νΓπ3 P[Γπ]x × × P[τ~] ψ,h~Θ.ΥkΓ‘M:τ(cid:127)Pi(M,τ)∈(M~,τ~) Θ.Υ Γ S{Υ} φ,hπuiu∈u~ S{σ~} k P Interpretationofoperatorapplicationsisthemostcomplicated. Recallthat,unlikein standardtreatmentsofuniversalalgebra,ourope(cid:18)ratorsare(cid:19)indexedbysymbolcollections; therefore, operators must pass through suitable renamings in order to be used in the interpretation. LetusbeginbyconstructingforeachoperatorΥ(cid:13)ϑ : athemorphism~ϑ(cid:127) P whichshallrenametheparametersoftheoperatorusingtheenvironment: ~ϑ(cid:127)P Θ.Υ Γ S{Υ} O k P π2 Oa(π(−))(ϑ) a WewillproceedusingtheF -algebraα,asfollows,bycomposingitwithamorphism (cid:18) (cid:19)Σ β from the environment into the signature endofunctor, which interprets the syntax of operatorapplications: Θ.Υ Γ β F (P) ατ P k P Σ τ τ 10 (cid:18) (cid:19)

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