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Sustainable Urban Living Prototype PDF

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Sustainable Urban Living Prototype WiSe 2011/2012 . Research SUSTAINABLE BUILDING DESIGN STUDIO msa | münster school of architecture Prof. Hans Drexler & Gastdozent Ed Liu Arcosanti Dana Alraheb WS 2011/2012 Arcosanti A r c o s a n t i : is Masdar City near Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emi- Many Architects throughout History, tried to leave their rates. Designed by the British architectural firm Foster Footprints on this Earth. Some with their design con- + Partners, the city will rely entirely on solar energy and cepts, some with the materials they used, some with other renewable energy sources, with a sustainable, their effort to start a new era of architecture and some zero-carbon, zero-waste ecology. The city is being con- with their ideas of a better planet , a planet where all or- structed 17 kilometers (11 mi) east-south-east of the city ganisms work together in order to create a place whe- of Abu Dhabi, beside Abu Dhabi International Airport. re people have a safe and healthy social environment. Frank Lloyd Wright proposed an early version of Ar- cology, in his Broadacre City. Soleri worked for a A r c o l o g y : while with Wright and he was obviously influenced by Concept of Arcology: is idea. The Broadacre City was an urban or subur- Arcology is a word made of the combination of the two ban development concept , which had similar ideas words Architecture and Ecology. The concept has been to the garden city movement of Ebenezer Howard. primarily popularized by the architect Paolo Soleri, and one sees it or reads about it in scince fiction. An arcolo- The Generations of Archology: gy is distinguished from a merely large building in that it The First Generation Arcology (1° GA) is supposed to sustainably supply all or most of the re- The Second Generation Arcology (2° GA) sources for a comfortable life: power, climate control, The Third Generation Arcology (3° GA) food production, air and water purification, sewage treat- The Fourth Generation Arcology (4° GA) ment, etc.. It is supposed to supply these items for a lar- ge population. An arcology would need no connections to municipal or urban infrastructure in order to operate. The largest arcology project under current development History and Background of the Project: In 1970, the Cosanti Foundation began building Arco- santi, an experimental town in the high desert of Arizo- na, 70 miles north of metropolitan Phoenix. When com- plete, Arcosanti will house 5000 people, demonstrating ways to improve urban conditions and lessen our de- structive impact on the earth. Its large, compact struc- tures and large-scale solar greenhouses will occupy only 25 acres of a 4060 acre land preserve, keeping the natural countryside in close proximity to urban dwellers. Arcosanti is designed according to the concept of arco- logy (architecture + ecology), developed by Italian ar- chitect Paolo Soleri. In an arcology, the built and the li- ving interact as organs would in a highly evolved being. This means many systems work together, with efficient circulation of people and resources, multi-use buildings, and solar orientation for lighting, heating and cooling. Paolo Soleri: Born in Turin, Italy on June 21, 1919, Paolo Soleri was awarded his Ph.D. with highest honors in architecture from the Torino Polytechnico in 1946. He came to the United States in 1947 and spent a year-and-a-half in fel- lowship with Frank Lloyd Wright at Taliesin West in Ari- zona, and at Taliesin East in Wisconsin. During this time, he gained international recognition for a bridge design displayed at the Museum of Modern Art and publis- hed in The Architecture of Bridges by Elizabeth Mock. Soleri made a life-long commitment to research and ex- perimentation in urban planning, establishing the Co- santi Foundation, a not-for-profit educational foundation. The Foundation‘s major project is Arcosanti, a proto- type town for 5,000 people designed by Soleri, under construction since 1970. Located at Cordes Junction, in central Arizona, the project is based on Soleri‘s concept of „Arcology,“ architecture coherent with ecology. Arco- logy advocates cities designed to maximize the inter- action and accessibility associated with an urban envi- ronment; minimize the use of energy, raw materials and land, reducing waste and environmental pollution; and allow interaction with the surrounding natural environment. Environment of Arcosanti: Arcosanti, as a city concept made for 5000 people is made of many buildings and parts, which help make the idea of social sustainability come true. The town buildings were built and designed for maximum social interaction. Arcosanti is made of the following buildings: Crafts l Ceramics Apse Foundry Apse East & West Housing V a u l t s Lab Building Colly Soleri Music Center A m p h i t h e a t e r Sky Suite East Crescent Soleri Office Drafting Unit Swimming Pool Greenhouse Guest Rooms Future Projects: Master Plan: The Arcosanti 5000 Teilhard Chardin Complex: B a s i l i c a s Arcomedia Center La Loggia Energy Arpon Experimental Greenhouses One of the aims of Arcosanti is Social Inter- Arcosanti and Utopia: action. As one sees in the photo above, how people are sitting around a table discussing Utopia: is an ideal community or society possessing a perfect so- cio-politico-legal system. Ecological utopian society describes something. What Soleri did is that he made an new ways in which society should relate to nature. They react to town that shares lots of things. All The Residents a perceived widening gap between the modern Western way of Arcosanti who come from all over the Worls( of living that destroys nature and the traditional way of living Mostly Students) and with so many different that is thought to be more in harmony with nature. According interests share a town with a cafe‘, a bakery, a to the Dutch philosopher Marius de Geus, ecological utopias giftshop and mostly the same nature. With his could be sources of inspiration for green political movements. idea of a car-free city, he encourages people living in there to walk, which will lead them to Many People and Researchers refer to Arcosanti as an attempt of Utopia meet new people living in the same area and but the architect Paolo Soleri disagrees and rejects this idea. In one of which helps them interact with each other. Peo- the Interviews Soleri said: „ Utopia speaks about Perfection , a group ple living in Arcosanti also work in Arcosnti, they of people somehow get together and decide they have something im- are either working in the cafe‘ or the bakery or portant to say which s perfection, so they move out somewhere and built Utopia. It’s an incredibly naive notion and also damaging because in the Arcosnti Bells production. This also leads it doesn’t consider the fact that we are dependent on everything , so a to friendships and to communications. Arcosanti little bit of perfection here is dependent from all the perfections sur- also offers workshops for students coming to rounding it. So it’s not really perfection. It can be in fact a parasitic.“ visit. Many Ecology and Architecture students are interested in Arcosanti as an experiment of the age, many also want to experience Arcosan- ti while Soleri is still alive, this also encourages Social Interaction. Many described Arcosanti as the most ambitious ur- cosani. Arcosanti is famous for its bells made of either ban experiment of our age. Soleri took sustainability , bronze or ceramic. Arcosanti now makes 50,000 bells a car free city and social interaction into considerati- a year which brings 2,000,000 dollars to Arcosanti. on before others. And yet many people and many Ar- Arcosanti was planned for 5000 people, and yet Re- chitects around the World are unaware of Arcosanti’s sidents of Arcosanti are between 50 and 200 . Most Existence. Many People are also not aware of the Term of them are workshop visitors and students who want Arcology . The questioning of the Success of the Ex- to either experience Arcosanti or do a research about periment Arcosanti , is not easy to answer. Paolo So- Architecture or Ecology, r even sometimes Arcology. leri had a vision and an idea since the beginning of the So why aren’t Soleri’s Thoughts known worldwide? For 1970s. However today after about 40 years only 3-10% many people, it’s very difficult to accept new ideas. of his vision, was made into Reality. Does that mean For many, Soleri is only a dreamer. A man with a visi- the experiment failed? Well, before judging if it failed on that can’t be realized. For many people the Loca- or not, many points should be taken into consideration. tion of his Project is not interesting. Very few people Soleri faced many financial problems, which made the are willing to leave the big cities, the comfortable life finishing of many buildings impossible. He also dealt of cars and move to a place were cars are not used with many investors and every one of them had his own . This is why the idea of the Compact city found more ideas that he wanted to add to the Project, and many welcome from people. Richard Rogers with the com- of these suggestions didn’t get along with Soleri’s pact city, gave people the opportunity to live in the thoughts and vision. However Soleri did somehow over- city, which is what most people want, and tried to find come the financial difficulties, he had designed a cera- sustainable solutions in the city with his reduce of car mic factory once which made him familiar with the pro- using and the increase of the public transportation, cess of Ceramic production. So he used his knowledge offering people also the social interaction they want. in designing Bells in Arcosanti and People living there People’s lack of knowledge of Arcosanti , doesn’t helped him in the production and then they sold them. necessery mean Soleri failed. It could mean it just To his surprise those bells became an income for Ar- didn’t reach people’s minds yet. Leonardo da vin- Space Travel Jonathan Wiederin Wise 2011/12 During the cold war the so called Space Race between the On April 12th, 1981 the United States started their frst Sowjet Union an the United States took place. They com- reusable spacecraft. The program was operating until 8th peted with each other for the domination in outer space of July 2011 with its 135th start. The space shuttle pro- to convey technical superiority, caused by the United Sta- gram was operated by the NASA. Its Tasks were analy- tes on July 29 th,1957 by telling it`s intiontion to launch sing interplanetar probes, launching several satellites and an artifcial satellite. The Soviets succeeded with launching the construction of the international Spacestation (ISS). Sputnik 1 on Oktober 4th,1957, which lead to the Sputnik- The space shuttle is built up modular of the reusable Or- Shock in the United States. On April 12,1961 the Sovjets an- biter with the crew of maximum 8 astronauts the main nounced their frst launch and return of their frst cosmonaut. part of the space shuttle. The Orbiter is attached to an Because of the increasingly shocked americans President John external tank (ET) and two solid rocket boosters (SRBs). F. Kennedy announced on May 25 to land a man on the moon After achiving 7,8 km/s the main engines are shut down, by1970. The US succeeded with the landing of Apollo 11 on the external tank gets jettisoned and the orbital ma- 20th of July in 1969. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the frst nouvering system (OMS) was used to adjust the orbit. men to set their feet on the moon. The Space Race found its end in July 1975 with the Apollo-Sojuz-Test-Pro- ject a joint Space Flight of the United States and USSR. Eyecatcher (über die komplette Seite) The rooms are divided in the areas of the fight deck where the crew is adjudged untill arival in orbit, middeck, and airlock. After achieving weightlessnes the seats of the cockpit are stored for more room. Middeck was living and working area of the shuttle with toilette, sleeping compartement, equipement for preperation of meals and an ergometer for physical ftness. The Orbiter was built as light weight frame construction, mainly of Titanium with only a weight of 4,5kg/dm³ (about half of steel) and extracting resistance of 686 N/mm² (more than steel) and aluminium. Three fuel cells ran by hydrogen and oxygen each generating power of 7kw/h supplying the Orbiter with energy. Moreover the shuttle was able to draw energy form the ISS. A big challenge in buidling the Orbiter was the thermal protection as the shuttle is exposed to high heat when breaking in the atmosphere. Special heat protection cladding shields the shuttle to burn up. The biggest part of the heat protection are 20.000 special thermal tiles on the lower side of the Orbiter. The so called high temperature reusable surface insulation could last up to 1260°C. Those tiles with a thickness of 12 cm were made up of 90% hollow space and 10% silizia. The most heated part of the shuttle as it`s nose are made of carbon fber rein- forced carbon (CFRC), which can stand heat up to 1300°C.

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