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Surface ultrastructure of the egg chorion of Zinaspa youngi Hsu & Johnson (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) PDF

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Preview Surface ultrastructure of the egg chorion of Zinaspa youngi Hsu & Johnson (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)

TThheLee piLdeoppteirdoloopgitcaelrSooclieotygical Society ooff JJaapapnan ue 2 :wh Lepidopte,'a S('ien( '6e4 (1) :27-29. April 2013 Surface ultrastructure of the egg chorion of Zinaspa youngi Hsu & Johnson (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) Hai-Ming Xu and Min WANG Department of Entomotog.y, South ChinaAs,ricultural University. Guangzhou,Guan.gdong 510642, P. R. China Abstract The structures of Lepidopterou esggshells are usual]y significant for the study of taxonomy. Hcre. we describe the surface u]trastructure of the eg.o.. sot' Zinaspa .i'cnt wnitghi scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for the fir sttime, Key wordsZina.v)a }'oitn gui]t.rustructure. ]nicropylar rosette. aeropy]es, SErv{. Introduction Results and Discussion The stnictures of insec etgs,shells ure usually quit ecomplex. The egg (Figs 3-10) is rounded in dorsa lview with a Thesculpturingoftheextemalmorphologyofeggsappears diamete ref 54-56 pm and slightly less in length (Fig 3.}. to be specific and is considered to be of grea tinterest The shape looks lik ea sea urchin. The micropyle is centered becauseofpotentialtaxonomicapplications(Rosciszeowns kthae, upper surface and encircled by 4-6 petal-shaped 1991).The cells (Fi g6s-8) .The micropyle area is slightly depressed sfacLoa,nr n is2nthg0udi0ygi7nh g) el.reecs tordlouintaiogn nmoicsr tosaicnco dpceh a3ra-ctd emriasmkeen osfiit oainnn as ilecnlvcarat ilts{yuVai bonlfee teto thoeetl Taefbnnhoodteirrrm edseauee drrrrsoou peuryb nfdlbydaeec. de pv5e - ono6p fte fnb aiutnygnhg seons enomclaeh- o lrsaairnh oednaro pw fesh duei n axs eonarfaoeg poylasletn-ereasors.pelyhols aeccso pepTl iehlc(sde ;F (i riFeg da ing,cee9hgts wj)soo4 .riTkn-ceh5lel). Zinaspa is a genus in the famil yLycaenidae T.here are each other and tubercles protrud eupward from the six species in Zina.s7)a in previou sIiteratur (eWang and juneti ognivsi.n .tohe appearance of fiows from a volcanic Fang. 2002) .Zinaspa .voitn gwias named by Hsu and eruption (Fig. 9) .CIesc-u pofjunctions is shown in Fig. Johnson (]998) .Photos of egg, ]arv aand the pupa were 10.Some seugpgp lciheodri oinn t hofe aZritniacslep ,ab u.ty tohee tsnu grwfaiasce n outlt rreapsotrrtuecdt.ure of the For ex avmaprlieations th ew ernuemb errevea loefd pien dSaElM- sihmaapgee dcs e(llFsi gi n6s -t8he). Here, sN' edescrib tehe ultrastructure of the eg.os ofZinaspa micrepyie area ranged from 4 to 6. In our research. we .l'ott nwigtih scanning electron microseopy (SEM). think that this may be individu arlather than geographic variability. The lary aoi' Zinaspa .vottn giis simi]ar to that Materials and Methods obfy Stihteii ewrggJsdher lqlastte (n'!egtaorruam sa,nbhdui t Ftuhkeyu dcaa ,n2 0boeo d) iT.shtei tnugbeuricslheed Adults (Fig s1-2) appcared in late March. Thc eggs were on the egg of Sui'entbz tqtteiz'etort "hnas an obtuse end laid by the female in the wild in Nanlin.e National Nature and the number of tubercle i sles sthan in Zina,yJa .voitngi. Reserve. Guangdong province in lat eMarch. Most eggs Thc larv aof Zinaspa .votmgi is also allied to that of were laid singly on the stem or bud. We collected somc Ambiopatct at,idiena, but their eggs have some obvious eggs on the host plant and ptaced them in a small culture dish.Egs,s were washed thorough]y with distil] weatder using a soft brush and air dried. AII procedures were performed at 25CC. Next, the matcrial was sputtered ",ith gold and examined and photographed under a scanning electren microscope (XL-30-ESEM )E.gg length and width were measuredunderSEM.Al}eggsexaminedareoftheupright type, with the micrepyle on the :"top" surfacc and opposite the '"bottom" surface, Approximately 8 es,gs were examined. Figs t-2. Fema]e of Zinasptt .yottn g1 /i U.pperside. 2/ Underside. NII-Electronic Library Service TThheLee piLdeoppteirdoloopgitcaelrSooclieotygical Society ooff JJaapapnan 28 H,-M, Xuand M. WANG Figs 3-10. Egg of Zinaspa .voung 3i/. Dorsal view of whole egg. 4-5: Tbp view ofmicropy]ar area and aerepy!es. 6-8 /Genera vliew of anterior egg pole revealing the rosette of petals. 9/ The later uvliew of the egg chorion showing the ridges und aeropyles. 1O: Close-up ofjunction. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan Surface ultrastructure  of egg  chorien  of Zinaspa youngi 29 differenc. eFsor example , the micropyle  area  ofA ηめJqρ(1’α    Entomol,4:68−81. αりid’8πα is deeper than in Z’naspa  youngi and the end of Wa皿g, M ,and X . L  Fan,2002. Buttediies Fauna Sinic:aLycaenida,e tubercle is more  rounded .   pp.147. Henan Science and  Tヒchnology  Publishin gHouse,   Zhengzhou . Acknow 置edgments 摘 要 We thank Chen Xinfang for expertise  in SEM  in ilstmment]a Analysis ResearchCenterinSouthChinaAgricultural Zinaspa youngi (鱗翅目:シジミチ ョ ウ科)の卵殻の表 &           ・ Universit.y 面微細構造 (徐 海明 王 敏) Zinaspa youngiはHsu and 亅ohnson (199S)によっ て記載され, Refe『ences 卵殻の・幼表虫面微・蛹細構な造どのを写走真査が型示電子され顕た微鏡だけを用だいっ たて.記今載回し,た卵. Hsu,YFand  KJohnson ,1998.A new  species  of Zinaspa frorn 卵殻の隆起線は網目状 となっ て多数の小室を形成し,接合     C5h:i3n9a−4(L2e.pidopter:aLycaenida:eThechnae). Holarcti正celガd 部辺での盛卵弁り.数Lがはっ46て火と違山い噴が火見を思られわたせがる,突個起体と変な異ると.精思孔わ周れ I ga rabsuht,it Ser. faindi, ep slHs.. 3F0u1ku−d3a03., T2o0k0ai0 . UTnhivee rlsiifty eh Pirsetsos,r  TyoDfk yAosi,an る. Roscizewska, E ,1991.Ultrastructura land  histochemic asltudies 本種の 幼虫は (同 じム ラサキ シ シ ミ族の )Surendra   of 出e egg capsule  of Perla marginata (Panzer,1799)and quercetorum やAmblopala avidiena の 幼虫 に 似 る が. s.     DIinnt・o∫crIanss ececphta”loteosrphol (. CEu〃r毘tわiり,sり1’8.2270):(1P8l9e−c2o0p3t.er:aPerlid)a・e qと”e.rcまetoたruAmmbtのop卵alのa a隆vid起ien線a 結の合卵部のは精よ孔り域鈍はくよ数りが深少くな,い隆起こ Vineet, K ., B . K. Kariappa, A. M . Babu and  S.B. Dandin ,2007. 線結合部はよりまるみを帯びる.(文責 :広渡俊哉)   Su血 ce Ultrastuctu rofe the Egg Chorion of Eri Silkwom1,   Samia ricini (Donovan )(Lepidoptera :Saturniida)e, J. (Received January 21,2013. AccepIed Febr岨 ry 21,2013) 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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