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Sun StorageTek 5320 NAS Appliance and Gateway Administration PDF

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Sun StorageTek™ 5320 NAS Appliance and Gateway Administration Guide NAS Software Version 4.12 Sun Microsystems, Inc. www.sun.com Part No. 819-6388-10 May 2006, Revision A Submit comments about this document at: http://www.sun.com/hwdocs/feedback Copyright2006SunMicrosystems,Inc.,4150NetworkCircle,SantaClara,California95054,U.S.A.Allrightsreserved. SunMicrosystems,Inc.hasintellectualpropertyrightsrelatingtotechnologythatisdescribedinthisdocument.Inparticular,andwithout limitation,theseintellectualpropertyrightsmayincludeoneormoreoftheU.S.patentslistedathttp://www.sun.com/patentsandoneor moreadditionalpatentsorpendingpatentapplicationsintheU.S.andinothercountries. Thisdocumentandtheproducttowhichitpertainsaredistributedunderlicensesrestrictingtheiruse,copying,distribution,and decompilation.Nopartoftheproductorofthisdocumentmaybereproducedinanyformbyanymeanswithoutpriorwrittenauthorizationof Sunanditslicensors,ifany. Third-partysoftware,includingfonttechnology,iscopyrightedandlicensedfromSunsuppliers. PartsoftheproductmaybederivedfromBerkeleyBSDsystems,licensedfromtheUniversityofCalifornia.UNIXisaregisteredtrademarkin theU.S.andinothercountries,exclusivelylicensedthroughX/OpenCompany,Ltd. Sun,SunMicrosystems,theSunlogo,Java,AnswerBook2,docs.sun.com,SunStorEdge,SunStorageTek,Java,andSolarisaretrademarksor registeredtrademarksofSunMicrosystems,Inc.intheU.S.andinothercountries. AllSPARCtrademarksareusedunderlicenseandaretrademarksorregisteredtrademarksofSPARCInternational,Inc.intheU.S.andinother countries.ProductsbearingSPARCtrademarksarebaseduponanarchitecturedevelopedbySunMicrosystems,Inc. TheOPENLOOKandSun™GraphicalUserInterfacewasdevelopedbySunMicrosystems,Inc.foritsusersandlicensees.Sunacknowledges thepioneeringeffortsofXeroxinresearchinganddevelopingtheconceptofvisualorgraphicaluserinterfacesforthecomputerindustry.Sun holdsanon-exclusivelicensefromXeroxtotheXeroxGraphicalUserInterface,whichlicensealsocoversSun’slicenseeswhoimplementOPEN LOOKGUIsandotherwisecomplywithSun’swrittenlicenseagreements. U.S.GovernmentRights—Commercialuse.GovernmentusersaresubjecttotheSunMicrosystems,Inc.standardlicenseagreementand applicableprovisionsoftheFARanditssupplements. DOCUMENTATIONISPROVIDED"ASIS"ANDALLEXPRESSORIMPLIEDCONDITIONS,REPRESENTATIONSANDWARRANTIES, INCLUDINGANYIMPLIEDWARRANTYOFMERCHANTABILITY,FITNESSFORAPARTICULARPURPOSEORNON-INFRINGEMENT, AREDISCLAIMED,EXCEPTTOTHEEXTENTTHATSUCHDISCLAIMERSAREHELDTOBELEGALLYINVALID. Copyright2006SunMicrosystems,Inc.,4150NetworkCircle,SantaClara,Californie95054,États-Unis.Tousdroitsréservés. SunMicrosystems,Inc.alesdroitsdepropriétéintellectuelsrelatantsàlatechnologiequiestdécritdanscedocument.Enparticulier,etsansla limitation,cesdroitsdepropriétéintellectuelspeuventinclureunouplusdesbrevetsaméricainsénumérésàhttp://www.sun.com/patentset unoulesbrevetsplussupplémentairesoulesapplicationsdebrevetenattentedanslesEtats-Unisetdanslesautrespays. Ceproduitoudocumentestprotégéparuncopyrightetdistribuéavecdeslicencesquienrestreignentl’utilisation,lacopie,ladistribution,etla décompilation.Aucunepartiedeceproduitoudocumentnepeutêtrereproduitesousaucuneforme,parquelquemoyenquecesoit,sans l’autorisationpréalableetécritedeSunetdesesbailleursdelicence,s’ilyena. Lelogicieldétenupardestiers,etquicomprendlatechnologierelativeauxpolicesdecaractères,estprotégéparuncopyrightetlicenciépardes fournisseursdeSun. DespartiesdeceproduitpourrontêtredérivéesdessystèmesBerkeleyBSDlicenciésparl’UniversitédeCalifornie.UNIXestunemarque déposéeauxEtats-Unisetdansd’autrespaysetlicenciéeexclusivementparX/OpenCompany,Ltd. Sun,SunMicrosystems,lelogoSun,Java,AnswerBook2,docs.sun.com,SunStorEdge,SunStorageTek,Java,etSolarissontdesmarquesde fabriqueoudesmarquesdéposéesdeSunMicrosystems,Inc.auxEtats-Unisetdansd’autrespays. TouteslesmarquesSPARCsontutiliséessouslicenceetsontdesmarquesdefabriqueoudesmarquesdéposéesdeSPARCInternational,Inc. auxEtats-Unisetdansd’autrespays.LesproduitsportantlesmarquesSPARCsontbaséssurunearchitecturedéveloppéeparSun Microsystems,Inc. L’interfaced’utilisationgraphiqueOPENLOOKetSun™aétédéveloppéeparSunMicrosystems,Inc.poursesutilisateursetlicenciés.Sun reconnaîtleseffortsdepionniersdeXeroxpourlarechercheetledéveloppementduconceptdesinterfacesd’utilisationvisuelleougraphique pourl’industriedel’informatique.SundétientunelicensenonexclusivedeXeroxsurl’interfaced’utilisationgraphiqueXerox,cettelicence couvrantégalementleslicenciéesdeSunquimettentenplacel’interfaced’utilisationgraphiqueOPENLOOKetquienoutreseconforment auxlicencesécritesdeSun. LADOCUMENTATIONESTFOURNIE"ENL’ÉTAT"ETTOUTESAUTRESCONDITIONS,DECLARATIONSETGARANTIESEXPRESSES OUTACITESSONTFORMELLEMENTEXCLUES,DANSLAMESUREAUTORISEEPARLALOIAPPLICABLE,YCOMPRISNOTAMMENT TOUTEGARANTIEIMPLICITERELATIVEALAQUALITEMARCHANDE,AL’APTITUDEAUNEUTILISATIONPARTICULIEREOUA L’ABSENCEDECONTREFAÇON. Please Recycle Contents Preface xxxiii 1. Product Overview 1 Introduction 1 Using Web Administrator 1 Logging In 2 About the Interface Layout 3 About the Toolbar 3 About the Navigation Panel 5 About the Folder Symbol Key 6 About Other Buttons 7 About the Content Panel 8 About the Status Panel 8 Using Help 9 Using the Configuration Wizard 9 About Configuration Wizard Variations 10 Running the Wizard 10 Where to Go From Here 11 iii 2. Initial Network Configuration 13 About the Initial Network Configuration 13 Setting the Server Name 14 Managing LUN Paths 14 About Setting LUN Paths 15 About LUN Paths in Single Server Systems 16 About LUN Paths in Dual Server Systems 17 Setting LUN Paths 18 Restoring a LUN Path 19 Enabling Failover 19 About Enabling Failover 19 Enabling Head Failover 20 Initiating Failback (Recovery) 21 About Initiating Failback 21 Initiating Recovery 22 Configuring Network Ports and Adapters 22 About Configuring Network Ports 23 About Sun StorageTek 5320 NAS Appliance Port Locations 23 Configuring Network Adapters 23 Setting the Default Gateway Address 25 Managing Name Services 25 Configuring Windows Security 26 Setting Up WINS 27 Setting Up DNS 28 Setting Up NIS 29 Setting Up NIS+ 30 Configuring Name Services 31 Setting Up Email Notifications 32 iv Sun StorageTek 5320 NAS Appliance and Gateway Administration Guide • May 2006 Setting Up Logging 33 Assigning the Language 34 Backing Up Configuration Information 35 Where to Go From Here 35 3. File System Setup and Management 37 File System Concepts 37 About RAID Configurations 38 About RAID Systems 38 About the RAID 0 Configuration (Not Supported) 38 About the RAID 1 Configuration (Sun StorageTek 5320 NAS Gateway System Only) 39 About the RAID 0+1 Configuration (Sun StorageTek 5320 NAS Gateway System Only) 39 About the RAID 5 Configuration 39 About LUNs 40 About Partitions 41 About File Volumes 41 About Segments 42 Creating the File System 42 About Creating the File System 42 About Creating RAID Sets and LUNs 43 Adding a New LUN 43 Designating a Drive As a Hot Spare 44 Creating File Volumes or Segments 45 About Creating a File Volume or a Segment 46 Creating a File Volume or Segment Using the Create File Volumes Panel 46 Creating a File Volume or Segment Using the System Manager 47 Attaching Segments to a Primary File Volume 48 About Attaching Segments to a Primary File Volume 49 Contents v Attaching a Segment Using the Attach Segments Panel 49 Attaching a Segment Using the System Manager 49 About Rebuilding a LUN 50 Managing File Volumes and Segments 50 Editing File Volume Properties 51 Deleting File Volumes or Segments 52 Viewing Volume Partitions 53 Configuring the iSCSI Protocol 53 About iSCSI Configuration 54 About Configuring an iSCSI Target 54 About Configuring iSCSI Initiator Access 55 Creating an iSCSI Access List 55 About iSCSI Sparse LUNs 56 Creating an iSCSI LUN 57 About iSCSI Target Discovery Methods 58 Specifying an iSNS Server 58 Where to Go From Here 59 4. System Management 61 Setting the Administrator Password 61 Controlling the Time and Date 62 About Controlling the Time and Date 62 About Time Synchronization 62 Setting Up Time Synchronization 63 Setting the Time and Date Manually 64 Using Anti-Virus Software 64 About Anti-Virus Software 65 About Virus Scanning 65 Enabling Anti-Virus Protection 65 vi Sun StorageTek 5320 NAS Appliance and Gateway Administration Guide • May 2006 Deleting Quarantined Files 66 5. System Port Management 67 About Port Locations 67 About Alias IP Addresses 68 Bonding Ports 69 About Port Bonding 69 About Port Aggregation Bonds 69 About High-Availability Bonds 70 Bonding Ports on a Single Server System 70 Bonding Ports on a Sun StorageTek 5320 NAS Cluster Appliance 71 Example: Dual Server Port Bonding 73 6. Active Directory Service and Authentication 75 About Supported Name Services 75 Using Active Directory Service 76 About Active Directory Service 76 Enabling ADS 77 Verifying Name Service Lookup Order 79 Verifying DNS Configuration 79 Publishing Shares in ADS 80 Updating ADS Share Containers 81 Removing Shares From ADS 81 Setting Up LDAP 81 Changing the Name Service Lookup Order 82 7. Group, Host, and File Directory Security 83 Managing Local Group Privileges 83 About Local Groups 84 About Configuring Privileges for Local Groups 84 Contents vii About Ownership Assignment and Groups 86 Adding and Removing Group Members and Configuring Privileges 86 Configuring NT Privileges for Groups 87 Configuring Hosts 88 About Configuring Hosts 88 Adding and Editing Hosts 88 About Trusted Hosts 88 Manually Adding a Host 89 Editing Host Information 89 Removing a Host Mapping for a Particular Host 89 Adding and Editing Host Groups 90 About Adding and Editing Host Groups 90 Adding a Host Group 90 Adding a Member to a Host Group 91 Mapping User and Group Credentials 91 About Mapping User and Group Credentials 92 About UNIX Users and Groups 92 About Windows Users and Groups 93 About Credential Mapping 94 About User Mapping Policies 95 About User Mapping 95 About User Mapping Policy Settings 95 Example: User Mapping Policy 96 About Group Mapping Policies 96 About Group Mapping 96 About Group Mapping Policy Settings 97 Example: Group Mapping Policy 97 About Built-In Credential Mapping Policies 98 viii Sun StorageTek 5320 NAS Appliance and Gateway Administration Guide • May 2006 About Built-In Credential Mapping 98 Defining the Mapping Policy 98 Mapping Windows Groups and Users to UNIX Groups and Users 99 EditingaMappingBetweenaWindowsGrouporUserandaUNIXGroupor User 100 Setting File Directory Security 100 About Setting File Directory Security in Workgroup Mode 101 Setting File Directory Security in Domain Mode 101 8. Shares, Quotas, and Exports 103 Managing Shares 103 About Shares 104 About Static Shares 104 About Share Access Permissions 105 Configuring Static Shares 106 About Configuring Static Shares 106 Creating Static Shares 106 Editing an Existing SMB Share 108 Removing an SMB/CIFS Share 109 About Configuring SMB/CIFS Clients 109 About Autohome Shares 110 Enabling Autohome Shares 111 Managing Quotas 112 About Managing Quotas 112 Configuring User and Group Quotas 112 About Configuring User and Group Quotas 113 Enabling Quotas for a File Volume 113 Adding a User or Group Quota 113 Editing a User or Group Quota 114 Contents ix Deleting a User or Group Quota 115 Configuring Directory Tree Quotas 115 About Configuring Directory Tree Quotas 115 Creating a Directory Tree With a Directory Tree Quota 116 Editing an Existing Directory Tree Quota 117 Deleting a Directory Tree Quota 117 Setting UP NFS Exports 118 About Setting Up NFS Exports 118 Creating Exports 118 Editing Exports 120 Removing Exports 120 9. System Options 121 Activating System Options 121 About the Sun StorageTek File Replicator Software Option 122 About Sun StorageTek 5320 NAS Appliance Mirroring 123 About Preparing for Mirroring 123 About Requirements and Limitations For Cluster Configurations 124 Configuring Active and Mirror Systems 125 Configuring Mirrored File Volumes 126 About Mirroring the Mirror Buffer 126 Activating Sun StorageTek File Replicator Software Software on the Remote Server 127 Adding a File Volume 127 Editing a Mirror 128 Correcting a Cracked Mirror 129 Setting Warning Thresholds for Mirrored File Volumes 129 About Setting Warning Thresholds 129 Setting Up the Threshold Alert 130 x Sun StorageTek 5320 NAS Appliance and Gateway Administration Guide • May 2006

Accessing File Checkpoints 168. Setting Up NDMP Backups 168. Updating the Time Zone Database 169. Enabling CATIA V4/V5 Character Translations 170.
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