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Subordinate males sire offspring in Madagascar Fish-Eagle (Haliaeetus vociferoides) polyandrous breeding groups PDF

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Preview Subordinate males sire offspring in Madagascar Fish-Eagle (Haliaeetus vociferoides) polyandrous breeding groups

Raptor Res. 36(4):280-286 /. © 2002 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. SUBORDINATE MALES SIRE OFESPRING IN MADAGASCAR EISH-EAGLE {HALIAEETUS VOCIFEROIDES) POLYANDROUS BREEDING GROUPS Ruth Tingay* E. School of Geography, University ofNottingham, Nottingham, NG7 2RD ILK. and the PeregrineFund, 5668Flying Hawk Lane, Boise, ID 83709 U.S.A. Meianie Culver, Eric M. Haiuerman, and James D. Fraser Department ofFisheries and Wildlife Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 U.S.A. Richard Watson T. The Peregrine Fund, 5668 Flying Hawk Lane, Boise, ID 83709 U.S.A. — Abstract. The island endemic Madagascar Fish-Eagle (Haliaeetus vociferoides) is one of the most en- dangered birds of prey. Certain populations in west-central Madagascar sometimes exhibit a third, and sometimes a fourth, adult involved in breeding activities at a nest. We applied DNA fingerprinting to assess relatedness among 17 individuals at four nests. In all nests with young, a subordinate rather than the dominant male sired the offspring. Within-nest relatedness comparisons showed thatsome dominant males had an apparent hrst-order relationship with the female. Between-nest relatedness comparisons showed that some adults had an apparent hrst-order relative at another nest in the study area. Findings that subordinate males contribute to breeding, and that adults in an area may be related, may require conservation measures such as translocation to assure the species’ survival. Keywords: MadagascarFish-Eagle, Haliaeetus vociferoides; DNAfingerprinting, mating system; nest helper, polyandry. MACHOS subordinados engendran descendencia en grupos de reproduccion po- LIAnDRICA en AGUIIAS PESCADORAS DE MADAGASCAR {HALIAEETUS VOCIFEROIDES) — Resumen. El aguila pescadora endemica de la isla de Madagascar {Haliaeetus vociferoides) es una de las aves rapaces mas amenazadas de extincion. Algunas poblaciones en el occidente-centro de Madagascar exhiben algunas veces un tercero y a veces un cuarto adulto involucrado en las actividades reproductivas en un solo nido, Aplicamos un analisis de ADN para evaluar el parentesco entre 17 individuos de cuatro nidos. En todos los nidos con juveniles, un macho subordinado mas que el dominante engendro la prole. Las comparaciones de parentesco dentro de los nidos mostro que algunos machos dominantes tenian aparentemente una relacion de primer orden con la hembra. Las comparaciones entre nidos mostraron que algunos adultos tuvieron un pariente de primer orden en otro nido dentro del area de estudio. El hallazgo de que los machos subordinados contribuyen a la reproduccion, y que los adultos en un area pueden estar relacionados entre si, pueden hacer necesarias medidas de conservacion tales como traslados para asegurar la supcrvivencia de la especie. [Traduccion de Cesar Marquez] The island endemic Madagascar Fish-Eagle {Hal- gered (Collar et al. 1994) With 63 known breeding . laeetus vociferoides) is considered critically endan- pairs, and an estimated total breeding population of 100-120 pairs (Rabarisoa et al. 1997), it is among the most endangered birds of prey in the '' These two authors contributed equally to this manu- world (Langrand and Meyburg 1989, Watson et al. script. 1993, 1996). Madagascar Fish-Eagles exhibit an un- Present address of corresponding author: Wildlife and ' Fisheries Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ usual dispersal and breeding strategy, possibly re- 85721 U.S.A.; e-mail address: [email protected] stricting the species’ distribution and abundance 280 December 2002 Relaxedness of Madagascar Fish-Eagles 281 through limited dispersal or occurrence of in- briefly removed from the nest at ca. 7 wk of age and breeding. Breeding was believed to be monoga- banded. Blood (0.1-0.25 ml) was taken from the brachial vein (Tingay 2000), immediately placed in 4.5 ml of lysis mous, but at 46% of known nests, a third, and buffer (100 mM, pH 8.0, 100 rriM EDTA, 10 niM NaCil, sometimes a fourth adult is involved with the 0.5% SDS) in a polypropylene tube, labeled, and stored breeding activities of the primary pair (Watson et at ambient temperature. DNA al. 1999). Based on banding studies at several nests Purification. Approximately 200 |xl of blood/ (Watson et al. 1999), extra-pair birds were believed buffer solution was placed in 800 fxl lysis buffer for 10 min. Protein digestion was performed with 500 (xl of su- to be progeny (possibly only male) from previous pernatant from the first step, 500 |xl of fresh lysis buffer, years. Such delayed dispersal can result in forma- and 0.5 mg/ml proteinase K, with incubation at 37°C tion of cooperative breeding groups, a relatively overnight. Extractions were performed in 1:1 phenol rare breeding system among birds (Stacey and Ko- chloroform, and 24:1 chloroform : isoamyl alcohol. DNA was precipitated using cold 95% ethanol and 5% sample enig 1990, Ligon 1999), especially among raptors volume of 5M (0.082M final) ammonium acetate. DNA (Simmons 2000, and references therein). Ecologi- was resuspended in 25 |xl deionized water and stored at cal or behavioral factors may influence evolution -20°C. DNA DNA of cooperative breeding strategies (Newton 1979, Fingerprinting. samples were digested sep- arately with Hinfl, Rsal, and Haelll. Digests were loaded Oring 1986, Faaborg and Bednarz 1990, Stacey and onto 1% TBE agarose gels (20 cm X 24 cm), and sub- Koenig 1990, Sherman 1995), and contribute to jected to electrophoresis (Sambrook et al. 1989) at 32 V attendance ofadditional adults at Madagascar Fish- for 25 hr. Identity Sizing Standard (Lifecodes Corpora- Eagle nests. Understanding dispersal and repro- tion, Stamford, CT) was placed in several lanes of the gel DNA to provide molecular weight markers. in the gel was ductive strategies is critical for developing a man- stained using ethidium bromide, photographed using fW agement plan to ensure the species’ survival. luminescence, and transferred (Southern 1975) onto a DNA markers have been applied to a variety of MagnaCharge 0.45 micron nylon membrane (Micron questions regarding conservation of birds (Haig Separations Inc., Westborough, MA) Jeffreys et al . and Avise 1996) DNA fingerprinting proved useful (1985) andJeffreys (1987) minisatellite probe 33.15 was . hybridized using the NICE hybridization solution (Life- to assess relatedness at the nest (Westneat 1990, codes Corporation, Stamford, CT) onto digested, im- Wetton et al. 1992, Haig et al. 1993, 1994a, 1994b) mobilized DNA. Both the 33.15 probe and Identity Sizing and population (Triggs et al. 1992, Fleischer et al. Standard were labeled with NICE chemiluminescence 1994) levels, to infer species-level population ge- Unhybridized probe and size standard were washed from the membrane using Quick-Light wash solutions (Life- netic structure (Longmire et al. 1991), and to es- codes Corporation) The hybridized probe was illuminat- . timate relatedness in captive stocks (Kirby 1990: ed with Lumi-Phos 480 (I.ifecodes Corporation) and vi- 239). We used DNA fingerprinting to determine sualized by exposure to Kodak XAR5 X-omat film. DNA paternity among Madagascar Fish-Eagle adults at- Fingerprinting Analysis. Gels were arrayed with samples from individuals attending a nest adjacent to one tending a nest, and to examine the level of relat- another. If all hybridization bands observed for nestlings edness among adults within and between nests. could have been inherited from the primary pair, we con- cluded that the primary pair was the parents. If, however, Methods a hybridization band could be accounted for only by par- Samples. We studied three trios and one quartet of entage by a nest attendant, we concluded that an extra- fish-eagles at a site in west-central Madagascar (19°S, pair mating had occurred. There was only one adult fe- 44°30'E) on a daily basis during one breeding season male at each nest. The male that was most dominant and from 24June-5 October 1999. The area is tropical decid- exhibited the greatest paternal investment (Tingay 2000) uous dry forest containing several lakes (3.09-4.86 km^) wasDNcoAnsidered the male of the primary pair. a19n9d7)s.upEpaogrltess w1e1refimsha-rekagelde atnerdriatroeriersefe(rRraebdartiosobay entumal-. asshaSre=d2bbnay^nyd/b-o(snth^ha+riinnrdigiyv),i(dBwurhauelfsro,erd et==al.tt1hh9ee9n2t)uotmawblaesnrcuaomlfbcubelarantdeosdf ber. Nest sites are referred to by location and nest num- bands exhibited by individual x, and = the total num- ber (Ankerika Befotaka Befotaka and Soamalipo 4, 2, 3, 2). A dominance hierarchy was observed at each nest ber of bands exhibited by individual y. Band-sharing was based on aggressive interactions between adults. Aerial estimated for all combinations ofindividuals in this study The range of Sfor known parent-offspring combinations pursuits (chasing) and physical displacemments from ei- provided a quantitative expectation of how many bands ther the nest or from perches within 200 of the nest must be shared before a hypothesis of familial related- tree, often accompanied by a distinctive ‘displacement’ ness was supported. call, were observed throughout the breeding period and were interpreted as signs of aggression (Tingay 2000). Results Males are referred to as either dominant (a), or subor- dinate ((3 or y). We were unable to establish the domi- Parentage Assessment of Nestlings and Juve- DNA nance hierarchy at nest site Befotaka 3. Nestlings were niles. fingerprinting techniques were used to 282 Tingay et al. VoL. 36, No. 4 assess relatedness of 17 eagles at four nests. Two Ankerika 4. Band-sharing values suggested a po- enzymes {HaAll and RscH) produced clearly inter- tential first-order relationship between female 113 pretable results yielding a total of 34 bands scored, and a male 31, but not between the female 113 24 of which were variable and 10 invariant (Table and P male 34. Band-sharing suggested that the 1). Of the 24 variable bands, six were informative males were unrelated. in determining one or more possible parents for Befotaka 2. Band-sharing values did not support the two nestlings at Soamalipo 2; three for the ju- a first-order relationship between the female and venile at Befotaka 3; and seven for the nestling at either male, nor between males. P male 8 had two Befotaka 2. Blood samples were available only for bands not shared with any individual within the A adults at Ankerika 4. nest-by-nest assessment of study population; trapping records indicate that p parentage is presented below. male 8 fledged from the Befotaka 3 nest in 1993. Befotaka 2. Female 121, a male 118, and P male Befotaka 3. Band-sharing values indicated a po- 8 attended the nest. Nestling 47 shared three var- tential first-order relationship between female 6 iant /facIII and one variant Bsdi hybridization and male 150, but not between female 6 and male bands with adult female 121 and two variant 7/fldlI 48. Band-sharing suggested that the males were un- , and one variant hybridization bands with p related. male 8 suggesting that subordinate P male 8 was Soamalipo 2. Band-sharing values indicated a po- , the father of the nestling 47, and not a male 118. tential first-order relationship between female 103 Befotaka 3. Female 6 potential a male 48, and and a male 5, but not between female 103 and the , potential a male 150 attended this nest. Juvenile two subordinate males (P 136 and 7 30). Band- 128 shared one HadW band and one Rsa\ band sharing between a male 5 and 7 male 30 indicated with adult female 6 Banding records show thatju- a potential first-order relationship. . venile 128 fledged from this nest in 1998. Although Relatedness estimates between nests. Comparing band sharing showed it unlikely that either adult among nests, we observed high band-sharing val- male at the nest in 1999 (48 and 150) was the fa- ues between female 121 (Befotaka 2) and female ther, it is highly probable that the adult female at 103 (Soamalipo 2), male 5 (Soamalipo 2) and male — the nest is the mother {S 0.95 is the highest 48 (Befotaka 3), and between male 34 (Ankerika value in the study, female 6 has been recorded at 4) and female 6 (Befotaka 3) suggesting potential , this nest site every year since 1993, and no other first-order relatedness between these pairs of female has been recorded at this nest). adults. Soamalipo 2. Female 103, a male 5, p male 136, Discussion and 7 male 30 attended this nest. Nestling 68 shared one HaeWl band with adult female 103 and Subordinate males may have fathered all nest- two bands with 7 male 30. Nestling 00 shared lings in this study. At Soamalipo 2, one subordinate one HadW and one Rsoi band with adult female male appeared to have fathered both nestlings, 103 and one HaeWl and three Rsai bands with 7 however, because a male 5 and 7 male 30 are close male 30. The apparent father of both nestlings is relatives, and because of missing data for a male subordinate 7 male 30. 5, we cannot exclude a male 5 as a possible father Relatedness Estimates of All Adults Within and of one or both nestlings. At all nests, paternity by Between Nests. Among 136 pairwise comparisons, subordinates could have occurred by chance, as all band-sharing among individuals ranged from 0.58- attending males copulated with the female (Tingay 0.95, with a mean value of 0.79. Partitioning pair- 2000). Paternity by subordinates was surprising giv- wise band-sharing into within- and between-nest en that dominant males invested more energy to components showed no difference (mean S — 0.80 the nesting attempt than subordinate males (Tin- within nests and 0.79 between nests). After ac- gay 2000). This level of dominant male investment counting for eight known first-order relative pairs may be explained by the apparent first-order relat- (parent-offspring, full-sibling), band-sharing was edness of the female and the dominant male at higher among first-order relatives (v = 0.87, range three of four nests (Ankerika 4, Befotaka 3, and = 0.82-0.95) than overall (x = 0.79; Table 2). Us- Soamalipo 2). Because 50% of alleles are shared ing these findings, relatedness among adults at- with a first-order relative, and 25% with an off- tending nests (male-male, male-female) was deter- spring of a first-order relative, then shared alleles mined (Table 2). are transmitted to the next generation if a first- December 2002 Reiatedness of Madagascar Flsh-Eagles 283 DNA Table 1. fingerprinting hybridization bands (Jeffreys 33.15 probe) observed for individual Madagascar Fish- Eagles. Bands are designated by enzyme used (H = Hae\\\ or R = Rsai) and molecular weight of bands in kilobase pairs. Sex and rank for individuals is indicated (F = female, aM = alpha male, pM = beta male, yM = gamma male, NSL = nestling, JUV = juvenile). Ankerika 4^ Befotaka 2'’ Befotaka 3'= Soamalipo 2^ F aM (3M F aM (3M NSL F aM? aM? JUV F aM PM yM NSL NSL ; Individual 113 31 34 121 118 8 47 6 150 48 128 103 5 136 30 68 00 Bands H 16.0 + + + + + + + + + + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 H + + 4 4 10.7 -F H + + + + + + + + + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8.5 H + + + + + + + 4 4 4 4 4 4 7.3 H + + + + 4 6.5 H 4 4 6.0 -F -F -F H + + + + 4 4 5.7 H + + 4 5.6 H + 4 5.2 H 4 4 4.9 -F -F H + 4.7 H + + + + + + + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4.5 H + + + + + + + + + 4 4 4 4 4 4 3.9 H + + 4 4 4 3.6 -F -F -F H + + + + + + + + 4 4 4 3.2 H + + + + + + + + + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2.9 H + + + + + + + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2.7 -F H 2.6 + + + + -F -F -F -F -F 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 H + + + + + + + + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2.2 -F H + + + + + + + + + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1.5 H + + + + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1.4 -F -F -F -F -F H + + + + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1.0 H + + + + + + + 4 4 4 4 4 0.9 R 12.0 + + + + + + + + + 4 4 4 ? 4 4 4 4 R 5.2 -F -F -F -F ? R + + + + + + 4 4 4 4 5.0 ? R + + 4 4 4 4 4.7 ? R 4.5 + ? R 4.4 + -F -F -F -F 4 ? 4 R + 4 4 4.2 ? R + + + + + + + + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3.3 ? R 1.5 + + + 4 4 ? 4 4 4 4 R 1.4 + + + -F -F -F -F 4 4 ? 4 4 4 R 4 + + + + + + + + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1.2 ? Total No. bands per individual 21 21 22 20 20 22 26 21 21 20 19 21 14 19 21 20 23 ^Fifteen bands are variable at Ankerika 4 (H 7.3, H 6.5, H 6.0, H 5.7, H 5.6, H 4.9, H 3.6, H 1.0, H 0.9, R 5.2, R 5.0, R 4.7, R 4 4, R 1.5, R 1.4). All other bands are invariant. Of the variable bands at Befotaka 2, six are shared between the nestling and the female (H 10.7, H 4.5, H 3.6, H 1.0, R 5.0, R 1 5), six are shared between the nestling and the beta male (H 6.5, H 6.0, H 0.9, R 5.2, R 4.4, R 1.4); one is shared between the nestling, female, and beta male (H 3.2); and four are variable but are not observed in tbe nestling (H 5.7, H 5.2, H 4.7, R 4.5). All other bands are invariant. Of the variable bands at Befotaka 3, four are shared between thejuvenile and the female (H 7.3, H 6.5, H 3.6, R 4.7); and ten are variable but are not observed in thejuvenile (H 10.7, H 6.0, H 5.7, H 5.6, H 4.9, H 3.2, H 1.0, R 5.0, R 4.2, R 1.5). All other bands are invariant. Of the variable bands at Soamalipo 2, four are shared between nestling 68 and the female (H 7.3, H 3.9, H 3.2, R 5.0); two are shared between nestling 68 and the gamma male (R 4.7, R 1.4); and one is shared between nestling 68, the female, and the gamma male (H 4.5). Five bands are shared between nestling 00 and the female (H 3.9, H 3.6, H 3.2, R 5.0, R 4.4); four are shared between nestling 00 and the gamma male (H 0.9, R 4.7, R 4.2, R 1.4); and one is shared between nestling 00, the female, and the gamma H H H H male (H 4.5). Five are variable but are not observed in either nestling (H 10.7, 6.0, 5.7, 5.2, 4.9); and all other bands are invariant. HH H H — < 284 Tingay et al. VoL. 36, No. 4 2 be J S 2G ^O C2/D O be cu ^ o g S II 1) ^ fl 2 0.88 d ^. C/!) a QcOn 222;" ouV cOvr S^ oGO CQOO 0.82 u s d 9 d O Cl I> t>•u-. ai o’-J} c0/) GO. GO QdO Jd> 0.67 ^,!-i be ^ ^ C XI oc I, a Id> d00 0d0 0.86 XG ^ >- 0 c VaS; O X ia.1 V d GoO CO 1— r“H G1 0d0 0d0 id>I 0d0 0.86 B X 1-H CO G ’G CO XG X? > 00 xO X XGO X0 CXM 2 2i d!>• d00 d d d 0.81 2 II G — O 0 M 0 w GO GO 'beJ G2C„L 2ri CO id> d dC3D J> d00 d00 0.79 .a ce ^ XGl=i uao 22 o»-o xXd> 00d0 TXd~( Xd0 0d10 rdX- dXX 0.77 •J-i vs 2 OJ a X X -G 00 in X X 1X0 G II 0d0 id> Od) d d d GdO 0d0 0.91 rt S aS G a X ^ »oi>eoo mXi-Hi>GO jS s X X 2 ^ odqid^odoodo cdc dcc dddCO 0.86 a X vs •di— a; G X X 0 'ad 2 CO CJD CO 03 Xin V II X G cu. ac d00 dtr^ jd> id> d id> d00 din d Id> 0.71 !i be 0 !=! TJ 0 2 X X X 0 X m a; cc GXO X cvr 03 i> CO u G ^ id> d d d d 0d0 d d id> d d 0.79 Q T3 CGtfji G dVuu Xccu |b-i CM dm dX1'' 1d0'0' QdCOO dX Xd0 id> 0dC3O XdCO Xd(M idX> 0d03 0.84 O cu •dI-^ *vs H G 2t3 O>0J 0uOJ CD. GO XXd" 1Xd— Xd'' QXdO XdX XdTf Xd CXdO d0l'3^ XXd XdX X0d'- d1X—1 0.89 2 d _G d to/;2 0 •vvwss mX CO XX rH X m XX X0 X0 X GO ,0 XJ OcJ 2 d d00 d Xd^ d(X d d00 d di> d d d xd^ 0d0 0.73 > "d c1 u OJ T! OJ c a c OJ cn d0X0 td0>3 dX dX Xd0-3; 00X0 dX d00 d0C0O idm> 001-0H dQO xd0> d0r0H d0C0O 0.86 S G T3 X c/s vGs X 0 X 0 X 0 XGG) C/ODJ To3 2O DQ QO X TCT——M OTi“—C^H 1-0 CC 0C1—0M G0! OH 1-0 QO QO X Vv?s Wbd£o. Cfl CG aG/C a cn Ph a ca 2XhJ Ph na. a s Sa (STL HC2/HD1 NSL 5-h M I Ph VS CM CO 0 d d Md XCG CM u a 24 rO duvds bGde ’OEJ 2-duj 2-d(-J GGa be G OJ u X0 d CQ PQ , Deciembkr 2002 REIATEDNESS of MADACiASCAR FiSH-EAGI.ES 285 order relative reproduces successfully. At Soamali- some of those specific individuals as likely candi- po 2, the dominant male gained an additional ge- dates for translocation, in order to reduce the netic advantage by having two potential hrst-order probability of further inbreeding and to create an relatives at the nest (the female and the y male). opportunity for outbreeding with other, genetically It would be advantageous to be a male at the same dissimilar, individuals. nest as a brother, because if either mated success- Acknowledgments fully, then shared genes are transmitted to the next generation. Although a strategy of assisting repro- We conducted this study under The Peregrine Fund’s ductive efforts of close relatives may be advanta- Madagascar Fish-Eagle and Wetland Conservation Pro- ject. We thank the Madagascar Direction des Eaux et For- geous for some Madagascar Fish-Eagles, apparently ets, Tripartite Commission, Association Nationale pour la it is not the only strategy in use. At Befotaka 2, the Gestion des Aires Protogees and United Nations Educa- dominant male was not the father, and nor was he tional, Scientific, and Cultural Organization for collabo- a first-order relative of either the female or the sub- ration. This work was funded in part by grants from the Liz Claiborne and Art Ortenberg Foundation, Environ- ordinate male. ment Now, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur At Befotaka 3, ajuvenile female did not disperse. Foundation, Biodiversity Support Program, Hawk Moun- This is the hrst observed instance of a female nest- tain/Zeiss Optics 1999 Research Award, Jim Brett Global ling from a previous year remaining at a nest (Ra- Conservation Fund and University of Nottingham. We fanomezantsoa 1997). Flere, delayed dispersal was are grateful to Professor David Parkin for technical assis- tance with DNA purification, to Jim Berkelman and two not associated with observed helping activity, yet anonymous referees for their thoughtful comments on the female juvenile was tolerated at the nest. Al- an earlier draft ofthis paper, and to Peregrine Fund Field though inconclusive, our findings do not exclude Manager Loukman Kalavah for expertise in the field the delayed dispersal hypothesis. Literahjre Cited Between-nest relatedness comparisons revealed that some adults had a potential close relative (par- Bruford, M.W., O. Hanotte, J.F.Y. Brookfield, and T DNA ent-offspring or full-sibling) at another nest within Burke. 1992. Single-locus and multilocus finger- the study area. This suggests that hrst-order rela- printing. Pages 225-269 ire A.R. Hoelzel [Ed.], Molec- ular genetic analysis of populations: a practical ap- tives (excluding nestlings) are as likely to be found proach. IRE Press, Oxford, U.K. among nests as within a nest. We Coliar, N.J., M.J. Crosby, and A.J. Stattersfield. 1994 are currently investigating the full range of Birds to watch 2: the world list of threatened birds breeding strategies in the Madagascar Eish-Eagle. BirdUife International, Cambridge, U.K. We intend to determine whether this species ex- Faaborg, J. and J.C. Bednarz. 1990. Galapagos and Har- hibits genetic monogamy or polyandry by extend- ris’ Hawks: divergent causes ofsociality in two raptors ing our sample size and duration of study. Studies Pages 359-383 in P.B. Stacey and K.W. Koenig [Eds ] of another cooperative polyandrous raptor species, Co-operative breeding in birds: long term studies of the Galapagos Hawk {Buteo galapagoensis) has re- ecology and behaviour. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cam- bridge, U.K. vealed mixed paternity at nests over two consecu- tive breeding seasons (Faaborg et al. 1995). How- , P.G. Parker, U. Df.Uay, TJ. deVries,J.C. Bednarz, S. 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