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SUBMISSION COVER SHEET IMPORTANT: Check bx it Conieatn Treaments requested] Reghtved Fny enter Cove (opttona): Li 384 Organication: C Exchange tne iting as lvco Please note on Filing Date (mmddiyy): October 20,2014 Fillug Description: Delsting of the Mouth -asonal Strip Snowial, Rainfall and Frost Contracts and Hurricane Seasonal (Cal A Hox and Serond Kyeut Futures & Options Contracts SPECIFY FILING TYPE Please note only ONE choice allowed per Orgulaton Kates and ale Annet im $4050) oO $1060) Tl paves ee w900 Rae ane 010) Fl since Emerge ale Choe 40100) abe ember New Prot Please note oly ONE product per Subnen [enti 50349 een Sey Foe 1134 Asp $0309 Appr Secu Pues $1280) mp Shainin jus Product Terms and Conditions (product related Rules and Rule Amendments) Ccestisietoa 40.601 CConifcainn Mae AailsletvTrae elersination —— §408(4) CConiiemion Security Fosse sa12t@ Deiat (No Open lates A oo sos o 40st) Appuoval Made Avalabl to Trad Detumnetion $0510) Avamaval Sesily Flines Pres) Approval Amendments to enuncated egricltrel products § 40-1. § 10.56) “Sow sel Aah ae Chae’ $0403) CO wetitenion sont) Ral Nunabers CME Group October 20, 2014 VIA ELECTRONIC PORTAL Christopher J. Kircpatiok Office of the Secretariat Commodity Futures Trading Commission Three Lafayette Cente 1186 2st Srast, NW ‘Washington, DC 2058: Re: CFTC Regulation 40.6) Certification. Notification Regarding the Delisting of the Monthly and Seasonal Strip Snowfall, Rainfall and Frost Contracts and Hurricane ‘Seasonal Maximum, Cat-n-A-Box and Second Event Futures & Options Contracts, (CME Submission No. 14-384 Dear Mr. Kirkpatrick Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. ("CME" or‘Exchange"| is notfying the Commedity Futures Tading ‘Commission (CFTC" ar “Commission’) that tis sef-certying the desing of twelve (12) monthly and Seasonal sp snowfall afl, ost product chapters and twelve (12) huvieane futures & options product chapters effective immediately, as set out below: (CME Rulebook Chapter 402 CME Seasonal Sip Snowall Index Futures Contact ves Yor Canal Bark BAN 94726) Beston Logan intsational pon (BAN 14739) New Yare LaGusra Apo" (BAN 14732) ‘Ghicage O'Hare ninatonl Alport (BAN 34246 NinneapoisSt Paul Aor (BAN 14822) Det neve Arport (BAN e424?) [Nevarkileratioal Arp (BAN 14734) ingen niratonal zor (BAN 83721) CCotumoua ox-coumbus sematona Arpr BAN #4224) [Colorado Spings Munlopa Alport (HBAN 58037), (CME Rulebook Chapter 4028 Options on CME Seasonal Strip Snowal Index Future Contract New York Canal Park (BAN 94728) Sector Logon iterational Argo” (GAN 14739) New York LnGuara Arpor (BAN 14732) {Chicago O'Hare Intematonal Apert BAN £4246) fampespotsst Pau! Alport (SAN 18822}, Dato Mote Airport BAN 54847) ‘Newark intamational Ares (WEAN 16734) ‘Satire Wasnington nenatinel Arr iWBAN 93721), Columbus or-Cokumbus inerationa! Apr (BBN 14821) Colorado Spangsunicpal Alport (BAN S2027), (CME Rulebook Chapter 418 CME Frost Index Futures Contract 1 -sterdam-Schipho, Neherands (uo os2ac} (CME Rulebook Chapter 4184 Options on CME Frost Index Futures Contract Astor: Schiphol, Netherlands (MO C6240) (CME Rulebook Chapter 417 CME Seasonal Frost Index Futures Contract Amsterdam Schiphol, Netherlands (0 06240) (CME Rulebook Chapter 417A Options on CME Seasonal Fost Index Futures Contract -Asterdam-Schipho, Neherans (a0 06240} (CME Rulebook Chapter 4181 CME Snowfall Index Futures Contract ‘sew York Cea! Park BAN 94726) Becton Logan itsrrational por {BAN 14738) New Yate LaGustate Apo (BAN 14732) Chisago Oare Iniamatonal Alport WEAN $4846) ‘Sneapoetet Paul Aor (VSN 19622) Strat eve Apart (BAN Saea7) [Nevarkileational Arps (BAN 14734) Batimoreasington nsrational ron AYBAN $3721) CCotumbus Per\Coumbus ethane’ Aor (BAN 14821 ‘Colorado Spangssunigpal Alport (BAN S2037), (CME Rulebook Chapter 4184 Options on CME Snowal Index Futures Contract ew York Canal Park (BAN 94728) Sector Logan iteational Apo (GAN 14739) New York LaGuartaArpor (WEAN 14732) (Chicago O'Hare Intemational pert BAN £4246) Fannespotsst Paul Alport (SAN 18522}, Dato Mato Aor (BAN 54247) ‘Newark intamational Ares (BAN 16734) ‘Satire asnington nnatinel Arr iMBAN 93721) Columbus or-Coumbus eration! Apr (BBN 14821) (Colorade Spangs nips! Arpt (BAN S0027 (CME Rulebook Chapter 423 CME Hurricane Index Second Event Seasonal Maximum Futures Contract Florida (ALF Border to Fernandina Beach, FL) ch, FL NONVA Barden) ‘ere alone Coos NCTA Bade! Zeshion, Me} Eerfor US (Bromnerila. X to Zartpor i Fotis Gee Coast care Sound Srage, FL pie It, FL) Florida + Sout Alanc + Nerem Sante (AUF. Border ‘0 Eastoet, ME (CME Rulebook Chapter 423A Options on CME Hurricane Index Second Event Seasonal Maximum Falures Contact Gif Const Grovnsvile, TK te ALL Border) 2 ‘Seuhain ane Gout (etnandina Beach, FL te NOWA Border) Nether atfane Coast NGWA Border Zarpor, ME) ete Us (Broomole, TX to Zesmer. N=} Gui Ford Brownie, TX to Femandina Basch. FL) Florida Gee Coast care Seund 2rage, FL Jupte It, FL) Fonds» Soutnem Aante + Neriemmsante{AUPL borer ta Easton, k (CME Rulebook Chapter 42/ CME Hurricane Index Seasonal Futures Contract Seurhemn alan Coss: (Femandina Beach, FL ts NOVA Border) Nera atane Coast NGA Border Zanpor, ME) actor US (Broome. TXto_Eantor, Ne} Gut Fora Srewnstil, HX1o Femandna Beach. FL) Flora Goi Coast care Sound Brags, FL ite rit, FL) ofa + Southern Atlan + Nererm slant (AUF Borer i9 Eastoor, Mi (CME Rulebook Chapter 427A Options on CME Hurricane Index Seasonal Futures Contract uit Coast Grovnsvie, TK te ALL Bede Flotda (ALL Border‘oFemandina Beach, FL) ‘Seuthern lane Coast (Frmandina Beach, FL te NGWA Border) ‘Norte Aarti Coast NCTA Border = Easter US (Brose. TX Fads Gee Coast care Sound Sage, FL a ute ve, FL Fronds + Southam Aan +Nertatn dante {AUP Border ta Easton, RE) (CME Rulebook Chapter 428 GME Hurrcane Index Seasonal Maximum Futures Contract Gulf Coast Srounssil, TK te ALFL Border Florida (ALL Bordo fo Famandna Beach, FL) ‘Seuthain Atlan Gost (einandina Seach, FLte NOWA Border) ester US (Broil, Txt Fora Gee Coast care Seund 2rage, FL Jupiter It, FL) Florida Southern Avan» Horner alan (AIF Border to Easton, ti (CME Rulebook Chapter 4284 Options on CME Hurricane Index Seasonal Maximum Futures Contract Seuthemn lane Coast (Femandina Beach, FLts NOWA Border) Nera atante Coast NGA Border Zanpor, ME) atom US (Brome, TXto Zartpor i Gui Fora @rewnsvil, TX fo Femandina Beach. FL) Fotis Gee Coast are Sound Brags. FL fo Jit it, FL) Flotda+ Seuthrn Atlee + Nerern slate (AUF Bor 19 Easton, Mi (CME Rulebook Chapter 430 CME Hurricane Index Second Event Seasonal Maximum CatnA-Box Futures Contract 3 CGavestonNebe (area bounded by $300W on te wes, "SOW on te east, ZPS0TN onthe sout, sr he Corterpending segment of te US ceestine on the nor, (CME Rulebook Chapter 4308 Options on CME Hurricane Index Second Event Seasonal Maximum Cat- InAcBox Futures Contract Galveston Neil (area bounded by S'00-W an te ast, E'SIOW on the east, 2'300N en the sou, an the ‘onasponaig segmont of to US ceasing on the nor (CME Rulebook Chapter 431 CME Hurrcane Index Seasonal CatIn-A-Box Futures Contract ontenpending segment ote US ceastine on the ory, (CME Rulebook Chapter 4314 Options on CME Hurricane Index Seasonal CalIn-A-Box Futures Contract CGaiveston bile (ara bounded by 95800W on te as, @7°200°" onthe east. 27°300°N onthe south, an the ‘onerponding segment of te Us ceastne on the norm), (CME Rulebook Chapter 432 CME Hurricane Index Seasonal Maximum Catn-ABox Fututes Contact CGalvestonebie (area bounded by $500W on te vest, T!SOTW an te east, 7P'S0T'N onthe south, and he Conerponding segment of he US ceastine on ‘he nor) (CME Rulebook Chapter 432A Options on CME Hurricane Index Seasonal Maximum Catin-A-Box Futures Contact Galveston Mabie (era bounded by 5%300°W on te est, 67°30 onthe east 27°300N onthe south, an the Comerponding segment of te Us ceastne on the nor), (CME Rulebook Chapter 441 CME Rainfall Index Futures Contact Cchcage O'Hare niematonal Alport BAN 4245 Dallaeort Wer inematonal Areas CNBAN 03827), ‘es taies ntmatonal reer: (BAN 14853) ‘tat seve Aiport (BAN Saad?) ackscrlointreattonal por (BAN 13688) Ube Angeles Sowrraon USC Campus AYBAN 8512) ‘ew Yate LaGuarale Apert (BAN 14732) Pertand inirasonal per (BAN 24228) Ratelghiouan irrmatenal ior (EAN 13722 Kansas Ci ntrnaons Alport BAN 09947) (CME Rulebook Chapter 4414 Options on CME Rainfall Index Futures Contact Chicago O'Hare Intemational Aiport BAN 84246) Doe ort wrn intemaionet Ara (BAN 03927), Das tones inerational arer. (BAN 14833) Dati nate Aor NBAN S424?) “ckacnvle memtienal Azo" (YBAN 13889) Use Angeles Doantoon USC Campus (WEAN 89194), ‘New Yare LaGuarla Aeon (WAN 14732) Perna intematona por: BAN 24229) 4 -elelgnvouman inamatenal port (WEAN 13722 anaoeCly nerntions apt (BAN 62047) (CME Rulebook Chapter 442 CME Seasonal Strip Rainfall Index Futures Contract Seas tee Souls lartanteae (CME Rulebook Chapter 4424 Options on CME Seasonal Strip Rainfall ndex Futures Contract Ccicago O'Hare Intemational Aiport BAN 94246) Daloeorr warn ntemationel Aras (BAN 03927) Das boies ineraional arer. (BAN 14833) Dati nate Aiport BAN S424?) Jekacnvile iereatonalA:%0" (EAN 13859) iss Angeles Doantoon USC Campus (WEAN 89194), ‘New Yare LaGuarla Aeon (WAN 14732) Perna intmatonal por: BAN 24229) Raleigh'Ouham iternatonal ror (BAN 19722), anaos ly inematona pot WBAN 62247) These contacts vil be permanently delisted from the CME vasing flea and Globex, the venues an which ‘hare were ised. There 1s no open inferest in these contracts. ‘The respective product rule chapters and terms and conditions contained in the Pesiton Limit, Pesitan Accountability and Reporable Level Table locate inthe Interpretations and Special Notices Section of (Chapter § (Tracing Qualifcations and Practices) ofthe CME Rulebook sll be removed! from the Exchange Rulebook, Inese amendments are desened in Appendix A and. (OME business staff responsible forthe delisting af the contacts andthe CME Legal Depariment collectively reviewed the designated contract market core principles ("Core Principles" as set forth inthe CCommecity Exchange Act "CEA" or "Ac’). During the review, CME staff identified that the delisting ofthe contracts may have some bearing onthe folowing Core Prinipes: + Emergency Authority: There is no open interest in these contracts, and therefore there willbe no rmarkat disruption related to thr deisting + Availabilty of General Information: Notice will be made ofthe contacts’ delisting, and upon delsting, the terms and conditions ofthese contacts wil ne longer be avaiable tothe marketplace Pursuant to Section Soc) of the Act and CFTC Regulation 40.6(a, the Exchange hereby ceties thatthe delisting of hese contracts complies wth the Ac, including regulations under the Act There were na substantive opposing views to tis proposal. The Exchange cere that this submission has been concurrenty posted on the Exchange's website ati us omegroup comimarket requlatonirule-lings him, ° ‘Should you have any questions concerning tne above, please contact the undersigned at (212) 288-2200, ‘or via e-mail at Christopher, Bavrengemegroup com, Sincerely, hristopher Bowen Managing Director and Chiet Regulatory Counsel Attachments: ‘Appendix A ~ Amensiments fo CME Position Limit Table (attached under separate cover) ‘Appendlx 8 — CNIE Rulebook Revision 6 Appendix A [Amendments to CME Chapter 5 Position Limit Table {attached under separate cover) Appendix B (strikethrough indicates deletion) chapter 02 ‘OME Seasonal Strip Snowfall Index Futures (CME: Seasonel Sip Showa Inaex ‘vues shal be subject tone genera les end eguisions of De Exchange-neotarae appease For puposoe ofthe chapisr unless otherwise specie, snes refered hover shal fe fo-and indicate cies ie ‘aly snovall fs dened ae te ttl snowfall recorded ata garcia oeatlonisvsen misight ane 41:88 fm os tepotes by MOA nfomaton Systems ne fe tao vera rinmum of vo, and a makmnur of sm, conaecvie eslencar manta The frat caarcar montyin he iy be olla a che asco . ea Bnd ence wih te las calendar aay of Ro ast ranh ofthe osthed ste, ‘The able blow ists oe cae and thle coresoonang wusiher stain! ‘Bouin coges Itatnation-Apart UGAM. 47353 {hago Oare tensa! Area SAR 54565) ineapsie't Paul sep jwBAR 4023), ‘Goat iee mor bah 84647) Neva ramatona Aon (B84 1472 Estimore Sashinglonbttnatonaipo GAN637345 {Slambus Pon lumave maratonal or ah 182 Goma TeAoNe sreciicaTONS 40202. Trading Schedule Futures contacts shal oe scheduled rising and Seber dng su hous in such months 06 may be elesrined ihe exchange 402028: rating Unit “Tha minimum price fucuaton cn che respectve CME Seassnal Sip Snowtll Index fures shall be 0.1 (onto sana neve sae eatalta Linch atanowal. uraby level, nadaon tothe reprtabe evel, ae set oth in “ne appicabe points ara ac tenes aba Love Tabla lane teractions & Speci ‘Sovion-tchaplers. {Arperaan sesing an ekainpton ‘fom postion Ste for bona fe comretlal purposes shal apply 9 te arta egulaton Goseriment age i foanted Page 22 Mpa and tis specfeo posi ts 40202, [Reserved] 4400025 Reserved] 40202.6-Torminationof Fading Furs vaong ons ermine 00 ai on be second Excange ausness Oey ster te st colncsr dapstivelecrroni ote defines ope A869 a ann 402021 Reservea) *40203., Final Sotloment Price ‘autres sosrace remarig open s ne taninaton ot weung all be atleg using te rsoectva CUS ung she metnecoiogy In eit on shat en te a8conl Exchange Eusinaas Day arte ot alansar shot he dines oampl a ‘40202 8 Final Setement iow tip : {eminaton of tacng that contac: shall make payer to or cave caymont om tho Gearing ouse ®t Sccordence wth somal varaten pertommancs bond procedues bases ons seiement price equal tae fal eetement pice ‘o208 (RESERVED 440205-06.[RESERVED] ‘RELATING 70.CHAPTER 402 g cath Sat ie (Data) in conecion wth ie adn of tures conbacs,cplons on ures corvet and Binary aebers on fures opal ace ate Sea “spiate of ping a ine Binary on utes contacts or ary siner uae i1DA maces no sprees or implied waren, end sipesaly dla si aratin or roarhantt = apace the Oat {ny of tho foregeing_sn-n0 event shall MOA have-anj laity for any-spocal pub, indrect-orconsoqurtal ‘atnages(intusing los proms), sven notiied a he peasy of san osmages, chapter 4020, ‘Options on CME Seasonal strip Snowtall Index Futures This chapters ned in aplestion to optans on CHE Seaconal Sip Snowal Index tutes. in aon to ths saci hie Seasonal Sip & rs ahelive susastioshe gover las 288 Fegblsione sles Exchangessesl-we appa. For purposes chs chapter unless cnerise specfed. times refered herein shal refer and Indleste Ccheage tie, Sa2801-A. Contact onthe and Trading Hours {103A040, Trading Unt {2024016 Minimum Futuatons The pica ctanoplon shale se saepecine CHS Seatonel stp St = ‘ucuaten sta be [one-eh) na pom fas enon ss che te) equal i $50 4024010. (Reserved) 402805: Erorcee Prices retcee prees shell be sites In tes the respective CME Seasonsi Stip Snoutatinex ures opectvg na euing be teminaton of bag. ‘The Sranange a to estbishmen: of aarciee fy i Limite Lovele ‘ae spolsabla pou bul, abe vel 020 ‘aces Secion ot Chapter 5 Thay sant quslifes eremptsns nis sle osceton Perio Rav 556 toque aggege sec alocable ne ‘hespacied poston ine

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