Study of the spectral properties of spin ladders 1 in different representations via a 1 0 2 renormalization procedure n a J Tarek Khalila,b ∗ 9 2 and ] Jean Richertc † h p a Department of Physics, School of Arts and Sciences, - t Lebanese International University, Beirut, Lebanon n a b Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences(V), u q Lebanese University, Nabatieh, Lebanon [ c Institut de Physique, Universit´e de Strasbourg, 1 v 3, rue de l’Universit´e, 67084 Strasbourg Cedex, 3 2 France 7 5 . February 1, 2011 1 0 1 1 : Abstract v i We implement an algorithm which is aimed to reduce the dimen- X sionsoftheHilbertspaceofquantummany-bodysystemsbymeansof r a a renormalization procedure. We test the role and importance of dif- ferent representations on the reduction process by working out and analyzing the spectral properties of strongly interacting frustrated quantum spin systems. PACS numbers: 02.70.-c; 03.65.-w; 05.10.Cc; 71.27.+a Keywords: Effective theories, renormalization, strongly interacting sys- tems, quantum spin systems. ∗E-mail address: [email protected] †E-mail address: [email protected] 1 1 Introduction. Most microscopic many-body quantum systems are subject to strong in- teractions which act between their constituents. In general, there exist no analytical methods to treat exactly strongly interacting systems apart from the assumption of trial wave functions able to diagonalize the Hamiltonian of integrable models, like the Bethe Ansatz (BA) for specific one dimensional systems (1D) [1], the BCS hypothesis which explains the supraconductivity and others like the N´eel state, the Resonant Valence Bond (RVB) spin liquid states proposed by Anderson [2], the Valence Bond Crystal states (VBC).... They are aimed to describe 2D systems but there remains the problem of their degree of realism, i.e. their ability to include the essentials of the inter- action in strongly interacting systems [3]. The complexity of the structure of such systems leads to the diagonalization of the Hamiltonian numerically which must in general be performed in very large Hilbert space although the information of interest is restricted to the knowledge of a few low en- ergy states generally characterized by collective properties. Consequently it is necessary to manipulate very large matrices in order to extract a reduced quantity of informations. Non-perturbative techniques are needed. During the last decades a con- siderable amount of procedures relying on the renormalization group concept introduced by Wilson [4] have been proposed and tested. Some of them are specifically devised for quantum spin systems, like the Real Space Renormal- ization Group (RSRG) [5, 6] and the Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) [7, 8]. We propose here a non-perturbative approach which tackles this question [9]. The procedure consists of an algorithm which implements a step by step reduction of the size of Hilbert space by means of a projection technique. It relies on the renormalization concept following in spirit former work based on this concept [10, 11, 12]. Since the reduction procedure does not act in ordinary or momentum space but in Hilbert space, it is universal in the sense that it works for any kind of many-body quantum system. The properties of physical systems can be investigated in different repre- sentations. In the present work which deals with frustrated spin ladders the common SU(2)-representation is confronted with the SO(4)-representation 2 [13, 14, 15] in order to work out the energies of the low-lying levels of the spectrum of these systems. The efficiency of one or the other representation in terms of the number of relevant basis states characterizing the ground state wave function is tested in connection with the reduction process. The outline of the paper is the following. In section 2 we present the formal developments leading to the secular equation in the reduced Hilbert space. Section 3 is devoted to the application of the algorithm to frustrated quantum spin ladders with two legs and one spin per site. We analyze the outcome of the applied algorithm on systems characterized by different cou- pling strengths by means of numerical examples, in bases of states developed in the SU(2) and SO(4)-representations and compare the results obtained in both cases. Conclusions and further possible investigations and develop- ments are presented in section 4. 2 The reduction algorithm. 2.1 Reduction procedure and renormalization of the coupling strengths. We consider a system described by a Hamiltonian depending on a unique coupling strength g which can be written as a sum of two terms H = H +gH (1) 0 1 The Hilbert space H(N) of dimension N isspanned by anorthonormalized arbitrary set of basis states {|Φ i, i = 1,··· ,N}. In this basis an eigenvector i (N) |Ψ i takes the form l N |Ψl(N)i = Xa(liN)(g(N))|Φii (2) i=1 where the amplitudes {a(N)(g(N))} depend on the value g(N) of g in H(N). li Using the Feshbach formalism [16] the Hilbert space may be decomposed into subspaces by means of the projection operators P and Q, H(N) = PH(N) +QH(N) (3) 3 Inpracticethesubspace PH(N) ischosen tobeofdimension dimPH(N) = (N) N −1 by elimination of one basis state. The projected eigenvector P|Ψ i l obeys the Schro¨edinger equation (N) (N) (N) (N) H (λ )P|Ψ i = λ P|Ψ i . (4) eff l l l l (N) where H (λ ) is the effective Hamiltonian which operates in the sub- eff l space PH(N). It depends on the eigenvalue λ(N) which is the eigenenergy l corresponding to |Ψ(N)i in the initial space H(N). The coupling strengths l g(N) which characterizes the Hamiltonian H(N) in H(N) is now aimed to be changedintog(N−1) insuchawaythattheeigenvalueinthenewspaceH(N−1) is the same as the one in the complete space (N−1) (N) λ = λ (5) l l The determination of g(N−1) by means of the constraint expressed by Eq. (5) is the central point of the procedure. It is the result of a renormalization procedure induced by the reduction of the vector space of dimension N to (N) N −1 which preserves the physical eigenvalue λ . l (N) In the sequel P|Ψ i is chosen to be projection of the ground state eigen- 1 (N) (N) (N−1) vector |Ψ i (l = 1) and λ = λ = λ the corresponding eigenenergy. 1 1 1 1 In ref. [9] it is shown how g(N−1) can be obtained as a solution of an alge- braic equation of the second degree. One gets explicitly a discrete quadratic equation a(N−1)g(N−1)2 +b(N−1)g(N−1) +c(N−1) = 0 (6) where a(N−1) = G −H F (7) 1N NN 1N b(N−1) = a(N)H (λ(N) −α )+F (λ(N) −α ) (8) 11 NN 1 1 1N 1 N c(N−1) = −a(N)(λ(N) −α )(λ(N) −α ) (9) 11 1 1 1 N with N−1 (N) F1N = Xa1i hΦ1|H1|Φii i=1 4 N−1 (N) G1N = H1N Xa1i hΦN|H1|Φii i=1 H = hΦ |H |Φ i ij i 1 j and α = hΦ |H |Φ i, i = 1,··· ,N i i 0 i The reduction procedure is then iterated in a step by step decrease of the dimensions of the vector space, N 7→ N −1 7→ N −2 7→ ... leading at each step k to a coupling strength g(N−k) which can be given as the solution of a flow equation in a continuum limit description of the Hilbert space. The procedure can be generalized to Hamiltonians depending on several coupling constants which experience a renormalizationduring the reduction procedure under further constraints [18]. 2.2 Outline of the reduction algorithm. We sketch here the different steps of the procedure. 1− Consider a quantum system described by an Hamiltonian H(N) which acts in an N-dimensional Hilbert space. 2− Compute the matrix elements of the Hamiltonian matrix H(N) in a definite basis of states {|Φ i,i = 1,...,N}. The diagonal matrix elements i {ǫ = hΦ |H(N)|Φ i} are arranged either in increasing order with respect to i i i the {ǫ } or in decreasing order of the absolute values of the ground state wave i function amplitudes |a(N)(g(N))| [17]. 1i 3−UsetheLanczostechnique todetermine λ(N) and|Ψ(N)(g(N))i[19, 20]. 1 1 4− Fix g(N−1) as described in section 2.1. Take the solution of the alge- braic second order equation closest to g(N) (see Eq.(6)). 5 5− Construct H(N−1) = H +g(N−1)H by elimination of the matrix ele- 0 1 ments of H(N) involving the state |Φ i. N 6− Repeat procedures 3, 4 and 5 by fixing at each step k {k = 1,...,N− (N−k) (N) N }, λ = λ = λ . The iterations are stopped at N correspond- min 1 1 1 min ing to the limit of space dimensions for which the spectrum gets unstable. 2.3 Some remarks. • The procedure is aimed to generate the energies of the low-energy ex- cited states of strongly interacting systems and possibly the calculation of further physical quantities. • The implementation of the reduction procedure asks for the knowl- (N−k) edge of λ and the corresponding eigenvector |Ψ i at each step k 1 1 of the reduction process. The eigenvalue λ is chosen as the physical 1 ground state energy of the system. Eigenvalue and eigenvector can be obtained by means of the Lanczos algorithm [8, 19, 20] which is particularly well adapted to very large vector space dimensions. The (N−k) (N) (N−k) algorithm fixes λ = λ and determines |Ψ i at each step. 1 1 1 • The process does not guarantee a rigorous stability of the eigenvalue λ . |Ψ(N−k−1)i which is the eigenvector in the space H(N−k−1) and 1 1 the projected state P|Ψ(N−k)i of |Ψ(N−k)i into H(N−k−1) may differ 1 1 from each other. As a consequence it may not be possible to keep (N−k−1) (N−k) λ rigorously equal to λ = λ . In practice the degree of 1 1 1 accuracy depends on the relative size of the eliminated amplitudes {a(N−k) (g(N−k))}. This point will be tested by means of numerical 1(N−k) estimations and further discussed below. • The Hamiltonians of the considered ladder systems are characterized by a fixed total magnetic magnetization M . We work in subspaces tot which correspond to fixed M . The total spin S is also a good tot tot quantum number which defines smaller subspaces for fixed M [21]. tot We do not introduce them here because projection procedures on S tot are time consuming. Furthermore we want to test the algorithm in 6 11 21 31 41 51 ... l1 sl1 =1/2 L J c J J t c J 12 l 22 32 42 52 ... l2 sl2 L (S ,R ) l l 1 2 3 4 5 l L Figure 1: Top: the original spin ladder. The coupling strengths are indicated as given in the text. Bottom: The ladder in the SO(4)-representation. See the text. large enough spaces although not necessarily the largest possible ones in this preliminary tests considered here. 3 Application to frustrated two-leg quantum spin ladders. 3.1 The model 3.1.1 SU(2)-representation. Consider spin-1/2 ladders [22, 23] described by Hamiltonians of the following type and shown in Fig.1 L H(s,s) = JtXsi1si2 +Jl X si1sj1 +Jl X si2sj2 +J1cXsi1sj2 (10) i=1 <ij> <ij> (ij) +J2cXsi2sj1 (ij) The indices 1 or 2 label the spin 1/2 vector operators s acting on the ik sites i on both ends of a rung, in the second and third term i and j label 7 nearest neighbours, here j = i+1 along the legs of the ladder. The fourth and fifth term correspond to diagonal interactions between sites located on different legs, j = i + 1. L is the number of sites on a leg (Fig. 1) where J = J = J . The coupling strengths J ,J ,J are positive. 1c 2c c t l c As stated above the renormalization is restricted to a unique coupling strength, see Eq. (1). It is implemented here by putting H = 0 and H(N) = 0 g(N)H where g(N) = J and 1 t L H1 = Xsi1si2 +γtl X(si1sj1 +si2sj2)+γc X(si1sj2 +si2sj1) . (11) i=1 <ij> <ij> where γ = J /J , γ = J /J . These quantities are kept constant and tl l t c c t g(N) = J will be subject to renormalization during the reduction process. t One should point out that the renormalization does not change if one chooses another coupling parameter as a renormalizable parameter, here J l orJ , because they arerelatedto eachother at thebeginning ofthe reduction c procedure by the ratios γ = J /J and γ = J /J . tl l t c c t The basis of states {|Φ i ,p = 1,...,N} is chosen as p 2L |Φpi = |1/2 m1,...,1/2 mi,...,1/2 m2L,Xmi = Mtot = 0i i=1 with {m = +1/2,−1/2}. i 3.1.2 SO(4)-representation. Different choices of bases may induce a more or less efficient reduction pro- cedure depending on the strength of the coupling constants J ,J ,J . This t l c point is investigated here by choosing also a basis of states which is written in an SO(4)-representation. We replace (s ,s ) corresponding to dimers by (S ,R ). By means of a i1 i2 i i spin rotation [14, 15] 1 s = (S +R ) . (12) i1 2 i i 8 1 s = (S −R ) . (13) i2 2 i i The Hamiltonian, Eq. (10), can be expressed in the form L J H(S,R) = 4t X(Si2 −Ri2)+J1 X SiSj +J2 X RiRj (14) i=1 <ij> <ij> The structure of the corresponding system is shown in the lower part of Fig. 1. Here J = (J + J )/2, J = (J − J )/2 and as before J = J = J . 1 l c 2 l c 1c 2c c (+) (−) (z) (+) (−) (z) The components S ,S ,S and R ,R ,R of the vector operators i i i i i i S and R are the SO(4) group generators and < ij > denotes nearest neigh- i i bour indices. In this representation the states {|S M i} are defined as i i |SiMii = X h1/2 m1 1/2 m2|SiMii|1/2 m1ii|1/2 m2ii m1,m2 along a rung are coupled to S = 0 or S = 1. Spectra are constructed in this i i representation as well as in the SU(2)-representation and the states {|Φ i} p take the form L |Φpi = |S1M1,...,SiMi,...,SLML,XMi = Mtot = 0i i=1 3.2 Test observables In order to quantify the accuracy of the procedure we introduce different test quantities in order to estimate deviations between ground state and low excited state energies in Hilbert spaces of different dimensions. The stability of low-lying states can be estimated by means of (N) (n) (e −e ) p(i) = | i i |×100 with i = 1,...,4 (15) (N) e i (n) (n) where e = λ /2L with n = (N −k) corresponds to the energy per site at i i the ith physical state starting from the ground state at the kth iteration in 9 Hilbert space. This quantity provides a percentage of loss of accuracy of the eigenenergies in the different reduced spaces. A global characterization of the ground state wavefunction in different representations can also be given by the entropy per site in a space of dimen- sion n n 1 s = −2L XPilnPi with Pi = |hΦ(in)|Ψ(1n)i|2 = |a(1ni)|2 (16) i=1 (n) which works as a global measure of the distribution of the amplitudes {a } 1i in the physical ground state. In the remaining part we work out the spectra of different systems and compare results obtained in the two representations introduced above. 3.3 Spectra in the SU(2)-representation. Results obtained with an SU(2)-representation basis of states are shown in Figs.(2−3). 3.3.1 First case: L= 6, J =15, J =5, J =3 t l c We choose the basis states in the framework of the M-scheme corresponding tosubspaces withfixed values ofthe totalprojection ofthespin of the{|Φ i}, i M = 0. tot In the present case J > J ,J . The dimension of the subspace is reduced t l c step by step as explained above starting from N = 924. As stated in section 2.2 the basis states {|Φ i} are ordered with increasing energy of their diago- i nal matrix elements {ǫ } and eliminated starting from the state with largest i energy ǫ . N Deviations of the energies of the ground and first excited states fromtheir initial values at N = 924 can be seen in Figs.(2a-b) where the p(i)’s defined 10