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Studies in South American Amaranthaceae. IV T. Myndel PEDERSEN Estancia Santa Teresa, RA-3427 Mburucuyâ, Argentina. ABSTRACT Various aspects of the taxonomy, systematic positions, and nomenclature of South American Amaranthaceae are discussed, including members of the fol- lowing généra: Alternanthera, Celosia, Gomphrena, Iresine, Pfaffia, Quatemella, and Trommsdorffia. Eleven new species are described, as well as KEYWORDS two new subspecies, five new varieties, and one new form. Twelve new com¬ Amaranthaceae, new taxa, binations are made, one new name and one change of status proposed, and taxonomy, several species are re-assigned to généra, where they hâve not been placed systematic positions, recendy. Keys are provided for several groups of closely related taxa, inclu¬ nomenclature, South America. ding the members of Pfaffia sect. Pfaffia. RÉSUMÉ Divers aspects de la taxonomie, des positions systématiques et de la nomen¬ clature des Amaranthaceae sud-américaines sont discutés, y compris ceux des représentants des genres Alternanthera, Celosia, Gomphrena, Iresine, Pfaffia, Quatemella, et Trommsdorffia. Onze nouvelles espèces, deux nouvelles sous- espèces, cinq nouvelles variétés et une nouvelle forme sont décrites. Douze MOTS CLÉS nouvelles combinaisons sont établies, un nouveau nom et un changement de Amaranthaceae, nouveaux taxons, statut sont proposés, et plusieurs espèces sont réassignées à des genres dans taxonomie, lesquels elles n’avaient pas été placées récemment. Des clés de détermination positions systématiques, sont données pour plusieurs groupes de taxons voisins, y compris pour ceux nomenclature, Amérique du Sud. de Pfaffia sect. Pfiiffia. ADANSONIA, sér. 3 (cid:9632) 1997 • 19(2) Pedersen T.M. As with the previous papers in this sériés, the 0.4 cm crasyus, teres veljuventute sub-angulosus. novellus following notes are the resu 1rs of studies prelimi- pihs 0.3-0.8 mm longis, ± 5-nrtirulatis, simp/icibus, sed va Idc aspects. albis, antrorso-tippressis vestitus, actaiegbt- nary to my treâtment of the Aniaranthaceae for brtscent. Folia 3.3-9 cm longa, petiolo 0.5-1 longo varions local "floras”, and of my attempts to annumerato, infoliis imtspro raUi longiore, 1-6 cm lata, name material senr to me for identification lato mata, plerumquc acuta acutiusculave, Fui obtusa During recent years, speçimens that could not ratundatave, penninervta nerviorum secundariorum with certainry be idciitified with any published majorant paribus 3-5, «trinque pilas paucos vel perpau- cos gemma. Flores in spicastris ovnideis ad 75 mm longe description havc increased to a considérable peattnculafu conferti, eae ut videtur in cyma dichotomi¬ extern. In order to name them, it has been neces- es pauciramosa dispositae: bractea bracleolaeepte scario- sary to describe rnany of them as new taxa, some sae, candidat’, ilia ad 1.5 mm longa, latissime ovata, of which will no doubt bc reduced to synonymy obtustl rotundataue, unintrnia, mucronrtta, gblbra aut pi/os paucos dorso gerens; bac braetcam longiiudine upon examination of ryrpes of dubious taxa. Until arquantes sed dngustiùrcs, obtusae aut b>rni ter açumina- such a compréhensive révision cân be made, tae, nninerviat, rriucronubttae, dorso pilis densisshnis however, it seems appropriate to name these enti- sccUS nemtm vesfitae. Perianthium pedicèllo brevi crasso ties to avoid an excessive accumulation of inde- instrtum: tepala pâme aequalia, tenaciter scariosa. 4- terminate material. 4.5 mm longa. t/bhmga, acuta, trinervia, mutica, pilota. Stamina ±3 mm longa an t ber h linearibus 1.5 mm lon¬ gis, filarnenta inferne connam, cum pseudostaminodiis ttequilongis vel Vau/ta lotigioribus. ob longis, acutis vel 1. Alternanthera collina Pedersen, sp. nov. obtusis. sursttm laciniatis alterwmtui. Germen... stylo ad 3 mm longo, crasso, stigmate parvo munitum. Fructus Planta erecta pedalis vel ultra, ramosa: caulis 0.1- (immaturus) 2 mm longus, ob/ungus. Semm (immatu- Fig. 1.—Alternanthera collina Pedersen: A, habit; B, tlower; C, tepal, seen from back; D, androecium (in part deformed); E, gynoe- cium. (Pedersen 15396, C). 218 ADANSONIA, sér, 3 • 1997 • 19(2) South America Amaranthaceae rurn) ± 1.8 X 1 X 1 mm, oblongo-ovo'tdeum, funiculo 2. Altemanthera itiaccessa Pedersen, sp. nov. quarta parte infra apicem inserto.—Fig. 1. Type.—Molina, Cozzani, Fortunato & Gômez 1833, Fruticulus confertim ramosus teste eollertoris vix peda- Argentins, Prov. Santiago del Estera, dpt. Pellegrini: lis: caulis 0.1-0.35 on crassus, ad nodns parum incrassa- Remate, 19 May 1983 (holo-, BAB). tus, novcllus pilis ramosissimis 0.05-0.5 mm longis ocbracds mox dcciduis densius vestitus. Folia sub-sessilia This species has to niy knowledge only been vd ad 0.2 cm lange petit!lata, 1-3 X 0.4-2.2 an. valde divcrsiformia: Lite ouata, ovato-laneealata vd oblonge- collected twice, both times on the Cerro de dhptica, acuta uni obtttsa, basiplemtnque nttundaia vd Remate, a small limestone h'tll rising above the sub-cordata, penntnervia, mucronutuhl, ut caulis pilosa, Chaco plain in the extreme North-West of the sed pili mugis brunnescentes, vetustiora plrrumque supra Province of Santiago del Estera, where I collected suh-glabra. livres in spicastris scssUibus ml initia») flo- it on April 3rd, 1989, Pedersen 15396 (C). Ail renai globosis, aetate oblongis ad 15 mm longis, 5 mm crassis confetti; bractea scariosa, rufescens, nervo Jusco, 2- the material is poor, with very few Flowers. 1 hâve 2.5 mm longa, ± 1 mm lata, ovata, acuta, concava, uni- revisited the type locality twice, but not a single nervia, vix mucronulata, glabra; bracteolae ut bractea, plant was seen either rime. 2.1-2.2 mm longue, asymmetrice ovatae, sursum falca- Fig. 2.—Altemanthera inaccessa Pedersen: A, habit: B, flower; C, tepal; D, androecium and gynoecium; E, bract; F, bractlet seen from back; G, bractlet seen front side; H, fruit. (Ramella 2846, C). ADANSONIA, sér. 3 • 1997 • 19(2) 219 Pedersen T.M. tac, valde concavae, paene nankttlares, uninerviae, Genève, ser. 2, 18: 277 (1926). mucronatae, pilis articulatis simplicihus ad 0,75 nttn Telantbcra rosea (Morong) Chod. c pollens Chod., longis in canna dense restitae; lepala diversifermia : duo Bull. Herb. Roiss., scr. 2, 1: 433 (1901).—Type: abaxalia tenaciter scarioso, intérim ad marnnem ohtec- Hassler 4939. Paraguay (holo-. G!). tam membranaceo-marginatum. ± 3 5 mm tanga, Alternanthera hi.rtula (Mart.) Lopr. var. robusta Chod. 1.3 mm Lita, auguste nvata, acuminata. leviter concava. subvar. pollens Chod., Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève, ser. 2, mucronata; adaxiale vix exterioribus aequilongum. 18: 278 (1926). 1.5 mm latum, pldnum, membranaceo-marginatum, praeterea ut abaxalia; duo interiom ad 3 mm longct, In his treatment of Hassler’s Paraguayan col¬ oblonga, vafle concava, haud mucronata: omnia triner- v 'ut, dorso densius pilota. Stamina ad 2 mm longa antbe- lections, CHOD.AT described a number of varieties ris linearibtts 0.8-1 mm longis, fi la mentis ut videtur referred, at firsr in 1901 to Telanthera rosea, then, antheris dejectis accrescentibus. basi connatis, cunt pseu- realizing lacer that this is conspecific vvith dostatninodiis ligu/atis dimidio brevioribus intégrés vel Alternanthera birtula, to chat species as sub-varie- subtiliser denliculatis alternantibus. Germe n ca. ties of A. birtula var. robusta Two of rhese are 0.65 mm longum, turbinatum stylo ad 0.25 rnm cum however bel ter referred to Alternanthera malmea¬ stigmate applandto-capitato ca. 0.2 rnm tango. Fructus 1-1.2 mm longus ouiformh vel ob-ovijvrmis obscure ala- na, frorn which tliey appear to differ only sltghtly tus. Semer ca. 1 x 0.95 x 0.75 mm, globiforme, fittnat- hy cheir more abundant indûment, proportional- lo in vertice iriser lu. Embryo bippocrepiformis ly narrower leaves, conspicuously longer floral cotyledouibus cnncavis quant radieu la aupto latioribus bracts, and generally larger flowers. They were dimidio longionbits.—Fig, 2, also ideruified as A. malmeana by Dr. Ml ARS on Type.—Rantella 2846, Paraguay, dpt. Chaco: cerro vartous annotation-slips, rhough apparently he Cnel. F. Cabrera (ex cerro Guarani), 19D39’S, never published this synonymy. Tlte différences 61°44’W, limite con Bolivia, punto oestc del cerro, front typical A. malmeana scem to justify main- 700 m, s.m., borde del acancillado, 23 Apr. 1989 taining theni apart as a variety of that species, (holo-, G; iso-, C). while the very slight différences benveen the two varieties (or subvarieties) of Choimt in my opi¬ This new species is related to A. albida (Moq.) nion do not justify récognition as distinct Griseb., the leaves of which however are densely A recent specimen of Alternanthera malmeana canescent, the flowers smailer and inflorescence (Pedersen 12584, C, CORD, CTES, G) collected rarely so ntarkedly elongate, and the pseudosta- at the type locality of the species, and very likely minodia deftnitely lobulate or laciniate. belonging to the same population as the original According to the collecror (pers, comm.), the material collected by MALME-, has underground, plant grevv on a steep, rocky mountain side, in rhizome-like runners footing and fnrming cubers dense, impénétrable, spiny scruh, hence the ar the nodes. I hâve not seen anything like this in name. tlie Paraguayan variery, but most collectors unfortunately do not bother to dig up rhe under¬ ground parts. Should this prove to be a distingui- 3. Alternanthera malmeana R.E. Fr. shing character, it might justify ségrégation at a Ark. Bot. 16: 15 (1920).—Type: Malme II: 359, higher level. Brazil, Rio Grande do Sui, Pedro Osorio (ex Piratiny) (holo-, S). 4. Alternanthera micrantha R.E. Fr. 3b. Alternanthera malmeana R.E. Fr. var. stra- Ark. Bot. 16: 14 (1920).—Type: Dusén 17728, Brazil (holo-, S!). minea (Chod.) Pedersen, comb. nov. Alternanthera rufescctts Sucss., Mitteil. bot. Staatssaniml. München 1: 3 (1950).—Type: Telanther/l rosea (Morong) Cbocl. e strdminea Chod., Huidnbro 5438, Argentine (holo-. Ml; iso-, FIL!), Bull. Herb. Boiss., ser. 2, 1: 433 (1901).—Type: Hassler 4325, Paraguay (holo-, G!), Alternanthera birtula (Mart.) Lopr. var. robusta Chod. Alternanthera micrantha was based on a speci¬ subvar. straminea (Chod.) Cnod., Bull. Soc. Bot. men from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, while the 220 ADANSONIA. sér 3 • 1997 • 19(2) South America Amaranthaceae type of A. rufescens cornes from the Argentine observed by MARTIUS (1825): 138: “ Varie tas province of Misiones, essentially from the same obtusifolia habitat in Monte Video: clar. Sellow. floristic région. I can not see any significant dif¬ Var. tlcuiifolia ad S. Pauli Civitatem lacis udis. v. férences between the two specimens. Sesslle flo- v." This varïability has resulted in the description wer-heads, to vvhich SUESSENCUTH attached of a number of inlta-spécifie taxa. In a previous mtich importance in che récognition of/î. rufes¬ paper (PEDERSEN 1967) 1 considered these rnere cens, occtir even in the type collection of A. chance variations caused by différences in the micrantha; the reddish colour of the stem seems environment, and reduced them to synonymy. more influenced by outside conditions and MhARS (1977) largely concurred, remarking (p. appears not to be genetically fixed. As for the 15): “The specimens for f. angustifolia Suess. and shape ot the pseudostaminodia, they vary too var. obtusifolia Moq. might be recognized as for- much, even in flowers on the same specimen, to mae, but 1 see no point now; they bave no géo¬ be ot any use as a distinguishing character. Field graphie significance”. Since then, observations in observations indicate that this species is very the Field, confirmed by the examination of common in Southern Brazil and north-eastern numerous herbarium specimens, hâve convinced Argentine. me that some of these taxa ace not wholly worth- less, their distinguishing characters appearing to be genetically Fixed, and that in fact they do 5. Alternanthera pennelliana Mears ex occupy deflnite areas. Pedersen, nom. nov. Telanthera geniculata S. Moore, Transact. Linn. Soc. 6b. Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) London, Bot., scr. 11,4: 443 (1895).- Alternanthera Griseb. fa, acutifolia (Moq.) Pedersen, geniculata (S. Moore) R.L. Fr., Ark. f. Bot. 16: 18 stat. nov. (1920), non Urb. (1912).—Type: Spencer Moore 1093, Brazil, Mato Grosso (holo-, BM!). Alternanthera pennelliana Mears, nom. in sched. Telanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Moq. f acutifolia Moq. in DC„ Prodr. 13 (2): 363 (1849).— Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. var. acu¬ The combination Ahcrnanthcra geniculata not tifolia (Moq.) Hicken, Apuntes Hist. Nat. 2: 94 being available for the plant described by (1910).—Type: Martius s.n., '‘habitac in aquaticis, Moore, Dr. Mears lias used A. pennelliana on inundatis ad fluv. Sapucahy” (lecto-, M). his annotation slips, although 1 am not aware that it has ever been validly published. In the opinion of MEARS (1977), vvhich I share, MARI IUS d ici not intend to propose two new infra-speciflc taxa, but merely to draw attention 6. Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. to the varïability of the species. However, the names he used were taken up by Moquin- Symbolae ad floram argentinam: 36 (1879).— Tandon, who produced formai descriptions of Bucholzia philoxeroides Mart., Beitr. z. Kenntniss d. the two variecies. and they should chus be ascri- Amarantaceem 137 (1825).—Type; Sellow s.n., Uruguay, ncar Montevideo (Iccto-, BRI). For year of bed to him. publication see S’I Ai I EU 1981. The forma acutifolia is the one most often seen Telanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Moq, fs obtusifo/ia chroughout rnosc of Brazil, and almost certainly Moq. in DC.. Prodr. 13 (2): 363 (1849).— that with which M ARTIUS was most familiar. The Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. var. ohtu- type would hâve been the logical Icctotvpe of the sifolia (Moq.) Hicken. Apuntes Hish Nat. 2: 94 (1910). For a complété synonymy of this species see species, but for the fact that the oniy specimen Mears (1977). mentïoned in the protologue known to hâve been handled by MARTIUS himself belongs to the Alternanthera philoxeroides is native to the war- variery obtusifolia (Pedersen 1967; Mears 1977). mer parts of South America, and widely naturali- Although 1 believe it distinct, the forma acutifo- zed elsewhere. It varies considerably, as already ha scarcely merits récognition at higher rank, the ADANSONIA. sér. 3 • 1997 • 19(2) 221 Pedersen T.M. only différence from the forma philoxeroides most of Argentine Mesopotamia, in at least part being the shape of the leaves. ol the Chaco région, and in Paraguay. 6b*. Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) 7. Alternanthera praelonga St.-Hil. Griseb. fà. acutifolia (Moq.) Pedersen, subfa. philoxerina (Suess.) Pedersen, comb. et stat. Voyage dans le District des Diamans 2: 409 nov. (1833).—Telanthera praelonga (St.-Hil.) Moq. in DC, Prodr. 13 (2): 369 (1849). Aehyranthes praelonga (St.-Hil.) Standl., Journ. Alternanthera philoxerina Suess., Feddes Repert. 35: Washington Acad, ol Sciences 5: 74 (1915).—Type: 303 (1934).—Type: Erik Asplund s.n., Brazil, Saint-Hilaire B2 rio. 87, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, on Santos, 15 Sep. 1921 (holo-, S!). the beach at Cabo Frio (holo-, P!). I hâve very lircJe faith in the value of this taxon, At its Southern limir, Alternanthera praelonga and am according it the lowest status admitted présents a rather different aspect from the plant by the Code. 1 only recognize it provisionally described by SAINT-HILAIRE. As this material is because it appears to hâve a definite géographie also remarkably homogenous, it is described as range, being confined to the town of Santos and an admittedly very weak geographical variety. vicinity in Brazil, from whene I hâve seen three collections: the type, a specimen from the nearby sea-side resort Praia Grande, Rawitscher 7 (SP), 7b. Alternanthera praelonga var. australis and a collection of my own: Santos, waste Pedersen, var. nov. ground in the port area, Pedersen 11201 (C). In general aspect, the subfa. philoxerina is exactly A var, praelonga recedit foliis latioribus plerumque similar to the subfa. acutifolia. the only différen¬ ovatis acutis vel obtusis saepe basi sub-cordatis villosis, ce being the sessile flower-heads. As ail the flo- floribus vulgo paullo majoribus. Cbaracteres ceteri ut in var. praelonga. wers I hâve examined were deformed and had a sickly appearance, with the anthers generally TYPE.—Hatschbach 27220, Brazil, Rio Grande do empty, the ovary as far as I could see too, the Sul, munie. Terres: Torres. Paredôes de arenito a plant may be stérile, which would account for its beira mar 15 Oct. 1971, “Flor alvecente” (holo-, restricted geographical distribution. MBM). Paratypf.s.—Brazil. State of Rio Grande do Sul, munie. Totrcs: Karner H âge lu nd 7642, Torres Pé 6c. Alternanthera philoxeroides fa. tnorro do Farol, 3 Jan. 1974.—Vicinity of Torres: angustifolia Suess. Ltndcman & de Haas 3780, Coastal rock, 30 Dec. 1966, “Ascending; capitules yellowish white, anthers Feddes Repert. 35: 303 (1934).—Type: Hassler brighr yellow" (U, W).—State of Santa Catarina, 2141, Paraguay (holo-. B). munie. Navegantes; Krapovickds tP Cristibal 43515, Telanthera philoxeroides var. linearifolia Chod., Bull. Gravait En inacorralcs sobre las du nas copieras, 31 Herb. Boiss. 7. Append. 1: 64 (1899).—Type: Jan. 1990, “Apoyante, inflorescencias blanco-ama- Hassler 1558, Paraguay (holo-. G!). rillentas” (CTES).—The last specimen differs slightly, Alternanthera philoxeroides var. Ltruijoha Chod., Bull. approaching the variety praelonga. Soc. Bot. Genève, ser. 2, 18: 257 (1927). Alternanthera praelonga is closely related to A. This taxon does not merit higher status than flavescens, and further study may very likely show forma, and at that level SUESSENGUTH's name that the two can not be kept apart at spécifie level. takes priority over Chodat’s. No specimen is cited in the protologue as type of the var. lancifo- lia, although CHODAT occasionally has used the 8. Alternanthera puberula (Mart.) D. Dietr. name on labels, This is the form commonly encountered in Syn. plant. 1: 866 (1839).—Brandesia puberula 222 ADANSON1A, sér 3 • 1997 • 19(2) South America Amaranthaceae Mart., Beitr. z. Kemuntss d. Arrurantaccen: 135 Mogiphanes rarnosissima and M. villosa were (1825), nomen.; Nova gen. spcc. plane. Bras. 2: 27 both dcscribed by MARTIUS from material that (1826).—Pfitffia puherula (Mart.) Spreng., Cur. post. he collected in Brazil. The type collections (M) in syst. veg.: 106 (1827).— Telantbera puherula represent the extrêmes of variation of a widely (Mart.) Moq. in DC, Prodr. 13 (2): 372 (1849).— Achyranthes puherula (Mart.) Standl., Journ. disttibuted taxon, and as it was known to Washington Acad. Sciences 5: 74 (1915).—Type: MariiUS Irom thèse specimens and ficld obser¬ Martius s.n., Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Serra dos Orgâos vations, it would appear to hâve been perfectly (M). justifiable to keep thern aparr, if not at spécifie Alternanthera subumbellata Suess., Feddes Repert. 42: 55 (1937).—Type: Fiebrig 5363, Paraguay (holo-, level, at least as taxa ol sotoe lower rank. S!). Characters separating the two would include the abundance, length, and colour of the indûment, That Alternanthera puherula (Marr.) D. Dietr. and the size ol the flowers. However, the number and A. subumbellata Suess. are identical was sta- of collections ol this cortimon and highly adap¬ ted by Dr. MFARS ori his annotation slip on the table species hâve increased enormously since type sheet of A. subumbellata, bur this synonymy, 1826 tnaking it clear that the characters mention- with which I fully agréé, has ro my knowledge ed above arc in no way correlated, making it never been published. necessary to unité them. Curiously enough, Alternanthera puberula has Such authentic material of Mogiphanes virgata been wrongly synonymized with A. brasiliana Schrad. as 1 hâve seen, and plants grown Irom (L.) Kuntze by KüNTZE (1891). seed harvested in Gottingen, ail clearly belongs to A. rarnosissima. Telantbera brasiliana fi villosa appears to bclong here, and not in A. brasiliana. Otto KUNTZE’s 9. Alternanthera rarnosissima (Mart.) Chod. combination A. brasiliana fi villosa was used by MEARS (1977) for the taxon here considcrcd a Bull. Herb. Boiss., ser. 2, 3: 355 (1903).— Mogiphanes rarnosissima Mart,, Nova gen. sp. plant. distinct species, suggesting that A. moquinii Bras. 2: 31 (1826).—Type: Martius s.n., Brazil, Minas might be différent. Alternanthera brasiliana and Gérais, Chapada (Ml). A. rarnosissima are very closely related, and Mogiphanes vrllosa Mart., l.c,: 33 (1826).—Type: although there are specimens where relerence to Martius s.n., Brazil, Sào Paulo, propc Guaratinguetâ one or the orher species is purely arbitrary, they (Ml), non Alternanthera vi/losa H.B.K. (1818). Mogiphanes virgata Schrad., Ind. sem. hort. Goett.: 4 usually are easily told apart, even with the naked (1834).—Type: cuit, in Gottingen botanical Garden eye. The bractlets in A. brasiliana equal or over- (GOETl). top the perianth. while in A. rarnosissima they do Telantbera moqutnii Wcbb ex Moq. in DC., Prodr. 13 not reach the tips of the tepals; moreover, their (2): 379 (1849).—Alternanthera moijuinii (Wcbb ex areas of distribution are not the same, jusrifying Moq.) Dusén, Arquiv. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro 13: 63 (1903). Based on Mogiphanes villosa Mart. récognition at spécifie level, MEARS Lncluded Telantbera brasiliana (L.) Moq, fi villosa Moq,, l.c.: Mogiphanes diffusa Mart. in synonymy under A 382 (1 849).—Alternanthera brasiliana Jî villosa brasiliana var. villosa-, in my opinion, it is doser (Moq.) O. Kuntze, Rev. gen. plant. 2: 538 to A. brasiliana sensu str., and may represent (1891).—Type: Blanchet 3881, Brazil, Bahia (holo-, sortie of the doubtful or intermediate forms men- P!). Alternanthera virgata (Schrad.) Suess, Feddes Repert. tioned above. 35: 305 (1934), nom. inval. With the typical variety. a total of three varieties of A rarnosissima axe recognized. For a complété synonymy, see Mears (1977) under A. brasiliana var. villosa. SUESSENGUTH’s combination Alternanthera virgata is not valid, as 9b. Alternanthera rarnosissima (Mart.) Chod. he expressly States that in his opinion, diough var. missionum Pedersen, var. nov. possibly distinct, the taxon does not deserve the rank of species. Suffrutex decumbens, radicans, ramis ascendentibus a ADANSONIA, sér. 3 • 1997 • 19(2) 223 Pedersen T.M. var. ramosissima médit spicastris omnibus sessilibus vel connatis, cum pseudostaminodiis antheras superantibus brevissime (mox. ad 12 mm longe! peduncubitis. apice laciniatis altertiantibus; Stylus cum stigmate ± Caulis juventuU pilis 0,3-1.5 mm longis antrorso- 0.35 msn longue. Utriculus ad 2.2 mm longus ovoideus appressis i densius vestitus, actate glubrescens. Folia cum superne bigibhosus.—Fig. 3, petiolo ad 0.5 cm longo 2-8 cm longa. 0.5-4.5 cm lata, ouata, acuta anmnnatave, breviter rnucronata, novella Type.—Pedersen 12663, Brazil, State of Sta. ut caulis pilota, glabrescentia. blores in spicastris m/tfor- Catarina, munie. Laguna: ncar Laguna, clifis by the mibus cylindraceisve conges ci, brdcieis scaiiosis 3-4 mm sea, 9 Dec. 1979 (holo-, C). longis acuminatis, mutronatis suffultr. bracteolis ut brac- tels scarinsh 4-5 mm longis, acuminatis, va/dc cortcavis, PARATYPES.—Bra/H: Hatschbach & Forera 40378, dorso angustc eristatis aut in nervo setosis, ad 1.35 mm Sta_ Catarina, munie, (mbituba: Nova Espcrança. longe pedicellati: tepala tenaciter scariosa, maturitate ’Reptante, flores alvecentes. Nas dunas fixas”; sub-camosa, ad 4.5 mm longa, oblonga, acuta, pilota vel Krapouickas dr Cristràhal39382, Sta. Catarina, munie. sub-villosa; stamina pott anthesin vix 3 mm longa anthe- Laguna: Morro N.S. da Gloria, 24 Jan, 1984, “Ramos ris linearibus millinietralibus vel ultra; germen depresso- postrados hasra 2 m de largo. Flores blanco-amarillen- oboviforme tum stylo ad 0.3 mm. Utriculus ca. 2.3 mm, tas” (CTES). oblongus apice truncatus, juxta stylum persistentem gib- bis duabus parvulis munitus. Alternanthera ramosissima appears to be very clo- Type.—Vanni, Fermai, topez c!r Chiquisula 2784, sely related ro 4. villosa H.B.K., ftom which it Argentin», prov. Misiones, dpt Iguazd: Cataratas del appears to difter only by a far Iess abundant indû¬ Iguazü, sendero de observaciôn, Selva marginal, 7 ment, often being almost glabrous, by its smaller Aug. 1991, “Apoyante, flores blanquecinas" (holo-, Flowers, and the welJ-developed crest on the CTES). braedets. As the ranges of the two scarcely over- Paratypes.— Argentina: Corn. Osten & Rojas lap, it is considered betrer to keep rhem distinct. 8290, prov. Misiones, dpt. Iguazü: am Yguazü U fer, A. villosa was apparently ntisunderstood by 11 Nov. 1915. "Kriechçtider Halbstrauch auf Fclsen. MtARS, who an his annotation-slips referred Kôpfe gelblich” (G); Lourteig 1116, same locality, 7 material of Alternanthera hirtula (Mart.) Lopr. to July 1945 (CTES): Hunziker 841, same locality, 18 tt as a variety under the (apparently unpublished) July 1945, “Lugar humcdo, cerca salto de agua. Entre rocas. Poco frecuente’’ (CTES); Krapouickas 2442, combination A. villosa var. cinnabarina, which he same locality, 19-20 July 1945 (SI). ascribed to CHODAT. The two can bc separated by the shape of the bractlets, which are much longer than the bract, are acuminate. almost 9c. Alternanthera ramosissima (Mart.) Chod. navicular, and frequently crested in A. villosa, var. reptans Pedersen, var. nov. whereas in A. hirtula the bractlets are about the same length as the bract, broadly ovate, often A var. ramosissima recedtt caule humijùso vel rlnzo- obtuse or short-acuminate, and never hâve a mate subterraneo Lite errante, radicante, ad rwdos saepe crest. incrassato, e quo rarmdi florifèri vix 15 cm longi erecti oriuntur. Caulis inter nodos 0.1-0.25 ern crassus (ramuli florife- ri vix ad 0.15 an), nodi tubertformes ad 0.5 cm, pars supraterranea pilis simplicibus I-1.5 mm longis patenii- 10. Alternanthera serpens Pedersen. sp. nov. bus dense vestita Folia petiolo ca. 1/10 longitudinis 2- 4 cm longa, 1-2.5 cm lata, late ouata, acuta aut plerumque obttisa, basi truncata. rnucronata, pilis ± Herbu procumbens teste collectorum ad nodos radicans: 0.7 mm longis vtrinque dense vestita. Flores in spicastris radix non vidi. Caulis 0.08-0.2 cm crassus. teres, ad solitariis terminalibus 80-115 mm pedunculatis otnfbr- nodos incrassatus, in sicco caperatus, novellus pilis ± mibus ad 12 mm diametro aingcsti: bractea 3-3.5 mm 0.3 mm longis vix ramosis albidis antrorsts vestitus. mox longa, ouata, acuta, vulgn dorso appmso-piloso; bractro- glaber. Folia opposita saepe inaequitonga, subsessilia, lae 4.5-4.75 mm longue. acuminatae, crista ad suhamplexicaulia, 1-5.2 x 0.2-0-5 cm, anguste oblonga, 0.25 mm lata serntta dorso ornatae, piiosae; perian- utriuque acuta, uninervia nervis secundariis non notis, thium 0.5-1 mm pedicellatum, tepala 4.5-5 mm longa, nervus in mucronent crassum ad 0.2-0.3 mm longum oblonga anguste ablango-<n>atave. acuta, dorso pilis 0.3- excurriens, novella sut dense pilis ut iis caulis vestita, 0.4 mm longis vestita; stamina 2,5-2.7 mm longa anthe- mox glabra. Flores in spicastris sessilibus solitariis termi- ris 1-1.2 mm longis, filamentis ad medium vel supra nalibus aut spurie axillaribus globosis vel breviter cylin- 224 ADANSONIA, sér. 3 • 1997 • 19(2) 3 cm Ti xial tepal seen ffom lecium: K, gynoecium; r. 3 • 1997 • 19 (2)

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