HESPERIA: SUPPLEMENT 28 SzTUDIE INS ARCHAIC C ORINTHIAN VASE PAINTING BY D. A. AMYX PATRICIAL AWRENCE AND THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 1 996 HESPERIA: SUPPLEMENT 28 STUDIES IN ARCHAIC CORINTHIANVA SE PAINTING BY D. A. AMYX PATRICIA LAWRENCE AND THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 1996 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Amyx, Darrell A. (DarrellA rlynn), 1911- Studies in Archaic Corinthian vase painting / by D.A. Amyx and Patricia Lawrence p. cm. - (Hesperia, Supplement; 28) Includes bibligraphicalr eferences and index. ISBN 0-87661-528-0 (alk. paper) 1. Vase-painting, Corinthian. 2. Vases, Corinthian-Catalogs. I. Lawrence, Patricia, 1934- . II. Tide. III. Series: Hesperia (Princeton, NJ.). Supple- ment; 28. NK4645.A5 1996 738.3'82'09387-dc2O 96-43204 CIP ? American School of Classical Studies at Athens 1996 TYPOGRAPHY BY THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES PUBLICATIONS OFFICE 6-8 CHARLTON STREET, PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY PLATES BY THE STINEHOUR PRESS, LUNENBURG, VERMONT PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY PRINCETON ACADEMIC PRESS, LAWRENCEVILLE, NEW JERSEY CONTENTS PREFACE .1.................................. iii LiST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. ................................... vii SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................... ix 1 AFTERMATH by D. A. Amyx ..................................................... 3 CATALOGUE .............. ...................................... THE 31 OLnvE HARvEST .................................................... FEMALE HEADS OR PROTOMAI ............................................... 36 DOLPHINS ................................................................. 38 APPENDIX: Additional Bibliography for CorintVh II, ii, Section A ................ 48 CONCORDANCE . .................................................... 51 THE CHIMAERA GROUP AT CORINTH by Patricia Lawrence ....... ................... 53 LISTS OF ATTRIBUTIONS .................................................... 117 DODWELLIANS IN THE POTTERS' QUARTER by Patricia Lawrence ...... .............. 133 151 INDEX .................................................... A. GENERAL B. PAINTERS, POTTERS, AND GROUPS C. PROVENIENCES D. NUMBERED PIECES IN MUSEUMS AND COLLECTIONS TABLES OF PROVENIENCES .................................................... 159 PLATES ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURESI N TEXT AFTERMATH 1. Oinochoe 1, Loop Pattern. ................................................................ 4 2. Oinochoe 62, Lion and Typhon .................... ...................................... 20 THE CHImAERA GROUP AT CORINTH 1. Early and Late Middle Corinthian Plates by the Chimaera Painter: Profiles and Banding . 100 2. The Chimaera Group: Profiles and Banding .............................................. 101 3. Plan of the Potters' Quarter at Corinth . ................................................... 105 4. X1: Reconstruction of Palmette-LotusC ross. ............................................. 117 5. Gl: Reconstruction of Palmette Cross. ................................................... 125 6. G3: Reconstruction of Palmette-LotusC ross. ............................................. 125 PLATES AFTERMATH ................................................................................ 1-37 THE CHIMAERA GROUP AT CORINTH ......................................................... 38-58 DODWELLIANS IN THE POTTERS' QUARTER ..................................................... 59-64 CREDITS Plates 40 and 41: Courtesy Musee Rodin, Paris (photo: Brunojarret) Plates 42 and 43: Courtesy Assessorato Beni Culturali e Ambientali della Regione Sicilia: Museo Archeologico Regionale Caltanissetta (photo: P. Lawrence) Plates 45 and 52 (L4): Courtesy Fondazione Mormino, Banco di Sicilia, Palermo (photo: Giuseppe Capellani) Plates 46-49: Courtesy Akademisches Kunstmuseum,B onn (photo: P. Lawrence) Plate 50: Courtesy Musee du Louvre (photo: M. Chuzeville) Plate 52 (L10): Courtesy Assessorato Beni Culturali e Ambientali della Regione Sicilia: Museo Arche- ologico Regionale "Paolo Orsi" Siracusa (photo: museum) The remaining photographs are from the Corinth Excavationsf iles. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY AND ABBREVIATIONS VOLUMES ABV=J. D. Beazley,A tticB lack-FigurVe ase-PainterOs,x ford 1956 Amyx, D. A. 1961a. "The Alabastron of Oinanthe," AM 76, 1961, pp. 12-14 . 1961b. "The Medallion Painter,"A JA 65, pp. 1-15 .1971. "Dodwelliana," CSCA4 , pp. 3-48 Anderson,J . K. 1958-1959. "Old Smyrna: The Corinthian Pottery,"B SA 53-54, pp. 138-151 AntDenk= AntikeD enkmale(rD eutsches Archaologisches Institut), Berlin 1891-1931 ArgiveH eraeum= C. Waldstein, TheA rgiveH eraeumB, oston/New York, 1902 Arias, P. E., M. Hirmer, and B. Shefton. 1961. A Historyo f a Thousandre arso f GreekV aseP ainting(t rans.a nd rev. by Shefton), New York ARV2= J. D. Beazley,A tticR ed-FigurVe ase-Painter2sn, d ed., Oxford 1963 Bakir,G . 1981. SophilosM, ainz Bakir,T 1974. Der Kolonnettenkrainte Kr orinthu ndA ttikaz wischen6 25 und5 50 v. Chr.( Beitrdgzeu rA rchdolog7ie) , Wtirzburg BeazleyA ddenda= L. Burn and R. Glynn, BeazleyA ddendaA: dditionaRl eferencetos A BJ<A RV2,a ndP aralipomena, Oxford 1982 Benson, J. L. 1956. "Some Notes on Corinthian Vase-Painters,"A JA 60, 1956, pp. 219-230 * 1964. "The ErlenmeyerP ainter,"A ntX 7, pp. 72-81 * 1971. 'A Floral Master of the Chimaera Group: The Otterlo Painter,"A ntK 14, pp. 13-24 * 1979. Review of D. A. Amyx and P. Lawrence, CorinthV II, ii, in Gnomon51 , pp. 773-777 * 1983. "Corinthian Kotyle Workshops,"H esperia5 2, pp. 311-326 See also CorinthX V, iii. Bentz,J. L. 1982. "Potterya t Corinth from the Mid-Sixth to the Mid-Fifth Century B.C." (diss. University of Cincinnati 1982) Blomberg, M. 1983. Observationons theD odwellP ainter( MedelhavsmuseMete, moir 4), Stockholm Boehlau,J . 1899. Aus ionischeunn di talischeNn ekropolenL,e ipzig Brijder,A . G. 1983. SianaC upsl and KomasCt ups,A msterdam Brownlee, A. 1987. "AtticB lack Figure from Corinth: I," Hesperia5 6, pp. 73-95 Callipolitis-Feytmans,D . 1962. "Evolution du plat corinthien," BCH 86, pp. 117-164 1970. "Dinos corinthien de Vari," ApXEcp1 970, pp. 86-113 1974. Lesp lats attique2s f iguresn oisesP, aris Carter, R. E. 1953. 'A Terracotta Tetrapod Dedication at Corinth," Hesperia2 2, pp. 209-214 Chamay, J., and J.-L. Maier. 1984. Ctramiquecso rinthiennesC: ollectiond u docteuJre an Lauffenburg(eHr ellase t RomaI II), Geneva CorinthR: esultso f ExcavationCs onductebdy t heA mericanS choool f ClassicaSl tudiesa t Athens VII, i = S. Weinberg, The Geometraicn dO rientalizinPgo tteryC, ambridge, Mass. 1943 VII, ii = D. A. Amyx and P. Lawrence, ArchaicC orinthiaPno tterya ndt heA naplogaW ell,P rinceton 1975 XIII = C. W Blegen, H. Palmer,a nd R. S. Young, TheN orthC emeterPy,r inceton 1964 XV, i = A. N. Stillwell, TheP ottersQ' uarterP, rinceton 1948 XV, iii = A. N. Stillwell andJ. L. Benson, TheP ottersQ' uarterT: heP otteryP, rinceton 1984 XVIII, i = E. Pemberton, The Sanctuaroyf Demetearn dK ore:T he GreekP otteryP, rinceton 1989 Corinthiac=a CorinthiacaS:t udiesin Honoro f DarrelAl . Amyx,M . A. Del Chiaro, ed., Columbia, Mo. 1986 CorVP= D. A. Amyx, CorinthianV aseos f theA rchaicP eriodB, erkeley/Los Angeles 1988 CVA= C-Vorsopruusm antiquorum x SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY AND ABBREVIATIONS DarSag = C. Daremberg and E. Saglio, Dictionnairdee sa ntiquitigsr ecqueest romainesP, aris 1875 DelosX = C. Dugas, Lesv asesd e l'HPraio(nE xplorationasr chdologiqudeeDs LlosX ), Paris 1928 Ducat,J. 1962. "Chronologie absolue de l'archaisme,"B CH 86, pp. 165-184 Dunbabin, T., and M. Robertson. 1953. "Some ProtocorinthianV ase-Painters,"B SA 48, pp. 172-181 Geagan, H. 1970. "MythologicalT hemes on the Plaques from Penteskouphia,"A A [JdI 85], pp. 31-48 Giudice, F., et al. 1992. La collezionaer cheologidcae lB ancod i Sicilia:c eramicfaig urataP, alermo Johansen, F. 1964. "Et korinthisk Fad af 'Chimaera-Maleren',"M eddelelsefrra Jy CarlsberGg lyptotek21 , pp. 42-51 Johansen, K. F. 1923. Les vasess icyoniensP,a ris KerameikVosI , ii = K. Kubler,D ie Nekropoledne ss pdten8 . bisfrilen 6. JahrhundertBs,e rlin 1970 Kocybala, A. Forthcoming. The ExtramuraSla nctuaroyf Demetear nd Persephonaet CyreneL, ibya. Final Reports: The CorinthiaPno tteryP, hiladelphia Kraiker,W 1951. Aigna, die Vasend esI O. bis 7. JahrhundertBs,e rlin Kritzas, C. B. 1977. AeXt 28, 1973, B' 1 [1977], pp. 132-134 Kabler, K. 1950. AltattischMe alrei, Tubingen Lane, A. 1948. GreekP otteryL, ondon Lawrence, P. 1959. "The Corinthian Chimaera Painter,"A JA6 3, pp. 348-363 . 1984. "The Samos Painter,"A JA 88, pp. 59-64 .1986. Review of A. N. Stillwell andJ. L. Benson, CorinthX V, iii, in AJA9 0, pp. 237-238 Lo Porto, F. G. 1959-1960. "Ceramica arcaica dalla necropoli di Taranto," ASAtene3 7-38, n.s. 21-22, pp. 7-230 Mano, A. 1971. "Nekropoli i Apollonis6-Tuma 1," Iliria:S tudimde hem aterialaer keologji(kTei rana Univ.) 1 Moon, W, and L. Berge. 1979. GreekV ase-Paintining M idwesternC ollectionCs,h icago Munsell 1973 = Munsell Soil Color Charts, Baltimore 1973 Necrocorinth=ia H . Payne, NecrocorinthOiax, ford 1931 (referencest o its catalogue are prefixed "NC") Neeft, C. 1984. "The Dolphin Painter and His Workshop,"i n Studiesin the Chronologoyf CorinthiaPno ttey, Amsterdam (= BABesch5 2-53, 1977-1978, pp. 133-170) 1991. Addendaet CorrigendtoaD . A. Amyx,C orinthiaVn ase-Paintining t heA rchaicP eriodA, msterdam Ohly, D. 1961. "Die Chimaren des Chimarenmalers. Zum Krater mit Chimara und Bellerophon im Kerameikosmuseum,"A M 76, pp. 1-11 Papapostolou, I. <<IapaxTprEs &IYytV C(rPtLXG)V& yyEtGV& 'IaJXLaO>A>L, eXt2 3, A', 1968, pp. 77-98 Papaspyridi-Karouzou,S . 1963. 'Ayytecaz oi 'Avayupo~vtoq,A thens Paralipomen=aJ . D. Beazley,P aralipomenAad: ditiontso A ttic Black-FigureV ase-Paintersa ndt oA ttic Red-Figure Vase-Painters,O xford 1971 Payne, H. 1933. ProtokorinthiscVhaes enmaler(Beii ldergriechischVears en)B, erlin PerachorIaI = H. Payne, T. Dunbabin, and R. Hopper, TheS anctuarieosf HeraA kraiaa ndL imeniaO, xford 1962 Rafn, B. 1978. "The Corinthian Chimaera Group,"A ctaA 49, 1978, pp. 151-190 Rizza, G. 1960. "Stipe votiva di un santuario di Demetra a Catania," BdA4 5, pp. 247-262 Salmon,J. B. 1984. WealthCy orinthA: Historyo f theC iy to 333 B.C., Oxford Schefold, K. 1960. Meisterwergkrei echischKeru nstB, asel Scheibler, I. 1961. "Olpen und Amphoren des Gorgomalers,"J dI 76, pp. 1-47 Seeberg, A. 1971. CorinthiaKn omosV asesL, ondon 1973. "Tomba Campana, Corinth, Veii," in HamburgeBre itrdgzeu rA rchdologIiIeI , ii, pp. 66-80 Strom, I. 1961. "The Painter of Louvre E 574," ActaA3 2, pp. 173-192 TocraI =J. Boardman andJ. Hayes, TheA rchaiDc eposits( Excavationast Tocra1, 963-1965 I), London 1966 Weinberg, S. 1948. 'A Cross-Section of Corinthian Antiquities,"H esperia1 7, pp. 197-241 Williams, C. K. 1972. "Corinth, 1971: ForumA rea," Hesperia4 1, pp. 143-184 . 1982. "The Early Urbanization of Corinth,"A SAten6e 0, n.s. 44, pp. 9-20 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY AND ABBREVIATIONS PERIODICALS AA = ArchdologischAenrz eiger ActaA= Actaa rchaeologi(cCa openhagen) AJA = AmericaJno urnalo fA rchaeology AM = Mitteilungedne sD eutsclzeAnr chiologischIenns titutsA, thenischAeb teilung AntK= AntikeK unst ArchC=l Archeologciala ssica ApXEq = 'ApXaL0oyXLXh' EylVeptq ASAtene= Annuariod eltaS cuolaa rcheologicdaiA tenee delleM issionii talianein Oriente BABesch= Bulletina niekeb eschavinAg.n nualP aperso n ClassicaAl rchaeology BCH = Bulletind e correspondenhceel linique BdA = Bollettinod 'arte BICS = Bulletino f theI nstituteo f ClassicaSl tudieso f theU niversiyo f London BMFA= Bulletino f theM useumo f FineA rts,B oston BSA = Annualo f theB ritishS chooal t Athens CR = ClassicaRl eview CSCA= CaliforniSa tudiesin ClassicaAl ntiquity AeX-t = 'ApXctLoXoyLx0vA EXtEov JdI = Jahrbuchd esD eutscheAn rchiologischIenns tituts JHS = Journalo f HellenicS tudies MonAnt= Accademinaa zionaled eiL inceiM, onumenatin tichi NSc = Accademinaa zionaled eiL inceiN, otizied eglis cavid i antiquit& ABBREVIATIONS IN TEXT a.f. = animal frieze 1. = left b.-f. = black-figured max. = maximum Diam. = diameter p. = preserved dim. = dimension r. = right f.o. = filling ornament rest. = restored H. = height W = Width int. = interior Colors In descriptions of banding, fine lines are indicated by lower-case letters, heavier stripes by upper case. b (B) black r (R) red y (Y) yellow w (W) white Dates EPC, MPC, LPC = Early,M iddle, Late Protocorinthian TR = Transitional EC, MC, LC = Early,M iddle, Late Corinthian PREFACE T HE THRUST of HesperiaS upplement 28 is twofold. The first unit of the tripartite organization of this publication is 'Aftermath", a study by D. A. Amyx that updates the work he did in CorinthV II, ii. In 1981 the focus of the Corinth excavations turned to the Roman levels east of the Theater in Ancient Corinth and then in 1989 continued in Frankish levels southeast of Temple E. Since 1980 nothing of significance for the study of hands in Archaic Corinthian pottery that would need inclusion in 'Aftermath"h as been recovered from the excavations. Thus 'Aftermath"a nd CorinthV II, ii together stand as a full catalogue of and commentary on painters at present contained in the collection of the Corinth Excavations. The other two parts of Supplement 28 are the work of Patricia Lawrence. In "The Chimaera Group at Corinth" she discusses that group and its importance by a close examination of the material excavated at Corinth. "Dodwellians in the Potters' Quarter" is a new examination of material that has been presented in CorinthX V, iii, together with fifteen additional fragments. This third study attests to the facts that several Dodwellians are present in the pottery excavated in the Potters' Quarter and that the Geladakis Painter is richly represented along with the Dodwellians. It is the pleasure of the present Field Director of the Corinth Excavations to acknowl- edge the achievements of Professor Amyx, who has worked for so many years to define the hands of so many Corinthian painters and to put them in an order that allows them to be discussed by the world at large. It is as much a pleasure to congratulate Professor Lawrence, a student of ProfessorA myx and a highly skilled scholar in her own right, on the work that she has done to advance the precise defining of the Chimaera Group, the Dodwellians, and the Geladakis Painter. CHARLES KAUFMAN WILLIAMS II October 1996 AFTERMATH