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Statistical Models and Control Charts for High-Quality Processes PDF

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Statistical Models and Control Charts for High-Quality Processes Statistical Models and Control Charts for High-Quality Processes By MXie Dept ofIndustrial andSystems Engineering National University ofSingapore Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119260 TNGoh Dept ofIndustrial andSystems Engineering National University ofSingapore KentRidge Crescent, Singapore 119260 V Kuralmani Institute ofHigh Performance Computing 1Science ParkDrive IL Singapore 117528 KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS BOSTON/DORDRECHT/LONDON Distributors for North, Central and South America: Kluwer Academic Publishers 101 Philip Drive Assinippi Park Norwell, Massachusetts 02061 USA Telephone (781) 871-6600 Fax (781) 681-9045 E-Mail: [email protected] Distributors for all other countries: Kluwer Academic Publishers Group Post Office Box 322 3300 AH Dordrecht, THE NETHERLANDS Telephone 31 786 576 000 Fax 31 786576474 E.-.M...ail: [email protected] " Electronic Services < http://www.wkap.nl> Library ofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData AC.I.P. Cataloguerecordforthis bookisavailable fromthe LibraryofCongress. Statistical Models and Control Charts for High-QualityProcesses ISBN: 1-4020-7074-8 Copyright©2002 byKluwerAcademicPublishers All rights reserved. No partofthis workmaybereproduced, stored inaretrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,microfilming,recording, orotherwise,withoutthewrittenpermission fromthePublisher,withtheexceptionofanymaterialsuppliedspecificallyforthe purposeofbeingenteredand executedonacomputersystem, forexclusiveuse by thepurchaserofthe work. PermissionforbookspublishedinEurope: permissions(mwkap.nl Permissionsforbookspublishedinthe UnitedStatesofAmerica: [email protected] Printedonacid-freepaper. Contents Preface xi Acknowledgements xv 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Basics ofstatistical processcontrol 2 1.2. Inadequacies oftraditional attribute charts 9 1.3. Need for qualityimprovement 14 1.4. Commonprobability distributionsin SPC 17 2. Control Charts with Probability Limits 21 2.1. Use ofprobabilitylimits 21 2.2. Settingup acontrol chartbased on probability limits 24 2.3. Probability limits for improvementdetection 32 2.4. Limitations withprobabilitylimits 36 3. Cumulative Count ofConforming (CCC) chart 39 3.1. Thebasic idea 39 3.2. Settingup the CCCchart 41 3.3. Decision-makingrelated to CCCchart 42 3.4. CCCchartfor grouped measurement 50 3.5. Some comparisons with 3-sigmalimits 58 3.6. Cumulative quantitycontrol (CQC) chart 63 VI StatisticalModelsand ControlCharts forHigh-QualityProcesses 4. Process Improvement Detection 67 4.1. Potential forprocess improvement 67 4.2. Using eeechartfor process improvement 73 5. Modified Implementation ofGeometric Chart 77 5.1. Optimum limits for maximumaverage run length 78 5.2. Chartbased ontransformations 84 5.3. A conditional decision procedure 93 5.4. Effects ofinspection errors 100 5.5. Effects ofestimated control limits 106 6. Some Extensions to the Geometric Model 111 6.1. Negative binomial control chart 112 6.2. Modified Poisson model 118 6.3. AMarkov model for dependentcounts 130 6.4. A model for correlatedattributeprocesses 136 6.5. Some issues for further research 142 7. CUSUMand EWMA Procedures 145 7.1. General eUSUMprocedure 146 7.2. eUSUMwith eeedata 155 7.3. BasicsofEWMA charts 166 7.4. EWMA with eeedata 170 8. Monitoring ofMultiple Process Characteristics 177 8.1. Need andapproaches for multiple characteristics 178 8.2. Multivariate np (Mnp) byweightedaverage 181 8.3. A chartwith multinomial distribution 191 8.4. Some issues for furtherresearch 203 Contents Vll 9. Economic Design ofGeometric Chart 205 9.1. TheLorenzen and Vance model for economic design 206 9.2. Economic design ofCCCchart 208 9.3. Economic-statistical design ofCCCchart 220 9A. Some further extensions 225 10. Monitoring and Adjustment ofTrended Processes 237 10.1. Adjustment forprocess improvement 238 10.2. Interpretation oftraditional Shewhartchart 240 10.3. Modificationofprocess capabilityindices 248 lOA. Costconsideration and decisionmaking 254 References 263 SubjectIndex 275 Contributing Authors M. Xie received his PhD in Quality Technology with from Linkoping University, Sweden, in 1987. T.N. Gob received his PhD from the University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA, in 1973. V. Kuralmani received his PhD in statistics from BharathiarUniversity, India, in 1993. They have extensive experience in research, teaching and consulting in the area ofquality engineering. ProfXie, a Senior Member ofAmerican Society for Quality and IEEE, also serves as an editor of Int J of Reliability, Quality, and Safety Engineering. Prof Goh is an Elected Academician ofthe International Academy for Quality and a Fellow of the American Society for Quality. Preface Can we improve a zero-defects (ZD) process? The answer to this seemingly impossible question is actually YES! It all depends on what we mean by "zero-defect". Continuous improvement is always possible and should be both said and implemented. One should strive to "do it better each time" rather than to "do it right the first time" (that could be wrong next time). In reality, what is right today could be wrong tomorrow and vice versa. Think about Galileo and how right he was in histime, whenhe was regarded as totally wrong! Statistical process control based on statistical control charts has been widely used in industry to monitor processes that are far from ZD. Its use in a near ZD manufacturing environment has faced many problems. It is our intention in writing this book to present some recently developed techniques for using control charts. The aim is to provide control charts to monitora process inthe broadest sense. This means not only process deterioration can be detected, but also possibilities of process improvement can be discovered, so that further improvement in anear ZD environmentbecomespossible. It is our hope that based on rigorous analysis and the simplicity ofthe approaches, control charts can be better implemented especially in a high quality environment. Control charts, ifproperly used, can be much more useful than what has been traditionally presented. In this book, we summarize some recent findings and applications of statistical control chart techniques for processes with only occasional problems. The focus is on the modification oftraditional control charts for attributes and one at-a-time measurements. Such a process is of growing importance in xu StatisticalModels and ControlCharts forHigh-QualityProcesses industry today. Some related techniques for variable charts and charts basedon conventional sampled data are also discussed. Chapter 1briefly reviews the control charts that are widely used today and discusses some potential problems ifthe traditional approach is used in a near ZD environment. We also summarize techniques for solving such problems, with details presented in the rest ofthe book. Notations and terminology relevant to this book are also provided although we have tried to follow the commonestones in the existingliterature. Chapter 2discusses the need for using probability limits, atopic that has only been occasionally discussed elsewhere. In a near ZD environment, the normal approximation is far from valid and thus probability limits can be considered to allow appropriate application of control chart principles. Chapter 3presents apowerful technique based on counting of the cumulative conforming (eeG) items between two nonconforming ones. The eeechartis veryeasyto implement, yet efficient in detecting process changes in a near ZD environment. Although eee chart is developed for discrete production process in form ofcount ofitems, for continuous production, a related chart based on the cumulative quantity produced is also described. Throughout the book we pay as much attention to improvement detection as to process deterioration, and we specifically devote Chapter 4 to the issues related to process improvement. Some practical and managerial issues are discussed, as they are important to effective implementation of statistical process control. Some extensions ofthe eeechart with regard to its implementation are discussed in Chapter 5. The focus is the use adjusted control limits, transformed data, and a conditional procedure. The problems with inspection error and estimated control limits that might affect the Preface xiii effectiveness of a control chart are also discussed. Some other extensions ofthe CCC scheme are presented in Chapter 6. One is to use the cumulative number of items inspected before a fixed number of nonconforming items are observed. In this case, negative binomial distribution is used. When the process can be modeled as a ZD process subjectto random disturbances which may lead to anumberofdefects, a modified Poisson model is developed and illustrated. Furthermore, for high-quality processes and automatically collected one-at-a-time data, some simplemodels for dependence are presented. Chapters 7to 10, which can be read independently ofeach other, discuss some further issues related to control chart analysis and applications. Chapter 7 presents the application ofcumulative sum and exponentially weighted moving average techniques applied to CCC-related data. These proceduresare known tobeable to detect small process shifts andcan be adopted with the standard CCC chart. In Chapter 8, some multivariate methods and their applications are studied. Economic design ofcontrol chart procedures is discussed based on the CCC chart in Chapter 9. Finally, Chapter 10 presents the analysis of a type of trended, but regularly adjusted process, which is common because ofthe widely used replacement and maintenance policies specified by equipment manufacturers. We explain how the traditional Shewhart control charts can be used with proper interpretation and how they can be adopted for otherrelatedplanning and analysis. Withmanyexamples, charts and procedures shown throughout the book, it is hoped that these seemingly advanced approaches can be adopted by practitioners. Although the readers should have a basic knowledge of statistical process control charts to appreciate the contents, little prior knowledge isneeded to make use ofthe results.

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