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Statistical Mechanics and Hydrodynamics of Self-Propelled Hard Spheres Benjamin Hancock∗ and Aparna Baskaran† (Dated: February 7, 2017) Starting from a microscopic model of self-propelled hard spheres we use tools of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and the kinetic theory of hard spheres to derive a Smoluchowski equation for interacting Active Brownian particles. We illustrate the utility of the statistical mechanics framework developed with two applications. First, we derive the steady state pressure of the hard sphere active fluid in terms of the microscopic parameters and second, we identify the critical density for the onset of motility-induced phase separation in this system. We show that both thesequantitiesagreewellwithoverdampedsimulationsofactiveBrownianparticleswithexcluded 7 1 volumeinteractionsgivenbysteeplyrepulsivepotentials. Theresultspresentedherecanbeusedto 0 incorporate excluded volume effects in diverse models of self-propelled particles. 2 b e F I. INTRODUCTION 4 Inrecentyears,thestudyofactivematerialshasbeenontheforefrontofresearchinsoftcondensedmatterphysics. ] h A particular class of active materials is one composed of self propelled particles that convert energy from a local bath c into persistent motion. Self propelled particles describe systems on many length scales, ranging from bacteria [1, 2], e syntheticcolloids[3–5], vibratedgranularrods[6], toschoolsoffish[7,8]. Despitethefactthatthereexistscontinual m energyconsumptionanddissipationatthelevelofindividualparticles,collectionsofself-propelledparticlesformlarge- - scale,stable,coherentstructures[9]. Phenomenaexhibitedincludeathermalphaseseparationamongpurelyrepulsive t a particles [10–13], anomalous mechanical properties [14–17], emergent structures and pattern formation [18–20]. t Theoretical progress in understanding active materials has been propelled by the study of minimal models for s . self-propelled particles. The most widely studied of these minimal models is known as an active Brownian particle t a (ABP). ABPs travel with constant velocity along their body axis and the orientation of their body axis changes m through ordinary rotational diffusion. While numerical investigations of ABPs abound in the literature and have led - to a significant understanding of the dynamics of this system, analytical progress for interacting particles has been d difficult. The reason that analytical descriptions of the collective behavior remain elusive is that interactions have a n finite collision time, which in turn would result in intractable many body effects. To overcome this challenge, authors o c have taken phenomenological approaches such as incorporating the effect of interactions in a density dependence of [ the self propulsion speed [1, 11, 21–23] and a mean field version of dynamical density functional theory [24–26]. In this paper, we aim to capture these many body effects by applying the well developed theoretical framework of 2 hard-sphereliquids[27,28]toafluidconsistingofABPs. StartingwithunderdampedLangevinequationstodescribe v 0 thedynamicsofself-propelledparticlesthatinteractwithhardcoreinstantaneouscollisions, wesystematicallycoarse 5 grain the microdynamics to obtain a description applicable on longer length and time scales after which we take the 4 limit of large friction to obtain an effective description for an overdamped systems of ABPs. The primary theoretical 3 resultinthisworkisafirstprinciplesderivationofthestatisticalmechanicsofself-propelledhardspheres. Toillustrate 0 the utility of this result, we compute two well studied emergent properties in fluids of ABPs: the mechanical pressure . 1 and the phase boundary that determines the onset of athermal phase separation into a dense liquid and a dilute gas. 0 We then compare our results to those in the literature obtained from numerical studies and more phenomenological 7 theoretical approaches and use this comparison to place the context of our work within the existing body of work. 1 : v i II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK X r a A. Microdynamics Weconsiderselfpropelledharddisksintwodimensionswithparticlediameterσ,unitmass,andmomentofinertiaI. ThemicrostateofN suchharddisksisgivenbyΓ={r (t),...,r (t),v (t),...,v (t),ω (t),...,ω (t),θ (t),...,θ (t)}. 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 n Here the variables (r , v , θ , ω ) are the position, velocity, orientation, and angular velocity respectively of the i th i i i i ∗ [email protected][email protected] 2 particle. The equations of motion in this case are given by ∂ r = v and ∂ θ = ω where the linear and angular t i i t i i velocities evolve according to ∂vi =(cid:88)T(i,j)v +Fuˆ −∇V(r)−ξv +η (t) (1) ∂t i i i i j(cid:54)=i ∂ω i =−ξ ω +ηR(t). (2) ∂t R i i Here,theunitvectoruˆ =(cos(θ),sin(θ))istheorientationoftheparticle’sbodyaxisalongwhichapropulsiveforceof strengthF actsandV(r)issomeexternalpotential. ThebinarycollisionoperatorT(i,j)generatestheinstantaneous linear momentum transfer between disks at contact and is given by [27] (cid:90) T(i,j)=σ dσˆΘ(−V ·σˆ)|V ·σˆ|δ(r −σ)(b −1) (3) ij ij ij ij where σˆ is the unit normal at the point of contact directed from disk j to disk i and V = v −v . The operator ij i j b replaces pre-collisional velocities with post-collisional velocities, e.g., b v =v −(V ·σˆ)σˆ for collisions which ij 12 1 1 12 conserve energyandmomentum. The spatialdeltafunctionensures thatparticlesare incontact. Theprefactors that dependontherelativevelocitiesV ensuresthattheincomingfluxofcollidingparticlesistakenintoaccountcorrectly. ij The random forces η (t) and ηR(t) are Gaussian white noise variables with correlations given by (cid:104)ηα(t)ηβ(t(cid:48))(cid:105) = i i i j 2k Tξδ δ δ(t−t(cid:48)) and (cid:104)ηR(t)ηR(t(cid:48))(cid:105) = 2k T ξ δ δ(t−t(cid:48)) respectively. Latin indices label the particle number, B αβ ij i j B R R ij while Greek indices label the vector components of the noise. The noise amplitudes depend on parameters T,T that R have the units of temperature. These parameters need not be the same as T is an intrinsic quantity describing the R reorientation of the active drive. Thus, Eqs.(1-2) are the Langevin equations for N interacting self-propelled hard disks. For a single particle in the high friction limit these equations would reduce to the well studied [1, 7, 11, 12, 14–17, 21–24, 29–32] overdamped Langevin equations ∂ r=v uˆ+η¯ and ∂ θ =η¯R where the self-propulsion velocity is given by v =F/ξ and the noise t 0 t 0 terms are given by η¯=η/ξ and η¯R =ηR/ξ . R B. Statistical Mechanics Illustration of Coarse-graining Technique: We seek to derive the statistical mechanics of this system of self- propelled hard disks in the large friction limit. One could derive the statistical mechanics from the overdamped Langevin equation mentioned at the end of the previous subsection rather straightforwardly. In this work, we are using hard disks to be able to tractably incorporate the physics of excluded volume interactions into the statistical mechanics. In this case, the large friction limit needs to be taken at the level of the Fokker-Planck equation. In order to illustrate the technique involved, let us begin by considering a collection of noninteracting particles (described by Eqs.(1-2) without the binary collision operator). In this case the statistical mechanics is given by the one particle probability distribution function f(r,θ,v,ω,t) of finding a particle with some position r, orientation θ, velocity v, and angular velocity ω at time t. This PDF obeys the Fokker-Planck equation given by [33] ∂ f(r,θ,v,ω,t)+Df(r,θ,v,ω,t)=0 (4) t and the Fokker-Planck operator D is given by D =v·∇ +ω∂ +Fuˆ·∇ −∇ V(r)·∇ −ξ∇ ·v−ξ ∂ ω−k Tξ∇2 −k T ξ ∂2. (5) r θ v r v v R ω B v B R R ω Letusdefinetheparticleconcentrationc(r,θ,t)=(cid:82) dvdωf(r,θ,v,ω,t),atranslationalcurrentJT =(cid:82) dvdωvf(r,θ,v,ω,t), and a rotational current JR = (cid:82) dvdωωf(r,θ,v,ω,t). By taking appropriate velocity moments of Eq.(4), one finds that the concentration field obeys a conservation law of the form ∂ c+∇ ·JT +∂ JR =0. (6) t r1 θ In the large friction limit, the currents are given by lim JT =−1(cid:2)−Fuˆc+c∇V(r)+∇·(cid:104)v⊗v(cid:105)+∂ (cid:104)ωv(cid:105)(cid:3) (7a) t(cid:29)1/ξ ξ θ lim JR =− 1 (cid:2)∇·(cid:104)ωv(cid:105)+∂ (cid:104)ω2(cid:105)(cid:3) (7b) t(cid:29)1/ξR ξR θ 3 where the brackets in the above represent averages over linear and angular velocities. In order to have a closed equation for the concentration we must evaluate the averages in Eqs.(7a-7b). We assume the PDF can be written as (cid:114) f(r,θ,v,ω,t)= 1 1 c(r,θ,t)e−(v2−kvB0Tuˆ)2e−2kBω2TR (8) 2πk T 2πk T B B R with v = F/ξ. This assumption says that in this large friction regime, there exists separation of time scales for 0 spatial relaxations and velocity relaxations, the latter being fast and so at late times, the velocity distribution has relaxed to its local equilibrium form [33]. The velocity averages can then be evaluated and the dynamical equation reads ∂ c+v uˆ·∇c−ξ−1∇·(cid:2)c∇V(r)(cid:3)−∇·D↔·∇c−D ∂2c=0 (9) t 0 r θ In the above Dr = kBξrTR and the diffusion tensor is of the following form Dαβ = D(cid:107)uˆαuˆβ +D⊥(δαβ −uˆαuˆβ). With D = v2ξ−1+k Tξ−1 and D = k Tξ−1. Note that in the completely thermal limit we recover ordinary isotropic (cid:107) 0 B ⊥ B diffusion D = ξ−1k Tδ = D δ . In the purely self-propelled limit we obtain D = ξ−1v2uˆ uˆ as was αβ B αβ t αβ αβ 0 1α 1β reported in [33] for self-propelled hard rods. This procedure yields the well studied Smoluchowski equation for ABPs that others have obtained [23, 24, 30]. Result: Now, repeatingthecalculationbutretainingthehardcoreinteractions(seeAppendixA),theSmoluchowski equation is of the following form ∂ c+∇ ·JT −D ∂2c=0 (10) t r r θ Note that the rotational part of the Smoluchowksi equation remains unchanged because no torques are exerted in a collision of smooth disks. However, the translational current has the form JT =v uˆc−ξ−1c∇V(r)−D↔·∇c+ξ−1(cid:0)Ithermal+Isp+Icross(cid:1). (11) 0 ThefirstthreetermsofEq.(11)areequivalenttothetermsinEq.(9)andtheadditionaltermsinEq.(11)arecollisional contributions to the translational current. They are given by 4π2σ(k T)3 (cid:90) Ithermal = B c(2)(r ,θ ,r −σ,θ ,t)σˆ (12a) α (2πk T +v2)2 1 1 1 2 α B 0 σˆ,θ2 σv6 (cid:90) Isp = 0 Θ(−uˆ ·σˆ)(uˆ ·σˆ)2c(2)(r ,θ ,r −σ,θ ,t)σˆ (12b) α (2πk T +v2)2 12 12 1 1 1 2 α B 0 σˆ,θ2 σ (cid:90) Icross = c(2)(r ,θ ,r −σ,θ ,t) (12c) α (2πk T +v2)2 1 1 1 2 B 0 σˆ,θ2 (cid:112) ×[2π(k T)2v2+πk Tv4((uˆ ·σˆ)2+(uˆ ·σˆ)2)− 8π(k T)3v3uˆ ·σˆ]σˆ B 0 B 0 1 2 B 0 12 α and where uˆ =uˆ −uˆ . 12 1 2 Discussion: 1. TheabovecollisionalcontributionsinEq.(10)allhavetheformofameanfieldforce,I =(cid:82) F (θ ,θ ,σˆ)c(2)(r ,θ ,r − α σˆ,θ2 α 1 2 1 1 1 σ,θ ,t). Where F (θ ,θ ,σˆ) is some orientation dependent force density and c(2)(r ,θ ,r −σ,θ ,t) is the two 2 α 1 2 1 1 1 2 body probability distribution function of finding particle 1 with position r and orientation θ and particle 2 1 1 with position r −σ and orientation θ at a time t (see fig.1). 1 2 2. Inthecompletelythermallimit(v =0)theonlytermthatwouldcontributetothecollisionintegralisEq.(12a) 0 andwouldreproducethestatisticalmechanicsofthermalhardspheresintheoverdampedlimit. Thisisprecisely the contribution one would find starting from the revised Enskog theory [34–36]. 3. Eq.(12b) is a contribution from collisions arising from self-propulsion alone. Within this equation is a theta functionwhichconstrainstherangeofallowedorientationsoftheself-propulsiondirectionofthesecondparticle. That is, the theta function is nonzero only for orientations that would result in a collision. 4. Eq.(12c) is a collisional contribution that arises from the coupling of thermal noise and self-propulsion and contains the leading order contribution to the translational current from the collisions among particles (see Appendix A). Inthissectionwehaveoutlinedthesystematicderivationofthestatisticalmechanicsofself-propelledhardspheres. Theresultsdescribedaboveshouldbeusefultodescribeanycollectionofactiveparticlesthatinteractthroughstrongly repulsiveshortrangeinteractions,aswillbeshowninlatersections. Wenowillustratetheapplicabilityofthederived statistical mechanics by investigating some macroscopic properties of a fluid of active particles. 4 FIG. 1. (color online) An illustration of a collision between particle 1 with orientation uˆ (θ ) and particle 2 with orientation 1 1 uˆ (θ ) . The unit normal vector σˆ at the point of contact is directed from particle 2 to particle 1. A collision can occur when 2 2 thecenterofparticle2liesanywhereonthedottedline,asillustratedbythegrayspheres. Themeanfieldforceisobtainedby integrating over all configurations uˆ ,uˆ and σˆ 1 2 III. STEADY STATE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES As a first illustration, we seek to use the statistical mechanics developed above to calculate a steady state property of this system. Let us consider the pressure of an active fluid. As has been shown in [16] this is indeed a state variable for self-propelled particles in the absence of any torques as is the case for smooth hard disks considered here. Mechanically one can then define pressure by considering the system as being confined by a wall at some position x (cid:29) 0 (see fig.2). represented by some confining potential V(x) and where x = 0 is taken to be deep in the bulk w FIG. 2. (color online) An illustration of the confining potential of the active particle fluid. We assume that deep in the bulk of the fluid the density has a constant bulk value ρ , 0 far beyond x the density vanishes, and that the system stays uniform in the yˆ-direction. By Newton’s 3rd Law, the w pressure can be computed from the total force acting on the wall, (cid:90) ∞ P = ρ(x)∂ V(x)dx. (13) x 0 Using the procedure developed in [16] (see Appendix B for details), we arrive at the following expression for the pressure P =P0+(cid:90) dθ(cid:20)Dv0 uˆx(Ixthermal+Ixsp+Ixcross)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) +(cid:90) ∞(Ixthermal+Ixsp+Ixcross)dx(cid:21). (14) r x=0 0 5 In the above, P0 = (cid:0)2vD02ξr + v202 +kBT(cid:1)ρ0 is the pressure of noninteracting self-propelled particles and I’s are the collision kernels given in Eqs. (12a-12c). To make any further analytic progress we must evaluate integrals over the collisional contributions which involve thetwobodydistributionc(2). Wenowmaketheansatzthatthistwobodydistributioncanbewrittenasafunctional of the one body distributions in the following way, c(2)(r1,θ1,r2,θ2,t)=g(r1,r2(cid:12)(cid:12)ρ(r,t))c(r1,θ1,t)c(r2,θ2,t), (15) (cid:12) where g(r1,r2(cid:12)ρ(r,t)) is a functional of the density field. For thermal hard spheres, this function g is the equilibrium paircorrelationfunctionanditprovidesanexactfunctionalrelationshipbetweentheoneandtwobodydistributions. Inthecaseofself-propelledparticles, thisansatzcannotbeexactasweexpectorientationalcorrelationstoplaysome role. Such orientational correlations were in fact characterized in [24] through the use of density functional theory and simulations. A systematic estimation of g, even in the limited form we have chosen is a hard problem that is beyond the scope of the present work. In the following, we use the form of g associated with thermal hard spheres at contact. Thatis,weassumeorientationalcorrelationscanbeneglectedandthatpositionalcorrelationsareaccounted for in the same way as for thermal hard spheres. The test of the validity of this assumption will be the comparison to numerical simulations considered later in this presentation. For the rest of the paper we use the well known estimate ofthecontactpair-correlationfunctionknownastheCarnahan-Starlingpair-correlationfunctionin2dimensions[34]. g(cid:0)r1,r2(cid:12)(cid:12)ρ(r,t)(cid:1)=g(σ|ρ)= (11−−1φ76)φ2, (16) where φ= πρσ2 is the packing fraction. This estimate is known to give an accurate description of the fluid phase of 4 hard spheres and consequently, this approximation will not capture crystallization effects. We also note that one can choose other estimates of the pair correlation function, such as the Hypernetted Chain [34], to approximate density correlations in different parameter regimes. With the ansatz above, the computation of the pressure in Eq.(14) reduces to integrals over the one particle distribution function c(r,θ) which is in turn the steady state solution to the Smoluchowski equation Eq.(10). Using the standard procedure [23, 37] of representing the distribution as a harmonic expansion in terms of the angular moments, c = ρ + 1P·uˆ +Q↔ : (uˆuˆ − 1I)+... where P = (cid:82) dθuˆc, is the first 2π π 2 moment,Q↔ =(cid:82) dθ(uˆuˆ−1I)cisthesecondmoment,andassumingalow-momentclosure(i.e.,truncatingthemoment 2 expansion at some order, see appendix C for details) we can now evaluate the integrals in Eq.(14) with the result ξv P =P +λ g(σ)ρ2−g(σ) 0λ ρ2. (17) 0 D 0 D I 0 r Intheabove, theconstantsλ andλ controlthestrengthofthecollisionalcontributionstothepressureanddepend D I on the microscopic parameters (see appendix D for the explicit forms). In order to understand the structure of this result, itis usefultoconsider somelimits ofEq.(17). First, in theabsence oftheself-propulsion (i.e. v =0)we have. 0 (cid:18) πσ2g(σ) (cid:19) P =k Tρ 1+ ρ (18) B 0 2 0 This is precisely what one would find when calculating the pressure for a hard sphere gas when using Revised-Enskog theory [38, 39]. It consists of the ideal gas term plus an additional correction due to the hard core interactions. In the athermal limit (i.e. k T =0) we obtain B v2 v2 3π 2v3σ P = 0 ρ + 0ρ + v2σ2g(σ)ρ2− 0 g(σ)ρ2 (19) 2D ξ−1 0 2 0 16 o 0 3 D 0 r r This limit (k T =0) has been simulated in [16] using the Weeks-Chandler-Andersen (WCA) potential. Even though B this interaction has a finite collision time we find that our expression captures the computed pressure well for low to moderate densities (see fig.3), thus illustrating the validity of our results for systems with short-range strongly repulsive interactions. Finally, we compare our result for the pressure with those already in the literature for an overdamped system of ABPs interacting with repulsive potentials. In [40], the authors use fluctuating hydrodynamics to derive expressions for the pressure of interacting ABPs in terms of correlation functions between moments of c(r,θ,t). They find that the pressure can be written as the sum of three terms P = P +P +P where P is the ideal active pressure and 0 I D 0 tPhe=”in(cid:82)d∞iredcxt(cid:82)pdre2srs(cid:48)uFre(”r(cid:48)P−Ira)n(cid:104)dρ(”r(cid:48)d)iρr(erc)t(cid:105)pwrehsesruereF” PisDthaerecogmivpenonreenstpeocfttivheelyinbteyraPcIti=onDvf0orr(cid:82)cedb2re(cid:48)tFwxe(ern(cid:48))p(cid:104)ρa(rrti(cid:48)c)Plexs(a0n)(cid:105)datnhde D 0 x x 6 FIG. 3. (color online) In this figure Eq.(19) was made dimensionless by P = P∗ξD , v = v∗σD , ρ = ρ∗σ−2, k T = r 0 0 r 0 0 B k T∗ξσ2D . Left: The pressure in the athermal limit. The dots are the simulated results of ABPs interacting via the WCA B r potential. Thesolidblacklineisthetheoreticalexpression(Eq.(19))withafitparameterα=D /ξ=.027. Thedashedlineis r thenoninteractingpressure. Right: Thepressurewhentemperatureisincluded(Eq.(17))leadingtoanincreaseinthepressure as the temperature is increased. angular brackets here represent an average over the noise. In our theory, we start with a noise averaged dynamical equation. The analogous contributions for the pressure in our case are as follows. The second term in Eq. (14) is the indirect pressure P and is indeed the evaluation of the corresponding correlation function over the solution of the I Smoluchowski equation for the case of hard spheres. The third term in Eq. (14) is the direct pressure P evaluated D for our hard core interactions. We also note that in [40] the authors prove that the sum P +P is equivalent to the 0 I ”swim pressure” investigated by [14, 15] and the same equivalence holds between our theory and the swim pressure as well. Summarizing, in this section, we have used the statistical mechanics of self propelled hard spheres to tractably evaluatetheinteractioncontributionstothepressureofanactivefluid. Wehavefoundgoodagreementwithnumerical simulations of the pressure of ABPs interacting via a steeply repulsive potential with a finite collision time, thus illustrating the usefulness of the derived statistical mechanics for a variety of model active fluids. IV. HYDRODYNAMICS AND PHASE SEPARATION As a second illustration of the utility of the nonequilibrium statistical mechanics constructed here, we derive and characterize a dynamical description of an active fluid on length scales long compared to the particle diameter and time scale long compared to the mean free time. In this regime, the relevant dynamical variables are the conserved quantities and quantities associated with any possible broken symmetries that couple to them. The only conserved quantity is the density of particles given by the zeroth moment of the probability distribution (cid:90) ρ(r,t)= dθc(r,θ,t). (20) The other relevant dynamical quantities are higher angular moments of concentration field. Of these moments, the only relevant quantity that couples to the hydrodynamic field is the polarization described by the first moment ofthe probability distribution. (cid:90) P (r,t)= dθuˆ c(r,θ,t). (21) α α We seek to identify the dynamical equations obeyed by these two quantities. To derive the continuum equations for the relevant macroscopic fields we must take the corresponding moments of the Smoluchowski equation and they are of the form ∂ ρ=−∇·J (22) t ∂ P =−∂ J −D P (23) t β α αβ r β 7 where (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:90) (cid:18) (cid:19) J 1 α = dθ JT. (24) J uˆ α αβ β ThefluxesinEq.(24)areagainmomentsofthetwoparticledistributionasinthecaseofthepressurecalculationabove. In order to evaluate these fluxes, we proceed as in the preceding section by assuming the simplest phenomenological closure of the Smoluchowksi equation, that the two particle distribution function can be written as the product of one particle distributions c(2)(r ,θ ,r −σ,θ ,t) = g(σ)c(1)(r ,θ ,t)c(1)(r −σ,θ ,t) and give the one particle 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 distribution function a series representation in terms of its angular moments (Appendix B). As before, we are using the Carnahan-Starling estimate for g(σ). Since we are interested in a long wavelength description of the system the nonlocal dependence of the concentration field is expanded in gradients c(r−σ,θ ,t)=c(r,θ ,t)−σ ∂ c(r,θ ,t)+... (25) 2 2 α α 2 Using the above gradient expansion coupled with a low moment closure we arrive the following equations ∂ ρ+v ∇·P−∇·[D(ρ)∇ρ]+D ∇∇:PP=0 (26) t 0 p ∂ P +D P +∇ P(ρ)−D ∇2P +2λ (cid:2)P (∇·P)+(P·∇)P (cid:3) (27) t γ r γ γ ⊥ γ I γ γ (cid:2)↔ (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) =∇· L(P )∇ρ +λ (∇·P)∇ ρ+(P·∇)∇ ρ+∇ (P·∇ρ) γ 2 γ γ γ (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) −∇· K(ρ)∇ P −∇ K(ρ)∇·P γ γ wheretheexplicitexpressionsforallthemacroscopicparametersandthefunctionsD(ρ),K(ρ)andL (P )interms αβ γ of the microscopic parameters of the model are given in Appendix D. These macroscopic equations are complex and nonlinear, with the effect of the repulsive interactions showing up in the coefficients and in the detailed form of the nonlinearities. While careful study of the phase behavior predicted by these equations is warranted, we defer this to future work and make only a few remarks about the structure of these equations. The density equation above has a similar form to those written down for non-interacting ABPs but with a density dependent diffusion coefficient D(ρ) and a term analogous to the curvature induced flux term found in hydrodynamic theories of orientable active particles [41], signifying the fact that the orientation comes with a physical velocity and hence its fluctuations can result in a diffusive flux. The polarization equation does not have a homogeneous nonlinearity reflecting the fact that the interactions among smooth particles are non-aligning, but still has the complex nonlinearities one expects in Toner-Tu type hydrodynamic theories [42]. Note that v P is a 0 measure of the collective self-propulsion velocity of the system and thus encompasses a compressible flow. This is reflected by the presence of the hydrostatic pressure through P = DrP, together with additional Euler order terms v0ξ K(ρ)∇·P−λ P·∇ρ in the dynamical equation for this flow. 2 NotethattherelaxationoftimeofEq.(27)isgivenbyt=1/D . Intherestofthissection,wefocusonthebehavior R ofthissystemontimesmuchlongerthanthischaracteristicrelaxationtime. Forsuchtimesitisreasonabletoassume that the polarization has relaxed to its steady state value, i.e., ∂ P = 0. Solving for P in Eq.(27) and substituting t into Eq.(26) we find, neglecting higher order gradient terms, the following diffusion equation for the density, ∂ ρ=∇·[D (ρ)]∇ρ], (28) t eff where the effective density dependent diffusion coefficient is given by v2 2v D (ρ)= 0 +D(ρ)− 0λ ρ. (29) eff 2D D I r r In the limit k T →0, this effective diffusion coefficient becomes (putting in the explicit forms for D(ρ) and λ from B I Appendix D) v2 v2 3π 4v3σρ D (ρ)= 0 + 0 +g(σ) v2σ2ρ−g(σ) 0 (30) eff 2D 2ξ 8ξ 0 3 D ξ r r ThelastterminEqs.(29-30)isnegativeandthereexistsacriticaldensityρ orequivalentlyacriticalpackingfraction c φ =ρ πσ2 above which this diffusion coefficient becomes negative. This signals the onset of clustering in the system c c4 thathasbeenreferredtointheliteratureasMotilityInducedPhaseSeparation(MIPS).UsingtheCarnahan-Starling 8 estimate (Eq.(24)) for g(σ) one can identify this critical density as a function of system parameters and this is shown by the black line in fig.4. To better understand this critical density, it is useful to take some limits. First consider the limit of high Peclet number, in this limit the critical density predicted by Eq.(29) is of the form to φ = 1 π(37+21α), where α = ξ/D . c Pe 224α r In the limit k T →0, (i.e., no translational diffusion in the overdamped limit) we obtain the following expression for B the critical density, (cid:18) (cid:113) (cid:19) 4 −64α+ 6π(α−2) + 4096α2+ 81π2α2 − 243π2α − 1440πα2 + 864πα Pe Pe2 Pe2 Pe Pe φ =− , c 224α+ π(48−15α) Pe which again for high enough Peclet number goes as φ ∼ Pe−1. This 1/Pe behavior has also been seen through c phenomenological theories [11, 43] and in kinetic estimates of the critical density for the onset of MIPS [12]. Finally in fig.4, we compare the estimate provided by this theory against the data from simulations of a system of ABPs interacting through a WCA potential treating α= ξ as a fit parameter and we find good agreement with the data, Dr again illustrating the validity of the result to systems with short range strongly repulsive interactions. FIG. 4. (color online) Numerical results for the phase boundary taken from [12]. Black line is the critical density at which Eq.(29)becomeszero. Herewefindgoodagreementwhenusingα=.01andthedimensionlesstemperaturek T∗ =25. Below B the line is the D(ρ)>0 region, above the line is the D(ρ)<0 region. V. SUMMARY & DISCUSSION In this paper we have provided a derivation of the statistical mechanics for self-propelled hard disks starting from firstprinciples. Wethenconsideredtwoapplicationsofthederivedstatisticalmechanics. Firstiscomputingthesteady state mechanical pressure of a hard sphere active fluid. In the athermal limit (k T = 0) we find good agreement B with existing numerical simulations [16] of ABPs for low to moderate densities. In the absence of activity (v = 0) 0 we reproduce the pressure one finds for thermal hard spheres by using Revised Enskog theory [38]. We then derived the hydrodynamic equations describing self-propelled hard spheres and identified the critical density for the onset of MIPS in this system. We find that our prediction fits well the numerical data [12] from ABP simulations and agrees with earlier phenomenological estimates [11, 12, 43] in the large Peclet number regime. This work uses the theory of hard spheres to circumvent the finite collision time problem and hence many-body effects present in arbitrary repulsive potentials. While an idealization, the results obtained in this paper should be usefulforanysystemofself-propelledparticlesinteractingthroughstronglyrepulsivepotentialsandcanbeusefulfor incorporatingexcludedvolumeeffectsintodiversemodelsforactivesystems. Thiscanbeseeninthetwoapplications presented, wherewehaveobtainedgoodagreementwithnumericalsimulationsoftheoverdampeddynamicsofABPs 9 interacting the WCA potential. The statistical mechanics presented here transcends to the two applications we have used to illustrate its utility and is potentially useful in diverse active materials modeling. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Yaouen Fily and Gabe Redner for providing the numerical data. We acknowledge support from the NSF DMR-1149266, the Brandeis MRSEC DMR-1420382, and IGERT DGE-1068620. Appendix A: Derivation of the Smoluchowski equation We provide a complete derivation of the overdamped dynamics of self-propelled hard disks. Our starting point will be the coupled Langevin equations (cid:88) m∂ v =m T(i,j)v −ξv +Fuˆ +η (A1) t i i i i i j(cid:54)=i ∂ ω =−ξ ω +ηR (A2) t i R i i where T(i,j) is the binary collision operator given in Eq.(3). The noise function η and ηR are both Gaussian white i i noisevariableswithzeromeanandthesamecorrelationsdefinedinthemainbodyoftext. Thephasespacevariables associatedwiththeaboveLangevindynamicsarethepositionr (t),thevelocityv (t),theangularvelocityω (t)and n n n the orientation θ (t) of the n particles. We begin by considering an arbitrary phase space function A(Γ) evaluated at n some phase point Γ ={r (t),...,r (t),v (t),...,v (t),ω (t),...,ω (t),θ (t),...,θ (t)} which has evolved from an t 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 n initialconfigurationΓ={r ,...,r ,v ,...,v ,ω ,...,ω ,θ ,...,θ }. Aphasespacefunctionatsometimetcanbe 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 n expressed in terms of a generator for the dynamics in the following way A(Γ )=eLtA(Γ). (A3) t In the above equation, L is the sum of generators for translations and rotations for each particle coordinate. For a system with pairwise additive, conservative, non-singular interactions the operator L can be written as 1 (cid:88) L=L + m−1F(r )·(∇ −∇ ), (A4) 0 2 ij vi vj i,j(cid:54)=i wherethesingleparticlecomponentforselfpropelledparticleswithapropulsionforceFsp alongitsbodyaxisisgiven by (cid:88)N Fsp ξ L = {v ·∇ +ω ∂ + uˆ·∇ − v ·∇ −ξ ω ∂ 0 i ri i θi m vi m i vi R i ωi i (A5) 1 k Tξ k T ξ + η ·∇ +ηr∂ − B ∇2 − B R R∂2 }. m i vi i ωi m2 vi I ωi The inclusion of the last two terms in the above generator results from using Ito calculus to correctly incorporate the stochastic component of the dynamics. Eq.(A5) is the generalization of the completely deterministic case, in which the dynamics are governed by Hamilton’s equations. One can verify that, for Hamiltonian systems, the generator L changes the positions and velocities according to Hamilton’s equations. In this case, L is the linear operator representingthePoissonbracketofitsoperandwiththeHamiltonianforthesystem[44]. However,weareconsidering the stochastic dynamics of elastic hard spheres, thus the interactions must be taking into account via the binary collision operator T(i,j). In this case the operator L becomes 1 (cid:88) L=L + T(i,j). (A6) 0 2 i,j(cid:54)=i TheaboveformalismcompletelydeterminesthestochasticdynamicsofanyobservableA(Γ)forgiveninitialconditions in phase space. In this study, we would like to write down not the stochastic observable, but its ensemble averaged value for a given ensemble of initial conditions ρˆ(Γ). This is represented by the following phase space average (cid:90) (cid:104)A(Γ)(cid:105) = dΓρˆ(Γ)A(Γ,t). (A7) ens 10 One can equivalently treat the phase space density as the dynamical variable [45] (cid:90) (cid:104)A(Γ)(cid:105) = dΓρˆ(Γ,t)A(Γ), (A8) ens and taking the time derivative of both equation yields (cid:90) (cid:90) dΓ∂ ρˆ(Γ,t)A(Γ)= dΓρˆ(Γ)∂ A(Γ,t) t t (cid:90) = dΓρˆ(Γ)LA(Γ,t) (cid:90) =− dΓLρˆ(Γ)A(Γ,t). Where L is the adjoint operator to L. The result of this simple manipulation is a Liouville-like equation for the phase space probability density (∂ +L)ρˆ(Γ,t)=0, (A9) t with the adjoint operator is given by (cid:88)N Fsp ξ L= {v ·∇ +ω ∂ + uˆ·∇ − ∇ ·v −ξ ∂ ω i ri i θi m vi m vi i R ωi i i (A10) + 1 η ·∇ +ηr∂ − kBTξ∇2 − kBTRξR∂2 }− 1 (cid:88) T¯(i,j). m i vi i ωi m2 vi I ωi 2 i,j(cid:54)=i InEq.(A10), thesingleparticlecomponenthasbeenidentifiedbyanintegrationbyparts, whilethecollisionoperator T¯(i,j) has been explicitly constructed using the restituting collisions [33] (cid:90) T¯(i,j)=σ dσˆΘ(V ·σˆ)(V ·σˆ)[b−1δ(r −σ)−δ(r +σ)]. (A11) ij ij ij ij ij In the above, b−1 is the generator of restituting collisions (b−1A(x(cid:48),x(cid:48)) = A(x ,x )) which replaces post collisional ij ij i j i j velocitieswithitspre-collisionalvalues. Finally, weaverageoverthenoiseρ=(cid:104)ρˆ(cid:105). Theresultingequationisgivenby (∂ +L)ρ(Γ,t)=0, (A12) t with the operator L given by (cid:88)N Fsp ξ L= {v ·∇ +ω ∂ + uˆ·∇ − ∇ ·v −ξ ∂ ω i ri i θi m vi m vi i R ωi i i (A13) − kBTξ∇2 − kBTRξR∂2 }− 1 (cid:88) T¯(i,j). m2 vi I ωi 2 i,j(cid:54)=i TheaboveequationgovernsthetimeevolutionofthephasespacedensityofNself-propelledhardspheres. Toproceed, we now introduce reduced distribution functions N! (cid:90) f(n)(Γ ,...,Γ ,t)= dΓ ...dΓ ρ(Γ ...,Γ ,t) (A14) 1 n (N −n)! n+1 N 1 N and consider the first equation of the resulting hierarchy (cid:90) ∂ f(1)(Γ ,t)+Df(1)(Γ ,t)= dΓ T¯(1,2)f(2)(Γ ,Γ ,t). (A15) t 1 1 2 1 2

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