Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000 (0000) Printed5February2008 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Statistical equilibrium and ion cyclotron absorption/emission in strongly magnetized plasmas Alexander Y. Potekhin1,2 and Dong Lai2 1Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, Politekhnicheskaya 26, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia; [email protected] 7 2Centerfor Radiophysics and Space Research, Department of Astronomy, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA 0 0 2 5February2008 n a J ABSTRACT 0 We calculate the transition rates between proton Landau levels due to non-radiative 1 and radiative Coulomb collisions in an electron-proton plasma with strong magnetic field B. Both electron-proton collisions and proton-proton collisions are considered. 1 The rolesofthe first-ordercyclotronabsorptionandsecond-orderfree-freeabsorption v and scattering in determining the line strength and shape as well as the continuum 5 areanalysedindetail.We solvethe statisticalbalanceequationfor the populationsof 8 2 proton Landau levels. For temperatures ∼ 106–107 K, the deviations of the proton 1 populations from LTE are appreciable at density ρ . 0.1B134.5 g cm−3, where B14 = 0 B/(1014 G). We present general formulae for the plasma emissivity and absorption 7 coefficentsunderawiderangeofphysicalconditions.Ourresultsareusefulforstudying 0 the possibility and the conditions of proton/ion cyclotron line formation in the near / vicinity of highly magnetized neutron stars. h p Key words: magnetic fields – plasmas – stars: neutron – X-rays: stars - o r t s a : 1 INTRODUCTION ergy, v eB i ¯hω =¯h =1.16 B MeV, (1) X ce m c 14 Cyclotron lines are a powerful diagnostic tool for magne- e ar tized neutron stars. The detection of electron cyclotron lies outside the X-rayband, butthe ion cyclotron energy, features at 10–80 keV in the spectra of a number of ZeB ¯hω =¯h =0.635(Z/A)B keV, (2) binary X-ray pulsars (e.g., Tru¨mper et al. 1978; see ci mc 14 i Heindlet al. 2004, Terada et al. 2006 for recent observa- lies in the detectable range for X-ray telescopes such as tions) provided direct confirmation that these are neutron Chandra and XMM-Newton when B & 0.4. In Eqs. (1) stars endowed with strong magnetic fields B 1012– 14 1013 G. Numerous theoretical works have been∼devoted and (2), B14 = B/(1014 G), mi is an ion mass, and Z and A are nuclear charge and mass numbers. In the last few to the physics and modelling of electron cyclotron line years, absorption features at E 0.2–1 keV have been de- formation and transfer in accreting neutron stars (e.g., ∼ tected in the spectra of several thermally emitting isolated Wasserman & Salpeter 1980; M´esz´aros & Nagel 1985; neutron stars (e.g., Haberl et al. 2004; van Kerkwijk et al. Burnard, Klein & Arons 1988; Lamb, Wang& Wasserman 2004; van Kerkwijk & Kaplan 2006). While no definitive 1990; Wang, Wasserman & Lamb 1993; Araya& Harding identifications of the lines have been made, it is likely that 1999;Araya-G´ochez & Harding 2000). some of these lines involve proton cyclotron resonances at B.1014 G. Somewhat surprisingly,theobserved quiescent Therehasbeengrowingevidenceinrecentyearsforthe emissionofAXPsandSGRsdoesnotshowanyspectralfea- existence of neutron stars possessing superstrong magnetic ture, in particular the proton cyclotron line around 1 keV fields, B &1014 G. In particular, soft gamma-ray repeaters (e.g., Juett et al. 2002; Patel et al. 2003; Kulkarniet al. (SGRs) and anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) are believed 2003;Tiengo et al.2005).Thisabsenceoflinesmaybenat- tobemagnetars,whoseradiationispoweredbythedecayof urallyexplainedbytheeffectofvacuumpolarization,which superstrongmagneticfields(seeThompson & Duncan1995, tends to reduce the line width significantly in the atmo- 1996;Woods & Thompson2005).Severalradiopulsarswith sphere (thermal) emission for B & 1014 G (Ho & Lai 2003, inferred surface magnetic fields approaching 1014 G have 2004; Lai & Ho2003; van Adelsberg & Lai 2006). also been discovered (e.g., McLaughlin et al. 2003). In such There has been some evidence for ion cyclotron lines superstrongmagneticfieldregime,theelectroncyclotronen- during several AXP/SGR outbursts, e.g., the 6.4 keV 2 Potekhin & Lai emission feature in SGR 1900+14 (Strohmayer& Ibrahim 1.1 Landau Level Basics and Notations 2000), the 5 keV absorption feature in SGR 1806 20 − Motion of the ions and electrons in the plane (xy) per- (Ibrahim, Swank & Parke 2003), and the 14 keV emission pendicular to the magnetic field B (assumed to be di- feature(andpossiblyalso 7, 30keVfeatures)inthebursts ∼ rected along z) is quantized in Landau levels with excita- of AXP 1E 1048 5937 (Gavriil et al. 2002). There was − tion energies E = mc2[√1+2bN 1] (N = 0,1,...), also a possible detection of a 8.1 keV absorption feature in where b = ¯hω /Nm,⊥c2 is the relativistic m−agnetic parameter, AXP1RXSJ1708 4009(Rea et al.2003;butseeRea et al. c − ω = ZeB/mc is the cyclotron frequency, and Ze and m 2005).Itispossiblethattheseabsorption/emission features c | | arethechargeandmass oftheparticle (eistheelementary are produced by ion cyclotron resonances in the corona or charge).Fornon-interactingparticles, everyLandaulevelis lower magnetosphere of magnetars (although one cannot degenerate with respect to a position of the guiding centre exclude the alternative possibility that they are produced inthexy plane(e.g.,Landau & Lifshitz1976).Thenumber byelectroncyclotronresonancesinuppermagnetospheres). of degenerate states (for fixed N and longitudinal velocity Tobespecific,inthefollowingwefocusontheelectron- v ) is L L Z /(2πa2 ),where proton plasma (Z = 1, A = 1.008, spin = 1) and the pro- z x y| | m 2 ton cyclotron resonance with energy ¯hω =0.630B keV. cp 14 Generalization to otherions is outlined in Sect. 7. ¯hc 1/2 a = =2.5656 10−11B−1/2 cm (3) m eB × 14 Whilethephysicsofelectroncyclotronlinetransferhas „ « been extensively studied in the context of accreting X-ray pulsars(seeabove),severalbasicissuesregardingprotoncy- is the magnetic length, and L and L are normalization clotronlinehavenotbeenproperlyconsidered.Sincethera- x y lengths. In addition, excited Landau levels of the electrons diativeelectroncyclotrondecayrateismanyordersofmag- usually can be treated as double spin-degenerate. In con- nitudelarger thanthecollisional deexcitation rate, electron trast, the Landau levels of the ions are not degenerate, but cyclotronresonancealwaystakestheformofscattering(e.g. split with respect to the spin, because of the anomalous M´esz´aros 1992). For protons, the radiative cyclotron decay magnetic moments of nuclei. rateismuchsmaller, sothesituation isnotat allclear.De- For the electrons, the relativistic magnetic parameter pending on the plasma density, temperature and magnetic is b = ¯hω /(m c2) = B/B , where B = m2c3/(e¯h) = fieldstrength,trueprotoncyclotronabsorptionandemission e ce e Q Q e 4.414 1013 G. Fordensity ρ 7 106(A/Z)B3/2 g cm−3 are possible. Previous calculations of proton cyclotron lines × ≪ × 14 and temperature T ¯hω /k = 1.34 1010 B K, vir- frommagnetizedneutronstaratmospheres(e.g.,Zane et al. ≪ ce B × 14 tually all electrons reside in the ground Landau level. For 2001; Ho& Lai 2001, 2003; Potekhin et al. 2004) assumed T & 2.7 10−4 B−2(ρ Z/A)2 K (where ρ is the density local thermal equilibrium (LTE) population of proton Lan- × 14 0 0 in unitsof 1g cm−3), theelectrons are non-degenerate. We dau levels. We will see that this assumption is not always shall be concerned with this regime in this paper. valid in thecase of a magnetar. For the ions, the cyclotron energy is ¯hω = ci In this paper we study systematically the rates for 0.635(Z/A)B keV, and their relativistic magnetic 14 collision-induced proton cyclotron transitions in a magne- parameter is b = ¯hω /(mc2) = b Z(m /m)2 = i ci i e e i tized plasma. Combining these rates with radiative transi- 0.68 10−6(Z/A2)B . We consider the situation where 14 tion rates, we then study the statistical equilibrium of pro- the i×ons are non-relativistic: Nb 1, E = N¯hω . i N,⊥ ci tons in different Landau levels, and use the non-LTE level Obviouslyitisalwaysthecaseifthe≪ionLandaunumberN population to calculate the radiative opacities and emissiv- is not huge. ities for different photon modes. Our results serve as an Inthefollowing weintroduceanumberofnotationsfor crucial ingredient for determining the possibility and the various kinds of transition rates (i.e., numberof transitions physical conditions of proton/ion cyclotron line formation perunittimeperoccupiedinitialstate)betweenprotonLan- in various plasma environments of highly magnetized neu- daulevelsN andN′ andcorrespondingcrosssections.Here tron stars. welist theseand otherrelated notations andthebasic rele- vantequations for easy reference: In statistical equilibrium, populations of excited Lan- dau levels of the ions are determined by rates of sponta- ω , ω , ω cyclotron frequencies for electron, ion neous radiative decay and by rates of transitions caused by ce ci cp and proton: Eqs. (1), (2) radiative and non-radiative Coulomb collisions (note that ‘true’cyclotronabsorptioncanbeseparatedfromscattering am magnetic length: Eq. (3) by considering second-order Feynman diagrams which in- ne,ni, np number densities of electrons, ions and cludeCoulomb interaction;cf.Daugherty & Ventura1978). protons in theplasma Order-of-magnitudeestimatesoftheratesoftheseprocesses nN number density of protons in the N-th andtheirconsequencesforthelevelpopulationsaregivenin Landau level (N =0,1,2, ) ··· Sect. 2. In subsequent sections we consider these processes WNfixN′(vz) transition rate per particle on the level inmoredetail.InSect.3wewriteformulaeforratesofsuch N with initial longitudinal (i.e., along transitions in a proton-electron plasma. Radiative transi- B) velocity vz, in a volume V for tion rates and cross sections are considered in Sect. 4. In scattering on a fixed Coulomb centre: Sect. 5 we analyse population of the Landau states of the Eq.(A7) ions.Opacityandemissivityfortheioncyclotronresonance σNfixN′(vz) corresponding cross section: Eqs. (A7), are calculated in Sect. 6. (A13) Statistical equilibrium in magnetized plasmas 3 W(pe)(v ) transition rate for protons scattered on 2 ORDER-OF-MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE FOR NN′ z thoseelectronswhichrestontheground PROTON LANDAU LEVEL POPULATIONS Landaulevel, assumingtherelativeini- In this section we present simple estimates of the relative tial longitudinal velocity v : Eq. (8) z population of protons in the ground Landau level (num- σN(pNe)′(vz) partialcrosssectionforsuchscattering, ber density n0) and the first excited level (n1). Other lev- normalized tov : Eqs. (4), (8) z els are neglected here for simplicity, and also for simplic- WN1N2;N1′N2′(vz) transition rate for charged particle 1 ity we assume that transitions stimulated by radiation are scattered on particle 2 in volume V at unimportant. The cyclotron energy of the proton is ¯hω = cp relative longitudinal velocity vz, under ¯h(eB/mpc) 0.63B14 keV. In this section we use without theconditionthatinitialandfinalLan- proof formul≈ae for the rates of transitions between proton dau numbers of particle i are Ni and Landaulevels,deferringtheirderivationtothefollowingsec- Ni′, respectively: Eq. (A19) tions. WN±1,N2;N1′,N2′(vz) analogous to WN1N2;N1′N2′(vz), but for (i) Coulomb collisions. The collisional cross section collision of identicalparticles with even involving proton Landau transition N = 1 N = 0 is (+) or odd ( ) total spin: Eq. (A22) denotedbyσ(pe)(v ),wherev istherelativev→elocity(along − 10 z z σN(pNp)2±;N′N2′ ctoorvrzes:pEoqnsd.i(n1g5)c,ro(1ss6)s,e(cAti1o9n)normalized tDheetazi-laexdisb)ablaentwceeeimnpthlieeselσe1(cp0ter)o(nvza)n=dtσh0(pe1ei)o(nvz′b),efwohreerceolvlzisiaonnd. σN(NN2′) partialcrosssectionofaprotonwithini- vz′ are related by m∗vz2/2+ ¯hωcp = m∗vz′2/2, and m∗ = tial Landau number N2 (regardless of memi/(me+mi)≃me is thereduced mass. Thecollisional its final Landau number) with respect deexcitation rate perproton is tdoauscnauttmerbinergNoftaotNest′ ΓC10(pe) =nehvzσ10(vz)i=4√2πne a3me4√¯h3mpm∗Λ˜(1p0e), (4) ΓC(pe) velocity-averagedpartialCoulombtran- NN′ where ne is the electron number density, de- sition rate for proton scattering on the h···i notes averaging over the 1D Maxwell distribution electrons on the ground Landau level: f(v) exp( m v2/2T), and the Coulomb logarithm ∗ Eqs. (4), (7), (12) ∝ − Λ˜(pe) (to be defined later) is of order of unity for the ΓCN(Npp′) analogoustoΓCN(Npe′),butbecauseofcol- pl1a0sma parameters we are interested in. In general, Λ˜(pe) lisions with other protons: Eqs. (15), 10 depends on parameter β ¯hω /T = 73.38B /T , p cp 14 6 (18) ≡ where T is the kinetic temperature for particle motion ΓANN′ spontaneous decay rate: Eqs. (5), (21), along B, and T6 T/(106 K) (throughout this paper, we (28) ≡ suppress Boltzmann constant, implying the conversion 1 ΓBNN′ tsoortpaltiotnra:nEsqitsi.on(20r)a,te(30d)ue to photoab- k(aenVd=Λ˜(1pe.1)6045β×1/210l7nβK).fAort ββp ≫11(wseeehSaevcet.Λ˜3(1.p01e)). ∼Th1e ΓˆBNN′ teomtiaslsitorna:nEsiqti.o(n30r)ate due to stimulated cTohlleiscioonn1a0trlibe∼uxtciiotpnattioo|nLarnaptd|eauisexΓcpC0it1(a≪ptei)on=froΓmC10(ppreo)teoxnp-p(−roβtpo)n. σNN′(j,ω,n) crosssectionofaprotonwithrespectto collisions is of similar order and will be neglected in this photoabsorption (normalized to speed section. of light) for polarization j (j = 1,2), (ii) Radiative Transitions. The spontaneous decay photon frequency ω and direction n: rate of the first Landau level is Eqs. (24),(25), (26), (47) 4e2ω2 σα,NN′(ω) partial photoabsorption cross section ΓA10 = 3m cc3p. (5) (normalized to speed of light) for basic p polarization α (α = 0, 1): Eqs. (25), We neglect here the radiative absorption and stimulated (26),(28) ± emission. σαff(ω),σαff,NN′(ω) total and partial cross sections (nor- of pr(oitioi)nsStinatNist=ic0alaenqduNili=br1iuims d.eTtehremrienlaedtivbeypopulation malized to speed of light) for basic po- larization α, for transitions caused by n /n =e−βp 1+ΓA/ΓC −1, (6) free-free photoabsorption of a proton- 1 0 10 10 h i electron pair: Eqs. (33), (34), (B1) When ΓA/ΓC 1, the Boltzmann distribution (i.e., σNN′(vz,ω) partial cross section σα,NN′(ω) for lon- LTE) is recov1e0red1,0n≪1 =e−βpn0. In this case, the cyclotron gitudinal velocity vz of the absorbing absorption and emission are related bythe Kirchhoff law. particle: Eqs. (46), (50) In the opposite case ΓC/ΓA 1, we have n /n = σsc cross section of a proton with respect ΓC/ΓA, i.e., collisional exc1i0tatio10n≪(0 1) is balan1ced0by α 01 10 → to scattering of a photon for basic po- radiative decay (1 0). → larization α: Eq.(37). With n =ρ/m ,we see that e p ΓC(pe)/ΓA =28.6ρ B−7/2Λ˜(pe). (7) 10 10 0 14 10 The ratio (7) is larger than unity for ordinary neutron star atmospheres,butitcanbecomesmallerthanunityformag- netars. 4 Potekhin & Lai The above situation should be contrasted with that the Debye screening length). For a neutral electron-proton of electrons. The deexcitation rate of an electron from its plasma at temperature T we have k = 8πn e2/T = s e first excited Landau level to the ground state due to colli- (1.584 108cm−1)ρ1/2T−1/2. Equations (8) and (9) follow sions with protons (treated as classical particles) is of the from (A×19) and (A200) o6f Appendix A withpZ = Z = 1 1 2 Eorqd.e(r4)o]f. T4√he2πspnopnat3manee4omues/c¯hy3clfootrroβned=eca¯hyωrcaet/eTof≫ele1ctr[ocfn. and wN(pNe)′(u±)=w0,N;0,N′(u±). Laguerre function INN′ is definedby Eq. (A4). is ΓA(e) = 4e2ω2 /(3m c3), and the ratio ΓC/ΓA is about 10 ce e If the distributions of z-velocities of electrons and pro- a factor (m /m )7/2 smaller than that for protons. Thus e p tons are Maxwellian with temperatures T and T , respec- e p for electrons, radiative deexcitation is always much faster tively,whichdonotdependontheLandaunumberN,then than collisional deexcitation, and there is no true electron the relative velocities v = ¯hk/m have Maxwellian distri- z ∗ cyclotron absorption, but only scattering, in the magnetic bution fields of ordinary pulsars and magnetars. m m v2 (v )= ∗ exp ∗ z , (10) Fm∗,T z 2πT − 2T r „ « 3 NON-RADIATIVE COULOMB COLLISION where RATES T =(m +m )/(m T−1+m T−1). (11) e p e p p e Coulomb collision rates of non-degenerate fermions in a In order to simplify formulae, hereafter we assume strong magnetic field have been studied by many authors. T = T = T, unless the opposite is explicitly stated. e p Ventura(1973)derivedcollisionratesforelectronsscattered Then the velocity-averaged partial Coulomb transition rate by a fixed Coulomb potential. Pavlov & Yakovlev (1976) n v σ(pe) is presented transition probabilities for collisions of two non- eh z NN′i relativisticparticles,whichinteractviaascreenedCoulomb ΓCN(Npe′) = 4(e4/¯h2) 2πm∗/Tnea2mΛ(NpNe)′ (12a) potential. As a particular case they recovered the result of 4√2π mpm 1/2 Ventura (1973), but in a simpler form. Relativistic expres- = τ m∗2p nea3mΛ˜(NpNe)′, (12b) sionsforCoulombcollisionratesofnon-degeneratefermions 0 „ e « in a magnetic field were derived by Langer (1981) and where SLtaonrdeayu&trManeslirtoisoens(1o9f8i7o)n.sH,owweemveary,stiankceewtheeanreonin-rteelraetsitveidstiinc Λ˜(NpNe)′ = βpΛ(NpNe)′, (13a) acopnpsriodaecrhC(Pouavlolmovb&spYina-kfloivpletvra1n9s7i6ti)o.nAscwcohridcihnggleyn,ewrealdlyonaoret Λ(NpNe)′ = Zp0∞ duu′ e−β∗u2/2θ(u′2)g(u)g(u′) pwreeaskeerrvebyspainf.acTtohre∼spbini cdoimstpriabruedtiotno,thhoewtervaenrs,itmionays waffheiccht × wN(pNe)′(u+)+wN(pNe)′(u−) . (13b) h i statistical equilibrium through exchangeeffects. Here θ(u′2) [with u′2 u2 + 2(N N′)m /m ] is the ∗ p ≡ − step function that ensures the energy conservation, β ∗ ¯heB/m cT = β m /m , and g(u)g(u′) is the correctio≡n ∗ p p ∗ 3.1 Proton-electron collisions factor,whichapproximatelyallowsforviolationofBornap- General formulae for Coulomb collision rates of two dif- proximation as discussed in AppendixA1.4.The latter fac- ferent particles with arbitrary charges are given in Ap- tor appreciably differs from 1 only at u . γ−1/2, where B pendix A2.1. Here we consider electron collisions with pro- γB =¯h3B/(m2∗ce3).Inthecaseofelectron-protoncollisions tons, assuming that the electrons remain in the ground γB−1/2 ≈ αf/√be = 0.004848B1−41/2. The smallness of γB−1/2 Landau state. This particular case has been previously ensures that the approximations used to derive Eq. (13b) considered by Miller, Salpeter & Wasserman (1987), based are sufficiently accurate; in this case the γ -dependence in B on Pavlov & Yakovlev (1976). For a given relative velocity Eq.(13b) is weak (logarithmic). (alongz)v betweenaprotonandanelectron,thetransition By changing integration variable u u′ in Eq. (13b), z → rate from proton Landau level N toN′ is and taking into account that wN(pNe)′(u±) = wN(p′eN)(u±), we WN(pNe)′(vz)≡nevzσN(pNe)′(vz)=4πτ0−1nea3mX± wN(pNe)′(u±)/(u8′), can checkthat ΛΓ(NpCNNe)(N′pe′=) =eβepβ(Np(−NN−′N)Λ′)(NΓp′eCNN)(′p,Nea)n.d thus (14) where σN(pNe)′(vz) is the corresponding cross section, τ0 = Figure1depictsthefunctionΛ(NpNe)′ (N >N′)fortransi- ¯h3/(e4m )=2.42 10−17 sistheatomicunitoftime,n is tionsbetweendifferentlow-lyingprotonLandaustates, cal- e e theelectron numb×erdensity,and culated assuming u 0 and γ−1 0. Figure 2 presents s → B → the same functions for u = 0.5. Note that u = k a = wN(pNe)′(u±)= ∞ e−t(/t2+IN2uN2′()t2/2)dt. (9) 4.1 × 10−3ρ10/2T6−1/2B1−41s/2. So us = 0.5 corsresponsdms to Z0 ± a rather high plasma density. We see that at any B and Hu′er=e u(2±m =v′(/u¯h)±au′)a2re+suca2sl,edanrdelautiv=e v(melo∗c|vitzi|e/s¯h)aalomnganzd, ustsrotnragnlysidtioomnsinbaetetw. een neighbouring states (N −N′ = 1) which sat∗i|sfzy| themenergy conservation law u′2 = u2 + Representation (12b) is most convenient when βp ≫1, 2(N N′)m /m , where m = m m /(m +m ) is the because in this case the exponential function in Eq. (13b) ∗ p ∗ e p e p reduc−ed mass. The parameter us = ksam, included in varies much faster than u′ and wN(pNe)′, and it can be inte- u±, is the scaled Debye screening wave number (ks−1 is grated separately. HenceΛ˜(NpNe)′ approaches a constant. Statistical equilibrium in magnetized plasmas 5 Figure 1. The dimensionless quantity Λ˜(NpNe)′ (Eq. [13b]) as a Figure 2. The same as in Fig. 1, but for screening parameter function of βp = ¯hωcp/T for transitions between several lowest us=0.5. protonLandaustates forscreeningparameterus=0. In the opposite limit β 1 it may be more conve- p ≪ collisions is nienttouseEq.(12a),becauseinthiscaseΛ(NpNe)′ isaslowly ipvnahfiryynsiiintcygalafusthnBacttgiooEneqs.otf(o1βz2pea.r)oA.ctHotnohtweaeinfivsresrtf,aigctltahonracseaa2mitsiwmmhapiylcehseexgeopmelasuntnao-- ΓCN(Npp′) = 12NX2N2′nN2h(fN↑fN↓2 +fN↓fN↑2)hvzσN(pNp)2+;N′N2′i ttioonz.erAos) laonndg apsrotthoenL(aNn,dNau′)naurmebkeerpstoffixthede, +(fN↑fN↑2 +fN↓fN↓2)hvzσN(pNp)2−;N′N2′i , (15) i scribesthepartialrateofthecollisionsinwhichthetransfer of the kinetic energy of the motion transverse to the field, wherehvzσN(pNp)2±;N′N2′i istheprobability,perunit time,that N N′¯hω , decreases linearly with decreasing B. In the twoprotonsinunitvolume,whichhaveinitialLandaunum- cp |clas−sical|picture this corresponds to collisions with impact bers N and N2, make a transition to the state where they parameters increasing am, for which the cross section in- haveLandaunumbersN′ andN2′,undertheconditionthat creasesaccordingtothe∝Rutherfordformula.Thedivergence theirspinprojectionstoBarethesame(sign )oropposite − of the classical cross section at large impact parameters is (sign +). The factor 12 at the sum allows for the quantum eliminated if one takes into account the screening of the statistics of identical particles. Coulombpotential.Itisalsothecaseforthequantumcross For Maxwell distribution (10) with m∗ = mp/2, using section.Indeed,u2 inthedenominatorofEq.(9)ingeneral theresults of AppendixA2, we obtain ± includes the term u2 = k2a2. Thus w(pe)(u ) (and hence ΛisN(mpNe)u′c)hbleacrogmeresth∝an(skthsaems)cs−re4emnwinhgenletnhgetNhmNka′s−gn1.e±tic length am hvzσN(×pNp)2±;∞N′Ndu2u′′ie=−β8pu(e24/w¯hN2)Np2;πNm′Np2′/(Tu+a)2m+wNN2;N′N2′(u−) Z0 h ±2wNxN2;N′N2′(u−,u+) , (16) i 3.2 Proton-proton collisions where u2 = (u u′)2+u2 and u′ = [u2+N′ N +N′ Now let us consider proton-proton collisions. This case is N2]1/2. F±unction±s wNN2;Ns′N2′ and wNxN2;N′N2′ −are given2b−y more complicated than the previous one in two respects: equations (A20) and (A24), respectively. first, there is the exchange interaction described in Ap- Equations (15) and (16) can be written in the form pendix A2.2, and secondly, both colliding particles can analogous to Eq. (12b), change their Landau numbers (neither of them is confined to theground state). ΓCN(Npp′) = nN2hvzσN(NN2′)i, (17) Let n be the number density of protons in the Nth tprLerraasonpntdesoiacnttuisiovwnsetsliNaythtfre(of,smNp↑ainn+ldeafvlNl↓eoelnt=gNf1Na↑)nt.odaTnolhdepevpnefolN↓tshNitbee′eatdvotuehrteeahgtefeorfiarcteahtltdieeondoCifroopeufcrltosoiutmoocnbnh, hvzσN(−NN(2f′)Ni↑XN=−24f√N↓π)(afτ3m0N↑2mm−pefhN↓Λ˜2N()pΛNp˜)2(Np;NpN,2x′;)N′ , (18) i 6 Potekhin & Lai Figure3. ThedimensionlessfunctionΛ˜N(pNp)2;N′ (Eq.[19a])with- Figure 4. The functions Λ˜N(pNp)2;N′ (solid lines without screen- out screening (us = 0) for the transitions between the proton inganddot-dashedlineswithscreeningparameter us=0.5)and tLhaendseacuonstdatpersomtoanrkeeqduanlesarNt2he=cu0r(vseosl.idInliitniaels)L,aNnd2a=un1u(mdbaeshreodf Λs˜eN(nptNpi)n2g;Nt′he−eΛx˜p(NprNpe,s2xs;)iNon′ i(ndathsheesdqulianrees,brwacitkheotustofscErqee.n(i1n8g)),forrerparne-- lines),orN2=2(dot-dashedlines). dom spin orientations (f↑ = f↓ = 0.5) and for aligned spins (f↑ = 1), respectively, for transitions N N 1 and N 0, → − → withN =1,2,3,4,N2=0,asfunctionsofβp=¯hωcp/Tp. where Λ˜N(pNp)2;N′ =pβpXN2′ Z0∞ duu′ e−βpu2θ(u′2)g(u)g(u′) eavaconmt paatrirsaotnheorfhΛ˜igN(phNp)2d;eNn′sit(yso.lAidlsloiniens)twhiisthfigtuhreedwiffeersehnocwe ×[wNN2;N′N2′(u+)+wNN2;N′N2′(u−)], (19a) wΛ˜N(hpeNpn)2;tNh′e−prΛo˜t(NopNnp,2xs;)pNin′s(daareshaeldl alliingense)dwinhitchheesnatmeresdEirqe.ct(i1o8n). Λ˜(NpNp,2x;)N′ =2 βp ∞ duu′ e−βpu2θ(u′2)g(u)g(u′) Let us note that if Te 6= Tp, then in this section Tp p XN2′ Z0 shouldsubstituteT definedbyEq.(11).Inparticular,βp = ×wNxN2;N′N2′(u−,u+). (19b) ¯hωcp/Tp in Eqs. (16) and (19). In these equations u′ and u depend on N′. The factors ± 2 g(u)g(u′), with g(u) defined by Eq. (A16), account for the 4 RADIATIVE TRANSITIONS correction due to violation of Born approximation, as dis- cussed in Appendix A1.4. However, unlike Sect. 3.1, here 4.1 Radiative transition rates in magnetized γ−1/2 = α m /(2m √b ) = 4.45B−1/2 is larger than 1 plasmas B f p e e 14 for B < 2 1015 G, which reflects the fact that the pro- × Magnetized plasma is a birefringent medium. Electromag- tons are moving much slower than the electrons, therefore netic radiation propagates through it in the form of two Bornandadiabaticapproximations(seeAppendixA1.4)are normal polarization modes j = 1,2 with polarization vec- lessapplicabletotheproton-protoncollisions.Nevertheless, tors ej(ω,n) (e.g., Ginzburg 1970). Here, ω is the angular we use these approximations, considering them as order-of- frequencyandntheunitvectoralongthewavevector.Con- magnitude estimates, which is justified because the whole sequently, radiative transition rates depend not only on ω, effect of the proton-proton collisions on statistical equilib- but also on j and n. riumInisFniogtuvreer3ywsiegnshifiocwanΛ˜t,N(paNps)2;wNe′wfoilrltsheeecbaesloewo.f negligible fromLleetveΓlANNN′t,oΓNBNN′ ′d,uaentdoΓˆspBNoNn′tabneetohuesreamteisssioofnt,rpanhsoittoioanbs- screening (u = 0) and γ = 1, for a few initial and final s B sorption,andstimulatedemission,respectively.1Theserates protonLandaunumbersN,N′,andforinitialLandaunum- are the total (for both polarizations, integrated over angles bers of the second proton N =0,1,2. The decrease of the 2 and frequencies) transition probabilities per unit time for displayedfunctionsatβ 1resultsfromthecorrectionbe- p ≫ one occupied initial quantum state. They can be expressed yevoanlduaBtioornnoafptphreopxrimotaotnio-pnr.oTtohniscoinlldisiicoantersattehsatwoaunldacrceuqruaitree throughEinsteincoefficientsANN′ andBˆNN′ (foremission), non-Bornquantumcalculations,whicharebeyondthescope of the present paper. 1 Generally, N and N′ may take any values. For instance, free- In figure 4 we compare some of the curves from fig- free photoabsorption is allowed for N′ 6N (i.e., the photon is ure 3 (solid lines) with the case of non-negligible screen- absorbedwhiletheprotonmakesadownwardtransition)aswell ing, ksam = us = 0.5 (dot-dashed lines), which can be rel- asforN′>N. Statistical equilibrium in magnetized plasmas 7 or BNN′ (for absorption). These coefficients have different 4.2 Relation between emission rates and definitions in the literature (e.g., cf. Rybicki& Lightman photoabsorption cross sections 1979, Ginzburg 1970, and Zheleznyakov 1996). We de- fine ANN′, BNN′, and BˆNN′ from the conditions that the rTehlaetiEoninstein absorption coefficient BNN′ is given by the number of quanta with angular frequencies in the inter- val dω and wave vectors in solid angle element dn spon- BNN′(j,ω,n)=σNN′(j,ω,n)/¯hω, (24) taneouslyemittedbyaunitvolumeduringunittimeequals nNANN′dωdn, and the number of quanta emitted or ab- swphoenrseibσlNeNfo′ritshtehNe partNia′ltprhaontsoitaibosno.rEptqiuoanticornos(s24se)cdtiiorenctrley- sorbedundertheactionofradiationwiththespecificinten- → sityIω equalsnNBˆNN′IωdωdnornNBNN′Iωdωdn,respec- follows from the definition of BNN′ in Sect. 4.1. Together withEinsteinrelations,itallowsonetoexpressspontaneous tively(Zheleznyakov1996).Thisdefinition(orasimilarone in Ginzburg 1970, but not the one in Rybicki& Lightman decayratesΓANN′ throughpartialphotoabsorptioncrosssec- tions. 1979)isrelevantinastrongmagneticfield,wheretheemis- In the ‘rotating coordinates’ (e.g. M´esz´aros 1992), the sion is neither isotropic, nor unpolarized. Then polarization vectors ej(ω,n) of two polarization modes j = ΓBNN′ = dn dωBNN′(j,ω,n)Iω,j(n), (20) 1,2 have the components ejα, α = 0,±1. In the dipole ap- proximation, photoabsorption cross sections can be written j=1,2Z Z X as (e.g., Ventura,Nagel & M´esz´aros 1979) ΓANN′ = dn dωANN′(j,ω,n), (21) 1 jX=1,2Z Z σ(j,ω,n)= σ (ω) ej(ω,n)2, (25) α | α | and the expression for ΓˆBNN′ is completely analogous to αX=−1 Eq. (20). where the component e is responsible for the electron cy- − The quantities ANN′, BˆNN′ and BN′N are related by clotron resonance, and e+ for theion cyclotron resonance. the Einstein relations (which include polarization depen- Using equations (21),(22) and (24), one obtains dence, see, e.g., Ginzburg 1970; Zheleznyakov1996):2 ω2dω BˆNN′ =BN′N, ANN′ = 8¯hπω3c32 BN′N. (22) ΓAN′N =jX=1,2Z dnZ 8π3c2 σNN′(j,ω,n). (26) From the first of these relations, it follows that the stimu- AsalreadystatedinSect.4.1,weneglectthedifference latedemission rateisequaltothatofphotoabsorption with ofthegroupandphasevelocitiesofradiation.Thisisequiva- interchange of theinitial and finallevels: ΓˆBNN′ =ΓBN′N. lenttothe‘semi-transverse approximation’(Ventura1979), InEq.(22)wehaveneglectedthedifferenceofthegroup whererefractionindicesarecloseto1,andn ej 0.Inthis · ≈ andphasevelocities ofradiation.Einstein relations withal- approximation, therelation j=1,2Ajα=1 holds, where lowanceforthisdifferencearegiven,e.g.,byGinzburg(1970) 3 P andZheleznyakov(1996).Note,however,thatthisdifference Aj ej(ω,n)2dn. (27) α≡ 8π | α | would lead to appearance of additional factors not only in Z Eq. (22), but also in the expressions for photoabsorption Then equations (25) and (26) give cross sections discussed in Sect. 4.2 below. ω2dω Spontaneous cyclotron decay rates have been ΓAN′N = 3π2c2 σα,NN′(ω). (28) derived by Daugherty & Ventura (1977) (see also α Z X Daugherty & Ventura 1978; Melrose & Zheleznyakov 1981; Let us suppose that transition N N′ corresponds Pavlov et al. 1991; Baring, Gonthier & Harding 2005, and to an absorption line with a profile φ(ω→) ( φ(ω)dω = 1), rtehfeerdeenccaeysrtahteerseianr)e.pInrotphoertnioonna-rletlaotbivNis−tNic′+li1m,imtu(lNtibpili≪ed1b)y, hwahlifc-hwidatthων= ω0ωhafsoratshhearppolpaeraizkatwiointhαRa. cAhtarωacterisωtic, i ≪ 0 ∼ 0 a combinatorial factor. Although the latter factor may be let us write the photoabsorption cross section in the form large for large N′ −N, transitions N → N′ = N −1 still σα,NN′(ω)=2νσ¯α,NN′φ(ω). Then Eq. (28) gives the spon- dominate in the non-relativistic regime. The rates of the taneous emission rate latter transitions are ΓAN,N−14=eN2ωΓ2r,p, where ΓAN′N ≈ 2νσ¯3απ,N2cN2′ω02. (29) Γ = cp (23) r,p 3 mpc3 Let us assume, in addition, that Iω,j(n) can be re- placed by the average over the angles under the integral is thenatural width of the proton cyclotron line. in Eq. (20), which we denote I¯ (this replacement is ex- Spin-fliptransitionsforprotonsareunimportantinthe ω,j act in the diffusion approximation). Then, using equations non-relativistic limit, because their rates contain an addi- (24)and(27),weobtainthephotoabsorptionandstimulated tional factor b compared to the dominant transitions pre- i emission rates serving spin (e.g., cf. Melrose & Zheleznyakov1981). 8π3c2 ΓBNN′ =ΓˆBN′N = ¯hω3 ΓAN′N AjαJj, (30) 2 Einstein relations (22) come from the detailed balance 0 j=1,2 X equation nN′BN′NIω,j = nNANN′ + nNBˆNN′Iω,j in the where complete thermodynamic equilibrium, where Iω,j = 21Bω = (¯hω3/8π3c2)(eh¯ω/T 1)−1,andtherequirementthatthecoeffi- J I¯ φ (ω)dω. (31) cientsAandB must−beindependent ofT. j ≡ ω,j j Z 8 Potekhin & Lai 4.3 Cross sections at the proton cyclotron with νff(ω) given by Eq. (B2). From Eq. (28), taking into + resonance account the condition ν ω , we obtain therate of N′ cp ≪ → N transitions caused by theresonant free-free emission, Although cyclotron emission rates can be calculated in the framework of the first-order perturbation theory, this the- 4√2π m 1/2 odreypeinsdneontcesuoitfapbhleotfooarbtshoerpdteiotnermcrionsastiosenctoifontsheanfrdeqoupeancciy- Γff+,N′N ≈ τ0 „mpe« nea3m ties. The reasons for that, and the conditions where the βp Γr,pΛff0,,N+;10,N′ dω, (36) first-orderprocessstill can beimportant, werediscussed by ×p3π Z (ω−ωcp)2+ν2 Daugherty & Ventura (1978), who stressed that the spec- whereΛff,+1 isgivenbyEq.(B10).Thisresultiswritten traldependenceof theabsorption coefficient isproperlyde- n,N;n′,N′ intheform similar toEq.(12b)for easy comparison, which scribed by second- and higher-order processes. Indeed, be- shows that by order of magnitude Γff/ΓC(pe) Γ /ν. The cause of kinematic requirements (energy and momentum ∼ r,p damping factor ν is discussed in Sect. 4.3.2; here we note conservation), the first-order absorption is possible only at only that the ratio Γff/ΓC(pe) cannot be large, because ν > asinglefrequencyatanygivenangleofincidence.Thusone Γ /2. must take into account level broadening in order to obtain r,p thespectralabsorptioncoefficient.Thebroadeningiscaused by the finite life time of the proton in a final state after an 4.3.2 Scattering absorptionevent.Inamacroscopicallyhomogeneousplasma this life time is limited only by (1) spontaneous emission Theresonantcyclotronscattering(Canuto, Lodenquai & Ruderman and (2) interactions with other particles. It is the emitted 1971; Ventura 1979) is a second-order process which is photon in the first case or another plasma particle in the common for electrons in white dwarfs and magnetic neu- second case that carries the energy and momentum needed tron stars, and for ions in magnetars. The photon-proton to restore the kinematic balance. Thus a quantum descrip- scattering cross section is tionoftheabsorptionlineshaperequiresatleasttwo-vertex ω2 Feynman diagrams. The second vertex may correspond to σsc =σ , (37) the emission of the photon [case (1); cf. Figs. 1 and 2 of + Tp (ω ωcp)2+ν2 − Daugherty & Ventura1978]ortoCoulombinteractionwith whereσ =8πe4/(3m2c4)istheThomsoncrosssectionfor Tp p achargedparticle[case(2)].Thefirstcaseisscattering,and protons. thesecondisfree-freephotoabsorption.Wenowconsiderthe The determination of the effective damping factor ν cross sections for these two processes for the polarization (not considered by Canuto et al. 1971) is not trivial. In component α = +1, corresponding to the proton cyclotron general, this task requires a non-perturbative treatment resonance. (Cohen-Tannoudji, Dupont-Roc& Grynberg 1998), which goes beyond the scope of our paper. However, ν(ω) can be 4.3.1 Free-free absorption found from thecorrespondence to theclassical physics. Thena¨ıveestimateof ν asthesumoftotal half-widths The free-free photoabsorption cross section at any frequen- of two Landau levels would lead to replacement of Eq. (37) cies and polarizations is given by Eqs. (B1)–(B3) of Ap- by a sum of different Lorentz profiles for different proton pendixB.Itcanbepresentedasasumoftermscorrespond- states N. However, this estimate is incorrect, because it ig- ing to transitions of a proton from level N to N′: noresthecoherenceofequallyspacedquantumstates,asdis- σαff(ω)= fNp σαff,NN′(ω), (32) cussed, e.g., by Cohen-Tannoudjiet al. (1998) for the case XN XN′ ofinteractionofelectromagnetic fieldwithaquantumoscil- where fp isthefraction of protonsin Landau state N, and lator.Interferenceoftransitionamplitudesbetweendifferent N states leads to the common damping factor (which proves σαff,NN′(ω)= 4mπec2(ω+ω2αωn)f2n(eω n′ανωnff,,Nα);2n+′,Nω′(2ων˜2)(ω), ttorabnesiteiqounaslwtohitchhehclaavsesictahleossacmilleatroersodnaamnptinfrgeqfaucetnocry).foTrhaulsl e Pce P− cp α (33) we should put in Eq. (37) the same damping factor as in where fe is the fraction of the electrons in Landau state n, Eq. (35), ν = νˆ +νff at ω ω . The frequency depen- and ν˜ (nω) is a damping factor. The separation of σff into denceofν issugpgestedpbyana≈logycpwithaclassical oscillator α α σαff,NN′, expressed by Eq. (32), is useful for calculation of (Jackson 1975): non-LTEemissivity (see Sect. 6). ν(ω)=ν (ω)+(m /m )νff(ω), (38) At ω ω and α=+1, thereis a resonance: p e p + cp ∼ 4πe2 νff with σff(ω) p , (34) + ≈ mpc (ω−ωcp)2+ν2 ν (ω)= 2 e2 ω2. (39) where ν = (me/mp)ν˜+(ωcp) = νˆp+νpff, with νˆp = νp(ωcp) p 3 mpc3 the radiative damping rate Γ /2 (note that it could also r,p Thus we recover the damping factor that was previously include other damping mechanisms not related to electron- givenwithoutdiscussionbyPavlov et al.(1995).Obviously, protoncollisions, suchasthedampingrateduetocollisions at theresonance, ν (ω )=νˆ =Γ /2. with neutral particles), and νff the damping rate due to p cp p r,p p Note that for damping of free-free photoabsorption electron-proton collisions: (Eq. [B3]) we should include, beside ν (ω), also ν (ω) = p e νff =(m /m )νff(ω ), (35) (2/3)(e2/m c3)ω2. Then the terms containing factor α in p e p + cp e Statistical equilibrium in magnetized plasmas 9 Eq. (B3) cancel out, and it simplifies to 2 e2 ν˜ (ω)= ω2+νff(ω). (40) α 3 m c3 α ∗ 5 STATISTICAL EQUILIBRIUM OF PROTON LANDAU LEVELS 5.1 Two-level system The model in which only two quantumlevels participate in theradiativeandcollisional transitionsishelpfulforunder- standing the main features of line formation and transition rates. This simplest model can be applicable to the forma- tion of theproton cyclotron line if theground Landau level is muchmore populated than excited ones. For electron cy- clotron lines, a similar model was considered previously by Nagel & Ventura(1983). Thestatistical equilibriumoftwoprotonLandaulevels is given bythe equation Figure 5.PopulationoftheprotonLandaulevelN =1relative n ΓB +ΓC =n ΓA +ΓˆB +ΓC . (41) 0 01 01 1 10 10 10 toN =0asfunctionofmassdensityfordifferentvaluesofBand “ ” “ ” T. Letusfirstconsiderthecasewhereproton-protoncollisions are unimportant. Then, taking into account Eq. (30) and the relation ΓC01(pe) = ΓC10(pe)e−βp (Sect. 3.1), Eq. (41) can wherec(NNN2)′ = 12nphvzσN(NN2′)i/(ΓA10+ΓB01+ΓC10(pe)),thefactor bewritten in theform v σ(N2) is given by Eq. (18), and x is the solution (42), h z NN′i 1 nn01 =e−βp 11++Rǫ+Rǫ/(R1/−(eeβ−pβp)1), R≡Γr,p/ΓC10 (42) whicIhnisFirgeuprreod5uwceedshwohwenthce(N0Nr,1e)′la→tiv0e.populations of theex- − where theparameter ǫ=2 AjJ /B (at ω=ω ) char- cited proton Landau state (N = 1) as function of density, j + j ω cp according to Eq. (43), for several B and T values. Here we acterizes the ratio of the effective radiative energy density P assumed that stimulated transitions are unimportant and in theline to its equilibrium value. set ǫ = 0 in Eq. (42). At high density, all curves tend to Let us mention three important limiting cases. their LTE limit n /n = e−βp. Radiative decay rates dom- 1 0 When either R 1 or ǫ = 1, the Boltzmann ra- inate at lower densities, where the excited level becomes tio•n1/n0 = e−βp is r≪ecovered. This is the LTE situation, depopulated. where absorption and emission coefficients are related by Fortheconsideredplasmaparameters,theratesoftran- theKirchhoff law. sitionsduetoproton-protoncollisionsareofthesameorder In another limiting case, where R 1 and ǫR 1, of magnitude or smaller than those due to electron-proton • ≫ ≪ n1/n0 =e−βp/R=ΓC01/Γr,p, that is, excitation of the level collisions. Therefore a neglect of the pp rates does not sig- N =1iscollisional, butitsdeexcitationisradiative.Thisis nificantly affect the statistical equilibrium. For instance, in thecase for which emission is most prominent. Fig. 5 this neglect would change n /n by less than 6 per 1 0 In the third limit, where ǫ 1 and ǫR 1, the cent.Thusstatisticalequilibriumcanbeapproximatelyeval- • ≪ ≫ level N = 1 is excited by absorption of radiation and uated with only proton-electron interactions taken into ac- deexcited by spontaneous emission. In this case n1/n0 = count. (8π3c2/¯hω3) AjJ , and j + j n dPnA (j,ω,n)=n dnB (j,ω,n)I¯ . 5.2 Multilevel system 1 10 0 01 ω,j j Z j Z X X The statistical equilibrium of proton distribution over Lan- Thenthespectralpowerofspontaneousemissionisidentical daulevelsis determinedbythebalance ofthetotal ratesof to that of absorption, and both processes can be treated transitions from and to every level N, as non-coherent scattering (Ventura 1979; M´esz´aros 1992). Such situation is most common for the electron cyclotron absorptionandemissioninstrongmagneticfieldsofneutron nN ΓANN′ + (ΓBNN′ +ΓCNN′) = nN′ΓAN′N stars (Nagel & Ventura1983), but it is not so usual for ion "NX′<N NX′6=N # NX′>N (proton) cyclotron processes. + nN′(ΓBN′N +ΓCN′N), (44) Taking into account proton-proton collisions, from NX′6=N Eq. (41) we obtain supplemented with the condition NnN = np. Here nn01 = 2+12c(110)nˆ(1+c(100)−c(011)−x1)2 nΓacNCNcN.or′Wd=iengΓsoCNtlo(vNpee′E)Eq+.q.(Γ1(CN54()N4p)p′Γ)CNi.t(NTeprp′ha)itsidvseeyplsyet,nedsmtsPaiorstninntoghnef-rldoinimsetartrih,beubteBicooanlutsoze-f +4(1+c(110))(x1+c(001)) 1/2−(1+c(100)−c(011)−x1) ,(43) mann distribution of nN. ˜ o 10 Potekhin & Lai Figure6.PopulationsofthelevelsN =1,2,3,4relativetoN = 0 as functions of mass density for T = 107 K and two values of B. The solid lines show the population of the N = 1 level, dot- dashed lines N = 2, long-dashed lines N = 3, and short-dashed linesN =4.Thedottedlinesshown1/n0 basedonthetwo-level approximation. An example of the numerical solution of Eq. (44) is shown in Fig. 6. As in Fig. 5, here we have neglected ΓB Figure 7. Upper panel: The opacity components for the polar- ization α = +1, as functions of the photon energy, for ρ = 0.01 relative to ΓC. The curves of different style correspond to gcm−3, T =107 K, and B=1014 and 1015 G (as marked near the values of n /n as functions of ρ for different N from N 0 the curves). Dashed lines – ion scattering opacity, dotted lines 1 to 4. The dots correspond to n /n in the two-level ap- 1 0 –electronscatteringopacity, dot-dashedlines–free-freeabsorp- proximation(cf.Fig.5).Weseethattheycoincidewiththe tion contribution, solid lines – the total. Lower panel: relative multilevel solution for n1/n0 (solid lines) within graphical emissivity,Eq.(53),forthesameplasmaparameters. accuracy. theintegrationisperformedoverthosev forwhichthislaw z 6 OPACITY AND EMISSIVITY can be satisfied. In the case where FN(vz) = Fmp,T(vz) is theMaxwellian distribution (10) with T independent of N, 6.1 Relation between emission and absorption Eq.(46) can be written as coefficients Fficoireneatcchanpoblaerpizraetsieonntecdominptohneenfot,rmthephotoabsorptioncoef- µNN′(ω)=nNσNN′(ω)»1− nnNN′ e(N′−N)βp−h¯ω/T–, (47) µ(ω)= µNN′(ω), (45)σ)N–N(4′(7ω))yiel=d FN(vz)σNN′(vz,ω)dvz. In LTE, NX,N′ R µLTE(ω)=n σ(ω)(1 e−h¯ω/T), (48) µNN′(ω)=nN FN(vz)σNN′(vz,ω)dvz p − Z wheren n andσ(ω)istheaveragephotoabsorption −nN′ FN′(vz′)σNN′(vz,ω)dvz′, (46) cross secpti≡onPoNf a pNroton: σ(ω)= NfNp N′σNN′(ω). Z Thepowerofspontaneousemission ofunitvolumeinto P P whereσNN′(vz,ω)isthe(free-free) partialphotoabsorption dωdnisjωdωdn,wherejω istheemissioncoefficient.Some cross section for ions in the Landau state N having lon- authors(e.g.,Zheleznyakov1996)callitemissivity(whereas gitudinal velocity v and going to the final state N′, and otherauthors,e.g.,Rybicki& Lightman1979callemissivity z N(vz) is the distribution of vz for such ions.3 The second the emission power per unit mass). It can be derived from F term in Eq. (46) represents stimulated emission (treated as thesecond Einstein relation (22) and presented in theform negative absorption), v′ is related to v by the energy con- z z servationlawmpvz2/2+EN,⊥+¯hω=mpvz′2/2+EN′,⊥,and jω = jω,N′N, (49) NX′N ¯hω3 3 This is essentially the partial cross section given by Eq. (33), jω,N′N = 8π3c2nN′ FN′(vz′)σNN′(vz,ω)dvz′. (50) except that thelatter assumesvz =0.Tosimplifynotations, we Z suppressthesubscript‘α’andthesuperscript‘ff’inthissection. InthecaseofMaxwell–Boltzmanndistributionofv andv′, z z