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Preview Statement of Facts in Support of Dallas Dance Plea

STATE OF MARYLAND. * INTHECIRCUIT COURT. » FoR SHAUN DALLAS DANCE * BALTIMORE COUNTY DANCE © Case No, 03-K-18400323 STATEMENT OF FACTS IN SUPPORT OF PLEA OF GUILTY ‘The faets upon which the gui areas follows: plea for Shoun Dallas Dane (DANCE) in case number 03-K-18-00323, Though the facts are grouped by speciffe count, shey ave cumulative, in thatthe facts of each caumt also rolate tothe other counts, DANCE woold be identitied as the defendant atthe tral table with counsel ‘During the period 2011 through and including 2015, the SUPES Academy, LI.C (SUPES} and Synesi Associates, LLC (Synesi) were inter-telated companics cael owned 2/3 by Gary Solomon (Solomon) and 1/3 hy ‘Thomas Vraras (Vfanus). They were operated, along with l'oAct Search, LC (same ovmership) as if they ‘ere one big company. They shared staff, space, funds and responsibiliies, Stephen Kupfer (Kupfer) was ‘eonployed by all shice and bis eesponsibilities included sales in the northoast region Revween September, 201 und January, 2012, DANCE aitended and completed a training program through SUPE for aspiring school system superintendems. Through his invalvement in that progcarm he became familiar with Solomon and Kupfer. In esrly 202, DANCE sought employment as Superintendent af the Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS). He alsa Fequenily talked to Solomon ubout his need for ditional inoume due ta bis divorce, COUNT ONE — FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FOR CALENDAR VEAR 2012 ‘On April 10, 2012, the Board of Education formally approved the scloction of DANCE as the zeplaccment for retiring Superintendent Joseph Heirston, DANCE’ contrast with the Board af Education Drovided that he was hired as « consulaat for the period Jone t, 2012 throuh June 30, 2012 and became Superintendent ofthe BCPS effective on July 1, 2012 for 4-year term ending on June 30, 2016, Solorion and Kupfer immediately began seeking business for their eompanics with BCPS through their connection with DANCT. Resween April, 2012 and July 9, 2012, DANCE ammuniented frequently hy emsil, ‘tex! message, telephone conversalions and face-to-face meetings with Solomon and Kupfer eganting the ways in which they and che companies could assist BCPS with their need far taining oF the types offered by SUPES. ‘and Synesi, ‘On July %, 2012, DANCE spoke specifically with Kupfer eegarding leadership training tht cuuld be provided by those companies. DANCE, via email, jnlroduced Kupter to Deputy Superintendent Kevin Hobbs, and instructed Hobbs (o henule discussions with Kupfer. On uly 23, 202 DANCE met wich Kupfer and Hobbs in Towson, Maryland, and discussed the needs of BCPS that SUPES/Synesi might fit], Hubby directed Anissa Brown-Dennis, chen the Director of Leadership Development for BCPS, to conduct luriher discussions with Kupler, ‘On August 1, 2012, Kupfer submited o proposal with pricing for leadership developinent services that SUPES could provide to BCPS. Shorily thereafter, Broma-Dennis informed Kupfer that BCPS would not be pursuing a conleacl with SUPES. Kuptr responded that he would iske that up with DANCE at an upedrning ceanference, Efforts by Kupfer to further negotinwe wilh Hobbs and Brewm-Dennis were ignored, On August 28, 2012 DANCE registered Deliberate Excellence Cumsulting, LLC, with the Sate Department of Assessments and Taxation. The prineipsl office was at his residence, he was resident agent, and bie paid all ofthe expeases of formution. The company fas no membership agreement wr other Teco reflecting ownership. Nor does it mainiain eny accounting records, Prora its inception in August, 2012, Detiberate Excellence Consulting. LLC operated as the alter-ego of DANCE and vas entirely owned, operated and controlled by him. Prior to 2015, all receipts of Deliberate Exeallence Consulting, LLC were depesited ‘directly (o DANCE's personal bank secounts, and reporied as income on DANCE's tax retums. In 2015, some ofthe receipts of Deliberate Exsellence Consulting, LLC were deposited to a bunk account in that name DANCE vias the sole authorized signalary on that sceount. In Octaber, 2017, DANCE signed the Articles of ‘Ceneellation as managing meraber, and was idenified asthe member designated to wap Up the affits of the company. nate August to early September, 2012, Solomon and Kuplér talked to DANCE about punicipating as 2 speaker ut a SUPES Academy, for which he would he paid, DANCE accepted the offer and on September 21 2012, spoke atthe SUPES Academy in Philadelphia, On September 26, 2012, Kupfer contacted DANCE ta complain chat the “leadership develnpment line stuf" for BCPS was salle (On September 29, 2012, DANCE wacte fo Solomon asking for work as « mentor for principals. On September 30, 2012, DANCE vizote lo Kupfer that he would reach ont to Brawe-Dennis to see where things stand, ‘On October 1, 2012, Kupfer offered DANCE work mentoring principal in the DC Public Schools On October 11, 2012, Stephen Kupfer a the direetion of Gary Soloman, emailed a new proposal directly ‘o DANCE for SUPES 19 provide leadership Lining to BCPS aspicing principals based on discussions between DANCE and Soloman. On October 16, 2012, PANCE met with Solerum ata conference in Indianapolis, IN, where DANCE ‘old Solomon that be was good wilh the SUPES proposal to BCPS and thac he ws going to Fite the wornan fo leadership development. ‘On October 30, 2012, DANCE emailed Solomon his updated resume, told bim he vas anious to get sarfed working an said he would be talking ty Kupfer at 3pm Kupfer and DANCE spoke thal day sed DANCE told Kupfer a request for proposals (RFP) might bo needed elie BCPS could hite SUES. At 5:58 pm on Getober 30, 2072, Sofomen instructed Kupfer to tell DANCE that his least favorite letters are “RFP”, Forty minutes later, Kupfer emailed DANCE, listing a series of projects on which SUPES would be “eeping you [DANCE] busy" while also “helping you (DANCE] out with aspiring principals" at BCPS, ‘AVT:21 pm the same day, DANCE teplied vo Kupfer: “Thauiks. | will gel back 10 you on the Baltimore Counly sluf....Any remote work for any district I'm good to do. On sight Rochester, NE, GA 1 ean do since Urey are close... appreciule your help. Keop me as busy as you can. On November 9, 2012, Slephen Kupfer replaced Cynthia Loe, a former school superintendent in Fulton Georgia who had aheady been ullered the DCPS project by SUPES, with DANCE on that projecl. (On November 12, 2012, Kupfer emailed another proposal directly to DANCE and inguined whether they ‘were sill mceting the next day, At 11:56 pm on November 12, 2012, DANCE acknowledged receipt af the Proposal and the meeting by suguycsting a mote convenient location to mest and asking it the proposal was 1S ‘eainees for $180,000.00. ‘At 11:15 the next morning, November 13, 2072, BCPS Purchasing agent Richard Gry emailed Thomas ‘Veanas at SUPES requesting copies of cent contrac be can se co “piggyback” the SUPES proposal ta [BCPS, enabling the coutract to be unproved without a request for proposals (REP) On November 13, 2012, Kupfer met with DANCE, who insisted on a price of $160,000.00, Kupfer, Solomon and Varanas agreed to submit a proposal for that amount, Before they did 29, DANCE emnlacied ‘Kopfer aud told him to do the proposal fir $175,000.00. On November 14, 2012. Kupfer emailed a copy of the St. Louis conteact with SUPES to Richard Gay to use Lo justify the BCPS purchase, enabling Gay lo put the conuaet on the December 4, 2012 Beard agends for ‘approval sethout seeking aa RFP. DANCE lold Kupfer he wanted the contrast wrapped up “this week” and that ‘be would use the St. Louis RFP to ect it done. DANCE asked Gay (o put approval of the propasal on the Road ‘of Education ayends for the December 4, 2012 meeting. ‘On November 17, 2012, DANCE sgnin contacted Deputy Superinlendent Hobbs to reintroduce him £9 form Hobbs the SUES contract would be approved at the December 4 Board meeting, provide -2copy af the proposal and instruct him to begin implementation, ‘On November 28, 2012, Vranas sent DANCE sn email headed “DC SUPES Contract” with an attachment labcled “Dance SOW.docx.” A copy of that email and the accompanying allachmcut ave incorporated ito this statement of facts. A copy of that email is incorporated herein: From: Toman thomarv@aupereadery om? sent iadnesday, November 2B, 20124837 att Te sddonceBowres.net co reberts@prosceach om; steveh@ougearafem com Subject: DC SUPES Conta ‘taeke Dance SO des ye oureamanans, esse lon ang adhd Sot Wo orb nn ing ete aon ata ap ust oe ee lee aba Me ale mn ati eins | seentrnt oe ou Srotaean editors 1 Shepetinaninaner nalay ener ; + Eibsmumesatc mtn a me | —_ i lide i Eee On December 4, 2012, the Boat! of Fdocation of Baltimore County, at a mesting attended by DANCE, approved the purchase of training services tor aspiing school princiguls from SUPES. No RFP was done, and 20 other vondors were considered. The Board approved expenditure of up to $875,000.00 on tive contact and any extensions, Gn Devember 7, 2012, DANCE und BCPS Board President Lawrence Schmidt signed a contract between SUPES and BCPS on behalf of BCPS, purchasing leadership iining services for $175,000.00 per year {orth period January 2013 through Sune 2014, and permitting up to 3 extensicms of the eouttact. On the same stay, DANCE participated in a eonference call with Kupfer, Vranas and others regarding lhe Washington DC School Reviews, scheduled for December 12-14, 2012. Schmidt was unaware of any linancial relationship ‘between DANCE and SUPES. Benween Seplemmber and December, 2012, while dircetly invalved in negotiating the wrms of SUPES, proposal BCPS, DANCT, also contracted to wark us @ master teacher for SUPES at the Rochester, NY SUPES Academy for $15,000.00 and as a mentor and coeeh far SUPES at the Cpite] Arca Public Charter Schools (CAPCS) in Washington DC for $20,000.00. ‘On December 28, 2012, DANCE deposited checks puyube to “Shawn Dallas Dance" to his personel bank account ws follows: Due Payor Amount lysate SURES $250.00 waa2 —suPES $250.00 W2aw2 syne $15, 500.00 ‘The payments ditectly from SUES were for DANCE"s participatiun inthe SUPES Academy’ in Philadelphia in September 2012, The payment through Synesi consisted of $1,500.00 for DANCE's parGcipulion in a SUPES progeam in St, Louis in December, 2012 nnd $12,000.00 far his work on behalf oF SUPRS in the Washington DC Public Schools, Copies of the checks and deposit slips are incorporated hein ermasersere couoooosze —etassnauie | E 7953326 | i u ! U | _ Electronic Deposit Image P F $14531.75 ATM Checking Deposit Date-Time: 2012-12-28 20:42:06 ATM Terminal ID. L355 ATM Transaction Sequence: 006287 6 DANCE reveived an IRS form 1099 thon Synesi bearing DANCE’s social security number and home address and reporting poyment of $13,500.00 by Synesi to "Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC.” DANCE reported that amount as yeoss income for “Dallas Dance, Consultant” and net profit of $6,636 00 on Sehedle C ol his 2012 income tax return. The $500.00 from SUIPES was unreported, On Febuary 12, 2013, DANCE signed and dated the flowing eath or affirmation to the costents of his annual Financial disclosure slalement for eslendar yesr 2012: ‘This Financial Disslosure Statement describes all interests und related transactions and mattors required tobe discfosel by Stale Covernment Article, ‘ile 15, Subtitle 8 of the Maryland Public Ethics Law, COMAR 194.05, and Burd af Eeueation Policy 8364, with respect to the perind indieated and pertaining to te person fling (he Statement Thereby make oath or alfirm under tbe penalties of perjury thatthe contents ofthis Financial Disclosure Statement including the Schedules attached hereta, are complet, true and correct tothe best of my knowledge, informntion, and belief DANCE chen submidted the completed financial dicelosue stotement, ineluding the signed oath or affirmation, RCPS. ‘On DANCE's financial disclosure statement, at peas 2, le falsely checked “no” in response to the stalcarent “E held interests ducing the reporting period in corporations, partnerships and similar entities, "Yee" complete Schedule B).” Schedule B of the disclosure form, provides dat it must by vompleted “If during the reporting periad ‘you had any interest in corporations, partnerships, limited Fbifity partnerships (LLP), or Himtted lability ‘vompanies (LLC), whether or not the endty did business with the Board of Education, you nnust answer the guestions below.” The questions required disclosure of the legal name of sny such enmity as well as tails conceming the date and! manner of sequisition of th interest, the mature aad extent of the intrest, and any ‘transfer of at or part of the inlerest during the reporting period. DANCE provided none of the required information regarding his incerest in Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC. (On the financial disclosure staternent at page two, DANCE also falsely checked “no! in response 0 the slatement "| ora member of my immediate family roccived a salary of was soe vr portal owner of a business <niity from which camed income vas received during the reporting petiod (If “Yee” complete Schedule H)." Schedule Hf of the disclosure form slates: Ifducing the reporting period you er a member of your immediate family received aay teamed income from an entity other thun the Bear of Education, you must answer the ‘questions below. (Question One provides that, “tf during the eporting period you ara member of your immediate fmily hhad employment other tan with the Bourd of Education from which you or chat mecaher exnmed income, provide ihe folowing inforaation: “Name Relationship ‘Name of Employer = Address CigStaerZip 5 Question Two roquites that, “If ducing the reporting period you or a membet of your immedinte family ‘wholly or partially owned any business from which you or that membor earned income, provide the following faformation: “Name Retaconship Name of Business Batty Addeess CiyrStaerzip “ DANCE didnot disclose tat he carned income ftom Delibernte Excellones, LLC, SUPES or Symes, tnd provided no information whatsoever on Schedule H. COUNT It - FINANCTAL DISCLOSURE FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2013--AMENDMENT. DANCE emered into a contract dated February 23, 2013 co provide leadership development services lo the Providence School Distictin Providence Rhode Island. The pares tothe coalruct were the school district and "S. Dallas Dance, PhD,” The term ofthe contract wns February 28, 2013 thraugh June 28, 2013, The school district ugree (a pay $4,999.00 for his serviews. Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC issued 3 invoices to Providetoe Public Schools tolling $4,999.00, Ench invoice was paid by the Cily of Providence by cheeks dravra on School Fund 21 payable to "8. Dallas Dance, PRD, Deliberate Excellence Consulling, LLC” Aouling $4,999.00, Bach check was endorsed by DANCE and deposited by him to his personal bank account In August 2013, DANCE issued an invoice from Deliberate Exeellence Consulting, LLC ta Tompkins- Seneos-Tioga BOCES School Lmprovenient Serviees for $3,000.00 for “Talustat Conference Keynote Address” and $1,161.37 in tofated expenses. On September 12,2013, Tampkins-Senecs-Tinys Boces issued its cheek for $4,161.37 payable to Deliberate Excellence Consulting, LLC. On September (7, 2013, Gut check was endorsed by DANCE and deposited o his personal bank account, During 2013, as SUPES was performing its contact vith BCPS, DANCE continued to work extensively for SUPES on a number of projects for which he received payment, Only axe payenent was made directly by SUPES, a $4,000.00 check payable to “Shawn Dallas Dance” dated Jamary 16,2013 that wes endorsed by DANCE and deposited to his patsonal bank account on February 4.2013. All ather payments were made thuough Synesi, even though the work was for SUPES projects, From January 31, 2013 threwgh April 16, 2013, ‘Synesi issued 5 payments for services rendeved by DANCE to SUPES totaling 89,450.00, Each check was payable ro "Shawn Dallas Dance” personally, was endevsed by DANCE and was deposited to his peronal bask aseouut, ‘Afler April 16, 2013, Syncs issued 13 addidonul checks totaling $63,222.72 payable to Deliberate Excellence Consulting for work performed for SUPES. ash ehvck was delivered to the DANCE, and deposited by him imo petsonal accounts held solely in his nome, Those checks ate listed below: verre Synesi Associates owning Vendor QuickReport ‘All Transactions Records of SUPES/Synesi reflect that in 2013, DANCE hud two coowaets with SUPES to provide services 10 Capitol Acdemy Public Charter Schools (CAPCS). Those eontracts ave ineorporuicd herein: CONTRACT COR SERVICES - SERVICES AND COMPENSATION, (eer /CAPCE Coaching f ce a Hist [rope “apace is ‘MrataCaaeh dort CAPES Princip tbiScaoole open erie etl tro dene Rear Siro fener sno nti 1 sai acppeeem sce Soeg anorpenctieeedaes cere inate Shine smaneugacertoin trees, + Tee PLP a dee onpegprogrem entered beads ir Hire ells Taalereact 7 BlewteiCasth HESS ~ at

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