STAT 705 Chapter 19: Two-way ANOVA Timothy Hanson DepartmentofStatistics,UniversityofSouthCarolina Stat705: DataAnalysisII 1/38 Two-way ANOVA Material covered in Sections 19.2–19.4, but a bit differently. Have two factors, A and B. Levels of A indexed by i = 1,...,a. Levels of B indexed by j = 1,...,b. Number sampled when A = i and B = j is n . If data are ij balanced then n = n for all i,j. ij n = (cid:80)a (cid:80)b n . If balanced, n = nab. T i=1 j=1 ij T Y is kth replicate of factor A = i & B = j. ijk Let µ = E{Y }. ij ijk Have ab different means. Factor B Factor A 1 2 ··· b 1 µ µ ··· µ 11 12 1b 2 µ µ ··· µ 21 22 2b ... ... ... ... ... a µ µ ··· µ a1 a2 1b 2/38 Two-way ANOVA Model is written Y = µ +(cid:15) , (cid:15) i∼id N(0,σ2). ijk ij ijk ijk Most general, least restrictive case is when each combination of levels (i,j) has its own distinct mean. We’ll look at special cases that impose structure on {µ }. ij I Y = µ+(cid:15) ijk ijk II Y = µ+α +(cid:15) ijk i ijk III Y = µ+β +(cid:15) ijk j ijk IV Y = µ+α +β +(cid:15) ijk i j ijk V Y = µ+α +β +(αβ) +(cid:15) ijk i j ij ijk 3/38 I. µ = µ, neither A nor B important ij When a = b = 2, means are FactorA FactorB 1 2 1 µ µ 2 µ µ 4/38 I. µ = µ, neither A nor B important ij If this model fits, you’re done! Nothing to look at. Overall µ is estimated by µˆ = Y¯ . ••• Fit in SAS proc glm as model response = ; 5/38 II. µ = µ + α , only A important ij i When a = b = 2, means are FactorA FactorB 1 2 1 µ+α1 µ+α2 2 µ+α1 µ+α2 6/38 II. µ = µ + α , only A important ij i If this fits, have oneway model in A. Interested in L = (cid:80)a c α . i=1 i i SAS sets µˆ = Y¯ and αˆ = Y¯ −Y¯ . a•• i i•• a•• Fit in SAS proc glm as model response = A; Can get pairwise differences in factor A levels via, e.g. lsmeans A / pdiff adj=tukey; General contrasts available in estimate or lsmestimate. 7/38 III. µ = µ + β , only B important ij j When a = b = 2, means are FactorA FactorB 1 2 1 µ+β1 µ+β1 2 µ+β2 µ+β2 8/38 III. µ = µ + β , only B important ij j If this fits, have oneway model in B. Interested in L = (cid:80)b c β . j=1 j j SAS sets µˆ = Y¯ and βˆ = Y¯ −Y¯ . •b• j •j• •b• Fit in SAS proc glm as model response = B; Can get pairwise differences in factor B levels via, e.g. lsmeans B / pdiff adj=tukey; General contrasts available in estimate or lsmestimate. 9/38 IV. µ = µ + α + β , A and B additive ij i j When a = b = 2, means are FactorA FactorB 1 2 1 µ+α1+β1 µ+α2+β1 2 µ+α1+β2 µ+α2+β2 10/38