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Preview Star formation in AGNs at the hundred parsec scale using MIR high resolution images

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–9(2016) Printed19January2017 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Star formation in AGNs at the hundred parsec scale using MIR high resolution images 7 Daniel Ruschel-Dutra1,2⋆, Jos´e Miguel Rodr´ıguez Espinosa1, 1 0 Omaira Gonz´alez Mart´ın1,3,4, Miriani Pastoriza2 and Rog´erio Riffel2 2 1Institutode Astrof´ısica de Canarias n 2Departamento de Astronomia, Instituto de F´ısica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul a 3Departamento de Astrof´ısica, Universidad de La Laguna (ULL), 38205, La Laguna, Spain J 4Centrode Radioastronom´ıa Astrof´ısica (CRyA-UNAM),3-72 (Xangari), 8701, Morelia, Mexico 8 1 19January2017 ] A G ABSTRACT . It has been well established in the past decades that the central black hole masses of h galaxies correlate with dynamical properties of their harbouring bulges. This notion p begs the question of whether there are causal connections between the AGN and - o its immediate vicinity in the host galaxy. In this paper we analyse the presence of r circumnuclearstar formationin a sample of15 AGN using mid-infraredobservations. t s The data consist of a set of 11.3µm PAH emission and reference continuum images, a takenwithgroundbasedtelescopes,withsub-arcsecondresolution.Bycomparingour [ star formation estimates with AGN accretion rates, derived from X-ray luminosities, 1 weinvestigatethevalidityoftheoreticalpredictionsfortheAGN-starburstconnection. v Our main results are: i) circumnuclear star formation is found, at distances as low as 8 tensofparsecsfromthenucleus,innearlyhalfofoursample(7/15);ii)starformation 4 luminositiesarecorrelatedwiththebolometricluminosityoftheAGN(LAGN)onlyfor 0 objects with LAGN > 1042 erg s−1; iii) low luminosity AGNs (LAGN < 1042 erg s−1) 5 seem to have starburst luminosities far greater than their bolometric luminosities. 0 . Key words: active galactic nuclei – interstellar medium – star formation. 1 0 7 1 : v 1 INTRODUCTION the subject have shown the ubiquitous presence of star i formation in Seyfert galaxies (Rodriguez Espinosa et al. X The properties of the bulge of galaxies correlate with 1987;Gonz´alez-Delgado & P´erez1993;Cid Fernandes et al. r the properties of their super massive black holes (SMBH, 2001;Kauffmann et al.2003;Riffel et al.2007;Davies et al. a Kormendy & Richstone 1995, and references therein). Ar- 2007). There has also been a number of articles suggest- guably the most widely known among these is the corre- ingthatthefeedback from accretion ontotheSMBHwould spondence between the mass (M•) of the SMBH and the quenchstarformationbyheatingtheavailablegas,deterring velocity dispersion of stars in the bulge (σ), in short the the gravitational collapse of molecular clouds (Silk & Rees M•−σ relation (Ferrarese & Merritt 2000;Gebhardt et al. 1998; Vollmer & Davies 2013, and references therein). On 2000; Gu¨ltekin et al. 2009; McConnell & Ma 2013). Rela- the other hand, the turbulence generated by supernova ex- tionships such as these raise the question of whether or not plosions could be responsible for the loss of angular mo- thereisacausalconnectionbetweentheobservedproperties mentum that ultimately leads the gas to the accretion of the active nucleusand the host galaxy. disk (Kawakatu & Wada 2008; Hopkins& Quataert 2010; One of the possible physical links between the Wutschiket al. 2013). accretion-powered nuclear activity and its immediate vicin- ity is the circumnuclear1 star formation, as this im- The MIR emission from polyciclic aromatic hydro- plies a common mechanism for fuelling the growth of carbon (PAH) molecules has frequently been used as both the SMBH and the stellar bulge. Early works on a tracer of star formation (e.g. Tielens 2008; Wu et al. 2009; Gallimore et al. 2010; Diamond-Stanic& Rieke 2010; Ruschel-Dutraet al. 2014). These emission bands are pro- ⋆ E-mail:[email protected](AVR) duced when UV photons from young stars heat molecules 1 Hereand throughout this paper circumnuclear refersto scales totemperaturesoftheorderof1000K.Theenergyissubse- oftheorderofhundredsofparsecsorless quently radiated by fluorescence through the many molec- (cid:13)c 2016RAS 2 Daniel Ruschel-Dutra et al. ular modes of oscillation and vibration. Since it is unlikely 3.0 that such large molecular species would survive the intense VISIRPAH2 radiation field from the active galactic nuclei (AGN, Voit VISIRPAH22 2.5 CanariCamPAH2 1992; Siebenmorgen et al. 2004), the analysis of their emis- n CanariCamSi5 sion is virtually free from the degeneracy considerations sio which are relevant for ionic lines. However, it has been ar- mis2.0 gued that the 11.3µm PAH band is an indicator of recent s n star formation (∼108 yrD´ıaz-Santos et al. 2010). tra1.5 This study aims at investigating the relationship be- d e tinweietns vthiceiniAtyG.NItaicstiovnitlyy annadturtahletorecseenatrchstafrorfoarmcaautisoanl maliz1.0 relation between these phenomena at the smallest possi- or N ble scales, e.g. at radii of tens of parsecs from the cen- 0.5 tral engine. Such regions are often enshrouded in dusty clouds,favouringobservationsinwavelengthsotherthanthe 0.0 optical (Nenkovaet al. 2008; Ramos Almeida et al. 2011; 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 Sales et al. 2011; Gonz´alez-Mart´ın et al. 2013). At present, Wavelength(µm) ground based mid infrared (MIR) observations with 10m class telescopes offer the possibility of obtaining high res- Figure1. TransmissionprofilesoftheVISIR(red)andCanari- olution images (∼ 0.4′′), at the same time avoiding most Cam(blue)filters.Solidanddashedlinesrepresentthe emission of the extinction from the interstellar environment. There- andcontinuumfiltersrespectively,withrespecttotherestframe wavelength.Thetransmissionintegralofeachfilterhasbeennor- fore, here we analyse high spatial resolution PAH emission malised. images from two similar ground-based instruments, namely the Very Large Telescope (VLT) Imager and Spectrometer for mid Infrared (VISIR), and the CanariCam attached to parameters of the last paragraph. The similarity between theGran Telescopio Canarias (GTC). the filters in CanariCam and VISIR allows for a consistent The present paper is structured as follows: in §2 we combinedanalysis.Thespatialscalelimitappliedtothepro- discuss the sample selection, observation strategy and re- prietary data is also respected by the VISIR observations. duction process; our estimates for star formation rates, as Basic parameters for the complete sample of 15 AGNs are well as the morphological features of the star forming re- shown in table 1. gions are examined in §3; §4 examines how the empirical Our sample of nearby AGN is far from being complete data compare with numerical models for the AGN-SBrela- both in volume and luminosity. A cross match between the tion,§5containsadiscussion oftheresultsandfinallyin§6 AGNcatalogueofV´eron-Cetty& V´eron(2010)andtheEx- we present our conclusions. tended12µm Galaxy Sample(Rushet al. 1993) returns44 sources with z < 0.03 and spectral classification of either Seyfert or LINER. If we extrapolate on the region close to the galactic equator left out from Rushet al. (1993) there 2 THE DATA should be ∼ 76 galaxies that fit the description. Conse- quently, our sample represents close to 20% of the AGNs 2.1 Sample selection with z<0.03 and F12 >0.2 Jy. The target set for this study began with the selection of 4 galaxies, three of which were known to harbour AGNs, 2.2 Observations and data reduction for observation with GTC/CanariCam, following a crite- ria of spectral classification diversity. The chosen sources New proprietary data was acquired with CanariCam in the were the Low Ionisation Nuclear Emission-Line Region filters PAH2 (λc = 11.26 µm) and Si5 (λc = 11.53 µm). (LINER)NGC2146,theSeyfert1NGC931andtheSeyfert AdditionalarchivaldataconsistsofVISIRobservationswith 2’s NGC 1194 and NGC 2273, the former being classi- filtersPAH2(λc=11.26µm)andPAH2 2(λc =11.73µm). fied as a Compton Thick source based on X-Ray data Thissetoffourfilters,apairforeachinstrument,waschosen (Guainazzi et al. 2005). The selected sources also followed toyieldtheclosestpossibletocontinuumfreePAHemission a technical limit of detectability for a reasonable integra- images. Thetransmission profiles of all thefilters employed tion time of roughly 0.2 Jy in the 12µm filter of IRAS. in this work are shown in figure 1, where the transmission This is also the lower limit in the Extended 12µm Galaxy coefficient wasnormalised sothat thetotalareaundereach Sample(Rushet al.1993),althoughNGC2273violatesthe curveequals unity. |b| > 25◦ restriction of this catalogue. Lastly, only galaxies Thefield ofviewfor CanariCam isarectangle measur- with projected spatial resolutions on the order of hundreds ing 26′′ x 19′′, with a spatial sampling of 0.08′′/pixel. For of parsecs were considered. VISIR, however, we used data from two distinct observa- In order to add statistical weight to the present study, tion modes, with square fields of view of sides 32.5′′ and 12sourcesobservedwithVISIRattheVeryLargeTelescope 19.2′′. The corresponding pixel scales are 0.127′′/pixel and (VLT) were added. The data for these targets were taken 0.075′′/pixel. from the atlas published by Asmuset al. (2014). These ad- TheCanariCam dataacquisition followed thestandard ditional galaxies consist of all the targets that are clearly recipe for MIR ground based observations, with thermal detected in both thePAH2and Si-5filters, and respect the emission from the telescope and the atmosphere being re- (cid:13)c 2016RAS,MNRAS000,1–9 Cicumnuclear star formation in AGNs 3 Table 1.Observationlog PAH11.3 Si511.6 Target RA(J2000) DEC(J2000) Sp.Type Instrument DateObs. texp (s) DateObs. texp (s) ESO005-G004 06h 05m 41.7s -86◦ 37’55.0” Sy2 VISIR 2010-11-22 900 2010-11-22 900 ESO138-G001 16h 51m 20.2s -59◦ 14’04.2” Sy2 VISIR 2008-03-14 600 2010-07-16 140 ESO383-G035 13h 35m 53.8s -34◦ 17’43.8” Sy1.2 VISIR 2004-04-14 180 2010-03-10 360 IC4329A 13h 49m 19.2s -30◦ 18’33.8” Sy1.2 VISIR 2010-03-12 180 2009-05-10 60 IC5063 20h 52m 02.3s -57◦ 04’07.6” Sy2 VISIR 2006-05-05 180 2005-06-10 200 Mrk1239 09h 52m 19.1s -01◦ 36’43.5” Sy1.5 VISIR 2005-01-28 1000 2006-03-12 600 NGC253 00h 47m 33.1s -25◦ 17’19.7” Sy2/SB VISIR 2004-12-01 1500 2004-12-01 1500 NGC931 02h 28m 14.4s +31◦ 18’41.4” Sy1.0 CanariCam 2013-09-05 278 2013-09-05 265 NGC1194 03h 03m 49.1s -01◦ 06’13.0” Sy2 CanariCam 2013-09-03 625 2013-09-04 199 NGC2146 06h 18m 37.7s +78◦ 21’25.3” LINER CanariCam 2013-09-04 139 2013-09-03 662 NGC2273 06h 50m 08.6s +60◦ 50’44.5” Sy2ct CanariCam 2013-09-08 625 2013-09-06 662 NGC5128 13h 25m 27.6s -43◦ 01’08.8” Sy2 VISIR 2006-04-09 180 2006-03-15 600 NGC5506 14h 13m 14.9s -03◦ 12’27.2” Sy1.9 VISIR 2010-02-23 180 2006-06-06 600 NGC5995 15h 48m 24.9s -13◦ 45’28.0” Sy2/SB VISIR 2010-07-26 1000 2010-07-26 1000 NGC6240 16h 52m 58.8s +02◦ 24’03.6” Sy2/LINER VISIR 2005-04-19 1800 2005-04-19 1800 NGC7469 23h 03m 15.6s +08◦ 52’25.3” Sy1.2 VISIR 2006-07-12 180 2006-06-15 600 moved by the chopping/nodding technique. The same ap- thereisconsiderableoverlapbetweentheemissionandrefer- plies to the archival VISIR data. In the latter case, some encefilters in both instruments.This is particularly truein ofthenodframes whichhadintensedetectorartefacts were the case of CanariCam, where the continuum reference fil- classified by visual inspection and discarded, resulting in a terhasnearly60%ofitstransmissioncurveincommonwith total exposure time slightly lower than the one originally the PAH2 filter. Furthermore, the distance between the fil- intended. ters,althoughsmallincomparisontotheirFWHM,arelarge The reduction process for the CanariCam data em- enoughfordifferencesincontinuumlevelstobecomenotice- ployed the RedCan pipeline (Gonz´alez-Mart´ın et al. 2013), able.Therefore,asimplesubtractionofthecontinuumlevel, withtheadditionofarecentlydevelopedalgorithmtoregis- asprobedbythereferencefilter,cannotleadtoanaccurate terthecentroidinasequenceofnodimagesandrealign the estimate of thePAH emission. exposures. This allowed us to obtain nearly diffraction lim- Analysing tens of AGNs with already published high itedimagesfrom whatwasotherwiseaseeinglimitedstack. resolution MIR spectra (e.g. Ruschel-Dutraet al. 2014; Standardstars,observednotmorethananhourapartfrom Sales et al. 2014; Gonz´alez-Mart´ın et al. 2013; Esquej et al. thescienceexposures,wereusedtofluxcalibratetheimages. 2013), one findsthat low resolution spectra, taken with the The VISIR images were used as published in Asmus et al. Infrared Spectrometer (IRS) aboard the Spitzer space tele- (2014), thus we refer the reader to that paper for details scope, show an underlying continuum that is very similar about thereduction process. to that of the high resolution spectra. The reason for this agreement lies inthedominantrole ofpowerlaw andwarm dustemissionassociatedwiththeAGN,plusthesilicateab- 3 IMAGING ANALYSIS sorption bands at 9.7 µm and 16.8 µm. The later, even if not directly linked to the active nucleus, imprints its effect Inthissectionwediscussthemethodologyandresultsfrom on the line of sight that leads to theAGN. theanalysis of theMIRimages. At first theproblem of iso- In order to produce a model of the continuum we ex- latingthelocationofPAHemissionisinvestigated,followed amined the Spitzer/IRS spectra of our targets, available at by a description of the new observations with CanariCam. theSpitzer archive2,withthespectralanalysistoolpahfit Finally photometric measurements are discussed. (Smith et al. 2007). By fitting the spectrum as a combina- tion of continuum emission, silicate absorption, and emis- 3.1 PAH emission maps sion from molecules and ions, the code is able to return a sophisticated estimate for the continuum shape. Since we The simplest approach to the problem of isolating the are studying galaxies, the redshift of the spectrum had to 11.3 µm PAH emission would beto producemaps, employ- betakenintoconsiderationwhenproducingthemodel.The ingamethodtocompensateforthedifferentcontinuumlev- readershouldkeepinmindthatSpitzer/IRShasaslitwidth els in both filters. The objective here is not yet to reach an of 3.6′′, and therefore is sampling a much larger region of accurate measurement of PAH emission, but rather to lo- thegalaxythangroundbasedobservations.Neverthelessthe cateexcessesinthePAHsamplingfilterwithrespecttothe dominanceofthenucleusoverthehostgalaxymakesitpos- expected continuum level. sibleto obtain afair approximation of thecontinuumusing ThewidthofMIRfilterstendstobeconsiderablylarger low resolution spectroscopy. than their counterparts in the optical range, close to half a We use this continuum emission as an estimate of the micrometer, as can be seen in figure 1. With central wave- lengthsseparatedbydistancesthatmaybesmallerthanthe filter’sfullwidthathalfmaximum(FWHM),itisclearthat 2 http://sha.ipac.caltech.edu/applications/Spitzer/SHA/ (cid:13)c 2016RAS,MNRAS000,1–9 4 Daniel Ruschel-Dutra et al. slope of the continuum under the PAH feature. Assuming ESO138-G001 IC4329A that the same continuum shape holds throughout the im- age’s field of view, we can then produce a qualitative map 1 1 10 ) ofthedeviationfromthenullhypothesis,whichishavingno ec Jy PAHemissionatall.Inotherwords,wearebuildingaquali- s 0 0 5 m c tativemapofPAH“excess”.Theoperationcanbedescribed ar ( ν by theequation −1 −1 0 F −1 0 1 −1 0 1 −5 F1Cdλ Mrk1239 NGC0253 E =(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)I1−I2RR F2Cdλ(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) (1) 1 1 10 y) where E is the differen(cid:12)ce from the nul(cid:12)l hypothesis, In is csec 0 0 5 mJ the image in the n filter, Fn is the normalised transmis- ar −1 −1 (ν sionfunctionofthenfilterandC isthefunctiondescribing 0 F thesemi-empirical continuum.This model is limited bythe −1 0 1 −1 0 1 possibility of spatial variations of the continuum function, −5 which could also produce an “excess” as the one described NGC5128 NGC5506 above.Nevertheless,thereis currentlynobetteralternative 1 1 10 to infer the continuumslope. We would also like to empha- y) sise that thecontinuumfunction is independentlymodelled ec J s 0 0 5 m for each target according to its Spitzer/IRS spectrum and rc ( a redshift. −1 −1 0 Fν Employing this method we conclude that from the 15 galaxies in our sample only four show PAH emission in the −1 0 1 −1 0 1 −5 image subtraction. Of these, only NGC 253 displays an ex- NGC7469 arcsec tended structure, with all the other galaxies appearing as 1 unresolved sources. The PAH emission maps that resulted from the continuum subtraction are displayed in figure 2, ec s 0 for the spatially unresolved and resolved sources. Notably, c r a ascanbeseenin table1,theimageson eachfilterhavenot −1 been taken in the same observing night for all the targets. Therefore, the point spread function (PSF) of the images −1 0 1 arenotnaturallymatched.Perhapsthemostnotablecaseof arcsec PSFmismatcharetheobservationsofMrk1239,whichshow lobesextendingbeyondtheFWHMofthecentralsource.We thusrefrainfromassertionsonmorphologyfeaturesthatare Figure 2. Continuum subtracted 11.3µm PAH images for the below the wider of the two PSFs. Considering this caveat, galaxies classified as displaying resolved or unresolved emission. Theellipsesintheupperrightcornerofeachimagerepresentthe only NGC 253 can be safely classified as having extended FWHMofthestandardstar. PAH emission. Apart from the four galaxies with larger fluxes on the PAH images, we find two sources, namely NGC 5128 and dental with H II regions already identified in the literature NGC7469,whichhavefluxesinthePAHimageslowerthan (Forbes et al. 2000; Lira et al. 2007). the expected from the inferred continuum slope. This ef- fect can bedue toan overestimate of this slope, or to some of the emission from the molecular band “leaking” into the 3.2 Proprietary CanariCam images reference filter. This last issue is further discussed in sec- tion 4 and in the appendix, where we present our method SincesomeofourtargetsarehavingtheirMIRimagespub- for dealing with the effects of redshift in the relative fluxes lished for the first time in this paper, we take this oppor- between the filters. Additionaly, NGC 5506 shows a small, tunity to examine their images in more depth. Four galax- almost unresolved, PAH “excess” and a region where the ies were observed with CanariCam: NGC 931, NGC 1194, continuum image is more intense than expected, leading to NGC 2146 and NGC 2273. The images in the filters PAH2 slightly negative values in figure 2. Since the net result is -11.3µm andSi5-11.6µm forthefourgalaxies areshown closetozero,weconservativelyexcludethisgalaxyfromthe in figure 3. For display purposes, the images of NGC 2146 list of positive detections. havebeenconvolvedwithaGaussianwithσ ofonepixel,in It is important to keep in mind the projected scale of order toemphasise thelarge scale structure. these images, and consequently the maximum radius of an Atthisdepthandspatialresolution,thegalaxieswhich unresolved source. ForMrk 1239, thefarthest galaxy in fig- harbouranAGNappearaspoint-likesourcesinbothfilters, ure 2, the PAH emitting region is at most 400 pc away includingtherelativelycloseNGC2273(z=0.006).Incon- from the central engine, and for the nearest target, namely trast, NGC 2146 shows diffuse emission in the form of a NGC 253, the same region is no further than 19 pc. In the band extendingfrom southeast to northwest. The direction case of NGC 253, structures seen in emission are coinci- ofthisstructurecoincides with thedensedust laneidentifi- (cid:13)c 2016RAS,MNRAS000,1–9 Cicumnuclear star formation in AGNs 5 3.3 Artefacts in CanariCam imaging NGC931-PAH2-11.3 NGC931-Si5-11.6 8.4 In some of the images, particularly in the case of NGC 931 1 7.0y) andNGC2273,onecanclearlyseeapatternofthreebright sec 0 5.6mJ spots circling the central object. Since the same pattern is rc 4.2( alsovisibleinthestandardstarimages theyarealmost cer- a ν −1 2.8F tainly not real. This pattern is a combination of several 1.4 effects: the hexagonal shape of GTC’s mirror and its seg- 0.0 ments; a small difference in phase between segments; and NGC1194-PAH2-11.3 NGC1194-Si5-11.6 1.8 small guiding errors. The effect is not apparent in the im- 1 1.5 ages of NGC 1194 dueto its lower signal to noise ratio. ) sec 0 1.2mJy telesTcohpeelgaustidoifngthaenadbtohveewmaeyntCioanneadriCissaumesreiscorredlastethdetdoatthae. c 0.9 ar ( Eachsavesetistheresultofnearlysixsecondsofchopcycles, −1 0.6Fν which are stored in a buffer before being written as a file. 0.3 Thesourcepositionbetweenframesvariesasmuchas∼0.8′′ 0.0 peak-to-peak, and in fact it is apparent by the structures NGC2146-PAH2-11.3 NGC2146-Si5-11.6 1.2 seen in each of the savesets that such variations also occur 1 betweenchopcycles.Registeredstackingoftheaccumulated 1.0) y chopframescaneasilysolvetheproblemofimagemovement ec 0.8J s 0 m betweensavesets,aslongasthetargetsarebrightenoughto arc 0.6( be detected in each frame. Nevertheless, movement within −1 0.4Fν eachsavesetrequiresaguidingcorrectionfrequencyatleast 0.2 equalto the choppingfrequency. 0.0 Unlike the diffraction features, which are directly re- NGC2273-PAH2-11.3 NGC2273-Si5-11.6 3.0 lated to the relative position between the detector and the 1 2.5) primary mirror, the guiding artefacts are stochastic in na- ec 2.0Jy ture.Thusitisimpossibletoeliminatethembysimplecom- s 0 m parison with the standard star. These effects, while poten- rc 1.5( a tiallyharmfultothemorphologicalanalysis,areinnowway −1 1.0Fν detrimentaltothephotometry,providedthattheapertures 0.5 includethe stray light. 0.0 −1 0 1 −1 0 1 arcsec arcsec 3.4 Photometry Figure3. ImagesacquiredwithCanariCam.Withtheexception Fluxeswereobtainedfromtheimagesthroughaperturepho- ofNGC2146,forwhichnoclearnucleuscanbeidentified,allthe tometry, considering virtual pupils with radii equal to the othergalaxiesinthissetappearaspointlikesources.Inorderto FWHM of the standard star employed in the flux calibra- highlighttheextendedstructureofNGC2146itsimagehasbeen tion.Thebackgroundlevelswereevaluatedfromanannulus convoluted by a Gaussian. The faint ring like structures seen in with width equal to the aperture’s radius, separated from NGC 931 and NGC 2273 are very likely instrumental artefacts thelatterbyhalfitsradius.Allthesumswereperformedby (see text). In all figures North is up, East is left, and the ellipse our own routines which include treatment of partial pixels. inthelowerrightrepresentstheFWHMofthestandardstar. Photometric data are displayed in table 2. Signal to noise ratio estimates for MIR images have a few differences from their optical counterparts. The consid- eration that atmospheric emission follows a Poisson distri- bution does not hold for a chop frequency of a few tens of milliseconds. The reason is that at such short intervals ableinopticalandnearinfrared imagesofthisgalaxy(e.g., there is a significant correlation between background levels Martini et al. 2003). Although this galaxy is classified as a insubsequentframes.Moreover,thebackgroundlevelisalso LINER, no clear nucleus could be identified, and therefore a function of the emission from the telescope itself, making it was left out of the AGN sample. We conclude that this itevenmoretimedependent.Wechosetoestimatethenoise galaxy probably has a LINER-like emission attributable to levelsfrom thestandarddeviation ofthebackgroundin the sourcesotherthantheSMBHaccretiondisk,suchasshocks annulus. orevolvedstars(Filippenko & Halpern1984;Stasiska et al. Infigures4and5wepresentthephotometricpointsfor 2008). the15galaxiesinthesample,plottedalongarchivalspectra Onlyoneofthesefoursourcesshowsanappreciabledif- from Spitzer/IRS. Since the spatial resolution of Spitzer is ference in flux between filters, namely the Seyfert 2 (Sy2) muchlowerthanthatofthedataofCanariCam andVISIR, NGC 1194. The similarity in filter fluxes is an expected re- the flux in the nuclear extractions of the later is naturally sult, since thetransmission curvesoverlap and thedistance smaller.Wealsoshowinthesefiguresthecontinuuminferred between central wavelengths is comparable to the FWHM from thespectral fittingwith pahfit. of the emission band we are tryingto probe. The photometry of all the other galaxies seems to be (cid:13)c 2016RAS,MNRAS000,1–9 6 Daniel Ruschel-Dutra et al. Table 2.Photometricfluxes ID Target z L2−10keV Aperture fP1AH fR1EF LAGN LPAH LSB SFR (logergs−1) (parsec) (mJy) (mJy) (logergs−1) (1040 ergs−1) (logergs−1) (M⊙ yr−1) 1 ESO005-G004 0.006 41.92a 128.7 19±4 24±5 42.94 13+28 43.3+0.5 0.3+0.7 −9 −0.5 −0.2 2 ESO138-G001 0.009 42.52b 191.0 665±11 640±14 43.65 64+137 43.9+0.5 1.6+3.4 −43 −0.5 −1.1 3 ESO383-G035 0.008 42.41c 164.0 305±8 301±19 43.52 < 4 < 42.8 < 0.1 4 IC4329A 0.016 43.70d,e 332.2 973±12 905±25 45.13 855+1849 45.1+0.5 21+46 −585 −0.5 −15 5 IC5063 0.011 42.94f 234.6 616±14 809±17 44.17 < 19 < 43.4 < 0.5 6 Mrk1239 0.020 40.82g 413.2 602±9 522±8 41.70 < 302 < 44.6 < 7.5 7 NGC0253 0.001 40.00h 18.7 1768±97 1561±114 40.83 7.8+16.8 43.0+0.5 0.2+0.4 −5.3 −0.5 −0.1 8 NGC0931 0.016 43.28i 338.5 210±10 217±12 44.60 < 540 < 44.9 < 13.5 9 NGC1194 0.014 42.64j 282.4 176±17 167±7 43.80 < 211 < 44.5 < 5.3 10 NGC2273 0.006 42.23k 128.7 111±5 106±6 43.30 25+55 43.5+0.5 0.6+1.4 −17 −0.5 −0.4 11 NGC5128 0.002 42.31l 37.4 823±17 991±13 43.40 1.3+2.8 42.3+0.5 0.03+0.07 −0.9 −0.5 −0.02 12 NGC5506 0.006 43.01c 122.5 704±15 839±13 44.26 13+28 43.2+0.5 0.3+0.7 −9 −0.5 −0.2 13 NGC5995 0.025 43.53m 521.2 290±3 291±5 44.92 < 23 < 43.5 < 0.6 14 NGC6240 0.024 44.26n 504.6 152±15 185±12 45.87 < 116 < 44.2 < 2.9 15 NGC7469 0.016 43.02o 330.1 393±11 479±9 44.27 < 68 < 44.0 < 1.7 1 Thesefluxdensitiesarethedirectresultofaperturephotometryoverthemonochromaticimages,withoutanyoftheproceduresfor continuum subtractionorredshiftcompensationdiscussedinthetext. ReferencesfortheX-rayluminosities:a Winter etal.(2009); b Piconcellietal.(2011);c Nandraetal.(2007);d Shinozaki etal.(2006);e Bianchietal.(2009);f Marinuccietal.(2012); g Corraletal.(2011);h Mu¨ller-Sa´nchezetal.(2010);i Uedaetal.(2011);j Greenhilletal.(2008);k Awakietal.(2009);l Shuetal. (2011);m Uedaetal.(2005);n Gonz´alez-Mart´ınetal.(2006);o Gonz´alez-Mart´ın&Vaughan(2012);p Brightman&Nandra(2011); in good agreement with the Spitzer/IRS spectra, in the imagesubtractionresultedinpositivedetectionsofPAHand sense that the photometric points are at most equal to the vice-versa. spectroscopicflux.Interestingly,galaxiesshowingprominent Once known, the total flux emitted in the 11.3 µm 10.5µm [Siv] emission are the ones that show better agree- PAH flux can be used in onjunction with empirical rela- ment between nuclear photometry and host galaxy spec- tions for the SFR. Although this molecular feature has a trum, probably due to the prevalence of the central source. less stringent correlation with SFR than the emission band Whereas in galaxies with weak [Siv] emission the AGN is at 8.6 µm (Diamond-Stanic& Rieke 2010), the features at correspondingly less dominant in the low spatial resolution 8.6µmappeartobeobservationallysuppressedinthevicin- spectrum.TargetsshowingverystrongPAHemissioninthe ity of the AGN, while the 11.3 µm seems to be less af- Spitzer/IRS spectra tend to have nuclear fluxes well below fected(Alonso-Herrero et al.2011).Thatapparentsuppres- those of the host galaxy, and even below pahfit’s estimate sionshouldnotbeconfusedwiththephysicaldestructionof for the continuum. PAH molecules, but rather the dilution of PAH emission in the intense continuum emission from the AGN (Sales et al. 2010; Alonso-Herrero et al. 2014). Aspreviouslydiscussedintheintroduction,the11.3µm 4 STAR FORMATION RATES PAHband is a reliable MIR proxyfor star formation rates. In order to estimate thecircumnuclear star formation rates It is particularly well suited for the study of AGN due to basedontheMIRphotometry,wedevelopedamethodbased its relative insensitivity to the radiation from the accretion on the difference between the photometric fluxes already disk,whichisthoughttodestroythemolecules(Voit1992). discussedandcarefulmeasurementsofthecontinuumslope. Thisisnotthecaseofatomicfinestructurelinessuchasthe We stress that given the different redshifts of the galaxies 12.8µm[Neii],whichtendtooverestimateSFRinluminous andthelargevariationsinsilicateprofilearound10µm,itis AGNs(Diamond-Stanic& Rieke2010).OtherPAHfeatures impossible to determine the flux in PAH emission features onshorterwavelengths,suchasthe6.2,7.7and8.6µmfea- based solely on the photometric fluxes. We refer the reader tures,havebeen shown tobesuppressed in Seyferts(ibid.). to theappendix A for thetechnical details of this analysis. Based on templates of MIR spectra of starburst galax- Ourresults,presentedintable2,showthat7outofthe iesfromRiekeet al.(2009),Diamond-Stanic& Rieke(2012) 15 galaxies in thesample havePAHemission. This number derived therelation is different from theone presented in section 3.1 dueto the different approach. Most importantly, simulating the PAH emission bandprovidesinformation on theeffectsof having M˙∗ (M⊙ yr−1)=9.6×10−9LPAH(L⊙) (2) some of the emission sampled by the reference filter. Also, whileinsection3.1theimageswerecomparedonapixelby for starbursts characterised by M˙∗ < 10 M⊙ yr−1, where pixel basis, in the present analysis only the integrated pho- LPAH is the luminosity from the PAH 11.3 µm band. This tometry is considered, thus rendering PSF mismatch prob- equation has been evaluated for galaxies with 109.75 < lems irrelevant. Therefore, not all galaxies identified in the LIR < 1010.75, with a dispersion of 0.28 dex. Our sam- (cid:13)c 2016RAS,MNRAS000,1–9 Cicumnuclear star formation in AGNs 7 0.5 ESO005-G004 ESO138-G001 1.0 NGC1194 NGC2273 0.6 0.4 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.7 0.15 0.3 0.1 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.5 0.1 -0.1 0.4 0.05 0.0 ESO383-G035 IC4329A 1.3 NGC5128 NGC5506 1.6 1.2 1.4 0.35 1.1 1.5 1.2 y) 0.3 1.0 y) 1.0 y(J 0.25 00..89 y(J 01..50 00..68 nsit 0.01.52 00..67 nsit 0.0 00..24 de IC5063 Mrk1239 de 0.4 NGC5995 NGC6240 0.8 Flux 01..80 00..555 Flux 0.03.53 000...246 0.25 0.6 0.45 0.2 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.15 -0.2 1.6 NGC0253 NGC0931 NGC7469 1.4 8.0 1.2 0.25 6.0 1.0 0.2 0.8 4.0 0.6 2.0 0.15 0.4 0.09 10 11 12 9 10 11 12 0.1 0.29 10 11 12 Wavelength(µm) Wavelength(µm) Figure 4. Spectra from Spitzer/IRS for the first 8 galaxies in Figure 5.Sameasfigure4forgalaxies9through15. the sample. Blue lines are the observed spectra shifted to the rest frame; red lines represent the continuum emission with the silicateabsorption as considered bypahfit;vertical dotted lines Starburst luminosities, derived according to equation 4, for markthewavelengthofthe10.5µm[Siv]lineand11.3µmPAH all the galaxies in thesample are presented in table 2. band;greenlinesrepresentthebesttheoreticalmatchtothespec- Itisimportant topointout thatof alltheseven galax- trum. The dots are the photometric flux points shifted to the ies in which we detected circumnuclear star formation, 4 central wavelength they aresamplingat the given redshift,with have already been hinted at having such a characteris- error bars representing the filter’s FWHM and uncertainties in the flux measurements, in the horizontal and vertical directions tic by previous studies, namely ESO 138-G001, NGC 253, respectively. NGC 2273 and NGC 5506 (Cid Fernandes et al. 2005; Engelbracht et al. 1998; Mulchaey et al. 1996; Oliva et al. 1999).BasedontheassumptionthatMIRobservationspen- ple has a median LIR = 1010.65 with three galaxies above etratedeeperintothedustynuclearenvironment,oneshould LIR =1011,thereforeweconservativelyregarduncertainties expectsuchcases.Intheoppositedirection,NGC6240 and in M˙∗ as 1 dex. NGC 7469 have previous detections of circumnuclear star Proceeding in this line of thought, the energy-mass formation in the optical, but we find no evidence for it equivalenceallowstheluminosityofthecircumnuclearstar- in our analysis. This could be either due to the detection burst (LSB) to be expressed as function of the mass con- limitimposedhereor,inthecaseofNGC7469,becausethe version rate from molecular gas to stars (M˙∗). Adding a starformation structureseenbypreviousauthorsisoutside scaling factor of 0.14 Kawakatu & Wada (2008) write LSB, thepupilusedtoisolatethenuclearsource(seeSoifer et al. at a particular instant, as 2003). TheSFRestimatespresentedhereforthecircumnuclear region ofsomeofthegalaxies areconsiderablysmaller than LSB=0.14εM˙∗c2 (3) previous estimates for the entire galaxy found in the liter- ature. In the case of NGC 6240 Howell et al. (2010) report where c is the speed of light in the vacuum and ε is the massconversionefficiencysetto0.007,whichisthefraction a SFR of 148.44 M⊙ yr−1 using Spitzer LIR and GALEX FUV measurements, with the caveat that some AGN con- of mass converted toenergy duringthefusion of Hydrogen. taminationmaybepresent.Themostlikelyexplanationfor These last twoequations,incgs units,result in thefol- the smaller value of SFR presented here is the difference in lowingrelation betweenPAHemission at11.3µmandstar- the apertures, which is almost a factor of 10 smaller when burst luminosities: compared to that of Spitzer. On the other hand NGC 253 and NGC 7469 have re- LSB(erg s−1)=εc22.2×10−17LPAH (erg s−1). (4) ported SFRs for the nuclear region with spatial resolu- (cid:13)c 2016RAS,MNRAS000,1–9 8 Daniel Ruschel-Dutra et al. tions comparable to the ones in this paper, with values logBHAR(M⊙/yr) of 2.8 ±0.3 M⊙ yr−1 and 2.6 −5.1 M⊙ yr−1 respectively −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 46 (tOartgtetestaarl.e210.015d;eDxaavnieds0e.t6adl.e2x0s0m7)a.llOeru,rtehsetrimefoarteesjufosrtitfyhiensge 2 8 4 SFR/100 SFR/10 45 theconservative uncertainty of 1 dex mentioned above. 1 6 9 5 DISCUSSION M/yr)⊙ 0 102 515 13 14 SFR 44(erg/s) Astenlluamr benerviorfonthmeeonrtetiincalwshtiucdhieSsMhBavHe sahcocwrentiotnhaitstohbesienrtveerd- gSFR( −1 7 1 3 12 43L,NUCSB o 11 g also favour star formation in the circumnuclear region. For l 42lo instance, Kawakatu & Wada (2008) using a semi-analytic −2 modelshowthatgivenacontinuoussupplyofgasfromouter partsofthehostgalaxytotheinner100pc,AGNluminosity 41 −3 willbecorrelatedtoSBluminositywhiletheaccretionrates 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 are high. In another semi-analytic work Neistein & Netzer logLAGN(erg/s) (2014) show that for SB and accretion events ignited by Figure6.RelationbetweenAGNluminosityandthenuclearstar galaxymergers,acorrelationbetweenLAGNandSFRisver- formationrate. Thenumbers correspondtotheidentification on ified when LAGN >1042ergs−1. the first column of table 2. Dotted lines markaccretion rates in In ordertoinvestigate thepossible physicalconnection termsof theSFR, inratiosof BHAR=SFR, BHAR=SFR/10 betweentheAGNandthecircumnuclearstarburst,wecom- andBHAR=SFR/100.Thesolidlineanddashedlinesarerepro- pared the SFRs probed by the PAH emission to the accre- ductions of the semi-semi-analytic models in Neistein&Netzer tionrateoftheAGNs.Thelatterquantitywasderivedfrom (2014,seetext). theX-Ray2-10keVluminosity,withbolometriccorrections obtained from concludethattheSFRsareclose toBHARswhenconsider- ing only the nuclear region (R < 10pc). The spread in the log L12 = correlation increases as larger radii are considered, at the (cid:20)L(2−10 keV)(cid:21) same time that BHARs correspond to smaller fractions of 1.54+0.24L12+0.012L212−0.0015L312 (5) SfoFrRths.eIdniffoeurrenatnaplryosjiesctweedhaarevaesntohteycormeppreensseanttebdetchaeusSeFtRhes (Marconi et al. 2004), where L12 = log(LAGN) − 12 and majority of our sources is unresolved. As a result, some of LAGN is the bolometric luminosity in units of L⊙. Numeri- thedispersioninfigure6canbedirectlylinkedtocomparing calmethodswereusedtosolvethistranscendentalequation, different proportions of thehost galaxy. resulting in correction factors roughly between 7 and 55. In figure 6 we also indicate the corresponding LSB for Resulting bolometric luminosities for all the AGNs in our thecalculatedSFRs,meaningtheluminositydueexclusively sample are also shown in table 2. We would like to empha- to young stars. The most striking feature is that there are sise that thevalueof LAGN obtained from X-Rayradiation nogalaxieswhereLAGN >100×LSB.Inotherwords,allthe is only representative of the instantaneous accretion rate AGN harbouring galaxies in our sample, even the most en- of the BH. On the other hand, the emission from aromatic ergeticones,havestarburstsradiatingatleast1%oftheen- moleculesusedtoassessSFRslags150Myrbehindthemain ergyfromthecentralengine.Atthesametime,thehighlu- star formation event. minosity AGNshavecircumnuclear starbursts that at most The points in figure 6 show the SFRs of circumnuclear matchtheenergyoutputofthecentralsource.Moreoverwe regions versus the bolometric luminosities of the AGNs. In findthattwoofthesevenwellconstrainedgalaxiesliewithin thesamegraphwecompareourresultswiththeoreticalpre- uncertainty limits of the 1-to-1 line, meaning that a signif- dictions from Neistein & Netzer (2014) by overplotting the icant fraction of these sources have nearly as much energy average SFRs and LAGN lines from figure 3 in the same comingfrom theAGNasfrom thecircumnuclearstarburst. paper. The solid line represents the average SFR for each This reinforces the importance of isolating the AGN emis- LAGN bin in Neistein & Netzer (2014) models, while the sion from star formation at theMIR. dashed line marks the average LAGN for each SFR bin. We Concerning the low luminosity AGNs, there are is one also note that the higher luminosity AGN in our sample galaxywhichhasmorethanonehundredtimesmoreenergy (LAGN > 1042 (erg/s−1)) are mainly located in the region coming from young stars than from the AGN. This is in these authors claim to be occupied by objects in the early agreementwithrecentstudiesshowingthehugeimportance stages of the starburst. Observational evidence from longer of the circumnuclear star forming components at all wave- wavelengths also show a similar trend for high luminosity lengthstounderstandLLAGN(e.g. Gonz´alez-Mart´ın et al. AGNs.Forinstance,Rosario et al.(2012)using60µmdata 2014). Conversely, we find no examples of low luminos- from the Herschell space telescope, found that local AGN ity AGNs with LSB << LAGN. Regarding the relation- luminositiescorrelatewithSFRforLAGN >1044 (erg/s−1), ship between the luminosities from the different phe- thusagreeing with our findings. nomena, our data agrees with the theoretical predictions Through the use of hydrodynamical simulations of Kawakatu & Wada (2008) and Wutschiket al. (2013), Hopkins& Quataert (2010) have predicted correlations be- whicharguethatlowluminosityAGNsshouldnotdisplaya tween black hole accretion rates (BHAR) and SFR. They correlation betweencircumnuclearstarformation andAGN (cid:13)c 2016RAS,MNRAS000,1–9 Cicumnuclear star formation in AGNs 9 activity. According to these authors, this lack of correla- REFERENCES tion represents a stage where the circumnuclear disk has Alonso-Herrero A. et al., 2014, Monthly Notices of the becomegravitationally stable,thusceasingtheaccretionby RoyalAstronomical Society, 443, 2766 theSMBH, but still has enough gas to form stars. Alonso-HerreroA.etal.,2011, TheAstrophysicalJournal, Diamond-Stanic & Rieke (2012) have found a positive 736, 82 correlation between BHAR and the SFR in radii averag- ing to 300 pc, throughout their sample, using the [O iv] AsmusD.,HonigS.F.,GandhiP.,SmetteA.,DuschlW.J., 2014,MonthlyNoticesoftheRoyalAstronomicalSociety, as an indicator of the former. 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