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Standard candles from the Gaia perspective Laurent Eyer • Lovro Palaversa • Nami Mowlavi • Pierre Dubath • Richard I. Anderson • Dafydd W. Evans • Thomas Lebzelter • Vincenzo Ripepi • Laszlo Szabados • Silvio Leccia 2 • Gisella Clementini 1 0 2 n a J 3 2 Abstract main will be achieved thanks to unprecedented astro- The ESA Gaia mission will bring a new era to the metric precision, whole-sky coverage and the combina- ] R domain of standard candles. Progresses in this do- tion of photometric, spectrophotometric and spectro- S scopic measurements. The fundamental outcome of . h LaurentEyer the mission will be the Gaia catalogue produced by p the Gaia Data Analysis and Processing Consortium Geneva Observatory, University of Geneva, 1290 Sauverny, - o Switzerland (DPAC), which will contain a variable source classifi- r LovroPalaversa cation and specific properties for stars of specific vari- t s Geneva Observatory, University of Geneva, 1290 Sauverny, ability types. We review what will be produced for a Switzerland Cepheids, RR Lyrae, Long Period Variable stars and [ NamiMowlavi eclipsing binaries. 1 Geneva Observatory, University of Geneva, 1290 Sauverny, v Switzerland Keywords stars:distance; stars: variables; stars: bi- 9 8 ISDC, Geneva Observatory, UniversityofGeneva, 1290Versoix, naries; stars: statistics; cosmology: distance scale; Switzerland 8 space vehicles; surveys; catalogs 4 PierreDubath 1. ISDC, Geneva Observatory, UniversityofGeneva, 1290Versoix, 0 Switzerland 1 Introduction 2 RichardI.Anderson 1 Geneva Observatory, University of Geneva, 1290 Sauverny, : Thesubjectofstandardcandlesisafundamentalscien- v Switzerland tificcasethatwillgreatlybenefitfromtheGaiamission. i DafyddW.Evans X In this respect Gaia is unique and this scientific sub- InstituteofAstronomy,CambridgeUniversity,MadingleyRoad, r jectwilltakeadvantagefromallaspectsofthemission. CambridgeCB30HA,UK a The astrometry will obviously provide a major contri- ThomasLebzelter bution. However, other aspects of the Gaia measure- DepartmentofAstronomyUniversityofVienna,Tuerkenschanzs- trasse17,1180Vienna,Austria ments will contribute to this subject as well. The clas- VincenzoRipepi sicalstandardcandlesareRRLyraeandCepheidstars. But Gaia will also offer the possibility to exploit other INAF - Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte, Salita Moiariello16,80131Napoli,Italy classes of variable stars as standardcandles. Examples LaszloSzabados of“non-classical”standardcandlesincludeLongPeriod Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Variables (LPVs) (Feast et al. 1989; Matsunaga et al. 1121Budapest,Hungary 2009), OGLE Small Amplitude Red Giants (OSARGs; SilvioLeccia Wray et al. 2004), eclipsing binaries (Paczyn´ski 1997) INAF - Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte, Salita and Large Amplitude δScuti stars (McNamara 1997). Moiariello16,80131Napoli,Italy Certain types of stellar variability occur within spe- GisellaClementini cificmassandmetallicityrangesandatgivenevolution- INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna, via Ranzani 1, arystages. ThesizeoftheGaiadatasetwillensurethat 40127, Bologna,Italy all these cases will be covered statistically. Gaia data 2 willallowustoestablishthefundamentalastrophysical number contains estimated dead-times). The launch is properties of these stars, in particular their luminos- foreseenfor2013. Therewillbeanalertsystemandin- ity, and thereby establish their usefulness as standard termediate data releases throughout the mission. The candles. They will also determine their cosmic scatter. final results will be made available by 2020–2021. Gaia will therefore be able to test the universality of A summary of performances can be found on the many different standard candles. Gaia webpage (http://www.rssd.esa.int/Gaia) under The astrometric precision of the Hipparcos satellite Science Performances. The numbers displayed in ta- has been exploited to its limit in the case of standard bles 1 and 2 are extracted from this webpage (as of candles. Standard candles like Cepheids or RR Lyrae October 2011). can be considered “far” for Hipparcos precision. The statistical properties of distance, parallaxand absolute The scanning law The Gaia scanning law has been magnitudearecomplex. Feast & Catchpole(1997)con- designedin orderto optimize the astrometricresults of strainedthezeropointoftheperiod-luminosityrelation the mission. The Gaia satellite has two fields of view with a subtle and sound method. However, their zero (FOV) of 0.7×0.7 deg2 each. These two viewing direc- point has been subject to discussions. It is worth men- tions are separated by an angle of 106.5 deg. The two tioning that the number of Cepheids retained for con- FOV images are superposed on the same focal plane strainingtheirsolutionwasonly26. Thedistancemod- thatconsistsof106CCDs,totalingnearly1billionpix- ulus of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), obtained els. As the satellite rotates around its axis with a pe- with the Hipparcos-derived zero-point is 18.7±0.10, riodof6hours,thestarsaresweepingthroughthefocal which seems a bit too far compared to other standard plane. The CCDs are read in Time Delay Integration estimates that are close to 18.5 (cf. Clementini et al. mode. The rotation axis of the satellite is precessing 2003). onaSun-centeredconewithanopeningangleof45de- DecadesafterthehistoricaldiscoveryoftheCepheid greesandaprecessionperiodof63days. Thisconstant period-luminosity relation by Henrietta Leavitt, sur- angleoftherotationaxiswithrespecttotheSun’sposi- veys towards the Magellanic Clouds such as OGLE, tion gives the peculiar dependency of the scanning law MACHO and EROS, provided a remarkable contribu- oneclipticcoordinates. Theaveragenumberoftransits tion to the subject of standard candles. Even if the (one passage through the FOV) is about 70 but varies distances to the Magellanic Clouds are not known pre- between 40 and 250, depending on the sky position. cisely, they can be considered at a fixed distance with Properties of the scanning law have been presented onlymoderatedepthandthereforethedifferenceinap- by Eyer & Mignard (2005). Although there have been parent magnitude can be interpreted as a difference in changesinsatellitedesign,the conclusionsofthe study luminosity. This is whythe MagellanicCloudshaveof- remainvalidfor the AstrometricField (AF). The spec- fered such a high scientific potential. Gaia,as a whole- tral window of Gaia sampling contains high peaks sky survey, will observe the Magellanic clouds, as well at high frequencies, limiting aliasing when compared as the halo and the plane of the Galaxy (with paral- to large scale ground-based surveys (see Eyer et al. laxes). The inter-comparison of different populations 2009). The period recovery of periodic signals is very ofstandardcandle classeswitha singleinstrumentwill high even at relatively low signal to noise ratio (see have an enourmous impact, since, for the first time, Eyer & Mignard 2005). Handling of semi-regular or ir- they can be calibrated to a homogeneous reference. regular variables might be difficult due to the sparsely sampled Gaia time series. Furthermore, the semi- regular or irregular variables may contaminate the 2 A quick review of the Gaia mission samples of periodic objects. Particular cases such as double-mode Cepheids or Blazhko RR Lyrae stars will In this section, we present properties of the Gaia mis- also require special analysis. sion that are relevant to standard candles. Gaia is a spacecraft of the European Space Agency The astrometric performance The mission’s success (ESA) thatwillbe locatedatthe LagrangianL2point, depends critically on the astrometric performance 1.5millionkmawayfromEarth. Itwillobserveabout1 achieved. Therefore, performance estimations have billionobjectswithamagnitudebetweenV ≃6and20 been the subject of constant attention throughout the mag. Themeasurementsgatherastrometric,photomet- development of the spacecraft. The latest numbers ric, spectrophotometric and spectroscopic data. The available,re-evaluatedduringthe criticaldesignreview lengthofthemissionis5yearswithapossibleoneyear in April 2011, are displayed in Table 1. extension. For a duration of 5 years, the average num- ber of measurements will be about 70 per object (this 3 Table 1 Astrometric error for end-of-mission parallax as Table2 Radialvelocityend-of-missionerrorasafunction a function of spectral typeand magnitude of spectral typeand magnitude B1V G2V M6V Spectral type V Radial velocity error V −I −0.22 0.75 3.85 B1V 7 1kms−1 Bright stars 6<V <12 6<V <12 8<V <14 12 9kms−1 5-14µas 5-14µas 5-14µas G2V 13 1kms−1 V=15 26µas 24µas 9µas 16.5 13kms−1 V=20 330µas 290µas 100µas K1III-MP 13.5 1kms−1 −1 (metal-poor) 17 13kms These numbers result from studies which have been recently quite stable; the current numbers are consis- Gaia performs also low resolution spectrophotome- tentwiththoseobtainedinthepastfewyears. Globally, try. The Blue Photometer (BP) covers the wavelength the performanceis within the initial requirementswith range from 330 to 680nm while the Red Photometer only some minor non-compliances. (RP) covers the range 640–1050nm. The RP has red- The numbers shown in Table 1 represent estimated enhancedCCDssothatlongerwavelengthsarereached. errors on parallax at the end of the mission. They The requirements were not formulated in terms of ac- should be multiplied by 0.8 and 0.5 in order to ob- quiring desired astrophysical quantities, but in terms tain errors for end-of-mission position proper motion ofphotometric precisioninpseudo-bands. The BPand (µas/year), respectively. RPspectrahaveeach60samples. Thephotometricpre- In theory, the performance improves with mission cision of the integrated or “mean” spectra are given in length L. The parallax and position errors scale as Figure1. However,again,thesenumbersshouldbeseen L−0.5 while the proper motion error varies as L−1.5. as theoretical limits. The lower limit of the calibration However,theastrometricsolutionofthefirst18months error is estimated to be at the level of 10 to 30mmag. islikelytobeaffectedbysystematicerrors. Thegoalof It should be noted that the error estimations from the the consortium will be to search and correct for these April2011reviewhavelargererrorsforthislowerlimit. errors through the subsequent iterations in such a way Finally, the Sky-Mapper (SM) CCDs will also produce as to reach the expected accuracy at the end of the photometricmeasurements. Themeannumberoftran- mission. As a consequence, the scaling of the different sits in G, BP and RP is estimated to reach 70 over 5 solutions produced during the missionmay not strictly years. follow the above rules. ForaCepheidlocatedat12kpcwitha10dayperiod, The Radial Velocity Spectrometer performance The a relative parallax error of 10% is expected assuming Radial Velocity Spectrometer (RVS) is a near-infrared no extinction. The same relative error is reached for a instrument with a resolution of 11,500 and spans the 6 kpc Cepheid if the extinction is A = 5 mag. For wavelengthrangefrom847to874nm,whichcoversthe V Cepheids, Gaia will cover a significant fraction of the Calcium triplet. The RVS instrument will survey the Galaxy with a very good precision. whole-skyuptomagnitudeV ∼15or17(dependingon thespectraltypeofthestars)withend-of-missionerror The photometric and spectrophotometric performance levels from 1 to 10 kms−1, depending on the spectral The astrometric field is also producing a white light type and magnitude, cf. Table 2. The number of mea- (called G-band) magnitude. As there is no filter, the surements in the RVS will be about 40 per object over bandpass is only limited by the optical properties of the5yearmission. Thenumberoftransitsforthe RVS the system (reflectivity of the mirror, response of the is reduced, since there are only 4 dedicated CCDs per- CCDs, etc.). The wavelength coverage is from 330 to pendicular to the scanning direction whereas the SM, 1050nm. The photometric G-band precision should be G, BP, RP instruments have 7. ofveryhighquality,asitisthesumofthe9CCDmea- surements over one FOV transit. The transit/epoch photometry accuracy as a function of the magnitude is 3 Standard Candles given in Figure 1. The lower limit of the calibration error is estimated to be at the level of 1 mmag. The Theknowledgeaboutstandardcandleswillbenefitfrom per-CCD photometry will also be available and will al- allaspects ofthe Gaia mission: its astrometry,its pho- low detection of variability on very short time scales tometry and spectrophotometry, as well as its spectro- (tens of seconds). metric radial velocity measurements. 4 45$67"&’()*+&"(668’(6+9* 2-"%./03 ,-"%./01 2-"%./01 ,-"%./03 !"#$%"&’()*+& Fig. 1 Per transit photometric error in G band, integrated BP and RP as a function of G magnitude. The sawtooth structure at the bright magnitudes is a consequence of the gating system which allows observations of bright stars by limiting theexposed part of theCCD, thusreducingthe integration time Theastrometrywillallowcalibrationofluminosities Furthermore Gaia will conduct a global survey, col- of the standard candles thanks to the Gaia parallaxes. lecting photometry and spectrophotometryon a multi- For a given variability type, there exists an interplay epochbasisthatwillallowthedetectionofnewobjects between luminosity, distance (distribution within the in each standard candle category, e.g. new Cepheids, Galaxy) and Gaia precision for the corresponding ap- new RR Lyrae stars and eclipsing binary systems, see parent magnitudes. However the number of standard Table 3. Due to its diversity the impact of such a candles of a given type with good and useful astrome- harvest is difficult to forecast. However, the physics try will increase by one to several orders of magnitude driving the variability and instability, and in particu- with respect to the present situation. lar how metallicity affects the variability properties of The Gaia multi-epoch photometry is also advanta- a star will be systematically studied. Both aspects are geous in the case of standardcandles with large ampli- essential for the calibration of standard candles using tudes. Forthesecases,lightcurvescanbemodeledand Gaiaastrometry. Inaddition,wemayfindentirelynew mean luminosities can be defined. Finally, with uni- classes of standard candles within the Gaia data. form and homogeneous photometric and spectrophoto- Spectrophotometry will also provide estimates of metric measurements of Gaia, calibrations of period- stellar parameters for the standard candles. luminosity-color relations can be established. Radial velocity data that will be obtained for the Another less often mentioned benefit from astrom- mostluminousobjectswillallowcomputationofphysi- etry is that Gaia will be able to determine the or- calparametersofsinglestarpulsators,usingtheBaade- bit of astrometric binary stars from their movement Wesselink method and orbital parameters of binary on the sky. With radial velocity measurements also systems with the Wilson-Devinney-like code (see Sec- from Gaia, the physical orbit can be determined (e.g. tion 4.3). Zwahlen et al.2004). Thisisanotherwaytodetermine The detection of new standard candle objects and distances purely geometrically. characterization of their astrophysical parameters will 5 provide a wealth of data to test, on a statistical level, stars observed in the instability strip do not show the the universality of standard candle relations such as expected photometric variability. The comparison of the period-luminosity-metallicity relation. Once cali- certaintypesofvariablestarsindifferentknownstellar brated to high accuracy with Gaia, standard candles populations,suchasourGalaxy,openorglobularclus- can be used to extend studies of Galactic and extra- ters, or in the local groupof galaxies,provides a useful galactic structure beyond the astrometric performance way to learn about those variable stars as a function capabilities of Gaia. As examples, we mention tracing of different properties such as the metallicity. Open ofthegalacticbarusingOSARGs(Wray et al.2004),or clusters, for example, are natural laboratories for this, thepossibilitytoconstrainthethree-dimensionalstruc- as their member stars are assumed to share the same ture of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds by us- age, initial chemical abundances, distance and redden- ing period-luminosity relations of pulsating red giants ing. In this way, the already listed 2100 open clusters (Lah et al. 2005). Synergies of Gaia with other large in the disk of our Galaxy (Dias et al. 2002), spanning surveys such as LSST are also easily envisioned. The a large interval in age and Galacto-centric distances, RR Lyrae stars calibrated with Gaia can be used by have been used as an excellent tool to probe both the LSST to fully characterize the halo of our Galaxy. chemical and dynamical structure and the evolution Differentstandardcandlescorrespondtostarsatdif- of the Galactic disk. The variety of variable star con- ferent stages of evolution. If the evolutionary stages of tentfromone cluster to another,associatedto the spe- standard candles are known, the formation history of cific variability properties characterizing each phase of the Galaxy can be traced (see e.g. Clementini 2011). evolution, provides independent measurements for the Another interesting application of standard can- physical parameters of open clusters. Yet, this con- dles is in mapping the distribution of the interstellar nection is not well known so far. One difficulty is the medium. determination of the membership of the cluster. Gaia Despite many studies devoted to variable stars on will put the question of membership on solid ground one side and to populations of stars on the other side, (see van Leeuwen 2009 for what has been done with not many studies have so far been devoted to the com- Hipparcos). bination of both fields, i.e. the study of variable stars In Table 3 we review the number of discovered ob- in relation to stellar populations. Here are two exam- jects by different large scale surveys. The estimates ples of questions showing the need for more studies in by Eyer & Cuypers (2000) are only for the Galaxy or this domain. A basic question that arises when talking some component of the Galaxy. The large uncertainty about variablestars in stellar populations concernsthe inthese numbers shows that there are many unknowns fraction of stars that are expected to vary. The answer inthisdomain. FromTable3,theoptimist’sviewwould is not obvious, as attested by the difficulty to predict be that Gaia will multiply by nearly 5 the number of the numberofvariableobjectsexpectedtobe observed Galactic RR Lyraestars,by 10 the number ofGalactic inaspecificsurvey,seeTable3. Forexample,thenum- Cepheids,bynearly40theGalacticLPVsandbynearly ber of eclipsing binaries predicted to be detected by 1000the Galactic eclipsing binaries. To this table vari- Gaia varies from 0.5 million (Dischler & Soederhjelm ables from the LMC and SMC are added. Due to the 2005) to 7 million (Zwitter 2002), which represents a bright limit of Gaia at V∼6 mag, only few Cepheids factor of ten uncertainty. Moreover, it is not always willbe missed(inthe Hipparcoscataloguewefound 22 possibletopredictwhetherastaratagivenlocationin stars for which the maximum light is brighter than 6). theHR-diagramwillpulsateornot. Starsareexpected A word on Supernovae: Gaia will have an alert sys- to pulsate in some specific areas of the HR-diagram, tem that will detect supernovae and other transient called instability strips, e.g. the “classical instability events. The estimated number of supernovae brighter strip” is hosting Cepheids, RR Lyrae or δScuti stars. than magnitude 19 is around 6,000. One third of these The identification of the borders of those instability willbeobservedbeforetheirmaximum. Thissubjectis strips has been a successful tool to better understand coveredby Gilmore in this volume. the pulsational mechanism and the parameters driving the photometric variability at the surface of the stars. The crucial role of convection and of its coupling with 4 Gaia Data Processing and Analysis pulsationhas,forexample,beenhighlightedinexplain- Consortium activities on standard candles ing the red border of the Cepheid instability strip. It explains why stars located in the HR-diagram between Software development is often underestimated in large theinstabilitystripandtheredgiantbranchdonotpul- scale projects. For Gaia, however, it was recognized sate. However, what remains unexplained is why some early-onthatthesoftwaredevelopmentisakeyelement 6 Table 3 Numbers of RR Lyrae stars, Cepheids, Long Period Variable stars, eclipsing binaries, known in the Galaxy, the LMC and SMC and predicted numbers in the Galaxy for the Gaia mission. For Hipparcos the numbers are taken from ESA (1997); the numbers from ASAS should be take with care (see Berdnikov et al. 2009, variable types have been selected with the “only” option) and are taken from the ASAS webpage as of May 2011, the estimates for Gaia are from Eyer & Cuypers (2000); The “other” line are other publications: Galactic Cepheids (Fernieet al. 1995), Gaia Cepheids (Windmark et al. 2011), Gaia eclipsing binaries (Dischler & Soederhjelm 2005, Zwitter 2002), OGLE-III SMC RR Lyrae stars (Soszyn´ski et al. 2010b), OGLE-III LMC RR Lyrae stars (Soszyn´ski et al. 2009a), OGLE-III bulge RR Lyrae stars (Soszyn´ski et al.2011),OGLE-IIISMCCepheids(Soszyn´ski et al.2010a),OGLE-IIILMCCepheids(Soszyn´ski et al.2008), EROSLMCLPV(Spano et al.2011),OGLE-IISMCeclipsingbinaries(Wyrzykowskiet al.2004),OGLE-IIILMCeclipsing binaries (Graczyk et al. 2011) RRLyrae Cepheid LPV Eclipsing bin. Known Hipparcos 186 273 1,238 917 ASAS 1,635 872 2,793 5,911 Other (bulge) 16,839 509 Predicted Eyer & Cuypers (bulge) 15,000-40,000 2,000-8,000 200’000 3,000,000 (halo) 70,000 Other 9,000 500,000; 7,000,000 LMC 24,906 3,361 37,047 26,121 SMC 2,475 4,630 1,351 for its success. Indeed, the Gaia data processing and terized. A number of attributes are computed to char- analysis is a tremendous task, due to the large amount acterizethesources. Someofthemreflectglobalstellar of raw data to be processed (in the order of 100 com- properties, such as mean color or absolute magnitude, pressed Terabytes in 5 years), but even more so due whereasothersdescribesomeofthelightcurvefeatures. to the complex and interwined relationships between Anumberofstatisticalparametersarederivedfromthe astrometry, photometry, spectrophotometry and spec- magnitudedistribution. SinceweknowthatGaiahasa troscopy. In addition, since the targeted accuracy is relatively good performance on periodic objects, a pe- higher than anything ever obtained before for so many riod search is carried out and the folded light curves stars, the processes have to be self-calibrating, going are modeled with Fourier series. Many harmonics are througha numberofiterations,with eachsetofresults fitted, but only those that are significant according to providing inputs for the next run. This is most obvi- an F-test are kept. The number of harmonics is also ous for the astrometric global iterative solution. The limited if there are gaps in the time sampling to avoid global reference frame of sky positions will be built non-physical large model excursions in regions devoid gradually, measuring/modeling parallaxes and proper of measurements. motions, andeliminating deviating points such as mul- Step 3: Variability classification Once variables are tiple stars. identified and characterized, multiple classification The task of the variability analysis and processing methods are applied. We decompose this into three wasgiventotheCoordinationUnit7(CU7),wherethe subtasks: supervised methods, clustering techniques, work is decomposed into several steps. extractors (a specific variability type is selected us- ing all the astrophysical knowledge). Automated and Step 1: Variability detection The photometric (CU5) efficient variable star detection and classification are and spectroscopic (CU6) groups are in charge of de- critical components of large-scale surveys. They are tecting variable objects applying general-purpose algo- required both to study stellar population properties rithms, such as some statistical standard tests. The andtoprovidecandidatesforfurtherdetailedinvestiga- Special Variability Detection (within CU7) is defined tion of individual cases. Tests have been performedfor to implement specific algorithms which take advantage supervised methods by using cleaned Hipparcos light of what we know about a particular type of variability. curves to evaluate the ultimate performance of peri- All variableobjects arethen storedinto the Variability odic (Dubath et al. 2011) and non-periodic (Rimoldini Database. et al., in preparation) star classification schemes. The classificationresultassociatesagivenvariablestarwith Step 2: Variability characterization Oncevariableob- a membership probability to a given class of variable ject candidates are identified, their behavior is charac- stars. 7 Step4: Specific ObjectStudies Inthethreefirsttasks, detectionof BlazhkoRR Lyraeandthe estimate ofthe data for all objects are processed in a systematic way. Blazhko period (when possible) has been implemented In Specific Object Studies, specific algorithms are ap- in the CU7 processing chain. plied to objects as a function of their variability class. ForCepheids,thepipelinewillbeabletodistinguish For example, the processing required at this stage for between populationI (ClassicalCepheids) andpopula- the periodic Cepheid stars is different from the one tionIIobjects(BLHer,WVirclasses)thatobeydiffer- required for the usually rather erratic distant Active ent Period-Luminosity or Period-Luminosity-Color re- GalacticNuclei. AftertheSpecificObjectStudiesstep, lations. all available information about the variables has been In this context, the question of binarity is also im- extracted from the Gaia data and is available in the portant. The presence of a companion leads to smaller Variability Database. photometric amplitudes and an altered mean luminos- We willbe able to validate the automatedclassifica- itycomparedtothelightcurvesofsingleCepheids(e.g. tion,inthisstep,byanalyzingtheobjectsingreaterde- Klagyivik & Szabados2009). Thiswouldleadtoaner- tailsandstudyingthepropertiesofsub-samples(some- roneous distance estimate from the period-luminosity times manually). The Specific Object Studies step relation,iftheeffectofthecompanionisnottakeninto should also re-evaluate the membership probability as- account. signed by the automated classification. Stellar parameters can be derived with the knowl- We present what is foreseen for the Specific Object edge of multi-epoch radial velocities, measured by Studies of standard candles, namely in section 4.1 for Gaia. The radii and the distances of Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars and Cepheids, in section 4.2 for Long RR Lyrae can be derived with the Baade-Wesselink Period Variables, in section 4.3 for Eclipsing Binaries (BW) method, with an error of a few % for bright ob- and in section 4.4 for Supernovae. jects and about 10% at V magnitudes of 13-14. The resulting quantities can be compared with the val- Step5: GlobalVariabilityStudies Inthenextstep,the uesobtainedthroughGaiaastrometry,providingstrin- Global Variability Studies task will investigate larger- gent constraints on the systematic errors affecting the scale properties of variability, e.g. the period distribu- method. Inparticular,itwillbepossibletofixthevalue tion for all Cepheids, a color-magnitude (or HR) di- ofthe “projectionfactorp”, aproportionalityconstant agram with iso-contours of variability amplitude, etc. between pulsational and radial velocities, which is the Given the large number of objects, special tools are in most important source of error for any version of the development in order to facilitate the evaluation and BW technique. This will allow to safely use the BW usage of the database content. method for faint objects outside the Galaxy. 4.2 Long Period Variables 4.1 Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars Long Period Variables (LPVs) constitute a class of red A good characterization of Cepheids and RR Lyrae giant variables classically defined by the Mira stars starsisessentialifthose objectsaretobe usedasstan- and semi-regular variables. These variables are known dard candles. The automatic data processing imple- to obey several nearly parallel period-luminosity rela- mented in the CU7 pipeline should first derive the pe- tionsrelatedto the variouspulsationmodes. Mirasare riod(s) and the Fourier decomposition parameters of knowntobe fundamentalpulsators,andvariableswith thelightcurves,i.e.theamplituderatiosandphasedif- smalleramplitudesaretypicallyfirstorsecondovertone ferences (see Leccia et al. 2011). These parameters al- pulsators. TheirP-Lrelationshavebeenidentifiedfrom low the identification of the pulsation mode(s), funda- observations, thanks to large scale surveys initiated by mental or higher overtones. They will also be useful MACHO (Wood et al. 1999), OGLE (Soszyn´ski et al. to estimatethe metalabundance of those objects and 2009b), and EROS (see e.g., Spano et al. 2011). Un- their intrinsic colors. fortunately, the modeling of the pulsation of those red Double-mode RR Lyrae variables will be detected giantsisdifficultduetothecouplingbetweenpulsation and the period ratio fundamental/first overtone used and convection. The agreementbetween predicted and to estimate the mass of the targets. observedrelationsisquitegood,buttheimpactofstel- A significant sample of RR Lyrae (about 30%) are larparametersonthepulsationpropertiesisstillpoorly expected to be affected by the Blazhko effect, which understood. Largescalesurveyswithmulti-epochpho- is a modulation of the amplitude and/or phase of the tometryofredgiantsintheMagellanicClouds,thedis- periodic signal, that can lead to an erroneous determi- tances to which are known, have been the driving tool nationofmeanmagnitude andstellarparameters. The to study the P-L relations of LPVs. 8 Byprovidingthedistancestoalargesetofredgiants help the sub-classification. Initial guesses of some of in our Galaxy, Gaia will bring substantial additional the parameters may also be helpful for the computa- dataforthosestudies,wideningthe rangeofstellarpa- tion of the full parameters of the binary system with a rametersandrelatingthezeropointsoftherelationsto Wilson-Devinney-type code, a task in the hand of Co- a direct measurement. It will also be possible to study ordination Unit 4 in the Gaia consortium. various subgroups within the Milky Way and to place nearbyandwell-studiedLPVs ontoadistinct P-Lrela- 4.4 Supernovae tion. Thisstudy,however,requirestheknowledgeofthe bolometric correction for each star, the value of which The light curves of cataclysmic variables and super- strongly depends on the atmospheric chemistry (O or novae will also be characterized by CU7 and the re- C-rich, with or without dust). The O or C-rich nature sults will be made available in the Gaia catalogue of of the star can be assessed from the relative strengths variable stars. Contrary to the alert system of CU5 of the TiO and CN molecular bands around 7780 and whose purpose is to alert the scientific community as 8120 ˚A, which fall within the spectral range of the BP early as possible and hence is derived from basically spectrometer of Gaia (6500-10000 ˚A). First investiga- calibrated data, the data analyzed by CU7 will consist tionstoseewhethertheresolutionandsensitivityofthe offully calibrateddatathatcoverthe lightcurveofsu- spectrometerissufficienttoallowforagooddistinction pernovae over the entire duration available at the time into O or C-richstarsled to promising results awaiting of catalogue publication. fine tuning once Gaia is in orbit. Furthermore, special care has to be taken on a pos- sible shift ofthe photo-centerofredgiants due to their 5 Conclusions largeradiiandthepossibilityoflargescaleandvariable structures ontheir surface,e.g. asthe resultofconvec- Gaia’s scientific impact on standardcandles will be re- tion. The impact on the astrometry of Betelgeuse in markable. Clearly, there will be some limitations re- theHipparcosH band,forexample,isestimatedtobe lated to statistical aspects of the analysis: aliasing in p oftheorderof3.4mas(Harper et al.2008). Thiseffect theperiodsearchandtheestimationsofthecircumstel- in Gaia is investigated by the Coordination Unit 4 in lar or interstellar extinction as well as the bolometric the Gaia Consortium. correction. However, Gaia will calibrate many stan- dard candles and these will contribute to many differ- 4.3 Eclipsing binaries ent topics. In this article we touched on a few: testing the universality of standard candles, deriving statisti- Eclipsingbinariesaretraditionallysub-classifiedasEA, cal properties of different types of standard candles, EB or EW types. EA, or Algol (β-Persei), types have searching for new standard candles, constraining stel- the eclipses well defined in their light curves, with the lar evolution through standard candles, improving the possibility to identify the times of their beginning and knowledge of the formation history of the Galaxy and their end in the folded light curve. EB, or β-Lyrae, extending Gaia’s results to investigate Galactic struc- types display a continuous variation of the light curve ture. Some of the problems might be used to our ad- over an orbital cycle, preventing the identification of vantageandsomestandardcandlescouldbe utilizedto the eclipsetimes. EW,orWUrsaeMajoris,typeshave crosscheck Gaia’s astrometry or even to establish ex- similar depths of the primary and secondary eclipses. tinction maps (Windmark et al. 2011). Pojmanski(2002)suggestedaclassificationbasedon thephysicalpropertyofthebinary,i.e. detached,semi- detached or contact binary. 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