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Stability Theory: Hurwitz Centenary Conference Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, 1995 PDF

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ISNM International Series of Numerical Mathematics Vol. 121 Managing Editors: K.-H. Hoffmann, Munchen D. Mittelmann, Tempe Associate Editors: R.E. Bank, La Jolla H. Kawarada, Chiba R.J. LeVeque, Seattle C. Verdi, Milano Honorary Editor: J. Todd, Pasadena Stability Theory Hurwitz Centenary Conference Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, 1995 Edited by R. Jeltsch M. Mansour Birkhauser Verlag Basel· Boston· Berlin Editors: Rolf leltsch Mohamed Mansour Seminar for Applied Mathematics Automatic Control Laboratory Ern Zentrurn ETII Zentrum 8092 ZOrich 8092 ZUrich Switzerland Switzerland A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA Deutsche Bibliothek CataJoging-in-Publication Data Stability theory I Hurwitz Centenary Conference, Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, 1995. Ed. by Rolf Jeltsch ; Mohamed Mansour. -Basel; Boston; Berlin: Birkhiiuser, 1996 (International series of numerical mathematics; Vol. 121) ISBN-13:978-3-0348-9945-1 e-ISBN- 13:978-3-0348-9208-7 001: 10.1007/978-3-0348-9208-7 NE: Jeltsch, Rolf [Hrsg.); Hurwitz Centenary Conference <1995, Ascona>; Centro Stefano Franscini; GT This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. For any kind of use the permission of the copyright owner must be obtained. © 1996 Birkhiiuser Verlag, P.O. Box 133, CH-4010 Basel, Switzerland Printed on acid-free paper produced from chlorine-free pulp. TCF 00 Cover design: Heinz Hiltbrunner, Basel ISBN 3-7643-5474-7 ISBN 0-8176-5474-7 987654321 Contents Preface .................................................................. VII Stability theory A. Beghi, A. Lepschy and U. Viaro The Hurwitz Matrix and the Computation of Second-Order Information Indices ...................................................... 1 B. Bemhardsson, A. Rantzer and L. Qiu A Summary on the Real Stability Radius and Real Perturbation Values ...................................................... 11 J. Garloff and B. Srinivasan The Hadamard Factorization of Hurwitz and Schur Stable Polynomials .... 19 Y. V. Genin On the Cauchy Index of a Real Rational Function and the Index Theory of Pseudo-Lossless Rational Functions .................................... 23 H. Gorecki, M. Szymkat and M. Zaczyk A Generalization of the Orlando Formula-Symbolic Manipulation Approach .................................................. 33 L. Atanassova, D. Hinrichsen and V.L. Kharitonov On Convex Stability Directions for Real Quasipolynomials 43 E.I. Jury From J.J. Sylvester to Adolf Hurwitz: A Historical Review 53 F.J. Kraus, M. Mansour and M. Sebek Hurwitz Matrix for Polynomial Matrices 67 H.C. Reddy, P.K. Rojan and G.S. Moschytz Two-Dimensional Hurwitz Polynomials................................... 75 E.D. Sontag and H.J. Sussmann General Classes of Control-Lyapunov Functions 87 R. Strietzel Towards the Stability of Fuzzy Control Systems .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 M. Vidyasagar Discrete Optimization Using Analog Neural Networks with Discontinuous Dynamics ................................................. 107 v VI Contents Robust Stability B.D. O. Anderson and S. Dasgupta Multiplier Theory and Operator Square Roots: Application to Robust and Time-Varying Stability ....................................... 113 R. Lozano and D.A. SudTes Adaptive Control of Non-Minimum Phase Systems Subject to Unknown Bounded Disturbances ......................................... 125 M. Mansour and B.D.O. Ander-son On the Robust Stability of Time-Varying Linear Systems 135 W. Sienel On the Computation of Stability Profiles ................................. 151 Q.H. WU and M. Mansour Robust Stability of Family of Polynomials with 1-Norm-Bounded Parameter Uncertainties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 163 E. Zeheb On the Characteri;mtion and Formation of Local Convex Directions for Hurwitz Stability ..................................................... 173 Numerics G.E. Collins Application of Quantifier Elimination to Solotareff's Approximation Problem .................................................. 181 R. leltsch Stability of Time Discretization, Hurwitz Determinants and Ordp,r Stars .......................................................... 191 R. Liska and S. Steinberg Solving Stability Problems Using Quantifier Elimination .................. 205 M.R. Trummer Stability of Numerical Methods for Solving Differential Equations ......... 211 1. Sreedhar, P. Van Dooren and A.L. Tits A Fast Algorithm to Compute the Real Structured Stability Radius 219 Some Open Problems .................................................... 231 Apendix: Original Article by A. Hurwitz A. Hur-witz tiber die Bedingungen, unter welchen eine Gleichung nm Wurzeln mit negativen reellen Theilen besitzt ............................. 239 Preface This book contains the historical development of the seminal paper of Adolf Hurwitz, professor in mathematics at ETH (1892~1919), and its impact on other fields. The major emphasis, however, is on modern results in stability theory and its application in the theory of control and numerics. In particular, stability of the following problems is treated: linear, nonlinear and time-dependent systems, discretizations of ordinary and partial differential equations, systems with time delay on multidimensional systems. In addition robust stability, pole placement and problems related to the stability radius are treated. The book is an outgrowth of the international conference "Centennial Hurwitz on Stability Theory" which was held to honor Adolf Hurwitz, whose arti cle on the location of roots of a polynomial was published one hundred years ago. The conference took place at the Centro Stefano Franscini, Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland, on May 21~26, 1995. This book contains a collection of the papers and open problem:; discussed all that occasion. Leading researchers from allover the world working on stability theory and its application were invited to present their recent results. In one paper the historic development initiated by Hurwitz's article was discussed. The interaction between the two major groups of participants, researchers in control theory and mathematics, as well as the excellent setting of the Monte Verita strongly contributed to the success of the meeting. We thank the Centro Stefano Franscini of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich and the Swiss National Science Foundation for financial support. Our thanks go also to the publisher Springer which allowed us to reproduce the original article by Adolf Hurwitz in this volume. We also thank the members of the Seminar for Applied Mathematics (ETH) for their help in the successful organization of the meeting, in particular Ms M. Kramer and M. Pfister. In addition we thank the secretaries of the Centro Stefano Franscini, Ms K. Bastianelli and F. Tewelde, for their support. We express our deep gratitude to the staff of Birkhauser Verlag for their excellent cooperation in producing this volume. Our biggest thanks go to our secretaries, Ms. M. Kramer and M. Pfister, as well as to our systems people, Ms. E. Copeland and Dr. P. Scherbel, who all went to great effort to produce the excellent electronic version of this book. We hope that this volume will be helpful to engineers and mathematicians working in the area of control theory and numerics. Rolf J eltsch Mohamed Mansour Zurich, Switzerland October 1995 International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 121, © 1996 Birkhauser Verlag Basel The Hurwitz Matrix and the Computation of second-order Information Indices Alessandro Beghi, Antonio Lepschy and Umberto Viaro Department of Electronics and Informatics University of Padova, via Gradenigo 6/ A, 35131 Padova, Italy. Abstract. An all-pole transfer function Q(8) = l/P(s), where pes) is a monic Hurwitz polynomial of degree n, is uniquely characterized by the energies (second order information indices) of q(t.) = LT~1{Q(8)} and of its first n - 1 derivatives. These can be obtained by solving a set of linear equations whose coefficients matrix is the standard Hurwitz matrix for pes) or by using the entries of its Routh table. Any strictly proper transfer function W(s) = N(s)/P(s) is characterized by n first-order information indices, e.g., Markov parameters, and by n second-order information indices, e.g .. the energies of the related impulse response and its n - 1 successive derivatives; these are simply obtainable from the energies of q(t). This fact can be exploited to construct reduced-order models that retain both first- and second-order information indices of a given original system. The extension of this approach to multi-input multi-output systems clmcrihccl hy a matrix fraction is analysed. 1. Introduction. As is known, the Hurwitz matrix as well as the Routh array were conceived for stability analysis and zeros separation problems but have found interesting applications in diffcrent fields too. In particular, they have been used to compute the integrals along the imaginary axis of the square magnitude of rational functions of a complex variable, which are related to the energies of certain signals. In this regard, wc may recall Krasovskii's formula (cf. [1, p. 262]) for computing the 8O-called ISE (integral of the square error in the step response) which uses a matrix similar to the Hurwitz one, the procedure and related table given by Phillips [2], the method independently derived by Kac [3] and Mersman [4] which requires the computation of a number of determinants formed from the coefficients of the considered rational function, the expression suggested by N ekolny and Benes [5], and those obtained by Effertz [6] along lines similar to those followed by Astrom et al. [7] and by Astrom [8]; the problem has also been considered by Lehoczky [9], by Csaki and Lehoczky [10]' by Lepschy et at. [Il] and by the present authors [12]. The above-mentioned techniques can usefully be applied to compute the so called second-order information indices of a dynamic system, such as the entries of the associated impUlse-response Gramian. In fact, its diagonal elements are the energies of the impulse response and of some of its derivatives, and the off-diagonal elements can be obtained by adding to such energies terms that simply depend on suitable first-order information indices, e.g., Markov parameters; [or this reason the energies can be regarded as the essential second-order information. The idea of characterizing a linear time-invariant dynamic sysLem of order n by means of n first-order and n second-order information indices goes back to the seminal paper by Mullis and Roberts [13] in which they also suggest a procedure for constructing simplified models that retain an equal number of first- and second- 2 A. Beghi, A. Lepschy and U. Viaro order information indices of an original system. This approach has been adopted by various authors [14]-;.-[25] for both single-input single-output (8180) and multi input multi-output (MIMO) systems in discrete and continuous time. This paper is concerned with the above topics; more precisely, it deals with the following problems: (i) the computation of the energies associated with a transfer function by using Hurwitz-type matrices or the Routh table; (ii) the use of the considered information indices for characterizing and simplifying 8180 continuous time systems; (iii) the extension to the case of MIMO systems and the comparison of the related features with those of the 8180 case. 2. Computation of the energies. Let us consider a monic Hurwitz polynomial of degree n with real coefficients (1) P(s) = sn + an_ISn-1 + ... + ao and the associated all-pole (stable) transfer function 1 (2) Q(s) = P(s) . The corresponding impulse response q(t) = LT-I{l/P(s)} satisfies the homoge neous differential equation nL-l ° (3) q(n)(t) + aiq(i)(t) = i=O for the initial conditions q(i)(O+) = 0, i = O,l, ... ,n - 2, and q(n-l)(o+) = 1. Multiplying successively eqn. (3) by (-l)j q(j) (t), j = 0,1, ... ,n - 1, integrating from 0+ to 00, and denoting by ei the energy of q(i)(t): (4) i = 0,1, ... , n - 1 we arrive for n even at the following set of equations aoeo - a2el + a4e2 - ... - (_1)(n/2)-lan_2e(n/2)°_1 = (_1)(n/2)-len/2 { -aIel + a3e2 - a5e3 + ... + (_1)n/2an_len/2 = (5) . al (_1)(n/2)-len/2 - (_1)n/2a3e(n/2)+1 + ... - an-l en-l = -~ and for n odd at a similar set. These sets are linear in the coefficients ai and in the energies ei. If the latter are given and coefficients ai are unknown, these can uniquely be determined by solving the matrix equation (6) Ga=g The Hurwitz Matrix and the Computation of second-order Information Indices 3 where G (impulse-response Gramian) is the nonsingular matrix ,J eo 0 -e1 0 el 0 (7) G= -e1 0 e2 and ]T (8) a [ ao, a1, ... an-1 { [ (-I)(n-2)/2en/2, 0, ... en-I, ~f n even (9) g = [ 0, ( _1)(n+1)/2e(n+l)/2, 0, en-I, ~f n odd Note that, by exploiting the structure of (7), eqn. (6) can be decoupled into two matrix equations whose unknown are the even-order coefficients a2i and odd-order coefficients a2i+l, respectively. If, instead, coefficients ai are given and energies ei are unknown, these can uniquely be determined by solving the matrix equation (10) He= h where H is the nonsingular Hurwitz matrix associated with the stable system (2) an-1 an-3 an-5 1 an-2 an-4 0 an-l an-3 (11) H= 0 1 an-2 ao and (12) e [ en-1 -en-2 en-3 -en-4 eo ]T of· (13) h [ 1 0 0 0 '2 Therefore, a and e are alternative parameterizations of the all-pole transfer func tion (2). Eqn. (10) can be rewritten as (14) Ke=k where K is the matrix considered by Krasovskii for the computation of the ISE ao -a2 a4 o a1 -a3 o -ao a2 (15) K=

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