Spin-Hall Effect in Two-Dimensional Electron Systems with Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling and Disorder L. Sheng1, D. N. Sheng2 and C. S. Ting1 5 1Department of Physics and Texas Center for Superconductivity, University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77204 0 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, California State University, Northridge, California 91330 0 2 Using the four-terminal Landauer-Bu¨ttiker formula and Green’s function approach, we calculate numerically thespin-Hallconductanceinatwo-dimensional junction system with theRashbaspin- n orbit (SO) coupling and disorder. We find that the spin-Hall conductance can be much greater or a J smallerthantheuniversalvaluee/8π,dependingonthemagnitudeoftheSOcoupling,theelectron Fermienergyandthedisorderstrength. Thespin-Hallconductancedoesnotvanishwithincreasing 8 samplesize for a widerange of disorderstrength. Ournumericalcalculation reveals that anonzero SO coupling can induce electron delocalization for disorder strength smaller than a critical value, ] l and thenonvanishingspin-Hall effect appears mainly in themetallic regime. l a h PACSnumbers: 72.10.-d,72.15.Gd,71.70.Ej,72.15.Rn - s e m The emerging field of spintronics,[1, 2] which is aimed In this Letter, the spin-Hall conductance (SHC) in a at exquisite control over the transport of electron spins 2DESjunctionwiththeRashbaSOcouplingisstudiedby . t insolid-statesystems,hasattractedmuchrecentinterest. using the four-terminal Landauer-Bu¨ttiker(LB) formula a m One central issue in the field is how to effectively gener- with the aid of the Green’s functions. We find that the ate spin-polarizedcurrents in paramagneticsemiconduc- SHC does not take the universal value, and it depends - d tors. In the past severalyears,many works [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] critically on the magnitude of the SO coupling, the elec- n have been devoted to the study of injection of spin- tronFermienergy,andthe disorderstrength. Forawide o polarized charge flows into the nonmagnetic semicon- range disorder strength, we show that the SHC does not c ductors from ferromagnetic metals. Recent discovery of decrease with sample size and extrapolates to nonzero [ intrinsic spin-Hall effect in p-doped semiconductors by values in the limit of large system. The numerical cal- 3 Murakami et al. [6] and in Rashba spin-orbit (SO) cou- culation of electron localization length based upon the v pled two-dimensional electron system (2DES) by Sinova transfer matrix method also reveals that the Rashba SO 8 3 et al. [7] may possibly lead to a new solution to the is- coupling can induce a metallic phase, and the spin-Hall 0 sue. For the Rashba SO coupling model, the spin-Hall effect is mainly confined in the metallic regime. The ori- 9 conductivity is found to have a universalvalue e/8π in a ginofthenonuniversalSHC inthe 2DESjunctionisalso 0 clean bulk sample when the two Rashba bands are both discussed. 4 occupied, being insensitive to the SO coupling strength Let us consider a two-dimensional junction consisting 0 / and electron Fermi energy [7]. of an impure square sample of side L connected with t a four ideal leads, as illustrated in the inset of Fig. 1. The While the spin-Hall effect has generated much inter- m leads are connected to four electron reservoirs at chem- est in the research community, [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, d- 15, 16, 17] theoretical works remain highly controversial ical potentials µ0, µ1, µ2 and µ3. In the tight-binding representation,theHamiltonianforthesystemincluding n regarding its fate in the presence of disorder. Within a the sample and the leads can be written as [18, 19] o semiclassical treatment of disorder scattering, Burkov et c v: aHla.l[l1e0ff]eacntdonSlcyhlsiuemrvaivnensaantdwLeaokssd[i1s1o]rdshero.wOedntthhaetostphiner- H = −t X c†i,σcj,σ+Xεic†iσciσ hijiσ iσ i X hand, Inoue et al. [14] pointed out that the spin-Hall ef- r fect vanishes even for weak disorder taking into account + VSOXh(cid:16)c†i,↑ci+δx,↓−c†i,↓ci+δx,↑(cid:17) a the vertex corrections. Mishchenko et al. [15] further i showed that the dc spin-Hall current vanishes in an im- − i c† c +c† c +H.c. . (1) (cid:16) i,↑ i+δy,↓ i,↓ i+δy,↑(cid:17) i pure bulk sample, but may exist near the boundary of a finitesystem. Nomuraetal.[16]evaluatedtheKubofor- Here,V istheSOcouplingstrength,ε ≡0intheleads SO i mulabycalculatingthesingle-particleeigenstatesinmo- and are uniformly distributed between [−W/2,W/2] in mentum space with finite momentum cutoff, and found the sample, which accounts for nonmagnetic disorder. that the spin-Hall effect does not decrease with sample The lattice constant is taken to be unity, and δ and x size at rather weak disorder. Therefore, further inves- δ are unit vectors along the x and y directions. In the y tigations of disorder effect in the SO coupled 2DES are verticalleads2 and3, V is assumedto be zeroin order SO highly desirable. to avoid spin-flip effect, so that a probability-conserved 2 spin current can be detected in the leads. 1.2 The electrical current outgoing through lead l W = 0 0.8 W = 1t can be calculated from the LB formula [20] I = l W = 2t i(se2t/hhe)tPotla′6=lleTlelc,lt′r(oUnl′t−raUnls)m, iwsshieornecUole=fficµiel/n(t−freo)manldeaTdl,ll′′ ) 0.4 to leadl. A number of symmetry relations for the trans- p(e/4 0.0 mission coefficients result from the time-reversal and in- G sH 3 versioninvarianceofthesystemafteraverageofdisorder L -0.4 configurations,useofwhichwillbeimplied. Weconsider 0L 1 that a currentI is driventhroughleads 0 and1, andad- y -0.8 just U ’s to make I = −I = I and I = I = 0. Since 2 l 1 0 3 2 x in the present system the off-diagonal conductance G xy -1.2 vanishesbysymmetry,U −U equalstothelongitudinal -4 -2 0 2 4 0 1 E/t voltagedropcausedbythecurrentflowI. Inthevertical leads 2 and 3, where V = 0, the electrical currents are SO FIG. 1: Spin-Hall conductance GsH for some disorder separable for the two spin subbands I =I +I with ↑ l l↑ l↓ strengthsasafunctionofelectronFermienergyE. Here,the and↓forspinsparallelandantiparalleltothez-axis. The sample size L = 40 and the spin-orbit coupling VSO = 0.5t. spin current is given by I(l) = [h¯/2(−e)](I −I ). By Inset is a schematic view of the four-terminal junction. sH l↑ l↓ use of the LB formula, it is straightforwardto obtain for thetransversespincurrentIs(H3) =−Is(H2) =GsH(U0−U1). 1.0 Here, the proportional coefficient 1.0 L = 60 0.8G e 0 .8 L = 40 00..46sH (e/4p W = t GsH =−4π(T3↑,0−T3↓,0) , (2) ) 0.2) W = 2t pe/40.6 0 1 2W3/t4 5 60.0 WW == 34tt ( is the SHC, where T3σ,0 is the electron transmis- G sH WW == 56tt sion coefficient from lead 0 to spin-σ subband in lead 0.4 3. Equation (2) can be calculated in terms of the 0.2 nonequilibrium Green’s functions [21, 22, 23] G = sH −(e/4π)Tr(Γ ηGrΓ Ga). Here, η = 1 and −1 in the 3 0 0.0 spin-↑ and spin-↓ subspaces, respectively, and Γl = 20 40 60 80 100 L i[Σ − (Σ )†] with Σ the retarded electron self-energy l l l inthesampleduetoelectronhoppingcouplingwithlead FIG.2: Spin-Hallconductanceasafunctionofsamplesize L l. The retarded Green’s function Gr is given by for different disorder strengths at E = −2t and VSO = 0.5t. Error bars due to statistical fluctuations, being smaller than 1 Gr = , (3) the symbol size, are drawn inside the open symbols. Inset: E−HC−P3l=0(Σl) spin-Hall conductance as a function of disorder strength for L=40 and 60. and Ga = (Gr)†, where E stands for the electron Fermi energy, and H is the single-particle Hamiltonian of the C centralsquaresample only. The self-energiescanbe first SHC.WithincreasingE fromthebandbottomE ≃−4t, computed exactly by matching up boundary conditions except for a small oscillation due to the discrete energy for the Green’s function at the interfaces by using the levels in the finite-size sample, GsH increases continu- transfer matrices of the leads [24]. The Green’s function ouslyuntilE isveryclosetothebandcenterE =0. Itis Eq. (3) is then obtained through matrix inversion. In easy to see from Fig. 1 that at weak disorder W <∼t the ourcalculations,GsH is alwaysaveragedoverupto5000 calculated GsH may be greater than the universalvalue, disorder realizations, whenever W 6=0. namely, 0.5 in our unit e/4π. In Fig. 1, the SHC G is plotted as a function of the In order to determine the behavior of the spin-Hall ef- sH electron Fermi energy E at fixed size L = 40 for several fectin largesystems,we calculatethe SHC as a function disorder strengths. The SHC is always an odd function of the sample size from L = 10 up to 100 for different of electron Fermi energy E, and vanishes at the band strengths of disorder, as shown in Fig. 2. For weak dis- center E = 0. The antisymmetric energy dependence order W <∼ 3t, the SHC first increases with increasing of the SHC is similar to that of the Hall conductance sample size, and then tends to saturate. In particular, in a tight-binding model [25], and originates from the for W <∼ t, we see that the SHC can be several times particle-hole symmetry of the system. For E < 0 and greater than the universal value e/8π, when the system E >0 the charge carriers are electron-like and hole-like, becomes large. For a stronger disorder 3t<∼W <∼5t, the respectively, and so make opposite contributions to the SHC is roughly independent of the sample size, and ex- 3 1.0 8 W = 0 (a) (b) 0.8 W = 1t W = 2t E = -2.0t E = -2.0t ) 6 p40.6 V = 0.5t V = 0.1t e/ SO SO G (sH0.4 L x/ 4 L = 8 0.2 L = 16 L = 32 0.00.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 L = 64 V /t SO W W c c 0 FIG.3: Spin-Hallconductanceasafunctionofspin-orbitcou- 4 6 8 102 4 6 8 W/t W/t pling strength for some disorder strengths. Here, the sample size L=40 and theelectron Fermienergy E =−2t. FIG. 4: Normalized localization length as a function of dis- order strength calculated on long bars of length 5×105 and widths L=8, 16, 32 and 64. trapolatesto a finite value in the large-sizelimit. There- fore, it is evident that the SHC will not vanish in large systems in the presence of moderately strong disorder localization length ξ/L is plotted as a function of disor- W <∼ 5t. With further increase of W, the SHC becomes der strengthfor V =0.5t andL=8, 16,32and 64. At vanishingly small at W >∼ 6t, as seen more clearly from weak disorder, ξ/LSOincreases with L, indicating that the the inset of Fig. 2, indicating that very strong disorder localizationlength ξ will diverge as L→∞, correspond- scattering would eventually destroy the spin-Hall effect. ing to an electron delocalized metallic phase. With the WefurtherexaminethedependenceoftheSHConthe increase of W, ξ/L goes down and all the curves cross strength of the SO coupling. As shown in Fig. 3, over- at a point (fixed point) W = W ≃ 6.3t, where ξ/L be- c all, the SHC increases with increasing VSO in the range comes independent of bar width L. For W > Wc, ξ/L 0 ≤ VSO ≤ t. For W = 0 or weak disorder, the SHC decreaseswithL,indicatingthatξ willconvergetofinite displays an interesting oscillation effect with a period values as L→∞, corresponding to an electron localized much greater than the average level spacing. According insulator phase. Thus the fixed point W = W is the c to Eq. (2), the oscillation of the SHC is a manifestation critical disorder strength for the metal-insulator transi- of the oscillation of the sideway spin-resolved transmis- tion. Our result is consistentwith the earlier calculation sion coefficients. For a two-terminal junction with the by Ando [18], where a metallic phase was established at SO coupling, similar oscillation with finite sample size the band center E =0 for a strong Rashba SO coupling. haspreviouslybeenobservedforthe spin-resolvedtrans- Here, we also study weak SO coupling. In Fig. 4b, we missioncoefficients[19],wherethe oscillationperiodwas plot the result for a SO coupling strength much smaller discussed to be the spin precession length Lsp. If we ap- than the electron hopping integral, i.e., V = 0.1t, and SO ply the same condition L = nLsp with n an integer and similar phase transition is also revealed at Wc ≃ 4.6t. notice Lsp ≃ πt/VSO, [19] we can obtain for the equiv- In general, we have performed calculations in the whole alent period in the SO coupling δVSO ≃ πt/L. For the range from strong to weak SO coupling (details will be parameters used in Fig. 3, δVSO ≃ 0.08t, which is very presented elsewhere), and found that electron delocal- close to the period as seen in the figure. This indicates ization occurs for any nonzero SO coupling strength as that the oscillation of the SHC is due to a spin preces- the magnitude of the disorder varies. Our result is in sional effect in finite-size systems. Experimentally, VSO agreement with the perturbative calculation of weak lo- can be varied over a wide range by tuning a gate volt- calization.[30]As V reduces,the criticalW decreases, SO c age[26,27],andsothisoscillationeffectmaypossiblybe and the size-independent critical ξ/L increases (so does observed directly. the critical longitudinal conductance G [28, 29]). In xx Electron delocalization is a crucial issue for under- the limit V → 0, we have W → 0 and all electron SO c standing electron transport properties in the 2DES, and states become localized, recovering the known regime of has already been studied experimentally by use of mag- the two-dimensional Anderson model for electron local- netoresistance measurements [27]. For this reason, we ization [28]. The fact that the critical ξ/L changes with investigatenumericallywhether the RashbaSO coupling V indicates that the SO coupled 2DES belongs to the SO caninduceauniversalelectrondelocalizationinthepres- universalityclassoftwo-parameterscaling[31]. Compar- enceofdisorder. Accordingtothewell-establishedtrans- ing W = 6.3t calculated in Fig. 4a for V = 0.5t and c SO fermatrixapproach,[28,29]wecalculatetheelectronlo- E =−2t with the SHC shown in Fig. 2 for the same pa- calization length ξ on a bar of essentially infinite length rameters,weseethatnonvanishingspin-Halleffectexists (5×105) and finite width L. In Fig. 4a, the normalized mainly in the metallic regime. 4 Our numerical study addresses the spin-Hall effect in tute for Theoretical Physics for hospitality and support a finite-size junction system with leads. A comparison (through PHY99-07949 from KITP), where part of this betweenthe spin-Halleffect andthe quantum Halleffect work was done. (QHE)canshedsomelightonthe nonuniversalSHC ob- tained. For a QHE system, delocalized states exist at the centers of the discrete Landau levels, which are sep- aratedby mobility gaps consisting of localizedstates. In the unit ofconductance quantume2/h, the Hall conduc- [1] S. A. 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