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Preview Spiders (Araneae) of the family Oonopidae in the Czech Republic

Arachnol.Mitt.34:6-8 Nürnberg,Dezember2007 Spiders (Araneae) ofthe family Oonopidae in the Czech Republic Stanislav Korenko,Milan Rezäc& Stano Pekär Abstract:The oonopid spiders (Oonopidae), Tapinesthisinermis(Simon, 1882) and TriaerisstenaspisSimon, 1891, arerecordedfortheCzech Republicforthefirsttime.T.inermiswasredeterminedfrom misidentified material and T.stenaspiswasdiscovered inagreenhouse. Keywords:introduced species,faunistics,Tapinesthis,Triaeris Although the family Oonopidae includes 487 HELSDINGEN2003),Switzerland,Germany,Aus- described species worldwide (PLATNICK 2007), tria (Blick et al. 2004), Belgium (Vanuytven little attention has been paid to the faunistics and 2006), Bulgaria (LAZAROV et al. 2001), southern taxonomy ofthese spiders. Records from Europe Europe (HEIMER & NENTWIG 1991) and has arescarce,concernonlyafewspeciesand-inmost been introduced to the USA (PLATNICK 2007). cases-onlyafewspecimenswerecollected.InCen- In Europe the species mostly occurs synanthropi- & tralEuropesevenspecies;namelyIschnothyreusvelox cally (HEIMER NENTWIG 1991), although it Jackson, 1908, OonopsdomesticusDalmas, 1916, O. wasalsocollectedinnaturalhabitats(KRAUS 1967, pulcherTempleton,1835, Orchestinapavesii(Simon, VAN HELSDINGEN 2003). It is thus possible that 1873),Silhouettellaloricatula(Roewer,1942),Tapi- T. inermisis hemisynanthropic inlargercities (like nesthisinermis(Simon, 1882) and Triaerisstenaspis Antwerp),where the general outdoortemperature Simon,1891(BLICKetal.2004)havebeenrecorded ishigherthaninthecountryside.Severalspecimens so far. All these species may occur in the Czech were found in dense ivy and close litter in more Republic, nevertheless none ofthem has beenun- locationswithinthecityofAntwerp(VANKEERet A equivocallyrecordedhereuntilnow. singlerecord al.2006).Allrecords forthe Czech Republic (Fig. & of O. domesticus (BUCHAR RÜZICKA 2002) is 9) come from indoors. incorrect as this specimen was redetermined as T. Material:Brewery,Praha5-Smichov(50°04'29"N,14 inermisduringthis study. °22'55"E),9April1964,1 $ leg.E.Valesovä-Zdarkovä, , det.asjuv.Dysderasp.,redet.M.Rezäc,privatecollection Tapinesthisinermis (Simon, 1882) ofS.Korenko;Egg-sortingwarehouse,MladäBoleslav- Oonops domesticus Dalmas, 1916: SMAHA (1976) and Cejetice(50°24'51"N,14°53'15"E),29October1973, subsequentlySMAHA(1981),BUCHAR(1995),BUCHAR 1 9,leg.J.Smaha,det.as O.domesticus,redet.M.Rezäc, et al. (1995), BUCHAR & KÜRKA (2001), BUCHAR & collectionofNationalMuseumPrague(NMPC);House RÜZICKA (2002), Blick et al. (2004); misidentifica- interior,Hranice4-Drahotuse(49°33'09"N,17°42'07" E),22February2003,2 9 9,2juv.,leg.J.Bezdek,det.M. tion. Thisspeciescanbedistinguishedfromtheother Rezäc,privatecollectionofS. Korenko<3cV.Hula. Other Material: Bathroom, Mainz-Gonsenheim, oonopid species occurring in Central Europe by Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany (49° 59' 53" N, 08° 12' 23" an abdomen without a scutum and the tibia of legIwithoutventralspines (Figs 1-3). See KRAUS tEi)o,n2o5fORcesteoabrecrh2I0n0s4ti,tu1te9an(FdiNg.at2u)r,allegH.iPs.tJoärgyerM,ucsoleluecm- (1967) for a detailed description. Senckenberg,FrankfurtamMain (SMF). Distribution: T. inermisis the onlyspecies known inthegenusandoccursinthenorthernhemisphere. Triaerisstenaspis Simon, 1891 In Europe it was found in the Netherlands (VAN This species can be distinguished from the other oonopids occurringin Central Europe bythe pre- StanislavKORENKO&StanoPEKÄR,InstituteofBotanyand sence oftwo scuta on the opisthosoma, the dorsal Zoology,MasarykUniversity,Kotläfskä2,611 37Brno, scutum covering less than 3/4 of the abdominal CzechRepublic.E-Mail:[email protected], [email protected] length and much larger than the ventral scutum MilanREZÄC,CropResearchInstitute,Drnovskä507,161 06Prague (Figs4-8).The maleofthis specieshas neverbeen 6-Ruzyne,CzechRepublic. E-Mail:[email protected] found.KOPONEN(1997)suggestedthatthisspecies ThefamilyOonopidaeintheCzechRepublic 7 Figs1-3:Tapinesthisinermis(Simon,1882),female:1-prosoma,dorsalview;2-opisthosoma,ventralview; 3-vulva,ventralview.Scale=0.2mm. & is parthenogenetic. See MILLER ZlTNANSKÄ 1997).TherecordfromBelgiumwaslaterrejected (1976) for a detailed description. (Blick et al. 2004, VANUYTVEN 2006) because Distribution:Thegenus Triaeriscontains 18 spe- it was an unconfirmed verbal communication cies occurring solely in the tropics. Ofthese only (Vanuytven in litt. 2007). In Europe the species T.stenaspishas been introduced into Europe.This has always been foundwithin heatedgreenhouses. species was first described from the Caribbean is- In the Czech Republic itwas so far collected only landofSt.Vincent(SIMON 1891)andaccordingto from one place (Fig. 9), but it is expected to be PLATNICK(2007)itoccursfromUSAtoVenezuela present also in other cities. and in theWest Indies. In Europe the species has Material: Greenhouse, Botanical Garden ofthe Ma- beenrecordedfromGreatBritain,France,Belgium sarykUniversity,Brno (49° 12' 17"N,16°35’47"E),18 &(HEZIlMTENRAN&cSNKÄEN1T9W76I)Ga1n9d91)F,inSllaonvadki(aK(OMPIOLNLEENR 2O0c0t6o,be1r52900+63,j1uv$.,,lleegg..SS..KKoorreennkkoo,;Ss.aSm.eHesinter,i2q1ueOsct&oMbe.r Figs4-8: TriaerisstenaspisSimon,1891,female:4-prosoma,dorsalview;5-opisthosoma,ventral view;6-vulvawithavisiblevestibulum,ventralview;7-habitus,dorsalview;8-habitus,lateral view.Scale=0.2mm. 8 S.Korenko,M.Rezac&S.Pekar (ed): Proceedings ofthe 15thEuropeanColloquium ofArachnology. Institute of Entomology, Ceske Budejovice. S. 35-53 HEIMERS.8cW.NenTWIG(1991):SpinnenMitteleu- ropas.Parey,Berlin8cHamburg.542 S. KOPONEN S. (1997): TriaerisstenaspisSimon (Araneae, Oonopidae) found in the Botanical Garden ofthe University ofTurku, Finland. - Entomol. Fennica 8:7 KRAUS O. (1967): Zur Spinnenfauna Deutschlands, I. Tapinesthis inermis, eine für Deutschland neue Oonopide(Arachnida:Araneae:Oonopidae).-Sen- Fig.9:Grid mapofrecordsofOonopidae intheCzech ckenberg.biol.48: 381-385 Republic:#- Tapinesthisinermis, - Triaerisstenaspis. LAZAROV S., C. DELTSHEV 8c G. BLAGOEV (2001): The spiders (Araneae) of Sashtinska Sredna Gora JKaorraebn;ksoa,mSe.Ss.itHe,en7rDiqeuceesm8bceMr.2J0a0r6a,b,1a6ll$sp+ec1imjuevn.s,ldeegt..SS.. Manoaulynstias.in-A(Bcutlagazroioal)..BFualugn.is5t3i:c3a-n2d8zoogeographical Korenko 8cS.Pekar,private collectionofS. Korenko. Miller F. 8c O. ZiTNANSKÄ (1976): Einige bemer- kenswerte Spinnen aus der Slowakei. - Biologia Acknowledgements (Bratislava) 31: 81-88 WSeencwkoeunlbderligkeMutostehuamnkiPn.FJräagnerkfaunrdtJ/.MAalitnmfaornnthferloomanthoef PLAVeTrNsIioCnK8N.0.AIm.e(r2i0c0a7n):MTuhseeuwmorolfdNasptiudrearl Hciasttaolroyg.. thecomparativematerial.FurtherwethankH.Vanuytven - Internet: http://research.amnh.org/entomology/ forvaluableinformationaboutoonopidsinBelgium;M. spiders/catalog TupaandM.ChyträforakindassistanceintheBotanical SIMON E. (1891): On the spiders ofthe island ofSt. Garden ofthe Masaryk University in Brno. MR was Vincent. Part 1. - Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1891: supportedbyagrantno.0002700603 oftheMinistryof 549-575 AgricultureoftheCzechRepublic.SPwassupportedby SMAHAJ. (1976):Weitere Feststellungen lästigen Vor- theprojectno.0021622416oftheMinistryofEducation, kommens der Larven von Zipfelkäfern {Malachius: Youth and Sports ofthe Czech Republic. Col., Malachiidae). - Anz. Schädlingskunde 49: 86-87 References SMAHAJ. (1981): Pnspevekkfaune clenovcü umelych Blick T., R. Bosmans, J. Buchar, P. Gajdos, A. substrätü ve skladovacich prostoräch Stredoceskeho HÄNGGI, P. VAN HELSDINGEN, V. RÜZICKA, W. kraje[Contributiontotheknowledgeofarthropodsof STAR^GA 8c K. Thaler (2004): Checkliste der artificialsubstratesinstorehousesincentralBohemia]. Spinnen Mitteleuropas. Checklist ofthe spiders of -Bohem. centr. 10:265-268 Central Europe. (Arachnida: Araneae). Version 1. VAN HELSDINGEN P. J. (2003): Tapinesthis inermis Dezember 2004. - Internet: http://www.arages.de/ (Simon, 1882) voor het eerst in ons land gevonden checklist.html#2004_Araneae (Araneae, Oonopidae) Tapinesthis inermis (Simon, [ BUCHARJ. (1995): Rad: Pavouci - Araneida [Order: 1882)foundforthefirsttimeinourcountry(Araneae, Spiders - Araneida]. In BUCHAR V. DUCHÄC, Oonopidae)].-NieuwsbriefSpined 18: 19 J., K. HÜRKA 8cJ. LELLÄK (eds), Klic k urcovam VANUYTVEN H. (2006): Soortenlijst van de Belgische bezobratlych [Key to the determination ofinverte- en Nederlandse Spinnen [Checklist ofBelgian and brates]. Scientia,Praha. S. 104-128 Dutch Spiders], Version 2006 March 20. Belgische BUCHARJ. 8c A. KÜRKA (2001): Nasi pavouci [Our Arachnologische Vereniging. - Internet: http:// spiders].Academia,Praha. 162 S. www.arabel.ugent.be/BelgianSpiders.html BUCHARJ.8cV.RÜZICKA(2002):Catalogueofspiders VAN KEER K., H. DE KÖNINCK,H.VANUYTVEN 8cJ. ofthe Czech Republic.Peres,Praha.351 S. VANKEER(2006):Some-mostlysouthernEuropean BUClisHtAoRfsJp.,idVe.rsRoÜfZtIhCeKCAze8cchAR.epKuÜblRiKc.AI(n19R9Ü5Z):ICCKhAecVk. -fasupniad,efrosupnedciienst(hAercainteyaoef),Anntewweropr.ra-reNiteoutwhsebrB.elBgeilagn. Arachnol.Ver.21: 33-40

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