Spectrum of extended systems from Reduced Density Matrix Functional Theory S. Sharma1,∗ S. Shallcross2, J. K. Dewhurst1, and E. K. U. Gross1 1 Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Mikrostrukturphysik, Weinberg 2, D-06120 Halle, Germany. and 2 Lehrstuhl fu¨r Theoretische Festk¨orperphysik, Staudstr. 7-B2, 91058 Erlangen, Germany. (Dated: December 6, 2009) Wepresentamethodforcalculatingthespectrumofextendedsolidswithinreduceddensitymatrix functional theory. An application of this method to the strongly correlated transition metal oxide series demonstrates that (i) an insulating state is found in the absence of magnetic order and, in addition, (ii) the interplay between the change transfer and Mott-Hubbard correlation is correctly 9 described. In this respect we find that while NiO has a strong charge transfer character to the 0 electronicgap,withsubstantialhybridizationbetweent2g andoxygen-pstatesinthelowerHubbard 0 band, for MnO this is almost entirely absent. As a validation of our method we also calculate the 2 spectra for a variety of weakly correlated materials, finding good agreement with experiment and othertechniques. c e PACSnumbers: 71.10.-w,71.27.+a,71.45.Gm,71.20.Nr D 6 A derivate of the ground-state density functional the- ment with experimental data as well as with the results ] ory (DFT) calculations are the Kohn-Sham (KS) eigen- ofGW and dynamicalmeanfield theory (DMFT) calcu- l e values, which lead to a non-interacting spectrum. Even lations. As an additional test we determine the spectra - though the KS equations represent an auxiliary non- forasetofsystemswithoutstrongcorrelations;themet- r t interacting system whose states and eigenvalues may be als Cu and V and the band insulator BN. The spectra s . quite different from the true quasi-particle system, em- thusfoundshowgoodagreementwithexperimentaldata t a pirical evidence shows that in many cases this single as well as with data from other techniques, indicating a m particle KS spectrum is in agreement with the x-ray general applicability of the method proposed here. - photo-emissionSpectroscopy(XPS)andBremsstrahlung Within RDMFT the one-body reduced density matrix d isochromat spectroscopy (BIS) experiments. However, (1-RDM) is the basic variable [4, 5] n o for strongly correlated materials, this KS spectrum is in [c fundamental disagreement with experimental reality. In γ(r,r′)=NZ dr2...drNΦ∗(r′,r2...rN)Φ(r,r2...rN), the absence of spin-ordering all modern exchange cor- (1) 1 relation (xc) functionals within DFT fail to predict an v insulating ground-statefor transitionmetalmono-oxides where Φ denotes the many-body wave function. Di- 8 (TMOs), the prototypicalMott insulators. On the other agonalization of this matrix produces a set of natural 1 1 hand, it is well known experimentally that these materi- orbitals[4],φjk, andoccupationnumbers,njk,leadingto 1 alsareinsulatinginnatureevenatelevatedtemperatures the spectral representation . (muchabovetheN´eeltemperature)[1,2]. Thisindicates 12 thatmagneticorderisnotthedrivingmechanismforthe γ(r,r′)= njkφjk(r)φ∗jk(r′), (2) 9 gap, but is instead a co-occurring phenomenon. In fact Xj,k 0 not only DFT, but most modern many-body techniques where the necessary and sufficient conditions for ensem- : alsofailtocapturetheinsulatingbehaviorinTMOswith- v ble N-representability of γ [6] require 0 ≤ njk ≤ 1 for Xi out explicit long range spin ordering. all j,k, and j,knjk = N. Here j represents the band Inthisregardreduceddensitymatrixfunctionaltheory index and k Pthe crystal momentum. r a (RDMFT) has proved to be valuable in that it not only In terms of γ, the total ground state energy [5] of the improvesupontheKSbandgapsforinsulatorsingeneral, interacting systemis (atomic units are used throughout) butalsopredictsTMOsasinsulators,evenintheabsence 1 of long range spin-order[3]. This clearly points towards E[γ]=− lim ∇2rγ(r,r′)d3r′+ ρ(r)Vext(r)d3r 2Z r→r′ Z its ability to capture physics well beyond the reach of msuocsctesms othdeerneffdecatyivgenroeussndo-fstRatDeMmFeTthoadssa. gDroeuspnidtesttahties + 21Z ρ|(rr)−ρ(rr′′|)d3rd3r′+Exc[γ], (3) theory is seriously hampered by the absence of a tech- where ρ(r) = γ(r,r), Vext is a given external potential, nique for the determination of spectral information. and Exc we call the xc energy functional. In principle, In this work, we present a method for calculating the Gilbert’s [5] generalization of the Hohenberg-Kohn the- spectrum of extended systems within the framework of orem to the 1-RDM guarantees the existence of a func- RDMFT. Using this approach the spectra of a set of tionalE[γ]whoseminimumyieldstheexactγandtheex- TMOs is determined. In all cases we find good agree- act ground-state energy of systems characterized by the 2 external potential Vext(r). In practice, however, the cor- 3 0.06 relation energy is an unknown functional of the 1-RDM 2.5 0.04 and needs to be approximated. Although there are sev- 0.02 eral known approximations for the xc energy functional, 2 V) 0 the most promising for extended systems is the power e 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 y (1.5 functional[3] where the xc energy reads g er n 1 |γα(r,r′)|2 E 1 Exc[γ]=Exc[{φik},{nik}]=−2Z Z d3r′d3r |r−r′| 0.5 =−21Z Z d3r′d3rikX,jk′(niknjk′)α φ∗ik(r)φjk′(|rr)−φ∗jrk′′|(r′)φik(r′) 00 0.2 0.4 nik 0.6 0.8 1 (4) FIG. 1: Change in total energy upon changing a single oc- In this functional we set α = 0.565, so that the corre- cupation number nik, with all others held fixed. Inset shows lation energy of the homogeneous electron gas (HEG) thezoom of thesame for small values of nik. is well reproduced in the range of r appropriate for s solids[7]. The method then becomes truly ab-intio in thesensethatthetheorydoesnotdependonparameters E E F F that are adjusted to the system to be calculated. Expt. NiO FeO The main aim of the present work is to determine the DMFT GW ionization potentials and electron affinities of extended RDMFT systems within the framework of RDMFT. To achieve s) this the total energy functional is first minimized with unit respect to {φik} and {nik} for the N-particle system to arb. obtain the ground state. The electron removal energies S ( CoO MnO O D and electron addition energies are then calculated as ∂E[{φik},{nik}] ǫik = . (5) ∂nik (cid:12)(cid:12)nik=1/2 -10 -5 0 5 -10 -5 0 5 Numerical tests show that the de(cid:12)pendence of the to- Energy (eV) tal energy upon varying a single occupation number nik FIG. 2: (Color online) Density of states (DOS) for the tran- is essentially linear, see Fig. 1, and thus Eq. 5, where sition metal oxides NiO, FeO, CoO, and MnO. Shown are the derivative is calculated at half filling, describes the XPS and BIS spectra, in addition to calculations using the change in energy when a particle with momentum k is GW, DMFT, and RDMFT methods. The GW and DMFT either added or removed from the system with all other resultsarefromspin-polarizedcalculations,andarevertically degrees of freedom held fixed. For ǫik > µ (µ being the shifted for clarity, while the RDMFT calculations are spin- chemical potential) this derivative then corresponds to unpolarized. theelectronadditionenergy(EN+1−EN)andforǫik <µ to the electron removal energy (EN −EN−1). We now deploy this scheme for the determination of the spectra of several extended solids; the strongly cor- from Refs. 14, 15, 16, 17 for MnO, CoO, NiO and FeO related Mott insulators NiO, CoO, FeO and MnO; the respectively. bandinsulatorBN;thetransitionmetalV,andtheNobel It is immediately apparent from Fig. 2 that RDMFT metal Cu. All calculations are performed using the full- captures the essence of Mott-Hubbard physics: all the potential linearized augmented plane wave code Elk[8], TMOs considered are insulating in the absence of spin with practical details of the calculations following the order. Furthermore, examination of the spectra for NiO scheme described in Ref. 3. and CoO reveals an excellent agreement between the PresentedinFig.2arethe spectrageneratedviaEq.5 RDMFT peak positions andthe correspondingXPSand for the Mott insulators under consideration. Also shown BIS data. In fact, not only are the peak positions well areGW datatakenfromRefs.9,10anddynamicalmean reproduced, but also their relative weights. Turning to field theory (DMFT) results that for NiO taken from MnO, one notes a similarly good agreement between Refs. 11, 12 and for MnO from Ref. 13. For details of experiment and the RDMFT results for peak positions these calculations we refer the reader to the afore men- with, however,somewhatworseagreementregardingthe tioned works, however we note that in all cases the cal- relative weights. culations are spin polarized. The experimental data are Inthe case ofFeO itmust be recalledthat Fe segrega- 3 E E F F NiO FeO t 2g e g nits) O-p u b. ar S ( O CoO MnO D al arti P -10 -5 0 5 -10 -5 0 5 Energy (eV) FIG.3: (Coloronline)PartialdensityofstatesforTMOsNiO, FeO,CoO,andMnO.Inallcasesthegapisbetweenstatesof eg and t2g character. Oxygen-p states are also presented to highlight thehybridization effects. tion,unavoidableinthiscompound,precludestheexper- imental realizationof pure FeO samples. For this reason theonlyexistingexperimentaldataisratherold,andthe presumablysubstantiallybroadeneddatapresentsnodis- FIG. 4: (Color online) Difference between LSDA charge tinct features thatmay be used forcomparison. Turning density and charge density calculated using LSDA+U and to a comparison of the RDMFT spectra with the corre- RDMFT,(ρ(r)−ρLSDA(r))forCoO.Positivevaluesindicate spondingGW anddynamicalmeanfieldtheory(DMFT) localization of charge as compared to LSDA. results, one notes that while for NiO all three methods are in close agreement, for MnO the peak positions are morecloselymatchedbetweentheGW andRDMFTcal- subtle interplay with charge transfer effects. culations. Aconfirmationofthis chargelocalizationmay be seen As is well known, while the insulating state of TMOs inthechargedensitydifferenceρ(r)−ρ (r),shownin LSDA is drivenby a chargelocalizationdue to strongCoulomb Fig.4forRDMFTandLSDA+U calculationsofCoO.A repulsion(Mott-Hubbardcorrelation),animportantaux- comparison with LSDA+U is instructive as this method iliary mechanism is charge transfer[18] due to hybridiza- (withanappropriatechoiceofU)isabletoaccuratelyre- tion between ligand and transition metal (TM) states. produce the insulating gaps of the TMO series. As CoO Amongstthe TMOseriesthislattermechanismis gener- has an odd number of electrons per unit cell, spin polar- allybelievedtoplayanimportantroleinthecaseofNiO, izationisrequiredfortheLSDA+U calculationtofindan but to be of decreasing importance as atomic number is insulating ground state. However, despite the fact that lowered,with the insulating state of MnO thought to be both the RDMFT and LSDA+U calculations yield simi- drivenentirelybyMott-Hubbardcorrelation. Clearly,an lar gaps, a significant charge localization is seen only for outstanding challenge for any ab-initio theory is to cap- the RDMFT calculation. Interestingly, one observes an ture both these aspects of TMO physics. almostsphericalchargeaccumulationatthe oxygensite, In Fig. 3 we present the site and angular momentum a result in agreement with experiment[19], but different projected DOS for the TMOs considered in this work. from that found in the corresponding LSDA+U result. The electronic gap, as expected, always occurs between The actual values of the insulating gaps that may be lower and upper Hubbard bands dominated by states of extractedfromFig.2are4.0eV(4.3eV),2.5eV(3.4eV), t2g andeg characterrespectively. However,whileforNiO 2.4eV(3.4eV),and2.0eV(3.9eV),forNiO,CoO,FeO, one finds a significant component of oxygen-p states in and MnO respectively. The corresponding experimental the lower Hubbard band, for the other TMOs this hy- gapisgiveninparenthesis. Onenotesthattheagreement bridization between oxygen-p and TM-d states is much is closestfor the NiO whichhasthe lowestmagnetic mo- reduced, and is almost absent in the case of MnO, indi- mentof1.7µ amongsttheTMOsconsideredhere,with B catingthatforthismaterialtheinsulatingstateisdriven the worst agreement for MnO which has the largest mo- mostlybyMott-Hubbardcorrelations. Thuswefindthat ment of 4.7 µ . As the RDMFT calculations presented B notonlydoesRDMFTcapturetheMott-Hubbardcharge herearenon-magnetic(i.e., spindegenerate)the trendis localization in the TMO series, but in addition also the natural, and indicates that for the large moment TMOs 4 the co-occurring magnetic order does contribute signifi- counted in this approach. 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