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Preview Spectroscopy results from Belle

1 1 0 Spectroscopy results from Belle 2 n a J 9 2 ] x e SookyungChoi(for the Belle Collaboration) ∗ - p GyeongsangNationalUniversity e E-mail: [email protected] h [ 1 Wereportrecentresultsonthecharmoniumandcharmoniumlikestatesbasedonalargedatasam- v 1 plerecordedatthe¡ (4S)and¡ (5S)resonanceswiththeBelledetectorattheKEKBasymmetric- 9 energye+e collider. − 6 5 . 1 0 1 1 : v i X r a TheXthNicolaCabibboInternationalConferenceonHeavyQuarksandLeptons, October11-15,2010 Frascati(Rome)Italy Speaker. ∗ (cid:13)c Copyrightownedbytheauthor(s)underthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeLicence. http://pos.sissa.it/ HQL2010 SookyungChoi(fortheBelleCollaboration) 1. Introduction Starting with the observation of the h (2S) state, anumber of new states have been observed c byBelle. Someofthesehavebeenidentifiedasbeingthepredicted, butnot-yet-seen, charmonium states, while others, designated by X, Y & Z, are considered to be candidates for new types of charmoniumlike states such as hybrid cc¯-gluon states or multiquark states either of the molecular type (cq¯c¯q) or the diquark-diantiquark (cqcq) type. Here, recent XYZ state-related measurements arereported andexaminedinthecontextofpossible charmonium assignments. 2. The X(3872) The X(3872) was discovered by Belle in the J/yp +p mass spectrum in exclusive B − → KX(3872) decay [1] in a 140 fb 1 data sample; it was subsequently seen in three other exper- − iments. One curious fact about the X(3872) is the near equality of its mass and the m +m D0 D 0 ∗ threshold. ThelatestPDGworldaveraged mass[2]is3871.56 0.22 MeV,whiletheD0D 0 mass ∗ ± threshold is3871.79 0.30 MeV.TheCDFgroupreported thatonlytheJPC options 1++ and2 + − ± arecompatiblewiththeJ/y andpp helicityangledistributions [3]. Itisalsonowwellestablished thatthepp systeminX J/yp +p comesfromr pp decays. − → → 2.1 X(3872) g J/y (y ) ′ → TheobservationofX(3872)ing J/y (y )finalstatesensuresthatthecharge-conjugationparity ′ oftheX(3872)isC=+1. ThefirstreportedevidenceforX(3872) g J/y wasgivenbyBelle[4] → usinginB KX(3872)decaysina256fb 1 datasamplewithasignalsignificance of 4s . − → ∼ BaBaralsoreportedX(3872)decaystobothg J/y andgy finalstatesintheB+ K+g J/y (y ) ′ ′ → process [5], with signal significances of 3.6 s and 3.5 s , respectively. Their measured product of branching fractions are B(B+ K+X(3872)) B(X(3872) g J/y )= (2.8 0.8) 10 6 and − → × → ± × B(B+ K+X(3872)) B(X(3872) gy )=(9.5 2.8) 10 6. The ratio of these branching ′ − fractio→ns is BB((XX33887722→ggyJy′))×=3.4±1.4,w→hichislargefo±raDD×∗0 molecular state[6] ThisyearBel→le studied theg J/y (y )finalstates using their full data sampleof772 106BB ′ × events [7]. The B Kg J/y channel is dominated by B Kc ; c g J/y decays and this c1 c1 → → → is used as a calibration reaction; the branching fraction for the well known B+ K+c decay is c1 → measuredtobe(4.94 0.35) 10 4,whichagreeswellwiththePDGvalue[2]. Bellealsoreported − ± × firstevidence forB Kc (via c g J/y )with3.6s significance. Thebranching fraction for c2 c2 B+→K+c c2 ismea→suredtobe(1.11→±0.37)×10−5. Theratioofbranchingfractions BB((BB++→KK++cccc21)) is 0.022 0.007, which is a measure of the factorization suppression factor for JPC = 2→++. In ± the same g J/y final state but at higher masses, there is a clear X(3872) g J/y signal with → 4.9 s significance. Figure 1 shows MgJ/y mass distributions in exclusive (a) B+ K+g J/y and → (b) B0 K0g J/y decay. The product of branching fractions for B KX and X g J/y is → S → → measured to be (1.8 0.5) 10 6, which agrees with the BaBar result. However, there is no − ± × significant signal forB+ K+X andX gy ′ decay. Figures1showtheMgy massdistributions → → ′ in B+ K+gy decay for (c) y ℓ+ℓ and (d) y J/yp +p decays. Anupper limit of the ′ ′ − ′ − → → → productofbranchingfractionsisdeterminedtobeB(B+ K+X) (X gy )<3.4 10 6. The ′ − → × → × 2 HQL2010 SookyungChoi(fortheBelleCollaboration) Figure 1: g J/y mass distributions (top) for (a) B+ K+X(3872) and (b) B0 K0X(3872) candidate → → s events with subsequent X(3872) g J/y decay. gy mass distributions (bottom) for B+ K+X(3872) ′ → → candidateeventswithsubsequentX(3872) gy decay,wherey ℓ+ℓ in(c)andp +p J/y in(d). ′ ′ − − → → ratioofbranchingfractionsofits90%CLupperlimitis BB((XX→ggyJ/y′)) <2.1,incontradiction withthe BaBarresult. → 2.2 X(3872) w J/y → In the D0D∗0 molecular model of Swanson [6], the JPC is assumed to be 1++, in which case the D0D∗0 component is dominant, with small admixtures of w J/y and r J/y . In this model, X(3872) p +p p 0J/y decays were predicted to occur at about half the rate for X(3872) − → → p +p J/y decay. Belleperformedasearchforthis3p J/y decaymode. − Figure2(b)showstheY(3940) [8]seeninw J/y massdistribution inB Kw J/y decay. In → the X(3872) mass region, which is at the right edge of the kinematic boundary, Belle observes a signal inthe 3p massspectrum corresponding tothesub-threshold decay X(3872) w J/y . The → measurednumberofsignaleventswere12.4 4.1,fromwhichtheratioofthebranchingfractions B(BX(3X87T328→7h2i→ps+wypJe−/aJyr/)yB)aBisadrerteearnmailnyezdedtoBbe1K.0w±J/0y.±5fi[4n]a.lstatesusingarelaxedomegamassselection[9] → 0.5 < m3p < 0.9 GeV and saw a similar w signal. Using their reported branching fraction, we oBbatBaianrtrheepocrotsmtbhiantetdheraMtio3pfrmoamssBseplelectarunmd BfraoBmarthtoe Xbe387B2(BX(3X87328J→7/2→pyw+wpJ−/Jfiy/n)ya)l=sta0t.e8s±is0s.u3p.pIrnesasdedditnioeanr, → itsupperkinematicboundary byacentrifugalbarrierfactorthatisconsistent withaP-wave. Their P-wave (2−)fit(c 2/NDF=3.53/5 )tothe M3p massdistribution is favored overtheir S-wave (1+) fit(c 2/NDF=10.17/5). Thiswouldbebadforamolecularinterpretation ofX(3872),however,this corresponds toonlyabouta1.5s effect. 2.3 CharmoniumpossibilitiesofX(3872) From the CDF angular analysis results [3], the only two possible JPC assignments for the X 3 HQL2010 SookyungChoi(fortheBelleCollaboration) b) 16 a) V Me Events/25 8 0 480 605 730 M(!+!-!0) (MeV) Figure2:a)TheB-mesonsignalyieldsversus3p invariantmassintheX(3872)regionofM 3s <M < X X − M +1s )forB Kp +p p 0J/y decay.b)B Kw J/y signalyieldsversusM(w J/y ) X − → → are1++and2 +;allotherJPCvaluesareruledoutwithhighconfidence. Inthissection,wesurvey − charmonium possibilities forX(3872)withthesetwoJPC assignments. Forthe1++assignment,thepossibleundiscoveredcharmoniumstateisc . FortheX(3872)= c′1 c assignment, thefollowingpuzzlingquestions arise. c′1 Sincethemassof c isnowknowntobe3930MeV[10],themassof c isexpected tobe • c′2 c′1 3905MeV.Therefore, themassofX(3872)istoolowforittobethe c . ∼ c′1 Barnesetal. [11]estimatedthepartial widthforG (c gy ) 180keV,whileG (c c1 ′ c1 • g J/y )∼14 keV. So, the ratio of of partial widths GG((ccc′1c1→′→ggyJ/y′)) s∼hould be much bigger t′h→an unity. Therefore, the c assignment would be apossib′l→e option ifthe BaBarmeasurement c1 ′ isright,whichgivesalargepartialwidthforthegy mode. ′ G (X p +p J/y ) = (3.4 1.2) G (X g J/y ) is estimated to be about 45 keV using − • → ± × → G the Barnes value for G gJ/y and the measured ratio of Gpp J/y . This partial width for X gJ/y → p +p J/y decayishugeforanisospin-violatingtransition;otherisospinviolatingtransitions − inthecharmonium systemarelessthan1keV(e.g.,G (y p 0J/y ) 0.4keV[2]). ′ → ∼ For the 2 + assignment, the possible undiscovered charmonium state is the singlet D-wave − stateknownastheh (1D ). Forthisassignment, thefollowingquestions arise. c2 2 Y. Jia et al. [12] estimated the partial widths to be G (h gy ) 0.4 keV and G (h c2 ′ c2 • g J/y )∼9keV.ThisfavorstheBellemeasurement wheret→heratio∼GG((hhc2c2→ggyJ/y′)) issmaller.→ → Usingthewellestablishedmassofitsmultipletpartner,M(y )=3770MeV,themassofthe ′′ • h isestimatedtobe3837MeV. Thus,theX(3872)massishighforh . c2 c2 G (X p +p J/y )=(3.4 1.2)(X g J/y ) is about 30 keV using the Jia g J/y width. − • → ± → Thisisalsolargeforanisospin-violating transition. For the 2 +(h ) assignment, the branching fraction for the B+ K+h is too high for a − c2 c2 • → non-factorizable decay. Other two B+ K+h and B+ K+c decay, which is also non- c c2 → → factorizableandsuppressedbyanangularmomentumbarrier,arejustbarelyseeninthehuge Belledatasample. The branching fraction for h c2 DD∗ is expected to be small [13], but the averaged ratio • frombothBelleandBaBaris G G(→X(X→ppDJD/∗y)) =9.5±3.1,whichishighfortheh c2. → 4 HQL2010 SookyungChoi(fortheBelleCollaboration) 3. More X andY states near 3940MeV Belle observed three states near 3940 MeV via three different production and decay chan- nels[8,10,14]. Amongthesethree,theZ(3930)state,whichisproducedinthegg DDprocess, → isgenerallyconsideredtobethecharmoniumc state,eventhoughthemassM=3929 5 2MeV c′2 ± ± is somewhat lower than potential model predictions. The X(3940) is observed in the DD∗ mass spectrum from double charmonium production ine+e J/y D D annihilation and theY(3940) − ∗ → is observed in the w J/y mass spectrum in B Kw J/y decays. The mass and width of the → X(3940) (Y(3940)) are measured to be M=3942+7 6 (3943 11 13) MeV and G =37+26 8 6± ± ± 15± − − (87 22 26)MeV.Althoughthemassesaresimilar,theX(3940)andY(3940)appeartobediffer- ± ± entstates: theX(3940)(Y(3940))hasnotbeenseeninthew J/y (DD∗)finalstateinB X(Y)K → decays. Itisimportanttosearchforw J/y (orDD∗)intwo-photoncollisions, whereitsspin-parityof resonance ispreferentially constrained tobeJp=0 or2 . Belleobserved a7.7s enhancement in ± ± thew J/y system[15]producedinthegg w J/y process;themassandtotalwidtharemeasured → to beM=3915 3 2 MeVand G =17 10 3 MeV.This state, denoted by X(3915), isprobably ± ± ± ± relatedtooneofthethreeabove-mentioned statesinthe3.90-3.95GeVmassregion. Ifweassume theX(3915)is0+ (2+)resonance, theproduct ofthetwo-photon decay widthandbranching frac- tion to w J/y is determined to be G gg (X(3915))B(X w J/y )= 61 17 8(18 5 2) eV for → ± ± ± ± Jp=0+(2+). Forcomparison,themeasuredproductofthetwo-photondecaywidthandbranching fraction for Z(3930) DD is 180 50 30 eV. If the X(3915) is the Z(3930) (c ), the ratio of branching fractions B→F(cc′2→w J/y ) is±large±for an above-open-charm-threshhold chacr′2monium state. Also, for both the 0+BaFn(cdc′22→+DDo)ptions, if we assume that the gg partial width is 1 keV, which is ∼ typical for charmonium states, G w J/y would be of the order of 1 MeV,which islarge for charmo- nium. The G (Y w J/y ) partial width is also estimated to be large using the averaged prod- 3940 → uct branching fraction from Belle and BaBar to be B(B+ K+Y ) B(Y w J/y ) = 3940 3940 → × → (5.0 0.8) 10 5 and the PDG averaged G (Y ) = 40+18 MeV. If we assume the maximum ± × − 3940 13 possible branching fraction for B KY is 10 10 4 (−the branching fraction for B KJ/y ), 3940 − → × → thepartialwidthforG (Y w J/y )isdeterminedtobelargerthanorder1MeV,whichislarge 3940 → forconventional charmonium. 4. TheY(4260)andY b The 1 Y(4260) state was first discovered by BaBar [16] and confirmed by Belle [17] in −− the J/yp +p in radiative e+e g Y(4260) process. Thepartial width forY p +p J/y is − − ISR − → → determinedtobelargerthan0.5MeVatthe90%CLlevelbyMoetal. [18],whichismuchlarger than that for y p +p J/y . This large partial width is one of the remarkable properties of the ′ − → Y(4260)thathaveledtovariousexoticinterpretations ofitsquarkcontent. Aninterestingquestion iswhetherornotthereexistcounterparts inthessand/orbbquarksystems. Bellereportedananomalously largee+e ¡ (1,2S)p +p production crosssectionnearthe − − → peakofthe¡ (5S)resonanceat√s 10.87GeVmeasuredwitha21.7fb 1datasample[19]. Ifthey − ∼ assumethatthesignaleventsonlycomefromdecaysofthe¡ (5S)resonance,theirextractedpartial 5 HQL2010 SookyungChoi(fortheBelleCollaboration) ] 0mm[ 0.008 U (1Sp)p s] / 0.006 U (2Sp)p pp(nS) 0.004 U (3Sp)p U[ s 0.002 0.000 10.75 10.8 10.85 10.9 10.95 11 11.05 s (GeV) Figure 3: The ¡ (nS)pp (n=1,2 and 3) cross sections near the ¡ (5S) resonance show peak structure that deviatesfromthepeak(verticalline)of¡ (5S)obtainedfromthehadroniccrosssections. widths are 300 times larger than those for corresponding transitions from the ¡ (4S). Recently, ∼ Bellemeasuredtheenergydependenceofthee+e ¡ (nS)pp (n=1,2,3)productioncrosssection − → using data accumulated at seven different cm energy points near the ¡ (5S) resonance. A new common peak structure was observed for all three e+e ¡ (1,2,3S)p +p cross sections. A fit − − → using Breit-Wigner resonance function with a common mass and width to these peaks, shown in Fig. 3, gives a mass and width of M=10888.4+2.7 1.2 MeV and G =30.7+8.3 3.1 MeV[20], 2.6± 7.0± whicharenotconsistent withanyknownbbsta−tesuchasthe¡ (10860). This−canbeconsidered to beacandidate foraY -typestateinthebbsystem. b 5. Charged Z+ states Achargedcharmonium-likestatecouldnotbeacccharmoniumstate;itsminimalquarkstruc- ture would have to be a ccud tetraquark arrangement. The charged Z(4430)+ state was first ob- served by Belle as a peak in the p +y mass distribution in exclusive B Kp +y decays[21]. ′ ′ → It was confirmed by a subsequent reanalysis using a Dalitz plot formalism [22] that includes all possible intermediate Kp resonances. This Dalitz analysis method was first employed in the ob- servation of two other charged Z+ and Z+ states that are seen to decay to p +c final states in 1 2 c1 exclusive B Kp +c decays [23]. The Dalitz-plot analysis demonstrated that these Z states are c1 → notproduced byreflectionsfromanyknownandpossibly unknownresonances intheKp channel. However,BaBarsearchedfortheZ(4430)+,butdidnotseeasignificant signal[24]. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Korea Research Foundation Grant funded by the Korean Government(KRF-2008-313-C00177). 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