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1992] GARCiA-FRANCO & RICO-GRAY: TILLANDSIA GALLS 61 (Laessle, 1961; Benzing, 1990). It is likely that GARDNER, C. S. 1986. Inferences about pollination the association between epiphytic bromeliads, in Tillandsia (Brome1iaceae). Selbyana 9: 76-87. gall-forming insects, and parasitoids are far more GARciA-FRANCO, J. G., V. RICO-GRAY, AND O. ZAYAS. common than previously documented, and that 1991. Seed and seedling predation of Bromelia the small number of reports reflects only that the pinquin L. by the land crab Gecarcinus lateralis Frem. in Veracruz, Mexico. Biotropica 23: 96-97. association has passed unnoticed in most habi ---AND ---. (in press) Biologia reproductiva de tats. Tillandsia deppeana Steudel (Bromeliaceae) en Veracruz, Mexico. Brenesia 35. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS HAWKINS, B. A. AND R. J. GAGNE. 1989. Determi nants of assemblage size for the parasitoids of Ce We acknowledge V. Hernandez (Instituto de cidomyiidae (Diptera). Oecologia (Berlin) 81: 75- Ecologia), R. J. Gagne (USDA) and M. E. Schauff 88. (USDA) for their help in insect determination, JANZEN, D. H. 1974. Epiphytic myrmecophytes in and E. Saavedra for the illustration of T. ionan Sarawak: mutualism through the feeding of plants by ants. Biotropica 6: 237-259. tha. Field work was partially supported by CON LAESSLE, A. M. 1961. A micro-limnological study of ACYT grant No. 903579 to VRG. Jamaican bromeliads. Ecology 42: 499-517. LALoNDE, R. G. AND J. D. SHORTHOUSE. 1985. Growth LITERATURE CITED and development of larvae and galls of Urophora cardui (Diptera, Tephritidae) on Cirsium arvense ACKERMAN, J. D. 1986. Coping with the epiphytic (Compositae). Oecologia (Berlin) 65: 161-165. existence: pollination strategies. Selbyana 9: 52- MORENO, P., E. VAN DER MAAREL, S. CASTILLO, M. L. 60. HUESCA, AND I. PISANTY. 1982. Ecologia de la BENZING, D. H. 1970. An investigation of two bro vegetaci6n de dunas costeras: estructura y com meliad myrmecophytes: Tillandsia butzii Mez, T. posicion en el Morro de la Mancha, Ver. Biotica caput-medusae E. Morren and their ants. Bull. (Mexico) 7: 491-526. Torrey Bot. Club 97: 109-115. NEIL, W. 1951. A bromeliad herpetofauna in Florida. ---. 1990. Vascular epiphytes. Cambridge Uni Ecology 32: 140-143. versity Press, Cambridge. 354 pp. NOVELO, A. 1978. La vegetaci6n de la Estacion Biolo BEUTELSPACHER, B. C. R. 1971. Una Bromeliaceae gica El Morro de la Mancha, Veracruz, Biotica como un ecosistema. Biologia (Mexico) 2: 82-88. (Mexico) 3: 9-23. ---. 1972. Fauna de Tillandsia caput-medusae E. RICO-GRAY, V. AND A. LoT-HELGUERAS. 1983. Pro Morren, 1880 (Bromeliaceae). An. Inst. BioI., ducci6n de hojarasca del manglar de la Laguna de U.N.A.M., Ser. Zool. 43: 25-30. la Mancha, Veracruz, Mexico. Biotica (Mexico) 8: BORROR, D. J., D. M. DE LoNG, AND C. A. TRIPLEHORN. 295-301. 1981. An introduction to the study of insects, 5th SALAS, D. S. 1973. Una bromeliaceae costarricense ed. Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia. 827 polinizada por murcielagos. Brenesia 2: 5-10. pp. UTLEy,J.F. 1983. A revision oft he Middle American BURT-UTLEY, K. AND J. F. UTLEY. 1975. Calcium45 Thecophylloid Vrieseas (Bromeliaceae). Tulane translocation in Tillandsia balbisiana Schult. Stud. Zool. Bot. 24: 1-81. (Bromeliaceae). Brenesia 5: 51-65. Selbyana l3: 62-71 SPATIAL VARIABILITY IN THE INTERCEPTION OF INCLINED RAINFALL BY A TROPICAL RAINFOREST CANOPY STANLEY R. HERWITZ Graduate School of Geography, Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts 01610 U.S.A. ROBERT E. SLYE Ecosystem Science and Technology Branch, NASAlA mes Research Center, Moffett Field, California 94035 U.S.A. ABSTRACT. Many epiphytes in forest canopies are drought-adapted due to the limited water-holding capacity of the aboveground woody surfaces that support them. The objective of our study was to evaluate whether neighboring tropical rainforest canopy trees differentially intercept inclined rainfall, and discuss the possible effects on epiphyte distribution patterns. The study involved: (1) developing a computer model representing the 3-D geometry of a tropical rainforest canopy surface in northeast Queensland, Australia, using photogrammetric crown elevation data and a geographic information system; (2) generating a shaded canopy relief image to compute the effective rainfall-intercepting crown areas of 50 selected canopy trees during a single precipitation event; and (3) analyzing the relationships between the selected trees' effective crown areas and the net rainfall totals measured beneath their crowns. A significant correlation between the effective crown areas and net rainfall totals indicated that the inclined rainfall was differentially inter cepted, with the more prominent canopy trees creating rainshadows on less prominent neighboring canopy trees. It has been generally assumed that the vertically projected crown areas of canopy trees intercept the same depth equivalent of precipitation. The results of our study suggest that rainforest canopy trees in the cyclone-prone tropics do not receive the same depth equivalents of mean annual rainfall. We conclude that the differential interception of rainfall may influence the spatial pattern of water availability and thus the distribution of epiphytes in a forest canopy. La geometria tri-dimensional y microhabitats de las copas del bosque pluvioso tropical. REsUMEN. Muchas epifitas que crecen en las bovedas arboreas de los bosques tropicales humedos estim adaptadas a la sequia debido a que las cortezas que las sostienen por encima del suelo ofrecen muy baja capacidad de retencion de agua. La meta de nuestro estudio consistio en analizar si en estos bosques, las bovedas de los arboles vecinos interceptaban en forma diferencial el agua de lluvia que cae en lIngulo para, enseguida, evaluar los efectos que esto pudiese tener en las pautas de distribucion de las epifitas. En el estudio se incluyolo siguiente: (1) e1 desarrollo de un modelo informatico en el que figura la representacion tridimensional de la superficie de una boveda arbOrea en un bosque tropical humedo del noreste de Queensland, Australia. Esto se hizo en base a datos sobre la elevacion de la corona arborea obtenidos mediante fotogrametria, junto con un sistema de informacion geografica; (2) se genero la imagen del relieve de una boveda ensombrecida a fin de ca1cular las areas efectivas de intercepcion de precipitacion pluvial de las coronas de 50 arboles seleccionados en un evento de precipitacion; y (3) se llevo a cabo el analisis de las relaciones existentes entre las superficies efectivas de las coronas de los arboles seleccionados y los totales netos de precipitacion pluvial medidos bajo dichas coronas. Al establecerse la correlacion entre las superficies efectivas de las coronas y los totales netos de precipitacion pluvial se observo que la lluvia que caia en forma oblicua era interceptada en forma diferenciltl, dandose el caso que los arboles de bovedas mas prominentes obraban como cortinas, impidiendo asi que la lluvia cayese sobre las cupulas de arboles vecinos menos prominentes. Por cuanto hace a las bovedas arbOreas, en general, se supone que las superficies de las coronas que se proyectan verticalmente, interceptan la misma profundidad de precipitacion equi valente. Los resultados de nuestro estudio sugieren que las bovedas arboreas de los bosques tropica1es hUmedos expuestos a huracanes no reciben en promedio anual el mismo equivalente de profundidad de lluvia. Por 10 tanto, llegamos a la conclusion de que la intercepcion diferencial de precipitacion pluvial puede influenciar las pautas espaciales del agua disponible y, con ello, la distribucion de las epifitas en la boveda del bosque. 1952; Madison, 1977; Nadkarni, 1984; Gentry INTRODUCTION & Dodson, 1987). Factors affecting the distri The substantial epiphyte loads that character bution and abundance of epiphytes in forest can ize many tropical rainforest canopies contribute opies include differences in canopy tree archi significantly to the ecosystem's biotic diversity tecture, microclimate, bark structure, and the and many ecosystem-level processes (Richards, accumulation ofh umus on aboveground surfaces 62 1992] HERWITZ & SLYE: RAINFALL INTERCEPTION 63 (Sugden & Robins, 1979; Benzing, 1983; Nad been clear-cut, making State Forest No. 452 es kami, 1986; Lawton, 1991). Wateris considered sentially a forest island. A rainfall interception to be the resource in shortest supply for many plot occupying an area of 3 ha was established epiphytes (Benzing, 1990), and so available within this stand. The plot was selected because moisture may be a key factor that detennines the ofi ts accessibility and its occurrence on relatively suitability of a canopy microsite for epiphytes. level ground. The elevation of the plot is about Thus, factors affecting the interception and re 707 m. tention of rainfall in tree crowns could affect epi Mean annual rainfall is > 1,400 mm, with more phyte distribution patterns. than 60% of the annual total occurring during Most tropical rainforests are characterized by the wet season months (January-March). FIGURE a rough canopy surface due to the varied crown 2 shows the annual rainfall totals over the period heights and structural differences of neighboring 1926-1990 at an Australian rain station located canopy tress (Richards, 1952; Odum, 1970; Ash in Yungaburra, less than 2 km from the study ton, 1978; Halle et al., 1978; Herwitz, 1982; Lloyd plot. Tropical depressions associated with the & Marques, 1988). In cyclone-prone tropical southward shift of the intertropical convergence regions such as the Caribbean, northeastern Cen zone provide an influx of moist, unstable tropical tral America, the Philippines, and northeast air. These depressions often intensify into well Queensland, Australia, rainforests are subject to developed low pressure cells over the Coral Sea, a relatively high frequency of non-cyclonic (as subjecting northeast Queensland (including the well as cyclonic) rainfall events associated with Atherton Tableland) to a high frequency of rain high horizontal windspeeds (e.g., >400 km d-1). fall events associated with strong winds (Gentilli, High windspeeds are responsible not only for a 1971). The prevailing wind direction during the high incidence of treefalls, which increases the wet season in northeast Queensland is between roughness of the overall canopy surface, but also azimuths of 45° and 180°, with extreme gusts on for causing the rain to fall at angles inclined from the Atherton Tableland as high as 120 km hr-1 vertical. Depending on the position oft ree crowns (Gordon, 1971). in relation to neighboring crowns, and the azi Forest structure in the plot bears a greater re muth and angle ofthe inclined rain, canopy trees semblance to lowland tropical rainforests than could differentially intercept inclined rainfall. to montane rainforests. The height of the upper In regions characterized by wind-driven rain canopy is 25-35 m, and the mean trunk diameter fall where the rain often does not fall vertically, at breast height (DBH) is > 35 cm. Both the den canopy rainshadows would be expected among sity (620 trees ha-1) and the basal area (65 m2 neighboring canopy trees having different crown ha-1) of trees > 10 cm DBH are comparable to elevations. Our study is a test of the hypothesis lowland rainforests in the Old and New World that moisture availability varies significantly tropics (Herwitz, 1981). In a representative 0.5 among neighboring canopy trees in a cyclone ha sample area in the plot, 45 tree species were prone tropical rainforest. We specifically exam represented. ined the question of whether the vertically pro jected crown area of a canopy tree is represen tative ofi ts effective intercepting crown area under MATERIALS AND METHODS inclined, wind-driven rainfall conditions. Interception and Net Rainfall The architecture and geometry of tree crowns and forest canopies are usually considered in re The standard method of measuring the inter lation to the functional processes of light inter ception of rainfall in a forested ecosystem is by ception, gas exchange, productivity, and heat and comparing the gross rainfall incident on the can energy transfer (Oldeman, 1978; Miller & Stoner, opy with the net rainfall reaching the forest floor 1979; Hutchison et al., 1986; Baldocchi & Mey as throughfall and stemflow drainage (Leonard, ers, 1988; Pinker & Holland, 1988; Shawet al., 1961; Jackson & Aldridge, 1973; Calder et al., 1988). Few studies have considered the 3-D ge 1986; Clarke, 1987; Lloyd et al., 1988). ometry of a forest canopy in relation to rainfall Throughfall and stemflow were collected from interception processes. 50 canopy trees representing five species in the plot. The five tree species were: Aleurites moluc cana (L.) WiUd. (N = 10), Argyrodendron pera STUDY AREA latum (F. M. Bailey) H. L. Edlin ex I. H. Boas The study site was located in a 258 ha stand (N = 10), Castanospermum australe A. Cunn. & of tropical rainforest (Queensland State Forest C. Fraser ex Hook. (N = 10), Dysoxylum petti No. 452) on the Atherton Tableland in northeast grewianum F. M. Bailey (N = 10), and Toona Queensland, Australia (17°16'S, 145°35'E) australis (F. Muell.) Harms (N = 10). These five (FIGURE 1). Much of the Atherton Tableland has species were selected because each species was 64 SELBYANA [Volume 13 o 5 10 km 25 Coral Sea ....:t Atherton• Yungaburra Atherton Tableland Interception Plot FIGURE i. Location of the interception piot on the Atherton Tableland in northeast Queensland, Australia. represented in the plot by at least ten canopy 0.53 m2 and its height above the ground was trees having crowns fully exposed in the upper about 1 m. The gauges and troughs were posi canopy. The DBH of the 50 selected trees ranged tioned beneath the 50 canopy trees in a pattern between 42 and 122 em, with crown heights rang that extended outward 1 m from the base of each ing between 24 and 39 m. tree to the perimeter of its crown. Stemflow was Throughfall was collected from the 50 trees collected from the trunk of each tree using a using 100 throughfall gauges and 20 throughfall stemflow collar consisting ofa high-quality hose troughs. The orifice area of each gauge was 0.05 that was slit longitudinally and sealed to the trunk m2 and its height above the ground was about with U-shaped staples and silicon sealant. The 0.5 m. The collection area of each trough was standard equation for calculating net rainfall from 1992] HERWITZ & SLYE: RAINFALL INTERCEPTION 65 3000r---.-,------.-,-----.,-------.,-------.-,------r-,----~1~ r - - -E E 2000r - - (ij c ·cu .... - (ij :J cC 1000 '- - <x:: - 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 Year FIGURE 2. Annual rainfall totals over the period 1926-1990, recorded at the Yungaburra rainfall station on the Atherton Tableland. individual trees is Rn = (TJ T.) + (SJc), where volume of intercepted water detained by each Tv is the throughfall volume, T a is the collection sapling and LA is its total leaf area. The inter area of the throughfall gauges, Sv is the stemflow ception storage per unit bark volume was deter volume, and C is the tree's vertically projected mined by: (1) weighing bark samples from the crown area (Horton, 1919). experimental trees, (2) measuring their volume Gross rainfall was measured using a cluster of by rapid displacement of an aqueous solution, 15 rain gauges each with an orifice area of 0.05 and (3) saturating the bark samples in distilled m2 positioned in a cleared area 280 m from the water. edge of State Forest No. 452. Daily windspeed The total leaf surface area and bark volume of totals and the prevailing daily wind directions each selected tree in the interception plot was were recorded at the CSIRO Division of Forest calculated on the basis of: (I) field measurements Research Meteorological Station in Atherton, 8 of trunk diameter, tree height, and leaflitterfall, km west of the plot. (2) ground-based photography of crown coverage and image analysis of obstructed sky, (3) field Interception Storage Capacities counts of primary branches radiating from trees of known trunk diameter, height, and crown cov The rainfall interception storage capacities of erage, and (4) destructive sampling of the leaf the 50 selected trees were determined by a com and woody surface area and the bark of fallen bination of laboratory and field measurements primary branches. described in detail by Herwitz (1982, 1985), and The total interception storage capacity of each summarized briefly here. tree was the sum of its leaf and bark interception Laboratory measurements established the in storages expressed as depth equivalents of water terception storage per unit leaf area and per unit relative to the tree's projected crown area (Her bark volume for each of the five species. The witz, 1985). storage per unit leaf area was determined by: (1) suspending saplings of the selected species on a Crown Elevations calibrated spring balance, (2) saturating their aboveground leaf surfaces using a rainfall sim The crown elevation of each canopy tree (N > ulator, (3) defoliating the experimental saplings, 500) in the plot was determined photogram (4) measuring their total leafa rea using a LI- 3000 metrically. Color aerial photos of the plot were Area Meter (LI-COR, Lincoln, Nebraska), and obtained from a Cessna 182 aircraft at a flight (5) applying the equation IJLA where Iv is the height of670 m using a Hasselblad 70 mm cam- 66 SELBYANA [Volume 13 era, a 15 cm lens, and Kodak aerocolor negative boring trees. Increased effective crown areas were film (Myers & Benson, 1981; Myers, 1982). En determined for individual trees by adding: (1) larged prints of these negatives were used to pro the shaded crown areas of neighboring trees lo duce a stereomodel of the forest canopy on a cated on the tree's leeward side, and (2) the area Zeiss D2 Planimat. Horizontal and vertical con of its crown that was exposed on its windward trols were established using maps prepared by side above less prominent neighboring crowns. the Queensland Survey Office. After orienting, levelling, and scaling the aerial photos on the Inclination Angle and Azimuth of Planimat, the elevation of each canopy tree crown Incident Rainfall in the stereomodel of the plot was measured in meters above sea level. The result was a detailed The relationships between rainfall intensity, crown elevation map. median raindrop size, terminal fall velocity of raindrops, and horizontal windspeed have been successfully used to calculate rainfall inclination Three-Dimensional Model of angles (Sharon, 1980). On the selected rainday Canopy Surface during the 1981 wet season (27 February 1981), A three-dimensional model ofthe interception when the gross rainfall total was 32.5 mm and plot canopy surface was created using ARC-INFO the wind run total was 645.3 km, the rainfall software. ARC-INFO is a geographic informa inclination angle was calculated using the equa tion system that can generate computer models tions presented below. of 3-D surfaces by means of a triangulated ir Assuming a normal distribution of raindrop regular network (TIN) data structure. TIN or sizes, the median droplet size in the population ganizes x, y and z coordinates into a topological of raindrops was calculated on the basis of rain network composed of triangles and interpolates fall intensity using the best-fit equation D = 2.23 a continuous 3-D surface that fits through the X pa.102, where D is the raindrop diameter in vertex points of each triangle. The crown ele mm and P is the rainfall intensity in inch hr-I vation map of the plot was used as input for the (Laws & Parsons, 1943). The terminal fall ve TIN data base. The z values representing the locity of the rain was computed on the basis of crown elevation points were entered manually. the median droplet size using a best-fit equation The x and y coordinates corresponding to each derived from experimental data reported by Gunn z value were entered using a digitizing tablet. and Kinzer (1949). The equation is in the form Outline drawings of the perimeters of all the y = (3.378 x [In(x)]) + 4.213, where y is the canopy tree crowns visible in the aerial photos terminal velocity in m secl and x is the droplet of the plot were made on a transparency. These diameter in mm. Rainfall inclination was cal crown perimeters were incorporated into the culated on the basis of the terminal fall velocity ARC-INFO data base using an image scanning of the raindrops and the horizontal windspeed device and the computer program SCITEX. The using the equation tan(b) = W/U where b is the y, crown perimeter and canopy surface images were angle of rainfall inclination in degrees from the registered using ARC-INFO after identifYing ten vertical, W is the windspeed in m sec-1 and Uy control points. is the terminal fall velocity in m sec-I. The az imuth of the inclined rainfall was determined on Effective Rainfall Intercepting the basis of the prevailing wind direction re Crown Areas corded on the selected rainday. The effective rainfall intercepting crown areas RESULTS of the 50 canopy trees and those canopy trees on the leeward side of them were determined using The rainfall inclination angle at the plot on 27 a computer-based simulation procedure. We de February 1981 was 51.60 ± 100 from the vertical, veloped a ray-tracing program that analyzed the with an azimuth of 180°. Net rainfall totals from 3-D model of the canopy surface in relation to the 50 selected canopy trees ranged between 24.2 the azimuth and angle of inclined rainfall on a and 61.8 mm (TABLE 1), or 74 to 190% of the selected rainday characterized by high wind gross rainfall measured in the open. The coeffi speeds. The 3-D model of the canopy was in the cient of variation of the net rainfall totals was form of a raster image (cell size resolution = 21.7%. The coefficient of variation of the gross 0.3588 m2). The ray-tracing program generated rainfall measured in the open was 4.4%. rainshadows (equivalent to sun shadows) over Spatial variation in net rainfall has been widely the registered, contoured canopy surface and noted in forested ecosystems (e.g., Stout & Mc computed the proportion of vertically projected Mahon, 1961; Czarnowski & Olszewski, 1970; crown areas that were in the rainshadow of neigh- Kimmins, 1973; Calder et al., 1986; Lloyd & 1992] HERWITZ & SLYE: RAINFALL INTERCEPTION 67 TABLE 1. Net rainfall inputs from the 50 canopy trees in the study plot and their effective intercepting crown areas on 27 Feb 81. Standard Mean deviation Maximum Throughfall (mm) 33.3 7.16 60.9 Stemflow (mm) 0.32 0.22 0.99 Net rainfall, Rn (mm) 33.6 7.27 61.8 Interception storage + R" (mm) 35.2 7.18 62.7 Projected crown area, C (m2) 94.7 60.4 307.9 Effective crown area, C, (m2) 97.8 63.7 307.9 CjC ratio 1.03 0.18 1.68 Marques, 1988) and is often attributed to differ corrected gross rainfall, suggesting that the can ences in the water-storage capacities of the opy trees did not intercept the same depth equiv aboveground vegetative surfaces and the rate of alent of rainfall. We hypothesized that inclined evaporation from these surfaces (e.g., Jackson, rainfall is differentially intercepted by neighbor 1975; Hancock & Crowther, 1979; Herwitz, 1987; ing canopy tree crowns. Pook et aI., 1991; Teklehaimanot et aI., 1991). FIGURE 3 illustrates how the effective rainfall Theoretically, some of the variance in net rainfall intercepting crown area (Ce) of an individual can could be explained if one could correct for the opy tree may not equal its vertically projected interception storage capacities of the trees from crown area (C). A taller, more prominent canopy which the throughfall and stemfiow inputs were tree crown may have an effective intercepting collected. crown area that exceeds its vertically projected For the selected rainday, which followed sev crown area (C > C). Canopy trees in the rain e eral days of rainfall, the leaf interception storage shadow of (but not overgrown by) taller neigh capacities were used to approximate the quantity boring trees may have effective crown areas that of incident rainfall retained by the aboveground are less than their projected crown areas (C < e surfaces ofe ach tree. Adding the leaf interception C). storage capacity of each tree to its net rainfall The differential interception of inclined rain total yielded depth equivalents of water between fall by neighboring canopy trees is distinct from 24.8 and 62.7 mm (TABLE 1), with a coefficient of variation of 20.5%. This minor reduction in the coefficient of variation indicated that the in terception storage capacities of the 50 sampled trees do not explain all of the inter-tree differ ences in net rainfall. The finding that 27 of the 50 sampled trees had net rainfall totals exceeding the gross rainfall measured in the open cannot be explained by differences in their aboveground interception storage capacities. This finding may be attributed to: (1) an underestimate of the incident gross rainfall measured in the cleared area, and/or (2) canopy rainshadows resulting in the differential interception of the inclined rainfall. If one assumes that the effective rainfall col lecting area of a rain gauge is always equal to the vertically projected area of its orifice, then gross rainfall inputs may be underestimated. The de crease in the effective orifice area of a rain gauge as a function of rainfall inclination angle can be corrected by a basic trigonometric model (Shar on, 1980). Following this correction, the depth FIGURE 3. Illustration of the differential intercep equivalent of gross rainfall in the open was re tion of inclined rainfall by two neighboring canopy calculated to have been 41.3 mm. However, even trees (tree A and tree B) showing how their effective after employing this correction, six of the 50 sam rainfall intercepting crown areas (Co) do not equal to pled trees had net rainfall totals exceeding the their vertically projected crown areas (C). 68 SELBYANA [Volume 13 TABLE 2. Effective rainfall intercepting crown areas of two neighboring canopy trees in the study plot shown in relation to their projected crown areas, demonstrating how canopy trees may intercept different depth equivalents of rainwater from the same rainfall event. Tree A' Tree Bb Gross rainfall, P (mm) 41.3 41.3 g Vertically projected crown area, C (m2) 158 67 Effective crown area, C (m2) 139 86 e Volume of intercepted rainwater, Pg x Ce (liter) 5,741 3,552 Depth equivalent of intercepted water, P x C/C (mm) 36.3 53.0 g 'Tree #47, Aleurites moluccana, positioned on the leeward side of tree #29. Tree #29, Argyrodendron peralatum. b the vertical obstruction of subcanopy trees. Ifthe boring crowns in determining the C/C ratio and rain fell vertically, then the exposed canopy tree the extent of differential interception. A canopy crowns would all intercept the same depth equiv tree may be tall, but if it is surrounded by tree alent of water. The differential interception of crowns of comparable elevation, its effective inclined rainfall means that neighboring canopy rainfall intercepting crown area (Ce) will not ex trees intercept different depth equivalents from ceed its vertically projected crown area (C). the same spatially-isotropic rainfall event. The reason for this inter-tree difference is because the DISCUSSION depth equivalent intercepted by an individual tree is calculated as the volume of intercepted Inclined rainfall has been previously ex water divided by the tree's projected crown area. amined in temperate environments. Hayes and Eleven of the experimental canopy trees had Kittredge (1949) and Leonard and Reinhart shaded crowns (C < C), 17 had increased effec (1963) evaluated the accuracy of rain gauges un e tive crown areas (C > C), and 22 were unaffected der conditions of inclined rainfall in various lo e by neighboring canopy tree crowns (Ce = C). cations in the USA. Aldridge (1975) used an ar Multiplying the corrected gross rainfall value of ray of tilted rain gauges in New Zealand and 41.3 mm by the C/C ratio of each of the 50 found that inclined rainfall contributed> 90% of selected trees resulted in depth equivalents of the total rainfall over a three-year period, with intercepted rainfall as high as 69.4 mm. TABLE inclination angles exceeding 50% from the ver 2 is an example contrasting the depth equivalents tical. In an earlier study, Aldridge and Jackson of rainwater intercepted by two neighboring can (1973) noted that stemflow quantities in a forest opy trees, with the more prominent tree crown stand of Notho/agus truncata in the same part of having intercepted 16.7 mm more rainfall than New Zealand were greater when the rain events the tree crown on its leeward side. were accompanied by strong wind, suggesting that The C/C ratios computed using the ray-trac stemflow inputs may be related to the intercep ing program and the ARC-INFO generated mod tion of inclined rainfall. el of the forest canopy did not explain all of the Ford and Deans (1978) were more precise in inter-tree variation in net rainfall. Other factors their description of the interception of inclined that could have contributed to the remaining rainfall by a 14-year-old Sitka spruce plantation unexplained variation include inter-tree differ in Scotland. They reasoned that when rain falls ences in intercepted rainwater retention under at an angle, the leading shoots at the top of a turbulent wind conditions and in rates of evap canopy tree present a greater intercepting area oration. Further refinements are currently being than its vertically projected crown area. The dif made in the computer model of the canopy sur ferential interception of inclined rainfall thus may face. Nevertheless, the statistical analysis re contribute to the spatial patterning of throughf all vealed a significant correlation (P < 0.02) be inputs. tween the observed net rainfall totals and the None of these studies, however, provided a corresponding C/C ratios. The correlation coef means of quantifying the differential interception ficient increased slightly when the C/C ratios of inclined rainfall by individual canopy trees. were considered in relation to the sum of each The interception ofw ind-driven rainfall by forest tree's net rainfall input and its interception stor canopies is a complex process that is difficult to age capacity. The lack of a significant correlation measure under field conditions. Aboveground between the net rainfall totals and the elevations vegetative surfaces form a complicated lower of the tree crowns (P > 0.1) demonstrated the boundary for atmospheric flow that involves importance of crown position relative to neigh- aerodynamic drag and turbulent eddies (Tajch- 1992] HERWITZ & SLY E: RAINFALL INTERCEPTION 69 FIGURE 4. Computer-generated image showing the three-dimensional geometry of the interception plot canopy surface. man, 1981; Baldocchi & Meyers, 1988; Shaw et in canopy rainshadows supported by tree crowns al., 1988). However, our finding of a significant that lack significant accumulations of humus. correlation between field measurements of net We hypothesize that in regions where wind is rainfall and a computer-based approximation of often associated with rainfall events and wind effective rainfall intercepting crown areas (Co) in direction is relatively consistent (as in northeast dicates that inclined rainfall was differentially Queensland), quantification ofthe differential in intercepted by the rough canopy surface of the terception of the inclined rainfall could assist in interception plot (FIGURE 4). identifying and distinguishing: (1) prominent When high windspeeds generate inclined rain canopy trees that lack epiphytes because large fall, it is not reasonable to assume: (1) that the quantities of water are transmitted down their effective rainfall intercepting area of an individ branches and trunks, hindering the establish ual canopy tree crown is equal to its vertically ment of epiphyte propagules; (2) epiphytes that projected crown area, and (2) that all neighboring can withstand differentially intercepted, high-in canopy tree crowns receive the same depth tensity rainfall that drains rapidly from the host equivalent of gross rainfalL Our study demon tree's woody surfaces; (3) relatively xerophytic strated the importance of recognizing that neigh epiphytes that are located in canopy rainshadows boring canopy tree crowns may not receive the and are adapted to drier (and perhaps more oli same mean annual depth equivalent of precipi gotrophic) conditions; and (4) more me sophyt ic tation, especially in the cyclone-prone tropics. epiphytes located in the interior parts of prom The differential interception of rainfall could inent canopy tree crowns. We recommend that have several possible effects on the distribution studies of the distribution and ecology of epi of epiphytes in a forest canopy. Increased mois phytes in tropical rainforests direct attention to ture availability in the crown of a prominent the influence of canopy roughness on rainfall in canopy tree could result in microsites particu terception processes and moisture availability in larly favorable for the germination and growth the crowns of canopy trees. of epiphytes. On the other hand, if prominent canopy trees were subject to frequent high-in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS tensity rainfall, differential interception could re sult in poor opportunities for rapid colonization, Financial support for this study was provided with rapid drainage from their branches and by the National Science Foundation (Grant No. trunks, which could dislodge epiphyte propa SES-90 13329), the Australian-American Edu gules before they become anchored (Benzing, cational Foundation, and The Australian Na 1990). In canopy rain shadows where the rainfall tional University. We acknowledge the assis totals are lower and the availability of moisture tance of D. Peterson at the Ecosystem Science (and possibly nutrients) may be more limited, and Technology Branch of the NASNA mes Re the epiphytes that thrive may be more xerophytic search Center, Moffett Field, California; G. The and may have a higher nutrient-use efficiency. lin, D. Aitken, R. Heimes, and R. 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