David Hestenes Space -Time Algebra Second Edition David Hestenes Space-Time Algebra Second Edition Foreword by Anthony Lasenby DavidHestenes Department ofPhysics Arizona State University Tempe,AZ USA Originally published byGordonandBreach Science Publishers,New York,1966 ISBN978-3-319-18412-8 ISBN978-3-319-18413-5 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-18413-5 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2015937947 MathematicsSubjectClassification(2010):53-01,83-01,53C27,81R25,53B30,83C60 SpringerChamHeidelbergNewYorkDordrechtLondon ©SpringerInternationalPublishingSwitzerland2015 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor foranyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade. Coverdesign:deblik,Berlin Printedonacid-freepaper SpringerInternationalPublishingAGSwitzerlandispartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia (www.birkhauser-science.com) Foreword It is a pleasure and honour to write a Foreword for this new edition of David Hestenes’ Space-Time Algebra. This small book started a profound revolution in the development of mathematical physics, one which has reached many working physicists already, and which stands poised to bring about far-reaching change in the future. At its heart is the use of Cli(cid:11)ord algebra to unify otherwise dis- parate mathematical languages, particularly those of spinors, quater- nions, tensors and di(cid:11)erential forms. It provides a uni(cid:12)ed approach covering all these areas and thus leads to a very e(cid:14)cient ‘toolkit’ for use in physical problems including quantum mechanics, classical me- chanics, electromagnetism and relativity (both special and general) { only one mathematical system needs to be learned and understood, and one can use it at levels which extend right through to current re- search topics in each of these areas. Moreover, these same techniques, in the form of the ’Geometric Algebra’, can be applied in many areas of engineering, robotics and computer science, with no changes neces- sary { it is the same underlying mathematics, and enables physicists to understand topics in engineering, and engineers to understand top- ics in physics (including aspects in frontier areas), in a way which no other single mathematical system could hope to make possible. As well as this, however, there is another aspect to Geometric Algebra which is less tangible, and goes beyond questions of math- ematical power and range. This is the remarkable insight it gives to physical problems, and the way it constantly suggests new features of the physics itself, not just the mathematics. Examples of this are pep- pered throughout Space-Time Algebra, despite its short length, and some of them are e(cid:11)ectively still research topics for the future. As an example, what is the real role of the unit imaginary in quantum v vi Foreword mechanics? In Space-Time Algebra two possibilities were looked at, and in intervening years David has settled on right multiplication by the bivector i(cid:27) = (cid:27) (cid:27) as the correct answer between these two, thus 3 1 2 encoding rotation in the ‘internal’ xy plane as key to understanding the role of complex numbers here. This has stimulated much of his subsequent work in quantum mechanics, since it bears directly on the zwitterbewegung interpretation of electron physics [1]. Even if we do not follow all the way down this road, there are still profound ques- tions to be understood about the role of the imaginary, such as the generalization to multiparticle systems, and how a single correlated ‘i’ is picked out when there is more than one particle [2]. As another related example, in Space-Time Algebra David had already picked out generalizations of these internal transformations, but still just using geometric entities in spacetime, as candidates for describing the then-known particle interactions. Over the years since, ithasbecomeclearthatthisdoesseemtoworkforelectroweaktheory, and provides a good representation for it [3,4,5]. However, it is not clear that we can yet claim a comparable spacetime ‘underpinning’ for QCD or the Standard Model itself, and it may well be that some new feature, not yet understood, but perhaps still living within the algebra of spacetime, needs to be bought in to accomplish this. The ideas in Space-Time Algebra have not met universal acclaim. I well remember discussing with a particle physicist at Manchester University many years ago the idea that the Dirac matrices really rep- resented vectors in 4d spacetime. He thought this was just ‘mad’, and was vehemently against any contemplation of such heresy. For some- one such as myself, however, coming from a background of cosmology and astrophysics, this realization, which I gathered from this short book and David’s subsequent papers, was a revelation, and showed me that one could cut through pages of very unintuitive spin calcu- lations in Dirac theory, which only experts in particle theory would be comfortable with, and replace them with a few lines of intuitively appealing calculations with rotors, of a type that for example an engi- neer, also using Geometric Algebra, would be able to understand and relate to immediately in the context of rigid body rotations. Asimilartransformationandrevelationalsooccurredformewith respecttogravitationaltheory.StimulatedbySpace-TimeAlgebra and Foreword vii particularly further papers by David such as [6] and [7], then along with Chris Doran and Stephen Gull, we realized that general relativ- ity, another area traditionally thought very di(cid:14)cult mathematically, could be replaced by a coordinate-free gauge theory on (cid:13)at spacetime, of a type similar to electroweak and other Yang-Mills theories [8]. The conceptual advantages of being able to deal with gauge (cid:12)elds in a (cid:13)at space, and to be able to replace tensor calculus manipulations withthesameuni(cid:12)edmathematicallanguageasworksforelectromag- netism and Dirac spinors, are great. This enabled us quickly to reach interesting research topics in gravitational theory, such as the Dirac equation around black holes, where we found solutions for electron energies in a spherically symmetric gravitational potential analogous to the Balmer series for electrons around nuclei, which had not been obtained before [9]. Of course there are very clever people in all (cid:12)elds, and in both relativisticquantummechanicsandgravitytherehavebeenthosewho have been able to forge an intuitive understanding of the physics de- spite the di(cid:14)culties of e.g. spin sums and Dirac matrices on the one hand, and tensor calculus index manipulations on the other. However, the clarity and insight which Geometric Algebra brings to these areas andmanyothersissuchthat,fortherestofuswho(cid:12)ndthealternative languages di(cid:14)cult, and for all those who are interested in spanning di(cid:11)erent (cid:12)elds using the same language, the ideas (cid:12)rst put forward in ’Space-time Algebra’ and the subsequent work by David, have been pivotal, and we are all extremely grateful for his work and profound insight. Anthony Lasenby Astrophysics Group, Cavendish Laboratory and Kavli Institute for Cosmology Cambridge, UK References [1] D. Hestenes, Zitterbewegung in Quantum Mechanics, Founda- tions of Physics 40, 1 (2010). [2] C. Doran, A. Lasenby, S. Gull, S. Somaroo and A. Challinor, viii Foreword Spacetime Algebra and Electron Physics. In: P.W. Hawkes (ed.), Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Vol. 95, p. 271 (Aca- demic Press) (1996). [3] D. Hestenes, Space-Time Structure of Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions, Found. Phys. 12, 153 (1982). [4] D. Hestenes, Gauge Gravity and Electroweak Theory. In: H. Klei- nert, R. T. Jantzen and R. Ru(cid:14)ni (eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity,p.629 (World Scienti(cid:12)c) (2008). [5] C. Doran and A. Lasenby, Geometric Algebra for Physicists (Cambridge University Press) (2003). [6] D. Hestenes, Curvature Calculations with Spacetime Algebra, In- ternational Journal of Theoretical Physics 25, 581 (1986). [7] D. Hestenes, Spinor Approach to Gravitational Motion and Pre- cession, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 25, 589 (1986). [8] A. Lasenby, C. Doran, and S. Gull, Gravity, gauge theories and geometric algebra, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 356, 487 (1998). [9] A. Lasenby, C. Doran, J. Pritchard, A. Caceres and S. Dolan, BoundstatesanddecaytimesoffermionsinaSchwarzschildblack hole background, Phys. Rev. D. 72, 105014 (2005). Preface after Fifty years This book launched my career as a theoretical physicist (cid:12)fty years ago. I am most fortunate to have this opportunity for re(cid:13)ecting on its in(cid:13)uence and status today. Let me begin with the title Space-Time Algebra. John Wheeler’s (cid:12)rst comment on the manuscript about to go to press was \Why don’t you call it Spacetime Algebra?" I have followed his advice, and Spacetime Algebra (STA) is now the standard term for the mathematical system that the book introduces. I am pleased to report that STA is as relevant today as it was when (cid:12)rst published. I regard nothing in the book as out of date or in need of revision. Indeed, it may still be the best quick introduction to the subject. It retains that (cid:12)rst blush of compact explanation from someone who does not know too much. From many years of teaching I know it is accessible to graduate physics students, but, because it challenges standard mathematical formalisms, it can present di(cid:14)cul- ties even to experienced physicists. One lesson I learned in my career is to be bold and explicit in making claims for innovations in science or mathematics. Otherwise, they will be too easily overlooked. Modestly presenting evidence and arguing a case is seldom su(cid:14)cient. Accordingly, with con(cid:12)dence that comes from decades of hindsight, I make the following Claims for STA as formulated in this book: (1) STA enables a uni(cid:12)ed, coordinate-free formulation for all of rela- tivistic physics, including the Dirac equation, Maxwell’s equation and General Relativity. (2) Pauli and Dirac matrices are represented in STA as basis vectors inspaceandspacetimerespectively,withnonecessaryconnection to spin. ix x Preface after Fifty years (3) STA reveals that the unit imaginary in quantum mechanics has its origin in spacetime geometry. (4) STA reduces the mathematical divide between classical, quantum and relativistic physics, especially in the use of rotors for rota- tional dynamics and gauge transformations. Comments on these claims and their implications necessarily refer to contents of the book and ensuing publications, so the reader may wish to reserve them for later reference when questions arise. Claim (2) expresses the crucial secret to the power of STA. It impliesthatthephysicalsigni(cid:12)canceofDiracandPaulialgebrasstems entirely from the fact that they provide algebraic representation of geometricstructure.Theirrepresentationsasmatricesareirrelevantto physics|perhaps inimical, because they introduce spurious complex numberswithoutphysicalsigni(cid:12)cance.Thefactthattheyarespurious is established by claim (3). ThecrucialgeometricrelationbetweenDiracandPaulialgebrasis speci(cid:12)edbyequations(7.9)to(7.11)inthetext.Itissoimportantthat Idubbeditspace-timesplitinlaterpublications.Notethatthesymbol i is used to denote the pseudoscalar in (6.3) and (7.9). That symbol is appropriate because i2 = (cid:0)1, but it should not to be confused with the imaginary unit in the matrix algebra. ReadersfamiliarwithDiracmatriceswillnotethatifthegammas on the right side of (7.9) are interpreted as Dirac’s (cid:13)-matrices, then the objects on the left side must be Dirac’s (cid:11)-matrices, which, as is seldom recognized, are 4(cid:2)4 matrix representations of the 2(cid:2)2 Pauli matrices. That is a distinction without physical or geometric signi(cid:12)- cance, which only causes unnecessary complications and obscurity in quantum mechanics. STA eliminates it completely. It may be helpful to refer to STA as the \Real Dirac Algebra", because it is isomorphic to the algebra generated by Dirac (cid:13)-matrices over the (cid:12)eld of real numbers instead of the complex numbers in stan- dard Dirac theory. Claim (3) declares that only the real numbers are needed, so standard Dirac theory has a super(cid:13)uous degree of freedom. That claim is backed up in Section 13 of the text where Dirac’s equa- tion is given two di(cid:11)erent but equivalent formulations within STA. In equation(13.1)theroleofunitimaginaryisplayedbythepseudoscalar i, while, in equation (13.13) it is played by a spacelike bivector.