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Sources of Spring and Fall Hop Aphid, Phorodon humuli (Schrank), (Homoptera: Aphididae) Migrants in South Central Washington PDF

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Preview Sources of Spring and Fall Hop Aphid, Phorodon humuli (Schrank), (Homoptera: Aphididae) Migrants in South Central Washington

J.Entomol. Soc.Brit. Columbia 102,December2005 21 Sources of Spring and Fall Hop Aphid, Phorodon humuli (Schrank), (Homoptera: Aphididae) Migrants in South Central Washington LAWRENCE C. WRIGHT^ ^ WYATT W. CONE^ and DAVID G. JAMES^ ABSTRACT The hop aphid, Phorodon humuli (Schrank), flies from hop, Hwmdus hipuhts L., to its overwintering Primus spp. hosts in the fall. The sources ofthese aphids were not known because much ofthe aphid flight occurs after hop plants are removed from fields during harvest. We found that the bottoms ofhop plants remaining alive in harvested hop yards averaged 1.7 to 5.8 hop aphids per leaf in three years of sampling. Unharvested hop plants remaining after harvest averaged 32.8 to 127.1 aphids per leafin two years. Feral hops were also infested with hop aphids in late summer and early fall. Sources for the spring aphid flight from Primus spp. to hop included Primus cerasifera Ehrhart, which averaged 44.0 to 105.1 aphids per shoot in two years of sampling. Fruit-type Prunus spp. trees growing on residential properties averaged 0.9 and 11.3 aphids per shoot in the same years but few ofthese trees were found. Plum and prune orchards averaged 0 to 5.5 aphids per shoot in two years and estimates indicate that orchard trees are much more numerous than otherhop aphid host trees. Potential alternative management strate- gies forhop aphidcontrol are discussed. KeyWords: Homoptera, Phorodon humuli, hop, Humulus lupulus,Prunus, hostplants INTRODUCTION The hop aphid, Phorodon humuli Hop is the aphid's only secondary (Schrank), is an important pest ofhop, Hu- (summer) host (Bom 1968; Micihski and mulus lupulus L., in south central Washing- Ruszkiewicz 1974; Eppler 1986). Partheno- ton state (WA) and in most hop-growing genetic, wingless females are produced on areas of the Northern Hemisphere (Neve hop during the summer (Campbell 1985; 1991). It is a holocyclic aphid that overwin- Campbell and Tregidga 2005). In late Au- ters in the egg stage on purple-leafed orna- gust, gynoparae (winged females) are pro- mental flowering plum. Primus cerasifera duced on hop, which begin the flight back Ehrhart (also known as cherry plum or My- to Prunus spp. Winged males that fly from robalan plum), Primus divaricata Lede- hop to Prunus spp. appear about mid- bour, Prunus domestica L., Prunus insititia September. Aphid flight often continues L., Prunus mahaleb L., andPrimus spinosa into November and is terminated by foli- L. (Blackman and Eastop 1994). Eggs hatch age-killing frost (Wright et al 1995). The in February and March followed by a vari- gynoparae give birth to a generation of able number of generations of parthenoge- wingless females, the oviparae, which mate netic wingless females. The winged females with winged males and lay the overwinter- WA that fly to hop appear in in early to ing eggs on Prunus spp, buds and stems. mid-May and flight continues from mid- Neither hop aphids nor theireggs have been July to early August (Wright et al. 1995). reported on hop during the winter. Further- 'IrrigatedAgricultureResearchandExtensionCenter,WashingtonStateUniversity,24106N.Bunn Road, Prosser,Washington99350USA ^Towhomcorrespondenceshouldbeaddressed 1 22 J.Entomol. Soc.Brit.Columbia 102,December2005 more, gynoparae do not settle on hop leaves growing up trellis poles remain in some hop or reproduce on hop (Campbell and yards following harvest and feral (wild) hop Tregidga 2005). plants are also present in the hop-growing WA The aerial parts ofhop plants are killed region of (James etal. 2001). Approxi- by fall frosts and only the hop roots, which mately half ofthe gynoparae and very few are several cm below the soil surface, sur- males have flown by the end of harvest vive the winter. In the spring, shoots grow (Wright et al. 1995). One ofour objectives from the roots and they are trained to grow was to detennine if harvested and unhar- up fiber strings which are tied to a trellis vested hop plants remaining alive in the m that is about 5 tall. During harvest (mid- fields after harvest, as well as feral hop August to mid-September) hop plants are plants, couldbe a source offall migrants. cut at the top of the trellis and about 1 m Another objective was to determine the above ground, removed from the fields and source of aphids that fly from Primus spp. taken to stationary picking machines where to hop in the spring and summer. The hop- the cones are separated from the leaves and growing area of Washington is an area of stems. The cones are dried in large kilns at diverse agriculture including a small num- 60 °C and the waste leaves and stems are ber ofplum or prune. Primus domestica L., chopped and spread on the fields soon after orchards. In addition, landowners have harvest or after being stored in large piles. planted ornamental and fruit Prunus spp. It is considered unlikely that many aphids near residences, businesses, and in parks. could survive the picking process Determining the sources of the spring and (Campbell and Tregidga 2005). Following fall migrants not only adds to our knowl- harvest, about 1 m ofbasal foliage remains edge ofthe aphid's life cycle but also may alive in hop fields until it is killed by frost. reveal alternatives to the traditional control The amount of foliage remaining is quite methods that are used on hops during the variable ranging from a few leaves to hun- growing season. dreds of leaves per plant. Intact plants MATERIALS AND METHODS Aphids in harvested hop yards. Hop ing numbers of unharvested, intact hop yards selected for sampling in three years plants growing up the trellis poles. Six to (1984, 1987, 1989) were in the Prosser - 100 (mean = 43.7) randomly selected un- Grandview area ofthe Yakima Valley, WA. harvestedplants were sampled in each of 1 In 1984, plants in 11 harvested hop yards yardsbetween25 Septemberand 7 October, were sampled between 25 September and 1987 and 11 to 58 (mean = 27.2) unhar- 19 October. Apterae were identified in all vested plants were sampled in each ofnine field studies described in this manuscript yards from 15 to 29 September 1989. One with the aid of a lOX hand lens and the leaffrom about the 2 m height, which is a descriptions in Blackman and Eastop representative sample (Wright et a/.1990), (1984). Hop aphids were counted in the was sampled per plant. The varieties sam- field on one leafperpi int from each of200 pled in all years were Cascade, LI randomly selected pla' is in eight hop yards (Cluster), and Galena. and from 100 plants in diree yards. One leaf The mean aphids per leaf on harvested was sampled from each of 100 randomly plants was compared with the meanper leaf selected plants per yard: in 27 hop yards on unharvested pole plants using the non- (one yard had 94 samples) from 25 Septem- parametric Wilcoxon Rank Sum test com- ber to 6 October, 1987; and in 33 hop yards puted by the NPARIWAY procedure of (one yard had 89 samples) from 15 Septem- SAS (SAS Institute 1988). berto 9 October, 1989. Aphids on feral hop plants. Six sites A small number ofhop yards had vary- with feral hop plants were located in the J.Entomol. Soc. Brit.Columbia 102,December2005 23 WA Yakima Valley ofsouth central (James (Kaltenbach). Ornamental and fmit trees at et al 2001). The plants grew on fences, or residences and commercial properties that poles, usually near roads. In 1999, the were not orchards were sampled by exam- plants were sampled on 7 to 8 September ining 10 shoots per tree or shrub. Some and 11 to 12 October and in 2000, on 14 to small trees did not have 10 shoots, so fewer 22 August and 18 to 19 September. Thirty shoots were sampled on those trees. Aphid leaves were collected randomly per site and numbers were expressed as the number per the number ofaphids per leafwere counted shoot. Usually every tree at a site was sam- undera stereomicroscope in the laboratory. pled but if a property had more than three Survey ofhop aphids on Prunus in the or four trees, a subsample of trees was se- spring. The survey area was divided into lected. In 1991, the survey was done sys- two adjacent hop growing areas ofWA: one tematically. Most of the roads in the sur- in western Benton County nearProsser, and veyed area are laid out in a grid ofsquares the other in eastern Yakima County near that are 1.6 km on a side. Road sections of Sunnyside, Grandview, and Mabton. Each 1.6 km each were selected at random on a % area was about 15,540 ha. Surveys were map and 14 of the roads in each area conducted in 1990 (18 to 26 June) and 1991 were surveyed as in 1990. For orchards, the (25 June to 5 July). In 1990 we drove the number of trees per ha was calculated by roads in an unsystematic pattern and lo- multiplying the number of orchards in the cated P. cerasifera and fruit varieties ofP. surveyed area by 1,272, which was the av- domestica by sight. Orchards were sampled erage number of trees per plum and prune by selecting 10 trees at random and sam- farm in Benton and Yakima counties (the pling 10 shoots per tree. Hop aphids in counties of hop production) in 1992 spring are concentrated on the new foliage (National Agricultural Statistics Service near the tips of the shoots (Wright et ah 1992) and dividing by the area surveyed. 1995). In addition to the hop aphid, we The number of trees not in orchards was found the mealy plum aphid, Hyalopteriis determined by dividing the number oftrees pnmi (Geoffroy), and the leaf-curling plum in the survey by the hectares in the area aphid, Brachycaudus helichrysi surveyed. RESULTS Aphids in harvested hop yards. We found in four ofthem. The mean number of found hop aphids on the bases ofharvested aphids per shoot in all orchards was 5.5 but hop plants and on unharvested plants grow- most of the aphids were found in one or- ing on trellis poles (Table 1). The unhar- chard that averaged 81.0 aphids per shoot. vested plants had significantly more aphids Fruit-type Primus were found at three resi- per leafthan the harvested plants. Only two dences with one tree each and aphids were yards in the three years ofsampling had no found on two of the trees. The mean from aphids in the samples. all three trees was 0.9 aphids per shoot. Aphids on feral hop plants. In 1999, Seventy-two purple-leafed ornamental plum we found a mean of0.7 aphids per leafon 7 trees were sampled at 42 sites and hop to 8 September (range = 0 to1.6) and 20.9 aphids were found on 50 trees at 32 sites. on 11 to 12 October (range = 0 to 93.6). In The number of trees sampled per site 2000, there was a mean of 0.7 per leaf ranged from one to eight. The mean number (range = 0 to 1.7) on 14 to 22 August and of hop aphids on all ornamental trees was 11.7 (range = 0 to 30.3) on 18 to 19 Sep- 44.0 per shoot. tember. In 1991, we found four commercial Survey of aphids on Prunus in the prune orchards and no hop aphids were spring. In 1990, 14 commercial prune or- found in any ofthem. A total ofseven fruit- chards were sampled and hop aphids were type plums were found at five residences 24 J. Entomol. Soc.Brit.Columbia 102,December2005 Table 1. Meannumberofhop aphids per leafon harvested andunharvestedhopplants remaining in hop yards in September and October. N, total number ofleaves sampled (one leafperplant). Z, test statistic forWilcoxon Rank Sum test. Year Planttype Mean aphids (range) N Z 1984 harvested 4.4 (0.2-13.2) 1,900 na 1987 harvested 1.7 (0-18.9) 2,694 8.2^ unharvested 32.8(0.2-316.5) 481 1989 harvested 5.8 (0-56.4) 3,289 14.8^ unharvested 127.1 (0.2-481.6) 245 ^P<0.0001. but aphids were found on only two trees at on 36 trees at 27 sites. The mean number of one site with an average of39.5 aphids per hop aphids on all trees was 105.1 per shoot. shoot. The mean for all fruit trees at resi- The estimated number of trees per ha was dences was 1L3 aphids per shoot. We sam- 1.16 for orchard trees, 0.017 for purple-leaf pled 57 purple-leafed ornamental plum ornamental flowering trees and 0.0016 for trees at 37 sites and hop aphids were found fruit trees atresidences. DISCUSSION Hop aphids were common in harvested population size offeralhops. hop yards, indicating that harvested hop Our survey ofPrunus spp. indicates that yards were a major source ofthe aphids for purple-leafed ornamental flowering plums the fall flight to Pnmus. Hop plants grow- were a major source of spring migrant hop ing up the trelhs poles had more leaves than aphids. Only one commercial prune orchard the bottoms of harvested plants and were was heavily infested with hop aphids but, infested with more aphids per leaf (Table because ofthe large number oftrees in this 1); however, unharvested plants were un- orchard, it could be a significant source of common compared to the number of har- aphids. Orchard trees are usually sprayed vested plants, so they probably contribute a with insecticides to control aphids and this small proportion of the hop aphids pro- is probably the main reason aphid numbers duced overthe whole area. were generally low in orchards. Since this Feral hop plants were infested with hop surveywas done, theplum andprune indus- aphids, occasionally with high numbers. try has declined from 565 ha in Benton and Hop is not native to the Pacific Northwest Yakima counties in 1992 to 311 ha in 2002 (Hitchcock and Cronquist 1973) and only (National Agricultural Statistics Service female plants that produce seedless hop 1992; 2002). The ornamental varieties were cones are grown commercially in WA. much less abundant than orchard trees but These factors may restrict the number of they were infested with higher densities and feral hops growing in south central WA. they were well dispersed throughout the Wild hops may be an important source of survey area. fall migrants in England (Campbell and Knowing the sources of the spring and Tregidga 2005). Our observations indicate fall migrating aphids and the timing ofthe that feral hops in south central Washington flights suggests some alternative aphid con- are scarce compared to the number ofcom- trols. As gynoparae start flying before har- mercial hop plants but a more intensive vest is completed and males start flying survey would be needed to determine the near the end ofharvest in mid to late Sep- J. Entomol. Soc.Brit. Columbia 102,December2005 25 tember (Wright et al. 1995), controlling potato-growing areas were important fac- aphids in harvested hop yards would reduce tors in the program's success. the number of gynoparae but should be The hop-growing region ofWashington more effective in reducing the number of is isolated from otherhop-growing areas, so males. The desired result would be a reduc- perhaps a similar area-wide program could tion in the number of mated females and be effective against the hop aphid. Control- eggs on Pnmus spp. Potential control of ling aphids in prune and plum orchards aphids in harvested hop yards could involve would be essential. For ornamental trees, insecticide applications, destroying the foli- one potential method would be the removal age with cuhivation, or defoliation with of Pnmus spp. host trees, especially P. herbicides. Because unharvested plants cerasifera. Dixon and Kindlmann (1990) contribute nothing to the harvest, perma- present theoretical evidence that aphid nently removing them or cutting them offat abundance is directly related to host plant the base during harvest would be a good abundance and the number of hop aphids field sanitation practice. A potential secon- caught in suction traps in England and dary problem may be the disruption of in- Washington is related to the abundance of sect and mite natural enemies in hop yards host plants in the area (Taylor et al. 1979, (Strong and Croft 1993; James etal. 2001). Wright et al. 1995). This suggests that the Successful control of hop aphids on hop aphid populations may be susceptible harvested hops would depend on hop grow- to manipulations of host plant abundance. ers over a large area cooperating in a fall Hymenopterous parasitoids commonly at- control program. Controls would have to be tack hop aphids on Pnmus spp. in the applied as soon afterharvest as possible and spring (Wright and James 2001). Perhaps would need to be extremely effective. parasitoids and predators could be managed Workers in Idaho developed an area-wide to reduce the number of spring migrants program to reduce potato leafroll virus by flying to hops. Spraying ornamental Pnmus reducing the number ofgreen peach aphids, spp. may be effective but could have nega- Myzus persicae (Sulzer), in the spring be- tive impacts on natural enemies. Because fore the aphids flew to potatoes (Bishop the hop aphid can migrate over long dis- 1967). They sprayed insecticides on intro- tances (Taylor et al.\919), any area-wide duced flower and vegetable transplants and program wouldneed to cover a large area to home gardens, and removed the aphid's be effective. To be successful, any ahema- overwintering hosts, peach and apricot tive control would have to provide signifi- trees. This program was successful in re- cantly superior control, be safer to people ducing aphids and potato leaf roll virus or the environment, or cost less than tradi- when spraying was thorough and well tional methods. timed. The small size and isolation of the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank the landowners for their gen- gestions by two anonymous reviewers are erous cooperation and The Washington Hop greatly appreciated. Commission for financial support. The sug- REFERENCES Bishop, G.W. 1967. A leafroll virus program in Idaho's seed potato areas. American Potato Journal 44: 305-308. Blackman, R.L. and V.F. Eastop. 1984. Aphids on the World's crops: An identification and information guide. JohnWiley& Sons,Chichester, UK. Blackman, R.L. and V.F. Eastop. 1994. Aphids on the World's trees: an identification and information guide. CAB International, Wallingford,UK. Bom,M. 1968. BeitragezurBionomievonPhorodonhumuli(Schrank, 1801). ArchivfiirPflanzenschutz4: 26 J. Entomol. Soc. Brit.Columbia 102,December2005 37-52. Campbell, C.A.M. 1985. Has the damson-hop aphid an alate alienicolous morph? Agriculture, Ecosystems andEnvironment 12: 171-180. Campbell, C.A.M. and E.L. Tregidga. 2005. Photoperiodic determination ofgynoparae and males ofdam- son-hopaphidPhorodonhumuli. PhysiologicalEntomology30: 189-194. Dixon, A.F.G. and P. Kindlmann. 1990. Role ofplant abundance in determiningthe abundance ofherbivo- rous insects. Oecologia 83:281-283. Eppler, A. 1986. Untersuchungen zur Wirtswahl von Phorodon humuli Schrk. 1. Besiedelte Pflanzenarten. AnzeigerfiirSchadlingskundePflanzenschutzUmweltschutz59: 1-8. Hitchcock, C.L. andA. Cronquist. 1973. Floraofthe Pacific Northwest: an illustratedmanual. Universityof WashingtonPress, Seattle, WA, James, D.G., T. Price, L.C. Wright, J. Coyle, and J. Perez. 2001. Mite abundance and phenology on com- mercial andescapedhopsinWashington state,USA. InternationalJournal ofAcarology27: 151-156. Micihski, B. and M. Ruszkiewicz. 1974. Biologia mszycy sliwowo-chmielowej Phorodon humuli Schr. PraceNaukowe InsytutuOchronyRoslin 16: 79-101. National Agricultural Statistics Service. 1992. 1992 Census ofagriculture - county data. United State De- partmentofAgriculture, http://www.nass.usda.gov/. National Agricultural Statistics Service. 2002. 2002 Census ofagriculture - county data. United State De- partmentofAgriculture, http://www.nass.usda.gov/. Neve, R. A. 1991. Hops. ChapmanandHall, London. SAS Institute. 1988. SAS/STATuser'sguide,release6.03. SAS Institute, Cary,NC. Strong, W.B. andB.A. Croft. 1993. Phytoseiidmites associatedwith spidermitesonhopsintheWillamette Valley. Oregon.Journal oftheEntomological SocietyofBritishColumbia90: 45-52. Taylor, L.R., LP. Woiwod, and R.A.J. Taylor. 1979. The migratory ambit ofthe hop aphid and its signifi- cance inaphidpopulationdynamics. JournalofAnimal Ecology48: 955-972. Wright, L.C, W.W. Cone, G.W. Menzies, and T.E. Wildman. 1990. Numerical and binomial sequential sampling plans for the hop aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae) on hop leaves. Journal ofEconomic Ento- mology83: 1388-1394. Wright, L.C, K.S. Pike, D. Allison, and W.W. Cone. 1995. Seasonal occurrence of alate hop aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae)inWashington state. Journal ofAgriculturalEntomology 12: 9-20. Wright,L.C andD.G. James. 2001. Parasitoidsofthehopaphid(Homoptera: Aphididae)onPrumisduring thespringinWashingtonstate. Journal ofAgriculturalandUrbanEntomology 18: 141-147.

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