Songs oftfie Voisnouo AcOryos Hymnsa ndm antras composefdo trh eg lorification oft heS upremLeo rd, Songs oftfie Voisnoua - . . Acaryas BOOKS by HiDsi vionraec eA .CB.h aktlvedanswtaa mi Prabhupada Bhagavad-Ags1I ttIa s 1-4( 11 �rimad-BhagaCvaatnatmo,s Vols.) (2 �riC aitanya-caritVaomlrst.a) TeachinogfLs o rdC aitanya TheN ectaorfD evotion �rT1� opani�ad EasJyo urnetyoO thePrl anets Kr�pCao nsciousTnheesT so:p mosYto gaS ystem (2 Kr�pTah,e S upremPee rsonaolfiG toyd head Vols.) TranscendeTnetaaclh inogfPs r ahiMMa haraja TranscendeTnetaaclh inogfCs a itanMyaah aprabhu Kr�t:Jtah,e R eservooifrP leasure TheP erfectoifYo ong a BeyonBdi rtahn dD eath On theW ayt oK r�t:Ja Raja-viTdhye�K :i nogf K nowledge ElevattiooK nr �t:�Cao nsciousness LordC aitaniynFa i vFee atures Backt oG odheaMda gazi(nFeo under) A complcaettael oigusae va ilabluepo nr equest. InternatSioocniaelft oyrK rishCnoan sciousness 3959L andmarSkt reet CulveCri tyC,a lifo9rn0i2a3 0 TABLEO F CONTENTS Forwavridi AruoodKaiyrat a2n9a Introduicxt ion GayG orMaa dhuSrv ar3e0 SrT-Guru-P1r al)ama Gopina3t1h a Marigalac2a raoa GurudeKvrap a-Bind3u5- Diya �rila-Prabhup3a da-Pranati ManaDseah a G3e6h a . S, rila-Bhaktisiddhant4a -SarasvaPtrTa-sPardaa(l-a3St7ei v aya Srila-Giasuorraak- P5r aQati Radha·KBro�l3o 8a SI rila-Bhaktivi5 noda-Praoati Radha-Mad3h9a va Srila-Jaganna6t ha-Pranati Siddhi-L40a lasa � SrVia-isnava-P6r anam KabHea ' bBeo l4o1 . . . , SrT-Gaurariga7- Praoama Suddha-Bh4a3k ata , - Sri-PTaa iitctav-a-Pr7a oama SrT-Bhog4a6- Arati , - SrT-Kf�l)a-8P raoama Sri-Gaura48- Arati , Sambandha-Adhide8v a-Pral)ama SrT-Nama-K4T9 rtana Abhidheya-Adhide9v a-Pral)ama Tumi Sarves5v0a resvara Prayojaniad-eAvdah- Pr9a oama OheV ai�l)ava T5h1a kura SrT-Radha-1P0r aoama VibhavSaer�5ia2 Panca-TMaathtav-aM an11t ra VidyaVrial a5s4e , TheH arKen oaM aha-Man13t ra SriNlaar ottdaamsTaah akura S, r,i -SrT-Gur14v -Astaka Ei-BKiarrau r;15a6 ;� Sri-�rH?ac.fa-mGyo-A�t1a9k a HarHia rVii pha5l7e Sri-Sri-Si24k ��laka HarHie D aya5l8a , Lalasama59y i SriBlhaa ktivTihnaokduar a Nama-Sariki60r tana AruoodKaTyrat a2n8a SakhivVrinjdnea 6p2t i SrT-Guru-Pa8r2a mpara Sapir�da·Gaur6a3- Vilipa Sri-Ridhika8-4S tava� Sivaral]a-Gaur6a4- Mahimi Srita-Ka8m5a la Sri-Guru-Cara6Q8a -Padma SrT-SrT-iGtayuarnaa-nNDd aeyri8a 6 S, ri·Knl]a-Caita6n9y a-Prabhu S• ri-Tulasi8-8K irtana �rTi-tNy inanid'at-h7N1i Sri-Tulasi-8P8 rar;.ima Sri-Rupa-Mafl7j4a rT-Pada TulaPsria y8e8r Vrndiva7n5a SrT-Tulas8i9- Arati TheH olPyl acoefVs r ndiva7n6 a Sri·Nrsirhha-9P0r aoima JayRaa dha-Gov7i8n da PrayteorL ord Nrsirhha From9 0 Dasavatira SrT-Diimodar7a9 ,taka vii FOREWORD TheI nternatSioocniaelft oyrK rishCnoan sciousnesisnB engaalnidp lamyr danglai kaep rofessiaonnda l, was estabilniN sehweY do rki nt hey ea1r9 66.A ftemry nowh eh asc ompiled botohkio sf B engasloin gs arriivnat lh eU nited SitnaS teepst emboefr1 965I, witEhn gliesxhp lanations. personaulnldye rweand ti ffiscturlutg galnedi, n 1 966 Ia m greatpllye asteods eet hicso llecotifso onn gs Ir enteads torefraonndat p artmeant2t 6 S econd composebdyT hakurBah aktivinNoadrao,t tadmaas a AvenueW.h enI SKCONw asi ncorporaat beodyn, a med ando thegrr eaacta ryaosf t heG au(:flya Vai�l')ava ChucBka rnett jmoei,an leodnw gi tahf ewo thertsof, o rm communit(ys ampradaSyoan)g.cs o mposebdy t he then uclefuosrt hei nstitutfiuotnu'drsee v elopment. acaryaarsen oto rdinasroyn gsW.h enc hantbeyd Att hitsi meIu setdo c hantth eH arKer �Qmaa ha-mantrpau rVea i�l')awvhaosf ollotwh er uleasn dr egulations underneaat trhe ien T ompkinS'qsu arPea rikn N ew ofV ai�oacvhaa racttheeray,r ea ctuaelflfye ctive in YorkS.r imaBna rneatntda nothbeory ,B rucwee,r e awakenitnhgeK nl')ac onscio�sdnoersmsa nitne very thef irtsotb egidna nciinngf ronotfm e,a ndo thers livienngt itIyh .a vaed visSerdT maAnc yutananda int hea udienjcoei netdh em.T heN ew YorkT imes SvamtTo s inmgo res ongosft heV ai�l')ava padavali publisahr eedp oorftt hiwsi,t ohu r picatnudra e andr ecortdh emi nb ooksso t hamty discipalneds headlidneec lartihnagIt w asa ttractthieny go unger otheirnst heW estecronu ntrmiaeyst akaed vantage generattioto hne H arKer �l')mao vement. oft hicsh antingt haunasdd vanicneK r�Qcao nscious Latebro tChh ucakn dB rucael,o nwgi toht herbse,c ame nesmso rea ndm ore. my initiadtiesdc ipalnedss t,i ll ilna1 t9e7r0b,,o tht ook Ic onfearlm ly blessiunpgosnA cyutananda SvamT sannyarseac,e ivtihneng a meAsc yutanaSnvdaam l forh igse nuiantet emtpota dvanicneK r�f)a conscious andB rahmananSdvaa mTN.o w Brahmananidspa r eachnessI.h opeh ew iltlh uasd vanmcoer ea ndm ore ingi nA fricaan,dA cyutanainsdp ar eachiinnI gn dia. andn evebre h amperebdym aya.W e shouladl ways WhenI b ecamsei cikn 1 967I,l eftth eU nited remembetrh ed angeorfm aya'isn flueanncdee ndeavor Stataensd r eturnteoId n diSar.l m'lAmc yutananda tos avoeu rselfvreosmh erg reapto werW.e m ust coulndo tr emain sepfarroamtm eed,a ndt herefore therefaolrwea ymse rgien t het ranscendmeenltlaolw hej oinmede inV rndavawnhae nI w ass tayitnhge re. ofk Trtana-rfaosakr,Tr tana-irsat sah esa fessti tuation Sincteh enA,c yutanaSnvdaam hTa sw orked vhearryd withitnh imsa teriwaolr ldH.a rKen f)a. inI asp reacheexdt ensiivneC layl cutta and otphaerrto sfB engahle,h as leahronwet do s ing A.CB.h aktivedSawnatmai lx INTRODUCTION Itw asm y goodf ortutnoeb ei nt hes ervice SrinivaAscaa ryaan do theVra i�paSvcaS rywaisl l S S of rllPar abhupaatd rai M ayaputrh,eb irthplace appear. T ofL orCda itaniynsa e,t tuinptg h eg roundwork Thes ongisnt hibso oka rem ostlbyy hakura ofo urS ocietiyn'tse rnatcieonntatelhr e rTeh.a t BhaktiviannodNd aar ottadmaasT ah akurWah.i le yea(r1 97t1h)e,rw ea sa t errifblloeo bdu,ta lthough themya ys ometimmeask ea wkwarEdn glipsohe try, form anyd aytsh ew atewra sr isiintwg a,s d iverted thet ranslaatriaeoc ncsu raretned eroinftg hseo riginals. fromf loodtihnegs ocietpyr'osp erstoyl edluye Allth esseo nghsa veex quismietleo diesw,eaa nrde tot hee mbankmecnrte atbeyda r oacdo nstructed hopeIft uh aatr ecomrady b ec utt oa ccompatnhye S by rllBah aktisiddShaarnatsavo autrPi a,r amGau ru bookI.t s houlbden otetdh atth esseo ngasn dv erses MaharajIwa r.o tael ettteoHr i Dsi viGnrea ce arael elx planatoifpo unrsde e votiosnearlv aincde S explaintihnesg i tuatainodIn m ,e ntion"eTdh,e thadte votiosnearlv tioce r iK nr:tai so btainoendl y Sri watehra sn ote nteroeudrp ropertyI.a byt hem ercoyf t hes pirimtausatle wrh,i ccha nb e S Bhaktisiddhraonahtdaa ss' asv euds ."r lla obtainbeysd e rvihnidgse sipreersf ectTlhye.sse o ngs Prabhupahdoaw,e vewrr,o tbea cikn a nsweirna areno ts ubstitfuottreh sem aina ndp rimbee nediction S differteonnte" :Y esw,e a real ways sbayv erdi la oft hea geo fK altih,ec ongregatcihoannatlio nfg Bhaktisiddhraonatdsa,og' oso ng loriftyhien g HarKe{f f}aH,a reK (fiJKa(,f iJKa{ ff)Haa,r Hea re/ discispulcicce ssainodyn o,u rl ifwei lble a g reat HareR iimaH,a reR imaR,i maR amaH,a rHea re, succesLsa.t"eo rn ,w henI s uggeswtreidt ing down whicihso ft heu tmositm portanTchee.ya rev erses S thes ongosf rilBah aktiviTnho�dkau arnad whichha veex pandferdo mt hem aha-manatnrda T Narottadmaas ah akurianE nglitsrha nslations, theayr eex planatoifto hnems a ntrTah.u sb,e cause HisD iviGnrea csea i"dY,e sw,e m ustp usohn t his theayr ee xpansiooftn hse m aha-mantthreaay,r e missioofnB haktivinSoodh ae.r"ie n t hibso ok, nondiffefrreonmit t . S whicihst hef irosfta s erioefts r anslaotfit ohnes Thes ongosf rllNaa rottadmaasa an dB haktivinoda complewtoer kosf t heV aisnaavcaa ryiants h e Thakuarrane o ndifferent fromma ntthrea d,i c �fS � S linoefs uccesscioomni ngt err iC aitanya ss tatbeyd rilaP rabhupiandT ah eN ectaorfO evoti�n, MahaprabIhh ua,v ael sion cludase hdo rlti fe eveinfs omeondeo enso th avien itiaitnittoonh eG ayatr1 sketocfhT hakuBrhaa ktiviInnot dhaef. o llowing mantrtah,ec hantionfHg a nK�r �QHaa,r Ken r:tKan,Q a � volumetsh,el ivoefs r1 1aN arottadmaas 1ah Dkura, K.rsnHaa,r Hea reH/a rRea maH,a rRea maR,a maR ama, .. HarHea riess uffictioee nnatb olnee t oa ttatihne witthh eu nboundweodr kosf � rCia itanHyiam self highepsetr fecotfis opni riltiufael. andt heG osvamiIstw. a st hes piriattutaelm pts Thev ersoefts h esseo ngasr weo ndersfouulr ces andd iviwnrei tionfgt sh iisn divitdhuaattlu rntehde ofk nowledfgoepr r eachoefKr rs, r:tcao nsciousnesss.c aalned l etdh ei ntellaingdee ndtu catceodm munity Ine acahn de verlyi nteh eriess om uchp hilosophy tob elieivnte h en oblper eceapntdst eachionfg s thaotn ec anp reafcrho mo nel infeo hro ursT.h ey LorCda itanya. arael slo p regnawnittm he anianngd t helye atdo Ifw el oobka cokn ec entuwreyc ,a nnobtu tb e sucshu ccisnpcitr ictounacll ustihoanatsp reacher astonisthof eidn hdo wd egradweadst hec ondition neeodn lrye catlhles impllien oefss onglsi k"eB haja oft hVea i,Qafvaai wthhi chha di tpsu roer igiinn , Hunr eM ana",S"rR iu pa·maffjarulo-hpea da,"t hed eeapn dm ajesstpiicr ipthuiallo soopfh y Vai�QTahvaak urorat ,h"e" SrMia naSiiJk �aan,d" CaitanMyaah aprabEhvue.nv a stlleya rnpead!J rjitas everpyo inotfK "r:tac onsciouwsinleblsec s o vered coulndo tf athotmh es uperexceplrleecnetop ft s ind etaiSlr.iP lraa bhupiascd oan staqnutoltyi fnrgo m LorCda itanpyhai'lso soypehtdy u,e t oi ncredulity theslei niensh ilse ctuarnedbs o okasn,d h erael so boronf t heI gnoraonfuc nec ultumreendt, h e int hibso okh icso mmentaarrigeei sv eWnh.e rever Vai,Qafvaaih tahd b eedne gradaenddw asc onsi SriPlraa bhuphaadsta r anslaas toendgI h, a vneo t dereadb eggaerx'csu fsoelr i vianttg h ee xpense giveann yo fm y ownt ranslaftoihroi nassr ,ce o mplete ofs ocieIttyw .a sb ys heelro vfeo trh eG odhead int hemselves. thaTth akuBrhaa ktivienxopdoau ndtehded eep Thiisst hef irtsitm teh atth ester anscendental philosowphhiych ha dr emainceodn ceailnte hde vibrathiaovnaesp pearientd h eE nglilsahn guage, pageosft heV edatsh,eU pani�tahdeP su,r aQas andt oi ntrodtuhceemI a mi ncludhienrge with andt heB hagavaBtyah mias.c titoonw arddi vine • al ifsek etocfhS rTBihaa ktiviTnhoadkau ra. servaincdea lsboy h iwso rdsse,it n s impllaen guage tob ee asiulnyd erstboyor de adeirngs e nerhael , hasg ivetnh ipsh ilosotpoth hyew orldI.ti sh is A GLIMPSIEN TOT HEL lF EO F writianngdhs i dsi viunnep aralclhealreadc ttheart THAKURAB HAKTIVINODA havhee lpteodp roduacc el aosfse ducataendd enlightmeennew dh oa rneo wp rouodf t heir ThakuBrhaa ktivilneoaddl ai foefi ncessant Vai,Qafvaaia tnhd o ft heaicrq uisiotfti hoen , laboarn da ctivfiotSryr Kin l)at,h eS upreme spiriktnuoawll edogfte h ep uraen ds ublime � PersonaolfGi otdyh eaHde.p roducseudc ihm mense phiosophoyfK nr:tao nw hicthh es tetren achings gootd ot hew orltdh ahti wso rki so nltyo b ec ompared ofS rCia itanayrbae a sed.