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solid state Communications an international journa I volume 116 SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, MANUEL CARDONA ASSOCIATE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, ARON PINCZUK BOARD OF EDITORS Editor E-mail address H. AKAI, Japan akai @phys.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp P. BuRLET, France burlet @drfmc.ceng.cea.fr K.-A. CHAO, Sweden koung-an.chao @teorfys.lu.se R.G. CuarK, Australia rgc @newt.phys.unsw.edu.au M.F. Co..ins, Canada [email protected] E. Dacorto, U.S.A. ssc @magnet.fsu.edu J.H. Davies, U.K. jdavies @elec.gla.ac.uk P.H. DEDERICHS, Germany p.h.ded@e frz-ijueclihchs.d e F.J. DisALvo, U.S.A. fd3 @cornell.edu R.C. Dynes, U.S.A. [email protected] H. Escuric, Germany h.eschrig @ifw-dresden.de Z.Z. GAN, People’s Republic of China [email protected] C.E.T. GONCALVES DA SILVA, Brazil cylon @Inls.ansp.br M. GrynBerG, Poland grynberg @fuw.edu.pl M. HErsLum, /srael hei@ wbis. lweizumannm.ac. il E.L. IvCHENKO, Russia ivchenko @coherent.ioffe.rssi.ru B. JUSSERAND, France bernard.jusserand @cnet.francetelecom.fr H. KAmimura, Japan [email protected] L.V. Ke_pysu, Russia keldysh @sci.lebedev.ru J. KUHL, Germany kuhl @servix.mpi-stuttgart.mpg.de D.J. Lockwoop, Canada david.lockwood @nrc.ca H. voN LOHNEYSEN, Germany h.v]@phys.uni-karlsruhe.de S.G. Loutg, U.S.A. louie @jungle.berkeley.edu A.H. MacDona_p, U.S.A. ssc@ gibbs.physics.indiana.edu E.E. MENDEZ, U.S.A. [email protected] E. Moi narl, /taly molinari @unimo. it C.A. Murray, U.S.A. camurray @lucent.com T.T.M. PAtstra, The Netherlands [email protected] R.T. PHituips, U.K. rtp! @phy.cam.ac.uk C.N.R. Rao, India cnr@ jrncaasr.oac. in J.F. Sapoc, France sadoc @ I ps.u-psud.fr P. SHENG, China phsheng @ust.hk H. TAKAYAMA, Japan takayama @issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp S. Usuiopa, Japan ushioda @ ushioda.riec.tohoku.ac.jp D.E. Van Dyck, Belgium van_dyck @ruca.ua.ac.be P. Wacuter, Switzerland [email protected] F. YNDURAIN, Spain ynd@u porlara.fmic.unam. es A. ZAWADOWSKI, Hungary [email protected] PRODUCTION CONTACT RAM Journals, Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, U.K. E-mail: ssc @elsevier.co.uk SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS is a companion journal to THE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS. Publishing Offices: Elsevier Science Inc., 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010, U.S.A.; Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, U.K.; phone: (+44) (1865) 843000; fax: (+44) (1865) 843010. Advertising information. Advertising orders and enquiries can be sent to: USA, Canada and South America: Mr Tino de Carlo, The Advertising Department, Elsevier Science Inc., 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010-5107, U.S.A.; phone: (+1) (212) 633 3815; fax: (+1) (212) 633 3820; e-mail: [email protected]. 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POSTMASTER: Please send address corrections to: Solid State Communications, c/o Customer Services, Elsevier Science Inc., 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010, U.S.A. VOLUME 116, NUMBER 1 (Published 22 August 2000) CONTENTS Note from the Editors Editorial Note D. Golberg, Y. Bando, K. Kurashima and T. Sato Ropes of BN multi-walled nanotubes S. Nishio and M. Kakihana Anomalous profile of amplitude mode in Ko3)MoO; at low temperatures studied by Raman spectroscopy B. Mihailova, I. Savatinova, I. Savova and Modeling of Raman spectra of H:LiNbO; L. Konstantinov E. Wachowicz and A. Kiejna Multilayer relaxations at the (0001) surface of Be and Mg N.A. Zimbovskaya and J.L. Birman On the theory of a new maximum observed in dc transport in modulated quantum hall systems near v = 1/2 M.H. Kuok, S.C. Ng, V.L. Zhang and D.J. Lockwood Acoustic mode dispersion at hypersonic frequencies in GaAs B. Ullrich, J.W. Tomm, N.M. Dushkina, Y. Tomm, Photoelectric dichroism of oriented thin film CdS fabricated by H. Sakai and Y. Segawa pulsed-laser deposition C. Oshima, A. Itoh, E. Rokuta, T. Tanaka, A hetero-epitaxial-double-atomic-layer system of monolayer K. Yamashita and T. Sakurai graphene/monolayer h-BN on Ni(111) S.G. Lushnikov, S.N. Gvasaliya, I.G. Siny, Temperature dependence of the generalized vibrational density I.L. Sashin, V.H. Schmidt and Y. Uesu of states of sodium bismuth titanate in the ferroelectric phase T. Endo, S. Nakao, W. Yamaguchi, T. Hasegawa and Influence of CDW stacking disorder on metal—insulator tran- K. Kitazawa sition in 17-TaS, C.M. Lee and S.W. Gu Polaron effect on energy spectrum in two-electron quantum dot under magnetic field P.X. Feng and R.C.G. Leckey An effect of phonon on electron mean-free-path in ionic crystals Instructions to Authors Iil Keywords VOLUME 116, NUMBER 2 (Published 1 September 2000) CONTENTS E.-K. Tan, J. Osman and D.R. Tilley 61 First-order phase transitions in ferroelectric films W. Shi, C. Fang, Q. Pan, Q. Gu, D. Xu, H. Hu, 67 Poling optimization and optical loss measurement of the poly- H. Wei and J. Yu etherketone polymer films E. Ohshima, Y. Saya, M. Nantoh and M. Kawai 73 Synthesis and magnetic property of the perovskite Bi,_,Sr,MnO; thin film T. Hayakawa and M. Nogami 77 Dynamical Faraday rotation effects of sol-gel derived A1,03—SiO, glass containing Eu** ions S. Simon, I. Ardelean, S. Filip, I. Bratu and I. Cosma 83 Structure and magnetic properties of Bi,xO;—GeO,—Gd,0; glasses I. Dirnstorfer, W. Burkhardt, B.K. Meyer, 87 Effect of ultrasound treatment on CulnSe, solar cells S. Ostapenko and F. Karg G. Li and P. Monceau 93 Charge density wave current conversion in NbSe; in the presence of radio frequency fields Il Vol. 116, Nos 1—12 Contents P. Launois, R. Moret, D. Le Bolloc’h, P.A. Albouy, Carbon nanotubes synthesised in channels of AlPO,-5 single Z.K. Tang, G. Li and J. Chen crystals: first X-ray scattering investigations A.A. Bokov and Z.-G. Ye Phenomenological description of dielectric permittivity peak in relaxor ferroelectrics G. Celotti, A. Tampieri and F. Monteverde A new Cu-free cubic phase as competitor in the synthesis of Hg(Re)-1223 superconductor S. Pagliara, L. Sangaletti, L.E. Depero, V. Capozzi Effect of disorder on the Raman scattering of CdS,Se,_, films and G. Perna deposited by laser ablation Instructions to Authors Keywords VOLUME 116, NUMBER 3 (Published 5 September 2000) CONTENTS A.R. Goni, A. Cantarero, H. Scheel, S. Reich, 121 Different temperature renormalizations for heavy and light-hole C. Thomsen, P.V. Santos, F. Heinrichsdorff and states of monolayer-thick heterostructures D. Bimberg P.J. Klar, H. Falk and W. Heimbrodt Strong anisotropy of the photoluminescence linewidth in biaxially strained Zn,_,-,Cd,Mn,Se T. Hashimoto, T. Katsube and Y. Morito Observation of two kinds of phase transitions of ZrW,O3 by power-compensated differential scanning calorimetry and high-temperature X-ray diffraction S. Lenjer, R. Scharfschwerdt, Th.W. Kool and An off-center ion near a Ba site in BaTiO; as studied by EPR O.F. Schirmer under uniaxial stress H.-J. Noh, T.-U. Nahm, J.-Y. Kim, W.-G. Park, Depletion of the density of states near the Fermi energy induced S.-J. Oh, J.-P. Hong and C.-O. Kim by disorder and electron correlation in alloys R. Laiho, E. Lahderanta and A.C. Bodi Adiabatically developed local coherence in YBCO above T, N.M. Gasanly, A. Aydin, H. Ozkan and Temperature dependence of the first-order Raman scattering in C. Kocabags GaS layered crystals B. Jogai Absorption coefficient of wurtzite GaN calculated from an empirical tight binding model J. Hu and H. Qin Magnetoimpedance effect in Lag¢7Bap33MnO;3 under low dc magnetic fields T.W. Kim, S.Y. Han and H.L. Park Temperature coefficient of the space-charge scattering mobility dependent on the Ge doping concentration in Inp5Gag5P epilayers grown on GaAs (100) substrates S. Yarlagadda Mixed charge—spin response functions of an arbitrarily polar- ized electron gas H. Thien Cao and D.B. Tran Thoai Double plasmon-pole for quantum well and bulk systems S. Yang, D. Chen, H. Li, Y. Zhang, D. Mo and Spectroscopic ellipsometry study of SiC/Si heterostructures S.P. Wong formed by high-dose C* implantation into silicon Instructions to Authors Keywords Vol. 116, Nos 1—12 Contents VOLUME 116, NUMBER 4 (Published 15 September 2000) CONTENTS I. Rhee and K. Yang 181 Angle and thickness dependence of magnetoresistance peaks in thin nickel films J.E. Haysom, P.J. Poole, R.L. Williams, 187 Diffusion of defects in InP studied using quantum well inter- S. Raymond and G.C. Aers mixing I. Camps and S.S. Makler 191 The operation threshold of a double barrier phonon laser G. Mihaly, A. Halbritter, L. Mihaly and L. Forr6 197 Search for magnetic field induced gap in a high-7, super- conductor B. Zhang, W. Fang, D. Wang, F. Luan, S. Xu, 201 Anisotropic radiation pattern from InGaAIP quantum well Y. Qian, X. Zhu and X. Ma mesa-like microdisks O.A. Yassin, S.N. Bhatia and I.H. Hagmusa 207 A correlation between the spin wave stiffness constant and the cation size disorder in the perovskite manganites Z. Bak 213 The effect of band nonparabolicity on the range function of RKKY interaction G. Morell, I.M. Vargas, J.Y. Manso, J.R. Guzman 217 In situ phase-modulated ellipsometry study of the surface and B.R. Weiner damaging process of silicon under atomic hydrogen K. Ueda, H. Saeki, H. Tabata and T. Kawai 221 Control of the magnetic and electric properties of low-dimen- sional SrRuO3—BaTiO; superlattices Ph. Sciau, N. Lampis and A. Geddo-Lehmann An investigation on the structural evolution of Pb, YbTaO, A.R. Lim and S.-Y. Jeong Structure of an LiKSO, single crystal studied by 'Li and °K NMR at low temperature Author Index Instructions to Authors Keywords VOLUME 116, NUMBER 5 (Published 27 September 2000) CONTENTS E. Burzo and A.M. Burzo 237 Magnetic properties of DyyZr,-yCo, compounds C. Zhang 241 Energy loss rate of a heavy particle in a magnetically quantized two-dimensional electron gas under intense laser radiation A.M. Alcalde, G.E. Marques, G. Weber and 247 Electron—acoustic-phonon scattering rates in II-VI quantum T.L. Reinecke dots: contribution of the macroscopic deformation potential D.B. Tran Thoai and H. Haug 253 Coherent and incoherent dynamics of a dilute exciton system Z. Zou, J. Ye and H. Arakawa 259 Synthesis, magnetic and electrical transport properties of the Bi,InNbO, compound M. Damnjanovi¢, T. Vukovic¢ and I. MiloSevi¢ 265 Fermi level quantum numbers and secondary gap of conducting carbon nanotubes K. Okazaki and Y. Teraoka 269 Pencil-case structure in electron distribution of very thin film C. Satto, J. Jansen, C. Lexcellent and D. Schryvers 273 Structure refinement of L2,; Cu-Zn—Al austenite, using dynamical electron diffraction data Vol . 116, Nos 1—12 Contents E.T. Hornmark, S.A. Lyon, E.H. Poindexter and 279 New features of electrically detected magnetic resonance in C.F. Young silicon p—n diodes G. Isella, R. Bertacco, M. Zani, L. Duo and 283 Evolution of the magnetic and electronic properties of ultrathin F. Ciccacci Cr(001) films E. Riedo, E. Magnano, S. Rubini, M. Sancrotti, Cluster-assembled carbon films with different nanostructures: E. Barborini, P. Piseri and P. Milani a spectroscopic study F. Santoro, C. Casieri and F. De Luca Rare-nuclei localization in solids by Hartmann—Hahn cross- relaxation Instructions to Authors Keywords VOLUME 116, NUMBER 6 (Published 3 October 2000) CONTENTS N. Asha Bhat and K.S. Sangunni 297 A consistent approach towards Bi doping mechanism in chalcogenide glasses from C, measurement in Ge—Se—Te-—Bi system C.B. Azzoni, M.C. Mozzati, P. Galinetto, A. Paleari, 303 Magnetic investigation of Mn ions in La,Mn:SrTiO; V. Massarotti, M. Bini and D. Capsoni J.L. Rodriguez-Lopez, F. Aguilera-Granja, 309 Magnetic interactions between small Ni clusters A. Vega and J.A. Alonso M. Kiwi, J. Mejia-Lopez, R.D. Portugal and 315 Positive exchange bias model: Fe/FeF, and Fe/MnF, bilayers R. Ramirez H. Zhao, Z. Liu and Y. Liu 321 Mechanical properties of a new electrorheological fluid T. Ishii 327 Theoretical investigation of anomalous diffusion in a random lattice A. Malinowski, M.A. Brand and R.T. Harley 333 Tilted-field exciton beats in a quantum well M.-L. Zhang, M.S. Miao, A. Peeters, 339 LDA calculations of the Young’s moduli of polyethylene and C. Van Alsenoy, J.J. Ladik and V.E. Van Doren six polyfluoroethylenes M.R. Singh, J. Desforges and W. Lau A theory of excitons in the presence and absence of disorder for spatially separated electrons and holes in nanostructures L. Zhang, W.-L. Zhong and J.-F. Hu Dielectric behavior and correlation length of ferroelectric particles in the paraelectric phase Instructions to Authors Keywords VOLUME 116, NUMBER 7 (Published 16 October 2000) CONTENTS J.-M. Wagner and 355 On the inadequacy of linear pressure dependence of vibrational frequency P.R. Eastham and P.B. Littlewood 357 Bose condensation in a model microcavity G.G. Rusu and M. Rusu 363 On the electrical conductivity of CdTe thin films evaporated onto unheated substrates Y. Matsuo, K. Takahashi and S. Ikehata 369 Proton dynamics in Rb3;H(SeQ,), in the presence of electric field VI Vol. 116, Nos 1—12 Contents P.H. Chang, H.C. Yang and H.E. Horng 373 Effects of microwave radiation on the noise in high-T, YBa,Cu30; dc SQUID magnetometer L. Petit, A. Svane, W.M. Temmerman and 379 Valencies in actinides Z. Szotek B.K. Ridley, N.A. Zakhleniuk and M. Babiker 385 A continuum model for acoustic and optical phonons in heterostructures M. Abu-Jafar, A.I. Al-Sharif and A. Qteish 389 FP-LAPW and pseudopotential calculations of the structural phase transformations of GaN under high-pressure M.V. Fernandez-Serra, J. Junquera, C. Jelsch, 395 Electron density in the peptide bonds of crambin C. Lecomte and E. Artacho G. Vaitheeswaran, I.B. Shameen Banu and 401 Theoretical calculation of superconducting transition M. Rajagopalan temperature in vanadium under pressure A.M.R. Teixeira, P.T.C. Freire, A.J.D. Moreno, 405 High-pressure Raman study of L-alanine crystal J.M. Sasaki, A.P. Ayala, J. Mendes Filho and F.E.A. Melo Instructions to Authors Keywords VOLUME 116, NUMBER 8 (Published 20 October 2000) CONTENTS R. Ruppin 411 Extinction properties of a sphere with negative permittivity and permeability N. Naka and N. Nagasawa 417 Experimental study on two-photon oscillator strength of hydro- genic yellow excitons in Cu,O M. Cardona and N.E. Christensen 421 Spin—orbit splittings in AIN, GaN and InN Y. Zhu, H. Wang and P.P. Ong 427 Evidence of photoluminescence related to subsurface Si—O-Si bonds in sputtered silicon nanoparticles J.L. Shen, J.Y. Chang, H.C. Liu, W.C. Chou, 431 Nearly in-plane photoluminescence studies in asymmetric semi- Y.F. Chen, T. Jung and M.C. Wu conductor microcavities A.L. Dobryakov, S.A. Kovalenko, 437 Ultrafast relaxation in YBa,Cu;0,_;5 on the femtosecond scale: V.M. Farztdinov, S.P. Merkulova, Luttinger or two-dimensional Fermi liquid picture? N.P. Ernsting and Yu.E. Lozovik N.V. Chandra Shekar, J.F. Meng, D.A. Polvani and 443. Thermoelectric power of nickel and ytterbium at high pressure: J.V. Badding a comparative study D.R. Taylor 447 Diffraction spectrum of twinned domains: determination of domain wall width in YBa,Cu;07_5 I.B. Shameem Banu, M. Rajagopalan and 451 Structural and bonding properties of intermetallic compounds G. Vaitheeswaran ARh»P, (A = Ca, Sr, Ba) C.A.M. Pereira, M. Abbate, W.H. Schreiner, 457 _ Electronic structure of granular Fe—A1,O; thin films prepared by M.A.S. Boff, S.R. Teixeira and J.E. Schmidt co-evaporation W.T. Fu 461 A neutron powder diffraction study on BaBig 5Sbp 503 J.L. Sun and J. Gao 465 Excess current in high-T, Josephson junction with thin PrBa)- CuO, barrier layer I Author Index V___ Instructions to Authors VIII Keywords Vil Vol. 116, Nos 1—12 Contents VOLUME 116, NUMBER 9 (Published 31 October 2000) CONTENTS S.W. Biernacki and 47] Heat capacity, entropy and volume change near phase transition temperature in La,_,Ca,MnO, T. Igel, R. Pfandzelter and H. Winter 477 Ultrathin V films on Fe(100): growth and interfacial alloying K. Aoki 483 Magnetoresistance effect of a current density filament in n-GaAs F. Servant, S. Raymond, B. Fak, P. Lejay and 489 Two-dimensional spin fluctuations in Sr,RuQ, J. Flouquet S.V. Kravchenko, A.A. Shashkin, D.A. Bloore and 495 Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations near the metal—insulator T.M. Klapwijk transition in a two-dimensional electron system in silicon C.H. Hsieh, C.N. Chang, S.B. Lee, H.-C.I. Kao and 501 X-ray absorption study of YBaj_,La,Cu;0, C.H. Chin X.G. Tang, H.R. Zeng, A.L. Ding, P.S. Qiu, 507 Microstructure and optical properties of amorphous and W.G. Luo, H.Q. Li and D. Mo crystalline PbZrO; thin films grown on Si(100) substrates by a sol—gel process E. Janod, L. Leonyuk and V. Maltsev Experimental evidence for a spin gap in the s = 1/2 quantum antiferromagnet Cu,(OH),CO; S. Sheng, G. Kong and X. Liao Light and annealing induced changes in Si—H bonds in undoped a-Si:H P.X. Feng and R.C.G. Leckey Corrigendum to ‘‘An effect of phonon on the electron mean- free-path in ionic crystals’’ Instructions to Authors Keywords VOLUME 116, NUMBER 10 (Published 7 November 2000) CONTENTS M. Shin, S. Lee, K.W. Park and G.-H. Kim 527 Electronic transport properties of coupled single-electron transistors G. Tatara and Y. Tokura 533 Electronic pressure on the ferromagnetic domain wall Y. Uehara, T. Fujita, M. Iwami and S. Ushioda 539 Light emission by tunneling Cooper pairs across a vacuum gap A. Lichanot 543 Hartree—Fock and density functional calculations of the elastic constants of the alkaline-earth oxides: comparison with experiment T.X. Li, Y.L. Ji, S:W. Yu and G.H. Wang Melting properties of noble metal clusters K.-M. Wang, H. Hu, F. Chen, B.-R. Shi, N. Cue, Concentration profile of MeV Ni” ions in LiNbO; and KTiOPO, P.C.L. Wong, C.Y.C. Wong and D.-Y. Shen determined by SIMS L. Balicas, J.S. Brooks, K. Storr, D. Graf, S. Uji, Shubnikov—de Haas effect and Yamaji oscillations in the anti- H. Shinagawa, E. Ojima, H. Fujiwara, ferromagnetically ordered organic superconductor x-(BETS))- H. Kobayashi, A. Kobayashi and M. Tokumoto FeBr,: a fermiology study S. Raj, H.C. Padhi, M. Polasik, F. Pawtowski and Valence electronic structure of Fe and Ni in Fe,Ni,_, alloys D.K. Basa from relative K X-ray intensity studies Vol. 116, Nos 1—12 Contents P. Hyldgaard and B.I. Lundqvist 569 Robust nanosized transistor effect in fullerene-tube hetero- structure S.C. Bhargava, S. Singh, A.H. Morrish and Mossbauer study of KMnFeF, Z.W. Li S. Jana and R.K. Mukherjee Absorption spectroscopy of Eu** ions in CsCdCl, crystal: an evidence of nonequivalent sites Instructions to Authors Keywords VOLUME 116, NUMBER 11 (Published 14 November 2000) CONTENTS S. Ghosh and P. Adler 585 Competing magnetic interactions and large magnetoresistance effects in a layered iron(IV) oxide: citrate—gel synthesis and properties of Sr3Fe; gCop »0~7 H. Kohno, T. Iwasaki and S. Takeda Metal-mediated growth of alternate semiconductor—insulator nanostructures A. Taguchi and Y. Hirayama Stable site and stable charge state of a fluorine atom in Si S.L. Chaplot and N. Choudhury Phase transitions of enstatite MgSiO;: a molecular dynamics study Y. Zhou, F. Meng, X. Zhao, D. Xu and Two-photon absorption properties of a new series of 2CTo M. Jiang chromophores W.S. Kim, E.O. Chi, H.S. Choi, N.H. Hur, Reentrant paramagnetic behavior and spin-state transition in the S.-J. Oh and H.-C. Ri layered cobalt oxide GdBaC05o+ 5 M. Ichida, S. Tanaka and A. Nakamura Luminescence from defect centers with monomolecular- and bimolecular-type configurations in C79 crystals L. Hanke and D. Frohlich Spin scattering of 1S orthoexcitons in Cu,O H. Seitz and B. Schroder In-situ ellipsometric studies on epitaxially grown silicon by hot-wire CVD C.E. Moffitt, B. Chen, D.M. Wieliczka and XPS comparison between nanocrystalline -y-alumina and a new M.B. Kruger high pressure polymorph M. Ghanashyam Krishna and A.K. Bhattacharya Growth of rhenium oxide thin films Instructions to Authors Keywords VOLUME 116, NUMBER 12 (Published 24 November 2000) CONTENTS P. Geuens, O.I. Lebedev and G. Van Tendeloo 643 Reconstruction of the LapoSro;MnO;—SrTiO; interface by quantitative high-resolution electron microscopy P. Victor, J. Nagaraju and S.B. Krupanidhi 649 Pulsed excimer laser ablated copper indium diselenide thin films M. Nishida 655 Electronic states and optical properties of silicon nanocrystals terminated by dimers J. Nishijo, E. Ogura, J. Yamaura, A. Miyazaki, 661 Molecular metals with ferromagnetic interaction between T. Enoki, T. Takano, Y. Kuwatani and M. Iyoda localized magnetic moments IX Vol. 116, Nos 1—12 Contents A. Paolone, F. Cordero, R. Cantelli and M. Ferretti 665 Influence of interstitial O on the cluster spin-glass transition of La>_,Sr,CuO,4, 5 S.-J. Cheng and R.R. Gerhardts 669 Novel finite-g plasmons in p-type GaAs/Al,Ga,_,As quantum wells M.-Y. Ryu, Y.J. Yu, E.-j. Shin, P.W. Yu, J.1. Lee, 675 Silicon doping effect on the optical properties of Ing ;;Gag.g5N/ S.K. Yu, E.S. Oh, O.H. Nam, C.S. Sone, Ino.9i;sGapogsN quantum wells Y.J. Park and T.I. Kim T. Arai, K. Ichimura, K. Nomura, S. Takasaki, Superconducting and normal-state gaps in k-(BEDT-TTF),- J. Yamada, S. Nakatsuji and H. Anzai Cu(NCS), studied by STM spectroscopy I. Shirotani, M. Takaya, I. Kaneko, C. Sekine and Superconductivity of MRuP and MNiP (M = Mo or W) T. Yagi prepared at high pressure S. Beaufils, M. Bionducci, C. Ecolivet, First diffraction peak in alkali metaphosphate glasses R. Marchand and A. Le Sauze Volume 116 Index Author Index Instructions to Authors Keywords

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